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2018-11-28 20:42:28 -08:00
/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "common/scummsys.h"
#include "common/stream.h"
#include "common/algorithm.h"
2018-11-28 20:42:28 -08:00
namespace Glk {
namespace TADS {
namespace TADS2 {
// maximum length of a facility identifier
#define ERRFACMAX 6
2018-12-01 16:34:48 -08:00
enum ErrorCode {
/* memory/cache manager errors */
ERR_NOMEM = 1, /* out of memory */
ERR_FSEEK = 2, /* error seeking in file */
ERR_FREAD = 3, /* error reading from file */
ERR_NOPAGE = 4, /* no more page slots */
ERR_REALCK = 5, /* attempting to reallocate a locked object */
ERR_SWAPBIG = 6, /* swapfile limit reached - out of virtual memory */
ERR_FWRITE = 7, /* error writing file */
ERR_SWAPPG = 8, /* exceeded swap page table limit */
ERR_CLIUSE = 9, /* requested client object number already in use */
ERR_CLIFULL = 10, /* client mapping table is full */
ERR_NOMEM1 = 11, /* swapping/garbage collection failed to find enuf */
ERR_NOMEM2 = 12, /* no memory to resize (expand) an object */
ERR_OPSWAP = 13, /* unable to open swap file */
ERR_NOHDR = 14, /* can't get a new object header */
ERR_NOLOAD = 15, /* mcm cannot find object to load (internal error) */
ERR_LCKFRE = 16, /* attempting to free a locked object (internal) */
ERR_INVOBJ = 17, /* invalid object */
ERR_BIGOBJ = 18, /* object too big - exceeds memory allocation limit */
/* lexical analysis errors */
ERR_INVTOK = 100, /* invalid token */
ERR_STREOF = 101, /* end of file while scanning string */
ERR_TRUNC = 102, /* symbol too long - truncated */
ERR_NOLCLSY = 103, /* no space in local symbol table */
ERR_PRPDIR = 104, /* invalid preprocessor (#) directive */
ERR_INCNOFN = 105, /* no filename in #include directive */
ERR_INCSYN = 106, /* invalid #include syntax */
ERR_INCSEAR = 107, /* can't find included file */
ERR_INCMTCH = 108, /* no matching delimiter in #include filename */
ERR_MANYSYM = 109, /* out of space for symbol table */
ERR_LONGLIN = 110, /* line too long */
ERR_INCRPT = 111, /* header file already included - ignored */
ERR_PRAGMA = 112, /* unknown pragma (ignored) */
ERR_BADPELSE = 113, /* unexpected #else */
ERR_BADENDIF = 114, /* unexpected #endif */
ERR_BADELIF = 115, /* unexpected #elif */
ERR_MANYPIF = 116, /* #if nesting too deep */
ERR_DEFREDEF = 117, /* symbol already defined */
ERR_PUNDEF = 118, /* #undef symbol not defined */
ERR_NOENDIF = 119, /* missing #endif */
ERR_MACNEST = 120, /* macros nested too deeply */
ERR_BADISDEF = 121, /* invalid argument for defined() operator */
ERR_PIF_NA = 122, /* #if is not implemented */
ERR_PELIF_NA = 123, /* #elif is not implemented */
ERR_P_ERROR = 124, /* error directive: %s */
ERR_LONG_FILE_MACRO = 125, /* __FILE__ expansion too long */
ERR_LONG_LINE_MACRO = 126, /* __LINE__ expansion too long */
/* undo errors */
ERR_UNDOVF = 200, /* operation is too big for undo log */
ERR_NOUNDO = 201, /* no more undo information */
ERR_ICUNDO = 202, /* incomplete undo (no previous savepoint) */
/* parser errors */
ERR_REQTOK = 300, /* expected token (arg 1) - found something else */
ERR_REQSYM = 301, /* expected symbol */
ERR_REQPRP = 302, /* expected a property name */
ERR_REQOPN = 303, /* expected operand */
ERR_REQARG = 304, /* expected comma or closing paren (arg list) */
ERR_NONODE = 305, /* no space for new parse node */
ERR_REQOBJ = 306, /* epxected object name */
ERR_REQEXT = 307, /* redefining symbol as external function */
ERR_REQFCN = 308, /* redefining symbol as function */
ERR_NOCLASS = 309, /* can't use CLASS with function/external function */
ERR_REQUNO = 310, /* required unary operator */
ERR_REQBIN = 311, /* required binary operator */
ERR_INVBIN = 312, /* invalid binary operator */
ERR_INVASI = 313, /* invalid assignment */
ERR_REQVAR = 314, /* required variable name */
ERR_LCLSYN = 315, /* required comma or semicolon in local list */
ERR_REQRBR = 316, /* required right brace (eof before end of group) */
ERR_BADBRK = 317, /* 'break' without 'while' */
ERR_BADCNT = 318, /* 'continue' without 'while' */
ERR_BADELS = 319, /* 'else' without 'if' */
ERR_WEQASI = 320, /* warning: possible use of '=' where ':=' intended */
ERR_EOF = 321, /* unexpected end of file */
ERR_SYNTAX = 322, /* general syntax error */
ERR_INVOP = 323, /* invalid operand type */
ERR_NOMEMLC = 324, /* no memory for new local symbol table */
ERR_NOMEMAR = 325, /* no memory for argument symbol table */
ERR_FREDEF = 326, /* redefining a function which is already defined */
ERR_NOSW = 327, /* 'case' or 'default' and not in switch block */
ERR_SWRQCN = 328, /* constant required in switch case value */
ERR_REQLBL = 329, /* label required for 'goto' */
ERR_NOGOTO = 330, /* 'goto' label never defined */
ERR_MANYSC = 331, /* too many superclasses for object */
ERR_OREDEF = 332, /* redefining symbol as object */
ERR_PREDEF = 333, /* property being redefined in object */
ERR_BADPVL = 334, /* invalid property value */
ERR_BADVOC = 335, /* bad vocabulary property value */
ERR_BADTPL = 336, /* bad template property value (need sstring) */
ERR_LONGTPL = 337, /* template base property name too long */
ERR_MANYTPL = 338, /* too many templates (internal compiler limit) */
ERR_BADCMPD = 339, /* bad value for compound word (sstring required) */
ERR_BADFMT = 340, /* bad value for format string (sstring needed) */
ERR_BADSYN = 341, /* invalid value for synonym (sstring required) */
ERR_UNDFSYM = 342, /* undefined symbol */
ERR_BADSPEC = 343, /* bad special word */
ERR_NOSELF = 344, /* "self" not valid in this context */
ERR_STREND = 345, /* warning: possible unterminated string */
ERR_MODRPLX = 346, /* modify/replace not allowed with external func */
ERR_MODFCN = 347, /* modify not allowed with function */
ERR_MODFWD = 348, /* modify/replace not allowed with forward func */
ERR_MODOBJ = 349, /* modify can only be used with a defined object */
ERR_RPLSPEC = 350, /* warning - replacing specialWords */
ERR_SPECNIL = 351, /* nil only allowed with modify specialWords */
ERR_BADLCL = 353, /* 'local' statement must precede executable code */
ERR_IMPPROP = 354, /* implied verifier '%s' is not a property */
ERR_BADTPLF = 355, /* invalid command template flag */
ERR_NOTPLFLG = 356, /* flags are not allowed with old file format */
ERR_AMBIGBIN = 357, /* warning: operator '%s' could be binary */
ERR_PIA = 358, /* warning: possibly incorrect assignment */
ERR_BADSPECEXPR = 359, /* invalid speculation evaluation */
/* code generation errors */
ERR_OBJOVF = 400, /* object cannot grow any bigger - code too big */
ERR_NOLBL = 401, /* no more temporary labels/fixups */
ERR_LBNOSET = 402, /* (internal error) label never set */
ERR_INVLSTE = 403, /* invalid datatype for list element */
ERR_MANYDBG = 404, /* too many debugger line records (internal limit) */
/* vocabulary setup errors */
ERR_VOCINUS = 450, /* vocabulary being redefined for object */
ERR_VOCMNPG = 451, /* too many vocwdef pages (internal limit) */
ERR_VOCREVB = 452, /* redefining same verb */
ERR_VOCREVB2 = 453, /* redefining same verb - two arguments */
/* set-up errors */
ERR_LOCNOBJ = 500, /* location of object %s is not an object */
ERR_CNTNLST = 501, /* contents of object %s is not list */
ERR_SUPOVF = 502, /* overflow trying to build contents list */
ERR_RQOBJNF = 503, /* required object %s not found */
ERR_WRNONF = 504, /* warning - object %s not found */
ERR_MANYBIF = 505, /* too many built-in functions (internal error) */
/* fio errors */
ERR_OPWGAM = 600, /* unable to open game for writing */
ERR_WRTGAM = 601, /* error writing to game file */
ERR_FIOMSC = 602, /* too many sc's for writing in fiowrt */
ERR_UNDEFF = 603, /* undefined function */
ERR_UNDEFO = 604, /* undefined object */
ERR_UNDEF = 605, /* undefined symbols found */
ERR_OPRGAM = 606, /* unable to open game for reading */
ERR_RDGAM = 607, /* error reading game file */
ERR_BADHDR = 608, /* file has invalid header - not TADS game file */
ERR_UNKRSC = 609, /* unknown resource type in .gam file */
ERR_UNKOTYP = 610, /* unknown object type in OBJ resource */
ERR_BADVSN = 611, /* file saved by different incompatible version */
ERR_LDGAM = 612, /* error loading object on demand */
ERR_LDBIG = 613, /* object too big for load region (prob. internal) */
ERR_UNXEXT = 614, /* did not expect external function */
ERR_WRTVSN = 615, /* compiler cannot write the requested version */
ERR_VNOCTAB = 616, /* format version cannot be used with -ctab */
ERR_BADHDRRSC = 617, /* invalid resource file header in file %s */
ERR_RDRSC = 618, /* error reading resource file "xxx" */
/* character mapping errors */
ERR_CHRNOFILE = 700, /* unable to load character mapping file */
/* user interrupt */
ERR_USRINT = 990, /* user requested cancel of current operation */
/* run-time errors */
ERR_STKOVF = 1001, /* stack overflow */
ERR_HPOVF = 1002, /* heap overflow */
ERR_REQNUM = 1003, /* numeric value required */
ERR_STKUND = 1004, /* stack underflow */
ERR_REQLOG = 1005, /* logical value required */
ERR_INVCMP = 1006, /* invalid datatypes for magnitude comparison */
ERR_REQSTR = 1007, /* string value required */
ERR_INVADD = 1008, /* invalid datatypes for '+' operator */
ERR_INVSUB = 1009, /* invalid datatypes for binary '-' operator */
ERR_REQVOB = 1010, /* require object value */
ERR_REQVFN = 1011, /* required function pointer */
ERR_REQVPR = 1012, /* required property number value */
/* non-error conditions: run-time EXIT, ABORT, ASKIO, ASKDO */
ERR_RUNEXIT = 1013, /* 'exit' statement executed */
ERR_RUNABRT = 1014, /* 'abort' statement executed */
ERR_RUNASKD = 1015, /* 'askdo' statement executed */
ERR_RUNASKI = 1016, /* 'askio' executed; int arg 1 is prep */
ERR_RUNQUIT = 1017, /* 'quit' executed */
ERR_RUNRESTART = 1018, /* 'reset' executed */
ERR_RUNEXITOBJ = 1019, /* 'exitobj' executed */
ERR_REQVLS = 1020, /* list value required */
ERR_LOWINX = 1021, /* index value too low (must be >= 1) */
ERR_HIGHINX = 1022, /* index value too high (must be <= length(list)) */
ERR_INVTBIF = 1023, /* invalid type for built-in function */
ERR_INVVBIF = 1024, /* invalid value for built-in function */
ERR_BIFARGC = 1025, /* wrong number of arguments to built-in */
ERR_ARGC = 1026, /* wrong number of arguments to user function */
ERR_FUSEVAL = 1027, /* string/list not allowed for fuse/daemon arg */
ERR_BADSETF = 1028, /* internal error in setfuse/setdaemon/notify */
ERR_MANYFUS = 1029, /* too many fuses */
ERR_MANYDMN = 1030, /* too many daemons */
ERR_MANYNFY = 1031, /* too many notifiers */
ERR_NOFUSE = 1032, /* fuse not found in remfuse */
ERR_NODMN = 1033, /* daemon not found in remdaemon */
ERR_NONFY = 1034, /* notifier not found in unnotify */
ERR_BADREMF = 1035, /* internal error in remfuse/remdaemon/unnotify */
ERR_DMDLOOP = 1036, /* load-on-demand loop: property not being set */
ERR_UNDFOBJ = 1037, /* undefined object in vocabulary tree */
ERR_BIFCSTR = 1038, /* c-string conversion overflows buffer */
ERR_INVOPC = 1039, /* invalid opcode */
ERR_RUNNOBJ = 1040, /* runtime error: property taken of non-object */
ERR_EXTLOAD = 1041, /* unable to load external function "%s" */
ERR_EXTRUN = 1042, /* error executing external function "%s" */
ERR_CIRCSYN = 1043, /* circular synonym */
ERR_DIVZERO = 1044, /* divide by zero */
ERR_BADDEL = 1045, /* can only delete objects created with "new" */
ERR_BADNEWSC = 1046, /* superclass for "new" cannot be a new object */
ERR_VOCSTK = 1047, /* insufficient space in parser stack */
ERR_BADFILE = 1048, /* invalid file handle */
ERR_RUNEXITPRECMD = 1049, /* exited from preCommand */
/* run-time parser errors */
ERR_PRS_SENT_UNK = 1200, /* sentence structure not recognized */
ERR_PRS_VERDO_FAIL = 1201, /* verDoVerb failed */
ERR_PRS_VERIO_FAIL = 1202, /* verIoVerb failed */
ERR_PRS_NO_VERDO = 1203, /* no verDoVerb for direct object */
ERR_PRS_NO_VERIO = 1204, /* no verIoVerb for direct object */
ERR_PRS_VAL_DO_FAIL = 1205, /* direct object validation failed */
ERR_PRS_VAL_IO_FAIL = 1206, /* indirect object validation failed */
/* compiler/runtime/debugger driver errors */
ERR_USAGE = 1500, /* invalid usage */
ERR_OPNINP = 1501, /* error opening input file */
ERR_NODBG = 1502, /* game not compiled for debugging */
ERR_ERRFIL = 1503, /* unable to open error capture file */
ERR_PRSCXSIZ = 1504, /* parse pool + local size too large */
ERR_STKSIZE = 1505, /* stack size too large */
ERR_OPNSTRFIL = 1506, /* error opening string capture file */
ERR_INVCMAP = 1507, /* invalid character map file */
/* debugger errors */
ERR_BPSYM = 2000, /* symbol not found for breakpoint */
ERR_BPPROP = 2002, /* breakpoint symbol is not a property */
ERR_BPFUNC = 2003, /* breakpoint symbol is not a function */
ERR_BPNOPRP = 2004, /* property is not defined for object */
ERR_BPPRPNC = 2005, /* property is not code */
ERR_BPSET = 2006, /* breakpoint already set at this location */
ERR_BPNOTLN = 2007, /* breakpoint is not at a line (OPCLINE instr) */
ERR_MANYBP = 2008, /* too many breakpoints */
ERR_BPNSET = 2009, /* breakpoint to be deleted was not set */
ERR_DBGMNSY = 2010, /* too many symbols in debug expression (int lim) */
ERR_NOSOURC = 2011, /* unable to find source file %s */
ERR_WTCHLCL = 2012, /* illegal to assign to local in watch expr */
ERR_INACTFR = 2013, /* inactive frame (expression value not available) */
ERR_MANYWX = 2014, /* too many watch expressions */
ERR_WXNSET = 2015, /* watchpoint not set */
ERR_EXTRTXT = 2016, /* extraneous text at end of command */
ERR_BPOBJ = 2017, /* breakpoint symbol is not an object */
ERR_DBGINACT = 2018, /* debugger is not active */
ERR_BPINUSE = 2019, /* breakpoint is already used */
ERR_RTBADSPECEXPR = 2020, /* invalid speculative expression */
ERR_NEEDLIN2 = 2021, /* -ds2 information not found - must recompile */
/* usage error messages */
ERR_TCUS1 = 3000, /* first tc usage message */
ERR_TCUSL = 3024, /* last tc usage message */
ERR_TCTGUS1 = 3030, /* first tc toggle message */
ERR_TCZUS1 = 3040, /* first tc -Z suboptions usage message */
ERR_TCZUSL = 3041,
ERR_TC1US1 = 3050, /* first tc -1 suboptions usage message */
ERR_TC1USL = 3058,
ERR_TCMUS1 = 3070, /* first tc -m suboptions usage message */
ERR_TCMUSL = 3076,
ERR_TCVUS1 = 3080, /* first -v suboption usage message */
ERR_TCVUSL = 3082,
ERR_TRUS1 = 3100, /* first tr usage message */
ERR_TRUSL = 3117,
ERR_TRUSFT1 = 3118, /* first tr "footer" message */
ERR_TRUSFTL = 3119, /* last tr "footer" message */
ERR_TRSUS1 = 3150, /* first tr -s suboptions usage message */
ERR_TRSUSL = 3157,
ERR_TDBUS1 = 3200, /* first tdb usage message */
ERR_TDBUSL = 3214, /* last tdb usage message */
/* TR 16-bit MSDOS-specific usage messages */
ERR_TRUS_DOS_1 = 3300,
ERR_TRUS_DOS_L = 3300,
/* TR 32-bit MSDOS console mode usage messages */
ERR_TRUS_DOS32_1 = 3310,
ERR_TRUS_DOS32_L = 3312,
/* TADS/Graphic errors */
ERR_GNOFIL = 4001, /* can't find graphics file %s */
ERR_GNORM = 4002, /* can't find room %s */
ERR_GNOOBJ = 4003, /* can't find hot spot object %s */
ERR_GNOICN = 4004 /* can't find icon object %s */
* Special error flag - this is returned from execmd() when preparseCmd
* returns a command list. This indicates to voc1cmd that it should try
* the command over again, using the words in the new list.
#define ERR_PREPRSCMDREDO 30000 /* preparseCmd returned a list */
#define ERR_PREPRSCMDCAN 30001 /* preparseCmd returned 'nil' to cancel */
2018-11-28 20:42:28 -08:00
union erradef {
int erraint; // integer argument
char *errastr; // text string argument
struct errdef {
errdef * errprv; // previous error frame
int errcode; // error code of exception being handled
char errfac[ERRFACMAX+1]; // facility of current error
erradef erraav[10]; // parameters for error
int erraac; // count of parameters in argc
// jmp_buf errbuf; // jump buffer for current error frame
#define ERRBUFSIZ 512
class TADS2;
2018-11-28 20:42:28 -08:00
// seek location record for an error message by number
struct errmfdef {
uint errmfnum; // error number
size_t errmfseek; // seek location of this message
class errcxdef {
errdef *errcxptr; // current error frame
2018-11-28 20:42:28 -08:00
void *errcxlgc; // context for error logging callback
int errcxofs; // offset in argument buffer
char errcxbuf[ERRBUFSIZ]; // space for argument strings
Common::SeekableReadStream *errcxfp; // message file, if one is being used
2018-11-28 20:42:28 -08:00
errmfdef *errcxseek; // seek locations of messages in file
uint errcxsksz; // size of errcxseek array
size_t errcxbase; // offset in physical file of logical error file
TADS2 * errcxappctx; // host application context
* Format an error message, sprintf-style, using arguments in an
* erradef array (which is passed to the error-logging callback).
* Returns the length of the output string, even if the actual
* output string was truncated because the outbuf was too short.
* (If called with outbufl == 0, nothing will be written out, but
* the size of the buffer needed, minus the terminating null byte,
* will be computed and returned.)
static int errfmt(char *outbuf, int outbufl, char *fmt, int argc, erradef *argv);
errcxdef() : errcxptr(nullptr), errcxlgc(nullptr), errcxofs(0),
errcxseek(nullptr), errcxsksz(0), errcxbase(0), errcxappctx(nullptr) {
Common::fill(&errcxbuf[0], &errcxbuf[ERRBUFSIZ], '\0');
* Error logging method
void errcxlog(void *ctx0, char *fac, int err, int argc, erradef *argv);
2018-11-28 20:42:28 -08:00
// begin protected code
#define ERRBEGIN(ctx) \
{ \
errdef fr_; \
if ((fr_.errcode = setjmp(fr_.errbuf)) == 0) \
{ \
fr_.errprv = (ctx)->errcxptr; \
(ctx)->errcxptr = &fr_;
// end protected code, begin error handler
#define ERRCATCH(ctx, e) \
assert(1==1 && (ctx)->errcxptr != fr_.errprv); \
(ctx)->errcxptr = fr_.errprv; \
} \
else \
{ \
assert(2==2 && (ctx)->errcxptr != fr_.errprv); \
(e) = fr_.errcode; \
(ctx)->errcxptr = fr_.errprv;
// retrieve argument (int, string) in current error frame
#define errargint(argnum) (fr_.erraav[argnum].erraint)
#define errargstr(argnum) (fr_.erraav[argnum].errastr)
#define ERREND(ctx) \
} \
// end protected code, begin cleanup (no handling; just cleaning up)
#define ERRCLEAN(ctx) \
assert((ctx)->errcxptr != fr_.errprv); \
(ctx)->errcxptr = fr_.errprv; \
} \
else \
{ \
assert((ctx)->errcxptr != fr_.errprv); \
(ctx)->errcxptr = fr_.errprv;
#define ERRENDCLN(ctx) \
errrse(ctx); \
} \
// argument types for errors with arguments
#define ERRTINT erraint
#define ERRTSTR errastr
// set argument count in error frame
#define errargc(ctx,cnt) ((ctx)->errcxptr->erraac=(cnt))
// enter string argument; returns pointer to argument used in errargv
char *errstr(errcxdef *ctx, const char *str, int len);
#else /* ERR_NO_MACRO */
#define errstr(ctx,str,len) \
((memcpy(&(ctx)->errcxbuf[(ctx)->errcxofs],str,(size_t)len), \
(ctx)->errcxofs += (len), \
(ctx)->errcxbuf[(ctx)->errcxofs++] = '\0'), \
#endif /* ERR_NO_MACRO */
/* set argument in error frame argument vector */
#define errargv(ctx,index,typ,arg) \
// signal an error with argument count already set
void errsign(errcxdef *ctx, int e, char *facility);
#else /* ERR_NO_MACRO */
# ifdef DEBUG
void errjmp(jmp_buf buf, int e);
# define errsign(ctx, e, fac) \
(strncpy((ctx)->errcxptr->errfac, fac, ERRFACMAX),\
(ctx)->errcxofs=0, errjmp((ctx)->errcxptr->errbuf, e))
# else /* DEBUG */
# define errsign(ctx, e, fac) \
(strncpy((ctx)->errcxptr->errfac, fac, ERRFACMAX),\
(ctx)->errcxofs=0, longjmp((ctx)->errcxptr->errbuf, e))
# endif /* DEBUG */
#endif /* ERR_NO_MACRO */
// signal an error with no arguments
void errsigf(errcxdef *ctx, char *facility, int err);
#else /* ERR_NO_MACRO */
#define errsigf(ctx, fac, e) (errargc(ctx,0),errsign(ctx,e,fac))
#endif /* ERR_NO_MACRO */
// signal an error with one argument
#define errsigf1(ctx, fac, e, typ1, arg1) \
// signal an error with two arguments
#define errsigf2(ctx, fac, e, typ1, arg1, typ2, arg2) \
(errargv(ctx,0,typ1,arg1), errargv(ctx,1,typ2,arg2), \
errargc(ctx,2), errsign(ctx,e,fac))
// resignal the current error - only usable within exception handlers
void errrse1(errcxdef *ctx, errdef *fr);
# define errrse(ctx) errrse1(ctx, &fr_)
#else /* ERR_NO_MACRO */
// void errrse(errcxdef *ctx);
# define errrse(ctx) \
(errargc(ctx, fr_.erraac),\
memcpy((ctx)->errcxptr->erraav, fr_.erraav, \
errsign(ctx, fr_.errcode, fr_.errfac))
#endif /* ERR_NO_MACRO */
* For use in an error handler (ERRCATCH..ERREND) only: Copy the
* parameters from the error currently being handled to the enclosing
* frame. This is useful when "keeping" an error being handled - i.e.,
* the arguments will continue to be used outside of the
#define errkeepargs(ctx) errcopyargs(ctx, &fr_)
* copy the parameters for an error from another frame into the current
* frame - this can be used when we want to be able to display an error
* that occurred in an inner frame within code that is protected by a
* new enclosing error frame
#define errcopyargs(ctx, fr) \
(errargc((ctx), (fr)->erraac), \
memcpy((ctx)->errcxptr->erraav, (fr)->erraav, \
// log error that's been caught, using arguments already caught
#define errclog(ctx) \
// log an error that's been set up but not signalled yet
#define errprelog(ctx, err) \
// log an error (no signalling, just reporting)
void errlogn(errcxdef *ctx, int err, char *facility);
#else /* ERR_NO_MACRO */
#define errlogn(ctx,err,fac) \
#endif /* ERR_NO_MACRO */
// log an error with no arguments
void errlogf(errcxdef *ctx, char *facility, int err);
#else /* ERR_NO_MACRO */
// void errlogf(errcxdef *ctx, char *facility, int err);
#define errlogf(ctx,fac,err) (errargc(ctx,0),errlogn(ctx,err,fac))
#endif /* ERR_NO_MACRO */
// log an error with one argument
#define errlogf1(ctx, fac, e, typ1, arg1) \
// log an error with two arguments
#define errlogf2(ctx, fac, e, typ1, arg1, typ2, arg2) \
2018-12-01 16:34:48 -08:00
* For compatility with old facility-free mechanism, signal with facility "TADS"
#define errsig(ctx, err) errsigf(ctx, "TADS", err)
#define errsig1(c, e, t, a) errsigf1(c,"TADS",e,t,a)
//#define errsig2(c, e, t1, a1, t2, a2) errsigf2(c,"TADS",e,t1,a1,t2,a2)
#define errlog(c, e) errlogf(c, "TADS", e)
#define errlog1(c, e, t, a) errlogf1(c,"TADS",e,t,a)
#define errlog2(c, e, t1, a1, t2, a2) errlogf2(c,"TADS",e,t1,a1,t2,a2)
#define errsig2(c, e, t1, a1, t2, a2) error("Error occurred")
2018-11-28 20:42:28 -08:00
// get the text of an error
void errmsg(errcxdef *ctx, char *outbuf, uint outbufl, uint err);
// initialize error subsystem, opening error message file if necessary
void errini(errcxdef *ctx, Common::SeekableReadStream *fp);
// allocate and initialize error context, free error context
errcxdef *lerini();
void lerfre(errcxdef *ctx);
// error message structure - number + text
struct errmdef {
uint errmerr; // error number
char *errmtxt; // text of error message
} // End of namespace TADS2
} // End of namespace TADS
} // End of namespace Glk