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synced 2025-03-03 14:09:45 +00:00
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248 lines
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#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include "Common/Hashmaps.h"
#include "Common/Vulkan/VulkanContext.h"
#include "math/dataconv.h"
#include "thin3d/DataFormat.h"
class VKRFramebuffer;
struct VKRImage;
enum class VKRRenderCommand : uint8_t {
struct VkRenderData {
VKRRenderCommand cmd;
union {
struct {
VkPipeline pipeline;
} pipeline;
struct {
VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout;
VkDescriptorSet ds;
int numUboOffsets;
uint32_t uboOffsets[2];
VkBuffer vbuffer;
VkDeviceSize voffset;
uint32_t count;
} draw;
struct {
VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout;
VkDescriptorSet ds;
int numUboOffsets;
uint32_t uboOffsets[2];
VkBuffer vbuffer; // might need to increase at some point
VkDeviceSize voffset;
VkBuffer ibuffer;
VkDeviceSize ioffset;
uint32_t count;
int16_t instances;
VkIndexType indexType;
} drawIndexed;
struct {
uint32_t clearColor;
float clearZ;
int clearStencil;
int clearMask; // VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT etc
} clear;
struct {
VkViewport vp;
} viewport;
struct {
VkRect2D scissor;
} scissor;
struct {
uint8_t stencilWriteMask;
uint8_t stencilCompareMask;
uint8_t stencilRef;
} stencil;
struct {
float color[4];
} blendColor;
struct {
VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout;
VkShaderStageFlags stages;
uint8_t offset;
uint8_t size;
uint8_t data[40]; // Should be enough for now.
} push;
enum class VKRStepType : uint8_t {
enum class VKRRenderPassAction : uint8_t {
struct TransitionRequest {
VKRFramebuffer *fb;
VkImageLayout targetLayout;
struct VKRStep {
VKRStep(VKRStepType _type) : stepType(_type) {}
VKRStepType stepType;
std::vector<VkRenderData> commands;
std::vector<TransitionRequest> preTransitions;
union {
struct {
VKRFramebuffer *framebuffer;
VKRRenderPassAction color;
VKRRenderPassAction depth;
VKRRenderPassAction stencil;
uint32_t clearColor;
float clearDepth;
int clearStencil;
int numDraws;
VkImageLayout finalColorLayout;
} render;
struct {
VKRFramebuffer *src;
VKRFramebuffer *dst;
VkRect2D srcRect;
VkOffset2D dstPos;
int aspectMask;
} copy;
struct {
VKRFramebuffer *src;
VKRFramebuffer *dst;
VkRect2D srcRect;
VkRect2D dstRect;
int aspectMask;
VkFilter filter;
} blit;
struct {
int aspectMask;
VKRFramebuffer *src;
VkRect2D srcRect;
} readback;
struct {
VkImage image;
VkRect2D srcRect;
int mipLevel;
} readback_image;
class VulkanQueueRunner {
VulkanQueueRunner(VulkanContext *vulkan) : vulkan_(vulkan), renderPasses_(16) {}
void SetBackbuffer(VkFramebuffer fb, VkImage img) {
backbuffer_ = fb;
backbufferImage_ = img;
void RunSteps(VkCommandBuffer cmd, const std::vector<VKRStep *> &steps);
void LogSteps(const std::vector<VKRStep *> &steps);
void CreateDeviceObjects();
void DestroyDeviceObjects();
VkRenderPass GetBackbufferRenderPass() const {
return backbufferRenderPass_;
// Get a render pass that's compatible with all our framebuffers.
// Note that it's precached, cannot look up in the map as this might be on another thread.
VkRenderPass GetFramebufferRenderPass() const {
return framebufferRenderPass_;
inline int RPIndex(VKRRenderPassAction color, VKRRenderPassAction depth) {
return (int)depth * 3 + (int)color;
void CopyReadbackBuffer(int width, int height, Draw::DataFormat srcFormat, Draw::DataFormat destFormat, int pixelStride, uint8_t *pixels);
struct RPKey {
VKRRenderPassAction colorLoadAction;
VKRRenderPassAction depthLoadAction;
VKRRenderPassAction stencilLoadAction;
VkImageLayout prevColorLayout;
VkImageLayout prevDepthLayout;
VkImageLayout finalColorLayout;
// TODO: Also pre-transition depth, for copies etc.
// Only call this from the render thread! Also ok during initialization (LoadCache).
VkRenderPass GetRenderPass(
VKRRenderPassAction colorLoadAction, VKRRenderPassAction depthLoadAction, VKRRenderPassAction stencilLoadAction,
VkImageLayout prevColorLayout, VkImageLayout prevDepthLayout, VkImageLayout finalColorLayout) {
RPKey key{ colorLoadAction, depthLoadAction, stencilLoadAction, prevColorLayout, prevDepthLayout, finalColorLayout };
return GetRenderPass(key);
VkRenderPass GetRenderPass(const RPKey &key);
bool GetRenderPassKey(VkRenderPass passToFind, RPKey *outKey) const {
bool found = false;
renderPasses_.Iterate([passToFind, &found, outKey](const RPKey &rpkey, VkRenderPass pass) {
if (pass == passToFind) {
found = true;
*outKey = rpkey;
return found;
void InitBackbufferRenderPass();
void PerformBindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(const VKRStep &pass, VkCommandBuffer cmd);
void PerformRenderPass(const VKRStep &pass, VkCommandBuffer cmd);
void PerformCopy(const VKRStep &pass, VkCommandBuffer cmd);
void PerformBlit(const VKRStep &pass, VkCommandBuffer cmd);
void PerformReadback(const VKRStep &pass, VkCommandBuffer cmd);
void PerformReadbackImage(const VKRStep &pass, VkCommandBuffer cmd);
void LogRenderPass(const VKRStep &pass);
void LogCopy(const VKRStep &pass);
void LogBlit(const VKRStep &pass);
void LogReadback(const VKRStep &pass);
void LogReadbackImage(const VKRStep &pass);
void ResizeReadbackBuffer(VkDeviceSize requiredSize);
static void SetupTransitionToTransferSrc(VKRImage &img, VkImageMemoryBarrier &barrier, VkPipelineStageFlags &stage, VkImageAspectFlags aspect);
static void SetupTransitionToTransferDst(VKRImage &img, VkImageMemoryBarrier &barrier, VkPipelineStageFlags &stage, VkImageAspectFlags aspect);
VulkanContext *vulkan_;
VkFramebuffer backbuffer_;
VkImage backbufferImage_;
VkFramebuffer curFramebuffer_ = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkRenderPass backbufferRenderPass_ = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkRenderPass framebufferRenderPass_ = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
// Renderpasses, all combinations of preserving or clearing or dont-care-ing fb contents.
// TODO: Create these on demand.
DenseHashMap<RPKey, VkRenderPass, (VkRenderPass)VK_NULL_HANDLE> renderPasses_;
// Readback buffer. Currently we only support synchronous readback, so we only really need one.
// We size it generously.
VkDeviceMemory readbackMemory_ = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkBuffer readbackBuffer_ = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDeviceSize readbackBufferSize_ = 0;