2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
/* Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Revolution Software Ltd
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2
* of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA .
* $ Header $
# include <ctype.h>
# include <stdarg.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
//#include "src\driver96.h"
2003-07-28 03:12:49 +00:00
# include "stdafx.h"
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
# include "build_display.h"
# include "console.h"
# include "controls.h"
# include "debug.h"
# include "defs.h"
# include "header.h"
# include "interpreter.h"
# include "layers.h"
# include "logic.h"
# include "maketext.h" // for font resource variables
# include "mem_view.h"
# include "memory.h"
# include "mouse.h"
# include "protocol.h"
# include "resman.h"
# include "router.h"
# include "save_rest.h"
# include "sound.h" // for FN_stop_music()
# include "startup.h"
# include "sword2.h"
# define WINDOW_RES 2016
# define MAX_STRING_LEN 64 // 20 was too low; better to be safe ;)
# define CHARACTER_OVERLAP 2 // overlap characters by 3 pixels
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
void Create_surface_image ( _spriteInfo * sprite , uint8 * * surface , uint32 res , uint32 x , uint32 y , uint32 pc ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
void Build_surfaces ( void ) ;
void Build_chr_surfaces ( void ) ;
void Kill_chr_surfaces ( void ) ;
void Kill_surfaces ( void ) ;
void Renew_surfaces ( void ) ;
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
void Engine_string ( uint32 x , uint32 y , uint32 res , uint8 * * surface_list , uint8 * buf ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
void Kill_mini_surfaces ( void ) ;
void Build_mini_surfaces ( void ) ;
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
uint32 Generic_mini_control ( uint32 text_id ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint32 Pixel_text_length ( uint8 * buf , uint32 res ) ;
void Control_error ( char * text ) ;
# define WINDOW_X 0
# define REST_X 84
# define REST_Y 40
# define SLAB_X (REST_X+30)
# define SLAB_Y (REST_Y+32)
# define REST_BUT_X 130
# define REST_BUT_Y 377
# define CAN_BUT_X 350
# define CAN_BUT_Y 377
# define UP_BUT_X 516
# define UP_BUT_Y 85
# define DOWN_BUT_X 516
# define DOWN_BUT_Y 329
# define ZUP_BUT_Y 85-20
# define ZDOWN_BUT_Y 329+21
# define SLAB_Y_SPACING 35
# define QUIT_X 203
# define QUIT_Y 104
# define OPTION_X 45
# define OPTION_Y 40
# define OPTION_W 552
# define OPT_BUT_W 53
# define OPT_BUT_H 32
# define OPT_OK_X (OPTION_X+(OPTION_W / 3)-(OPT_BUT_W / 2))
# define OPT_OK_Y (OPTION_Y+368-(OPT_BUT_W / 2))
# define OPT_CAN_X (OPTION_X+350)
# define OPT_CAN_Y (OPT_OK_Y)
# define SLIDER_TRK_X (OPTION_X+264)
# define SLIDER_TRK_W 132
# define SLIDER_TRK_H 27
# define SLIDER_W 38
# define OBJ_LABEL_Y (OPTION_Y+60)
# define SUBTITLE_X (OPTION_X+465)
# define STEREO_X (SLIDER_TRK_X-5)
# define STEREO_Y (OPTION_Y+253)
# define MUSIC_TRK_Y (OPTION_Y+121)
# define SPEECH_TRK_Y (OPTION_Y+168)
# define FX_TRK_Y (OPTION_Y+214)
# define GRFX_TRK_Y (OPTION_Y+301)
# define MUTE_W 40
# define MUTE_H 32
# define MUTE_X (SUBTITLE_X+OPT_BUT_W / 2-MUTE_W / 2)
# define GRFX_ICON_X (OPTION_X+450)
# define GRFX_ICON_Y (OPTION_Y+270)
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
uint8 * panel_surface ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
_spriteInfo panel_sprite ;
_spriteInfo slab_sprite [ 8 ] ;
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
uint8 * slab_surface [ 8 ] ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
_spriteInfo chr_sprite ;
# define SIZE_OF_CHAR_SET (256-32) // our fonts start on SPACE character (32)
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
uint8 * chr_surface [ SIZE_OF_CHAR_SET ] ;
uint8 * red_chr_surface [ SIZE_OF_CHAR_SET ] ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
_spriteInfo can_button_sprite [ 2 ] ;
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
uint8 * can_button_surface [ 2 ] ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint32 can_button_state = 0 ;
uint32 touching_can_button = 0 ;
_spriteInfo button_sprite [ 2 ] ;
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
uint8 * button_surface [ 2 ] ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint32 restore_button_state = 0 ;
uint32 touching_restore_button = 0 ;
_spriteInfo up_button_sprite [ 2 ] ;
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
uint8 * up_button_surface [ 2 ] ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint32 up_button_state = 0 ;
uint32 touching_up_button = 0 ;
_spriteInfo down_button_sprite [ 2 ] ;
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
uint8 * down_button_surface [ 2 ] ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint32 down_button_state = 0 ;
uint32 touching_down_button = 0 ;
_spriteInfo zup_button_sprite [ 2 ] ;
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
uint8 * zup_button_surface [ 2 ] ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint32 zup_button_state = 0 ;
uint32 touching_zup_button = 0 ;
_spriteInfo zdown_button_sprite [ 2 ] ;
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
uint8 * zdown_button_surface [ 2 ] ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint32 zdown_button_state = 0 ;
uint32 touching_zdown_button = 0 ;
_spriteInfo grfx_icon_sprite [ 4 ] ;
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
uint8 * grfx_icon_surface [ 4 ] ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint8 * charSet ;
uint8 * red_charSet ;
_frameHeader * head ;
uint32 base_slot = 0 ;
uint8 subtitles ; // text selected
uint8 speechSelected ;
uint8 stereoReversed = 0 ;
uint8 current_graphics_level ;
uint32 Restore_control ( void ) //Tony20Mar97
//well, this is nice and hard wired - not the way to do it really
// returns 0 for no restore
// 1 for restored ok
int breakOut = 0 ;
uint32 j ;
char key_press = 0 ;
uint8 description [ SAVE_DESCRIPTION_LEN ] ;
uint8 buf [ 8 ] [ SAVE_DESCRIPTION_LEN ] ;
uint8 chr ;
int char_no ;
_mouseEvent * me ;
uint8 restore_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 cancel_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 * text ;
uint32 slab_text_x ;
uint32 slab_text_y ;
uint32 slot = 1000 ; //nothing selected
uint32 clicked_slot ;
uint32 cur_slot_states [ 9 ] ;
int scroll_rate = 0 ;
//static uint32 base_slot=0;
int first = 0 ;
uint32 rv ; // return value for RestoreGame
uint32 res ; //result from primer game cycle
int names_built = 0 ; //0 redo, else dont
//do some driver stuff
// for (j=0;j<1000;j++)
// ResetRenderEngine();
//buttons unpressed
restore_button_state = 0 ;
can_button_state = 0 ;
Build_surfaces ( ) ;
Build_chr_surfaces ( ) ;
//fetch the 'restore' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618690 / SIZE ) , 149618690 & 0xffff ) ; // open text file & get the line
strcpy ( ( char * ) & restore_text [ 0 ] , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
//fetch the 'cancel' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618689 / SIZE ) , 149618689 & 0xffff ) ; // open text file & get the line
strcpy ( ( char * ) & cancel_text [ 0 ] , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
//blimey, life's never easy is it?
//control loop
while ( 1 )
// Service windows
if ( ServiceWindows ( ) = = RDERR_APPCLOSED ) // if we pressed Ctrl-Q during the smacker
Close_game ( ) ; //close engine systems down
CloseAppWindow ( ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ; //quit the game
while ( ! gotTheFocus )
{ names_built = 0 ;
slot = 1000 ;
if ( ServiceWindows ( ) = = RDERR_APPCLOSED )
break ;
EraseBackBuffer ( ) ;
//print panel
if ( DrawSurface ( & panel_sprite , panel_surface ) = = RDERR_SURFACELOST )
Renew_surfaces ( ) ;
//print words on panel
Engine_string ( REST_BUT_X + 32 , REST_BUT_Y , controls_font_id , chr_surface , restore_text ) ;
Engine_string ( CAN_BUT_X + 32 , REST_BUT_Y , controls_font_id , chr_surface , cancel_text ) ;
slab_text_y = 76 ;
// print slabs
for ( j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j + + )
if ( slot = = base_slot + j ) //red
{ slab_sprite [ ( ( base_slot + j ) & 3 ) + 4 ] . y = SLAB_Y + ( j * SLAB_Y_SPACING ) ;
DrawSurface ( & slab_sprite [ ( ( base_slot + j ) & 3 ) + 4 ] , slab_surface [ ( ( base_slot + j ) & 3 ) + 4 ] ) ;
{ slab_sprite [ ( ( base_slot + j ) & 3 ) ] . y = SLAB_Y + ( j * SLAB_Y_SPACING ) ;
DrawSurface ( & slab_sprite [ ( ( base_slot + j ) & 3 ) ] , slab_surface [ ( ( base_slot + j ) & 3 ) ] ) ;
// print save name on slab if a game is saved in this slot
if ( ! names_built )
{ if ( GetSaveDescription ( base_slot + j , description ) = = SR_OK ) //if there is a savegame at this slot
cur_slot_states [ j ] = 1 ; //slot used
if ( ! description [ 0 ] )
Con_fatal_error ( " NULL file name passed from GetSaveDescription! " ) ;
// print the name on the slab
sprintf ( ( char * ) buf [ j ] , " %d. %s " , base_slot + j , description ) ;
sprintf ( ( char * ) buf [ j ] , " %d. " , base_slot + j ) ; //simply print the number
cur_slot_states [ j ] = 0 ; //slot not used
char_no = 0 ;
slab_text_x = SLAB_X + 16 ;
chr = buf [ j ] [ char_no ] ;
chr - = 32 ; //got true chr$
chr_sprite . x = slab_text_x ;
chr_sprite . scale = 0 ;
chr_sprite . blend = 0 ;
if ( slot = = base_slot + j )
head = ( _frameHeader * ) FetchFrameHeader ( red_charSet , chr ) ;
chr_sprite . w = head - > width ;
chr_sprite . h = head - > height ;
chr_sprite . y = slab_text_y + 2 ;
DrawSurface ( & chr_sprite , red_chr_surface [ chr ] ) ; //print
head = ( _frameHeader * ) FetchFrameHeader ( charSet , chr ) ;
chr_sprite . w = head - > width ;
chr_sprite . h = head - > height ;
chr_sprite . y = slab_text_y ;
DrawSurface ( & chr_sprite , chr_surface [ chr ] ) ; //print
slab_text_x + = head - > width - CHARACTER_OVERLAP ;
char_no + + ;
while ( buf [ j ] [ char_no ] ) ;
slab_text_y + = SLAB_Y_SPACING ;
names_built = 1 ; //dont GetSaveDescription each cycle
//print buttons
//print restore button
DrawSurface ( & button_sprite [ restore_button_state ] , button_surface [ restore_button_state ] ) ;
//print cancel button
DrawSurface ( & can_button_sprite [ can_button_state ] , can_button_surface [ can_button_state ] ) ;
//print up button
DrawSurface ( & up_button_sprite [ up_button_state ] , up_button_surface [ up_button_state ] ) ;
//print down button
DrawSurface ( & down_button_sprite [ down_button_state ] , down_button_surface [ down_button_state ] ) ;
//print zup button
DrawSurface ( & zup_button_sprite [ zup_button_state ] , zup_button_surface [ zup_button_state ] ) ;
//print zdown button
DrawSurface ( & zdown_button_sprite [ zdown_button_state ] , zdown_button_surface [ zdown_button_state ] ) ;
ProcessMenu ( ) ;
if ( ! first )
first + + ;
SetFullPalette ( CONTROL_PANEL_PALETTE ) ; // see Build_display.cpp (James17jun97)
//mouse over buttons?
if ( ( mousex > REST_BUT_X ) & & ( mousex < REST_BUT_X + 24 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > REST_BUT_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < REST_BUT_Y + 24 ) )
touching_restore_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ restore_button_state = 0 ;
touching_restore_button = 0 ;
if ( ( mousex > CAN_BUT_X ) & & ( mousex < CAN_BUT_X + 24 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > CAN_BUT_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < CAN_BUT_Y + 24 ) )
touching_can_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ can_button_state = 0 ;
touching_can_button = 0 ;
if ( ( mousex > UP_BUT_X ) & & ( mousex < UP_BUT_X + 17 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > UP_BUT_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < UP_BUT_Y + 17 ) )
touching_up_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ up_button_state = 0 ;
touching_up_button = 0 ;
if ( ( mousex > DOWN_BUT_X ) & & ( mousex < DOWN_BUT_X + 17 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > DOWN_BUT_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < DOWN_BUT_Y + 17 ) )
touching_down_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ down_button_state = 0 ;
touching_down_button = 0 ;
if ( ( mousex > UP_BUT_X ) & & ( mousex < UP_BUT_X + 17 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > ZUP_BUT_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < ZUP_BUT_Y + 17 ) )
touching_zup_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ zup_button_state = 0 ;
touching_zup_button = 0 ;
if ( ( mousex > DOWN_BUT_X ) & & ( mousex < DOWN_BUT_X + 17 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > ZDOWN_BUT_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < ZDOWN_BUT_Y + 17 ) )
touching_zdown_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ zdown_button_state = 0 ;
touching_zdown_button = 0 ;
//check mouse clicked on a slab
me = MouseEvent ( ) ; //get mouse event
if ( ( me ! = NULL ) & & ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) ) //there's a mouse event to be processed
if ( ( mousex > SLAB_X ) & & ( mousex < SLAB_X + 384 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > SLAB_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < SLAB_Y + SLAB_Y_SPACING * 8 ) )
clicked_slot = ( ( mousey + 40 ) - SLAB_Y ) / SLAB_Y_SPACING ;
//Zdebug("clicked slab %d", slot);
if ( cur_slot_states [ clicked_slot ] ) //a selectable slot
if ( slot ! = clicked_slot + base_slot ) //can select if not selected now
slot = clicked_slot + base_slot ; //now selected
else slot = 1000 ; //else deselect
// clicking on the restore button
if ( touching_restore_button )
restore_button_state = 1 ; //button now down
// clicking on the cancel button
if ( touching_can_button )
can_button_state = 1 ; //button now down
// clicking on the up button
if ( touching_up_button )
{ up_button_state = 1 ; //button now down
scroll_rate = 0 ;
// clicking on the down button
if ( touching_down_button )
{ down_button_state = 1 ; //button now down
scroll_rate = 0 ;
// clicking on the zup button
if ( touching_zup_button )
{ zup_button_state = 1 ; //button now down
scroll_rate = 0 ;
// clicking on the zdown button
if ( touching_zdown_button )
{ zdown_button_state = 1 ; //button now down
scroll_rate = 0 ;
//check for releasing the mouse button over a button
if ( ( key_press = = 13 ) | | ( ( me ! = NULL ) & & ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONUP ) ) ) //there's a mouse event to be processed
if ( ( key_press = = 13 ) | | ( ( touching_restore_button ) & & ( restore_button_state ) ) )
restore_button_state = 0 ;
if ( slot ! = 1000 ) //restore the game!
breakOut = 1 ;
rv = RestoreGame ( slot ) ;
if ( rv = = SR_OK )
// DEAD=0; //in case we were dead - well we're not anymore!
// prime system with a game cycle
Reset_render_lists ( ) ; // reset the graphic 'buildit' list before a new logic list (see FN_register_frame)
Reset_mouse_list ( ) ; // reset the mouse hot-spot list (see FN_register_mouse & FN_register_frame)
res = LLogic . Process_session ( ) ;
if ( res )
Con_fatal_error ( " restart 1st cycle failed?? " ) ;
// Control_error("restored OK :)");
Kill_surfaces ( ) ;
Kill_chr_surfaces ( ) ;
return ( 1 ) ;
// Save & Restore error codes
// ========== ===== ======= ======
// SR_OK 0x00000000 // ok No worries
// SR_ERR_FILEOPEN 0x00000001 // can't open file Could create file for saving, or couldn't find file for loading
// SR_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE 0x00000002 // (RestoreGame only) incompatible savegame data Savegame file is obsolete. (Won't happen after development stops)
// SR_ERR_READFAIL 0x00000003 // (RestoreGame only) failed on reading savegame file Something screwed up during the fread()
// SR_ERR_WRITEFAIL 0x00000004 // (SaveGame only) failed on writing savegame file Something screwed up during the fwrite() - could be hard-drive full..?
if ( rv = = SR_ERR_FILEOPEN )
Control_error ( ( char * ) ( FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 213516670 / SIZE ) , 213516670 & 0xffff ) + 2 ) ) ;
// Restore failed - could not open file
else if ( rv = = SR_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE )
Control_error ( ( char * ) ( FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 213516671 / SIZE ) , 213516671 & 0xffff ) + 2 ) ) ;
// Restore failed - incompatible savegame data
Control_error ( ( char * ) ( FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 213516673 / SIZE ) , 213516673 & 0xffff ) + 2 ) ) ;
// Restore failed
else if ( ( touching_can_button ) & & ( can_button_state ) ) //quit the screen
breakOut = 1 ;
else if ( touching_up_button )
up_button_state = 0 ;
else if ( touching_down_button )
down_button_state = 0 ;
else if ( touching_zup_button )
zup_button_state = 0 ;
else if ( touching_zdown_button )
zdown_button_state = 0 ;
//scrolling downward
if ( ( ( scroll_rate < 1 ) | | ( scroll_rate > 12 ) ) & & ( ! ( scroll_rate & 3 ) ) & & ( down_button_state ) & & ( base_slot < 92 ) )
{ base_slot + + ;
names_built = 0 ;
//scrolling upward
if ( ( ( scroll_rate < 1 ) | | ( scroll_rate > 12 ) ) & & ( ! ( scroll_rate & 3 ) ) & & ( up_button_state ) & & ( base_slot ) )
{ base_slot - - ;
names_built = 0 ;
//scrolling zdownward
if ( ( ( scroll_rate < 1 ) | | ( scroll_rate > 12 ) ) & & ( ! ( scroll_rate & 3 ) ) & & ( zdown_button_state ) & & ( base_slot < 92 ) )
{ base_slot + = 8 ;
if ( base_slot > 92 )
base_slot = 92 ;
names_built = 0 ;
//scrolling zupward
if ( ( ( scroll_rate < 1 ) | | ( scroll_rate > 12 ) ) & & ( ! ( scroll_rate & 3 ) ) & & ( zup_button_state ) & & ( base_slot ) )
{ base_slot - = 8 ;
if ( base_slot > 92 )
base_slot = 0 ;
names_built = 0 ;
//update scroll stuff
scroll_rate + + ;
key_press = 0 ;
if ( KeyWaiting ( ) )
ReadKey ( & key_press ) ; //kill the key we just pressed
if ( key_press = = 27 ) //ESC
break ;
if ( breakOut )
break ; //quit this stuff - ap will eventually close in the mainloop
} //while
Kill_surfaces ( ) ;
Kill_chr_surfaces ( ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
void Create_surface_image ( _spriteInfo * sprite , uint8 * * surface , uint32 res , uint32 x , uint32 y , uint32 pc ) //TonyMarch97
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint8 * file , * colTablePtr = NULL ;
_animHeader * anim_head ;
_frameHeader * frame_head ;
_cdtEntry * cdt_entry ;
//_spriteInfo spriteInfo;
uint32 spriteType = RDSPR_TRANS ;
file = res_man . Res_open ( res ) ; // open anim resource file & point to base
anim_head = FetchAnimHeader ( file ) ;
cdt_entry = FetchCdtEntry ( file , pc ) ;
frame_head = FetchFrameHeader ( file , pc ) ;
if ( anim_head - > blend )
spriteType + = RDSPR_BLEND ;
if ( ( cdt_entry - > frameType ) & FRAME_FLIPPED ) //if the frame is to be flipped (only really applicable to frames using offsets)
spriteType + = RDSPR_FLIP ;
switch ( anim_head - > runTimeComp ) // what compression was used?
case NONE :
break ;
case RLE256 :
spriteType + = RDSPR_RLE256 ;
break ;
case RLE16 :
spriteType + = RDSPR_RLE16 ;
colTablePtr = ( uint8 * ) ( anim_head + 1 ) + anim_head - > noAnimFrames * sizeof ( _cdtEntry ) ;
// points to just after last cdt_entry, ie. start of colour table
break ;
sprite - > x = x ;
sprite - > y = y ;
sprite - > w = frame_head - > width ;
sprite - > h = frame_head - > height ;
sprite - > scale = 0 ;
// spriteInfo.scaledWidth = build_unit->scaled_width;
// spriteInfo.scaledHeight = build_unit->scaled_height;
sprite - > type = spriteType ;
sprite - > blend = anim_head - > blend ;
sprite - > data = ( uint8 * ) ( frame_head + 1 ) ; // points to just after frame header, ie. start of sprite data
// spriteInfo.colourTable = colTablePtr;
// Zdebug("w %d h %d", frame_head->width, frame_head->height);
CreateSurface ( sprite , surface ) ;
res_man . Res_close ( res ) ; //release the anim resource
void Build_surfaces ( void ) //Tony27March97
//setup the control window
Create_surface_image ( & panel_sprite , & panel_surface , WINDOW_RES , WINDOW_X , REST_Y , 0 ) ;
//setup slabs as surfaces
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 0 ] , & slab_surface [ 0 ] , 2006 , SLAB_X , 0 , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 1 ] , & slab_surface [ 1 ] , 2007 , SLAB_X , 0 , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 2 ] , & slab_surface [ 2 ] , 2008 , SLAB_X , 0 , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 3 ] , & slab_surface [ 3 ] , 2009 , SLAB_X , 0 , 0 ) ;
//now the red selected panels
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 4 ] , & slab_surface [ 4 ] , 2006 , SLAB_X , 0 , 1 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 5 ] , & slab_surface [ 5 ] , 2007 , SLAB_X , 0 , 1 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 6 ] , & slab_surface [ 6 ] , 2008 , SLAB_X , 0 , 1 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 7 ] , & slab_surface [ 7 ] , 2009 , SLAB_X , 0 , 1 ) ;
//restore button
Create_surface_image ( & button_sprite [ 0 ] , & button_surface [ 0 ] , 2002 , REST_BUT_X , REST_BUT_Y , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & button_sprite [ 1 ] , & button_surface [ 1 ] , 2002 , REST_BUT_X , REST_BUT_Y , 1 ) ;
//cancel button
Create_surface_image ( & can_button_sprite [ 0 ] , & can_button_surface [ 0 ] , 2002 , CAN_BUT_X , CAN_BUT_Y , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & can_button_sprite [ 1 ] , & can_button_surface [ 1 ] , 2002 , CAN_BUT_X , CAN_BUT_Y , 1 ) ;
//up button
Create_surface_image ( & up_button_sprite [ 0 ] , & up_button_surface [ 0 ] , 2067 , UP_BUT_X , UP_BUT_Y , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & up_button_sprite [ 1 ] , & up_button_surface [ 1 ] , 2067 , UP_BUT_X , UP_BUT_Y , 1 ) ;
//down button
Create_surface_image ( & down_button_sprite [ 0 ] , & down_button_surface [ 0 ] , 1986 , DOWN_BUT_X , DOWN_BUT_Y , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & down_button_sprite [ 1 ] , & down_button_surface [ 1 ] , 1986 , DOWN_BUT_X , DOWN_BUT_Y , 1 ) ;
//zup button
Create_surface_image ( & zup_button_sprite [ 0 ] , & zup_button_surface [ 0 ] , 1982 , UP_BUT_X , ZUP_BUT_Y , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & zup_button_sprite [ 1 ] , & zup_button_surface [ 1 ] , 1982 , UP_BUT_X , ZUP_BUT_Y , 1 ) ;
//zdown button
Create_surface_image ( & zdown_button_sprite [ 0 ] , & zdown_button_surface [ 0 ] , 1988 , DOWN_BUT_X , ZDOWN_BUT_Y , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & zdown_button_sprite [ 1 ] , & zdown_button_surface [ 1 ] , 1988 , DOWN_BUT_X , ZDOWN_BUT_Y , 1 ) ;
void Build_chr_surfaces ( void ) //tony2Apr97
int j ;
//sort out the font
charSet = res_man . Res_open ( controls_font_id ) ; //open font file
red_charSet = res_man . Res_open ( red_font_id ) ; //open font file
//set up the chr$ set frame surfaces
chr_sprite . scale = 0 ;
chr_sprite . blend = 0 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < SIZE_OF_CHAR_SET ; j + + )
{ //normal
head = ( _frameHeader * ) FetchFrameHeader ( charSet , j ) ;
chr_sprite . data = ( uint8 * ) ( head + 1 ) ;
chr_sprite . w = head - > width ;
chr_sprite . h = head - > height ;
CreateSurface ( & chr_sprite , & chr_surface [ j ] ) ;
// red
head = ( _frameHeader * ) FetchFrameHeader ( red_charSet , j ) ;
chr_sprite . data = ( uint8 * ) ( head + 1 ) ;
chr_sprite . w = head - > width ;
chr_sprite . h = head - > height ;
CreateSurface ( & chr_sprite , & red_chr_surface [ j ] ) ;
res_man . Res_close ( controls_font_id ) ; //close font file
res_man . Res_close ( red_font_id ) ; //close font file
void Kill_surfaces ( void ) //Tony27March97
//remove the surfaces
DeleteSurface ( panel_surface ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 2 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 3 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 4 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 5 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 6 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 7 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( button_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( button_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( can_button_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( can_button_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( up_button_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( up_button_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( down_button_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( down_button_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( zup_button_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( zup_button_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( zdown_button_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( zdown_button_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
void Kill_chr_surfaces ( void ) //Tony2Apr97
int j ;
//release chr$ set surfaces
for ( j = 0 ; j < SIZE_OF_CHAR_SET ; j + + )
{ //normal
DeleteSurface ( chr_surface [ j ] ) ;
// red
DeleteSurface ( red_chr_surface [ j ] ) ;
void Renew_surfaces ( void ) //Tony27March97
Kill_surfaces ( ) ;
Kill_chr_surfaces ( ) ;
Build_surfaces ( ) ;
Build_chr_surfaces ( ) ;
void Save_control ( void ) //Tony1Apr97 not a joke
//largely the same as the restore code
int breakOut = 0 ;
uint32 j ;
char key_press ;
uint8 description [ SAVE_DESCRIPTION_LEN ] ;
uint8 buf [ 8 ] [ SAVE_DESCRIPTION_LEN ] ;
uint8 ed_buf [ SAVE_DESCRIPTION_LEN ] ;
int char_no ;
uint8 chr ;
_mouseEvent * me ;
int esc_release = 0 ;
uint32 slab_text_x ;
uint32 slab_text_y ;
2003-07-28 02:14:28 +00:00
uint32 clicked_slot = 1000 , edit_screen_slot = 1000 ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint32 cur_slot_states [ 9 ] ;
int scroll_rate = 0 ;
// static uint32 base_slot=0;
2003-07-28 02:14:28 +00:00
int edit_pos = 0 , first_chr = 0 , flash = 0 ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint8 save_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 cancel_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 * text ;
int first = 0 ;
uint32 rv ; // return value for SaveGame
2003-07-28 02:14:28 +00:00
uint32 edit_width = 0 ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
int names_built = 0 ;
//buttons unpressed
restore_button_state = 0 ;
can_button_state = 0 ;
//do some driver stuff
// ResetRenderEngine();
//sort out the font
charSet = res_man . Res_open ( controls_font_id ) ; //open font file
red_charSet = res_man . Res_open ( red_font_id ) ; //open font file
chr_sprite . scale = 0 ;
chr_sprite . blend = 0 ;
Build_surfaces ( ) ;
Build_chr_surfaces ( ) ;
//fetch the 'save' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618691 / SIZE ) , 149618691 & 0xffff ) ; // open text file & get the line
strcpy ( ( char * ) & save_text [ 0 ] , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
//fetch the 'cancel' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618689 / SIZE ) , 149618689 & 0xffff ) ; // open text file & get the line
strcpy ( ( char * ) & cancel_text [ 0 ] , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
//blimey, life's never easy is it?
//control loop
while ( 1 )
if ( ServiceWindows ( ) = = RDERR_APPCLOSED ) // if we pressed Ctrl-Q during the smacker
Close_game ( ) ; //close engine systems down
CloseAppWindow ( ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ; //quit the game
// Service windows
while ( ! gotTheFocus )
{ names_built = 0 ;
edit_screen_slot = 1000 ;
if ( ServiceWindows ( ) = = RDERR_APPCLOSED )
break ;
EraseBackBuffer ( ) ;
//print panel
if ( DrawSurface ( & panel_sprite , panel_surface ) = = RDERR_SURFACELOST )
Renew_surfaces ( ) ;
//print words on panel
Engine_string ( REST_BUT_X + 32 , REST_BUT_Y , controls_font_id , chr_surface , save_text ) ;
Engine_string ( CAN_BUT_X + 32 , REST_BUT_Y , controls_font_id , chr_surface , cancel_text ) ;
slab_text_y = 76 ;
// print slabs
for ( j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j + + )
if ( edit_screen_slot ! = j )
{ slab_sprite [ ( ( base_slot + j ) & 3 ) ] . y = SLAB_Y + ( j * SLAB_Y_SPACING ) ;
DrawSurface ( & slab_sprite [ ( ( base_slot + j ) & 3 ) ] , slab_surface [ ( ( base_slot + j ) & 3 ) ] ) ;
// print save name on slab if a game is saved in this slot
if ( ! names_built )
if ( GetSaveDescription ( base_slot + j , description ) = = SR_OK ) //if there is a savegame at this slot
{ cur_slot_states [ j ] = 1 ; //slot used
if ( ! description [ 0 ] )
Con_fatal_error ( " NULL file name passed from GetSaveDescription! " ) ;
// print the name on the slab
sprintf ( ( char * ) buf [ j ] , " %d. %s " , base_slot + j , description ) ;
{ sprintf ( ( char * ) buf [ j ] , " %d. " , base_slot + j ) ; //simply print the number
cur_slot_states [ j ] = 0 ; //slot not used
char_no = 0 ;
slab_text_x = SLAB_X + 16 ;
chr = buf [ j ] [ char_no ] ;
chr - = 32 ; //got true chr$
chr_sprite . x = slab_text_x ;
head = ( _frameHeader * ) FetchFrameHeader ( charSet , chr ) ;
chr_sprite . w = head - > width ;
chr_sprite . h = head - > height ;
chr_sprite . y = slab_text_y ;
DrawSurface ( & chr_sprite , chr_surface [ chr ] ) ; //print
slab_text_x + = head - > width - CHARACTER_OVERLAP ; // overlap characters by 3 pixels;
char_no + + ;
while ( buf [ j ] [ char_no ] ) ;
slab_text_y + = SLAB_Y_SPACING ;
names_built = 1 ;
//draw the typing slab and text if we are still editing
if ( edit_screen_slot ! = 1000 ) //we are typing a name in
flash + + ;
if ( flash < 7 )
ed_buf [ edit_pos ] = ' _ ' ;
ed_buf [ edit_pos ] = ' ' ; //by putting a space in we'll always have a chr$ in the buffer
if ( flash = = 14 )
flash = 0 ;
// now draw the current edit line
// draw a red slab
slab_sprite [ ( clicked_slot & 3 ) + 4 ] . y = SLAB_Y + ( edit_screen_slot * SLAB_Y_SPACING ) ;
DrawSurface ( & slab_sprite [ ( clicked_slot & 3 ) + 4 ] , slab_surface [ ( clicked_slot & 3 ) + 4 ] ) ;
// draw the text line
char_no = 0 ;
edit_width = 0 ; //total pixel width of text being typed in
slab_text_x = SLAB_X + 16 ;
// print the chr$
chr = ed_buf [ char_no ] ;
chr - = 32 ; //got true chr$
chr_sprite . x = slab_text_x ;
head = ( _frameHeader * ) FetchFrameHeader ( red_charSet , chr ) ;
chr_sprite . w = head - > width ;
chr_sprite . h = head - > height ;
chr_sprite . y = SLAB_Y + ( edit_screen_slot * SLAB_Y_SPACING ) + 5 ; //why 5? when its 2 on restore????????
DrawSurface ( & chr_sprite , red_chr_surface [ chr ] ) ; //print
slab_text_x + = head - > width - CHARACTER_OVERLAP ;
edit_width + = head - > width - CHARACTER_OVERLAP ;
char_no + + ;
while ( ed_buf [ char_no ] ) ;
//print buttons
//print restore button
DrawSurface ( & button_sprite [ restore_button_state ] , button_surface [ restore_button_state ] ) ;
//print cancel button
DrawSurface ( & can_button_sprite [ can_button_state ] , can_button_surface [ can_button_state ] ) ;
//print up button
DrawSurface ( & up_button_sprite [ up_button_state ] , up_button_surface [ up_button_state ] ) ;
//print down button
DrawSurface ( & down_button_sprite [ down_button_state ] , down_button_surface [ down_button_state ] ) ;
//print zup button
DrawSurface ( & zup_button_sprite [ zup_button_state ] , zup_button_surface [ zup_button_state ] ) ;
//print zdown button
DrawSurface ( & zdown_button_sprite [ zdown_button_state ] , zdown_button_surface [ zdown_button_state ] ) ;
ProcessMenu ( ) ;
//mouse over buttons?
if ( ( mousex > REST_BUT_X ) & & ( mousex < REST_BUT_X + 24 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > REST_BUT_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < REST_BUT_Y + 24 ) )
touching_restore_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ restore_button_state = 0 ;
touching_restore_button = 0 ;
if ( ( mousex > CAN_BUT_X ) & & ( mousex < CAN_BUT_X + 24 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > CAN_BUT_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < CAN_BUT_Y + 24 ) )
touching_can_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ can_button_state = 0 ;
touching_can_button = 0 ;
if ( ( mousex > UP_BUT_X ) & & ( mousex < UP_BUT_X + 17 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > UP_BUT_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < UP_BUT_Y + 17 ) )
touching_up_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ up_button_state = 0 ;
touching_up_button = 0 ;
if ( ( mousex > DOWN_BUT_X ) & & ( mousex < DOWN_BUT_X + 17 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > DOWN_BUT_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < DOWN_BUT_Y + 17 ) )
touching_down_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ down_button_state = 0 ;
touching_down_button = 0 ;
if ( ( mousex > UP_BUT_X ) & & ( mousex < UP_BUT_X + 17 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > ZUP_BUT_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < ZUP_BUT_Y + 17 ) )
touching_zup_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ zup_button_state = 0 ;
touching_zup_button = 0 ;
if ( ( mousex > DOWN_BUT_X ) & & ( mousex < DOWN_BUT_X + 17 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > ZDOWN_BUT_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < ZDOWN_BUT_Y + 17 ) )
touching_zdown_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ zdown_button_state = 0 ;
touching_zdown_button = 0 ;
//check mouse clicked on a slab
me = MouseEvent ( ) ; //get mouse event
if ( ( me ! = NULL ) & & ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) ) //there's a mouse event to be processed
if ( ( mousex > SLAB_X ) & & ( mousex < SLAB_X + 384 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > SLAB_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < SLAB_Y + SLAB_Y_SPACING * 8 ) )
edit_screen_slot = ( ( mousey + 40 ) - SLAB_Y ) / SLAB_Y_SPACING ;
clicked_slot = edit_screen_slot + base_slot ;
Zdebug ( " + %d %d " , edit_screen_slot , clicked_slot ) ;
// now edit the line
// take a copy of the string
for ( j = 0 ; j < SAVE_DESCRIPTION_LEN ; j + + )
ed_buf [ j ] = 0 ; //zero the string
sprintf ( ( char * ) ed_buf , " %d. " , clicked_slot ) ; //simply print the number - assume no name in panel
first_chr = strlen ( ( char * ) ed_buf ) ;
edit_pos = first_chr ;
if ( GetSaveDescription ( clicked_slot , description ) = = SR_OK ) //if there is a savegame at this slot
sprintf ( ( char * ) ed_buf , " %d. %s " , clicked_slot , description ) ;
edit_pos = strlen ( ( char * ) ed_buf ) ; //recalculate cursor pos to end of string
Zdebug ( " first %d [%s] " , first_chr , ed_buf ) ;
// clicking on the restore button
if ( touching_restore_button )
restore_button_state = 1 ; //button now down
// clicking on the cancel button
if ( touching_can_button )
can_button_state = 1 ; //button now down
// clicking on the up button
if ( touching_up_button )
{ up_button_state = 1 ; //button now down
scroll_rate = 0 ;
// clicking on the down button
if ( touching_down_button )
{ down_button_state = 1 ; //button now down
scroll_rate = 0 ;
// clicking on the zup button
if ( touching_zup_button )
{ zup_button_state = 1 ; //button now down
scroll_rate = 0 ;
// clicking on the zdown button
if ( touching_zdown_button )
{ zdown_button_state = 1 ; //button now down
scroll_rate = 0 ;
//check for releasing the mouse button over a button
if ( ( me ! = NULL ) & & ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONUP ) ) //there's a mouse event to be processed
if ( ( touching_restore_button ) & & ( restore_button_state ) )
restore_button_state = 0 ;
if ( ( edit_screen_slot ! = 1000 ) & & ( edit_pos ! = first_chr ) ) //we are editing and have a legal file name typed in
{ //then save game - can also be saved when you press RETurn
ed_buf [ edit_pos ] = 0 ; //remove cursor/[space]
rv = SaveGame ( clicked_slot , ( uint8 * ) & ed_buf [ first_chr ] ) ;
if ( rv = = SR_OK )
{ breakOut = 1 ; //finished
if ( ( edit_screen_slot > 6 ) & ( base_slot < 92 ) )
base_slot + + ;
// Save & Restore error codes
// ========== ===== ======= ======
// SR_OK 0x00000000 // ok No worries
// SR_ERR_FILEOPEN 0x00000001 // can't open file Could create file for saving, or couldn't find file for loading
// SR_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE 0x00000002 // (RestoreGame only) incompatible savegame data Savegame file is obsolete. (Won't happen after development stops)
// SR_ERR_READFAIL 0x00000003 // (RestoreGame only) failed on reading savegame file Something screwed up during the fread()
// SR_ERR_WRITEFAIL 0x00000004 // (SaveGame only) failed on writing savegame file Something screwed up during the fwrite() - could be hard-drive full..?
if ( rv = = SR_ERR_FILEOPEN )
Control_error ( ( char * ) ( FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 213516674 / SIZE ) , 213516674 & 0xffff ) + 2 ) ) ;
// Save failed - could not open file
Control_error ( ( char * ) ( FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 213516676 / SIZE ) , 213516676 & 0xffff ) + 2 ) ) ;
// Save failed
else if ( ( touching_can_button ) & & ( can_button_state ) ) //quit the screen
breakOut = 1 ;
else if ( touching_up_button )
up_button_state = 0 ;
else if ( touching_down_button )
down_button_state = 0 ;
else if ( touching_zup_button )
zup_button_state = 0 ;
else if ( touching_zdown_button )
zdown_button_state = 0 ;
//scrolling downward
if ( ( ( scroll_rate < 1 ) | | ( scroll_rate > 12 ) ) & & ( ! ( scroll_rate & 3 ) ) & & ( down_button_state ) & & ( base_slot < 92 ) )
{ base_slot + + ;
names_built = 0 ;
if ( edit_screen_slot ! = 1000 )
{ edit_screen_slot - - ;
if ( base_slot > clicked_slot )
edit_screen_slot = 1000 ;
//scrolling upward
if ( ( ( scroll_rate < 1 ) | | ( scroll_rate > 12 ) ) & & ( ! ( scroll_rate & 3 ) ) & & ( up_button_state ) & & ( base_slot ) )
{ base_slot - - ;
names_built = 0 ;
if ( edit_screen_slot ! = 1000 )
{ edit_screen_slot + + ;
if ( ( base_slot + 7 ) < clicked_slot )
edit_screen_slot = 1000 ;
//scrolling zdownward
if ( ( ( scroll_rate < 1 ) | | ( scroll_rate > 12 ) ) & & ( ! ( scroll_rate & 3 ) ) & & ( zdown_button_state ) & & ( base_slot < 92 ) )
{ base_slot + = 8 ;
names_built = 0 ;
if ( base_slot > 92 )
base_slot = 92 ;
edit_screen_slot = 1000 ; //no more editing
//scrolling zupward
if ( ( ( scroll_rate < 1 ) | | ( scroll_rate > 12 ) ) & & ( ! ( scroll_rate & 3 ) ) & & ( zup_button_state ) & & ( base_slot ) )
{ base_slot - = 8 ;
names_built = 0 ;
if ( base_slot > 92 )
base_slot = 0 ;
edit_screen_slot = 1000 ; //no more editing
//update scroll stuff
scroll_rate + + ;
//deal with user input if the user is inputting
if ( ( edit_screen_slot ! = 1000 ) & & ( KeyWaiting ( ) ) ) //we are typing a name in
ReadKey ( & key_press ) ;
if ( ! key_press ) //escape sequences
else if ( key_press = = 27 ) //ESC
edit_screen_slot = 1000 ; //quit this edit
esc_release = 42 ; //stop the ESC key auto-repeating after this and quiting the save control
else if ( key_press = = 13 ) //RETurn
if ( edit_pos ! = first_chr )
{ //save game
ed_buf [ edit_pos ] = 0 ; //remove cursor/[space]
Zdebug ( " %d %d %s " , first_chr , edit_pos , & ed_buf [ first_chr ] ) ;
rv = SaveGame ( clicked_slot , ( uint8 * ) & ed_buf [ first_chr ] ) ;
if ( rv = = SR_OK )
{ breakOut = 1 ; //finished
if ( ( edit_screen_slot > 6 ) & ( base_slot < 92 ) )
base_slot + + ;
// Save & Restore error codes
// ========== ===== ======= ======
// SR_OK 0x00000000 // ok No worries
// SR_ERR_FILEOPEN 0x00000001 // can't open file Could create file for saving, or couldn't find file for loading
// SR_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE 0x00000002 // (RestoreGame only) incompatible savegame data Savegame file is obsolete. (Won't happen after development stops)
// SR_ERR_READFAIL 0x00000003 // (RestoreGame only) failed on reading savegame file Something screwed up during the fread()
// SR_ERR_WRITEFAIL 0x00000004 // (SaveGame only) failed on writing savegame file Something screwed up during the fwrite() - could be hard-drive full..?
if ( rv = = SR_ERR_FILEOPEN )
Control_error ( ( char * ) ( FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 213516674 / SIZE ) , 213516674 & 0xffff ) + 2 ) ) ;
// Save failed - could not open file
Control_error ( ( char * ) ( FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 213516676 / SIZE ) , 213516676 & 0xffff ) + 2 ) ) ;
// Save failed
else edit_screen_slot = 1000 ; //dont save an empty slot and cancel editing
else if ( key_press = = 8 ) //delete
if ( edit_pos ! = first_chr )
ed_buf [ edit_pos ] = 0 ; //delete cursor chr$
edit_pos - - ;
ed_buf [ edit_pos ] = 0 ;
else if ( ( key_press < 32 ) | | ( key_press > ' z ' ) )
Zdebug ( " save ignoring key - %d " , key_press ) ;
// if (edit_pos<(20)) //less one to leave room for the cursor
if ( ( edit_width < 350 ) & & ( edit_pos < SAVE_DESCRIPTION_LEN - 2 ) )
ed_buf [ edit_pos + + ] = key_press ;
else //end of line has been reached, so keep replacing last letter
ed_buf [ edit_pos - 1 ] = key_press ; //replace
else if ( KeyWaiting ( ) )
ReadKey ( & key_press ) ; //kill the key we just pressed
if ( ( key_press = = 27 ) & & ( ! esc_release ) ) //ESC
breakOut = 1 ;
else if ( key_press ! = 27 )
esc_release = 0 ;
else if ( ! KeyWaiting ( ) )
esc_release = 0 ;
if ( breakOut )
break ; //quit this stuff - ap will eventually close in the mainloop
if ( ! first )
first + + ;
SetFullPalette ( CONTROL_PANEL_PALETTE ) ; // see Build_display.cpp (James17jun97)
} //while
Kill_surfaces ( ) ;
Kill_chr_surfaces ( ) ;
void Quit_control ( void ) //Tony2Apr97
uint32 res ;
res = Generic_mini_control ( 149618692 ) ; //quit text
if ( ! res )
return ; //just return to game
EraseBackBuffer ( ) ;
Close_game ( ) ; //close engine systems down
CloseAppWindow ( ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ;
void Restart_control ( void ) //Tony4Apr97
uint32 res ;
uint32 temp_demo_flag ;
res = Generic_mini_control ( 149618693 ) ; //restart text
if ( ! res )
return ; //just return to game
Kill_music ( ) ; // Stop music instantly! (James22aug97)
DEAD = 0 ; //in case we were dead - well we're not anymore!
//clean up surface memory
Kill_mini_surfaces ( ) ;
EraseBackBuffer ( ) ;
//ProcessMenu(); //draw menu
//restart the game
//clear all memory and reset the globals
temp_demo_flag = DEMO ;
res_man . Remove_all_res ( ) ; //remove all resources from memory, including player object & global variables
SetGlobalInterpreterVariables ( ( int32 * ) ( res_man . Res_open ( 1 ) + sizeof ( _standardHeader ) ) ) ; //reopen global variables resource & send address to interpreter - it won't be moving
res_man . Res_close ( 1 ) ;
DEMO = temp_demo_flag ;
FreeAllRouteMem ( ) ; // free all the route memory blocks from previous game
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > Start_game ( ) ; // call the same function that first started us up
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
//prime system with a game cycle
Reset_render_lists ( ) ; // reset the graphic 'buildit' list before a new logic list (see FN_register_frame)
Reset_mouse_list ( ) ; // reset the mouse hot-spot list (see FN_register_mouse & FN_register_frame)
CloseMenuImmediately ( ) ;
// - this is taken from FN_init_background
this_screen . scroll_flag = 2 ; // switch on scrolling (2 means first time on screen)
res = LLogic . Process_session ( ) ;
if ( res )
Con_fatal_error ( " restart 1st cycle failed?? " ) ;
this_screen . new_palette = 99 ; // (JEL08oct97) so palette not restored immediately after control panel - we want to fade up instead!
uint32 Generic_mini_control ( uint32 text_id ) //Tony2Apr97
// returns 1 for OK pressed
// returns 0 for CANCEL pressed
int breakOut = 0 ;
char c ;
uint8 quit_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 ok_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 cancel_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 * text ;
_mouseEvent * me ;
int first = 0 ;
int text_len ;
# define OK_BUT_X (QUIT_X+40)
# define OK_BUT_Y (QUIT_Y+110)
# define CAN_BU_Y (QUIT_Y+172)
//do some driver stuff
// ResetRenderEngine();
//fetch the 'quit' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( text_id / SIZE ) , text_id & 0xffff ) ; //quit or restart
strcpy ( ( char * ) & quit_text [ 0 ] , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
text_len = Pixel_text_length ( & quit_text [ 0 ] , controls_font_id ) ;
//fetch the 'ok' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618688 / SIZE ) , 149618688 & 0xffff ) ; //ok
strcpy ( ( char * ) & ok_text [ 0 ] , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
//fetch the 'cancel' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618689 / SIZE ) , 149618689 & 0xffff ) ; //cancel
strcpy ( ( char * ) & cancel_text [ 0 ] , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
//blimey, life's never easy is it?
//buttons unpressed
restore_button_state = 0 ;
can_button_state = 0 ;
//build surfaces
Build_mini_surfaces ( ) ;
//control loop
while ( 1 )
// Service windows
if ( ServiceWindows ( ) = = RDERR_APPCLOSED ) // if we pressed Ctrl-Q
Close_game ( ) ; //close engine systems down
CloseAppWindow ( ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ; //quit the game
while ( ! gotTheFocus )
if ( ServiceWindows ( ) = = RDERR_APPCLOSED )
break ;
EraseBackBuffer ( ) ;
//print panel
if ( DrawSurface ( & panel_sprite , panel_surface ) = = RDERR_SURFACELOST )
Kill_mini_surfaces ( ) ;
Build_mini_surfaces ( ) ;
//print words on panel quit_x+81
Engine_string ( 310 - ( text_len / 2 ) , QUIT_Y + 30 , controls_font_id , chr_surface , quit_text ) ; // quit
Engine_string ( QUIT_X + 67 , QUIT_Y + 110 , controls_font_id , chr_surface , ok_text ) ; // ok
Engine_string ( QUIT_X + 67 , QUIT_Y + 172 , controls_font_id , chr_surface , cancel_text ) ; // cancel
//print buttons
//print ok button
DrawSurface ( & button_sprite [ restore_button_state ] , button_surface [ restore_button_state ] ) ;
//print cancel button
DrawSurface ( & can_button_sprite [ can_button_state ] , can_button_surface [ can_button_state ] ) ;
//keep menu up too
ProcessMenu ( ) ;
//user can ESC quit
if ( KeyWaiting ( ) )
ReadKey ( & c ) ; //kill the key we just pressed
if ( c = = 27 ) //ESC
break ;
//mouse over ok button?
if ( ( mousex > OK_BUT_X ) & & ( mousex < OK_BUT_X + 24 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > OK_BUT_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < OK_BUT_Y + 24 ) )
touching_restore_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ restore_button_state = 0 ;
touching_restore_button = 0 ;
//mouse over cancel button?
if ( ( mousex > OK_BUT_X ) & & ( mousex < OK_BUT_X + 24 ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > CAN_BU_Y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < CAN_BU_Y + 24 ) )
touching_can_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ can_button_state = 0 ;
touching_can_button = 0 ;
//pressing on a button
me = MouseEvent ( ) ; //get mouse event
if ( ( me ! = NULL ) & & ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) ) //there's a mouse event to be processed
if ( touching_restore_button )
restore_button_state = 1 ;
if ( touching_can_button )
can_button_state = 1 ;
else if ( ( me ! = NULL ) & & ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONUP ) )
if ( ( touching_restore_button ) & & ( restore_button_state ) ) //quit the game
return ( 1 ) ;
if ( ( touching_can_button ) & & ( can_button_state ) )
{ can_button_state = 0 ;
breakOut = 1 ;
if ( breakOut )
break ;
if ( ! first )
first + + ;
SetFullPalette ( CONTROL_PANEL_PALETTE ) ; // see Build_display.cpp (James17jun97)
Kill_mini_surfaces ( ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
void Build_mini_surfaces ( void ) //tony3Apr97
Create_surface_image ( & panel_sprite , & panel_surface , 1996 , QUIT_X , QUIT_Y , 0 ) ;
//ok button
Create_surface_image ( & button_sprite [ 0 ] , & button_surface [ 0 ] , 2002 , OK_BUT_X , OK_BUT_Y , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & button_sprite [ 1 ] , & button_surface [ 1 ] , 2002 , OK_BUT_X , OK_BUT_Y , 1 ) ;
//cancel button
Create_surface_image ( & can_button_sprite [ 0 ] , & can_button_surface [ 0 ] , 2002 , OK_BUT_X , CAN_BU_Y , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & can_button_sprite [ 1 ] , & can_button_surface [ 1 ] , 2002 , OK_BUT_X , CAN_BU_Y , 1 ) ;
Build_chr_surfaces ( ) ;
void Kill_mini_surfaces ( void ) //tony3Apr97
DeleteSurface ( panel_surface ) ;
//ok button
DeleteSurface ( button_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( button_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
//cancel button
DeleteSurface ( can_button_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( can_button_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
Kill_chr_surfaces ( ) ;
2003-08-23 13:02:21 +00:00
void Engine_string ( uint32 x , uint32 y , uint32 res , uint8 * * surface_list , uint8 * buf ) //tony2Apr97
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
//takes fonts as sprites and prints transparently to screen
//requires the chr$ surfaces have been setup
int char_no = 0 ;
int chr ;
uint8 * chars ;
chars = res_man . Res_open ( res ) ; //open font file
chr_sprite . scale = 0 ;
chr_sprite . blend = 0 ;
chr_sprite . x = x ;
chr_sprite . y = y ;
chr = buf [ char_no ] ;
chr - = 32 ; //got true chr$
head = ( _frameHeader * ) FetchFrameHeader ( chars , chr ) ;
chr_sprite . w = head - > width ;
chr_sprite . h = head - > height ;
DrawSurface ( & chr_sprite , surface_list [ chr ] ) ; //print
chr_sprite . x + = head - > width - CHARACTER_OVERLAP ;
char_no + + ;
while ( buf [ char_no ] ) ;
res_man . Res_close ( res ) ; //close font file
uint32 Pixel_text_length ( uint8 * buf , uint32 res ) //tony4Apr97
int char_no = 0 ;
int chr ;
uint8 * chars ;
uint32 width = 0 ;
chars = res_man . Res_open ( res ) ; //open font file
chr = buf [ char_no ] ;
chr - = 32 ; //got true chr$
head = ( _frameHeader * ) FetchFrameHeader ( chars , chr ) ;
width + = head - > width - CHARACTER_OVERLAP ;
char_no + + ;
while ( buf [ char_no ] ) ;
res_man . Res_close ( res ) ; //close font file
return ( width ) ;
void Control_error ( char * text ) //Tony13May97
//print a message on screen, wait for key, return
_mouseEvent * me ;
char c ;
DisplayMsg ( ( uint8 * ) text , 0 ) ; // 2nd param is duration
while ( 1 )
// Service windows
if ( ServiceWindows ( ) = = RDERR_APPCLOSED ) // if we pressed Ctrl-Q during the smacker
Close_game ( ) ; //close engine systems down
CloseAppWindow ( ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ; //quit the game
while ( ! gotTheFocus )
if ( ServiceWindows ( ) = = RDERR_APPCLOSED )
break ;
if ( KeyWaiting ( ) )
ReadKey ( & c ) ; //kill the key we just pressed
if ( c = = 27 ) //ESC
break ;
me = MouseEvent ( ) ; //get mouse event
if ( ( me ! = NULL ) & & ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) ) //there's a mouse event to be processed
break ;
RemoveMsg ( ) ; // Removes the message.
int32 ReadOptionSettings ( void ) //pete10Jun97
// settings file is 9 bytes long, bytes 1 to 3 = music, speech and fx volumes
// bytes 4 to 6 = music, speech and fx mute states, byte 7 = grfx level
// byte 8 = subtitle state and byte 9 = object label state.
uint8 buff [ 10 ] ;
2003-08-24 13:46:42 +00:00
SaveFile * fp ;
SaveFileManager * mgr = g_system - > get_savefile_manager ( ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
2003-08-24 13:46:42 +00:00
if ( ! ( fp = mgr - > open_savefile ( " Settings.dat " , g_sword2 - > getSavePath ( ) , false ) ) )
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
return ( 1 ) ;
2003-08-24 13:46:42 +00:00
if ( fp - > read ( buff , 10 ) ! = 10 )
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
2003-08-24 13:46:42 +00:00
delete fp ;
delete mgr ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
return ( 2 ) ;
2003-08-24 13:46:42 +00:00
delete fp ;
delete mgr ;
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > SetMusicVolume ( buff [ 0 ] ) ;
g_sword2 - > _sound - > SetSpeechVolume ( buff [ 1 ] ) ;
g_sword2 - > _sound - > SetFxVolume ( buff [ 2 ] ) ;
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteMusic ( buff [ 3 ] ) ;
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteSpeech ( buff [ 4 ] ) ;
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteFx ( buff [ 5 ] ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
UpdateGraphicsLevel ( GetRenderType ( ) , buff [ 6 ] ) ; // (James13jun97)
speechSelected = ! buff [ 4 ] ;
subtitles = buff [ 7 ] ;
pointerTextSelected = buff [ 8 ] ;
if ( buff [ 9 ] ! = stereoReversed )
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > ReverseStereo ( ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
stereoReversed = buff [ 9 ] ;
return ( 0 ) ;
int32 WriteOptionSettings ( void ) //pete10Jun97
uint8 buff [ 10 ] ;
2003-08-24 13:46:42 +00:00
SaveFile * fp ;
SaveFileManager * mgr = g_system - > get_savefile_manager ( ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
buff [ 0 ] = g_sword2 - > _sound - > GetMusicVolume ( ) ;
buff [ 1 ] = g_sword2 - > _sound - > GetSpeechVolume ( ) ;
buff [ 2 ] = g_sword2 - > _sound - > GetFxVolume ( ) ;
buff [ 3 ] = g_sword2 - > _sound - > IsMusicMute ( ) ;
buff [ 4 ] = g_sword2 - > _sound - > IsSpeechMute ( ) ;
buff [ 5 ] = g_sword2 - > _sound - > IsFxMute ( ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
buff [ 6 ] = GetRenderType ( ) ;
buff [ 7 ] = subtitles ;
buff [ 8 ] = pointerTextSelected ;
buff [ 9 ] = stereoReversed ;
2003-08-24 13:46:42 +00:00
if ( ! ( fp = mgr - > open_savefile ( " Settings.dat " , g_sword2 - > getSavePath ( ) , true ) ) )
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
return ( 1 ) ;
2003-08-24 13:46:42 +00:00
if ( fp - > write ( buff , 10 ) ! = 10 )
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
2003-08-24 13:46:42 +00:00
delete fp ;
delete mgr ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
return ( 2 ) ;
2003-08-24 13:46:42 +00:00
delete fp ;
delete mgr ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
return ( 0 ) ;
void Build_option_surfaces ( void ) //pete6Jun97
Create_surface_image ( & panel_sprite , & panel_surface , 3405 , 0 , OPTION_Y , 0 ) ;
// object label button
Create_surface_image ( & up_button_sprite [ 0 ] , & up_button_surface [ 0 ] , 3687 , OBJ_LABEL_X , OBJ_LABEL_Y , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & up_button_sprite [ 1 ] , & up_button_surface [ 1 ] , 3687 , OBJ_LABEL_X , OBJ_LABEL_Y , 1 ) ;
//subtitle button
Create_surface_image ( & down_button_sprite [ 0 ] , & down_button_surface [ 0 ] , 3687 , SUBTITLE_X , SUBTITLE_Y , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & down_button_sprite [ 1 ] , & down_button_surface [ 1 ] , 3687 , SUBTITLE_X , SUBTITLE_Y , 1 ) ;
//ok button
Create_surface_image ( & button_sprite [ 0 ] , & button_surface [ 0 ] , 901 , OPT_OK_X , OPT_OK_Y , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & button_sprite [ 1 ] , & button_surface [ 1 ] , 901 , OPT_OK_X , OPT_OK_Y , 1 ) ;
//cancel button
Create_surface_image ( & can_button_sprite [ 0 ] , & can_button_surface [ 0 ] , 901 , OPT_CAN_X , OPT_CAN_Y , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & can_button_sprite [ 1 ] , & can_button_surface [ 1 ] , 901 , OPT_CAN_X , OPT_CAN_Y , 1 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 0 ] , & slab_surface [ 0 ] , 3406 , SLIDER_TRK_X , MUSIC_TRK_Y , 0 ) ; // music slider
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 1 ] , & slab_surface [ 1 ] , 3406 , SLIDER_TRK_X , SPEECH_TRK_Y , 0 ) ; // speech slider
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 2 ] , & slab_surface [ 2 ] , 3406 , SLIDER_TRK_X , FX_TRK_Y , 0 ) ; // fx slider
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 3 ] , & slab_surface [ 3 ] , 3406 , SLIDER_TRK_X , GRFX_TRK_Y , 0 ) ; // graphics slider
//mute buttons
Create_surface_image ( & zup_button_sprite [ 0 ] , & zup_button_surface [ 0 ] , 3315 , MUTE_X , MUSIC_TRK_Y - 4 , 0 ) ; // music mute
Create_surface_image ( & zup_button_sprite [ 1 ] , & zup_button_surface [ 1 ] , 3315 , MUTE_X , MUSIC_TRK_Y - 4 , 1 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & zdown_button_sprite [ 0 ] , & zdown_button_surface [ 0 ] , 3315 , MUTE_X , SPEECH_TRK_Y - 3 , 0 ) ; // speech mute
Create_surface_image ( & zdown_button_sprite [ 1 ] , & zdown_button_surface [ 1 ] , 3315 , MUTE_X , SPEECH_TRK_Y - 3 , 1 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 4 ] , & slab_surface [ 4 ] , 3315 , MUTE_X , FX_TRK_Y - 4 , 0 ) ; // fx mute
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 5 ] , & slab_surface [ 5 ] , 3315 , MUTE_X , FX_TRK_Y - 4 , 1 ) ;
//graphics level icon
Create_surface_image ( & grfx_icon_sprite [ 0 ] , & grfx_icon_surface [ 0 ] , 256 , GRFX_ICON_X , GRFX_ICON_Y , 0 ) ; // lowest grapihics level icon
Create_surface_image ( & grfx_icon_sprite [ 1 ] , & grfx_icon_surface [ 1 ] , 256 , GRFX_ICON_X , GRFX_ICON_Y , 1 ) ; // medium low grapihics level icon
Create_surface_image ( & grfx_icon_sprite [ 2 ] , & grfx_icon_surface [ 2 ] , 256 , GRFX_ICON_X , GRFX_ICON_Y , 2 ) ; // mewdium high grapihics level icon
Create_surface_image ( & grfx_icon_sprite [ 3 ] , & grfx_icon_surface [ 3 ] , 256 , GRFX_ICON_X , GRFX_ICON_Y , 3 ) ; // highest grapihics level icon
//reverse stereo button
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 6 ] , & slab_surface [ 6 ] , 3687 , STEREO_X , STEREO_Y , 0 ) ;
Create_surface_image ( & slab_sprite [ 7 ] , & slab_surface [ 7 ] , 3687 , STEREO_X , STEREO_Y , 1 ) ;
Build_chr_surfaces ( ) ;
void Kill_option_surfaces ( void ) //pete6Jun97
DeleteSurface ( panel_surface ) ;
//object label button
DeleteSurface ( up_button_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( up_button_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
//subtitle button
DeleteSurface ( down_button_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( down_button_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
//ok button
DeleteSurface ( button_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( button_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
//cancel button
DeleteSurface ( can_button_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( can_button_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 2 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 3 ] ) ;
//mute buttons
DeleteSurface ( zup_button_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( zup_button_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( zdown_button_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( zdown_button_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 4 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 5 ] ) ;
//graphics level icon
DeleteSurface ( grfx_icon_surface [ 0 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( grfx_icon_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( grfx_icon_surface [ 2 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( grfx_icon_surface [ 3 ] ) ;
//reverse stereo icon
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 6 ] ) ;
DeleteSurface ( slab_surface [ 7 ] ) ;
Kill_chr_surfaces ( ) ;
int Mouse_touching_button ( int32 x , int32 y , int32 w , int32 h ) //pete9Jun97
if ( ( mousex > x ) & & ( mousex < x + w ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) > y ) & & ( ( mousey + 40 ) < y + h ) )
return ( 1 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
void Option_control ( void ) //Pete6Jun97
# define WORD_BUTTON_GAP 10
// some things left by the last tennant
char c ;
_mouseEvent * me ;
int first = 0 ;
// text strings and lengths
uint8 title_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 subtitle_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 object_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 ok_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 cancel_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 music_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 speech_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 fx_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 graphics_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 stereo_text [ MAX_STRING_LEN ] ;
uint8 * text ;
int title_len , subtitle_len , ok_len , cancel_len , left_align , test_len ;
// slider values
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
uint8 musicVolume = g_sword2 - > _sound - > GetMusicVolume ( ) ;
uint8 speechVolume = g_sword2 - > _sound - > GetSpeechVolume ( ) ;
uint8 fxVolume = g_sword2 - > _sound - > GetFxVolume ( ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint8 grfxLevel = GetRenderType ( ) ;
// safe slider values for restoring on cancel
2003-07-28 02:14:28 +00:00
//uint8 safe_musicVolume = musicVolume;
//uint8 safe_speechVolume = speechVolume;
//uint8 safe_fxVolume = fxVolume;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint8 safe_grfxLevel = grfxLevel ;
// button state variables
uint8 dreverse_stereo_state = 0 , dmusic_mute_state = 0 , dspeech_mute_state = 0 , dfx_mute_state = 0 , dobject_state = 0 , dsubtitle_state = 0 ;
2003-07-28 02:14:28 +00:00
uint8 touching_reverse_stereo = 0 , touching_music_mute = 0 , touching_fx_mute = 0 , touching_speech_mute = 0 , touching_object = 0 , touching_subtitle = 0 ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint8 lb_down = 0 ;
// Slider targets
uint8 music_target = musicVolume ;
uint8 fx_target = fxVolume ;
uint8 speech_target = speechVolume ;
uint8 grfx_target = grfxLevel ;
// Slider movement types (click in track or drag button)
uint8 music_tracking = 0 , fx_tracking = 0 , speech_tracking = 0 , grfx_tracking = 0 ;
//do some driver stuff
// ResetRenderEngine();
//fetch the 'options' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618698 / SIZE ) , 149618698 & 0xffff ) ; //options (title)
strcpy ( ( char * ) title_text , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
title_len = Pixel_text_length ( title_text , controls_font_id ) ;
//fetch the 'subtitles' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618699 / SIZE ) , 149618699 & 0xffff ) ; //subtitles
strcpy ( ( char * ) subtitle_text , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
subtitle_len = Pixel_text_length ( subtitle_text , controls_font_id ) + WORD_BUTTON_GAP ;
//fetch the 'object labels' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618700 / SIZE ) , 149618700 & 0xffff ) ; //object
strcpy ( ( char * ) object_text , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
left_align = Pixel_text_length ( object_text , controls_font_id ) + WORD_BUTTON_GAP ;
//fetch the 'ok' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618688 / SIZE ) , 149618688 & 0xffff ) ; //ok
strcpy ( ( char * ) ok_text , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
ok_len = Pixel_text_length ( ok_text , controls_font_id ) + WORD_BUTTON_GAP ;
//fetch the 'cancel' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618689 / SIZE ) , 149618689 & 0xffff ) ; //cancel
strcpy ( ( char * ) cancel_text , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
cancel_len = Pixel_text_length ( cancel_text , controls_font_id ) + WORD_BUTTON_GAP ;
//fetch the 'music volume' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618702 / SIZE ) , 149618702 & 0xffff ) ; //music volume
strcpy ( ( char * ) music_text , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
test_len = Pixel_text_length ( music_text , controls_font_id ) + WORD_BUTTON_GAP ;
if ( test_len > left_align )
left_align = test_len ;
//fetch the 'speech volume' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618703 / SIZE ) , 149618703 & 0xffff ) ; //speech volume
strcpy ( ( char * ) speech_text , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
test_len = Pixel_text_length ( speech_text , controls_font_id ) + WORD_BUTTON_GAP ;
if ( test_len > left_align )
left_align = test_len ;
//fetch the 'fx volume' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618704 / SIZE ) , 149618704 & 0xffff ) ; //fx volume
strcpy ( ( char * ) fx_text , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
test_len = Pixel_text_length ( fx_text , controls_font_id ) + WORD_BUTTON_GAP ;
if ( test_len > left_align )
left_align = test_len ;
//fetch the 'grapihics quality' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618705 / SIZE ) , 149618705 & 0xffff ) ; //graphics quality
strcpy ( ( char * ) graphics_text , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
test_len = Pixel_text_length ( graphics_text , controls_font_id ) + WORD_BUTTON_GAP ;
if ( test_len > left_align )
left_align = test_len ;
//fetch the 'grapihics quality' text
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( 149618709 / SIZE ) , 149618709 & 0xffff ) ; //graphics quality
strcpy ( ( char * ) stereo_text , ( char * ) text + 2 ) ;
test_len = Pixel_text_length ( stereo_text , controls_font_id ) + WORD_BUTTON_GAP ;
if ( test_len > left_align )
left_align = test_len ;
//blimey, life's never easy is it?
//not once you've got out of bed !
//set the button states
restore_button_state = 0 ;
can_button_state = 0 ;
touching_object = 0 ;
touching_subtitle = 0 ;
uint8 object_state = pointerTextSelected ;
uint8 subtitle_state = subtitles ;
uint8 stereo_state = stereoReversed ;
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
uint8 music_mute_state = g_sword2 - > _sound - > IsMusicMute ( ) ;
uint8 speech_mute_state = g_sword2 - > _sound - > IsSpeechMute ( ) ;
uint8 fx_mute_state = g_sword2 - > _sound - > IsFxMute ( ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
//build the button surfaces surfaces
Build_option_surfaces ( ) ;
//position the sliders
slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x = SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * musicVolume ) / 16 ;
slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x = SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * speechVolume ) / 14 ;
slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x = SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * fxVolume ) / 14 ;
slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x = SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * grfxLevel ) / 3 ;
//control loop
while ( 1 )
// Update any moving sliders
// music
if ( slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x < SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * music_target ) / 16 )
if ( ( SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * music_target ) / 16 ) - slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x < 2 )
slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x + + ;
slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x + = 2 ;
musicVolume = ( int ) ( ( float ) ( ( slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x - SLIDER_TRK_X ) * 16 ) / ( float ) SLIDER_TRK_W + 0.5 ) ;
else if ( slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x > SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * music_target ) / 16 )
if ( slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x - ( SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * music_target ) / 16 ) < 2 )
slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x - - ;
slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x - = 2 ;
musicVolume = ( int ) ( ( float ) ( ( slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x - SLIDER_TRK_X ) * 16 ) / ( float ) SLIDER_TRK_W + 0.5 ) ;
if ( ! musicVolume )
music_mute_state = 1 ;
music_mute_state = 0 ;
// speech
if ( slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x < SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * speech_target ) / 14 )
if ( ( SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * speech_target ) / 14 ) - slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x < 2 )
slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x + + ;
slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x + = 2 ;
speechVolume = ( int ) ( ( float ) ( ( slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x - SLIDER_TRK_X ) * 14 ) / ( float ) SLIDER_TRK_W + 0.5 ) ;
else if ( slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x > SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * speech_target ) / 14 )
if ( slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x - ( SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * speech_target ) / 14 ) < 2 )
slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x - - ;
slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x - = 2 ;
speechVolume = ( int ) ( ( float ) ( ( slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x - SLIDER_TRK_X ) * 14 ) / ( float ) SLIDER_TRK_W + 0.5 ) ;
if ( ! speechVolume )
speech_mute_state = 1 ;
speech_mute_state = 0 ;
// fx
if ( slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x < SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * fx_target ) / 14 )
if ( ( SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * fx_target ) / 14 ) - slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x < 2 )
slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x + + ;
slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x + = 2 ;
fxVolume = ( int ) ( ( float ) ( ( slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x - SLIDER_TRK_X ) * 14 ) / ( float ) SLIDER_TRK_W + 0.5 ) ;
else if ( slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x > SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * fx_target ) / 14 )
if ( slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x - ( SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * fx_target ) / 14 ) < 2 )
slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x - - ;
slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x - = 2 ;
fxVolume = ( int ) ( ( float ) ( ( slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x - SLIDER_TRK_X ) * 14 ) / ( float ) SLIDER_TRK_W + 0.5 ) ;
if ( ! fxVolume )
fx_mute_state = 1 ;
fx_mute_state = 0 ;
// grfx
if ( slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x < SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * grfx_target ) / 3 )
if ( ( SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * grfx_target ) / 3 ) - slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x < 2 )
slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x + + ;
slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x + = 2 ;
grfxLevel = ( int ) ( ( float ) ( ( slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x - SLIDER_TRK_X ) * 3 ) / ( float ) SLIDER_TRK_W + 0.5 ) ;
else if ( slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x > SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * grfx_target ) / 3 )
if ( slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x - ( SLIDER_TRK_X + ( SLIDER_TRK_W * grfx_target ) / 3 ) < 2 )
slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x - - ;
slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x - = 2 ;
grfxLevel = ( int ) ( ( float ) ( ( slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x - SLIDER_TRK_X ) * 3 ) / ( float ) SLIDER_TRK_W + 0.5 ) ;
if ( music_tracking ) // music tracking
slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x = mousex - SLIDER_W / 2 ;
if ( slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x < SLIDER_TRK_X )
slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x = SLIDER_TRK_X ;
else if ( slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x > SLIDER_TRK_X + SLIDER_TRK_W )
slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x = SLIDER_TRK_X + SLIDER_TRK_W ;
music_target = musicVolume = ( int ) ( ( float ) ( ( slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x - SLIDER_TRK_X ) * 16 ) / ( float ) SLIDER_TRK_W + 0.5 ) ;
if ( ! musicVolume )
music_mute_state = 1 ;
music_mute_state = 0 ;
else if ( speech_tracking ) // speech tracking
slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x = mousex - SLIDER_W / 2 ;
if ( slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x < SLIDER_TRK_X )
slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x = SLIDER_TRK_X ;
else if ( slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x > SLIDER_TRK_X + SLIDER_TRK_W )
slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x = SLIDER_TRK_X + SLIDER_TRK_W ;
speech_target = speechVolume = ( int ) ( ( float ) ( ( slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x - SLIDER_TRK_X ) * 14 ) / ( float ) SLIDER_TRK_W + 0.5 ) ;
if ( ! speechVolume )
speech_mute_state = 1 ;
speech_mute_state = 0 ;
else if ( fx_tracking ) // fx tracking
slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x = mousex - SLIDER_W / 2 ;
if ( slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x < SLIDER_TRK_X )
slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x = SLIDER_TRK_X ;
else if ( slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x > SLIDER_TRK_X + SLIDER_TRK_W )
slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x = SLIDER_TRK_X + SLIDER_TRK_W ;
fx_target = fxVolume = ( int ) ( ( float ) ( ( slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x - SLIDER_TRK_X ) * 14 ) / ( float ) SLIDER_TRK_W + 0.5 ) ;
if ( ! fxVolume )
fx_mute_state = 1 ;
fx_mute_state = 0 ;
else if ( grfx_tracking ) // grfx tracking
slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x = mousex - SLIDER_W / 2 ;
if ( slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x < SLIDER_TRK_X )
slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x = SLIDER_TRK_X ;
else if ( slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x > SLIDER_TRK_X + SLIDER_TRK_W )
slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x = SLIDER_TRK_X + SLIDER_TRK_W ;
grfx_target = grfxLevel = ( int ) ( ( float ) ( ( slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x - SLIDER_TRK_X ) * 3 ) / ( float ) SLIDER_TRK_W + 0.5 ) ;
if ( ! music_mute_state )
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > SetMusicVolume ( musicVolume ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > SetMusicVolume ( 0 ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( ! fx_mute_state )
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > SetFxVolume ( fxVolume ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > SetFxVolume ( 0 ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( ! speech_mute_state )
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > SetSpeechVolume ( speechVolume ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > SetSpeechVolume ( 0 ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
// Service windows
if ( ServiceWindows ( ) = = RDERR_APPCLOSED ) // if we pressed Ctrl-Q during the smacker
Close_game ( ) ; //close engine systems down
CloseAppWindow ( ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ; //quit the game
while ( ! gotTheFocus )
if ( ServiceWindows ( ) = = RDERR_APPCLOSED )
break ;
EraseBackBuffer ( ) ;
//print panel
while ( DrawSurface ( & panel_sprite , panel_surface ) = = RDERR_SURFACELOST )
Kill_option_surfaces ( ) ;
Build_option_surfaces ( ) ;
} ;
//print words on panel option panel
Engine_string ( OPTION_W / 2 - ( title_len / 2 ) + OPTION_X , OPTION_Y + 15 , controls_font_id , chr_surface , title_text ) ; //options
Engine_string ( SUBTITLE_X - subtitle_len , SUBTITLE_Y + 3 , controls_font_id , chr_surface , subtitle_text ) ; //subtitles
Engine_string ( SLIDER_TRK_X - left_align , OBJ_LABEL_Y + 3 , controls_font_id , chr_surface , object_text ) ; //object labels
Engine_string ( OPT_OK_X - ok_len , OPT_OK_Y , controls_font_id , chr_surface , ok_text ) ; //ok
Engine_string ( OPT_CAN_X - cancel_len , OPT_CAN_Y , controls_font_id , chr_surface , cancel_text ) ; //cancel
Engine_string ( SLIDER_TRK_X - left_align , MUSIC_TRK_Y , controls_font_id , chr_surface , music_text ) ; //music volume
Engine_string ( SLIDER_TRK_X - left_align , SPEECH_TRK_Y , controls_font_id , chr_surface , speech_text ) ; //speech volume
Engine_string ( SLIDER_TRK_X - left_align , FX_TRK_Y , controls_font_id , chr_surface , fx_text ) ; //fx volume
Engine_string ( SLIDER_TRK_X - left_align , GRFX_TRK_Y , controls_font_id , chr_surface , graphics_text ) ; //graphics quality
Engine_string ( SLIDER_TRK_X - left_align , STEREO_Y + 3 , controls_font_id , chr_surface , stereo_text ) ; //reverse stereo
//print buttons
DrawSurface ( & down_button_sprite [ subtitle_state ] , down_button_surface [ subtitle_state ] ) ; //print subtitles button
DrawSurface ( & up_button_sprite [ object_state ] , up_button_surface [ object_state ] ) ; //print object labels button
DrawSurface ( & button_sprite [ restore_button_state ] , button_surface [ restore_button_state ] ) ; //print ok button
DrawSurface ( & can_button_sprite [ can_button_state ] , can_button_surface [ can_button_state ] ) ; //print cancel button
DrawSurface ( & slab_sprite [ 0 ] , slab_surface [ 0 ] ) ; //print sliders
DrawSurface ( & slab_sprite [ 1 ] , slab_surface [ 1 ] ) ;
DrawSurface ( & slab_sprite [ 2 ] , slab_surface [ 2 ] ) ;
DrawSurface ( & slab_sprite [ 3 ] , slab_surface [ 3 ] ) ;
DrawSurface ( & zup_button_sprite [ music_mute_state ] , zup_button_surface [ music_mute_state ] ) ; //print mute buttons
DrawSurface ( & zdown_button_sprite [ speech_mute_state ] , zdown_button_surface [ speech_mute_state ] ) ;
DrawSurface ( & slab_sprite [ fx_mute_state + 4 ] , slab_surface [ fx_mute_state + 4 ] ) ;
DrawSurface ( & grfx_icon_sprite [ grfxLevel ] , grfx_icon_surface [ grfxLevel ] ) ; //print the graphics level icon
DrawSurface ( & slab_sprite [ 6 + stereo_state ] , slab_surface [ 6 + stereo_state ] ) ; // print reverse stereo button
//keep menu up too
ProcessMenu ( ) ;
//user can ESC quit
if ( KeyWaiting ( ) )
ReadKey ( & c ) ; //kill the key we just pressed
if ( c = = 27 ) //ESC
ReadOptionSettings ( ) ; // Reset options to previous settings.
break ;
// check what if anything the mouse is touching
//mouse over ok button?
if ( Mouse_touching_button ( OPT_OK_X , OPT_OK_Y , OPT_BUT_W , OPT_BUT_H ) )
touching_restore_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ restore_button_state = 0 ;
touching_restore_button = 0 ;
//mouse over cancel button?
if ( Mouse_touching_button ( OPT_CAN_X , OPT_CAN_Y , OPT_BUT_W , OPT_BUT_H ) )
touching_can_button = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
{ can_button_state = 0 ;
touching_can_button = 0 ;
//mouse over object label button?
if ( Mouse_touching_button ( OBJ_LABEL_X , OBJ_LABEL_Y , OPT_BUT_W , OPT_BUT_H ) )
if ( ! lb_down )
touching_object = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
if ( touching_object & & lb_down & & ! dobject_state )
object_state = ! object_state ;
touching_object = 0 ;
//mouse over subtitles button?
if ( Mouse_touching_button ( SUBTITLE_X , SUBTITLE_Y , OPT_BUT_W , OPT_BUT_H ) )
if ( ! lb_down )
touching_subtitle = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
if ( touching_subtitle & & lb_down & & ! dsubtitle_state )
subtitle_state = ! subtitle_state ;
touching_subtitle = 0 ;
//mouse over reverse stereo button?
if ( Mouse_touching_button ( STEREO_X , STEREO_Y , OPT_BUT_W , OPT_BUT_H ) )
if ( ! lb_down )
touching_reverse_stereo = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
if ( touching_reverse_stereo & & lb_down & & ! dreverse_stereo_state )
stereo_state = ! stereo_state ;
touching_reverse_stereo = 0 ;
//mouse over music mute button?
if ( Mouse_touching_button ( MUTE_X , MUSIC_TRK_Y - 4 , MUTE_W , MUTE_H ) )
if ( ! lb_down )
touching_music_mute = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
if ( touching_music_mute & & lb_down & & ! dmusic_mute_state )
music_mute_state = ! music_mute_state ;
touching_music_mute = 0 ;
//mouse over fx mute button?
if ( Mouse_touching_button ( MUTE_X , FX_TRK_Y - 4 , MUTE_W , MUTE_H ) )
if ( ! lb_down )
touching_fx_mute = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
if ( touching_fx_mute & & lb_down & & ! dfx_mute_state )
fx_mute_state = ! fx_mute_state ;
touching_fx_mute = 0 ;
//mouse over speech mute button?
if ( Mouse_touching_button ( MUTE_X , SPEECH_TRK_Y - 4 , MUTE_W , MUTE_H ) )
if ( ! lb_down )
touching_speech_mute = 1 ; //mouse over button
else //not over so release even if pressed previously
if ( touching_speech_mute & & lb_down & & ! dspeech_mute_state )
speech_mute_state = ! speech_mute_state ;
touching_speech_mute = 0 ;
//pressing on a button
me = MouseEvent ( ) ; //get mouse event
if ( me ! = NULL )
if ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONUP )
lb_down = 0 ;
if ( touching_restore_button & & restore_button_state ) // ok to settings
UpdateGraphicsLevel ( safe_grfxLevel , grfxLevel ) ; // (James13jun97)
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteMusic ( music_mute_state ) ; // Ensure all the levels are recorded correctly (Pete21Aug97)
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteSpeech ( speech_mute_state ) ;
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteFx ( fx_mute_state ) ;
g_sword2 - > _sound - > SetMusicVolume ( music_target ) ;
g_sword2 - > _sound - > SetSpeechVolume ( speech_target ) ;
g_sword2 - > _sound - > SetFxVolume ( fx_target ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
subtitles = subtitle_state ; // Save object label and subtitle settings
pointerTextSelected = object_state ;
speechSelected = ! speech_mute_state ;
if ( stereo_state ! = stereoReversed )
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > ReverseStereo ( ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
stereoReversed = stereo_state ;
WriteOptionSettings ( ) ;
break ;
if ( touching_can_button & & can_button_state ) // cancel, so restore old settings
ReadOptionSettings ( ) ;
break ;
if ( touching_object & & dobject_state )
dobject_state = object_state = 0 ; // if the button was in now let it out
if ( touching_subtitle & & dsubtitle_state )
subtitle_state = dsubtitle_state = 0 ; // if the button was in now let it out
if ( touching_reverse_stereo & & dreverse_stereo_state )
dreverse_stereo_state = stereo_state = 0 ; // if the button was in now let it out
if ( touching_music_mute & & dmusic_mute_state ) {
music_mute_state = dmusic_mute_state = 0 ; // if the button was in now let it out
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteMusic ( 0 ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( touching_fx_mute & & dfx_mute_state ) {
fx_mute_state = dfx_mute_state = 0 ; // if the button was in now let it out
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteFx ( 0 ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( touching_speech_mute & & dspeech_mute_state ) {
speech_mute_state = dspeech_mute_state = 0 ; // if the button was in now let it out
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteSpeech ( 0 ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
// Stop tracking any sliders
music_tracking = fx_tracking = speech_tracking = grfx_tracking = 0 ;
else if ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) //there's a mouse event to be processed
lb_down = 1 ;
if ( touching_restore_button )
restore_button_state = 1 ;
if ( touching_can_button )
can_button_state = 1 ;
if ( touching_object )
if ( object_state ) // push in the button if it's out
dobject_state = 1 ;
object_state = ! object_state ;
if ( touching_subtitle )
if ( subtitle_state )
dsubtitle_state = 1 ;
subtitle_state = ! subtitle_state ;
if ( touching_reverse_stereo )
if ( stereo_state ) // push in the button if it's out
dreverse_stereo_state = 1 ;
stereo_state = ! stereo_state ;
if ( touching_music_mute )
if ( music_mute_state )
dmusic_mute_state = 1 ;
music_mute_state = 1 ;
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteMusic ( 1 ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( touching_fx_mute )
if ( fx_mute_state )
dfx_mute_state = 1 ;
fx_mute_state = 1 ;
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteFx ( 1 ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( touching_speech_mute )
if ( speech_mute_state )
dspeech_mute_state = 1 ;
speech_mute_state = 1 ;
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteSpeech ( 1 ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( Mouse_touching_button ( SLIDER_TRK_X , MUSIC_TRK_Y , SLIDER_TRK_W + SLIDER_W , SLIDER_TRK_H ) )
if ( music_mute_state )
music_mute_state = 0 ;
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteMusic ( 0 ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( mousex > ( slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x + SLIDER_W ) )
if ( music_target < musicVolume )
music_target = musicVolume ;
music_target + + ;
if ( music_target > 15 )
music_target = 15 ;
else if ( mousex < slab_sprite [ 0 ] . x )
if ( music_target > musicVolume )
music_target = musicVolume ;
music_target - - ;
if ( music_target > 15 )
music_target = 0 ;
} else
music_tracking = 1 ;
if ( Mouse_touching_button ( SLIDER_TRK_X , SPEECH_TRK_Y , SLIDER_TRK_W + SLIDER_W , SLIDER_TRK_H ) )
if ( speech_mute_state )
speech_mute_state = 0 ;
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteSpeech ( 0 ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( mousex > ( slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x + SLIDER_W ) )
if ( speech_target < speechVolume )
speech_target = speechVolume ;
speech_target + + ;
if ( speech_target > 14 )
speech_target = 14 ;
else if ( mousex < slab_sprite [ 1 ] . x )
if ( speech_target > speechVolume )
speech_target = speechVolume ;
speech_target - - ;
if ( speech_target > 14 )
speech_target = 0 ;
} else
speech_tracking = 1 ;
if ( Mouse_touching_button ( SLIDER_TRK_X , FX_TRK_Y , SLIDER_TRK_W + SLIDER_W , SLIDER_TRK_H ) )
if ( fx_mute_state )
fx_mute_state = 0 ;
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
g_sword2 - > _sound - > MuteFx ( 0 ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( mousex > ( slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x + SLIDER_W ) )
if ( fx_target < fxVolume )
fx_target = fxVolume ;
fx_target + + ;
if ( fx_target > 14 )
fx_target = 14 ;
else if ( mousex < slab_sprite [ 2 ] . x )
if ( fx_target > fxVolume )
fx_target = fxVolume ;
fx_target - - ;
if ( fx_target > 14 )
fx_target = 0 ;
fx_tracking = 1 ;
fx_mute_state = 0 ;
if ( Mouse_touching_button ( SLIDER_TRK_X , GRFX_TRK_Y , SLIDER_TRK_W + SLIDER_W , SLIDER_TRK_H ) )
if ( mousex > ( slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x + SLIDER_W ) )
if ( grfx_target < grfxLevel )
grfx_target = grfxLevel ;
grfx_target + + ;
if ( grfx_target > 3 )
grfx_target = 3 ;
else if ( mousex < slab_sprite [ 3 ] . x )
if ( grfx_target > grfxLevel )
grfx_target = grfxLevel ;
grfx_target - - ;
if ( grfx_target > 3 )
grfx_target = 0 ;
grfx_tracking = 1 ;
if ( ! first )
first + + ;
SetFullPalette ( CONTROL_PANEL_PALETTE ) ; // see Build_display.cpp (James17jun97)
Kill_option_surfaces ( ) ;
return ; //just return to game
void UpdateGraphicsLevel ( uint8 oldLevel , uint8 newLevel ) // (James13jun97)
switch ( oldLevel ) // Set the graphics level
case 0 : // lowest setting: h/w only; no graphics fx
switch ( newLevel )
case 0 :
break ;
case 1 :
ClearBltFx ( ) ;
ClearShadowFx ( ) ;
CloseBackgroundLayer ( ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
ClearBltFx ( ) ;
CloseBackgroundLayer ( ) ;
break ;
case 3 : // same as case 2 until case 2 has edge-blending inactivated
CloseBackgroundLayer ( ) ;
break ;
break ;
case 1 : // medium-low setting: s/w transparency-blending
switch ( newLevel )
case 1 :
break ;
case 0 :
SetUpBackgroundLayers ( ) ; // InitialiseBackgroundLayer for each layer! (see layers.cpp)
break ;
case 2 :
SetShadowFx ( ) ;
break ;
case 3 : // same as case 2 until case 2 has edge-blending inactivated
SetBltFx ( ) ;
break ;
break ;
case 2 : // medium-high setting: s/w transparency-blending + shading
switch ( newLevel )
case 2 :
break ;
case 3 : // same as case 2 until case 2 has edge-blending inactivated
SetBltFx ( ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
ClearShadowFx ( ) ;
break ;
case 0 :
SetUpBackgroundLayers ( ) ; // InitialiseBackgroundLayer for each layer! (see layers.cpp)
break ;
break ;
case 3 : // highest setting: s/w transparency-blending + shading + edge-blending (& improved stretching)
switch ( newLevel )
case 2 :
ClearBltFx ( ) ;
break ;
case 3 : // same as case 2 until case 2 has edge-blending inactivated
break ;
case 1 :
ClearBltFx ( ) ;
ClearShadowFx ( ) ;
break ;
case 0 :
SetUpBackgroundLayers ( ) ; // InitialiseBackgroundLayer for each layer! (see layers.cpp)
break ;
break ;
// update our global variable - which needs to be checked when dimming the palette
// in PauseGame() in sword2.cpp (since palette-matching cannot be done with dimmed palette
// so we turn down one notch while dimmed, if at top level)
current_graphics_level = newLevel ;