2013-11-27 21:56:41 +01:00

283 lines
9.0 KiB

* Scenewalker Tech demo
* Copyright (C) 2013 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen
* Copyright (C) 2013 - Daniel De Matteis
* InstancingViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* InstancingViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with InstancingViewer.
* If not, see <>.
#include "object.hpp"
#include "util.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace GL;
using namespace glm;
using namespace std;
using namespace std1;
namespace OBJ
template<typename T>
inline T parse_line(const string& data);
inline vec2 parse_line(const string& data)
float x = 0, y = 0;
vector<string> split = String::split(data, " ");
if (split.size() >= 2)
x = String::stof(split[0]);
y = String::stof(split[1]);
return vec2(x, y);
inline vec3 parse_line(const string& data)
float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
vector<string> split = String::split(data, " ");
if (split.size() >= 3)
x = String::stof(split[0]);
y = String::stof(split[1]);
z = String::stof(split[2]);
return vec3(x, y, z);
inline size_t translate_index(int index, size_t size)
return index < 0 ? size + index + 1 : index;
static void parse_vertex(const string& data,
vector<Vertex>& vertices_buffer,
const vector<vec3>& vertex,
const vector<vec3>& normal,
const vector<vec2>& tex)
vector<string> vertices = String::split(data, " ");
if (vertices.size() > 3)
vector<vector<string> > verts;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)
Vertex out_vertex;
vector<string> coords = String::split(vertices[i], "/", true);
if (coords.size() == 1) // Vertex only
size_t coord = translate_index(String::stoi(coords[0]), vertex.size());
if (coord && vertex.size() >= coord)
out_vertex.vert = vertex[coord - 1];
else if (coords.size() == 2) // Vertex/Texcoord
size_t coord_vert = translate_index(String::stoi(coords[0]), vertex.size());
size_t coord_tex = translate_index(String::stoi(coords[1]), tex.size());
if (coord_vert && vertex.size() >= coord_vert)
out_vertex.vert = vertex[coord_vert - 1];
if (coord_tex && tex.size() >= coord_tex)
out_vertex.tex = tex[coord_tex - 1];
else if (coords.size() == 3 && coords[1].size()) // Vertex/Texcoord/Normal
size_t coord_vert = translate_index(String::stoi(coords[0]), vertex.size());
size_t coord_tex = translate_index(String::stoi(coords[1]), tex.size());
size_t coord_normal = translate_index(String::stoi(coords[2]), normal.size());
if (coord_vert && vertex.size() >= coord_vert)
out_vertex.vert = vertex[coord_vert - 1];
if (coord_tex && tex.size() >= coord_tex)
out_vertex.tex = tex[coord_tex - 1];
if (coord_normal && normal.size() >= coord_normal)
out_vertex.normal = normal[coord_normal - 1];
else if (coords.size() == 3 && !coords[1].size()) // Vertex//Normal
size_t coord_vert = translate_index(String::stoi(coords[0]), vertex.size());
size_t coord_normal = translate_index(String::stoi(coords[2]), normal.size());
if (coord_vert && vertex.size() >= coord_vert)
out_vertex.vert = vertex[coord_vert - 1];
if (coord_normal && normal.size() >= coord_normal)
out_vertex.normal = normal[coord_normal - 1];
static map<string, Material> parse_mtllib(const string& path, map<string, std1::shared_ptr<Texture> >& textures)
map<string, Material> materials;
ifstream file(path.c_str(), ios::in);
if (!file.is_open())
return materials;
Material current;
string current_mtl;
for (string line; getline(file, line); )
line = String::strip(line);
size_t split_point = line.find_first_of(' ');
string type = line.substr(0, split_point);
string data = split_point != string::npos ? line.substr(split_point + 1) : string();
if (type == "newmtl")
if (current_mtl.size())
materials[current_mtl] = current;
current = Material();
current_mtl = data;
else if (type == "Ka")
current.ambient = parse_line<vec3>(data);
else if (type == "Kd")
current.diffuse = parse_line<vec3>(data);
else if (type == "Ks")
current.specular = parse_line<vec3>(data);
else if (type == "Ns")
current.specular_power = String::stof(data);
else if (type == "d")
current.alpha_mod = String::stof(data);
else if (type == "Tr")
current.alpha_mod = 1.0f - String::stof(data);
else if (type == "map_Kd")
if (!textures[data])
string diffuse_path = Path::join(Path::basedir(path), data);
textures[data] = std1::shared_ptr<Texture>(new Texture(diffuse_path));
current.diffuse_map = textures[data];
else if (type == "map_Ka")
if (!textures[data])
string ambient_path = Path::join(Path::basedir(path), data);
textures[data] = std1::shared_ptr<Texture>(new Texture(ambient_path));
current.ambient_map = textures[data];
materials[current_mtl] = current;
return materials;
vector<std1::shared_ptr<Mesh> > load_from_file(const string& path)
ifstream file(path.c_str(), ios::in);
vector<std1::shared_ptr<Mesh> > meshes;
if (!file.is_open())
return meshes;
vector<vec3> vertex;
vector<vec3> normal;
vector<vec2> tex;
vector<Vertex> vertices;
// Texture cache.
map<string, std1::shared_ptr<Texture> > textures;
Material current_material;
map<string, Material> materials;
for (string line; getline(file, line); )
line = String::strip(line);
size_t split_point = line.find_first_of(' ');
string type = line.substr(0, split_point);
string data = split_point != string::npos ? line.substr(split_point + 1) : string();
if (type == "v")
else if (type == "vn")
else if (type == "vt")
else if (type == "f")
parse_vertex(data, vertices, vertex, normal, tex);
else if (type == "texture") // Not standard OBJ, but do it like this for simplicity ...
if (vertices.size()) // Different texture, new mesh.
std1::shared_ptr<Mesh> mesh(new Mesh());
if (!textures[data])
string texture_path = Path::join(Path::basedir(path), data + ".png");
textures[data] = std1::shared_ptr<Texture>(new Texture(texture_path));
current_material = Material();
current_material.diffuse_map = textures[data];
current_material.ambient_map = textures[data];
else if (type == "usemtl")
if (vertices.size()) // Different texture, new mesh.
std1::shared_ptr<Mesh> mesh(new Mesh());
current_material = materials[data];
else if (type == "mtllib")
materials = parse_mtllib(Path::join(Path::basedir(path), data), textures);
if (vertices.size())
std1::shared_ptr<Mesh> mesh(new Mesh());
return meshes;