879 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $URL$
* $Id$
#ifndef KYRA_LOL_H
#define KYRA_LOL_H
#include "kyra/kyra_v1.h"
#include "kyra/script_tim.h"
#include "kyra/script.h"
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
#include "kyra/sound.h"
#include "kyra/gui_lol.h"
#include "kyra/text_lol.h"
#include "common/list.h"
namespace Kyra {
class Screen_LoL;
class WSAMovie_v2;
struct Button;
struct LoLCharacter {
uint16 flags;
char name[11];
uint8 raceClassSex;
int16 id;
uint8 curFaceFrame;
uint8 nextFaceFrame;
uint16 field_12;
uint16 field_14;
uint8 field_16;
uint16 field_17[5];
uint16 field_21;
uint16 field_23;
uint16 field_25;
uint16 field_27[2];
uint8 field_2B;
uint16 field_2C;
uint16 field_2E;
uint16 field_30;
uint16 field_32;
uint16 field_34;
uint8 field_36;
uint16 field_37;
uint16 hitPointsCur;
uint16 hitPointsMax;
uint16 magicPointsCur;
uint16 magicPointsMax;
uint8 field_41;
uint16 damageSuffered;
uint16 weaponHit;
uint16 field_46;
uint16 field_48;
uint16 field_4A;
uint16 field_4C;
uint16 rand;
uint16 items[11];
uint8 field_66[3];
uint8 field_69[3];
uint8 field_6C;
uint8 field_6D;
uint16 field_6E;
uint16 field_70;
uint16 field_72;
uint16 field_74;
uint16 field_76;
uint8 arrayUnk2[5];
uint8 arrayUnk1[5];
struct SpellProperty {
uint16 field_0;
uint16 unkArr[4];
uint16 field_A;
uint16 field_C;
uint16 field_E;
uint16 spellNameCode;
uint16 mpRequired[4];
uint16 field_1A;
2009-01-19 07:31:34 +00:00
struct LevelBlockProperty {
uint8 walls[4];
uint16 itemIndex;
uint8 field_6;
uint8 field_7;
uint8 field_8;
uint8 flags;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
struct MonsterProperty {
uint8 id;
uint8 maxWidth;
uint16 unk[9];
uint16 *pos;
uint16 unk2[8];
uint16 unk3[8];
uint16 unk4[2];
uint8 b;
uint16 unk5[2];
uint16 unk6[5];
uint8 unk7[4];
uint8 unk8[3];
struct CLevelItem {
uint16 itemIndexUnk;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
uint8 unk2;
uint16 unk3;
2009-01-19 07:31:34 +00:00
uint16 blockPropertyIndex;
uint16 p_1a;
uint16 p_1b;
int8 level;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
uint16 itemPosX;
uint16 itemPosY;
uint8 field10;
uint16 anon8;
uint8 anon9;
uint8 field_14;
uint8 field_15;
uint8 field_16;
uint8 field_17;
uint8 field_18;
uint16 field_19;
uint8 field_1B;
uint8 field_1C;
int16 field_1D;
uint8 field_1F;
uint8 field_20;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
MonsterProperty *monsters;
uint8 field_25;
uint8 field_26;
uint8 field_27;
uint8 field_28;
uint8 field_29;
uint8 field_2A;
uint8 field_2B;
uint8 field_2C;
uint8 field_2D;
uint8 field_2E;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
struct ItemInPlay {
uint16 itemIndexUnk;
uint8 unk2;
uint16 unk3;
uint16 blockPropertyIndex;
uint16 p_1a;
uint16 p_1b;
int8 level;
uint16 itemPropertyIndex;
uint16 shpCurFrame_flg;
uint8 field10;
uint16 anon8;
uint8 anon9;
struct ItemProperty {
uint16 nameStringId;
uint8 shpIndex;
uint16 flags;
uint16 unk5;
uint8 itemScriptFunc;
int8 unk8;
uint8 unk9;
uint8 unkA;
uint16 unkB;
uint8 unkD;
struct LevelShapeProperty {
uint16 shapeIndex[10];
uint8 scaleFlag[10];
uint16 shapeX[10];
uint16 shapeY[10];
int8 next;
uint8 flags;
struct CompassDef {
uint8 shapeIndex;
int8 x;
int8 y;
uint8 flags;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
struct ButtonDef {
uint16 buttonflags;
uint16 keyCode;
uint16 keyCode2;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int16 x;
int16 y;
uint16 w;
uint16 h;
uint16 index;
uint16 screenDim;
class LoLEngine : public KyraEngine_v1 {
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
friend class GUI_LoL;
friend class TextDisplayer_LoL;
2009-02-02 23:20:55 +00:00
friend class TIMInterpreter_LoL;
LoLEngine(OSystem *system, const GameFlags &flags);
Screen *screen();
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
GUI *gui() const;
Screen_LoL *_screen;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
GUI_LoL *_gui;
2009-02-02 23:20:55 +00:00
TIMInterpreter *_tim;
Common::Error init();
Common::Error go();
// initialization
void initStaticResource();
void preInit();
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
void loadItemIconShapes();
int mainMenu();
void startup();
void startupNew();
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
// main loop
void runLoop();
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
void update();
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int setUnkFlags(int unk);
int removeUnkFlags(int unk);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int _intFlag3;
// mouse
void setMouseCursorToIcon(int icon);
void setMouseCursorToItemInHand();
uint8 *getItemIconShapePtr(int index);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
bool posWithinRect(int mouseX, int mouseY, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
int _floatingMouseArrowControl;
// intro
void setupPrologueData(bool load);
void showIntro();
struct CharacterPrev {
const char *name;
int x, y;
int attrib[3];
static const CharacterPrev _charPreviews[];
WSAMovie_v2 *_chargenWSA;
static const uint8 _chargenFrameTable[];
int chooseCharacter();
void kingSelectionIntro();
void kingSelectionReminder();
void kingSelectionOutro();
void processCharacterSelection();
void updateSelectionAnims();
int selectionCharInfo(int character);
void selectionCharInfoIntro(char *file);
int getCharSelection();
int selectionCharAccept();
int _charSelection;
int _charSelectionInfoResult;
uint32 _selectionAnimTimers[4];
uint8 _selectionAnimFrames[4];
static const uint8 _selectionAnimIndexTable[];
static const uint16 _selectionPosTable[];
static const uint8 _selectionChar1IdxTable[];
static const uint8 _selectionChar2IdxTable[];
static const uint8 _selectionChar3IdxTable[];
static const uint8 _selectionChar4IdxTable[];
static const uint8 _reminderChar1IdxTable[];
static const uint8 _reminderChar2IdxTable[];
static const uint8 _reminderChar3IdxTable[];
static const uint8 _reminderChar4IdxTable[];
static const uint8 _charInfoFrameTable[];
// timer
void setupTimers() {}
// sound
void loadTalkFile(int index);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
void snd_playVoiceFile(int track) {}
bool snd_playCharacterSpeech(int id, int8 speaker, int);
int snd_characterSpeaking();
void snd_stopSpeech(bool setFlag);
void snd_playSoundEffect(int track, int volume);
void snd_loadSoundFile(int track);
int snd_playTrack(int track);
int snd_stopMusic();
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int _lastSpeechId;
int _lastSpeaker;
char _activeVoiceFile[13];
int _lastSfxTrack;
int _lastMusicTrack;
int _curMusicFileIndex;
char _curMusicFileExt;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int _curTlkFile;
int _speechFlag;
char **_ingameSoundList;
int _ingameSoundListSize;
const uint8 *_musicTrackMap;
int _musicTrackMapSize;
const uint16 *_ingameSoundIndex;
int _ingameSoundIndexSize;
const uint8 *_ingameGMSoundIndex;
int _ingameGMSoundIndexSize;
const uint8 *_ingameMT32SoundIndex;
int _ingameMT32SoundIndexSize;
/*const uint8 *_ingameADLSoundIndex;
int _ingameADLSoundIndexSize;*/
// gui
void gui_drawPlayField();
void gui_drawScene(int pageNum);
void gui_drawAllCharPortraitsWithStats();
void gui_drawCharPortraitWithStats(int charNum);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
void gui_drawBox(int x, int y, int w, int h, int frameColor1, int frameColor2, int fillColor);
void gui_drawCharFaceShape(int charNum, int x, int y, int pageNum);
void gui_highlightPortraitFrame(int charNum);
void gui_drawLiveMagicBar(int x, int y, int curPoints, int unk, int maxPoints, int w, int h, int col1, int col2, int flag);
void gui_drawMoneyBox(int pageNum);
void gui_drawInventory();
void gui_drawInventoryItem(int index);
void gui_drawCompass();
void gui_drawScroll();
void gui_highlightSelectedSpell(int unk);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int gui_enableControls();
int gui_disableControls(int controlMode);
void gui_toggleButtonDisplayMode(int shapeIndex, int mode);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
void gui_toggleFightButtons(bool disable);
void gui_prepareForSequence(int x, int y, int w, int h, int buttonFlags);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
bool _weaponsDisabled;
int _lastButtonShape;
uint32 _buttonPressTimer;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int _selectedCharacter;
int _compassDirection;
int _compassUnk;
int _compassDirectionIndex;
const CompassDef *_compassDefs;
int _compassDefsSize;
void gui_updateInput();
void gui_triggerEvent(int eventType);
void gui_enableDefaultPlayfieldButtons();
void gui_enableSequenceButtons(int x, int y, int w, int h, int enableFlags);
void gui_resetButtonList();
void gui_initButtonsFromList(const int16 *list);
void gui_initCharacterControlButtons(int index, int xOffs);
void gui_initMagicScrollButtons();
void gui_initMagicSubmenu(int charNum);
void gui_initButton(int index, int x = -1);
void gui_notifyButtonListChanged() { if (_gui) _gui->_buttonListChanged = true; }
void assignButtonCallback(Button *button, int index);
Button *_activeButtons;
ButtonDef _sceneWindowButton;
bool _preserveEvents;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int clickedUpArrow(Button *button);
int clickedDownArrow(Button *button);
int clickedLeftArrow(Button *button);
int clickedRightArrow(Button *button);
int clickedTurnLeftArrow(Button *button);
int clickedTurnRightArrow(Button *button);
int clickedAttackButton(Button *button);
int clickedMagicButton(Button *button);
int clickedMagicSubmenu(Button *button);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int clickedScreen(Button *button);
int clickedPortraitLeft(Button *button);
int clickedLiveMagicBarsLeft(Button *button);
int clickedPortraitEtcRight(Button *button);
int clickedUnk14(Button *button);
int clickedUnk15(Button *button);
int clickedUnk16(Button *button);
int clickedUnk17(Button *button);
int clickedInventorySlot(Button *button);
int clickedInventoryScroll(Button *button);
int clickedUnk20(Button *button);
int clickedScene(Button *button);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int clickedScroll(Button *button);
int clickedUnk23(Button *button);
int clickedUnk24(Button *button);
int clickedUnk25(Button *button);
int clickedOptions(Button *button);
int clickedRestParty(Button *button);
int clickedMoneyBox(Button *button);
int clickedCompass(Button *button);
int clickedAutomap(Button *button);
int clickedLamp(Button *button);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int clickedUnk32(Button *button);
const ButtonDef *_buttonData;
int _buttonDataSize;
const int16 *_buttonList1;
int _buttonList1Size;
const int16 *_buttonList2;
int _buttonList2Size;
const int16 *_buttonList3;
int _buttonList3Size;
const int16 *_buttonList4;
int _buttonList4Size;
const int16 *_buttonList5;
int _buttonList5Size;
const int16 *_buttonList6;
int _buttonList6Size;
const int16 *_buttonList7;
int _buttonList7Size;
const int16 *_buttonList8;
int _buttonList8Size;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
// text
TextDisplayer_LoL *_txt;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
// emc scripts
void runInitScript(const char *filename, int func);
void runInfScript(const char *filename);
void runSceneScript(int block, int sub);
void runSceneScriptCustom(int block, int sub, int charNum, int item, int reg3, int reg4);
bool checkScriptUnk(int func);
EMCData _scriptData;
bool _scriptBoolSkipExec;
uint16 _scriptDirection;
uint16 _currentDirection;
uint16 _currentBlock;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
bool _sceneUpdateRequired;
int16 _currentBlockPropertyIndex[18];
uint16 _gameFlags[15];
uint16 _unkEMC46[16];
// emc opcode
int olol_setGameFlag(EMCState *script);
int olol_testGameFlag(EMCState *script);
int olol_loadLevelGraphics(EMCState *script);
int olol_loadCmzFile(EMCState *script);
int olol_loadMonsterShapes(EMCState *script);
int olol_allocItemPropertiesBuffer(EMCState *script);
int olol_setItemProperty(EMCState *script);
int olol_makeItem(EMCState *script);
int olol_getItemPara(EMCState *script);
int olol_getCharacterStat(EMCState *script);
int olol_setCharacterStat(EMCState *script);
int olol_loadLevelShapes(EMCState *script);
int olol_closeLevelShapeFile(EMCState *script);
int olol_loadDoorShapes(EMCState *script);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int olol_initAnimStruct(EMCState *script);
int olol_freeAnimStruct(EMCState *script);
int olol_setMusicTrack(EMCState *script);
int olol_getUnkArrayVal(EMCState *script);
int olol_setUnkArrayVal(EMCState *script);
int olol_setGlobalVar(EMCState *script);
int olol_mapShapeToBlock(EMCState *script);
int olol_resetBlockShapeAssignment(EMCState *script);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int olol_loadMonsterProperties(EMCState *script);
int olol_loadTimScript(EMCState *script);
int olol_runTimScript(EMCState *script);
int olol_releaseTimScript(EMCState *script);
int olol_initDialogueSequence(EMCState *script);
int olol_restoreSceneAfterDialogueSequence(EMCState *script);
int olol_loadLangFile(EMCState *script);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int olol_stopTimScript(EMCState *script);
int olol_loadSoundFile(EMCState *script);
int olol_setPaletteBrightness(EMCState *script);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int olol_playDialogueTalkText(EMCState *script);
int olol_setNextFunc(EMCState *script);
int olol_assignCustomSfx(EMCState *script);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
// tim scripts
TIM *_activeTim[10];
// tim opcode
void setupOpcodeTable();
Common::Array<const TIMOpcode*> _timIntroOpcodes;
int tlol_setupPaletteFade(const TIM *tim, const uint16 *param);
int tlol_loadPalette(const TIM *tim, const uint16 *param);
int tlol_setupPaletteFadeEx(const TIM *tim, const uint16 *param);
int tlol_processWsaFrame(const TIM *tim, const uint16 *param);
int tlol_displayText(const TIM *tim, const uint16 *param);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
Common::Array<const TIMOpcode*> _timIngameOpcodes;
// translation
int _lang;
uint8 *_landsFile;
uint8 *_levelLangFile;
int _lastUsedStringBuffer;
char _stringBuffer[5][512]; // TODO: The original used a size of 512, it looks a bit large.
// Maybe we can someday reduce the size.
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
char *getLangString(uint16 id);
uint8 *getTableEntry(uint8 *buffer, uint16 id);
static const char * const _languageExt[];
// graphics
void setupScreenDims();
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
void initDialogueSequence(int controlMode);
void unkHideInventory();
void restoreSceneAfterDialogueSequence(int redraw);
void toggleSelectedCharacterFrame(bool mode);
void fadeText();
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
void updateWsaAnimations();
uint8 **_itemIconShapes;
int _numItemIconShapes;
uint8 **_itemShapes;
int _numItemShapes;
uint8 **_gameShapes;
int _numGameShapes;
uint8 **_thrownShapes;
int _numThrownShapes;
uint8 **_iceShapes;
int _numIceShapes;
uint8 **_fireballShapes;
int _numFireballShapes;
const int8 *_gameShapeMap;
int _gameShapeMapSize;
uint8 *_characterFaceShapes[40][3];
// characters
bool addCharacter(int id);
void initCharacter(int charNum, int firstFaceFrame, int unk2, int redraw);
void initCharacterUnkSub(int charNum, int unk1, int unk2, int unk3);
int countActiveCharacters();
void loadCharFaceShapes(int charNum, int id);
void calcCharPortraitXpos();
void updatePortraitSpeechAnim();
void updatePortraits();
void initTextFading(int textType, int clearField);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
void charCallback4(int redraw);
void setCharFaceFrame(int charNum, int frameNum);
void faceFrameRefresh(int charNum);
LoLCharacter *_characters;
uint16 _activeCharsXpos[3];
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int _updateFlags;
int _updateCharNum;
int _updatePortraitSpeechAnim;
int _updateCharV2;
int _updateCharV3;
int _textColourFlag;
bool _fadeText;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int _hideInventory;
uint32 _palUpdateTimer;
uint32 _updatePortraitNext;
int _loadLevelFlag;
int _levelFlagUnk;
int _unkCharNum;
uint8 **_monsterShapes;
uint8 **_monsterPalettes;
uint8 **_buf4;
uint8 _monsterUnk[3];
const LoLCharacter *_charDefaults;
int _charDefaultsSize;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
// lamp
void resetLampStatus();
void setLampMode(bool lampOn);
void updateLampStatus();
int _lampOilStatus;
int _brightness;
int _lampStatusUnk;
uint32 _lampStatusTimer;
bool _lampStatusSuspended;
// level
void loadLevel(int index);
void addLevelItems();
int initCmzWithScript(int block);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
void initCMZ1(CLevelItem *l, int a);
void initCMZ2(CLevelItem *l, uint16 a, uint16 b);
int cmzS1(uint16 x1, uint16 y1, uint16 x2, uint16 y2);
void cmzS2(CLevelItem *l, int a);
void cmzS3(CLevelItem *l);
void cmzS4(uint16 &itemIndex, int a);
int cmzS5(uint16 a, uint16 b);
void cmzS6(uint16 &itemIndex, int a);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
void cmzS7(int a, int block);
void loadLevelWLL(int index, bool mapShapes);
2009-01-19 07:31:34 +00:00
void moveItemToBlock(uint16 *cmzItemIndex, uint16 item);
int assignLevelShapes(int index);
uint8 *getLevelShapes(int index);
2009-01-19 07:31:34 +00:00
void loadLevelCmzFile(int index);
void loadCMZ_Sub(int index1, int index2);
void loadCmzFile(const char *file);
void loadMonsterShapes(const char *file, int monsterIndex, int b);
void releaseMonsterShapes(int monsterIndex);
void loadLevelShpDat(const char *shpFile, const char *datFile, bool flag);
void loadLevelGraphics(const char *file, int specialColor, int weight, int vcnLen, int vmpLen, const char *palFile);
void resetItems(int flag);
void resetLvlBuffer();
void resetBlockProperties();
bool testWallFlag(int block, int direction, int flag);
bool testWallInvisibility(int block, int direction);
void drawScene(int pageNum);
2009-01-19 07:31:34 +00:00
void generateBlockDrawingBuffer(int block, int direction);
void generateBlockDrawingBufferF0(int16 wllOffset, uint8 wllIndex, uint8 wllVmpIndex, int16 vmpOffset, uint8 len, uint8 numEntries);
void generateBlockDrawingBufferF1(int16 wllOffset, uint8 wllIndex, uint8 wllVmpIndex, int16 vmpOffset, uint8 len, uint8 numEntries);
2009-01-19 07:31:34 +00:00
bool hasWall(int index);
void assignBlockCaps(int block, int direction);
void drawVcnBlocks(uint8 *vcnBlocks, uint16 *blockDrawingBuffer, uint8 *vcnShift, int pageNum);
void drawSceneShapes();
void setLevelShapesDim(int index, int16 &x1, int16 &x2, int dim);
void scaleLevelShapesDim(int index, int16 &y1, int16 &y2, int dim);
void drawLevelModifyScreenDim(int dim, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2);
void drawDecorations(int index);
void drawIceShapes(int index, int iceShapeIndex);
void drawMonstersAndItems(int index);
void drawDoor(uint8 *shape, uint8 *table, int index, int unk2, int w, int h, int flags);
void drawDoorOrMonsterShape(uint8 *shape, uint8 *table, int x, int y, int flags, const uint8 *ovl);
void drawScriptShapes(int pageNum);
void updateSceneWindow();
void setSequenceGui(int x, int y, int w, int h, int enableFlags);
void restoreDefaultGui();
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
void updateCompass();
void moveParty(uint16 direction, int unk1, int unk2, int buttonShape);
2009-01-19 07:31:34 +00:00
uint16 calcNewBlockPostion(uint16 curBlock, uint16 direction);
bool checkBlockPassability(uint16 block, uint16 direction);
void notifyBlockNotPassable(int scrollFlag);
void movePartySmoothScrollBlocked(int speed);
void movePartySmoothScrollUp(int speed);
void movePartySmoothScrollDown(int speed);
void movePartySmoothScrollLeft(int speed);
void movePartySmoothScrollRight(int speed);
void movePartySmoothScrollTurnLeft(int speed);
void movePartySmoothScrollTurnRight(int speed);
int smoothScrollDrawSpecialShape(int pageNum);
void setLF2(int block);
uint8 *_scrollSceneBuffer;
uint32 _smoothScrollTimer;
int _smoothScrollModeNormal;
const uint8 *_scrollXTop;
int _scrollXTopSize;
const uint8 *_scrollYTop;
int _scrollYTopSize;
const uint8 *_scrollXBottom;
int _scrollXBottomSize;
const uint8 *_scrollYBottom;
int _scrollYBottomSize;
int _unkFlag;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int _nextScriptFunc;
uint8 _currentLevel;
int _sceneDefaultUpdate;
int _lvlBlockIndex;
int _lvlShapeIndex;
bool _unkDrawLevelBool;
uint8 *_vcnBlocks;
uint8 *_vcnShift;
uint8 *_vcnExpTable;
uint16 *_vmpPtr;
uint16 *_blockDrawingBuffer;
uint8 *_sceneWindowBuffer;
LevelShapeProperty *_levelShapeProperties;
uint8 **_levelShapes;
uint8 *_scriptAssignedLevelShape;
char _lastSuppFile[12];
char _lastOverridePalFile[12];
char *_lastOverridePalFilePtr;
int _lastSpecialColor;
int _lastSpecialColorWeight;
int _sceneDrawVar1;
int _sceneDrawVar2;
int _sceneDrawVar3;
int _wllProcessFlag;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
uint8 *_trueLightTable2;
uint8 *_trueLightTable1;
int _loadSuppFilesFlag;
uint8 *_wllVmpMap;
int8 *_wllShapeMap;
uint8 *_wllBuffer3;
uint8 *_wllBuffer4;
2009-01-19 07:31:34 +00:00
uint8 *_wllWallFlags;
int16 *_lvlShapeTop;
int16 *_lvlShapeBottom;
int16 *_lvlShapeLeftRight;
2009-01-19 07:31:34 +00:00
LevelBlockProperty *_levelBlockProperties;
LevelBlockProperty *_curBlockCaps[18];
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
CLevelItem *_cLevelItems;
MonsterProperty *_monsterProperties;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
uint16 _partyPosX;
uint16 _partyPosY;
Common::SeekableReadStream *_lvlShpFileHandle;
uint16 _lvlShpNum;
uint16 _levelFileDataSize;
LevelShapeProperty *_levelFileData;
uint8 *_doorShapes[2];
int16 _shpDmX;
int16 _shpDmY;
int16 _dmScaleW;
int16 _dmScaleH;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int _lastMouseRegion;
//int _preSeq_X1, _preSeq_Y1, _preSeq_X2, _preSeq_Y2;
uint8 _unkGameFlag;
uint8 *_tempBuffer5120;
uint8 *_tmpData136;
const char *const * _levelDatList;
int _levelDatListSize;
const char *const * _levelShpList;
int _levelShpListSize;
const int8 *_dscUnk1;
int _dscUnk1Size;
const int8 *_dscShapeIndex;
int _dscShapeIndexSize;
const uint8 *_dscOvlMap;
int _dscOvlMapSize;
const uint16 *_dscShapeScaleW;
int _dscShapeScaleWSize;
const uint16 *_dscShapeScaleH;
int _dscShapeScaleHSize;
const int16 *_dscShapeX;
int _dscShapeXSize;
const int8 *_dscShapeY;
int _dscShapeYSize;
const uint8 *_dscTileIndex;
int _dscTileIndexSize;
const uint8 *_dscUnk2;
int _dscUnk2Size;
const uint8 *_dscDoorShpIndex;
int _dscDoorShpIndexSize;
const int8 *_dscDim1;
int _dscDim1Size;
const int8 *_dscDim2;
int _dscDim2Size;
const uint8 *_dscBlockMap;
int _dscBlockMapSize;
const uint8 *_dscDimMap;
int _dscDimMapSize;
const uint16 *_dscDoorMonsterScaleTable;
int _dscDoorMonsterScaleTableSize;
const uint16 *_dscDoor4;
int _dscDoor4Size;
const uint8 *_dscShapeOvlIndex;
int _dscShapeOvlIndexSize;
const int8 *_dscBlockIndex;
int _dscBlockIndexSize;
const uint8 *_dscDoor1;
int _dscDoor1Size;
const int16 *_dscDoorMonsterX;
int _dscDoorMonsterXSize;
const int16 *_dscDoorMonsterY;
int _dscDoorMonsterYSize;
int _sceneDrawPage1;
int _sceneDrawPage2;
// items
void giveCredits(int credits, int redraw);
int makeItem(int itemIndex, int curFrame, int flags);
bool testUnkItemFlags(int itemIndex);
void clearItemTableEntry(int itemIndex);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
CLevelItem *findItem(uint16 index);
void runItemScript(int reg1, int item, int reg0, int reg3, int reg4);
uint8 _moneyColumnHeight[5];
uint16 _credits;
ItemInPlay *_itemsInPlay;
ItemProperty *_itemProperties;
int _itemInHand;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
uint16 _inventory[48];
int _inventoryCurItem;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
int _hideControls;
EMCData _itemScript;
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
// misc
void runLoopSub4(int a);
void calcCoordinates(uint16 & x, uint16 & y, int block, uint16 xOffs, uint16 yOffs);
bool characterSays(int track, int charId, bool redraw);
2009-02-01 19:27:01 +00:00
// spells
bool notEnoughMagic(int charNum, int spellNum, int spellLevel);
int8 _availableSpells[7];
int _selectedSpell;
const SpellProperty *_spellProperties;
int _spellPropertiesSize;
int _subMenuIndex;
// unneeded
void setWalkspeed(uint8) {}
void setHandItem(uint16) {}
void removeHandItem() {}
bool lineIsPassable(int, int) { return false; }
// save
Common::Error loadGameState(int slot) { return Common::kNoError; }
Common::Error saveGameState(int slot, const char *saveName, const Graphics::Surface *thumbnail) { return Common::kNoError; }
} // end of namespace Kyra