2016-03-20 19:35:03 +01:00

64 lines
2.1 KiB

#pragma once
#include "Common/Vulkan/VulkanLoader.h"
#include <cstring>
class FramebufferManagerVulkan;
struct VulkanDynamicState {
VkViewport viewport;
VkRect2D scissor;
bool useBlendColor;
uint32_t blendColor;
bool useStencil;
uint8_t stencilRef;
uint8_t stencilWriteMask;
uint8_t stencilCompareMask;
// Let's pack this tight using bitfields.
// If an enable flag is set to 0, all the data fields for that section should
// also be set to 0.
// ~54 bits.
// Can't use enums unfortunately, they end up signed and breaking values above half their ranges.
struct VulkanPipelineRasterStateKey {
// Blend
unsigned int blendEnable : 1;
unsigned int srcColor : 5; // VkBlendFactor
unsigned int destColor : 5; // VkBlendFactor
unsigned int srcAlpha : 5; // VkBlendFactor
unsigned int destAlpha : 5; // VkBlendFactor
// bool useBlendConstant : 1; // sacrifice a bit to cheaply check if we need to update the blend color
unsigned int blendOpColor : 3; // VkBlendOp
unsigned int blendOpAlpha : 3; // VkBlendOp
unsigned int logicOpEnable : 1;
unsigned int logicOp : 4; // VkLogicOp
unsigned int colorWriteMask : 4;
// Depth/Stencil
unsigned int depthTestEnable : 1;
unsigned int depthWriteEnable : 1;
unsigned int depthCompareOp : 3; // VkCompareOp
unsigned int stencilTestEnable : 1;
unsigned int stencilCompareOp : 3; // VkCompareOp
unsigned int stencilPassOp : 4; // VkStencilOp
unsigned int stencilFailOp : 4; // VkStencilOp
unsigned int stencilDepthFailOp : 4; // VkStencilOp
// We'll use dynamic state for writemask, reference and comparemask to start with,
// and viewport/scissor.
// Rasterizer
unsigned int cullMode : 2; // VkCullModeFlagBits
unsigned int topology : 4; // VkPrimitiveTopology
bool operator < (const VulkanPipelineRasterStateKey &other) const {
size_t size = sizeof(VulkanPipelineRasterStateKey);
return memcmp(this, &other, size) < 0;
class ShaderManagerVulkan;
void ConvertStateToVulkanKey(FramebufferManagerVulkan &fbManager, ShaderManagerVulkan *shaderManager, int prim, VulkanPipelineRasterStateKey &key, VulkanDynamicState &dynState);