mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 06:59:38 +00:00
1984 lines
65 KiB
1984 lines
65 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define snprintf _snprintf
#pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")
#include "base/display.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/colorutil.h"
#include "base/timeutil.h"
#include "base/NativeApp.h"
#include "i18n/i18n.h"
#include "file/vfs.h"
#include "gfx_es2/glsl_program.h"
#include "gfx_es2/gl_state.h"
#include "input/input_state.h"
#include "math/curves.h"
#include "ui/ui.h"
#include "ui/ui_context.h"
#include "ui_atlas.h"
#include "util/text/utf8.h"
#include "UIShader.h"
#include "Common/StringUtils.h"
#include "Common/KeyMap.h"
#include "Core/System.h"
#include "Core/CoreParameter.h"
#include "Core/HW/atrac3plus.h"
#include "GPU/ge_constants.h"
#include "GPU/GPUState.h"
#include "GPU/GPUInterface.h"
#include "Core/Config.h"
#include "Core/CoreParameter.h"
#include "Core/Reporting.h"
#include "Core/SaveState.h"
#include "Core/HLE/sceUtility.h"
#include "UI/MenuScreens.h"
#include "UI/GameScreen.h"
#include "UI/EmuScreen.h"
#include "UI/PluginScreen.h"
#include "UI/MainScreen.h"
#include "GameInfoCache.h"
#include "android/jni/TestRunner.h"
#ifdef USING_QT_UI
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QFile>
#include <QDir>
#ifdef _WIN32
namespace MainWindow {
extern HWND hwndMain;
void BrowseAndBoot(std::string defaultPath);
#if !defined(nullptr)
#define nullptr NULL
// Ugly communication with NativeApp
extern std::string game_title;
// Detect jailbreak for iOS(Non-jailbreak iDevice doesn't support JIT)
#ifdef IOS
extern bool isJailed;
static const int symbols[4] = {
static const uint32_t colors[4] = {
void DrawBackground(float alpha) {
static float xbase[100] = {0};
static float ybase[100] = {0};
static int last_dp_xres = 0;
static int last_dp_yres = 0;
if (xbase[0] == 0.0f || last_dp_xres != dp_xres || last_dp_yres != dp_yres) {
GMRng rng;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
xbase[i] = rng.F() * dp_xres;
ybase[i] = rng.F() * dp_yres;
last_dp_xres = dp_xres;
last_dp_yres = dp_yres;
glstate.colorMask.set(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE);
ui_draw2d.DrawImageStretch(I_BG, 0, 0, dp_xres, dp_yres);
float t = time_now();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
float x = xbase[i];
float y = ybase[i] + 40*cos(i * 7.2 + t * 1.3);
float angle = sin(i + t);
int n = i & 3;
ui_draw2d.DrawImageRotated(symbols[n], x, y, 1.0f, angle, colorAlpha(colors[n], alpha * 0.1f));
// For private alphas, etc.
void DrawWatermark() {
// ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU24, "PRIVATE BUILD", dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFF0000FF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
void LogoScreen::update(InputState &input_state) {
if (frames_ > 180 || input_state.pointer_down[0]) {
if (bootFilename_.size()) {
screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(bootFilename_));
} else {
if (g_Config.bNewUI)
screenManager()->switchScreen(new MainScreen());
screenManager()->switchScreen(new MenuScreen());
void LogoScreen::sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) {
if (!strcmp(message, "boot")) {
screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(value));
void LogoScreen::render() {
float t = (float)frames_ / 60.0f;
float alpha = t;
if (t > 1.0f) alpha = 1.0f;
float alphaText = alpha;
if (t > 2.0f) alphaText = 3.0f - t;
I18NCategory *c = GetI18NCategory("PSPCredits");
char temp[256];
sprintf(temp, "%s Henrik Rydgård", c->T("created", "Created by"));
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU48, "PPSSPP", dp_xres / 2, dp_yres / 2 - 30, colorAlpha(0xFFFFFFFF, alphaText), ALIGN_CENTER);
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, temp, dp_xres / 2, dp_yres / 2 + 40, colorAlpha(0xFFFFFFFF, alphaText), ALIGN_CENTER);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, c->T("license", "Free Software under GPL 2.0"), dp_xres / 2, dp_yres / 2 + 70, colorAlpha(0xFFFFFFFF, alphaText), ALIGN_CENTER);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, "www.ppsspp.org", dp_xres / 2, dp_yres / 2 + 130, colorAlpha(0xFFFFFFFF, alphaText), ALIGN_CENTER);
if (bootFilename_.size()) {
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, bootFilename_.c_str(), dp_xres / 2, dp_yres / 2 + 180, colorAlpha(0xFFFFFFFF, alphaText), ALIGN_CENTER);
// ==================
// Menu Screen
// ==================
MenuScreen::MenuScreen() : frames_(0) {
// If first run, let's show the user an easy way to access the atrac3plus download screen.
showAtracShortcut_ = g_Config.bFirstRun && !Atrac3plus_Decoder::IsInstalled();
void MenuScreen::dialogFinished(const Screen *dialog, DialogResult result) {
showAtracShortcut_ = showAtracShortcut_ && !Atrac3plus_Decoder::IsInstalled();
void MenuScreen::update(InputState &input_state) {
globalUIState = UISTATE_MENU;
void MenuScreen::sendMessage(const char *message, const char *value) {
if (!strcmp(message, "boot")) {
screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(value));
void MenuScreen::render() {
double xoff = 150 - frames_ * frames_ * 0.4f;
if (xoff < -20)
xoff = -20;
if (frames_ > 200) // seems the above goes nuts after a while...
xoff = -20;
int w = LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 70;
ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU48, "PPSSPP", dp_xres + xoff - w/2, 75, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_BOTTOM);
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(0.7f, 0.7f);
ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU24, PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION, dp_xres + xoff, 95, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM);
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
VLinear vlinear(dp_xres + xoff, 100, 20);
I18NCategory *m = GetI18NCategory("MainMenu");
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, m->T("Load", "Load..."), ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
#if defined(USING_QT_UI) && !defined(MEEGO_EDITION_HARMATTAN)
QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(NULL, "Load ROM", g_Config.currentDirectory.c_str(), "PSP ROMs (*.iso *.cso *.pbp *.elf)");
if (QFile::exists(fileName)) {
QDir newPath;
g_Config.currentDirectory = newPath.filePath(fileName).toStdString();
screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(fileName.toStdString()));
#elif _WIN32
FileSelectScreenOptions options;
options.allowChooseDirectory = true;
options.filter = "iso:cso:pbp:elf:prx:";
options.folderIcon = I_ICON_FOLDER;
options.iconMapping["iso"] = I_ICON_UMD;
options.iconMapping["cso"] = I_ICON_UMD;
options.iconMapping["pbp"] = I_ICON_EXE;
options.iconMapping["elf"] = I_ICON_EXE;
screenManager()->switchScreen(new FileSelectScreen(options));
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, m->T("Settings"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
screenManager()->push(new SettingsScreen(), 0);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, m->T("Credits"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
screenManager()->push(new CreditsScreen());
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, m->T("Exit"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
// TODO: Need a more elegant way to quit
#ifdef _WIN32
PostMessage(MainWindow::hwndMain, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
// TODO: Save when setting changes, rather than when we quit
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, "www.ppsspp.org", ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
// Skip the forum button if screen too small. Will be redesigned in new UI later.
if (dp_yres > 510) {
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, "forums.ppsspp.org", ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
if (showAtracShortcut_) {
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(10,dp_yres - 10), 500, 50, "Download audio plugin", ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
screenManager()->push(new PluginScreen());
int recentW = 350;
if (g_Config.recentIsos.size()) {
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, m->T("Recent"), -xoff, 80, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT);
int spacing = 15;
float textureButtonWidth = 144;
float textureButtonHeight = 80;
if (dp_yres < 480)
spacing = 8;
int extraSpace = 0;
if (showAtracShortcut_)
extraSpace = 60;
if (showAtracShortcut_)
// On small screens, we can't fit four vertically.
if (100 + spacing * 6 + textureButtonHeight * 4 > dp_yres) {
textureButtonHeight = (dp_yres - 100 - spacing * 6) / 4;
textureButtonWidth = (textureButtonHeight / 80) * 144;
VGrid vgrid_recent(-xoff, 100, std::min(dp_yres-spacing*2-extraSpace, 480), spacing, spacing);
for (size_t i = 0; i < g_Config.recentIsos.size(); i++) {
std::string filename;
std::string rec = g_Config.recentIsos[i];
for (size_t j = 0; j < rec.size(); j++)
if (rec[j] == '\\') rec[j] = '/';
SplitPath(rec, nullptr, &filename, nullptr);
UIContext *ctx = screenManager()->getUIContext();
// This might create a texture so we must flush first.
GameInfo *ginfo = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(g_Config.recentIsos[i], false);
if (ginfo) {
u32 color;
if (ginfo->iconTexture == 0) {
color = 0;
} else {
color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timeIconWasLoaded) * 2));
if (UITextureButton(ctx, (int)GEN_ID_LOOP(i), vgrid_recent, textureButtonWidth, textureButtonHeight, ginfo->iconTexture, ALIGN_LEFT, color, I_DROP_SHADOW)) {
// To try some new UI, enable this.
// screenManager()->switchScreen(new GameScreen(g_Config.recentIsos[i]));
screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(g_Config.recentIsos[i]));
} else {
if (UIButton((int)GEN_ID_LOOP(i), vgrid_recent, textureButtonWidth, textureButtonHeight, filename.c_str(), ALIGN_LEFT)) {
// screenManager()->switchScreen(new GameScreen(g_Config.recentIsos[i]));
screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(g_Config.recentIsos[i]));
#if defined(_DEBUG) & defined(_WIN32)
// Print the current dp_xres/yres in the corner. For UI scaling testing - just
// resize to 800x480 to get an idea of what it will look like on a Nexus S.
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(0.6, 0.6);
char temptext[64];
sprintf(temptext, "%ix%i", dp_xres, dp_yres);
ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU24, temptext, 5, dp_yres-5, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT);
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0, 1.0);
void PauseScreen::update(InputState &input) {
if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
void PauseScreen::sendMessage(const char *msg, const char *value) {
if (!strcmp(msg, "run")) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
} else if (!strcmp(msg, "stop")) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
void PauseScreen::render() {
std::string title = game_title.c_str();
// Try to ignore (tm) etc.
//if (UTF8StringNonASCIICount(game_title.c_str()) > 2) {
// title = "(can't display japanese title)";
//} else {
UIContext *ctx = screenManager()->getUIContext();
// This might create a texture so we must flush first.
GameInfo *ginfo = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(PSP_CoreParameter().fileToStart, true);
if (ginfo) {
title = ginfo->title;
if (ginfo && ginfo->pic1Texture) {
uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timePic1WasLoaded) * 3)) & 0xFFc0c0c0;
ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(0,0,dp_xres, dp_yres, 0,0,1,1,color);
if (ginfo && ginfo->pic0Texture) {
// Pic0 is drawn in the bottom right corner, overlaying pic1.
float sizeX = dp_xres / 480 * ginfo->pic0Texture->Width();
float sizeY = dp_yres / 272 * ginfo->pic0Texture->Height();
uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timePic1WasLoaded) * 2)) & 0xFFc0c0c0;
ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(dp_xres - sizeX, dp_yres - sizeY, dp_xres, dp_yres, 0,0,1,1,color);
if (ginfo && ginfo->iconTexture) {
uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timeIconWasLoaded) * 1.5));
// Maintain the icon's aspect ratio. Minis are square, for example.
float iconAspect = (float)ginfo->iconTexture->Width() / (float)ginfo->iconTexture->Height();
float h = 80.0f;
float w = 144.0f;
float x = 10.0f + (w - h * iconAspect) / 2.0f;
w = h * iconAspect;
ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(x, 10, x + w, 10 + h, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, title.c_str(), 10+144+10, 30, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
I18NCategory *i = GetI18NCategory("Pause");
VLinear vlinear(dp_xres - 10, 100, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 40, 0, i->T("Continue"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 40, 0, i->T("Settings"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
screenManager()->push(new SettingsScreen(), 0);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 40, 0, i->T("Back to Menu"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH*2, 0, "Debug: Dump Next Frame", ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT)) {
int x = 30;
int y = 60;
int stride = 40;
int columnw = 400;
// Shared with settings
I18NCategory *ss = GetI18NCategory("System");
I18NCategory *gs = GetI18NCategory("Graphics");
I18NCategory *a = GetI18NCategory("Audio");
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, a->T("Enable Sound"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bEnableSound);
// TODO: Maybe shouldn't show this if the screen ratios are very close...
if (pixel_xres == pixel_yres)
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Partial Vertical Stretch"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bPartialStretch);
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Stretch to Display"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bStretchToDisplay);
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Hardware Transform"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bHardwareTransform);
if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Buffered Rendering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bBufferedRendering)) {
if (gpu)
if (g_Config.bBufferedRendering) {
bool memory = !g_Config.bFramebuffersToMem;
if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x + 60, y += stride, gs->T("Skip Updating PSP Memory"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &memory)) {
if (gpu)
g_Config.bFramebuffersToMem = memory ? 0 : 1;
if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x + 60, y += stride, gs->T("AA", "Anti-Aliasing"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.SSAntiAliasing)) {
if (gpu)
bool enableFrameSkip = g_Config.iFrameSkip != 0;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride , gs->T("Frame Skipping"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &enableFrameSkip);
if (enableFrameSkip) {
if (g_Config.iFrameSkip == 0)
g_Config.iFrameSkip = 3;
char showFrameSkip[256];
sprintf(showFrameSkip, "%s %d", gs->T("Frames :"), g_Config.iFrameSkip);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showFrameSkip, x + 60, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear2(x + 220, y, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 80, 0, gs->T("Auto"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iFrameSkip = 3;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 40, 0, gs->T("-1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iFrameSkip > 1)
g_Config.iFrameSkip -= 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 40, 0, gs->T("+1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iFrameSkip < 9)
g_Config.iFrameSkip += 1;
} else
g_Config.iFrameSkip = 0;
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Save State :"), 30, y += 40, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear4(x + 180 , y , 10);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear4, 60, 0, "1", ALIGN_LEFT)) {
SaveState::SaveSlot(0, 0, 0);
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear4, 60, 0, "2", ALIGN_LEFT)) {
SaveState::SaveSlot(1, 0, 0);
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear4, 60, 0, "3", ALIGN_LEFT)) {
SaveState::SaveSlot(2, 0, 0);
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear4, 60, 0, "4", ALIGN_LEFT)) {
SaveState::SaveSlot(3, 0, 0);
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear4, 60, 0, "5", ALIGN_LEFT)) {
SaveState::SaveSlot(4, 0, 0);
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, gs->T("Load State :"), 30, y += 60, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear3(x + 180 , y + 10 , 10);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear3, 60, 0, "1", ALIGN_LEFT)) {
SaveState::LoadSlot(0, 0, 0);
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear3, 60, 0, "2", ALIGN_LEFT)) {
SaveState::LoadSlot(1, 0, 0);
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear3, 60, 0, "3", ALIGN_LEFT)) {
SaveState::LoadSlot(2, 0, 0);
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear3, 60, 0, "4", ALIGN_LEFT)) {
SaveState::LoadSlot(3, 0, 0);
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear3, 60, 0, "5", ALIGN_LEFT)) {
SaveState::LoadSlot(4, 0, 0);
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_CANCEL);
void SettingsScreen::update(InputState &input) {
globalUIState = UISTATE_MENU;
if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
void SettingsScreen::render() {
I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
I18NCategory *ms = GetI18NCategory("MainSettings");
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, ms->T("Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
VLinear vlinear(30, 135, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres-10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
const int stride = 70;
int w = LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 25;
int s = 270;
int y = 90;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, ms->T("Audio"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
screenManager()->push(new AudioScreen());
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, ms->T("AudioDesc", "Adjust Audio Settings"), s, y, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, ms->T("Graphics"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
screenManager()->push(new GraphicsScreenP1());
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, ms->T("GraphicsDesc", "Change graphics options"), s, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, ms->T("System"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
screenManager()->push(new SystemScreen());
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, ms->T("SystemDesc", "Turn on Dynarec (JIT), Fast Memory"), s, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, ms->T("Controls"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
screenManager()->push(new ControlsScreen());
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, ms->T("ControlsDesc", "On Screen Controls, Large Buttons"), s, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, w, 0, ms->T("Developer"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
screenManager()->push(new DeveloperScreen());
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, ms->T("DeveloperDesc", "Run CPU test, Dump Next Frame Log"), s, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
// TODO: Move these into a superclass
void DeveloperScreen::update(InputState &input) {
if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
void AudioScreen::update(InputState &input) {
if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
void GraphicsScreenP1::update(InputState &input) {
if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
void GraphicsScreenP2::update(InputState &input) {
if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
void GraphicsScreenP3::update(InputState &input) {
if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
void SystemScreen::update(InputState &input) {
if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
void ControlsScreen::update(InputState &input) {
if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
void KeyMappingNewKeyDialog::key(const KeyInput &key) {
if (key.flags & KEY_DOWN) {
last_kb_deviceid = key.deviceId;
last_kb_key = key.keyCode;
void KeyMappingNewKeyDialog::update(InputState &input) {
if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
void LanguageScreen::update(InputState &input) {
if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
void DeveloperScreen::render() {
I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
I18NCategory *d = GetI18NCategory("Developer");
I18NCategory *s = GetI18NCategory("System");
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, d->T("Developer Tools"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
int x = 50;
int y = 40;
const int stride = 40;
const int w = 400;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Show Debug Statistics"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bShowDebugStats);
bool reportingEnabled = Reporting::IsEnabled();
const static std::string reportHostOfficial = "report.ppsspp.org";
if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, d->T("Report","Enable Compatibility Server Reports"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &reportingEnabled)) {
g_Config.sReportHost = reportingEnabled ? reportHostOfficial : "";
VLinear vlinear(x, y + stride + 12, 16);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 80, 0, d->T("Load language ini"), ALIGN_LEFT)) {
// After this, g and s are no longer valid. Need to reload them.
g = GetI18NCategory("General");
d = GetI18NCategory("Developer");
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 80, 0, d->T("Save language ini"), ALIGN_LEFT)) {
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 80, 0, d->T("Run CPU Tests"), ALIGN_LEFT)) {
// TODO: Run tests
// screenManager()->push(new EmuScreen())
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 80, 0, d->T("Dump next frame"), ALIGN_LEFT)) {
void AudioScreen::render() {
I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
I18NCategory *a = GetI18NCategory("Audio");
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, a->T("Audio Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres-10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
int x = 30;
int y = 35;
int stride = 40;
int columnw = 400;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, a->T("Enable Sound"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bEnableSound);
if (g_Config.bEnableSound) {
if (Atrac3plus_Decoder::IsInstalled()) {
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, a->T("Enable Atrac3+"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bEnableAtrac3plus);
} else {
VLinear vlinear(30, 250, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, vlinear, 400, 0, a->T("Download Atrac3+ plugin"), ALIGN_LEFT)) {
screenManager()->push(new PluginScreen());
char bgmvol[256];
sprintf(bgmvol, "%s %i", a->T("BGM Volume :"), g_Config.iBGMVolume);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, bgmvol, x, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear1(x + 250, y, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, a->T("Auto"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iBGMVolume = 3;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 50, 0, a->T("-1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iBGMVolume > 1)
g_Config.iBGMVolume -= 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 50, 0, a->T("+1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iBGMVolume < 8)
g_Config.iBGMVolume += 1;
char sevol[256];
sprintf(sevol, "%s %i", a->T("SE Volume :"), g_Config.iSEVolume);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, sevol, x, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear2(x + 250, y, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 80, 0, a->T("Auto"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iSEVolume = 3;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 50, 0, a->T("-1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iSEVolume > 1)
g_Config.iSEVolume -= 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 50, 0, a->T("+1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iSEVolume < 8)
g_Config.iSEVolume += 1;
} else
g_Config.bEnableAtrac3plus = false;
void GraphicsScreenP1::render() {
I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
I18NCategory *gs = GetI18NCategory("Graphics");
char temp[256];
sprintf(temp, "%s 1/3", gs->T("Graphics Settings"));
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, temp, dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
HLinear hlinear(10, dp_yres - 10, 20.0f);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 10, 0, g->T("Prev Page"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
screenManager()->switchScreen(new GraphicsScreenP3());
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 10, 0, g->T("Next Page"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
screenManager()->switchScreen(new GraphicsScreenP2());
int x = 30;
int y = 35;
int stride = 40;
int columnw = 400;
#ifndef __SYMBIAN32__
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Hardware Transform"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bHardwareTransform);
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Vertex Cache"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bVertexCache);
#ifndef __SYMBIAN32__
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Stream VBO"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bUseVBO);
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Mipmapping"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bMipMap);
#ifdef _WIN32
bool Vsync = g_Config.iVSyncInterval != 0;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("VSync"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &Vsync);
g_Config.iVSyncInterval = Vsync ? 1 : 0;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Fullscreen"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bFullScreen);
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Display Raw Framebuffer"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bDisplayFramebuffer);
if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Buffered Rendering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bBufferedRendering)) {
if (gpu)
if (g_Config.bBufferedRendering) {
bool memory = !g_Config.bFramebuffersToMem;
if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x + 60, y += stride, gs->T("Skip Updating PSP Memory"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &memory)) {
if (gpu)
g_Config.bFramebuffersToMem = memory ? 0 : 1;
if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x + 60, y += stride, gs->T("AA", "Anti-Aliasing"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.SSAntiAliasing)) {
if (gpu)
void GraphicsScreenP2::render() {
I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
I18NCategory *gs = GetI18NCategory("Graphics");
char temp[256];
sprintf(temp, "%s 2/3", gs->T("Graphics Settings"));
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, temp, dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
HLinear hlinear(10, dp_yres - 10, 20.0f);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 10, 0, g->T("Prev Page"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
screenManager()->switchScreen(new GraphicsScreenP1());
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 10, 0, g->T("Next Page"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
screenManager()->switchScreen(new GraphicsScreenP3());
int x = 30;
int y = 35;
int stride = 40;
int columnw = 400;
bool AnisotropicFiltering = g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel != 0;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Anisotropic Filtering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &AnisotropicFiltering);
if (AnisotropicFiltering) {
if (g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel == 0)
g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 2;
char showAF[256];
sprintf(showAF, "%s %dx", gs->T("Level :"), g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showAF, x + 60, (y += stride) , 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear1(x + 250, y , 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, gs->T("2x"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 2;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, gs->T("4x"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 4;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, gs->T("8x"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 8;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, gs->T("16x"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 16;
y += 20;
} else
g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 0;
bool TexFiltering = g_Config.iTexFiltering > 1;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Texture Filtering"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &TexFiltering);
if (TexFiltering) {
if (g_Config.iTexFiltering <= 1)
g_Config.iTexFiltering = 2;
char showType[256];
std::string type;
switch (g_Config.iTexFiltering) {
case 2: type = "Nearest";break;
case 3: type = "Linear";break;
case 4: type = "Linear(CG)";break;
sprintf(showType, "%s %s", gs->T("Type :"), type.c_str());
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showType, x + 60, (y += stride) , 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear1(x + 300, y, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 170, 0, gs->T("Nearest"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iTexFiltering = 2;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 170, 0, gs->T("Linear"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iTexFiltering = 3;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 170, 0, gs->T("Linear(CG)"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iTexFiltering = 4;
y += 20;
} else
g_Config.iTexFiltering = 0;
bool TexScaling = g_Config.iTexScalingLevel > 1;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Texture Scaling"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &TexScaling);
if (TexScaling) {
if (g_Config.iTexScalingLevel <= 1)
g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 2;
char showType[256];
std::string type;
switch (g_Config.iTexScalingType) {
case 0: type = "xBRZ";break;
case 1: type = "Hybrid";break;
case 2: type = "Bicubic";break;
case 3: type = "H+B";break;
sprintf(showType, "%s %s", gs->T("Type :"), type.c_str());
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showType, x + 60, (y += stride) , 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear1(x + 250, y, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, gs->T("xBRZ"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iTexScalingType = 0;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 120, 0, gs->T("Hybrid", "(H)ybrid"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iTexScalingType = 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 130, 0, gs->T("Bicubic", "(B)icubic"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iTexScalingType = 2;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, gs->T("H+B", "H+B"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iTexScalingType = 3;
y += 20;
char showLevel[256];
sprintf(showLevel, "%s %dx", gs->T("Level :"), g_Config.iTexScalingLevel);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showLevel, x + 60, (y += stride) , 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear2(x + 250, y, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 45, 0, gs->T("2x"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 2;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 45, 0, gs->T("3x"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 3;
#ifdef _WIN32
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 45, 0, gs->T("4x"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 4;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 45, 0, gs->T("5x"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 5;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x + 60, y += stride + 20, gs->T("Deposterize"), ALIGN_LEFT, &g_Config.bTexDeposterize);
} else
g_Config.iTexScalingLevel = 1;
void GraphicsScreenP3::render() {
I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
I18NCategory *gs = GetI18NCategory("Graphics");
char temp[256];
sprintf(temp, "%s 3/3", gs->T("Graphics Settings"));
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, temp, dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
HLinear hlinear(10, dp_yres - 10, 20.0f);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 10, 0, g->T("Prev Page"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
screenManager()->switchScreen(new GraphicsScreenP2());
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 10, 0, g->T("Next Page"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
screenManager()->switchScreen(new GraphicsScreenP1());
int x = 30;
int y = 35;
int stride = 40;
int columnw = 400;
bool ForceMaxEmulatedFPS60 = g_Config.iForceMaxEmulatedFPS == 60;
if (UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Force 60 FPS or less"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &ForceMaxEmulatedFPS60))
g_Config.iForceMaxEmulatedFPS = ForceMaxEmulatedFPS60 ? 60 : 0;
bool ShowCounter = g_Config.iShowFPSCounter > 0;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Show speed / internal FPS"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &ShowCounter);
if (ShowCounter) {
#ifdef _WIN32
const int checkboxH = 32;
const int checkboxH = 48;
ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU24, gs->T("(60.0 is full speed, internal FPS depends on game)"), x + UI_SPACE + 29, (y += stride) + checkboxH / 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_VCENTER);
if (g_Config.iShowFPSCounter <= 0)
g_Config.iShowFPSCounter = 1;
const char *type;
switch (g_Config.iShowFPSCounter) {
case 1: type = gs->T("Display: Speed"); break;
case 2: type = gs->T("Display: FPS"); break;
case 3: type = gs->T("Display: Both"); break;
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, type, x + 60, y += stride , 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear1(x + 260, y, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 100, 0, gs->T("Speed"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iShowFPSCounter = 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 100, 0, gs->T("FPS"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iShowFPSCounter = 2;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 100, 0, gs->T("Both"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iShowFPSCounter = 3;
y += 20;
} else
g_Config.iShowFPSCounter = 0;
bool FpsLimit = g_Config.iFpsLimit != 0;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, gs->T("Toggled Speed Limit"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &FpsLimit);
if (FpsLimit) {
if (g_Config.iFpsLimit == 0)
g_Config.iFpsLimit = 60;
char showFps[256];
sprintf(showFps, "%s %d", gs->T("Speed :"), g_Config.iFpsLimit);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showFps, x + 60, y += stride , 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear1(x + 260, y, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 100, 0, gs->T("Auto"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iFpsLimit = 60;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 50, 0, gs->T("-1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if(g_Config.iFpsLimit > 10)
g_Config.iFpsLimit -= 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 50, 0, gs->T("+1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if(g_Config.iFrameSkip < 240)
g_Config.iFpsLimit += 1;
y += 20;
} else
g_Config.iFpsLimit = 0;
bool enableFrameSkip = g_Config.iFrameSkip != 0;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride , gs->T("Frame Skipping"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &enableFrameSkip);
if (enableFrameSkip) {
if (g_Config.iFrameSkip == 0)
g_Config.iFrameSkip = 3;
char showFrameSkip[256];
sprintf(showFrameSkip, "%s %d", gs->T("Frames :"), g_Config.iFrameSkip);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showFrameSkip, x + 60, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear2(x + 250, y, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 80, 0, gs->T("Auto"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iFrameSkip = 3;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 40, 0, gs->T("-1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iFrameSkip > 1)
g_Config.iFrameSkip -= 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 40, 0, gs->T("+1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iFrameSkip < 9)
g_Config.iFrameSkip += 1;
y += 20;
} else
g_Config.iFrameSkip = 0;
#ifdef ANDROID
VFSGetFileListing("assets/lang", &langs_, "ini");
VFSGetFileListing("lang", &langs_, "ini");
void LanguageScreen::render() {
I18NCategory *s = GetI18NCategory("System");
I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
I18NCategory *l = GetI18NCategory("Language");
bool small = dp_xres < 790;
if (!small) {
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, s->T("Language"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres-10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
int buttonW = LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH - 30;
if (small) {
buttonW = LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH - 50;
VGrid vlang(20, small ? 20 : 100, dp_yres - 50, 10, 10);
std::string text;
for (size_t i = 0; i < langs_.size(); i++) {
// Skip README
if (langs_[i].name.find("README") != std::string::npos) {
std::string code;
size_t dot = langs_[i].name.find('.');
if (dot != std::string::npos)
code = langs_[i].name.substr(0, dot);
std::string buttonTitle = langs_[i].name;
langValuesMapping["ja_JP"] = std::make_pair("日本語", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_JAPANESE);
langValuesMapping["en_US"] = std::make_pair("English",PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
langValuesMapping["fr_FR"] = std::make_pair("Français", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_FRENCH);
langValuesMapping["es_ES"] = std::make_pair("Castellano", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_SPANISH);
langValuesMapping["es_LA"] = std::make_pair("Latino", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_SPANISH);
langValuesMapping["de_DE"] = std::make_pair("Deutsch", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_GERMAN);
langValuesMapping["it_IT"] = std::make_pair("Italiano", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN);
langValuesMapping["nl_NL"] = std::make_pair("Nederlands", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_DUTCH);
langValuesMapping["pt_PT"] = std::make_pair("Português", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE);
langValuesMapping["pt_BR"] = std::make_pair("Brasileiro", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE);
langValuesMapping["ru_RU"] = std::make_pair("Русский", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN);
langValuesMapping["ko_KR"] = std::make_pair("한국어", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_KOREAN);
langValuesMapping["zh_TW"] = std::make_pair("繁體中文", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL);
langValuesMapping["zh_CN"] = std::make_pair("简体中文", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED);
//langValuesMapping["ar_AE"] = std::make_pair("العربية", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
langValuesMapping["az_AZ"] = std::make_pair("Azeri", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
langValuesMapping["ca_ES"] = std::make_pair("Català", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
langValuesMapping["gr_EL"] = std::make_pair("ελληνικά", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
langValuesMapping["he_IL"] = std::make_pair("עברית", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
langValuesMapping["hu_HU"] = std::make_pair("Magyar", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
langValuesMapping["id_ID"] = std::make_pair("Indonesia", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
langValuesMapping["pl_PL"] = std::make_pair("Polski", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
langValuesMapping["ro_RO"] = std::make_pair("Român", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
langValuesMapping["sv_SE"] = std::make_pair("Svenska", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
langValuesMapping["tr_TR"] = std::make_pair("Türk", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
langValuesMapping["uk_UA"] = std::make_pair("Українська", PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
if (!code.empty()) {
if(langValuesMapping.find(code) == langValuesMapping.end()) {
// No title found, show locale code
buttonTitle = code;
} else {
buttonTitle = langValuesMapping[code].first;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID_LOOP(i), vlang, buttonW, 0, buttonTitle.c_str(), ALIGN_TOPLEFT)) {
std::string oldLang = g_Config.languageIni;
g_Config.languageIni = code;
if (i18nrepo.LoadIni(g_Config.languageIni)) {
// Dunno what else to do here.
if(langValuesMapping.find(code) == langValuesMapping.end()) {
//Fallback to English
} else {
g_Config.ilanguage = langValuesMapping[code].second;
// After this, g and s are no longer valid. Let's return, some flicker is okay.
g = GetI18NCategory("General");
s = GetI18NCategory("System");
l = GetI18NCategory("Language");
} else {
g_Config.languageIni = oldLang;
void SystemScreen::render() {
I18NCategory *s = GetI18NCategory("System");
I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, s->T("System Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
int x = 30;
int y = 35;
int stride = 40;
int columnw = 400;
#ifdef IOS
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Dynarec", "Dynarec (JIT)"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bJit);
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("DynarecisJailed", "Dynarec (JIT) - (Not jailbroken - JIT not available)"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bJit);
g_Config.bJit = false;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Dynarec", "Dynarec (JIT)"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bJit);
if (g_Config.bJit)
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Fast Memory", "Fast Memory (unstable)"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bFastMemory);
bool LockCPUSpeed = g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed != 0;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Unlock CPU Clock"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &LockCPUSpeed);
if(LockCPUSpeed) {
if(g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed <= 0)
g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed = 222;
char showCPUSpeed[256];
sprintf(showCPUSpeed, "%s %d", s->T("Frequency :"), g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showCPUSpeed, x + 60, y += stride, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear1(x + 300, y, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, s->T("Auto"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed = 222;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 40, 0, s->T("-1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed > 1)
g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed -= 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 40, 0, s->T("+1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed < 666)
g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed += 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, s->T("-10"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed > 1)
g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed -= 10;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, s->T("+10"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed < 666)
g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed += 10;
y += 10;
g_Config.iLockedCPUSpeed = 0;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Enable Cheats"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bEnableCheats);
if (g_Config.bEnableCheats) {
HLinear hlinear1(x + 60, y += stride, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH + 50, 0, s->T("Reload Cheats"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT))
g_Config.bReloadCheats = true;
y += 10;
y += 10;
char lang[256];
std::string type;
switch (g_Config.ilanguage) {
case 0: type = "日本語";break;
case 1: type = "English";break;
case 2: type = "Français";break;
case 3: type = "Castellano";break;
case 4: type = "Deutsch";break;
case 5: type = "Italiano";break;
case 6: type = "Nederlands";break;
case 7: type = "Português";break;
case 8: type = "Русский";break;
case 9: type = "한국어";break;
case 10: type = "繁體中文";break;
case 11: type = "简体中文";break;
sprintf(lang, "%s %s", s->T("System Language :"), type.c_str());
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, lang, x, y += stride , 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear3(x + 400, y, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear3, 220, 0, s->T("Language"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT)) {
screenManager()->push(new LanguageScreen());
const char *buttonPreferenceTitle;
switch (g_Config.iButtonPreference) {
buttonPreferenceTitle = s->T("Button Pref : O to Confirm");
buttonPreferenceTitle = s->T("Button Pref : X to Confirm");
#ifdef _WIN32
const int checkboxH = 32;
const int checkboxH = 48;
ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU24, buttonPreferenceTitle, x, (y += stride) + checkboxH / 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_VCENTER);
// 29 is the width of the checkbox, new UI will replace.
HLinear hlinearButtonPref(x + 400, y, 10);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinearButtonPref, 105, 0, s->T("Use O"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iButtonPreference = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_BUTTON_CIRCLE;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinearButtonPref, 105, 0, s->T("Use X"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iButtonPreference = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_BUTTON_CROSS;
y += 20;
char recents[256];
sprintf(recents, "%s %i", s->T("Max. No of Recents :"), g_Config.iMaxRecent);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, recents, x, y += stride , 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear2(x + 400, y, 10);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 50, 0, s->T("-1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iMaxRecent > 4)
g_Config.iMaxRecent -= 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 50, 0, s->T("+1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iMaxRecent < 40)
g_Config.iMaxRecent += 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear2, 100, 0, s->T("Clear"), ALIGN_LEFT)) {
y += 20;
bool time = g_Config.iTimeFormat > 0 ;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Time Format"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &time);
if (time) {
if (g_Config.iTimeFormat <= 0)
g_Config.iTimeFormat = 1;
char button[256];
std::string type;
switch (g_Config.iTimeFormat) {
case 1: type = "12HR";break;
case 2: type = "24HR";break;
sprintf(button, "%s %s", s->T("Format :"), type.c_str());
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, button, x + 60, y += stride , 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear1(x + 280, y, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, s->T("12HR"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iTimeFormat = 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, s->T("24HR"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iTimeFormat = 2;
y += 10;
} else
g_Config.iTimeFormat = 0 ;
bool date = g_Config.iDateFormat > 0;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, s->T("Date Format"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &date);
if (date) {
if (g_Config.iDateFormat <= 0)
g_Config.iDateFormat = 1;
char button[256];
std::string type;
switch (g_Config.iDateFormat) {
case 1: type = "YYYYMMDD";break;
case 2: type = "MMDDYYYY";break;
case 3: type = "DDMMYYYY";break;
sprintf(button, "%s %s", s->T("Format :"), type.c_str());
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, button, x + 60, y += stride , 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear1(x + 350, y, 10);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 70, 0, s->T("YMD"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iDateFormat = 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 70, 0, s->T("MDY"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iDateFormat = 2;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 70, 0, s->T("DMY"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iDateFormat = 3;
y += 10;
} else
g_Config.iDateFormat = 0;
void ControlsScreen::render() {
I18NCategory *c = GetI18NCategory("Controls");
I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, c->T("Controls Settings"), dp_xres / 2, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
int x = 30;
int y = 35;
int stride = 40;
int columnw = 440;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, c->T("OnScreen", "On-Screen Touch Controls"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bShowTouchControls);
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, c->T("Tilt", "Tilt to Analog (horizontal)"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bAccelerometerToAnalogHoriz);
if (g_Config.bShowTouchControls) {
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, c->T("Show Left Analog Stick"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bShowAnalogStick);
bool rightstick = g_Config.iRightStickBind > 0;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, c->T("Bind Right Analog Stick"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &rightstick);
if (rightstick) {
if (g_Config.iRightStickBind <= 0 )
g_Config.iRightStickBind = 1;
char showType[256];
std::string type;
switch (g_Config.iRightStickBind) {
case 1: type = "Arrow Buttons";break;
case 2: type = "Face Buttons";break;
case 3: type = "L/R";break;
case 4: type = "L/R + Triangle/Cross";break;
sprintf(showType, "%s %s", c->T("Target :"), type.c_str());
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, showType, x + 60, (y += stride) , 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear1(x + 60 , y+= stride + 5, 10);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 200, 0, c->T("Arrow Buttons"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iRightStickBind = 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 200, 0, c->T("Face Buttons"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iRightStickBind = 2;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, c->T("L/R"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iRightStickBind = 3;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 280, 0, c->T("L/R + Triangle/Cross"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iRightStickBind = 4;
y += 20;
} else
g_Config.iRightStickBind = 0;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, c->T("Buttons Scaling"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &g_Config.bLargeControls);
if (g_Config.bLargeControls) {
char scale[256];
sprintf(scale, "%s %0.2f", c->T("Scale :"), g_Config.fButtonScale);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, scale, x + 60, y += stride , 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear1(x + 250, y, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, c->T("Auto"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.fButtonScale = 1.15;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, c->T("-0.1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.fButtonScale > 1.15)
g_Config.fButtonScale -= 0.1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 60, 0, c->T("+0.1"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.fButtonScale < 2.05)
g_Config.fButtonScale += 0.1;
y += 20;
// This will be a slider in the new UI later
bool bTransparent = g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity < 65;
bool prev = bTransparent;
UICheckBox(GEN_ID, x, y += stride, c->T("Buttons Opacity"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT, &bTransparent);
if (bTransparent) {
char opacity[256];
sprintf(opacity, "%s %d", c->T("Opacity :"), g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, opacity, x + 60, y += stride , 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
HLinear hlinear1(x + 250, y, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 80, 0, c->T("Auto"), ALIGN_LEFT))
g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity = 15;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 40, 0, c->T("-5"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity > 15)
g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity -= 5;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear1, 40, 0, c->T("+5"), ALIGN_LEFT))
if (g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity < 65)
g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity += 5;
y += 20;
if (bTransparent != prev)
g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity = bTransparent ? 15 : 65;
y += 10;
// Button to KeyMapping screen
HLinear hlinear(x, y += stride, 20);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, hlinear, 250, 0, c->T("Key Mapping"), ALIGN_LEFT)) {
screenManager()->push(new KeyMappingScreen());
void KeyMappingScreen::update(InputState &input) {
if (input.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
void KeyMappingScreen::render() {
I18NCategory *keyI18N = GetI18NCategory("KeyMapping");
I18NCategory *generalI18N = GetI18NCategory("General");
#define KeyBtn(x, y, symbol) \
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(x, y), 60, 0, KeyMap::NameKeyFromPspButton(currentMap_, symbol).c_str(), \
screenManager()->push(new KeyMappingNewKeyDialog(symbol, currentMap_), 0); \
UIReset(); \
} \
UIText(0, Pos(x+30, y+50), KeyMap::NameDeviceFromPspButton(currentMap_, symbol).c_str(), 0xFFFFFFFF, 0.78f, ALIGN_HCENTER); \
UIText(0, Pos(x+30, y+80), KeyMap::GetPspButtonName(symbol).c_str(), 0xFFFFFFFF, 0.5f, ALIGN_HCENTER); \
// \
// UIText(0, Pos(x, y+50), controllerMaps[currentMap_].name.c_str(), 0xFFFFFFFF, 0.5f, ALIGN_HCENTER);
int pad = 130;
int hlfpad = pad / 2;
int left = 30;
KeyBtn(left, 30, CTRL_LTRIGGER);
int top = 100;
KeyBtn(left+hlfpad, top, CTRL_UP); // ^
KeyBtn(left, top+hlfpad, CTRL_LEFT);// <
KeyBtn(left+pad, top+hlfpad, CTRL_RIGHT); // >
KeyBtn(left+hlfpad, top+pad, CTRL_DOWN); // v
#ifndef ANDROID
top = 10;
left = 250;
KeyBtn(left+hlfpad, top, VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MAX); // ^
KeyBtn(left, top+hlfpad, VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MIN);// <
KeyBtn(left+pad, top+hlfpad, VIRTKEY_AXIS_X_MAX); // >
KeyBtn(left+hlfpad, top+pad, VIRTKEY_AXIS_Y_MIN); // v
top = 100;
left = 500;
KeyBtn(left+hlfpad, top, CTRL_TRIANGLE); // Triangle
KeyBtn(left, top+hlfpad, CTRL_SQUARE); // Square
KeyBtn(left+pad, top+hlfpad, CTRL_CIRCLE); // Circle
KeyBtn(left+hlfpad, top+pad, CTRL_CROSS); // Cross
KeyBtn(left, 30, CTRL_RTRIGGER);
top += pad;
left = 250;
KeyBtn(left, top, CTRL_SELECT);
KeyBtn(left + pad, top, CTRL_START);
#undef KeyBtn
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, generalI18N->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(10, dp_yres-10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, generalI18N->T("Prev"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
if (currentMap_ < 0)
currentMap_ = controllerMaps.size() - 1;
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(10 + 10 + LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, dp_yres-10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, generalI18N->T("Next"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
if (currentMap_ >= (int)controllerMaps.size())
currentMap_ = 0;
char temp[256];
sprintf(temp, "%s (%i/%i)", controllerMaps[currentMap_].name.c_str(), currentMap_ + 1, controllerMaps.size());
UIText(0, Pos(10, dp_yres-170), temp, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1.0f, ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT);
UICheckBox(GEN_ID,10, dp_yres - 80, "Mapping Active", ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT, &controllerMaps[currentMap_].active);
void KeyMappingNewKeyDialog::render() {
I18NCategory *keyI18N = GetI18NCategory("KeyMapping");
I18NCategory *generalI18N = GetI18NCategory("General");
#define KeyText(x, y, sentence) \
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, (sentence), x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_TOPLEFT);
#define KeyScale(width) \
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(width, width);
int top = 10;
int left = 10;
int stride = 70;
KeyText(left, top, keyI18N->T("Map a new key for button: "));
KeyText(left, top += stride, (KeyMap::GetPspButtonName(this->pspBtn)).c_str());
KeyText(left, top += stride, keyI18N->T("Current key"));
KeyText(left, top += stride, (KeyMap::NameKeyFromPspButton(currentMap_, this->pspBtn)).c_str());
KeyText(left, top + stride, (KeyMap::NameDeviceFromPspButton(currentMap_, this->pspBtn)).c_str());
int right = dp_yres;
KeyText(right, top, keyI18N->T("New Key"));
if (last_kb_key != 0) {
KeyText(right, top += stride, KeyMap::GetKeyName(last_kb_key).c_str());
KeyText(right, top + stride, GetDeviceName(last_kb_deviceid));
bool key_used = KeyMap::IsMappedKey(last_kb_deviceid, last_kb_key);
if (key_used) {
KeyText(left + stride, top + 2*stride,
keyI18N->T("Warning: Key is already used by"));
KeyText(left + stride, top + 3*stride,
(KeyMap::NamePspButtonFromKey(last_kb_deviceid, last_kb_key)).c_str());
#undef KeyText
#undef KeyScale
// Save & cancel buttons
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, keyI18N->T("Save Mapping"), ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
KeyMap::SetKeyMapping(currentMap_, last_kb_deviceid, last_kb_key, pspBtn);
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), LARGE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, generalI18N->T("Cancel"), ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BOTTOM)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
class FileListAdapter : public UIListAdapter {
FileListAdapter(const FileSelectScreenOptions &options, const std::vector<FileInfo> *items, UIContext *ctx)
: options_(options), items_(items), ctx_(ctx) {}
virtual size_t getCount() const { return items_->size(); }
virtual void drawItem(int item, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool active) const;
const FileSelectScreenOptions &options_;
const std::vector<FileInfo> *items_;
const UIContext *ctx_;
void FileListAdapter::drawItem(int item, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool selected) const
int icon = -1;
if ((*items_)[item].isDirectory) {
icon = options_.folderIcon;
} else {
std::string extension = getFileExtension((*items_)[item].name);
auto iter = options_.iconMapping.find(extension);
if (iter != options_.iconMapping.end())
icon = iter->second;
float scaled_h = ui_atlas.images[I_BUTTON].h;
float scaled_w = scaled_h * (144.f / 80.f);
int iconSpace = scaled_w + 10;
ui_draw2d.DrawImage2GridH(selected ? I_BUTTON_SELECTED: I_BUTTON, x, y, x + w);
ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU24, (*items_)[item].name.c_str(), x + UI_SPACE + iconSpace, y + 25, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_VCENTER);
// This might create a texture so we must flush first.
GameInfo *ginfo = 0;
if (!(*items_)[item].isDirectory) {
ginfo = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo((*items_)[item].fullName, false);
if (!ginfo) {
ELOG("No ginfo :( %s", (*items_)[item].fullName.c_str());
if (ginfo) {
if (ginfo->iconTexture) {
uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timeIconWasLoaded) * 2));
ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(x + 10, y, x + 10 + scaled_w, y + scaled_h, 0, 0, 1, 1, color);
} else {
if (icon != -1)
ui_draw2d.DrawImage(icon, x + UI_SPACE, y + 25, 1.0f, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_VCENTER | ALIGN_LEFT);
FileSelectScreen::FileSelectScreen(const FileSelectScreenOptions &options) : options_(options) {
currentDirectory_ = g_Config.currentDirectory;
#ifdef _WIN32
// currentDirectory_ = "E:/PSP ISO/";
void FileSelectScreen::updateListing() {
getFilesInDir(currentDirectory_.c_str(), &listing_, options_.filter);
g_Config.currentDirectory = currentDirectory_;
void FileSelectScreen::update(InputState &input_state) {
if (input_state.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->switchScreen(new MenuScreen());
void FileSelectScreen::render() {
FileListAdapter adapter(options_, &listing_, screenManager()->getUIContext());
I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
if (list_.Do(GEN_ID, 10, BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20, dp_xres-20, dp_yres - BUTTON_HEIGHT - 30, &adapter)) {
if (listing_[list_.selected].isDirectory) {
currentDirectory_ = listing_[list_.selected].fullName;
ILOG("%s", currentDirectory_.c_str());
list_.selected = -1;
} else {
std::string boot_filename = listing_[list_.selected].fullName;
ILOG("Selected: %i : %s", list_.selected, boot_filename.c_str());
list_.selected = -1;
screenManager()->switchScreen(new EmuScreen(boot_filename));
ui_draw2d.DrawImageStretch(I_BUTTON, 0, 0, dp_xres, 70);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(10,10), SMALL_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Up"), ALIGN_TOPLEFT)) {
currentDirectory_ = getDir(currentDirectory_);
currentDirectory_ = g_Config.externalDirectory;
ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU24, currentDirectory_.c_str(), 30 + SMALL_BUTTON_WIDTH*2, 10 + 25, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_VCENTER);
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, 10), SMALL_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
screenManager()->switchScreen(new MenuScreen());
void CreditsScreen::update(InputState &input_state) {
globalUIState = UISTATE_MENU;
if (input_state.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->switchScreen(new MenuScreen());
void CreditsScreen::render() {
I18NCategory *c = GetI18NCategory("PSPCredits");
const char * credits[] = {
c->T("title", "A fast and portable PSP emulator"),
c->T("created", "Created by"),
"Henrik Rydgård",
"(aka hrydgard, ector)",
c->T("contributors", "Contributors:"),
"The Dax",
"daniel dressler",
c->T("written", "Written in C++ for speed and portability"),
c->T("tools", "Free tools used:"),
#ifdef ANDROID
"Android SDK + NDK",
#elif defined(BLACKBERRY)
"Blackberry NDK",
#if defined(USING_QT_UI)
c->T("website", "Check out the website:"),
c->T("list", "compatibility lists, forums, and development info"),
c->T("check", "Also check out Dolphin, the best Wii/GC emu around:"),
c->T("info1", "PPSSPP is intended for educational purposes only."),
c->T("info2", "Please make sure that you own the rights to any games"),
c->T("info3", "you play by owning the UMD or by buying the digital"),
c->T("info4", "download from the PSN store on your real PSP."),
c->T("info5", "PSP is a trademark by Sony, Inc."),
// TODO: This is kinda ugly, done on every frame...
char temp[256];
sprintf(temp, "PPSSPP %s", PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION);
credits[0] = (const char *)temp;
const int numItems = ARRAY_SIZE(credits);
int itemHeight = 36;
int totalHeight = numItems * itemHeight + dp_yres + 200;
int y = dp_yres - (frames_ % totalHeight);
for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
float alpha = linearInOut(y+32, 64, dp_yres - 192, 64);
if (alpha > 0.0f) {
UIText(dp_xres/2, y, credits[i], whiteAlpha(alpha), ease(alpha), ALIGN_HCENTER);
y += itemHeight;
I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), 200, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
#ifdef ANDROID
#ifndef GOLD
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(10, dp_yres - 10), 200, 0, g->T("Buy PPSSPP Gold"), ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)) {
sendMessage("launchBrowser", "market://details?id=org.ppsspp.ppssppgold");
void ErrorScreen::update(InputState &input_state) {
if (input_state.pad_buttons_down & PAD_BUTTON_BACK) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);
void ErrorScreen::render()
I18NCategory *ge = GetI18NCategory("Error");
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, ge->T(errorTitle_.c_str()), dp_xres / 2, 30, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_HCENTER);
ui_draw2d.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
ui_draw2d.DrawText(UBUNTU24, ge->T(errorMessage_.c_str()), 40, 120, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT);
I18NCategory *g = GetI18NCategory("General");
if (UIButton(GEN_ID, Pos(dp_xres - 10, dp_yres - 10), 200, 0, g->T("Back"), ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT)) {
screenManager()->finishDialog(this, DR_OK);