SCI32: Implement kCelInfo

This commit is contained in:
Colin Snover 2016-03-13 23:38:26 -05:00
parent e6842022db
commit 3f2469c33e

View File

@ -330,24 +330,27 @@ reg_t kCelInfo(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
// Used by Shivers 1, room 23601 to determine what blocks on the red door puzzle board
// are occupied by pieces already
switch (argv[0].toUint16()) { // subops 0 - 4
// 0 - return the view
// 1 - return the loop
// 2, 3 - nop
case 4: {
GuiResourceId viewId = argv[1].toSint16();
int16 loopNo = argv[2].toSint16();
int16 celNo = argv[3].toSint16();
int16 x = argv[4].toUint16();
int16 y = argv[5].toUint16();
byte color = g_sci->_gfxCache->kernelViewGetColorAtCoordinate(viewId, loopNo, celNo, x, y);
return make_reg(0, color);
default: {
kStub(s, argc, argv);
return s->r_acc;
CelObjView view(argv[1].toUint16(), argv[2].toSint16(), argv[3].toSint16());
int16 result = 0;
switch (argv[0].toUint16()) {
case 0:
result = view._displace.x;
case 1:
result = view._displace.y;
case 2:
case 3:
// null operation
case 4:
result = view.readPixel(argv[4].toSint16(), argv[5].toSint16(), view._mirrorX);
return make_reg(0, result);
reg_t kScrollWindow(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {