
299 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include "TextureScaler.h"
#include "Core/Config.h"
#include "Common/Log.h"
#include "Common/MsgHandler.h"
#include "Common/CommonFuncs.h"
#include "Common/ThreadPool.h"
#include "ext/xbrz/xbrz.h"
namespace p = std::placeholders;
// Report the time and throughput for each larger scaling operation in the log
#include "native/base/timeutil.h"
namespace {
void convert4444(u16* data, u32* out, int width, int l, int u) {
for(int y = l; y < u; ++y) {
for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
u32 val = data[y*width + x];
u32 r = ((val>>12) & 0xF) * 17;
u32 g = ((val>> 8) & 0xF) * 17;
u32 b = ((val>> 4) & 0xF) * 17;
u32 a = ((val>> 0) & 0xF) * 17;
out[y*width + x] = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r;
void convert565(u16* data, u32* out, int width, int l, int u) {
for(int y = l; y < u; ++y) {
for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
u32 val = data[y*width + x];
u32 r = ((val>>11) & 0x1F) * 8;
u32 g = ((val>> 5) & 0x3F) * 4;
u32 b = ((val ) & 0x1F) * 8;
out[y*width + x] = (0xFF << 24) | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r;
void convert5551(u16* data, u32* out, int width, int l, int u) {
for(int y = l; y < u; ++y) {
for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
u32 val = data[y*width + x];
u32 r = ((val>>11) & 0x1F) * 8;
u32 g = ((val>> 6) & 0x1F) * 8;
u32 b = ((val>> 1) & 0x1F) * 8;
u32 a = (val & 0x1) * 255;
out[y*width + x] = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r;
void convertSum(u32* data, u32* out, int width, int l, int u) {
for(int y = l; y < u; ++y) {
for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
u32 val = data[y*width + x];
out[y*width + x] = (val>>24)&0xFF + (val>>16)&0xFF + (val>>8)&0xFF + (val>>0)&0xFF;
// 3x3 convolution with Neumann boundary conditions
// quite slow, could be sped up a lot
// especially handling of separable kernels
void convolve3x3(u32* data, u32* out, const int kernel[3][3], int width, int height, int l, int u) {
for(int y = l; y < u; ++y) {
for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
int val = 0;
for(int yoff = -1; yoff < 1; ++yoff) {
int yy = std::max(std::min(y+yoff, height-1), 0);
for(int xoff = -1; xoff < 1; ++xoff) {
int xx = std::max(std::min(x+xoff, width-1), 0);
val += data[yy*width + xx] * kernel[yoff+1][xoff+1];
out[y*width + x] = abs(val);
// this is sadly much faster than an inline function with a loop
#define MIX_PIXELS(p0, p1, p2, factors) \
((((p0>> 0)&0xFF)*factors[0] + ((p1>> 0)&0xFF)*factors[1] + ((p2>> 0)&0xFF)*factors[2])/255 << 0 ) | \
((((p0>> 8)&0xFF)*factors[0] + ((p1>> 8)&0xFF)*factors[1] + ((p2>> 8)&0xFF)*factors[2])/255 << 8 ) | \
((((p0>>16)&0xFF)*factors[0] + ((p1>>16)&0xFF)*factors[1] + ((p2>>16)&0xFF)*factors[2])/255 << 16 ) | \
((((p0>>24)&0xFF)*factors[0] + ((p1>>24)&0xFF)*factors[1] + ((p2>>24)&0xFF)*factors[2])/255 << 24 )
void mix(u32* data, u32* source, u32* mask, u32 maskmax, int width, int l, int u) {
for(int y = l; y < u; ++y) {
for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
int pos = y*width + x;
u8 mixFactors[3] = {(std::min(mask[pos], maskmax)*255)/maskmax, 0, 0 };
mixFactors[1] = 255-mixFactors[0];
data[pos] = MIX_PIXELS(data[pos], source[pos], 0, mixFactors);
const static u8 BILINEAR_FACTORS[4][5][3] = {
{ { 76,179, 0}, { 0,179, 76}, { 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 0} }, // x2
{ { 85,170, 0}, { 0,255, 0}, { 0,170, 85}, { 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 0} }, // x3
{ {102,153, 0}, { 51,204, 0}, { 0,204, 51}, { 0,153,102}, { 0, 0, 0} }, // x4
{ {102,153, 0}, { 51,204, 0}, { 0,255, 0}, { 0,204, 51}, { 0,153,102} }, // x5
// integral bilinear upscaling by factor f, horizontal part
template<int f>
void bilinearHt(u32* data, u32* out, int w, int l, int u) {
static_assert(f>1 && f<=5, "Bilinear scaling only implemented for factors 2 to 5");
int outw = w*f;
for(int y = l; y < u; ++y) {
for(int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
int inpos = y*w + x;
u32 left = data[inpos - (x==0 ?0:1)];
u32 center = data[inpos];
u32 right = data[inpos + (x==w-1?0:1)];
for(int i=0; i<f; ++i) { // hope the compiler unrolls this
out[y*outw + x*f + i] = MIX_PIXELS(left, center, right, BILINEAR_FACTORS[f-2][i]);
void bilinearH(int factor, u32* data, u32* out, int w, int l, int u) {
switch(factor) {
case 2: bilinearHt<2>(data, out, w, l, u); break;
case 3: bilinearHt<3>(data, out, w, l, u); break;
case 4: bilinearHt<4>(data, out, w, l, u); break;
case 5: bilinearHt<5>(data, out, w, l, u); break;
default: ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Bilinear upsampling only implemented for factors 2 to 5");
// integral bilinear upscaling by factor f, vertical part
// gl/gu == global lower and upper bound
template<int f>
void bilinearVt(u32* data, u32* out, int w, int gl, int gu, int l, int u) {
static_assert(f>1 && f<=5, "Bilinear scaling only implemented for 2x, 3x, 4x, and 5x");
int outw = w*f;
for(int y = l; y < u; ++y) {
for(int x = 0; x < outw; ++x) {
u32 upper = data[(y - (y==gl ?0:1)) * outw + x];
u32 center = data[y * outw + x];
u32 lower = data[(y + (y==gu-1?0:1)) * outw + x];
for(int i=0; i<f; ++i) { // hope the compiler unrolls this
out[(y*f + i)*outw + x] = MIX_PIXELS(upper, center, lower, BILINEAR_FACTORS[f-2][i]);
void bilinearV(int factor, u32* data, u32* out, int w, int gl, int gu, int l, int u) {
switch(factor) {
case 2: bilinearVt<2>(data, out, w, gl, gu, l, u); break;
case 3: bilinearVt<3>(data, out, w, gl, gu, l, u); break;
case 4: bilinearVt<4>(data, out, w, gl, gu, l, u); break;
case 5: bilinearVt<5>(data, out, w, gl, gu, l, u); break;
default: ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Bilinear upsampling only implemented for factors 2 to 5");
TextureScaler::TextureScaler() {
void TextureScaler::Scale(u32* &data, GLenum &dstFmt, int &width, int &height) {
if(g_Config.iTexScalingLevel > 1) {
double t_start = real_time_now();
int factor = g_Config.iTexScalingLevel;
bufInput.resize(width*height); // used to store the input image image if it needs to be reformatted
bufOutput.resize(width*height*factor*factor); // used to store the upscaled image
u32 *inputBuf = bufInput.data();
u32 *outputBuf = bufOutput.data();
// convert texture to correct format for scaling
ConvertTo8888(dstFmt, data, inputBuf, width, height);
// scale
switch(g_Config.iTexScalingType) {
ScaleBilinear(factor, inputBuf, outputBuf, width, height);
case XBRZ:
ScaleXBRZ(factor, inputBuf, outputBuf, width, height);
case HYBRID:
ScaleHybrid(factor, inputBuf, outputBuf, width, height);
// update values accordingly
data = outputBuf;
width *= factor;
height *= factor;
if(width*height > 64*64*factor*factor) {
double t = real_time_now() - t_start;
NOTICE_LOG(MASTER_LOG, "TextureScaler: processed %9d pixels in %6.5lf seconds. (%9.0lf Mpixels/second)",
width*height, t, (width*height)/(t*1000*1000));
void TextureScaler::ScaleXBRZ(int factor, u32* source, u32* dest, int width, int height) {
xbrz::ScalerCfg cfg;
GlobalThreadPool::Loop(std::bind(&xbrz::scale, factor, source, dest, width, height, cfg, p::_1, p::_2), 0, height);
void TextureScaler::ScaleBilinear(int factor, u32* source, u32* dest, int width, int height) {
u32 *tmpBuf = bufTmp1.data();
GlobalThreadPool::Loop(std::bind(&bilinearH, factor, source, tmpBuf, width, p::_1, p::_2), 0, height);
GlobalThreadPool::Loop(std::bind(&bilinearV, factor, tmpBuf, dest, width, 0, height, p::_1, p::_2), 0, height);
void TextureScaler::ScaleHybrid(int factor, u32* source, u32* dest, int width, int height) {
// Basic algorithm:
// 1) determine a feature mask C based on a sobel-ish filter + splatting, and upscale that mask bilinearly
// 2) generate 2 scaled images: A - using Bilinear filtering, B - using xBRZ
// 3) output = A*C + B*(1-C)
const static int KERNEL_EDGE_DETECT[3][3] = {
{ -1, -1, -1 }, { -1, 8, -1 }, { -1, -1, -1 }
const static int KERNEL_SPLAT[3][3] = {
{ 1, 1, 1 }, { 1, 1, 1 }, { 1, 1, 1 }
GlobalThreadPool::Loop(std::bind(&convertSum, source, bufTmp2.data(), width, p::_1, p::_2), 0, height);
GlobalThreadPool::Loop(std::bind(&convolve3x3, bufTmp2.data(), bufTmp1.data(), KERNEL_EDGE_DETECT, width, height, p::_1, p::_2), 0, height);
GlobalThreadPool::Loop(std::bind(&convolve3x3, bufTmp1.data(), bufTmp2.data(), KERNEL_SPLAT, width, height, p::_1, p::_2), 0, height);
ScaleBilinear(factor, bufTmp2.data(), bufTmp3.data(), width, height);
// mask C is now in bufTmp3
ScaleXBRZ(factor, source, bufTmp2.data(), width, height);
// xBRZ upscaled source is in bufTmp2
ScaleBilinear(factor, source, dest, width, height);
// Bilinear upscaled source is in dest
// Now we can mix it all together
GlobalThreadPool::Loop(std::bind(&mix, dest, bufTmp2.data(), bufTmp3.data(), 333, width, p::_1, p::_2), 0, height);
void TextureScaler::ConvertTo8888(GLenum format, u32* source, u32* &dest, int width, int height) {
switch(format) {
dest = source; // already fine
case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4:
GlobalThreadPool::Loop(std::bind(&convert4444, (u16*)source, dest, width, p::_1, p::_2), 0, height);
GlobalThreadPool::Loop(std::bind(&convert565, (u16*)source, dest, width, p::_1, p::_2), 0, height);
case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1:
GlobalThreadPool::Loop(std::bind(&convert5551, (u16*)source, dest, width, p::_1, p::_2), 0, height);
dest = source;
ERROR_LOG(G3D, "iXBRZTexScaling: unsupported texture format");