2021-05-17 20:47:39 +02:00
/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Based on the original sources
* Faery Tale II -- The Halls of the Dead
* (c) 1993-1996 The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co.
namespace Saga2 {
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class Buffer;
class musicBuffer;
class soundQueue;
class decoderSet;
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/* DRIVERS subdirectory */
#define UNDRIVER_PATH ".."
/* typedefs */
typedef Buffer *pSBUFFER;
typedef positionedSample *pSAMPLE;
/* Debug handling */
/* Volume controls */
#define Here Point32(0,0)
/* Volume controls */
typedef int8 Volume;
enum volumeTarget {
volSound = 1L << 0, // sound volume
volVoice = 1L << 1, // voice volume
volSandV, // sound & voice
volLoops = 1L << 2, // looped sounds
volSandL, // sound and music
volVandL, // voice and music
volSVandL, // voice and music
volMusic = 1L << 3, // music
volSandM, // sound and music
volVandM, // voice and music
volSVandM, // sound voice and music
volLandM, // loops and music
volSLandM, // sound loops and music
volVLandM, // voice loops and music
volAll, // all four
volSoundMaster = 1L << 4, // master sound volume level
volMusicMaster = 1L << 5, // master music volume level
enum volumeMode {
volumeSetTo = 0L, // absolute mode
volumeUpDown, // relative mode
/* Audio Fade */
struct audioFade {
int16 fadeOutTime,
fadeInTime, // Actually it starts fading in immediately
/* Audio Interface Settings */
struct audioInterfaceSettings {
int16 soundBuffers; // Buffers aside from Music, Voice & loop buffers
uint32 voiceBufferSize; // Size of voice buffer
uint32 musicBufferSize; // Size of music buffers
uint32 soundBufferSize; // Size of sound effects buffers
uint32 loopBufferSize; // Size of looped effect buffer
audioInterfaceSettings(int16 sb, uint32 vbs, uint32 mbs, uint32 sbs, uint32 lbs) {
soundBuffers = sb;
voiceBufferSize = vbs;
musicBufferSize = mbs;
soundBufferSize = sbs;
loopBufferSize = lbs;
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/* */
/* Audio Interface Class */
/* */
class audioInterface {
enum BufferRequest {
requestRecycled = -2L,
requestFailed = -1L,
requestVoice = 0L,
requestMusic0 = 1L,
requestMusic1 = 2L,
requestLoop = 3L,
requestSound0 = 4L,
requestSound1 = 5L,
requestSound2 = 6L,
maxBuffers = 7L,
requestMusic = 8L,
requestSound = 9L,
enum sampleFlags {
sampleClear = 0L,
sampleMoving = 1L << 0,
sampleQueued = 1L << 1,
enum sampleStopLevel {
sStopCleanup = 0L,
sStopSegment = 1L,
sStopSample = 2L,
sStopQueue = 3L,
enum queueFlags {
qrQueueEmpty = 0L,
qrBufNotAlloc = 1L,
qrSegNotOpen = 2L,
qrBufNotReady = 3L,
qrWaiting = 4L,
qrPlayDone = 5L,
qrFinishing = 6L,
qrFinished = 7L,
qrCleanup = 8L,
int16 instance;
int16 initialized;
HTIMER gameTimer;
soundQueue *queue; // the queue
queueFlags queueRes;
BufferRequest numBuffers;
int16 flags[maxBuffers];
int16 state[maxBuffers];
pSBUFFER SampHand[maxBuffers];
pSAMPLE samples[maxBuffers];
soundSegment lastID[maxBuffers]; // ID of music currently playing
BufferRequest voiceBuffer; // buffer to feed voice into
BufferRequest activeLoop; // currently playing loop
BufferRequest activeMusic;
BufferRequest nextMBuf;
soundSegment playing; // ID of music currently playing
soundSegment looping; // ID of music currently playing
audioFade fader;
Volume SoundVolume, // Sound Master Volume
MusicVolume, // Music Master Volume
mVolume, // music volume
sVolume, // sound volume
vVolume, // voice volume
lVolume; // loops volume
int16 sEnabled, // sound enabled
vEnabled, // voice enabled
mEnabled, // music enabled
lEnabled; // loops enabled
bool suspended;
int32 mQuality; // MIDI driver quality
int32 suspendCalls;
HDIGDRIVER dig; // AIL sample driver
HMDIDRIVER mid; // AIL MIDI driver
audioAttenuationFunction attenuator;
char status[256]; // audio status messages
int16 verbosity;
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(USE_REAL_WAIL)
// ctor, dtor, initialization
audioInterface(const char *driver_path = DRIVER_PATH, const char *undriver_path = UNDRIVER_PATH);
// init, cleanup
void initAudioInterface(audioInterfaceSettings &ais);
void cleanupAudioInterface(void);
// timer calls
void adjustGameSpeed(int32 multiplyBy, int32 thenDivideBy);
void suspendGameClock(void);
void resumeGameClock(void);
// event loop calls
bool playFlag(void);
void playMe(void);
// music calls
void queueMusic(soundSegment s, decoderSet *, int16 loopFactor = 1, sampleLocation where = Here);
void stopMusic(void);
soundSegment currentMusic(void) {
return playing; // ID of music currently playing
bool goodMIDICard(void);
// sound calls
void queueSound(soundSegment s, decoderSet *, int16 loopFactor = 1, sampleLocation where = Here);
//void queueSoundAt( soundSegment s, decoderSet *, sampleLocation where, int16 loopFactor=1);
void queueSoundSample(positionedSample *ss, decoderSet *sDec, int16 loopFactor);
// loop calls
void queueLoop(soundSegment s, decoderSet *sDec, int16 loopFactor = 0, sampleLocation where = Here);
//void queueLoopAt( soundSegment s, decoderSet *sDec, sampleLocation where , int16 loopFactor=0 );
void queueLoopSample(positionedSample *ss, decoderSet *sDec, int16 loopFactor = 0);
void stopLoop(void);
void setLoopPosition(sampleLocation newLoc);
soundSegment currentLoop(void) {
return looping; // ID of music currently playing
// voice calls
void queueVoice(soundSegment s, decoderSet *, sampleLocation where = Here);
void queueVoice(soundSegment s[], decoderSet *, sampleLocation where = Here);
void stopVoice(void);
void endVoice(sampleStopLevel ssl = sStopCleanup);
void resetState(BufferRequest br);
bool talking(void);
bool saying(soundSegment s);
// volume and enabled calls
bool active(void);
bool activeDIG(void) {
return dig != NULL;
bool enabled(volumeTarget i);
void enable(volumeTarget i, bool onOff);
void disable(volumeTarget i) {
2021-06-13 16:56:52 +02:00
enable(i, false);
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void setVolume(volumeTarget targ, volumeMode op, Volume val);
Volume getVolume(volumeTarget src);
void setMusicFadeStyle(int16 tOut, int16 tIn, int16 tOver);
void suspend(void);
void resume(void);
//debugging calls
char *statusMessage(void);
void shutoffAudio(void);
void setVerbosity(int16 n) {
verbosity = n;
int16 getQueueSize(void) {
return queue->getSize();
// moving sample calls
audioAttenuationFunction setAttenuator(audioAttenuationFunction newAF);
void load_drivers(const char *driver_path = DRIVER_PATH, const char *undriver_path = UNDRIVER_PATH);
void load_dig_driver(void);
void load_mid_driver(void);
bool notEmpty(void);
BufferRequest needBuffer(positionedSample *ss, BufferRequest needBufNo);
void format(void);
void openSample(decoderSet *decList, Buffer *); // open/seek function
void closeSample(decoderSet *decList, Buffer *); // close/flush function
void playSample(decoderSet *decList, BufferRequest, positionedSample *); // read/load function
sampleFlags playQueue(decoderSet *decList, BufferRequest, soundQueue *); // read/load function
void playMusic(decoderSet *decList, BufferRequest targBuffer, positionedSample *ss, int16 loopFactor);
void makeWriteable(Buffer *sb); // buffer release
void setSoundMasterVolume(Volume val);
void setMusicMasterVolume(Volume val);
void setBufferVolume(BufferRequest, Volume val);
void setMusicVolume(Volume val);
void setSoundVolume(Volume val);
void setVoiceVolume(Volume val);
void setLoopsVolume(Volume val);
inline bool checkMask(volumeTarget t, volumeTarget m, bool e, volumeTarget vtm) {
if ((t & m)
&& (getVolume(m) > 0) && (getVolume(vtm) > 0)
return e;
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return true;
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void crossFade(musicBuffer *mbOut, musicBuffer *mbIn);
void fadeIn(musicBuffer *mbIn);
void audioFatalError(char *s);
void audioError(char *s);
void audioEPrintf(char *s, ...);
void audioErrorID(int);
void audioStatus(char *s);
void audioStatCat(char *s);
void setSample(BufferRequest sampNo, positionedSample *ss);
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
#pragma off ( unreferenced ) ;
static ATTENUATOR(defaultAttenuator) {
return maxVol;
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
#pragma on ( unreferenced ) ;
void disableAudio(void);
} // end of namespace Saga2