Unknown W. Brackets f462721394 Rather than only enlarging, watch for persistence.
If the game keeps using something at a new size, we know it's time to make
some adjustments.
2014-04-12 23:12:35 -07:00

267 lines
7.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/.
#pragma once
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include "gfx/gl_common.h"
#include "gfx_es2/fbo.h"
// Keeps track of allocated FBOs.
// Also provides facilities for drawing and later converting raw
// pixel data.
#include "../Globals.h"
#include "GPU/GPUCommon.h"
struct GLSLProgram;
class TextureCache;
enum {
enum {
// Hm, it's unfortunate that GPU has ended up as two separate values in GL and GLES.
#ifndef USING_GLES2
struct VirtualFramebuffer {
int last_frame_used;
int last_frame_render;
bool memoryUpdated;
bool depthUpdated;
u32 fb_address;
u32 z_address;
int fb_stride;
int z_stride;
// There's also a top left of the drawing region, but meh...
// width/height: The detected size of the current framebuffer.
u16 width;
u16 height;
// renderWidth/renderHeight: The actual size we render at. May be scaled to render at higher resolutions.
u16 renderWidth;
u16 renderHeight;
// bufferWidth/bufferHeight: The actual (but non scaled) size of the buffer we render to. May only be bigger than width/height.
u16 bufferWidth;
u16 bufferHeight;
u16 usageFlags;
u16 newWidth;
u16 newHeight;
int lastFrameNewSize;
GEBufferFormat format; // virtual, right now they are all RGBA8888
FBOColorDepth colorDepth;
FBO *fbo;
bool dirtyAfterDisplay;
bool reallyDirtyAfterDisplay; // takes frame skipping into account
void CenterRect(float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h,
float origW, float origH, float frameW, float frameH);
#ifndef USING_GLES2
// Simple struct for asynchronous PBO readbacks
struct AsyncPBO {
GLuint handle;
u32 maxSize;
u32 fb_address;
u32 stride;
u32 height;
u32 size;
GEBufferFormat format;
bool reading;
class ShaderManager;
class FramebufferManager {
void SetTextureCache(TextureCache *tc) {
textureCache_ = tc;
void SetShaderManager(ShaderManager *sm) {
shaderManager_ = sm;
void DrawPixels(const u8 *framebuf, GEBufferFormat pixelFormat, int linesize, bool applyPostShader = false);
// If texture != 0, will bind it.
void DrawActiveTexture(GLuint texture, float x, float y, float w, float h, float destW, float destH, bool flip = false, float uscale = 1.0f, float vscale = 1.0f, GLSLProgram *program = 0);
void DrawPlainColor(u32 color);
void DestroyAllFBOs();
void DecimateFBOs();
void BeginFrame();
void EndFrame();
void Resized();
void DeviceLost();
void CopyDisplayToOutput();
void DoSetRenderFrameBuffer(); // Uses parameters computed from gstate
void SetRenderFrameBuffer() {
// Inlining this part since it's so frequent.
if (!gstate_c.framebufChanged && currentRenderVfb_) {
currentRenderVfb_->last_frame_render = gpuStats.numFlips;
currentRenderVfb_->dirtyAfterDisplay = true;
if (!gstate_c.skipDrawReason)
currentRenderVfb_->reallyDirtyAfterDisplay = true;
void UpdateFromMemory(u32 addr, int size, bool safe);
void SetLineWidth();
void BindFramebufferDepth(VirtualFramebuffer *sourceframebuffer, VirtualFramebuffer *targetframebuffer);
// For use when texturing from a framebuffer. May create a duplicate if target.
void BindFramebufferColor(VirtualFramebuffer *framebuffer);
// Just for logging right now. Might remove/change.
void NotifyBlockTransfer(u32 dst, u32 src);
#ifdef USING_GLES2
void ReadFramebufferToMemory(VirtualFramebuffer *vfb, bool sync = true);
void ReadFramebufferToMemory(VirtualFramebuffer *vfb, bool sync = false);
// TODO: Break out into some form of FBO manager
VirtualFramebuffer *GetVFBAt(u32 addr);
VirtualFramebuffer *GetDisplayVFB() {
return GetVFBAt(displayFramebufPtr_);
void SetDisplayFramebuffer(u32 framebuf, u32 stride, GEBufferFormat format);
size_t NumVFBs() const { return vfbs_.size(); }
std::vector<FramebufferInfo> GetFramebufferList();
int GetRenderWidth() const { return currentRenderVfb_ ? currentRenderVfb_->renderWidth : 480; }
int GetRenderHeight() const { return currentRenderVfb_ ? currentRenderVfb_->renderHeight : 272; }
int GetTargetWidth() const { return currentRenderVfb_ ? currentRenderVfb_->width : 480; }
int GetTargetHeight() const { return currentRenderVfb_ ? currentRenderVfb_->height : 272; }
u32 PrevDisplayFramebufAddr() {
return prevDisplayFramebuf_ ? (0x04000000 | prevDisplayFramebuf_->fb_address) : 0;
u32 DisplayFramebufAddr() {
return displayFramebuf_ ? (0x04000000 | displayFramebuf_->fb_address) : 0;
void SetDepthUpdated() {
if (currentRenderVfb_) {
currentRenderVfb_->depthUpdated = true;
void NotifyFramebufferCopy(u32 src, u32 dest, int size);
void DestroyFramebuf(VirtualFramebuffer *vfb);
bool GetCurrentFramebuffer(GPUDebugBuffer &buffer);
bool GetCurrentDepthbuffer(GPUDebugBuffer &buffer);
bool GetCurrentStencilbuffer(GPUDebugBuffer &buffer);
void CompileDraw2DProgram();
void DestroyDraw2DProgram();
void SetNumExtraFBOs(int num);
u32 displayFramebufPtr_;
u32 displayStride_;
GEBufferFormat displayFormat_;
VirtualFramebuffer *displayFramebuf_;
VirtualFramebuffer *prevDisplayFramebuf_;
VirtualFramebuffer *prevPrevDisplayFramebuf_;
int frameLastFramebufUsed;
std::vector<VirtualFramebuffer *> vfbs_;
VirtualFramebuffer *currentRenderVfb_;
// Used by ReadFramebufferToMemory
void BlitFramebuffer_(VirtualFramebuffer *src, VirtualFramebuffer *dst, bool flip = false, float upscale = 1.0f, float vscale = 1.0f);
#ifndef USING_GLES2
void PackFramebufferAsync_(VirtualFramebuffer *vfb);
void PackFramebufferSync_(VirtualFramebuffer *vfb);
// Used by DrawPixels
unsigned int drawPixelsTex_;
GEBufferFormat drawPixelsTexFormat_;
u8 *convBuf;
GLSLProgram *draw2dprogram_;
GLSLProgram *plainColorProgram_;
GLSLProgram *postShaderProgram_;
int plainColorLoc_;
int timeLoc_;
TextureCache *textureCache_;
ShaderManager *shaderManager_;
bool usePostShader_;
bool postShaderAtOutputResolution_;
// Used by post-processing shader
std::vector<FBO *> extraFBOs_;
bool resized_;
bool useBufferedRendering_;
std::vector<VirtualFramebuffer *> bvfbs_; // blitting FBOs
std::map<std::pair<int, int>, FBO *> renderCopies_;
std::set<std::pair<u32, u32>> knownFramebufferCopies_;
#ifndef USING_GLES2
AsyncPBO *pixelBufObj_; //this isn't that large
u8 currentPBO_;
std::set<std::pair<u32, u32>> reportedBlits_;