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synced 2024-12-15 06:08:35 +00:00
SHERLOCK: Add Chinese strings for Serrated Scalpel
This commit is contained in:
@ -168,6 +168,37 @@ static const char *const fixedJournalTextES[] = {
"Despu\202s %s dijo, "
static const char *const fixedJournalTextZHBig5[] = {
// Holmes asked/said...
"\xba\xd6\xba\xb8\xbc\xaf\xb4\xb5\xb0\xdd\xa7\xda\x3a\x22", /* "福爾摩斯問我:"; "Holmes asked me, " */
"\xba\xd6\xba\xb8\xbc\xaf\xb4\xb5\xb0\xdd\xb1\xb4\xaa\xf8\x3a\x22", /* "福爾摩斯問探長:"; "Holmes asked the Inspector, " */
"\xba\xd6\xba\xb8\xbc\xaf\xb4\xb5\xb0\xdd%s\x3a\x22", /* "福爾摩斯問%s:"; "Holmes asked %s, " */
"\xba\xd6\xba\xb8\xbc\xaf\xb4\xb5\xbb\xa1\xa7\xda\x3a\x22", /* "福爾摩斯說我:"; "Holmes said to me, " */
"\xba\xd6\xba\xb8\xbc\xaf\xb4\xb5\xbb\xa1\xb1\xb4\xaa\xf8\x3a\x22", /* "福爾摩斯說探長:"; "Holmes said to the Inspector, " */
"\xba\xd6\xba\xb8\xbc\xaf\xb4\xb5\xbb\xa1%s\x3a\x22", /* "福爾摩斯說%s:"; "Holmes said to %s, " */
// I asked/said...
"\xa7\xda\xa6\x5e\xb5\xaa\x3a\x22", /* "我回答:""; "I replied, " */
"\xa6\x5e\xb5\xaa\xbb\xa1\x3a\x22", /* "回答說:""; "The reply was, " */
// Holmes/I/The Inspector/Person asked/said (without "Then" prefix)
"Holmes asked, ", // TODO
"\xba\xd6\xba\xb8\xbc\xaf\xb4\xb5\xbb\xa1\x3a", /* "福爾摩斯說:"; "Holmes said, " */
"I asked, ", // TODO
"I said, ", // TODO
"The Inspector asked, ", // TODO
"The Inspector said, ", // TODO
"%s asked, ", // TODO
"\x25\x73\xbb\xa1\x3a", /* "%s說:"; "%s said, " */
// Then Holmes/I/The Inspector/Person asked/said
"Then Holmes asked, ", // TODO
"Then Holmes said, ", // TODO
"Then I asked, ", // TODO
"Then I said, ", // TODO
"Then the Inspector asked, ", // TODO
"Then the Inspector said, ", // TODO
"Then %s asked, ", // TODO
"Then %s said, " // TODO
FixedText::FixedText(SherlockEngine *vm) {
_vm = vm;
@ -195,6 +226,11 @@ FixedText::FixedText(SherlockEngine *vm) {
_fixedJournalTextArray = fixedJournalTextES;
_fixedObjectPickedUpText = "Cogido/a %s";
case Common::ZH_TWN:
// Used by Sherlock Holmes 1+2
_fixedJournalTextArray = fixedJournalTextZHBig5;
_fixedObjectPickedUpText = "Picked up %s"; // TODO
// Default to English
_fixedJournalTextArray = fixedJournalTextEN;
@ -481,6 +481,160 @@ static const char *const fixedTextES[] = {
"El agente Dugan"
static const char *const fixedTextZH[] = {
// Game hotkeys
// SH1: Window buttons
"E\xc2\xf7\xb6\x7d(E)", /* "E離開"; "EExit" */
"U\xa4\x57(U)", /* "U上"; "UUp" */
"D\xa4\x55(D)", /* "D下"; "DDown" */
// SH1: Inventory buttons
"E\xc2\xf7\xb6\x7d(E)", /* "E離開"; "EExit" */
"L\xac\x64\xac\xdd(L)", /* "L查看"; "LLook" */
"U\xa8\xcf\xa5\xce(U)", /* "U使用"; "UUse" */
"G\xb5\xb9\xbb\x50(G)", /* "G給與"; "GGive" */
// TODO: Inventorty next/prev buttons:
//"\xa5\xaa\xad\xb6", /* "左頁"; */
//"\xa5\xaa\xa4\x40", /* "左一"; */
//"\xa5\x6b\xa4\x40", /* "右一"; */
//"\xa5\x6b\xad\xb6", /* "右頁"; */
// SH1: Journal text
"\xb5\xd8\xa5\xcd\xaa\xba\xb5\xa7\xb0\x4f", /* "華生的筆記"; "Watson's Journal" */
"\xb2\xc4\x25\x64\xad\xb6", /* "第%d頁"; "Page %d" */
// SH1: Journal buttons
"E\xc2\xf7\xb6\x7d(E)", /* "E離開"; "EExit" */
"B\xab\x65\xa4\x51\xad\xb6(B)", /* "B前十頁"; "BBack 10" */
"U\xa4\x57(U)", /* "U上"; "UUp" */
"D\xa4\x55(D)", /* "D下"; "DDown" */
"A\xab\xe1\xa4\x51\xad\xb6(A)", /* "A後十頁"; "AAhead 10" */
"S\xb4\x4d\xa7\xe4(S)", /* "S尋找"; "SSearch" */
"F\xad\xba\xad\xb6(F)", /* "F首頁"; "FFirst Page" */
"L\xa9\xb3\xad\xb6(L)", /* "L底頁"; "LLast Page" */
"P\xa6\x43\xa6\x4c(P)", /* "列印"; "PPrint Text" */
// SH1: Journal search
"\xc2\xf7\xb6\x7d", /* "E離開"; "Exit" */
"\xab\x65\xb4\x4d", /* "前尋"; "Backward" */
"\xab\xe1\xb4\x4d", /* "後尋"; "Forward" */
"\xa8\x53\xa6\xb3\xa7\xe4\xa8\xec\x21", /* "沒有找到!"; "Text Not Found !" */
// SH1: Settings
"E\xc2\xf7\xb6\x7d(E)", /* "離開"; "EExit" */
"M\xad\xb5\xbc\xd6\xb6\x7d(M)", /* "M音樂開"; "MMusic on" */
"M\xad\xb5\xbc\xd6\xc3\xf6(M)", /* "M音樂關"; "MMusic off" */
"P\xa8\x76\xb9\xb3\xb6\x7d(P)", /* "P肖像開"; "PPortrait on" */
"P\xa8\x76\xb9\xb3\xc3\xf6(P)", /* "P肖像關"; "PPortrait off" */
"JJoystick off", // Not used in Chinese as this button is skipped
"NNew Font Style", // Not used in Chinese as only one font is available
"S\xad\xb5\xae\xc4\xb6\x7d(S)", /* "S音效開"; "SSound Effects on" */
"S\xad\xb5\xae\xc4\xc3\xf6(S)", /* "S音效關"; "SSound Effects off" */
"W\xb5\xf8\xb5\xa1\xb7\xc6\xb1\xb2(W)", /* "W視窗滑捲"; "WWindow Slide Scroll" */
"W\xb5\xf8\xb5\xa1\xa8\x71\xa5\x58(W)", /* "W視窗秀出"; "WWindow Show" */
"C\xbd\xd5\xbe\xe3\xb7\x6e\xb1\xec(C)", /* "調整搖桿"; "CCalibrate Joystick" */
"A\xbb\xb2\xa7\x55\xa5\xaa(A)", /* "A輔助左"; "AAuto Help left" */
"A\xbb\xb2\xa7\x55\xa5\x6b(A)", /* "A輔助右"; "AAuto Help right" */
"VVoices on", // Not used in Chinese as no voices are available
"VVoices off", // Not used in Chinese as no voices are available
"F\xb2\x48\xa5\x58\xc2\x49\xaa\xac(F)", /* "F淡出點狀"; "FFade by Pixel" */
"F\xb2\x48\xa5\x58\xaa\xbd\xb1\xb5(F)", /* "F淡出直接"; "FFade Directly" */
"K\xc1\xe4\xaa\xa9\xba\x43(K)", /* "K鍵版慢"; "KKey Pad Slow" */
"K\xc1\xe4\xaa\xa9\xa7\xd6(K)", /* "K鍵版快"; "KKey Pad Fast" */
// Load/Save
"EExit", // TODO
"L\xb8\xfc\xa4\x4a(L)", /* "L載入"; "LLoad" */
"S\xc0\x78\xa6\x73(S)", /* "S儲存"; "SSave" */
"U\xa4\x57(U)", /* "U上"; "UUp" */
"D\xa4\x55(D)", /* "D下"; "DDown" */
"Q\xb5\xb2\xa7\xf4(Q)", /* "Q結束"; "QQuit" */
// Quit Game
"\xb1\x7a\xbd\x54\xa9\x77\xad\x6e\xb5\xb2\xa7\xf4\xb9\x43\xc0\xb8\xb6\xdc\x3f", /* "您確定要結束遊戲嗎?"; "Are you sure you wish to Quit ?" */
"Y\xac\x4f(Y)", /* "Y是"; "YYes" */
"N\xa4\xa3(N)", /* "N不"; "NNo" */
// SH1: Press key text
"P\xbd\xd0\xab\xf6\xa5\xf4\xb7\x4e\xc1\xe4\xc4\x7e\xc4\xf2\xa4\x55\xad\xb6\xa4\xba\xae\x65.(P)", /* "P請按任意鍵繼續下頁內容."; "PPress any Key for More." */
"P\xbd\xd0\xab\xf6\xa5\xf4\xb7\x4e\xc1\xe4\xc4\x7e\xc4\xf2.(P)", /* "P請按任意鍵繼續."; "PPress any Key to Continue." */
// SH1: Initial Inventory
"\xab\x4b\xb1\xf8\xaf\xc8", /* "便條紙"; "A message requesting help" */
"\xba\xd6\xba\xb8\xbc\xaf\xb4\xb5\xaa\xba\xa6\x57\xa4\xf9", /* "福爾摩斯的名片"; "A number of business cards" */
"\xba\x71\xbc\x40\xb0\x7c\xc1\x70\xb2\xbc", /* "歌劇院聯票"; "Opera Tickets" */
"\xb3\x53\xb3\xa7", /* "袖釦"; "Cuff Link" */
"\xc5\x4b\xb5\xb7\xa4\xc4", /* "鐵絲勾"; "Wire Hook" */
"\xa9\xf1\xa6\xe6\xb1\xf8", /* "放行條"; "Note" */
"\xa5\xb4\xb6\x7d\xaa\xba\xc3\x68\xbf\xf6", /* "打開的懷錶"; "An open pocket watch" */
"\xaf\xc8", /* "紙"; "A piece of paper with numbers on it" */
"\xab\x48", /* "信"; "A letter folded many times" */
"\xaf\xc8\xb5\x50", /* "紙牌"; "Tarot Cards" */
"\xb5\xd8\xc4\x52\xaa\xba\xc6\x5f\xb0\xcd", /* "華麗的鑰匙"; "An ornate key" */
"\xb7\xed\xb2\xbc", /* "當票"; "A pawn ticket" */
// SH1: User Interface
"\xa4\xa3\x2c\xc1\xc2\xc1\xc2\xb1\x7a\x2e", /* "不,謝謝您."; "No, thank you." */
"You can't do that.", // TODO
"\xa7\xb9\xb2\xa6\x2e\x2e\x2e", /* "完畢..."; "Done..." */
"Use ", // TODO
" on %s", // TODO
"Give ", // TODO
" to %s", // TODO
// SH1: People names
"\xba\xd6\xba\xb8\xbc\xaf\xb4\xb5", /* "福爾摩斯"; "Sherlock Holmes" */
"\xb5\xd8\xa5\xcd\xc2\xe5\xa5\xcd", /* "華生醫生"; "Dr. Watson" */
"\xb5\xdc\xb4\xb5\xb1\x5a\xbc\x77\xb1\xb4\xaa\xf8", /* "萊斯崔德探長"; "Inspector Lestrade" */
"\xb6\xf8\xa5\xac\xb5\xdc\xa6\x77\xa8\xb5\xa6\xf5", /* "奧布萊安巡佐"; "Constable O'Brien" */
"\xb9\x70\xba\xfb\xb4\xb5\xa8\xb5\xa6\xf5", /* "雷維斯巡佐"; "Constable Lewis" */
"\xdf\xc4\xdb\x69\x2e\xa9\xac\xa7\x4a", /* "葸菈.帕克"; "Sheila Parker" */
"\xa6\xeb\xa7\x51\x2e\xa5\x64\xcd\xba\xb7\xe6", /* "亨利.卡芮瑟"; "Henry Carruthers" */
"\xb5\xdc\xb5\xb7\xb2\xfa", /* "萊絲莉"; "Lesley" */
"\xa4\xde\xae\x79\xad\xfb", /* "引座員"; "An Usher" */
"\xa5\xb1\xb7\xe7\xbc\x77\x2e\xa6\xe3\xa7\x42\xb4\xb5\xa5\xc5", /* "弗瑞德.艾伯斯汀"; "Fredrick Epstein" */
"\xb4\xec\xa8\xaf\xb9\x79\xa4\xd3\xa4\xd3", /* "渥辛頓太太"; "Mrs. Worthington" */
"\xb1\xd0\xbd\x6d", /* "教練"; "The Coach" */
"\xa4\x40\xa6\x57\xb6\xa4\xad\xfb", /* "一名隊員"; "A Player" */
"\xb4\xa3\xa9\x69", /* "提姆"; "Tim", */
"\xa9\x69\xa4\x68\x2e\xae\xe1\xbc\x77\xb4\xb5", /* "姆士.桑德斯"; "James Sanders" */
"\xa8\xa9\xb2\xfa", /* "貝莉"; "Belle" */
"\xb2\x4d\xbc\xe4\xa4\x6b\xa4\x75", /* "清潔女工"; "Cleaning Girl" */
"\xc3\x51\xaa\xf7\xb4\xb5", /* "魏金斯"; "Wiggins" */
"\xab\x4f\xc3\xb9", /* "保羅"; "Paul" */
"\xb0\x73\xab\x4f", /* "酒保"; "The Bartender" */
"\xa4\x40\xad\xd3\xbb\xea\xc5\xbc\xaa\xba\xb0\x73\xb0\xad", /* "一個骯髒的酒鬼"; "A Dirty Drunk" */
"\xa4\x40\xad\xd3\xa4\x6a\xc1\x6e\xbb\xa1\xb8\xdc\xaa\xba\xb0\x73\xb0\xad", /* "一個大聲說話的酒鬼"; "A Shouting Drunk" */
"\xa4\x40\xad\xd3\xa8\xab\xb8\xf4\xb7\x6e\xb7\x45\xaa\xba\xb0\x73\xb0\xad", /* "一個走路搖幌的酒鬼"; "A Staggering Drunk" */
"\xab\x4f\xc3\xf0", /* "保鏢"; "The Bouncer" */
"\xc5\xe7\xab\xcd\xa9\x78", /* "驗屍官"; "The Coroner" */
"\xc3\x4d\xa4\x68\xaa\x41\xa9\xb1\xaa\xba\xb9\xd9\xad\x70", /* "騎士服店的夥計"; "Reginald Snipes" lit. "The clerk of the knight clothing store" */
"\xb3\xec\xaa\x76\x2e\xa5\xac\xb5\xdc\xa7\x4a\xa5\xee", /* "喬治.布萊克伍"; "George Blackwood" */
"\xbf\xe0\xa6\xd5\xb4\xb5", /* "賴耳斯"; "Lars" */
"\xc3\xc4\xa9\xd0\xa6\xd1\xaa\x4f", /* "藥房老板"; "The Chemist" lit "Pharmacy owner" */
"\xb8\xaf\xb7\xe7\xb4\xcb\xb1\xb4\xaa\xf8", /* "葛瑞森探長"; "Inspector Gregson" */
"\xb8\xeb\xa5\x69\xa7\x42\x2e\xaa\x6b\xa8\xaf\xb9\x79", /* "賈可伯.法辛頓"; "Jacob Farthington" */
"\xb3\xc1\xa6\xd2\xa4\xd2", /* "麥考夫"; "Mycroft" */
"\xa6\xd1\xb3\xb7\xb0\xd2", /* "老雪曼"; "Old Sherman" */
"\xb2\x7a\xac\x64", /* "理查"; "Richard" */
"\xbd\xd5\xb0\x73\xae\x76", /* "調酒師"; "The Barman" */
"\xa4\x40\xad\xd3\xa4\x40\xac\x79\xaa\xba\xaa\xb1\xaa\xcc", /* "一個一流的玩者"; "A Dandy Player" */
"\xa4\x40\xad\xd3\xa4\x54\xac\x79\xaa\xba\xaa\xb1\xaa\xcc", /* "一個三流的玩者"; "A Rough-looking Player" lit "A third-rate player" */
"\xae\xc7\xc6\x5b\xaa\xcc", /* "旁觀者"; "A Spectator" */
"\xc3\xb9\xa7\x42\x2e\xba\x7e\xaf\x53", /* "羅伯.漢特"; "Robert Hunt" */
"Violet", // TODO, Maybe "\xcb\xa2\xb5\xdc\xaf\x53", /* "芃萊特" */
"\xa8\xa9\xab\xd2\xae\xe6\xbe\x7c", /* "貝帝格魯"; "Pettigrew" */
"\xb6\xf8\xa6\x4e", /* "奧吉"; "Augie" */
"\xa6\x77\xae\x52\x2e\xa5\x64\xac\xa5\xc1\xa8", /* "安娜.卡洛薇"; "Anna Carroway" */
"\xc4\xb5\xbd\xc3", /* "警衛"; "A Guard" */
"\xa6\x77\xaa\x46\xa5\xa7\xb6\xf8\x2e\xa5\x64", /* "安東尼奧.卡"; "Antonio Caruso" */
"\xa6\xab\xa4\xf1", /* "托比"; "Toby the Dog" lit "Toby" */
"\xa6\xe8\xbb\x58\x2e\xaa\xf7\xb4\xb5\xb5\xdc", /* "西蒙.金斯萊"; "Simon Kingsley" */
"\xa8\xc8\xa6\xf2\xa6\x43\xbc\x77", /* "亞佛列德"; "Alfred" */
"\xa5\xac\xaa\xf9\xab\xc2\xba\xb8\xa4\xd2\xa4\x48", /* "布門威爾夫人"; "Lady Brumwell" */
"\xc3\xb9\xb2\xef\xa4\xd2\xa4\x48", /* "羅莎夫人"; "Madame Rosa" */
"\xac\xf9\xb7\xe6\x2e\xbc\xaf\xba\xb8\xae\xfc\xbc\x77", /* "約瑟.摩爾海德"; "Joseph Moorehead" */
"\xb2\xa6\xba\xb8\xa4\xd3\xa4\xd3", /* "畢爾太太"; "Mrs. Beale" */
"\xb5\xe1\xa7\x51\xa7\x4a\xb4\xb5", /* "菲利克斯"; "Felix" */
"\xb2\xfc\xc6\x46\xb9\x79", /* "荷靈頓"; "Hollingston" */
"\xa5\x64\xb5\xdc\xba\x7e\xa8\xb5\xa6\xf5", /* "卡萊漢巡佐"; "Constable Callaghan" */
"\xbe\x48\xaa\xd6\xa8\xb5\xa6\xf5", /* "鄧肯巡佐"; "Sergeant Duncan" */
"\xa5\xac\xaa\xf9\xab\xc2\xba\xb8\xc0\xef\xa4\x68", /* "布門威爾爵士"; "Lord Brumwell" */
"\xa5\xa7\xae\xe6\x2e\xb3\xc7\xa9\x69\xb4\xcb", /* "尼格.傑姆森"; "Nigel Jaimeson" */
"\xc1\xe9\xaf\xc7\xb4\xb5\x2e\xb7\xe7\xa7\x4a", /* "鍾納斯.瑞克"; "Jonas" */
"\xbe\x48\xae\xda\xa8\xb5\xa6\xf5" /* "鄧根巡佐"; "Constable Dugan" */
// =========================================
// === Sherlock Holmes 1: Serrated Scalpel ===
@ -511,6 +665,15 @@ static const char *const fixedTextES_ActionOpen[] = {
static const char *const fixedTextZH_ActionOpen[] = {
"\xb3\x6f\xb5\x4c\xaa\x6b\xa5\xb4\xb6\x7d\xaa\xba", /* "這無法打開的"; "This cannot be opened" */
"\xa5\xa6\xa4\x77\xb8\x67\xa5\xb4\xb6\x7d\xa4\x46", /* "它已經打開了"; "It is already open" */
"\xa5\xa6\xb3\x51\xc2\xea\xa6\xed\xa4\x46", /* "它被鎖住了"; "It is locked" */
"\xb5\xa5\xab\xdd\xb5\xd8\xa5\xcd", /* "等待華生"; "Wait for Watson" */
" ",
static const char *const fixedTextEN_ActionClose[] = {
"This cannot be closed",
"It is already closed",
@ -529,6 +692,12 @@ static const char *const fixedTextES_ActionClose[] = {
"La puerta de seguridad esta entre medias"
static const char *const fixedTextZH_ActionClose[] = {
"\xb3\x6f\xb5\x4c\xaa\x6b\xc3\xf6\xa6\xed\xaa\xba", /* "這無法關住的"; "This cannot be closed" */
"\xa5\xa6\xa4\x77\xb8\x67\xc3\xf6\xb0\x5f\xa8\xd3\xa4\x46", /* "它已經關起來了"; "It is already closed" */
"The safe door is in the way", // TODO
static const char *const fixedTextEN_ActionMove[] = {
"This cannot be moved",
"It is bolted to the floor",
@ -551,6 +720,13 @@ static const char *const fixedTextES_ActionMove[] = {
"El otro cajon esta en mitad"
static const char *const fixedTextZH_ActionMove[] = {
"\xb3\x6f\xb5\x4c\xaa\x6b\xb2\xbe\xb0\xca\xaa\xba", /* "這無法移動的"; "This cannot be moved" */
"It is bolted to the floor", // TODO
"\xb3\x6f\xaa\x46\xa6\xe8\xa4\xd3\xad\xab\xa4\x46", /* "這東西太重了"; "It is too heavy" */
"\xb3\x51\xa8\xe4\xa5\xa6\xaa\xba\xa4\xec\xbd\x63\xbe\xd7\xa6\xed\xb8\xf4\xa4\x46", /* "被其它的木箱擋住路了"; "The other crate is in the way" */
static const char *const fixedTextEN_ActionPick[] = {
"Nothing of interest here",
"It is bolted down",
@ -587,6 +763,18 @@ static const char *const fixedTextES_ActionPick[] = {
"Propiedad del gobierno para uso oficial"
static const char *const fixedTextZH_ActionPick[] = {
"\xa8\x53\xa6\xb3\xa4\xb0\xbb\xf2\xa5\x69\xad\xc8\xb1\x6f\xae\xb3", /* "沒有什麼可值得拿"; "Nothing of interest here" */
"It is bolted down", // TODO
"It is too big to carry", // TODO
"\xa8\xba\xa4\xd3\xad\xab\xa4\x46", /* "那太重了"; "It is too heavy" */
"I think a girl would be more your type", // TODO
"Those flowers belong to Penny", // TODO
"She's far too young for you!", // TODO
"I think a girl would be more your type!", // TODO
"\xac\x46\xa9\xb2\xa9\xd2\xa6\xb3\x2c\xb6\xc8\xaf\xe0\xa8\xd1\xa9\x78\xa4\xe8\xa8\xcf\xa5\xce" /* "政府所有,僅能供官方使用"; "Government property for official use only" */
static const char *const fixedTextEN_ActionUse[] = {
"You can't do that",
"It had no effect",
@ -611,6 +799,15 @@ static const char *const fixedTextES_ActionUse[] = {
"Las puertas no fuman"
static const char *const fixedTextZH_ActionUse[] = {
"\xb1\x7a\xb5\x4c\xaa\x6b\xa8\xba\xbc\xcb\xa8\xcf\xa5\xce", /* "您無法那樣使用"; "You can't do that" */
"\xa5\xa6\xac\x4f\xa8\x53\xa6\xb3\xae\xc4\xaa\x47\xaa\xba", /* "它是沒有效果的"; "It had no effect" */
"\xb1\x7a\xb5\x4c\xaa\x6b\xa8\xec\xb9\x46\xa8\xba\xc3\xe4", /* "您無法到達那邊"; "You can't reach it" */
"\xa6\x6e\xa4\x46\x21\xaa\xf9\xa4\x77\xb8\x67\xb6\x7d\xa4\x46\x2c\xb0\xaa\xbf\xb3\xb6\xdc\x3f", /* "好了!門已經開了,高興嗎?"; "OK, the door looks bigger! Happy?" */
"\xaa\xf9\xb5\x4c\xaa\x6b\xa9\xe2\xb7\xcf" /* "門無法抽煙"; "Doors don't smoke" */
#define FIXEDTEXT_GETCOUNT(_name_) sizeof(_name_) / sizeof(byte *)
#define FIXEDTEXT_ENTRY(_name_) _name_, FIXEDTEXT_GETCOUNT(_name_)
@ -638,12 +835,21 @@ static const FixedTextActionEntry fixedTextES_Actions[] = {
{ FIXEDTEXT_ENTRY(fixedTextES_ActionUse) }
static const FixedTextActionEntry fixedTextZH_Actions[] = {
{ FIXEDTEXT_ENTRY(fixedTextZH_ActionOpen) },
{ FIXEDTEXT_ENTRY(fixedTextZH_ActionClose) },
{ FIXEDTEXT_ENTRY(fixedTextZH_ActionMove) },
{ FIXEDTEXT_ENTRY(fixedTextZH_ActionPick) },
{ FIXEDTEXT_ENTRY(fixedTextZH_ActionUse) }
// =========================================
static const FixedTextLanguageEntry fixedTextLanguages[] = {
{ Common::DE_DEU, fixedTextDE, fixedTextDE_Actions },
{ Common::ES_ESP, fixedTextES, fixedTextES_Actions },
{ Common::EN_ANY, fixedTextEN, fixedTextEN_Actions },
{ Common::ZH_TWN, fixedTextZH, fixedTextZH_Actions },
{ Common::UNK_LANG, fixedTextEN, fixedTextEN_Actions }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user