SCI: Fix ECO2 Ecorder lily highlighting

Fixes bug #5552
This commit is contained in:
sluicebox 2019-10-27 21:15:56 -07:00
parent ea59841c41
commit 510c9055a0

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@ -1435,12 +1435,36 @@ static const uint16 ecoquest2PatchRoom500Items[] = {
// The Ecorder cursor only highlights over one of the four Victoria lilies, even
// though they all respond to Ecorder clicks. Each lily has a doit method that
// highlights the cursor but three of them never execute because they are
// added to the room pic. This removes them from the cast and prevents doit.
// We fix this by removing the addToPic calls so the lilies remain in the cast.
// Applies to: All versions
// Responsible methods: lilly1:init, lilly2:init, lilly3:init
// Fixes bug: #5552
static const uint16 ecoquest2SignatureEcorderLily[] = {
0x38, SIG_MAGICDWORD, // pushi addToPic
0x76, // push0
0x54, 0x04, // self 04 [ self addToPic: ]
static const uint16 ecoquest2PatchEcorderLily[] = {
0x32, PATCH_UINT16(0x0003), // jmp 0003
// script, description, signature patch
static const SciScriptPatcherEntry ecoquest2Signatures[] = {
{ true, 0, "icon bar tutorial", 10, ecoquest2SignatureIconBarTutorial, ecoquest2PatchIconBarTutorial },
{ true, 50, "initial text not removed on ecorder", 1, ecoquest2SignatureEcorder, ecoquest2PatchEcorder },
{ true, 333, "initial text not removed on ecorder tutorial", 1, ecoquest2SignatureEcorderTutorial, ecoquest2PatchEcorderTutorial },
{ true, 500, "room 500 items reappear", 1, ecoquest2SignatureRoom500Items, ecoquest2PatchRoom500Items },
{ true, 702, "ecorder not highlighting lilies", 3, ecoquest2SignatureEcorderLily, ecoquest2PatchEcorderLily },