"\\C\\c2""Fixes for playing MP3 versions of MI1/Loom audio",
"\\C\\c0""Daniel Schepler",
"\\C\\c2""Final MI1 CD music support, initial Ogg Vorbis support",
"\\C\\c0""Andre Souza",
"\\C\\c2""SDL-based OpenGL renderer",
"\\C\\c0""Tim ???",
"\\C\\c2""Initial MI1 CD music support",
"\\C\\c0""And to all the contributors, users, and beta testers we've missed. Thanks!",
"\\C\\c1""Special thanks to",
"\\C\\c0""Sander Buskens",
"\\C\\c2""For his work on the initial reversing of Monkey2",
"\\C\\c2""For the original MT-32 emulator",
"\\C\\c0""Kevin Carnes",
"\\C\\c2""For Scumm16, the basis of ScummVM's older gfx codecs",
"\\C\\c0""Ivan Dubrov",
"\\C\\c2""For contributing the initial version of the Gobliiins engine",
"\\C\\c2""For his freeverb filter implementation",
"\\C\\c0""Jim Leiterman",
"\\C\\c2""Various info on his FM-TOWNS/Marty SCUMM ports",
"\\C\\c2""For deep tech details about C64 Zak & MM",
"\\C\\c0""Jimmi Thogersen",
"\\C\\c2""For ScummRev, and much obscure code/documentation",
"\\C\\c2""For additional work on the original MT-32 emulator",
"\\C\\c0""Tony Warriner and everyone at Revolution Software Ltd. for sharing with us the source of some of their brilliant games, allowing us to release Beneath a Steel Sky as freeware... and generally being supportive above and beyond the call of duty.",
"\\C\\c0""John Passfield and Steve Stamatiadis for sharing the source of their classic title, Flight of the Amazon Queen and also being incredibly supportive.",
"\\C\\c0""Joe Pearce from The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. for sharing the source of their famous title Inherit the Earth and always prompt replies to our questions.",
"\\C\\c0""Aric Wilmunder, Ron Gilbert, David Fox, Vince Lee, and all those at LucasFilm/LucasArts who made SCUMM the insane mess to reimplement that it is today. Feel free to drop us a line and tell us what you think, guys!",