mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 23:16:41 +00:00
LittleBigPlanet uses these. It seems happier with these working, although it goes on to call MAKEDATA. Also seems to make some other games happier. GETSIZE not heavily tested yet.
1255 lines
33 KiB
1255 lines
33 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include "SavedataParam.h"
#include "image/png_load.h"
#include "../HLE/sceKernelMemory.h"
#include "../ELF/ParamSFO.h"
#include "../HLE/sceChnnlsv.h"
#include "Core/HW/MemoryStick.h"
#include "PSPSaveDialog.h"
std::string icon0Name = "ICON0.PNG";
std::string icon1Name = "ICON1.PMF";
std::string pic1Name = "PIC1.PNG";
std::string snd0Name = "SND0.AT3";
std::string sfoName = "PARAM.SFO";
std::string savePath = "ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/";
int getSizeNormalized(int size)
int sizeCluster = (int)MemoryStick_SectorSize();
return ((int)((size + sizeCluster - 1) / sizeCluster)) * sizeCluster;
void SetStringFromSFO(ParamSFOData &sfoFile, const char *name, char *str, int strLength)
std::string value = sfoFile.GetValueString(name);
strncpy(str, value.c_str(), strLength - 1);
str[strLength - 1] = 0;
bool ReadPSPFile(std::string filename, u8 **data, s64 dataSize, s64 *readSize)
u32 handle = pspFileSystem.OpenFile(filename, FILEACCESS_READ);
if (handle == 0)
return false;
if(dataSize == -1)
dataSize = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(filename).size;
*data = new u8[(size_t)dataSize];
size_t result = pspFileSystem.ReadFile(handle, *data, dataSize);
*readSize = result;
return result != 0;
bool WritePSPFile(std::string filename, u8 *data, SceSize dataSize)
u32 handle = pspFileSystem.OpenFile(filename, (FileAccess)(FILEACCESS_WRITE | FILEACCESS_CREATE));
if (handle == 0)
return false;
size_t result = pspFileSystem.WriteFile(handle, data, dataSize);
return result != 0;
struct EncryptFileInfo
int fileVersion;
u8 key[16];
int sdkVersion;
bool PSPMatch(std::string text, std::string regexp)
if(text.empty() && regexp.empty())
return true;
else if(regexp == "*")
return true;
else if(text.empty())
return false;
else if(regexp.empty())
return false;
else if(regexp == "?" && text.length() == 1)
return true;
else if(text == regexp)
return true;
else if(regexp.data()[0] == '*')
bool res = PSPMatch(text.substr(1),regexp.substr(1));
res = PSPMatch(text.substr(1),regexp);
return res;
else if(regexp.data()[0] == '?')
return PSPMatch(text.substr(1),regexp.substr(1));
else if(regexp.data()[0] == text.data()[0])
return PSPMatch(text.substr(1),regexp.substr(1));
return false;
int align16(int address)
return ((address + 0xF) >> 4) << 4;
int GetSDKMainVersion(int sdkVersion)
if(sdkVersion > 0x307FFFF)
return 6;
if(sdkVersion > 0x300FFFF)
return 5;
if(sdkVersion > 0x206FFFF)
return 4;
if(sdkVersion > 0x205FFFF)
return 3;
if(sdkVersion >= 0x2000000)
return 2;
if(sdkVersion >= 0x1000000)
return 1;
return 0;
: pspParam(0)
, selectedSave(0)
, saveDataList(0)
, noSaveIcon(0)
, saveDataListCount(0)
, saveNameListDataCount(0)
void SavedataParam::Init()
if (!pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(savePath).exists)
std::string SavedataParam::GetSaveDirName(SceUtilitySavedataParam* param, int saveId)
if (!param) {
return "";
std::string dirName = GetSaveName(param);
if (saveId >= 0 && saveNameListDataCount > 0) // if user selection, use it
dirName = GetFilename(saveId);
return dirName;
std::string SavedataParam::GetSaveDir(SceUtilitySavedataParam* param, int saveId)
if (!param) {
return "";
std::string dirPath = GetGameName(param)+GetSaveName(param);
if (saveId >= 0 && saveNameListDataCount > 0) // if user selection, use it
dirPath = std::string(GetGameName(param))+GetFilename(saveId);
return dirPath;
std::string SavedataParam::GetSaveFilePath(SceUtilitySavedataParam* param, int saveId)
if (!param) {
return "";
return savePath + GetSaveDir(param,saveId);
std::string SavedataParam::GetGameName(SceUtilitySavedataParam* param)
char gameName[14];
gameName[13] = 0;
return gameName;
std::string SavedataParam::GetSaveName(SceUtilitySavedataParam* param)
char saveName[21];
saveName[20] = 0;
if(strcmp(saveName,"<>") == 0)
return "";
return saveName;
std::string SavedataParam::GetFileName(SceUtilitySavedataParam* param)
char fileName[14];
fileName[13] = 0;
return fileName;
bool SavedataParam::Delete(SceUtilitySavedataParam* param, int saveId)
if (!param)
return false;
std::string dirPath = GetSaveFilePath(param,saveId);
if (saveId >= 0 && saveNameListDataCount > 0) // if user selection, use it
if (saveDataList[saveId].size == 0) // don't delete no existing file
return false;
return true;
bool SavedataParam::Save(SceUtilitySavedataParam* param, int saveId)
if (!param) {
return false;
std::string dirPath = GetSaveFilePath(param, saveId);
if (!pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(dirPath).exists)
u8* cryptedData = 0;
int cryptedSize = 0;
u8 cryptedHash[0x10];
// Encrypt save.
if(param->dataBuf != 0 && g_Config.bEncryptSave)
cryptedSize = param->dataSize;
if(cryptedSize == 0 || (SceSize)cryptedSize > param->dataBufSize)
cryptedSize = param->dataBufSize; // fallback, should never use this
u8* data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->dataBuf);
int aligned_len = align16(cryptedSize);
cryptedData = new u8[aligned_len + 0x10];
memcpy(cryptedData, data_, cryptedSize);
int decryptMode = 1;
if(param->key[0] != 0)
decryptMode = (GetSDKMainVersion(sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion()) >= 4 ? 5 : 3);
if(EncryptData(decryptMode, cryptedData, &cryptedSize, &aligned_len, cryptedHash, ((param->key[0] != 0)?param->key:0)) == 0)
ERROR_LOG(HLE,"Save encryption failed. This save won't work on real PSP");
delete[] cryptedData;
cryptedData = 0;
ParamSFOData sfoFile;
std::string sfopath = dirPath+"/"+sfoName;
PSPFileInfo sfoInfo = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(sfopath);
if(sfoInfo.exists) // Read old sfo if exist
u8 *sfoData = new u8[(size_t)sfoInfo.size];
size_t sfoSize = (size_t)sfoInfo.size;
if(ReadPSPFile(sfopath,&sfoData,sfoSize, NULL))
delete[] sfoData;
// Update values
// For each file, 13 bytes for filename, 16 bytes for file hash (0 in PPSSPP), 3 byte for padding
const int FILE_LIST_ITEM_SIZE = 13 + 16 + 3;
const int FILE_LIST_COUNT_MAX = 99;
u32 tmpDataSize = 0;
u8* tmpDataOrig = sfoFile.GetValueData("SAVEDATA_FILE_LIST", &tmpDataSize);
u8* tmpData = new u8[FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE];
if (tmpDataOrig != NULL)
memcpy(tmpData, tmpDataOrig, tmpDataSize > FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE ? FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE : tmpDataSize);
memset(tmpData, 0, FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE);
if (param->dataBuf != 0)
char *fName = (char*)tmpData;
for(int i = 0; i < FILE_LIST_COUNT_MAX; i++)
if(fName[0] == 0)
break; // End of list
if(strncmp(fName,GetFileName(param).c_str(),20) == 0)
if (fName + 13 <= (char*)tmpData + FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE)
snprintf(fName, 13, "%s",GetFileName(param).c_str());
if (fName + 13 + 16 <= (char*)tmpData + FILE_LIST_TOTAL_SIZE)
memcpy(fName+13, cryptedHash, 16);
delete[] tmpData;
// Init param with 0. This will be used to detect crypted save or not on loading
tmpData = new u8[128];
memset(tmpData, 0, 128);
sfoFile.SetValue("SAVEDATA_PARAMS", tmpData, 128, 128);
delete[] tmpData;
u8 *sfoData;
size_t sfoSize;
// Calc SFO hash for PSP.
if(cryptedData != 0)
int offset = sfoFile.GetDataOffset(sfoData,"SAVEDATA_PARAMS");
if(offset >= 0)
UpdateHash(sfoData, sfoSize, offset, (param->key[0]?3:1));
WritePSPFile(sfopath, sfoData, (SceSize)sfoSize);
delete[] sfoData;
if(param->dataBuf != 0) // Can launch save without save data in mode 13
std::string filePath = dirPath+"/"+GetFileName(param);
u8* data_ = 0;
SceSize saveSize = 0;
if(cryptedData == 0) // Save decrypted data
saveSize = param->dataSize;
if(saveSize == 0 || saveSize > param->dataBufSize)
saveSize = param->dataBufSize; // fallback, should never use this
data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->dataBuf);
data_ = cryptedData;
saveSize = cryptedSize;
INFO_LOG(HLE,"Saving file with size %u in %s",saveSize,filePath.c_str());
// copy back save name in request
strncpy(param->saveName,GetSaveDirName(param, saveId).c_str(),20);
if (!WritePSPFile(filePath, data_, saveSize))
ERROR_LOG(HLE,"Error writing file %s",filePath.c_str());
if(cryptedData != 0)
delete[] cryptedData;
return false;
delete[] cryptedData;
if (param->icon0FileData.buf)
u8* data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->icon0FileData.buf);
std::string icon0path = dirPath+"/"+icon0Name;
WritePSPFile(icon0path, data_, param->icon0FileData.bufSize);
if (param->icon1FileData.buf)
u8* data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->icon1FileData.buf);
std::string icon1path = dirPath+"/"+icon1Name;
WritePSPFile(icon1path, data_, param->icon1FileData.bufSize);
if (param->pic1FileData.buf)
u8* data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->pic1FileData.buf);
std::string pic1path = dirPath+"/"+pic1Name;
WritePSPFile(pic1path, data_, param->pic1FileData.bufSize);
// Save SND
if (param->snd0FileData.buf)
u8* data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->snd0FileData.buf);
std::string snd0path = dirPath+"/"+snd0Name;
WritePSPFile(snd0path, data_, param->snd0FileData.bufSize);
// Save Encryption Data
EncryptFileInfo encryptInfo;
SceSize dataSize = sizeof(encryptInfo); // version + key + sdkVersion
encryptInfo.fileVersion = 1;
encryptInfo.sdkVersion = sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion();
if(param->size > 1500)
std::string encryptInfoPath = dirPath+"/"+"ENCRYPT_INFO.BIN";
WritePSPFile(encryptInfoPath, (u8*)&encryptInfo, dataSize);
return true;
bool SavedataParam::Load(SceUtilitySavedataParam *param, int saveId)
if (!param) {
return false;
u8 *data_ = (u8*)Memory::GetPointer(param->dataBuf);
std::string dirPath = GetSaveFilePath(param, saveId);
if (saveId >= 0 && saveNameListDataCount > 0) // if user selection, use it
if (saveDataList[saveId].size == 0) // don't read no existing file
return false;
std::string filePath = dirPath+"/"+GetFileName(param);
s64 readSize;
INFO_LOG(HLE,"Loading file with size %u in %s",param->dataBufSize,filePath.c_str());
u8* saveData = 0;
int saveSize = -1;
if (!ReadPSPFile(filePath, &saveData, saveSize, &readSize))
ERROR_LOG(HLE,"Error reading file %s",filePath.c_str());
return false;
saveSize = (int)readSize;
// copy back save name in request
strncpy(param->saveName,GetSaveDirName(param, saveId).c_str(),20);
ParamSFOData sfoFile;
std::string sfopath = dirPath+"/"+sfoName;
PSPFileInfo sfoInfo = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(sfopath);
if(sfoInfo.exists) // Read sfo
u8 *sfoData = new u8[(size_t)sfoInfo.size];
size_t sfoSize = (size_t)sfoInfo.size;
if(ReadPSPFile(sfopath,&sfoData,sfoSize, NULL))
// copy back info in request
param->sfoParam.parentalLevel = sfoFile.GetValueInt("PARENTAL_LEVEL");
delete[] sfoData;
// Don't know what it is, but PSP always respond this and this unlock some game
param->bind = 1021;
bool isCrypted = IsSaveEncrypted(param,saveId);
bool saveDone = false;
if(isCrypted)// Try to decrypt
int align_len = align16(saveSize);
u8* data_base = new u8[align_len];
u8* cryptKey = new u8[0x10];
if(param->key[0] != 0)
memcpy(cryptKey, param->key, 0x10);
memset(data_base + saveSize, 0, align_len - saveSize);
memcpy(data_base, saveData, saveSize);
int decryptMode = 1;
if(param->key[0] != 0)
decryptMode = (GetSDKMainVersion(sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion()) >= 4 ? 5 : 3);
if(DecryptSave(decryptMode, data_base, &saveSize, &align_len, ((param->key[0] != 0)?cryptKey:0)) == 0)
memcpy(data_, data_base, saveSize);
saveDone = true;
delete[] data_base;
delete[] cryptKey;
if(!saveDone) // not crypted or decrypt fail
memcpy(data_, saveData, saveSize);
param->dataSize = (SceSize)saveSize;
delete[] saveData;
return true;
int SavedataParam::EncryptData(unsigned int mode,
unsigned char *data,
int *dataLen,
int *alignedLen,
unsigned char *hash,
unsigned char *cryptkey)
pspChnnlsvContext1 ctx1;
pspChnnlsvContext2 ctx2;
/* Make room for the IV in front of the data. */
memmove(data + 0x10, data, *alignedLen);
/* Set up buffers */
memset(&ctx1, 0, sizeof(pspChnnlsvContext1));
memset(&ctx2, 0, sizeof(pspChnnlsvContext2));
memset(hash, 0, 0x10);
memset(data, 0, 0x10);
/* Build the 0x10-byte IV and setup encryption */
if (sceSdCreateList_(ctx2, mode, 1, data, cryptkey) < 0)
return -1;
if (sceSdSetIndex_(ctx1, mode) < 0)
return -2;
if (sceSdRemoveValue_(ctx1, data, 0x10) < 0)
return -3;
if (sceSdSetMember_(ctx2, data + 0x10, *alignedLen) < 0)
return -4;
/* Clear any extra bytes left from the previous steps */
memset(data + 0x10 + *dataLen, 0, *alignedLen - *dataLen);
/* Encrypt the data */
if (sceSdRemoveValue_(ctx1, data + 0x10, *alignedLen) < 0)
return -5;
/* Verify encryption */
if (sceChnnlsv_21BE78B4_(ctx2) < 0)
return -6;
/* Build the file hash from this PSP */
if (sceSdGetLastIndex_(ctx1, hash, cryptkey) < 0)
return -7;
/* Adjust sizes to account for IV */
*alignedLen += 0x10;
*dataLen += 0x10;
/* All done */
return 0;
int SavedataParam::DecryptSave(unsigned int mode,
unsigned char *data,
int *dataLen,
int *alignedLen,
unsigned char *cryptkey)
pspChnnlsvContext1 ctx1;
pspChnnlsvContext2 ctx2;
/* Need a 16-byte IV plus some data */
if (*alignedLen <= 0x10)
return -1;
*dataLen -= 0x10;
*alignedLen -= 0x10;
/* Set up buffers */
memset(&ctx1, 0, sizeof(pspChnnlsvContext1));
memset(&ctx2, 0, sizeof(pspChnnlsvContext2));
/* Perform the magic */
if (sceSdSetIndex_(ctx1, mode) < 0)
return -2;
if (sceSdCreateList_(ctx2, mode, 2, data, cryptkey) < 0)
return -3;
if (sceSdRemoveValue_(ctx1, data, 0x10) < 0)
return -4;
if (sceSdRemoveValue_(ctx1, data + 0x10, *alignedLen) < 0)
return -5;
if (sceSdSetMember_(ctx2, data + 0x10, *alignedLen) < 0)
return -6;
/* Verify that it decrypted correctly */
if (sceChnnlsv_21BE78B4_(ctx2) < 0)
return -7;
/* The decrypted data starts at data + 0x10, so shift it back. */
memmove(data, data + 0x10, *dataLen);
return 0;
int SavedataParam::UpdateHash(u8* sfoData, int sfoSize, int sfoDataParamsOffset, int encryptmode)
int alignedLen = align16(sfoSize);
memset(sfoData+sfoDataParamsOffset, 0, 128);
u8 filehash[16];
int ret = 0;
/* Compute 11D0 hash over entire file */
if ((ret = BuildHash(filehash, sfoData, sfoSize, alignedLen, (encryptmode & 2) ? 4 : 2, NULL)) < 0)
{ // Not sure about "2"
return ret - 400;
/* Copy 11D0 hash to param.sfo and set flag indicating it's there */
memcpy(sfoData+sfoDataParamsOffset + 0x20, filehash, 0x10);
*(sfoData+sfoDataParamsOffset) |= 0x01;
/* If new encryption mode, compute and insert the 1220 hash. */
if (encryptmode & 2)
/* Enable the hash bit first */
*(sfoData+sfoDataParamsOffset) |= 0x20;
if ((ret = BuildHash(filehash, sfoData, sfoSize, alignedLen, 3, 0)) < 0)
return ret - 500;
memcpy(sfoData+sfoDataParamsOffset + 0x70, filehash, 0x10);
/* Compute and insert the 11C0 hash. */
if ((ret = BuildHash(filehash, sfoData, sfoSize, alignedLen, 1, 0)) < 0)
return ret - 600;
memcpy(sfoData+sfoDataParamsOffset + 0x10, filehash, 0x10);
/* All done. */
return 0;
int SavedataParam::BuildHash(unsigned char *output,
unsigned char *data,
unsigned int len,
unsigned int alignedLen,
int mode,
unsigned char *cryptkey)
pspChnnlsvContext1 ctx1;
/* Set up buffers */
memset(&ctx1, 0, sizeof(pspChnnlsvContext1));
memset(output, 0, 0x10);
memset(data + len, 0, alignedLen - len);
/* Perform the magic */
if (sceSdSetIndex_(ctx1, mode & 0xFF) < 0)
return -1;
if (sceSdRemoveValue_(ctx1, data, alignedLen) < 0)
return -2;
if (sceSdGetLastIndex_(ctx1, output, cryptkey) < 0)
// Got here since Kirk CMD5 missing, return random value;
return 0;
/* All done. */
return 0;
std::string SavedataParam::GetSpaceText(int size)
char text[50];
if(size < 1024)
sprintf(text,"%d B",size);
return std::string(text);
size /= 1024;
if(size < 1024)
sprintf(text,"%d KB",size);
return std::string(text);
size /= 1024;
if(size < 1024)
sprintf(text,"%d MB",size);
return std::string(text);
size /= 1024;
sprintf(text,"%d GB",size);
return std::string(text);
bool SavedataParam::GetSizes(SceUtilitySavedataParam *param)
if (!param) {
return false;
bool ret = true;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(param->msFree))
Memory::Write_U32((u32)MemoryStick_SectorSize(),param->msFree); // cluster Size
Memory::Write_U32((u32)(MemoryStick_FreeSpace() / MemoryStick_SectorSize()),param->msFree+4); // Free cluster
Memory::Write_U32((u32)(MemoryStick_FreeSpace() / 0x400),param->msFree+8); // Free space (in KB)
std::string spaceTxt = SavedataParam::GetSpaceText((int)MemoryStick_FreeSpace());
Memory::Memcpy(param->msFree+12,spaceTxt.c_str(),(u32)spaceTxt.size()); // Text representing free space
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(param->msData))
std::string path = GetSaveFilePath(param,0);
PSPFileInfo finfo = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(path);
// TODO : fill correctly with the total save size, be aware of crypted file size
Memory::Write_U32(1,param->msData+36); //1
Memory::Write_U32(0x20,param->msData+40); // 0x20
Memory::Write_U8(0,param->msData+44); // "32 KB" // 8 u8
Memory::Write_U32(0x20,param->msData+52); // 0x20
Memory::Write_U8(0,param->msData+56); // "32 KB" // 8 u8
ret = false;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(param->utilityData))
int total_size = 0;
total_size += getSizeNormalized(1); // SFO;
total_size += getSizeNormalized(param->dataSize); // Save Data
total_size += getSizeNormalized(param->icon0FileData.size);
total_size += getSizeNormalized(param->icon1FileData.size);
total_size += getSizeNormalized(param->pic1FileData.size);
total_size += getSizeNormalized(param->snd0FileData.size);
Memory::Write_U32(total_size / (u32)MemoryStick_SectorSize(),param->utilityData); // num cluster
Memory::Write_U32(total_size / 0x400,param->utilityData+4); // save size in KB
std::string spaceTxt = SavedataParam::GetSpaceText(total_size);
Memory::Memcpy(param->utilityData+8,spaceTxt.c_str(),(u32)spaceTxt.size()); // save size in text
Memory::Write_U32(total_size / 0x400,param->utilityData+16); // save size in KB
spaceTxt = SavedataParam::GetSpaceText(total_size);
Memory::Memcpy(param->utilityData+20,spaceTxt.c_str(),(u32)spaceTxt.size()); // save size in text
return ret;
bool SavedataParam::GetList(SceUtilitySavedataParam *param)
if (!param) {
return false;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(param->idListAddr))
u32 outputBuffer = Memory::Read_U32(param->idListAddr + 8);
u32 maxFile = Memory::Read_U32(param->idListAddr + 0);
std::vector<PSPFileInfo> validDir;
std::vector<PSPFileInfo> allDir = pspFileSystem.GetDirListing(savePath);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outputBuffer))
std::string searchString = GetGameName(param)+GetSaveName(param);
for (size_t i = 0; i < allDir.size() && i < maxFile; i++)
std::string dirName = allDir[i].name;
if(PSPMatch(dirName, searchString))
for (u32 i = 0; i < (u32)validDir.size(); i++)
u32 baseAddr = outputBuffer + (i*72);
Memory::Write_U32(0x11FF,baseAddr + 0); // mode
Memory::Write_U64(0,baseAddr + 4); // TODO ctime
Memory::Write_U64(0,baseAddr + 12); // TODO unknow
Memory::Write_U64(0,baseAddr + 20); // TODO atime
Memory::Write_U64(0,baseAddr + 28); // TODO unknow
Memory::Write_U64(0,baseAddr + 36); // TODO mtime
Memory::Write_U64(0,baseAddr + 44); // TODO unknow
// folder name without gamename (max 20 u8)
std::string outName = validDir[i].name.substr(GetGameName(param).size());
Memory::Memset(baseAddr + 52,0,20);
Memory::Memcpy(baseAddr + 52, outName.c_str(), (u32)outName.size());
// Save num of folder found
Memory::Write_U32((u32)validDir.size(), param->idListAddr + 4);
return true;
bool SavedataParam::GetFilesList(SceUtilitySavedataParam *param)
if (!param)
return false;
u32 dataAddr = param->fileListAddr;
if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(dataAddr))
return false;
// TODO : Need to be checked against more game
u32 fileInfosAddr = Memory::Read_U32(dataAddr + 24);
//for Valkyria2, dataAddr+0 and dataAddr+12 has "5" for 5 files
int numFiles = Memory::Read_U32(dataAddr+12);
int foundFiles = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
// for each file (80 bytes):
// u32 mode, u32 ??, u64 size, u64 ctime, u64 ??, u64 atime, u64 ???, u64 mtime, u64 ???
// u8[16] filename (or 13 + padding?)
u32 curFileInfoAddr = fileInfosAddr + i*80;
char fileName[16];
strncpy(fileName, Memory::GetCharPointer(curFileInfoAddr + 64),16);
std::string filePath = savePath + GetGameName(param) + GetSaveName(param) + "/" + fileName;
PSPFileInfo info = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(filePath);
if (info.exists)
bool isCrypted = IsSaveEncrypted(param,0);
Memory::Write_U32(0x21FF, curFileInfoAddr+0);
if(isCrypted) // Crypted save are 16 bytes bigger
Memory::Write_U64(info.size - 0x10, curFileInfoAddr+8);
Memory::Write_U64(info.size, curFileInfoAddr+8);
Memory::Write_U64(0,curFileInfoAddr + 16); // TODO ctime
Memory::Write_U64(0,curFileInfoAddr + 24); // TODO unknow
Memory::Write_U64(0,curFileInfoAddr + 32); // TODO atime
Memory::Write_U64(0,curFileInfoAddr + 40); // TODO unknow
Memory::Write_U64(0,curFileInfoAddr + 48); // TODO mtime
Memory::Write_U64(0,curFileInfoAddr + 56); // TODO unknow
// TODO : verify if return true if at least 1 file found or only if all found
return foundFiles > 0;
bool SavedataParam::GetSize(SceUtilitySavedataParam *param)
if (!param)
return false;
std::string saveDir = savePath + GetGameName(param) + GetSaveName(param);
PSPFileInfo info = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(saveDir);
bool exists = info.exists;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(param->sizeAddr))
PspUtilitySavedataSizeInfo sizeInfo;
Memory::ReadStruct(param->sizeAddr, &sizeInfo);
// TODO: Read the entries and count up the size vs. existing size?
sizeInfo.sectorSize = (int)MemoryStick_SectorSize();
sizeInfo.freeSectors = (int)(MemoryStick_FreeSpace() / MemoryStick_SectorSize());
// TODO: Is this after the specified files? Before?
sizeInfo.freeKB = (int)(MemoryStick_FreeSpace() / 1024);
std::string spaceTxt = SavedataParam::GetSpaceText((int)MemoryStick_FreeSpace());
strncpy(sizeInfo.freeString, spaceTxt.c_str(), 8);
sizeInfo.freeString[7] = '\0';
// TODO.
sizeInfo.neededKB = 0;
strcpy(sizeInfo.neededString, "0 KB");
sizeInfo.overwriteKB = 0;
strcpy(sizeInfo.overwriteString, "0 KB");
Memory::WriteStruct(param->sizeAddr, &sizeInfo);
return exists;
void SavedataParam::Clear()
if (saveDataList)
for (int i = 0; i < saveNameListDataCount; i++)
if (saveDataList[i].textureData != 0 && saveDataList[i].size != 0)
saveDataList[i].textureData = 0;
delete[] saveDataList;
saveDataList = 0;
saveDataListCount = 0;
if(noSaveIcon->textureData != 0)
noSaveIcon->textureData = 0;
delete noSaveIcon;
noSaveIcon = 0;
int SavedataParam::SetPspParam(SceUtilitySavedataParam *param)
pspParam = param;
if (!pspParam)
return 0;
bool listEmptyFile = true;
listEmptyFile = false;
char (*saveNameListData)[20];
bool hasMultipleFileName = false;
if (param->saveNameList != 0)
saveNameListData = (char(*)[20])Memory::GetPointer(param->saveNameList);
// Get number of fileName in array
saveDataListCount = 0;
while(saveNameListData[saveDataListCount][0] != 0)
if(saveDataListCount > 0)
hasMultipleFileName = true;
saveDataList = new SaveFileInfo[saveDataListCount];
// get and stock file info for each file
int realCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < saveDataListCount; i++)
DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"Name : %s",saveNameListData[i]);
std::string fileDataPath = savePath+GetGameName(param)+saveNameListData[i]+"/"+param->fileName;
PSPFileInfo info = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(fileDataPath);
if (info.exists)
SetFileInfo(realCount, info, saveNameListData[i]);
DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"%s Exist",fileDataPath.c_str());
if (listEmptyFile)
saveDataList[realCount].size = 0;
saveDataList[realCount].saveName = saveNameListData[i];
saveDataList[realCount].idx = i;
saveDataList[realCount].textureData = 0;
// We have a png to show
noSaveIcon = new SaveFileInfo();
PspUtilitySavedataFileData newData;
Memory::ReadStruct(param->newData, &newData);
CreatePNGIcon(Memory::GetPointer(newData.buf), (int)newData.size, *noSaveIcon);
saveDataList[realCount].textureData = noSaveIcon->textureData;
saveDataList[realCount].textureWidth = noSaveIcon->textureWidth;
saveDataList[realCount].textureHeight = noSaveIcon->textureHeight;
DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"Don't Exist");
saveNameListDataCount = realCount;
if(!hasMultipleFileName) // Load info on only save
saveNameListData = 0;
saveDataList = new SaveFileInfo[1];
saveDataListCount = 1;
// get and stock file info for each file
DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"Name : %s",GetSaveName(param).c_str());
std::string fileDataPath = savePath+GetGameName(param)+GetSaveName(param)+"/"+param->fileName;
PSPFileInfo info = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(fileDataPath);
if (info.exists)
SetFileInfo(0, info, GetSaveName(pspParam));
DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"%s Exist",fileDataPath.c_str());
saveNameListDataCount = 1;
if (listEmptyFile)
saveDataList[0].size = 0;
saveDataList[0].saveName = GetSaveName(param);
saveDataList[0].idx = 0;
saveDataList[0].textureData = 0;
// We have a png to show
noSaveIcon = new SaveFileInfo();
PspUtilitySavedataFileData newData;
Memory::ReadStruct(param->newData, &newData);
CreatePNGIcon(Memory::GetPointer(newData.buf), (int)newData.size, *noSaveIcon);
saveDataList[0].textureData = noSaveIcon->textureData;
saveDataList[0].textureWidth = noSaveIcon->textureWidth;
saveDataList[0].textureHeight = noSaveIcon->textureHeight;
DEBUG_LOG(HLE,"Don't Exist");
saveNameListDataCount = 0;
return 0;
return 0;
bool SavedataParam::CreatePNGIcon(u8* pngData, int pngSize, SaveFileInfo& info)
unsigned char *textureData;
int w,h;
int success = pngLoadPtr(pngData, (int)pngSize, &w, &h, &textureData, false);
u32 texSize = w*h*4;
u32 atlasPtr;
if (success)
atlasPtr = kernelMemory.Alloc(texSize, true, "SaveData Icon");
if (success && atlasPtr != (u32)-1)
info.textureData = atlasPtr;
Memory::Memcpy(atlasPtr, textureData, texSize);
info.textureWidth = w;
info.textureHeight = h;
WARN_LOG(HLE, "Unable to load PNG data for savedata.");
return false;
return true;
void SavedataParam::SetFileInfo(int idx, PSPFileInfo &info, std::string saveName)
saveDataList[idx].size = info.size;
saveDataList[idx].saveName = saveName;
saveDataList[idx].idx = 0;
saveDataList[idx].modif_time = info.mtime;
// Start with a blank slate.
saveDataList[idx].textureData = 0;
saveDataList[idx].title[0] = 0;
saveDataList[idx].saveTitle[0] = 0;
saveDataList[idx].saveDetail[0] = 0;
// Search save image icon0
// TODO : If icon0 don't exist, need to use icon1 which is a moving icon. Also play sound
std::string fileDataPath2 = savePath + GetGameName(pspParam) + saveName + "/" + icon0Name;
PSPFileInfo info2 = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(fileDataPath2);
if (info2.exists)
u8 *textureDataPNG = new u8[(size_t)info2.size];
ReadPSPFile(fileDataPath2, &textureDataPNG, info2.size, NULL);
CreatePNGIcon(textureDataPNG, (int)info2.size, saveDataList[idx]);
delete[] textureDataPNG;
// Load info in PARAM.SFO
fileDataPath2 = savePath + GetGameName(pspParam) + saveName + "/" + sfoName;
info2 = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(fileDataPath2);
if (info2.exists)
u8 *sfoParam = new u8[(size_t)info2.size];
ReadPSPFile(fileDataPath2, &sfoParam, info2.size, NULL);
ParamSFOData sfoFile;
if (sfoFile.ReadSFO(sfoParam,(size_t)info2.size))
SetStringFromSFO(sfoFile, "TITLE", saveDataList[idx].title, sizeof(saveDataList[idx].title));
SetStringFromSFO(sfoFile, "SAVEDATA_TITLE", saveDataList[idx].saveTitle, sizeof(saveDataList[idx].saveTitle));
SetStringFromSFO(sfoFile, "SAVEDATA_DETAIL", saveDataList[idx].saveDetail, sizeof(saveDataList[idx].saveDetail));
delete [] sfoParam;
SceUtilitySavedataParam* SavedataParam::GetPspParam()
return pspParam;
int SavedataParam::GetFilenameCount()
return saveNameListDataCount;
const SaveFileInfo& SavedataParam::GetFileInfo(int idx)
return saveDataList[idx];
std::string SavedataParam::GetFilename(int idx)
return saveDataList[idx].saveName;
int SavedataParam::GetSelectedSave()
return selectedSave;
void SavedataParam::SetSelectedSave(int idx)
selectedSave = idx;
void SavedataParam::DoState(PointerWrap &p)
// pspParam is handled in PSPSaveDialog.
if (p.mode == p.MODE_READ)
if (saveDataList != NULL)
delete [] saveDataList;
if (saveDataListCount != 0)
saveDataList = new SaveFileInfo[saveDataListCount];
p.DoArray(saveDataList, saveDataListCount);
saveDataList = NULL;
p.DoArray(saveDataList, saveDataListCount);
bool SavedataParam::IsSaveEncrypted(SceUtilitySavedataParam* param, int saveId)
bool isCrypted = false;
ParamSFOData sfoFile;
std::string dirPath = GetSaveFilePath(param, saveId);
std::string sfopath = dirPath+"/"+sfoName;
PSPFileInfo sfoInfo = pspFileSystem.GetFileInfo(sfopath);
if(sfoInfo.exists) // Read sfo
u8 *sfoData = new u8[(size_t)sfoInfo.size];
size_t sfoSize = (size_t)sfoInfo.size;
if(ReadPSPFile(sfopath,&sfoData,sfoSize, NULL))
// save created in PPSSPP and not encrypted has '0' in SAVEDATA_PARAMS
u32 tmpDataSize = 0;
u8* tmpDataOrig = sfoFile.GetValueData("SAVEDATA_PARAMS", &tmpDataSize);
for(u32 i = 0; i < tmpDataSize; i++)
if(tmpDataOrig[i] != 0)
isCrypted = true;
delete[] sfoData;
return isCrypted;