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// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "base/timeutil.h"
#include "HLE.h"
#include "../MIPS/MIPS.h"
#include "sceKernel.h"
#include "sceRtc.h"
#include "../CoreTiming.h"
// Grabbed from JPSCP
// This is # of microseconds between January 1, 0001 and January 1, 1970.
const u64 rtcMagicOffset = 62135596800000000L;
const int PSP_TIME_INVALID_YEAR = -1;
const int PSP_TIME_INVALID_MONTH = -2;
const int PSP_TIME_INVALID_DAY = -3;
const int PSP_TIME_INVALID_HOUR = -4;
u64 __RtcGetCurrentTick()
// TODO: It's probably expecting ticks since January 1, 0001?
return cyclesToUs(CoreTiming::GetTicks()) + rtcMagicOffset;
#ifdef _WIN32
#define FILETIME_FROM_UNIX_EPOCH_US 11644473600000000ULL
void gettimeofday(timeval *tv, void *ignore)
FILETIME ft_utc, ft_local;
ft_local = ft_utc;
u64 from_1601_us = (((u64) ft_local.dwHighDateTime << 32ULL) + (u64) ft_local.dwLowDateTime) / 10ULL;
u64 from_1970_us = from_1601_us - FILETIME_FROM_UNIX_EPOCH_US;
tv->tv_sec = long(from_1970_us / 1000000UL);
tv->tv_usec = from_1970_us % 1000000UL;
void __RtcTmToPspTime(ScePspDateTime &t, tm *val)
t.year = val->tm_year + 1900;
t.month = val->tm_mon + 1;
t.day = val->tm_mday;
t.hour = val->tm_hour;
t.minute = val->tm_min;
t.second = val->tm_sec;
//based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/11197532
//TODO: Doesn't take PSPs daylight saving into account and doesnt check for overflow errors
void __RtcTicksToPspTime(ScePspDateTime &t, u64 ticks)
u64 sec;
u16 quadricentennials, centennials, quadrennials, annuals;
u16 year, leap;
u16 yday, hour, min;
u16 month, mday;
static const u16 daysSinceJan1st[2][13]=
{0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334,365}, // 365 days, non-leap
{0,31,60,91,121,152,182,213,244,274,305,335,366} // 366 days, leap
sec = ticks / 1000000UL;
// Remove multiples of 400 years (incl. 97 leap days)
quadricentennials = (u16)(sec / 12622780800ULL); // 400*365.2425*24*3600
sec %= 12622780800ULL;
// Remove multiples of 100 years (incl. 24 leap days), can't be more than 3
// (because multiples of 4*100=400 years (incl. leap days) have been removed)
centennials = (u16)(sec / 3155673600ULL); // 100*(365+24/100)*24*3600
if (centennials > 3)
centennials = 3;
sec -= centennials * 3155673600ULL;
// Remove multiples of 4 years (incl. 1 leap day), can't be more than 24
// (because multiples of 25*4=100 years (incl. leap days) have been removed)
quadrennials = (u16)(sec / 126230400); // 4*(365+1/4)*24*3600
if (quadrennials > 24)
quadrennials = 24;
sec -= quadrennials * 126230400ULL;
// Remove multiples of years (incl. 0 leap days), can't be more than 3
// (because multiples of 4 years (incl. leap days) have been removed)
annuals = (u16)(sec / 31536000); // 365*24*3600
if (annuals > 3)
annuals = 3;
sec -= annuals * 31536000ULL;
// Calculate the year and find out if it's leap
year = 1 + quadricentennials * 400 + centennials * 100 + quadrennials * 4 + annuals;
leap = !(year % 4) && (year % 100 || !(year % 400));
// Calculate the day of the year and the time
yday = (u16)(sec / 86400);
sec %= 86400;
hour = (u16)(sec / 3600);
sec %= 3600;
min = (u16)(sec / 60);
sec %= 60;
// Calculate the month
for (mday = month = 1; month < 13; month++)
if (yday < daysSinceJan1st[leap][month])
mday += yday - daysSinceJan1st[leap][month - 1];
t.year = year;
t.month = month;
t.day = mday;
t.hour = hour;
t.minute = min;
t.second = (u16)sec;
t.microsecond = ticks % 1000000;
u64 JumpYMD(u64 year, u64 month, u64 day) {
return 367*year - 7*(year+(month+9)/12)/4 + 275*month/9 + day;
u64 JumpSeconds(u64 year, u64 month, u64 day, u64 hour, u64 minute, u64 second) {
static const u64 secs_per_day = 24 * 60 * 60;
return JumpYMD(year, month, day) * secs_per_day + hour * 3600 + minute * 60 + second;
u64 __RtcPspTimeToTicks(ScePspDateTime &t)
u64 seconds = JumpSeconds(t.year, t.month, t.day, t.hour, t.minute, t.second);
u64 ticks = (seconds * 1000000UL) + t.microsecond;
return ticks;
bool __RtcValidatePspTime(ScePspDateTime &t)
return t.year > 0;
u32 sceRtcGetTickResolution()
DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceRtcGetTickResolution()");
return 1000000;
u32 sceRtcGetCurrentTick(u32 tickPtr)
//Don't spam the log
//DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceRtcGetCurrentTick(%08x)", tickPtr);
u64 curTick = __RtcGetCurrentTick();
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(tickPtr))
Memory::Write_U64(curTick, tickPtr);
return 0;
u64 sceRtcGetAcculumativeTime()
DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceRtcGetAcculumativeTime()");
return __RtcGetCurrentTick();
u32 sceRtcGetCurrentClock(u32 pspTimePtr, int tz)
DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceRtcGetCurrentClock(%08x, %d)", pspTimePtr, tz);
timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
time_t sec = (time_t) tv.tv_sec;
tm *utc = gmtime(&sec);
utc->tm_isdst = -1;
utc->tm_min += tz;
ScePspDateTime ret;
__RtcTmToPspTime(ret, utc);
ret.microsecond = tv.tv_usec;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(pspTimePtr))
Memory::WriteStruct(pspTimePtr, &ret);
return 0;
u32 sceRtcGetCurrentClockLocalTime(u32 pspTimePtr)
DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceRtcGetCurrentClockLocalTime(%08x)", pspTimePtr);
timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
time_t sec = (time_t) tv.tv_sec;
tm *local = localtime(&sec);
ScePspDateTime ret;
__RtcTmToPspTime(ret, local);
ret.microsecond = tv.tv_usec;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(pspTimePtr))
Memory::WriteStruct(pspTimePtr, &ret);
return 0;
u32 sceRtcSetTick(u32 pspTimePtr, u32 tickPtr)
DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceRtcSetTick(%08x, %08x)", pspTimePtr, tickPtr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(pspTimePtr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(tickPtr))
u64 ticks = Memory::Read_U64(tickPtr);
ScePspDateTime ret;
__RtcTicksToPspTime(ret, ticks);
Memory::WriteStruct(pspTimePtr, &ret);
return 0;
u32 sceRtcGetTick(u32 pspTimePtr, u32 tickPtr)
DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceRtcGetTick(%08x, %08x)", pspTimePtr, tickPtr);
ScePspDateTime pt;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(pspTimePtr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(tickPtr))
Memory::ReadStruct(pspTimePtr, &pt);
if (!__RtcValidatePspTime(pt))
tm local;
local.tm_year = pt.year - 1900;
local.tm_mon = pt.month - 1;
local.tm_mday = pt.day;
local.tm_wday = -1;
local.tm_yday = -1;
local.tm_hour = pt.hour;
local.tm_min = pt.minute;
local.tm_sec = pt.second;
local.tm_isdst = -1;
time_t seconds = mktime(&local);
u64 result = rtcMagicOffset + (u64) seconds * 1000000ULL;
result += pt.microsecond;
Memory::Write_U64(result, tickPtr);
return 0;
u32 sceRtcGetDayOfWeek(u32 year, u32 month, u32 day)
DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceRtcGetDayOfWeek(%d, %d, %d)", year, month, day);
static u32 t[] = { 0, 3, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 4 };
if (month > 12 || month < 1) {
// Preventive crashfix
ERROR_LOG(HLE,"Bad month"); // this might not be right as a game is checking for sceRtcGetDayOfWeek:166970016, 1024, 0 and expecting 3 returned..
return 0;
year -= month < 3;
return (year + year/4 - year/100 + year/400 + t[month-1] + day) % 7;
u32 sceRtcGetDaysInMonth(u32 year, u32 month)
DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceRtcGetDaysInMonth(%d, %d)", year, month);
u32 numberOfDays;
if (year == 0 || month == 0 || month > 12)
switch (month)
case 4:
case 6:
case 9:
case 11:
numberOfDays = 30;
case 2:
if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0))
numberOfDays = 29;
numberOfDays = 28;
numberOfDays = 31;
return numberOfDays;
u32 sceRtcIsLeapYear(u32 year)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceRtcIsLeapYear(%d)", year);
return (year % 4 == 0) && !(year % 100 == 0)|| (year % 400 == 0);
int sceRtcConvertLocalTimeToUTC(u32 tickLocalPtr,u32 tickUTCPtr)
DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceRtcConvertLocalTimeToUTC(%d, %d)", tickLocalPtr, tickUTCPtr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(tickLocalPtr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(tickUTCPtr))
u64 srcTick = Memory::Read_U64(tickLocalPtr);
// TODO:convert UTC as ticks to localtime as ticks.. fake it by preteding timezone is UTC for now
Memory::Write_U64(srcTick, tickUTCPtr);
return 1;
return 0;
int sceRtcConvertUtcToLocalTime(u32 tickUTCPtr,u32 tickLocalPtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceRtcConvertLocalTimeToUTC(%d, %d)", tickLocalPtr, tickUTCPtr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(tickLocalPtr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(tickUTCPtr))
u64 srcTick = Memory::Read_U64(tickUTCPtr);
// TODO:convert localtime as ticks to UTC as ticks.. fake it by preteding timezone is UTC for now
Memory::Write_U64(srcTick, tickLocalPtr);
return 1;
return 0;
int sceRtcCheckValid(u32 datePtr)
DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceRtcCheckValid(%d)", datePtr);
int ret = 0;
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(datePtr))
ScePspDateTime pt;
Memory::ReadStruct(datePtr, &pt);
if (pt.year < 1 || pt.year > 9999)
else if (pt.month < 1 || pt.month > 12)
else if (pt.day < 1 || pt.day > 31) // TODO: Needs to check actual days in month, including leaps
else if (pt.hour > 23)
else if (pt.minute > 59)
else if (pt.second > 59)
else if (pt.microsecond >= 1000000)
return ret;
int sceRtcSetTime_t(u32 datePtr, u32 time)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcSetTime_t(%d,%d)", datePtr, time);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(datePtr))
ScePspDateTime pt;
__RtcTicksToPspTime(pt, time*1000000ULL);
pt.year += 1969;
Memory::WriteStruct(datePtr, &pt);
return 1;
return 0;
int sceRtcSetTime64_t(u32 datePtr, u64 time)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcSetTime64_t(%d,%lld)", datePtr, time);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(datePtr))
ScePspDateTime pt;
__RtcTicksToPspTime(pt, time*1000000ULL);
pt.year += 1969;
Memory::WriteStruct(datePtr, &pt);
return 1;
return 0;
int sceRtcGetTime_t(u32 datePtr, u32 timePtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcGetTime_t(%d,%d)", datePtr, timePtr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(datePtr)&&Memory::IsValidAddress(timePtr))
ScePspDateTime pt;
Memory::ReadStruct(datePtr, &pt);
u32 result = (u32) (__RtcPspTimeToTicks(pt)/1000000ULL);
Memory::Write_U32(result, timePtr);
return 1;
return 0;
int sceRtcGetTime64_t(u32 datePtr, u32 timePtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcGetTime64_t(%d,%d)", datePtr, timePtr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(datePtr)&&Memory::IsValidAddress(timePtr))
ScePspDateTime pt;
Memory::ReadStruct(datePtr, &pt);
u64 result = __RtcPspTimeToTicks(pt)/1000000ULL;
Memory::Write_U64(result, timePtr);
return 1;
return 0;
int sceRtcSetDosTime(u32 datePtr, u32 dosTime)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcSetDosTime(%d,%d)", datePtr, dosTime);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(datePtr))
ScePspDateTime pt;
__RtcTicksToPspTime(pt, dosTime);
Memory::WriteStruct(datePtr, &pt);
return 1;
return 0;
int sceRtcGetDosTime(u32 datePtr, u32 dosTime)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcGetDosTime(%d,%d)", datePtr, dosTime);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(datePtr)&&Memory::IsValidAddress(dosTime))
ScePspDateTime pt;
Memory::ReadStruct(datePtr, &pt);
u64 result = __RtcPspTimeToTicks(pt);
Memory::Write_U64(result, dosTime);
return 1;
return 0;
int sceRtcSetWin32FileTime(u32 datePtr, u32 win32TimePtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceRtcSetWin32FileTime(%d,%d)", datePtr, win32TimePtr);
return 0;
int sceRtcGetWin32FileTime(u32 datePtr, u32 win32TimePtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceRtcGetWin32FileTime(%d,%d)", datePtr, win32TimePtr);
return 0;
int sceRtcCompareTick(u32 tick1Ptr, u32 tick2Ptr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcCompareTick(%d,%d)", tick1Ptr, tick2Ptr);
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(tick1Ptr)&&Memory::IsValidAddress(tick1Ptr))
u64 tick1 = Memory::Read_U64(tick1Ptr);
u64 tick2 = Memory::Read_U64(tick2Ptr);
if (tick1 > tick2)
return 1;
if (tick1 < tick2)
return -1;
return 0;
int sceRtcTickAddTicks(u32 destTickPtr, u32 srcTickPtr, u64 numTicks)
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(destTickPtr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(srcTickPtr))
u64 srcTick = Memory::Read_U64(srcTickPtr);
srcTick += numTicks;
Memory::Write_U64(srcTick, destTickPtr);
DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceRtcTickAddTicks(%x,%x,%llu)", destTickPtr, srcTickPtr, numTicks);
return 0;
int sceRtcTickAddMicroseconds(u32 destTickPtr,u32 srcTickPtr, u64 numMS)
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(destTickPtr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(srcTickPtr))
s64 srcTick = (s64)Memory::Read_U64(srcTickPtr);
srcTick += numMS;
Memory::Write_U64(srcTick, destTickPtr);
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcTickAddMicroseconds(%x,%x,%llu)", destTickPtr, srcTickPtr, numMS);
return 0;
int sceRtcTickAddSeconds(u32 destTickPtr, u32 srcTickPtr, u64 numSecs)
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(destTickPtr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(srcTickPtr))
s64 srcTick = (s64)Memory::Read_U64(srcTickPtr);
srcTick += numSecs * 1000000UL;
Memory::Write_U64(srcTick, destTickPtr);
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcTickAddSeconds(%x,%x,%llu)", destTickPtr, srcTickPtr, numSecs);
return 0;
int sceRtcTickAddMinutes(u32 destTickPtr, u32 srcTickPtr, u64 numMins)
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(destTickPtr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(srcTickPtr))
s64 srcTick = (s64)Memory::Read_U64(srcTickPtr);
srcTick += numMins*60000000UL;
Memory::Write_U64(srcTick, destTickPtr);
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcTickAddMinutes(%x,%x,%llu)", destTickPtr, srcTickPtr, numMins);
return 0;
int sceRtcTickAddHours(u32 destTickPtr, u32 srcTickPtr, int numHours)
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(destTickPtr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(srcTickPtr))
s64 srcTick = (s64)Memory::Read_U64(srcTickPtr);
srcTick += numHours*3600000000UL;
Memory::Write_U64(srcTick, destTickPtr);
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcTickAddMinutes(%d,%d,%d)", destTickPtr, srcTickPtr, numHours);
return 0;
int sceRtcTickAddDays(u32 destTickPtr, u32 srcTickPtr, int numDays)
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(destTickPtr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(srcTickPtr))
s64 srcTick = (s64)Memory::Read_U64(srcTickPtr);
srcTick += numDays*86400000000UL;
Memory::Write_U64(srcTick, destTickPtr);
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcTickAddDays(%d,%d,%d)", destTickPtr, srcTickPtr, numDays);
return 0;
int sceRtcTickAddWeeks(u32 destTickPtr, u32 srcTickPtr, int numWeeks)
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(destTickPtr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(srcTickPtr))
s64 srcTick = (s64)Memory::Read_U64(srcTickPtr);
srcTick += numWeeks*604800000000UL;
Memory::Write_U64(srcTick, destTickPtr);
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcTickAddWeeks(%d,%d,%d)", destTickPtr, srcTickPtr, numWeeks);
return 0;
int sceRtcTickAddMonths(u32 destTickPtr, u32 srcTickPtr, int numMonths)
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(destTickPtr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(srcTickPtr))
u64 srcTick = Memory::Read_U64(srcTickPtr);
// slightly bodgy but we need to add months to a pt and then convert to ticks to cover different day count in months and leapyears
ScePspDateTime pt;
memset(&pt, 0, sizeof(pt));
if (numMonths < 0)
numMonths = -numMonths;;
int years = numMonths /12;
int realmonths = numMonths % 12;
pt.year = years;
pt.month = realmonths;
u64 monthTicks =__RtcPspTimeToTicks(pt);
if (monthTicks <= srcTick)
int years = numMonths /12;
int realmonths = numMonths % 12;
pt.year = years;
pt.month = realmonths;
srcTick +=__RtcPspTimeToTicks(pt);
Memory::Write_U64(srcTick, destTickPtr);
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcTickAddMonths(%d,%d,%d)", destTickPtr, srcTickPtr, numMonths);
return 0;
//TODO: off by 6 days every 2000 years.
int sceRtcTickAddYears(u32 destTickPtr, u32 srcTickPtr, int numYears)
if (Memory::IsValidAddress(destTickPtr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(srcTickPtr))
u64 srcTick = Memory::Read_U64(srcTickPtr);
ScePspDateTime pt;
memset(&pt, 0, sizeof(pt));
if (numYears < 0)
pt.year = -numYears;
u64 yearTicks = __RtcPspTimeToTicks(pt);
if (yearTicks <= srcTick)
pt.year = numYears;
u64 yearTicks = __RtcPspTimeToTicks(pt);
srcTick +=yearTicks;
Memory::Write_U64(srcTick, destTickPtr);
DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "HACK sceRtcTickAddYears(%d,%d,%d)", destTickPtr, srcTickPtr, numYears);
return 0;
int sceRtcParseDateTime(u32 destTickPtr, u32 dateStringPtr)
ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceRtcParseDateTime(%d,%d)", destTickPtr, dateStringPtr);
return 0;
const HLEFunction sceRtc[] =
{0xC41C2853, WrapU_V<sceRtcGetTickResolution>, "sceRtcGetTickResolution"},
{0x3f7ad767, WrapU_U<sceRtcGetCurrentTick>, "sceRtcGetCurrentTick"},
{0x011F03C1, WrapU64_V<sceRtcGetAcculumativeTime>, "sceRtcGetAccumulativeTime"},
{0x029CA3B3, WrapU64_V<sceRtcGetAcculumativeTime>, "sceRtcGetAccumlativeTime"},
{0x4cfa57b0, WrapU_UI<sceRtcGetCurrentClock>, "sceRtcGetCurrentClock"},
{0xE7C27D1B, WrapU_U<sceRtcGetCurrentClockLocalTime>, "sceRtcGetCurrentClockLocalTime"},
{0x34885E0D, WrapI_UU<sceRtcConvertUtcToLocalTime>, "sceRtcConvertUtcToLocalTime"},
{0x779242A2, WrapI_UU<sceRtcConvertLocalTimeToUTC>, "sceRtcConvertLocalTimeToUTC"},
{0x42307A17, WrapU_U<sceRtcIsLeapYear>, "sceRtcIsLeapYear"},
{0x05ef322c, WrapU_UU<sceRtcGetDaysInMonth>, "sceRtcGetDaysInMonth"},
{0x57726bc1, WrapU_UUU<sceRtcGetDayOfWeek>, "sceRtcGetDayOfWeek"},
{0x4B1B5E82, WrapI_U<sceRtcCheckValid>, "sceRtcCheckValid"},
{0x3a807cc8, WrapI_UU<sceRtcSetTime_t>, "sceRtcSetTime_t"},
{0x27c4594c, WrapI_UU<sceRtcGetTime_t>, "sceRtcGetTime_t"},
{0xF006F264, WrapI_UU<sceRtcSetDosTime>, "sceRtcSetDosTime"},
{0x36075567, WrapI_UU<sceRtcGetDosTime>, "sceRtcGetDosTime"},
{0x7ACE4C04, WrapI_UU<sceRtcSetWin32FileTime>, "sceRtcSetWin32FileTime"},
{0xCF561893, WrapI_UU<sceRtcGetWin32FileTime>, "sceRtcGetWin32FileTime"},
{0x7ED29E40, WrapU_UU<sceRtcSetTick>, "sceRtcSetTick"},
{0x6FF40ACC, WrapU_UU<sceRtcGetTick>, "sceRtcGetTick"},
{0x9ED0AE87, WrapI_UU<sceRtcCompareTick>, "sceRtcCompareTick"},
{0x44F45E05, WrapI_UUU64<sceRtcTickAddTicks>, "sceRtcTickAddTicks"},
{0x26D25A5D, WrapI_UUU64<sceRtcTickAddMicroseconds>, "sceRtcTickAddMicroseconds"},
{0xF2A4AFE5, WrapI_UUU64<sceRtcTickAddSeconds>, "sceRtcTickAddSeconds"},
{0xE6605BCA, WrapI_UUU64<sceRtcTickAddMinutes>, "sceRtcTickAddMinutes"},
{0x26D7A24A, WrapI_UUI<sceRtcTickAddHours>, "sceRtcTickAddHours"},
{0xE51B4B7A, WrapI_UUI<sceRtcTickAddDays>, "sceRtcTickAddDays"},
{0xCF3A2CA8, WrapI_UUI<sceRtcTickAddWeeks>, "sceRtcTickAddWeeks"},
{0xDBF74F1B, WrapI_UUI<sceRtcTickAddMonths>, "sceRtcTickAddMonths"},
{0x42842C77, WrapI_UUI<sceRtcTickAddYears>, "sceRtcTickAddYears"},
{0xC663B3B9, 0, "sceRtcFormatRFC2822"},
{0x7DE6711B, 0, "sceRtcFormatRFC2822LocalTime"},
{0x0498FB3C, 0, "sceRtcFormatRFC3339"},
{0x27F98543, 0, "sceRtcFormatRFC3339LocalTime"},
{0xDFBC5F16, WrapI_UU<sceRtcParseDateTime>, "sceRtcParseDateTime"},
{0x28E1E988, 0, "sceRtcParseRFC3339"},
{0xe1c93e47, WrapI_UU<sceRtcGetTime64_t>, "sceRtcGetTime64_t"},
{0x1909c99b, WrapI_UU64<sceRtcSetTime64_t>, "sceRtcSetTime64_t"},
void Register_sceRtc()
RegisterModule("sceRtc", ARRAY_SIZE(sceRtc), sceRtc);