@ -35,14 +35,11 @@
#include "saga/script_mod.h"
#include "saga/sprite.h"
#include "saga/interface_mod.h"
#include "saga/interface.h"
#include "saga/sdata.h"
namespace Saga {
static R_VERB_DATA I_VerbData[] = {
{I_VERB_WALKTO, "verb_walkto", "Walk to", S_VERB_WALKTO},
{I_VERB_LOOKAT, "verb_lookat", "Look at", S_VERB_LOOKAT},
@ -118,7 +115,7 @@ static R_INTERFACE_BUTTON IHNM_c_buttons[] = {
{5, 4, 46, 47, "Portrait", 0, 0, 0, 0}
int INTERFACE_RegisterLang(void) {
int Interface::registerLang(void) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(I_VerbData); i++) {
@ -135,111 +132,117 @@ int INTERFACE_RegisterLang(void) {
return R_SUCCESS;
int INTERFACE_Init(void) {
Interface::Interface(SagaEngine *vm) : _vm(vm), _initialized(false) {
int game_type;
int result;
if (IfModule.init) {
return R_FAILURE;
if (_initialized) {
IfModule.i_thread = STHREAD_Create();
if (IfModule.i_thread == NULL) {
warning("Error creating script thread for game interface module");
return R_FAILURE;
_iThread = STHREAD_Create();
if (_iThread == NULL) {
warning("Interface::Interface(): Error creating script thread for game interface module");
// Load interface module resource file context
result = GAME_GetFileContext(&IfModule.i_file_ctxt, R_GAME_RESOURCEFILE, 0);
result = GAME_GetFileContext(&_interfaceContext, R_GAME_RESOURCEFILE, 0);
if (result != R_SUCCESS) {
return R_FAILURE;
// Initialize interface data by game type
game_type = GAME_GetGameType();
if (game_type == R_GAMETYPE_ITE) {
// Load Inherit the Earth interface desc
IfModule.c_panel.buttons = ITE_c_buttons;
IfModule.c_panel.nbuttons = ARRAYSIZE(ITE_c_buttons);
_cPanel.buttons = ITE_c_buttons;
_cPanel.nbuttons = ARRAYSIZE(ITE_c_buttons);
IfModule.i_desc = ITE_interface;
_iDesc = ITE_interface;
} else if (game_type == R_GAMETYPE_IHNM) {
// Load I Have No Mouth interface desc
IfModule.c_panel.buttons = IHNM_c_buttons;
IfModule.c_panel.nbuttons = ARRAYSIZE(IHNM_c_buttons);
IfModule.i_desc = IHNM_interface;
_cPanel.buttons = IHNM_c_buttons;
_cPanel.nbuttons = ARRAYSIZE(IHNM_c_buttons);
_iDesc = IHNM_interface;
} else {
return R_FAILURE;
// Load interface resources
// Load command panel resource
result = RSC_LoadResource(IfModule.i_file_ctxt, g_resdesc.command_panel_rn,
&IfModule.c_panel.res, &IfModule.c_panel.res_len);
result = RSC_LoadResource(_interfaceContext, g_resdesc.command_panel_rn,
&_cPanel.res, &_cPanel.res_len);
if (result != R_SUCCESS) {
return R_FAILURE;
// Load dialogue panel resource
result = RSC_LoadResource(IfModule.i_file_ctxt, g_resdesc.dialogue_panel_rn,
&IfModule.d_panel.res, &IfModule.d_panel.res_len);
result = RSC_LoadResource(_interfaceContext, g_resdesc.dialogue_panel_rn,
&_dPanel.res, &_dPanel.res_len);
if (result != R_SUCCESS) {
return R_FAILURE;
_vm->_sprite->loadList(ITE_COMMAND_BUTTONSPRITES, &IfModule.c_panel.sprites);
_vm->_sprite->loadList(ITE_COMMAND_BUTTONSPRITES, &_cPanel.sprites);
_vm->_sprite->loadList(ITE_DEFAULT_PORTRAITS, &IfModule.def_portraits);
_vm->_sprite->loadList(ITE_DEFAULT_PORTRAITS, &_defPortraits);
_vm->decodeBGImage(IfModule.c_panel.res, IfModule.c_panel.res_len, &IfModule.c_panel.img,
&IfModule.c_panel.img_len, &IfModule.c_panel.img_w, &IfModule.c_panel.img_h);
_vm->decodeBGImage(_cPanel.res, _cPanel.res_len, &_cPanel.img,
&_cPanel.img_len, &_cPanel.img_w, &_cPanel.img_h);
_vm->decodeBGImage(IfModule.d_panel.res, IfModule.d_panel.res_len,
&IfModule.d_panel.img, &IfModule.d_panel.img_len,
&IfModule.d_panel.img_w, &IfModule.d_panel.img_h);
_vm->decodeBGImage(_dPanel.res, _dPanel.res_len,
&_dPanel.img, &_dPanel.img_len,
&_dPanel.img_w, &_dPanel.img_h);
IfModule.c_panel.x = 0;
IfModule.c_panel.y = 149;
_cPanel.x = 0;
_cPanel.y = 149;
IfModule.d_panel.x = 0;
IfModule.d_panel.y = 149;
_dPanel.x = 0;
_dPanel.y = 149;
IfModule.c_panel.set_button = COMMAND_DEFAULT_BUTTON;
IfModule.active_portrait = 0;
_cPanel.set_button = COMMAND_DEFAULT_BUTTON;
_activePortrait = 0;
IfModule.active_verb = I_VERB_WALKTO;
_activeVerb = I_VERB_WALKTO;
IfModule.init = 1;
_active = 0;
_panelMode = PANEL_COMMAND;
*_statusText = 0;
_initialized = true;
Interface::~Interface(void) {
_initialized = false;
int Interface::activate() {
_active = 1;
return R_SUCCESS;
int INTERFACE_Activate() {
IfModule.active = 1;
int Interface::deactivate() {
_active = 0;
return R_SUCCESS;
int INTERFACE_Deactivate() {
IfModule.active = 0;
return R_SUCCESS;
int INTERFACE_SetStatusText(const char *new_txt) {
int Interface::setStatusText(const char *new_txt) {
assert(new_txt != NULL);
strncpy(IfModule.status_txt, new_txt, R_STATUS_TEXT_LEN);
strncpy(_statusText, new_txt, R_STATUS_TEXT_LEN);
return R_SUCCESS;
int INTERFACE_Draw() {
int Interface::draw() {
R_SURFACE *back_buf;
@ -253,7 +256,7 @@ int INTERFACE_Draw() {
back_buf = _vm->_gfx->getBackBuffer();
if (!IfModule.active) {
if (!_active) {
return R_SUCCESS;
@ -262,44 +265,44 @@ int INTERFACE_Draw() {
// Erase background of status bar
rect.left = 0;
rect.top = IfModule.i_desc.status_h - 1;
rect.top = _iDesc.status_h - 1;
rect.right = g_di.logical_w - 1;
rect.bottom = IfModule.i_desc.status_y;
rect.bottom = _iDesc.status_y;
_vm->_gfx->drawRect(back_buf, &rect, IfModule.i_desc.status_bgcol);
_vm->_gfx->drawRect(back_buf, &rect, _iDesc.status_bgcol);
// Draw command panel background
if (IfModule.panel_mode == PANEL_COMMAND) {
xbase = IfModule.c_panel.x;
ybase = IfModule.c_panel.y;
if (_panelMode == PANEL_COMMAND) {
xbase = _cPanel.x;
ybase = _cPanel.y;
origin.x = 0;
origin.y = g_di.logical_h - IfModule.c_panel.img_h;
origin.y = g_di.logical_h - _cPanel.img_h;
_vm->_gfx->bufToSurface(back_buf, IfModule.c_panel.img, IfModule.c_panel.img_w,
IfModule.c_panel.img_h, NULL, &origin);
_vm->_gfx->bufToSurface(back_buf, _cPanel.img, _cPanel.img_w,
_cPanel.img_h, NULL, &origin);
} else {
xbase = IfModule.d_panel.x;
ybase = IfModule.d_panel.y;
xbase = _dPanel.x;
ybase = _dPanel.y;
origin.x = 0;
origin.y = g_di.logical_h - IfModule.c_panel.img_h;
origin.y = g_di.logical_h - _cPanel.img_h;
_vm->_gfx->bufToSurface(back_buf, IfModule.d_panel.img, IfModule.d_panel.img_w,
IfModule.d_panel.img_h, NULL, &origin);
_vm->_gfx->bufToSurface(back_buf, _dPanel.img, _dPanel.img_w,
_dPanel.img_h, NULL, &origin);
// Draw character portrait
lportrait_x = xbase + IfModule.i_desc.lportrait_x;
lportrait_y = ybase + IfModule.i_desc.lportrait_y;
lportrait_x = xbase + _iDesc.lportrait_x;
lportrait_y = ybase + _iDesc.lportrait_y;
_vm->_sprite->draw(back_buf, IfModule.def_portraits, IfModule.active_portrait, lportrait_x, lportrait_y);
_vm->_sprite->draw(back_buf, _defPortraits, _activePortrait, lportrait_x, lportrait_y);
return R_SUCCESS;
int INTERFACE_Update(R_POINT *imouse_pt, int update_flag) {
int Interface::update(R_POINT *imouse_pt, int update_flag) {
R_SURFACE *back_buf;
@ -308,7 +311,7 @@ int INTERFACE_Update(R_POINT *imouse_pt, int update_flag) {
assert(imouse_pt != NULL);
if (!IfModule.active) {
if (!_active) {
return R_SUCCESS;
@ -324,25 +327,25 @@ int INTERFACE_Update(R_POINT *imouse_pt, int update_flag) {
if (imouse_y < g_di.scene_h) {
// Mouse is in playfield space
if (update_flag == UPDATE_MOUSEMOVE) {
HandlePlayfieldUpdate(back_buf, imouse_pt);
handlePlayfieldUpdate(back_buf, imouse_pt);
} else if (update_flag == UPDATE_MOUSECLICK) {
HandlePlayfieldClick(back_buf, imouse_pt);
handlePlayfieldClick(back_buf, imouse_pt);
// Update command space
if (update_flag == UPDATE_MOUSEMOVE) {
HandleCommandUpdate(back_buf, imouse_pt);
handleCommandUpdate(back_buf, imouse_pt);
} else if (update_flag == UPDATE_MOUSECLICK) {
HandleCommandClick(back_buf, imouse_pt);
handleCommandClick(back_buf, imouse_pt);
return R_SUCCESS;
int DrawStatusBar(R_SURFACE *ds) {
int Interface::drawStatusBar(R_SURFACE *ds) {
R_RECT rect;
@ -353,21 +356,21 @@ int DrawStatusBar(R_SURFACE *ds) {
// Erase background of status bar
rect.left = 0;
rect.top = IfModule.i_desc.status_y;
rect.top = _iDesc.status_y;
rect.right = g_di.logical_w - 1;
rect.bottom = IfModule.i_desc.status_y + IfModule.i_desc.status_h - 1;
rect.bottom = _iDesc.status_y + _iDesc.status_h - 1;
_vm->_gfx->drawRect(ds, &rect, IfModule.i_desc.status_bgcol);
_vm->_gfx->drawRect(ds, &rect, _iDesc.status_bgcol);
string_w = _vm->_font->getStringWidth(SMALL_FONT_ID, IfModule.status_txt, 0, 0);
string_w = _vm->_font->getStringWidth(SMALL_FONT_ID, _statusText, 0, 0);
_vm->_font->draw(SMALL_FONT_ID, ds, IfModule.status_txt, 0, (IfModule.i_desc.status_w / 2) - (string_w / 2),
IfModule.i_desc.status_y + IfModule.i_desc.status_txt_y, IfModule.i_desc.status_txt_col, 0, 0);
_vm->_font->draw(SMALL_FONT_ID, ds, _statusText, 0, (_iDesc.status_w / 2) - (string_w / 2),
_iDesc.status_y + _iDesc.status_txt_y, _iDesc.status_txt_col, 0, 0);
return R_SUCCESS;
int HandleCommandClick(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
int Interface::handleCommandClick(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
int hit_button;
int ibutton_num;
@ -380,37 +383,37 @@ int HandleCommandClick(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
int old_set_button;
int set_button;
hit_button = INTERFACE_HitTest(imouse_pt, &ibutton_num);
hit_button = hitTest(imouse_pt, &ibutton_num);
if (hit_button != R_SUCCESS) {
// Clicking somewhere other than a button doesn't do anything
return R_SUCCESS;
x_base = IfModule.c_panel.x;
y_base = IfModule.c_panel.y;
x_base = _cPanel.x;
y_base = _cPanel.y;
if (IfModule.c_panel.buttons[ibutton_num].flags & BUTTON_SET) {
old_set_button = IfModule.c_panel.set_button;
if (_cPanel.buttons[ibutton_num].flags & BUTTON_SET) {
old_set_button = _cPanel.set_button;
set_button = ibutton_num;
IfModule.c_panel.set_button = set_button;
_cPanel.set_button = set_button;
if (IfModule.c_panel.buttons[set_button].flags & BUTTON_VERB) {
IfModule.active_verb = IfModule.c_panel.buttons[ibutton_num].data;
if (_cPanel.buttons[set_button].flags & BUTTON_VERB) {
_activeVerb = _cPanel.buttons[ibutton_num].data;
if (IfModule.c_panel.buttons[set_button].flags & BUTTON_BITMAP) {
button_x = x_base + IfModule.c_panel.buttons[set_button].x1;
button_y = y_base + IfModule.c_panel.buttons[set_button].y1;
if (_cPanel.buttons[set_button].flags & BUTTON_BITMAP) {
button_x = x_base + _cPanel.buttons[set_button].x1;
button_y = y_base + _cPanel.buttons[set_button].y1;
_vm->_sprite->draw(ds, IfModule.c_panel.sprites, IfModule.c_panel.buttons[set_button].
_vm->_sprite->draw(ds, _cPanel.sprites, _cPanel.buttons[set_button].
active_sprite - 1, button_x, button_y);
if (IfModule.c_panel.buttons[old_set_button].flags & BUTTON_BITMAP) {
button_x = x_base + IfModule.c_panel.buttons[old_set_button].x1;
button_y = y_base + IfModule.c_panel.buttons[old_set_button].y1;
if (_cPanel.buttons[old_set_button].flags & BUTTON_BITMAP) {
button_x = x_base + _cPanel.buttons[old_set_button].x1;
button_y = y_base + _cPanel.buttons[old_set_button].y1;
_vm->_sprite->draw(ds, IfModule.c_panel.sprites, IfModule.c_panel.buttons[old_set_button].
_vm->_sprite->draw(ds, _cPanel.sprites, _cPanel.buttons[old_set_button].
inactive_sprite - 1, button_x, button_y);
@ -418,7 +421,7 @@ int HandleCommandClick(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
return R_SUCCESS;
int HandleCommandUpdate(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
int Interface::handleCommandUpdate(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
int hit_button;
int ibutton_num;
@ -432,39 +435,39 @@ int HandleCommandUpdate(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
int color;
int i;
hit_button = INTERFACE_HitTest(imouse_pt, &ibutton_num);
hit_button = hitTest(imouse_pt, &ibutton_num);
if (hit_button == R_SUCCESS) {
// Hovering over a command panel button
for (i = 0; i < IfModule.c_panel.nbuttons; i++) {
if (!(IfModule.c_panel.buttons[i].flags & BUTTON_LABEL)) {
for (i = 0; i < _cPanel.nbuttons; i++) {
if (!(_cPanel.buttons[i].flags & BUTTON_LABEL)) {
button_w = IfModule.c_panel.buttons[i].x2 - IfModule.c_panel.buttons[i].x1;
button_w = _cPanel.buttons[i].x2 - _cPanel.buttons[i].x1;
verb_idx = IfModule.c_panel.buttons[i].data;
verb_idx = _cPanel.buttons[i].data;
string_w = _vm->_font->getStringWidth(SMALL_FONT_ID, I_VerbData[verb_idx].verb_str, 0, 0);
if (i == hit_button) {
color = IfModule.i_desc.cmd_txt_hilitecol;
color = _iDesc.cmd_txt_hilitecol;
} else {
color = IfModule.i_desc.cmd_txt_col;
color = _iDesc.cmd_txt_col;
button_x = IfModule.c_panel.x + IfModule.c_panel.buttons[i].x1;
button_y = IfModule.c_panel.y + IfModule.c_panel.buttons[i].y1;
button_x = _cPanel.x + _cPanel.buttons[i].x1;
button_y = _cPanel.y + _cPanel.buttons[i].y1;
_vm->_font->draw(SMALL_FONT_ID, ds, I_VerbData[verb_idx].verb_str, 0,
button_x + ((button_w / 2) - (string_w / 2)), button_y + 1,
color, IfModule.i_desc.cmd_txt_shadowcol, FONT_SHADOW);
color, _iDesc.cmd_txt_shadowcol, FONT_SHADOW);
if ((i == IfModule.c_panel.set_button) && (IfModule.c_panel.buttons[i].flags & BUTTON_BITMAP)) {
_vm->_sprite->draw(ds, IfModule.c_panel.sprites, IfModule.c_panel.buttons[i].active_sprite - 1,
if ((i == _cPanel.set_button) && (_cPanel.buttons[i].flags & BUTTON_BITMAP)) {
_vm->_sprite->draw(ds, _cPanel.sprites, _cPanel.buttons[i].active_sprite - 1,
button_x, button_y);
@ -472,7 +475,7 @@ int HandleCommandUpdate(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
return R_SUCCESS;
int HandlePlayfieldClick(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
int Interface::handlePlayfieldClick(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
int hit_object;
int object_num;
uint16 object_flags = 0;
@ -497,11 +500,11 @@ int HandlePlayfieldClick(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
if (object_flags & R_OBJECT_NORMAL) {
if (_vm->_objectMap->getEPNum(object_num, &script_num) == R_SUCCESS) {
// Set active verb in script module
_vm->_sdata->putWord(4, 4, I_VerbData[IfModule.active_verb].s_verb);
_vm->_sdata->putWord(4, 4, I_VerbData[_activeVerb].s_verb);
// Execute object script if present
if (script_num != 0) {
STHREAD_Execute(IfModule.i_thread, script_num);
STHREAD_Execute(_iThread, script_num);
} else {
@ -513,7 +516,7 @@ int HandlePlayfieldClick(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
return R_SUCCESS;
int HandlePlayfieldUpdate(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
int Interface::handlePlayfieldUpdate(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
const char *object_name;
int object_num;
uint16 object_flags = 0;
@ -528,7 +531,7 @@ int HandlePlayfieldUpdate(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
if (hit_object != R_SUCCESS) {
// Cursor over nothing - just display current verb
return R_SUCCESS;
@ -541,19 +544,19 @@ int HandlePlayfieldUpdate(R_SURFACE *ds, R_POINT *imouse_pt) {
if (object_flags & R_OBJECT_NORMAL) {
// Normal scene object - display as subject of verb
snprintf(new_status, R_STATUS_TEXT_LEN, "%s %s", I_VerbData[IfModule.active_verb].verb_str, object_name);
snprintf(new_status, R_STATUS_TEXT_LEN, "%s %s", I_VerbData[_activeVerb].verb_str, object_name);
} else {
// Not normal scene object - override verb as we can only
// walk to this object
snprintf(new_status, R_STATUS_TEXT_LEN, "%s %s", I_VerbData[I_VERB_WALKTO].verb_str, object_name);
return R_SUCCESS;
int INTERFACE_HitTest(R_POINT *imouse_pt, int *ibutton) {
int Interface::hitTest(R_POINT *imouse_pt, int *ibutton) {
int nbuttons;
@ -562,11 +565,11 @@ int INTERFACE_HitTest(R_POINT *imouse_pt, int *ibutton) {
int i;
buttons = IfModule.c_panel.buttons;
nbuttons = IfModule.c_panel.nbuttons;
buttons = _cPanel.buttons;
nbuttons = _cPanel.nbuttons;
xbase = IfModule.c_panel.x;
ybase = IfModule.c_panel.y;
xbase = _cPanel.x;
ybase = _cPanel.y;
for (i = 0; i < nbuttons; i++) {
if ((imouse_pt->x >= (xbase + buttons[i].x1)) && (imouse_pt->x < (xbase + buttons[i].x2)) &&
@ -580,14 +583,4 @@ int INTERFACE_HitTest(R_POINT *imouse_pt, int *ibutton) {
return R_FAILURE;
int INTERFACE_Shutdown(void) {
if (!IfModule.init) {
return R_FAILURE;
IfModule.init = 0;
return R_SUCCESS;
} // End of namespace Saga