2017-11-25 14:08:49 -08:00

298 lines
9.4 KiB

#include "base/display.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/stringutil.h"
#include "thin3d/thin3d.h"
#include "util/hash/hash.h"
#include "util/text/wrap_text.h"
#include "util/text/utf8.h"
#include "gfx_es2/draw_text.h"
#include "gfx_es2/draw_text_android.h"
#include "android/jni/app-android.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <jni.h>
TextDrawerAndroid::TextDrawerAndroid(Draw::DrawContext *draw) : TextDrawer(draw) {
env_ = jniEnvGraphics;
const char *textRendererClassName = "org/ppsspp/ppsspp/TextRenderer";
jclass localClass = env_->FindClass(textRendererClassName);
cls_textRenderer = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(env_->NewGlobalRef(localClass));
ILOG("cls_textRender: %p", cls_textRenderer);
if (cls_textRenderer) {
method_measureText = env_->GetStaticMethodID(cls_textRenderer, "measureText", "(Ljava/lang/String;D)I");
ILOG("method_measureText: %p", method_measureText);
method_renderText = env_->GetStaticMethodID(cls_textRenderer, "renderText", "(Ljava/lang/String;D)[I");
ILOG("method_renderText: %p", method_renderText);
} else {
ELOG("Failed to find class: '%s'", textRendererClassName);
dpiScale_ = CalculateDPIScale();
ILOG("Initializing TextDrawerAndroid with DPI scale %f", dpiScale_);
TextDrawerAndroid::~TextDrawerAndroid() {
// Not sure why we can't do this but it crashes. Likely some deeper threading issue.
// At worst we leak one ref...
// env_->DeleteGlobalRef(cls_textRenderer);
bool TextDrawerAndroid::IsReady() const {
return cls_textRenderer != nullptr && method_measureText != nullptr && method_renderText != nullptr;
uint32_t TextDrawerAndroid::SetFont(const char *fontName, int size, int flags) {
// We will only use the default font but just for consistency let's still involve
// the font name.
uint32_t fontHash = hash::Adler32((const uint8_t *)fontName, strlen(fontName));
fontHash ^= size;
fontHash ^= flags << 10;
auto iter = fontMap_.find(fontHash);
if (iter != fontMap_.end()) {
fontHash_ = fontHash;
return fontHash;
// Just chose a factor that looks good, don't know what unit size is in anyway.
AndroidFontEntry entry;
entry.size = (float)(size * 1.4f) / dpiScale_;
fontMap_[fontHash] = entry;
fontHash_ = fontHash;
return fontHash;
void TextDrawerAndroid::SetFont(uint32_t fontHandle) {
uint32_t fontHash = fontHandle;
auto iter = fontMap_.find(fontHash);
if (iter != fontMap_.end()) {
fontHash_ = fontHandle;
} else {
ELOG("Invalid font handle %08x", fontHandle);
std::string TextDrawerAndroid::NormalizeString(std::string str) {
return ReplaceAll(str, "&&", "&");
void TextDrawerAndroid::MeasureString(const char *str, size_t len, float *w, float *h) {
CacheKey key{ std::string(str, len), fontHash_ };
TextMeasureEntry *entry;
auto iter = sizeCache_.find(key);
if (iter != sizeCache_.end()) {
entry = iter->second.get();
} else {
float scaledSize = 14;
auto iter = fontMap_.find(fontHash_);
if (iter != fontMap_.end()) {
scaledSize = iter->second.size;
} else {
ELOG("Missing font");
std::string text(NormalizeString(std::string(str, len)));
jstring jstr = env_->NewStringUTF(text.c_str());
uint32_t size = env_->CallStaticIntMethod(cls_textRenderer, method_measureText, jstr, scaledSize);
entry = new TextMeasureEntry();
entry->width = (size >> 16);
entry->height = (size & 0xFFFF);
sizeCache_[key] = std::unique_ptr<TextMeasureEntry>(entry);
entry->lastUsedFrame = frameCount_;
*w = entry->width * fontScaleX_ * dpiScale_;
*h = entry->height * fontScaleY_ * dpiScale_;
void TextDrawerAndroid::MeasureStringRect(const char *str, size_t len, const Bounds &bounds, float *w, float *h, int align) {
double scaledSize = 14;
auto iter = fontMap_.find(fontHash_);
if (iter != fontMap_.end()) {
scaledSize = iter->second.size;
} else {
ELOG("Missing font");
std::string toMeasure = std::string(str, len);
if (align & FLAG_WRAP_TEXT) {
bool rotated = (align & (ROTATE_90DEG_LEFT | ROTATE_90DEG_RIGHT)) != 0;
WrapString(toMeasure, toMeasure.c_str(), rotated ? bounds.h : bounds.w);
std::vector<std::string> lines;
SplitString(toMeasure, '\n', lines);
float total_w = 0.0f;
float total_h = 0.0f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
CacheKey key{ lines[i], fontHash_ };
TextMeasureEntry *entry;
auto iter = sizeCache_.find(key);
if (iter != sizeCache_.end()) {
entry = iter->second.get();
} else {
std::string text(NormalizeString(lines[i]));
jstring jstr = env_->NewStringUTF(text.c_str());
uint32_t size = env_->CallStaticIntMethod(cls_textRenderer, method_measureText, jstr, scaledSize);
int sizecx = size >> 16;
int sizecy = size & 0xFFFF;
entry = new TextMeasureEntry();
entry->width = sizecx;
entry->height = sizecy;
sizeCache_[key] = std::unique_ptr<TextMeasureEntry>(entry);
entry->lastUsedFrame = frameCount_;
if (total_w < entry->width * fontScaleX_) {
total_w = entry->width * fontScaleX_;
total_h += entry->height * fontScaleY_;
*w = total_w * dpiScale_;
*h = total_h * dpiScale_;
void TextDrawerAndroid::DrawString(DrawBuffer &target, const char *str, float x, float y, uint32_t color, int align) {
using namespace Draw;
std::string text(NormalizeString(std::string(str)));
if (text.empty())
CacheKey key{ std::string(str), fontHash_ };
TextStringEntry *entry;
auto iter = cache_.find(key);
if (iter != cache_.end()) {
entry = iter->second.get();
entry->lastUsedFrame = frameCount_;
draw_->BindTexture(0, entry->texture);
} else {
double size = 0.0;
auto iter = fontMap_.find(fontHash_);
if (iter != fontMap_.end()) {
size = iter->second.size;
} else {
ELOG("Missing font");
jstring jstr = env_->NewStringUTF(text.c_str());
uint32_t textSize = env_->CallStaticIntMethod(cls_textRenderer, method_measureText, jstr, size);
int imageWidth = (textSize >> 16);
int imageHeight = (textSize & 0xFFFF);
jintArray imageData = (jintArray)env_->CallStaticObjectMethod(cls_textRenderer, method_renderText, jstr, size);
entry = new TextStringEntry();
entry->bmWidth = entry->width = imageWidth;
entry->bmHeight = entry->height = imageHeight;
entry->lastUsedFrame = frameCount_;
TextureDesc desc{};
desc.type = TextureType::LINEAR2D;
desc.format = Draw::DataFormat::B4G4R4A4_UNORM_PACK16;
desc.width = entry->bmWidth;
desc.height = entry->bmHeight;
desc.depth = 1;
desc.mipLevels = 1;
uint16_t *bitmapData = new uint16_t[entry->bmWidth * entry->bmHeight];
jint* jimage = env_->GetIntArrayElements(imageData, nullptr);
int arraySize = env_->GetArrayLength(imageData);
assert(arraySize == imageWidth * imageHeight);
for (int x = 0; x < entry->bmWidth; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < entry->bmHeight; y++) {
uint32_t v = jimage[imageWidth * y + x];
v = 0xFFF0 | ((v >> 12) & 0xF); // Just grab some bits from the green channel.
bitmapData[entry->bmWidth * y + x] = (uint16_t)v;
env_->ReleaseIntArrayElements(imageData, jimage, 0);
desc.initData.push_back((uint8_t *)bitmapData);
entry->texture = draw_->CreateTexture(desc);
delete[] bitmapData;
cache_[key] = std::unique_ptr<TextStringEntry>(entry);
draw_->BindTexture(0, entry->texture);
float w = entry->bmWidth * fontScaleX_ * dpiScale_;
float h = entry->bmHeight * fontScaleY_ * dpiScale_;
DrawBuffer::DoAlign(align, &x, &y, &w, &h);
target.DrawTexRect(x, y, x + w, y + h, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, color);
void TextDrawerAndroid::ClearCache() {
for (auto &iter : cache_) {
if (iter.second->texture)
void TextDrawerAndroid::DrawStringRect(DrawBuffer &target, const char *str, const Bounds &bounds, uint32_t color, int align) {
float x = bounds.x;
float y = bounds.y;
if (align & ALIGN_HCENTER) {
x = bounds.centerX();
} else if (align & ALIGN_RIGHT) {
x = bounds.x2();
if (align & ALIGN_VCENTER) {
y = bounds.centerY();
} else if (align & ALIGN_BOTTOM) {
y = bounds.y2();
std::string toDraw = str;
if (align & FLAG_WRAP_TEXT) {
bool rotated = (align & (ROTATE_90DEG_LEFT | ROTATE_90DEG_RIGHT)) != 0;
WrapString(toDraw, str, rotated ? bounds.h : bounds.w);
DrawString(target, toDraw.c_str(), x, y, color, align);
void TextDrawerAndroid::OncePerFrame() {
// If DPI changed (small-mode, future proper monitor DPI support), drop everything.
float newDpiScale = CalculateDPIScale();
if (newDpiScale != dpiScale_) {
// TODO: Don't bother if it's a no-op (cache already empty)
ILOG("DPI Scale changed (%f to %f) - wiping font cache (%d items, %d fonts)", dpiScale_, newDpiScale, (int)cache_.size(), (int)fontMap_.size());
dpiScale_ = newDpiScale;
fontMap_.clear(); // size is precomputed using dpiScale_.
// Drop old strings. Use a prime number to reduce clashing with other rhythms
if (frameCount_ % 23 == 0) {
for (auto iter = cache_.begin(); iter != cache_.end();) {
if (frameCount_ - iter->second->lastUsedFrame > 100) {
if (iter->second->texture)
} else {
for (auto iter = sizeCache_.begin(); iter != sizeCache_.end(); ) {
if (frameCount_ - iter->second->lastUsedFrame > 100) {
} else {