"<c1>D<c0>id you find a ring in the cemetery the other night? It was made of silver and Lapis.<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0>'m looking for silver and Lapis for a project I'm doing. Do you know where I could find some?<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>ill you trade the vervain for this rune?<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>ill you trade the vervain for some Lapis?<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>ill you trade the vervain for my class ring?<h><n>",
// 05
"<c1>W<c0>ill you trade the vervain for this key?<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>ill you trade the vervain for an owl feather?<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>ill you trade the vervain for the dagger?<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>ill you trade the vervain for this black candle?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0>'ve got some gold to trade for the vervain, Mrs. Flowers. Would you take that?<h><n>",
// 10
"<c1>I<c0>'ve got something to trade for the vervain, Mrs. Flowers.It's a beautiful antique mortar and pestle I found in my attic. It belonged to my mother.<h><n>",
"<c1>Y<c0>ou wouldn't happen to know what vervain is, would you, Mrs. Flowers?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0>'m looking for an owls feather. Do you have any idea where I could find one?<h><n>",
"<c1>T<c0>his sounds strange, I know, but I'm looking for a dagger.<h><n>",
"<c1>Y<c0>ou wouldn't happen to have any black candles, would you, Mrs. Flowers?<h><n>",
// 15
"<c1>M<c0>rs. Flowers, how can someone my age get a loan? There's something at the gallery I have to have.<h><n>",
"<c1>H<c0>ave you ever heard of runes, Mrs. Flowers? Bonnie swears they're for real, but I'm not so sure I should believe her.<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>hat was that you told me about runes, Mrs. Flowers? I'm sorry, I forgot.<h><n>",
"<c1>Y<c0>ou seem to know a lot of strange stuff, Mrs. Flowers. Do you know anything about Druids, by any chance?<h><n>",
"<c1>H<c0>ave you seen the newspaper article on Mr. Richards' collection? Now he's got some weird dagger. Pretty creepy, huh?<h><n>",
// 20
"<c1>I<c0> went to the graveyard, at night, just like your grandmother said in her diary. And I did the Ring Ceremony. But I don't have the Ring and I can't find the silver or Lapis either. What do I do?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0>n the spell book, it said I need vervain to power the binding spell. Do you have any vervain, Bonnie? What about Mr. Richards?<h><n>",
"<c1>A<c0>ccording to the spell book, I need an owl feather -- of all things -- in the binding spell. If anybody has seen an owl around, I figured it would be you.<h><n>",
"<c1>T<c0>he spell book said I need a dagger to complete the binding spell. There's only one dagger I can think of. Can you help me?<h><n>",
"<c1>B<c0>onnie, the spell book said I need a black candle for the binding spell. But I don't know where to find one, do you?<h><n>",
// 25
"<c1>I<c0> read that ghost story about Adelaide Chambers, you remember it. I think there really is gold buried in her grave. But I can't get past the ghost that's guarding it. Do you have any ideas?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0> think I found a rune to replace the one you're missing, Bonnie. It's in Mikhail's art gallery. But Caroline said it will cost loads of money? Do you have any idea what I can do?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0> read your grandmother's diary, Bonnie. She says you need silver and Lapis to make a Ring of Power. Do you have any idea where I could find some?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0> know you know something about Runes, Bonnie. What can you tell me about them?<h><n>",
"<c1>H<c0>ave you ever heard of Druids, Bonnie? I heard they believed in magic, so I thought you might know something about them.<h><n>",
// 30
"<c1>T<c0>hat's a rune over there, isn't it? Bonnie would sure like that for her birthday. How much is it?<h><n>",
"<c1>D<c0>o you know anything about the display Mr. Smith is doing for the high school?<h><n>",
"<c1>M<c0>r. Smith gave you a ride home from the hospital, right? What do you know about him?<h><n>",
"<c1>H<c0>ave you heard anything about that new dagger Gary Richards has added to his collection? Has Mikhail said mentioned it?<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>hat am I going to do, Stefan? I did the ceremony to summon the Ring Maker, but nothing happened. And now I don't have the silver, or the Lapis, or the Ring of Power!<h><n>",
// 35
"<c1>A<c0>ccording to the diary of Bonnie's grandmother, I need silver and Lapis for a Ring of Power. But I don't have any silver or Lapis. And I need to summon the ring maker once I have the ingredients..<h><n>",
"<c1>T<c0>here's one more thing that I need for the binding spell, Stefan. Some vervain. But I have no idea where to find any. Do you have any ideas?<h><n>",
"<c1>O<c0>kay, I've got the binding spell, but I need an owl feather. You wouldn't happen to be an owl in your other form, would you?<h><n>",
"<c1>N<c0>ow that I've found the binding spell, I need a black candle. But why does it have to be a black candle, and not a red or white candle?<h><n>",
"<c1>D<c0>o you have any idea how I could get rid of Adelaide Chambers' ghost, Stefan? I need to find out if there's gold buried there. But every time I try to get near, she drives me off.<h><n>",
// 40
"<c1>I<c0> think I found a rune to replace the one that Bonnie is missing. The only snag is that it's for sale in Mikhail's art gallery. Which means that a need a whole lot of money to buy it. You wouldn'thappen to have any money you could lend me, do you?<h><n>",
"<c1>B<c0>onnie told me that she's missing one of her grandmother's runes, Stefan. You wouldn't know where I could find it, do you?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0> read about the Brasov Dagger in the paper, Stefan. They said it had something to do with immortality. But that doesn't sound right. What can you tell me about it?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0>'ve got everything. Stefan. And -- it's the weirdest thing -- Bonnie and Mrs. Flowers just came to tell me it's time, that he's drawing in his power. Will you come with me, please?<h><n>",
"<c1>H<c0>as anyone mentioned finding a silver and lapis ring yet, Mrs. Grimesby?<h><n>",
// 45
"<c1>I<c0>'m looking for a ring, made of silver and lapis. Have you seen it?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0>'m still trying to find out about that weird dagger. Can you tell me anything more?<h><n>",
"<c1>H<c0>ave you ever heard of a magical dagger that has something to do with ULTIMATE POWER?<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>hat else can you tell me about vervain?<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>hat's vervain?<h><n>",
// 50
"<c1>I<c0>'m still looking for an owl feather. What can I do?<h><n>",
"<c1>D<c0>o you have any idea where I can find an owl feather?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0>'m still looking for a black candle, Mrs. Grimesby. Can you help me?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0>'m looking for a black candle. Do you know where I can find one?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0>'m still trying to find enough money to buy something from the art gallery. Do you have any idea what I can do?<h><n>",
// 55
"<c1>M<c0>rs. Grimesby, do you have any idea where I can get enough money to buy something from the art gallery?<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>here was that information about Runes again, please?<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>here can I find something about Runes? You know, those Viking fortune-telling things.<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>here did you say I could find something from that Civil War ghost story, Mrs. Grimesby?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0> read a ghost story about the daughter of a Union general who was in love with a Confederate soldier. Do you know if it's true?<h><n>",
// 60
"<c1>W<c0>hat was it you said about a Ring of Power?<h><n>",
"<c1>H<c0>ave you ever heard of something called a Ring of Power?<h><n>",
"<c1>C<c0>an you tell about Druids again, please?<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>hat can you tell me about Druids?<h><n>",
"<c1>A<c0>unt Judith, do you know what Margaret did with the key to my jewelry box?<h><n>",
// 65
"<c1>I<c0> was looking for a silver ring. Have you seen one, Aunt Judith?<h><n>",
"<c1>D<c0>o you have any idea where I could find any silver or Lapis jewelry, Aunt Judith?<h><n>",
"<c1>A<c0>unt Judith, do you know where I could find some vervain?<h><n>",
"<c1>W<c0>ould you know how I could get an owl feather?<h><n>",
"<c1>H<c0>ow could I get Mr. Richards to lend me his new dagger?<h><n>",
// 70
"<c1>D<c0>o you know where I could find a black candle, Aunt Judith?<h><n>",
"<c1>D<c0>o you remember the old ghost story about Adelaide Chambers, Aunt Judith? A book in the library says she was buried with gold. Do you think it's true?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0> want to buy something from the art gallery, Aunt Judith. Can you help me?<h><n>",
"<c1>D<c0>o you know anything about runes, Aunt Judith? Bonnie said one of her's is missing and I'd like to get her another one.<h><n>",
"<c1>D<c0>o you know anything about that dagger Mr. Richards just added to his collection, Aunt Judith?<h><n>",
// 75
"<c1>I<c0> lost a ring, it was made of silver and Lapis. You haven't seen it, have you?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0>'m trying to find some vervain. Do you know where I could find some?<h><n>",
"<c1>H<c0>ave you by any chance seen any owl feathers anywhere around?<h><n>",
"<c1>I<c0>'m looking for a special dagger, it's supposed to have something to do with Ultimate Power or something. Can you help me?<h><n>",
"<c1>C<c0>ould you tell me where I could find a black candle, please?<h><n>",
// 80
"<c1>I<c0>'m interested in buying a rune you have for sale.<h><n>"