mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 21:59:17 +00:00
actors rearrangement bugfix
svn-id: r16094
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ ACTIONTIMES ActionTDeltas[] = {
Actor::Actor(SagaEngine *vm) : _vm(vm), _initialized(false) {
Actor::Actor(SagaEngine *vm) : _vm(vm) {
int i;
// Get actor resource file context
@ -75,13 +75,42 @@ Actor::Actor(SagaEngine *vm) : _vm(vm), _initialized(false) {
_count = 0;
_initialized = true;
Actor::~Actor() {
if (!_initialized) {
debug(0, "Actor::~Actor()");
bool Actor::isValidActor(int index) {
return false;
return (_tbl[index] != zeroActorIterator);
ActorList::iterator Actor::getActorIterator(int index) {
error("Actor::getActorIterator wrong actor 0x%x", index);
return _tbl[index];
void Actor::reorderActorUp(int index) {
ActorList::iterator actorIterator;
actorIterator = getActorIterator(index);
actorIterator = _list.reorderUp(actorIterator, actorCompare);
_tbl[index] = actorIterator;
void Actor::reorderActorDown(int index) {
ActorList::iterator actorIterator;
actorIterator = getActorIterator(index);
actorIterator = _list.reorderDown(actorIterator, actorCompare);
_tbl[index] = actorIterator;
int Actor::direct(int msec) {
@ -109,17 +138,19 @@ int Actor::direct(int msec) {
// Actor intends to go somewhere. Well good for him
WALKINTENT *a_walkint;
a_walkint = (WALKINTENT *)a_intent->a_data;
handleWalkIntent(actor, a_walkint, &a_intent->a_idone, msec);
uint16 actorId = actor->actorId; //backup
handleWalkIntent(actor, &a_intent->walkIntent, &a_intent->a_idone, msec);
actorIterator = getActorIterator(ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId));
actor = actorIterator.operator->();
actorIntentIterator = actor->a_intentlist.begin();
a_intent = actorIntentIterator.operator->();
// Actor wants to blab
SPEAKINTENT *a_speakint;
a_speakint = (SPEAKINTENT *)a_intent->a_data;
handleSpeakIntent(actor, a_speakint, &a_intent->a_idone, msec);
handleSpeakIntent(actor, &a_intent->speakIntent, &a_intent->a_idone, msec);
@ -129,7 +160,6 @@ int Actor::direct(int msec) {
// If this actor intent was flagged as completed, remove it.
if (a_intent->a_idone) {
actor->action = actor->def_action;
actor->action_flags = actor->def_action_flags;
@ -173,7 +203,6 @@ int Actor::drawList() {
ActorIntentList::iterator actorIntentIterator;
ACTORINTENT *a_intent;
SPEAKINTENT *a_speakint;
ActorDialogList::iterator actorDialogIterator;
ACTORDIALOGUE *a_dialogue;
@ -200,9 +229,8 @@ int Actor::drawList() {
if (actorIntentIterator != actor->a_intentlist.end()) {
a_intent = actorIntentIterator.operator->();
if (a_intent->a_itype == INTENT_SPEAK) {
a_speakint = (SPEAKINTENT *)a_intent->a_data;
actorDialogIterator = a_speakint->si_diaglist.begin();
if (actorDialogIterator != a_speakint->si_diaglist.end()) {
actorDialogIterator = a_intent->speakIntent.si_diaglist.begin();
if (actorDialogIterator != a_intent->speakIntent.si_diaglist.end()) {
a_dialogue = actorDialogIterator.operator->();
diag_x = actor->s_pt.x;
diag_y = actor->s_pt.y;
@ -227,15 +255,10 @@ int Actor::skipDialogue() {
ActorIntentList::iterator actorIntentIterator;
ACTORINTENT *a_intent;
SPEAKINTENT *a_speakint;
ActorDialogList::iterator actorDialogIterator;
ACTORDIALOGUE *a_dialogue;
if (!_initialized) {
return FAILURE;
for (actorIterator = _list.begin(); actorIterator != _list.end(); ++actorIterator) {
actor = actorIterator.operator->();
// Check the actor's current intent for a speak intent
@ -245,14 +268,13 @@ int Actor::skipDialogue() {
if (a_intent->a_itype == INTENT_SPEAK) {
// Okay, found a speak intent. Remove one dialogue entry
// from it, releasing any semaphore */
a_speakint = (SPEAKINTENT *)a_intent->a_data;
actorDialogIterator = a_speakint->si_diaglist.begin();
if (actorDialogIterator != a_speakint->si_diaglist.end()) {
actorDialogIterator = a_intent->speakIntent.si_diaglist.begin();
if (actorDialogIterator != a_intent->speakIntent.si_diaglist.end()) {
a_dialogue = actorDialogIterator.operator->();
if (a_dialogue->d_sem != NULL) {
// And stop any currently playing voices
@ -263,67 +285,52 @@ int Actor::skipDialogue() {
return SUCCESS;
int Actor::create(int actor_id, int x, int y) {
ACTOR actor;
void Actor::create(uint16 actorId, int x, int y) {
ACTOR sampleActor;
sampleActor.actorId = actorId;
sampleActor.a_pt.x = x;
sampleActor.a_pt.y = y;
if (actor_id == 1) {
actor_id = 0;
} else {
actor_id = actor_id & ~0x2000;
actor.id = actor_id;
actor.a_pt.x = x;
actor.a_pt.y = y;
if (addActor(&actor) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;
int Actor::addActor(ACTOR * actor) {
void Actor::addActor(ACTOR * actor) {
ActorList::iterator actorIterator;
int last_frame;
int i;
if (!_initialized) {
return FAILURE;
actor->index = ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actor->actorId);
debug(0, "Actor::addActor actorId=0x%X index=0x%X", actor->actorId, actor->index);
if (!IS_VALID_ACTOR_INDEX(actor->index)) {
error("Wrong Actor actorId=0x%X index=0x%X", actor->actorId, actor->index);
if ((actor->id < 0) || (actor->id >= ACTORCOUNT)) {
return FAILURE;
if (_tbl[actor->id] != zeroActorIterator) {
return FAILURE;
if (_tbl[actor->index] != zeroActorIterator) {
error("Actor::addActor actor already exist actorId=0x%X index=0x%X", actor->actorId, actor->index);
AtoS(&actor->s_pt, &actor->a_pt);
i = actor->id;
actor->sl_rn = ActorTable[i].spritelist_rn;
actor->si_rn = ActorTable[i].spriteindex_rn;
actor->sl_rn = ActorTable[actor->index].spritelist_rn;
actor->si_rn = ActorTable[actor->index].spriteindex_rn;
loadActorSpriteIndex(actor, actor->si_rn, &last_frame);
if (_vm->_sprite->loadList(actor->sl_rn, &actor->sl_p) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILURE;
error("Actor::addActor unable to load sprite list actorId=0x%X index=0x%X", actor->actorId, actor->index);
if (last_frame >= _vm->_sprite->getListLen(actor->sl_p)) {
debug(0, "Appending to sprite list %d.", actor->sl_rn);
if (_vm->_sprite->appendList(actor->sl_rn + 1,
actor->sl_p) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILURE;
if (_vm->_sprite->appendList(actor->sl_rn + 1, actor->sl_p) != SUCCESS) {
error("Actor::addActor unable append sprite list actorId=0x%X index=0x%X", actor->actorId, actor->index);
actor->flags = ActorTable[i].flags;
actor->a_dcolor = ActorTable[i].color;
actor->flags = ActorTable[actor->index].flags;
actor->a_dcolor = ActorTable[actor->index].color;
actor->orient = ACTOR_DEFAULT_ORIENT;
actor->def_action = 0;
actor->def_action_flags = 0;
@ -336,54 +343,45 @@ int Actor::addActor(ACTOR * actor) {
actor = actorIterator.operator->();
_tbl[i] = actorIterator;
_tbl[actor->index] = actorIterator;
return SUCCESS;
int Actor::getActorIndex(uint16 actor_id) {
uint16 actorIdx;
int Actor::getActorIndex(uint16 actorId) {
int actorIdx = ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId);
if (actor_id == 1) {
actorIdx = 0;
} else {
actorIdx = actor_id & ~0x2000;
if (actorIdx >= ACTORCOUNT) {
error("Wrong actorIdx=%i", actorIdx);
if (!IS_VALID_ACTOR_INDEX(actorIdx)) {
error("Wrong Actor actorId=0x%X actorIdx=0x%X", actorId, actorIdx);
if (_tbl[actorIdx] == zeroActorIterator) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf(S_WARN_PREFIX "Actor::getActorIndex Actor id 0x%X not found.\n", actorId);
warning("Actor::getActorIndex Actor not found actorId=0x%X actorIdx=0x%X", actorId, actorIdx);
return -1;
return actorIdx;
int Actor::actorExists(uint16 actor_id) {
uint16 actor_idx;
if (actor_id == 1) {
actor_idx = 0;
} else {
actor_idx = actor_id & ~0x2000;
bool Actor::actorExists(uint16 actorId) {
int actorIdx = ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId);
if (!IS_VALID_ACTOR_INDEX(actorIdx)) {
error("Wrong Actor actorId=0x%X actorIdx=0x%X", actorId, actorIdx);
if (_tbl[actor_idx] == zeroActorIterator) {
return 0;
if (_tbl[actorIdx] == zeroActorIterator) {
return false;
return 1;
return true;
int Actor::speak(int index, const char *d_string, uint16 d_voice_rn, SEMAPHORE *sem) {
void Actor::speak(uint16 actorId, const char *d_string, uint16 d_voice_rn, SEMAPHORE *sem) {
ActorList::iterator actorIterator;
ACTOR *actor;
ActorIntentList::iterator actorIntentIterator;
ACTORINTENT *a_intent_p = NULL;
SPEAKINTENT *a_speakint;
int use_existing_ai = 0;
@ -394,11 +392,7 @@ int Actor::speak(int index, const char *d_string, uint16 d_voice_rn, SEMAPHORE *
a_dialogue.d_sem_held = 1;
a_dialogue.d_sem = sem;
actorIterator = _tbl[index];
if (actorIterator == zeroActorIterator) {
return FAILURE;
actorIterator = getActorIterator(ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId));
actor = actorIterator.operator->();
// If actor's last registered intent is to speak, we can queue the
@ -416,18 +410,15 @@ int Actor::speak(int index, const char *d_string, uint16 d_voice_rn, SEMAPHORE *
if (use_existing_ai) {
// Store the current dialogue off the existing actor intent
a_speakint = (SPEAKINTENT *)a_intent_p->a_data;
} else {
// Create a new actor intent
a_intent.a_itype = INTENT_SPEAK;
a_intent.a_idone = 0;
a_intent.a_iflags = 0;
a_speakint = (SPEAKINTENT *)a_intent.a_data;
a_speakint->si_last_action = actor->action;
a_intent.speakIntent.si_last_action = actor->action;
@ -435,8 +426,6 @@ int Actor::speak(int index, const char *d_string, uint16 d_voice_rn, SEMAPHORE *
if (sem != NULL) {
return SUCCESS;
int Actor::handleSpeakIntent(ACTOR *actor, SPEAKINTENT *a_speakint, int *complete_p, int msec) {
@ -518,33 +507,29 @@ int Actor::getSpeechTime(const char *d_string, uint16 d_voice_rn) {
return voice_len;
int Actor::setOrientation(int index, int orient) {
void Actor::setOrientation(uint16 actorId, int orient) {
ActorList::iterator actorIterator;
ACTOR *actor;
actor = lookupActor(index);
if (actor == NULL) {
return FAILURE;
actorIterator = getActorIterator(ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId));
actor = actorIterator.operator->();
if ((orient < 0) || (orient > 7)) {
return FAILURE;
error("Actor::setOrientation wrong orientation 0x%X", orient);
actor->orient = orient;
return SUCCESS;
int Actor::setAction(int index, int action_n, uint16 action_flags) {
void Actor::setAction(uint16 actorId, int action_n, uint16 action_flags) {
ActorList::iterator actorIterator;
ACTOR *actor;
actor = lookupActor(index);
if (actor == NULL) {
return FAILURE;
actorIterator = getActorIterator(ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId));
actor = actorIterator.operator->();
if ((action_n < 0) || (action_n >= actor->action_ct)) {
return FAILURE;
error("Actor::setAction wrong action_n 0x%X", action_n);
actor->action = action_n;
@ -552,48 +537,32 @@ int Actor::setAction(int index, int action_n, uint16 action_flags) {
actor->action_frame = 0;
actor->action_time = 0;
return SUCCESS;
int Actor::setDefaultAction(int index, int action_n, uint16 action_flags) {
void Actor::setDefaultAction(uint16 actorId, int action_n, uint16 action_flags) {
ActorList::iterator actorIterator;
ACTOR *actor;
actor = lookupActor(index);
if (actor == NULL) {
return FAILURE;
actorIterator = getActorIterator(ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId));
actor = actorIterator.operator->();
if ((action_n < 0) || (action_n >= actor->action_ct)) {
return FAILURE;
error("Actor::setDefaultAction wrong action_n 0x%X", action_n);
actor->def_action = action_n;
actor->def_action_flags = action_flags;
return SUCCESS;
ACTOR *Actor::lookupActor(int index) {
ActorList::iterator actorIterator;
ACTOR *actor;
if (!_initialized) {
return NULL;
if ((index < 0) || (index >= ACTORCOUNT)) {
return NULL;
if (_tbl[index] == zeroActorIterator) {
return NULL;
actorIterator = _tbl[index];
actorIterator = getActorIterator(index);
actor = actorIterator.operator->();
return actor;
int Actor::loadActorSpriteIndex(ACTOR * actor, int si_rn, int *last_frame_p) {
byte *res_p;
@ -647,68 +616,43 @@ int Actor::loadActorSpriteIndex(ACTOR * actor, int si_rn, int *last_frame_p) {
return SUCCESS;
int Actor::deleteActor(int index) {
void Actor::deleteActor(uint16 actorId) {
ActorList::iterator actorIterator;
ACTOR *actor;
if (!_initialized) {
return FAILURE;
if ((index < 0) || (index >= ACTORCOUNT)) {
return FAILURE;
actorIterator = _tbl[index];
if (actorIterator == zeroActorIterator) {
return FAILURE;
debug(0, "Actor::deleteActor actorId=0x%X", actorId);
actorIterator = getActorIterator(ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId));
actor = actorIterator.operator->();
_tbl[index] = zeroActorIterator;
return SUCCESS;
_tbl[ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId)] = zeroActorIterator;
int Actor::walkTo(int id, const Point *walk_pt, uint16 flags, SEMAPHORE *sem) {
void Actor::walkTo(uint16 actorId, const Point *walk_pt, uint16 flags, SEMAPHORE *sem) {
ACTORINTENT actor_intent;
WALKINTENT *walk_intent;
ActorList::iterator actorIterator;
ACTOR *actor;
assert(walk_pt != NULL);
if ((id < 0) || (id >= ACTORCOUNT)) {
return FAILURE;
if (_tbl[id] == zeroActorIterator) {
return FAILURE;
actorIterator = _tbl[id];
actorIterator = getActorIterator(ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId));
actor = actorIterator.operator->();
actor_intent.a_itype = INTENT_PATH;
actor_intent.a_iflags = 0;
walk_intent = (WALKINTENT*)actor_intent.a_data;
walk_intent->wi_flags = flags;
walk_intent->sem_held = 1;
walk_intent->sem = sem;
actor_intent.walkIntent.wi_flags = flags;
actor_intent.walkIntent.sem_held = 1;
actor_intent.walkIntent.sem = sem;
// handleWalkIntent() will create path on initialization
walk_intent->wi_init = 0;
walk_intent->dst_pt = *walk_pt;
actor_intent.walkIntent.wi_init = 0;
actor_intent.walkIntent.dst_pt = *walk_pt;
@ -716,7 +660,6 @@ int Actor::walkTo(int id, const Point *walk_pt, uint16 flags, SEMAPHORE *sem) {
return SUCCESS;
int Actor::setPathNode(WALKINTENT *walk_int, Point *src_pt, Point *dst_pt, SEMAPHORE *sem) {
@ -762,7 +705,7 @@ int Actor::handleWalkIntent(ACTOR *actor, WALKINTENT *a_walkint, int *complete_p
// Initialize walk intent
if (!a_walkint->wi_init) {
setPathNode(a_walkint, &actor->a_pt, &a_walkint->dst_pt, a_walkint->sem);
setDefaultAction(actor->id, ACTION_IDLE, ACTION_NONE);
setDefaultAction(actor->actorId, ACTION_IDLE, ACTION_NONE);
a_walkint->wi_init = 1;
@ -883,31 +826,22 @@ int Actor::handleWalkIntent(ACTOR *actor, WALKINTENT *a_walkint, int *complete_p
actor->s_pt.x = actor->a_pt.x >> 2;
actor->s_pt.y = actor->a_pt.y >> 2;
ActorList::iterator actorIterator;
if (_list.locate(actor, actorIterator)) {
if (path_slope < 0) {
_list.reorderUp(actorIterator, actorCompare);
} else {
_list.reorderDown(actorIterator, actorCompare);
if (path_slope < 0) {
} else {
error("Actor::handleWalkIntent() actor not found list");
// here "actor" pointer may be invalid
return SUCCESS;
int Actor::move(int index, const Point *move_pt) {
void Actor::move(uint16 actorId, const Point *move_pt) {
ActorList::iterator actorIterator;
ACTOR *actor;
int move_up = 0;
actorIterator = _tbl[index];
if (actorIterator == zeroActorIterator) {
return FAILURE;
actorIterator = getActorIterator(ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId));
actor = actorIterator.operator->();
if (move_pt->y < actor->a_pt.y) {
@ -919,24 +853,20 @@ int Actor::move(int index, const Point *move_pt) {
AtoS(&actor->s_pt, &actor->a_pt);
if (move_up) {
_list.reorderUp(actorIterator, actorCompare);
if (move_up) {
} else {
_list.reorderDown(actorIterator, actorCompare);
// here "actor" pointer may be invalid
return SUCCESS;
int Actor::moveRelative(int index, const Point *move_pt) {
void Actor::moveRelative(uint16 actorId, const Point *move_pt) {
ActorList::iterator actorIterator;
ACTOR *actor;
actorIterator = _tbl[index];
if (actorIterator == zeroActorIterator) {
return FAILURE;
actorIterator = getActorIterator(ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId));
actor = actorIterator.operator->();
actor->a_pt.x += move_pt->x;
@ -945,12 +875,11 @@ int Actor::moveRelative(int index, const Point *move_pt) {
AtoS(&actor->s_pt, &actor->a_pt);
if (actor->a_pt.y < 0) {
_list.reorderUp(actorIterator, actorCompare);
} else {
_list.reorderDown(actorIterator, actorCompare);
return SUCCESS;
// here "actor" pointer may be invalid
@ -968,75 +897,95 @@ int Actor::StoA(Point *actor, const Point screen) {
return SUCCESS;
// Console wrappers - must be safe to run
// TODO - checkup ALL arguments, cause wrong arguments may fall function with "error"
void Actor::CF_actor_add(int argc, const char **argv) {
ACTOR actor;
actor.id = (uint16) atoi(argv[1]);
actor.a_pt.x = atoi(argv[2]);
actor.a_pt.y = atoi(argv[3]);
void Actor::CF_actor_del(int argc, const char **argv) {
int id;
id = atoi(argv[1]);
void Actor::CF_actor_move(int argc, const char **argv) {
int id;
Point move_pt;
id = atoi(argv[1]);
move_pt.x = atoi(argv[2]);
move_pt.y = atoi(argv[3]);
move(id, &move_pt);
void Actor::CF_actor_moverel(int argc, const char **argv) {
int id;
Point move_pt;
id = atoi(argv[1]);
move_pt.x = atoi(argv[2]);
move_pt.y = atoi(argv[3]);
moveRelative(id, &move_pt);
void Actor::CF_actor_seto(int argc, const char **argv) {
int id;
int orient;
id = atoi(argv[1]);
orient = atoi(argv[2]);
setOrientation(id, orient);
void Actor::CF_actor_setact(int argc, const char **argv) {
int index = 0;
int action_n = 0;
ACTOR *actor;
index = atoi(argv[1]);
action_n = atoi(argv[2]);
actor = lookupActor(index);
if (actor == NULL) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf("Invalid actor index.\n");
uint16 actorId = (uint16) atoi(argv[1]);
int x = atoi(argv[2]);
int y = atoi(argv[3]);
int actorIdx = ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId);
if (!IS_VALID_ACTOR_INDEX(actorIdx)) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf("Actor::CF_actor_add Invalid actorId 0x%X.\n",actorId);
if (actorExists(actorId)) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf("Actor::CF_actor_add Actor already exist actorId 0x%X.\n",actorId);
if ((action_n < 0) || (action_n >= actor->action_ct)) {
create(actorId, x, y);
void Actor::CF_actor_del(int argc, const char **argv) {
uint16 actorId = (uint16) atoi(argv[1]);
if (!isValidActor(ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId))) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf("Actor::CF_actor_del Invalid actorId 0x%X.\n",actorId);
void Actor::CF_actor_move(int argc, const char **argv) {
uint16 actorId = (uint16) atoi(argv[1]);
Point move_pt;
move_pt.x = atoi(argv[2]);
move_pt.y = atoi(argv[3]);
if (!isValidActor(ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId))) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf("Actor::CF_actor_move Invalid actorId 0x%X.\n",actorId);
move(actorId, &move_pt);
void Actor::CF_actor_moverel(int argc, const char **argv) {
uint16 actorId = (uint16) atoi(argv[1]);
Point move_pt;
move_pt.x = atoi(argv[2]);
move_pt.y = atoi(argv[3]);
if (!isValidActor(ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId))) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf("Actor::CF_actor_moverel Invalid actorId 0x%X.\n",actorId);
moveRelative(actorId, &move_pt);
void Actor::CF_actor_seto(int argc, const char **argv) {
uint16 actorId = (uint16) atoi(argv[1]);
int orient;
orient = atoi(argv[2]);
//TODO orient check
if (!isValidActor(ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId))) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf("Actor::CF_actor_seto Invalid actorId 0x%X.\n",actorId);
setOrientation(actorId, orient);
void Actor::CF_actor_setact(int argc, const char **argv) {
uint16 actorId = (uint16) atoi(argv[1]);
int action_n = 0;
action_n = atoi(argv[2]);
if (!isValidActor(ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(actorId))) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf("Actor::CF_actor_setact Invalid actorId 0x%X.\n",actorId);
//TODO action_n check
/* if ((action_n < 0) || (action_n >= actor->action_ct)) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf("Invalid action number.\n");
@ -1046,8 +995,8 @@ void Actor::CF_actor_setact(int argc, const char **argv) {
setAction(index, action_n, ACTION_LOOP);
setAction(actorId, action_n, ACTION_LOOP);
} // End of namespace Saga
@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ namespace Saga {
#define ACTOR_LMULT 4
#define IS_VALID_ACTOR_INDEX(index) ((index >= 0) && (index < ACTORCOUNT))
#define ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(id) ((((uint16)id) == 1 ) ? 0 : (int)(((uint16)id) & ~0x2000))
@ -158,46 +161,22 @@ struct ACTORINTENT {
int a_itype;
uint16 a_iflags;
int a_idone;
void *a_data;
SPEAKINTENT speakIntent;
WALKINTENT walkIntent;
void createData() {
assert(a_data == NULL);
if(INTENT_SPEAK == a_itype) {
a_data = new SPEAKINTENT;
if(INTENT_PATH == a_itype) {
a_data = new WALKINTENT;
a_itype = 0;
a_iflags = 0;
a_idone = 0;
void deleteData() {
if(INTENT_SPEAK == a_itype) {
SPEAKINTENT *a_speakint;
a_speakint = (SPEAKINTENT *)a_data;
delete a_speakint;
if(INTENT_PATH == a_itype) {
WALKINTENT *a_walkint;
a_walkint = (WALKINTENT *)a_data;
delete a_walkint;
a_data = NULL;
ACTORINTENT() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
typedef Common::List<ACTORINTENT> ActorIntentList;
struct ACTOR {
int id; // Actor id
int index; // Actor index
uint16 actorId; // Actor id
int name_i; // Actor's index in actor name string list
uint16 flags;
@ -234,7 +213,8 @@ struct ACTOR {
ACTORACTION *act_tbl; // Action lookup table
int action_ct; // Number of actions in the action LUT
id = 0;
index = 0;
actorId = 0;
name_i = 0;
flags = 0;
sl_rn = 0;
@ -277,32 +257,28 @@ public:
int direct(int msec);
int create(int actor_id, int x, int y);
int actorExists(uint16 actor_id);
void create(uint16 actorId, int x, int y);
bool actorExists(uint16 actorId);
int drawList();
int AtoS(Point *logical, const Point *actor);
int StoA(Point *actor, const Point screen);
int move(int index, const Point *move_pt);
int moveRelative(int index, const Point *move_pt);
void move(uint16 actorId, const Point *move_pt);
void moveRelative(uint16 actorId, const Point *move_pt);
int walkTo(int index, const Point *walk_pt, uint16 flags, SEMAPHORE *sem);
int getActorIndex(uint16 actor_id);
int speak(int index, const char *d_string, uint16 d_voice_rn, SEMAPHORE *sem);
void walkTo(uint16 actorId, const Point *walk_pt, uint16 flags, SEMAPHORE *sem);
void speak(uint16 actorId, const char *d_string, uint16 d_voice_rn, SEMAPHORE *sem);
int skipDialogue();
int getSpeechTime(const char *d_string, uint16 d_voice_rn);
int setOrientation(int index, int orient);
int setAction(int index, int action_n, uint16 action_flags);
int setDefaultAction(int index, int action_n, uint16 action_flags);
void setOrientation(uint16 actorId, int orient);
void setAction(uint16 actorId, int action_n, uint16 action_flags);
void setDefaultAction(uint16 actorId, int action_n, uint16 action_flags);
int addActor(ACTOR * actor);
int deleteActor(int index);
ACTOR *lookupActor(int index);
void deleteActor(uint16 actorId);
int handleWalkIntent(ACTOR *actor, WALKINTENT *a_walk_int, int *complete_p, int msec);
@ -310,8 +286,17 @@ private:
int setPathNode(WALKINTENT *walk_int, Point *src_pt, Point *dst_pt, SEMAPHORE *sem);
int loadActorSpriteIndex(ACTOR *actor, int si_rn, int *last_frame_p);
ActorList::iterator getActorIterator(int index);
int getActorIndex(uint16 actorId);
void reorderActorUp(int index);
void reorderActorDown(int index);
bool isValidActor(int index);
//ACTOR *lookupActor(int index);
void addActor(ACTOR * actor);
SagaEngine *_vm;
bool _initialized;
RSCFILE_CONTEXT *_actorContext;
uint16 _count;
int _aliasTbl[ACTORCOUNT];
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ void RAWInputStream::refill() {
if (len & 1)
if (GAME_GetFeatures() & GF_BIG_ENDIAN_DATA) {
uint16 *ptr16 = (uint16 *)ptr;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < (len / 2); i++)
ptr16[i] = TO_BE_16(ptr16[i]);
@ -208,25 +208,19 @@ int Script::SF_actorWalkTo(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS) {
SDataWord_T actor_parm;
SDataWord_T x_parm;
SDataWord_T y_parm;
int actor_id;
int actor_idx;
uint16 actorId;
Point pt;
actor_parm = thread->pop();
x_parm = thread->pop();
y_parm = thread->pop();
actor_id = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
actor_idx = _vm->_actor->getActorIndex(actor_id);
if (actor_idx < 0) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf(S_WARN_PREFIX "SF.08: Actor id 0x%X not found.\n", actor_id);
return FAILURE;
actorId = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
pt.x = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(x_parm);
pt.y = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(y_parm);
_vm->_actor->walkTo(actor_idx, &pt, 0, &thread->sem);
_vm->_actor->walkTo(actorId, &pt, 0, &thread->sem);
return SUCCESS;
@ -251,22 +245,19 @@ int Script::SF_doAction(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS) {
int Script::SF_setFacing(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS) {
SDataWord_T actor_parm;
SDataWord_T orient_parm;
int actor_id;
int actor_idx;
uint16 actorId;
int orientation;
actor_parm = thread->pop();
orient_parm = thread->pop();
actor_id = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
actorId = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
orientation = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(orient_parm);
actor_idx = _vm->_actor->getActorIndex(actor_id);
if (actor_idx < 0) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf(S_WARN_PREFIX "SF.08: Actor id 0x%X not found.\n", actor_id);
return FAILURE;
_vm->_actor->setOrientation(actor_idx, orientation);
if (!_vm->_actor->actorExists(actorId)) {
_vm->_actor->create(actorId, 0, 0);
_vm->_actor->setOrientation(actorId, orientation);
return SUCCESS;
@ -484,25 +475,19 @@ int Script::SF_actorWalkToAsync(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS) {
SDataWord_T actor_parm;
SDataWord_T x_parm;
SDataWord_T y_parm;
int actor_id;
int actor_idx;
uint16 actorId;
Point pt;
actor_parm = thread->pop();
x_parm = thread->pop();
y_parm = thread->pop();
actor_id = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
actor_idx = _vm->_actor->getActorIndex(actor_id);
if (actor_idx < 0) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf(S_WARN_PREFIX "SF.08: Actor id 0x%X not found.\n",
return FAILURE;
actorId = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
pt.x = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(x_parm);
pt.y = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(y_parm);
_vm->_actor->walkTo(actor_idx, &pt, 0, NULL);
_vm->_actor->walkTo(actorId, &pt, 0, NULL);
return SUCCESS;
@ -535,28 +520,21 @@ int Script::SF_moveTo(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS) {
SDataWord_T actor_parm;
SDataWord_T x_parm;
SDataWord_T y_parm;
int actor_id;
int actor_idx;
int result;
uint16 actorId;
Point pt;
actor_parm = thread->pop();
x_parm = thread->pop();
y_parm = thread->pop();
actor_id = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
actorId = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
pt.x = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(x_parm);
pt.y = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(y_parm);
if (!_vm->_actor->actorExists(actor_id)) {
result = _vm->_actor->create(actor_id, pt.x, pt.y);
if (result != SUCCESS) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf(S_WARN_PREFIX "SF.30: Couldn't create actor 0x%X.\n", actor_id);
return FAILURE;
if (!_vm->_actor->actorExists(actorId)) {
_vm->_actor->create(actorId, pt.x, pt.y);
} else {
actor_idx = _vm->_actor->getActorIndex(actor_id);
_vm->_actor->move(actor_idx, &pt);
_vm->_actor->move(actorId, &pt);
return SUCCESS;
@ -636,7 +614,7 @@ int Script::SF_actorWalk(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS) {
SDataWord_T x_parm;
SDataWord_T y_parm;
SDataWord_T flags_parm;
int actor_idx;
uint16 actorId;
Point pt;
actor_parm = thread->pop();
@ -644,19 +622,15 @@ int Script::SF_actorWalk(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS) {
y_parm = thread->pop();
flags_parm = thread->pop();
actor_idx = _vm->_actor->getActorIndex(_vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm));
if (actor_idx < 0) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf(S_WARN_PREFIX "SF.36: Actor id 0x%X not found.\n", (int)actor_parm);
return FAILURE;
actorId = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
pt.x = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(x_parm);
pt.y = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(y_parm);
#if 1
_vm->_actor->walkTo(actor_idx, &pt, 0, NULL);
_vm->_actor->walkTo(actorId, &pt, 0, NULL);
_vm->_actor->walkTo(actor_idx, &pt, 0, &thread->sem);
_vm->_actor->walkTo(actorId, &pt, 0, &thread->sem);
return SUCCESS;
@ -674,8 +648,7 @@ int Script::SF_cycleActorFrames(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS) {
SDataWord_T flags_parm;
SDataWord_T delay_parm;
SDataWord_T action_parm;
int actor_id;
int actor_idx;
uint16 actorId;
int action;
//uint16 flags;
@ -683,14 +656,10 @@ int Script::SF_cycleActorFrames(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS) {
flags_parm = thread->pop();
action_parm = thread->pop();
delay_parm = thread->pop();
actor_id = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
actorId = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
action = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(action_parm);
actor_idx = _vm->_actor->getActorIndex(actor_id);
if (_vm->_actor->setAction(actor_idx, action, ACTION_NONE) != SUCCESS) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf(S_WARN_PREFIX "SF.37: Actor::setAction() failed.\n");
return FAILURE;
_vm->_actor->setAction(actorId, action, ACTION_NONE);
return SUCCESS;
@ -707,22 +676,17 @@ int Script::SF_setFrame(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS) {
SDataWord_T frame_parm;
SDataWord_T action_parm;
int actor_id;
int actor_idx;
uint16 actorId;
int action;
actor_parm = thread->pop();
action_parm = thread->pop();
frame_parm = thread->pop();
actor_id = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
actorId = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
action = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(action_parm);
actor_idx = _vm->_actor->getActorIndex(actor_id);
if (_vm->_actor->setAction(actor_idx, action, ACTION_NONE) != SUCCESS) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf(S_WARN_PREFIX "SF.38: Actor::setAction() failed.\n");
return FAILURE;
_vm->_actor->setAction(actorId, action, ACTION_NONE);
return SUCCESS;
@ -803,10 +767,8 @@ int Script::SF_placeActor(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS) {
SDataWord_T orient_parm;
SDataWord_T action_parm;
SDataWord_T frame_parm;
int actor_id;
int actor_idx;
uint16 actorId;
int action_state;
int result;
Point pt;
actor_parm = thread->pop();
@ -816,25 +778,20 @@ int Script::SF_placeActor(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS) {
action_parm = thread->pop();
frame_parm = thread->pop();
actor_id = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
actorId = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(actor_parm);
pt.x = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(x_parm);
pt.y = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(y_parm);
action_state = _vm->_sdata->readWordU(action_parm);
action_state = _vm->_sdata->readWordS(action_parm);
if (!_vm->_actor->actorExists(actor_id)) {
result = _vm->_actor->create(actor_id, pt.x, pt.y);
if (result != SUCCESS) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf(S_WARN_PREFIX "SF.43: Couldn't create actor 0x%X.\n", actor_id);
return FAILURE;
if (!_vm->_actor->actorExists(actorId)) {
_vm->_actor->create(actorId, pt.x, pt.y);
} else {
actor_idx = _vm->_actor->getActorIndex(actor_id);
_vm->_actor->move(actor_idx, &pt);
_vm->_actor->move(actorId, &pt);
actor_idx = _vm->_actor->getActorIndex(actor_id);
_vm->_actor->setDefaultAction(actor_idx, action_state, ACTION_NONE);
_vm->_actor->setAction(actor_idx, action_state, ACTION_NONE);
if (action_state < 0)
action_state = ACTION_IDLE;
_vm->_actor->setDefaultAction(actorId, action_state, ACTION_NONE);
_vm->_actor->setAction(actorId, action_state, ACTION_NONE);
return SUCCESS;
@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ int Script::SThreadRun(SCRIPT_THREAD *thread, int instr_limit) {
case 0x53:
int n_voices;
int a_index;
uint16 actorId;
int voice_rn;
n_voices = scriptS.readByte();
@ -729,22 +729,16 @@ int Script::SThreadRun(SCRIPT_THREAD *thread, int instr_limit) {
a_index = _vm->_actor->getActorIndex(param1);
if (a_index < 0) {
_vm->_console->DebugPrintf(S_WARN_PREFIX "%X: DLGP Actor id not found.\n", thread->i_offset);
debug(9, "%X: DLGP Actor id not found.\n", thread->i_offset);
actorId = param1;
for (i = 0; i < n_voices; i++) {
data = thread->pop();
if (a_index < 0)
if (!isVoiceLUTPresent()) {
voice_rn = -1;
} else {
voice_rn = currentScript()->voice->voices[data];
_vm->_actor->speak(a_index, currentScript()->diag->str[data], voice_rn, &thread->sem);
_vm->_actor->speak(actorId, currentScript()->diag->str[data], voice_rn, &thread->sem);
Reference in New Issue
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