Expanded the actions view into a full user interface view, and added support for highlighting of user interface elements

svn-id: r46262
This commit is contained in:
Paul Gilbert 2009-12-05 05:44:46 +00:00
parent 1cc59d5a82
commit 60fa351d32
8 changed files with 215 additions and 125 deletions

View File

@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ public:
void loadMadsObjects();
uint32 getObjectsSize() { return _madsObjects.size(); }
const MadsObject *getObject(uint32 index) { return _madsObjects[index].get(); }
MadsObject *getObject(uint32 index) { return _madsObjects[index].get(); }

View File

@ -182,7 +182,6 @@ Common::Error M4Engine::run() {
_rails = new Rails(); // needs to be initialized before _scene
_scene = new Scene(this);
_actionsView = new ActionsView(this);
_dialogs = new Dialogs();
_viewManager = new ViewManager(this);
_inventory = new Inventory(this);
@ -306,8 +305,7 @@ Common::Error M4Engine::goMADS() {
_scene->loadScene(106); // a more interesting scene
_font->setColors(2, 1, 3);

View File

@ -186,7 +186,6 @@ public:
Font *_font;
Actor *_actor;
Scene *_scene;
ActionsView *_actionsView;
Dialogs *_dialogs;
M4Surface *_screen;
Inventory *_inventory;

View File

@ -307,12 +307,8 @@ void RexMainMenuView::handleAction(MadsGameAction action) {
// Load a sample starting scene - note that, currently, calling loadScene automatically
// removes this menu screen from being displayed
// **DEBUG** - set the default object

View File

@ -44,9 +44,8 @@ Scene::Scene(M4Engine *vm): View(vm, Common::Rect(0, 0, vm->_screen->width(), vm
_sceneResources.props = new HotSpotList();
_backgroundSurface = new M4Surface();
_codeSurface = new M4Surface();
_madsInterfaceSurface = new M4Surface();
_madsInterfaceSurface = new MadsInterfaceView(vm);
_sceneSprites = NULL;
_objectSprites = NULL;
_palData = NULL;
_interfacePal = NULL;
_inverseColorTable = NULL;
@ -65,12 +64,9 @@ Scene::~Scene() {
delete _backgroundSurface;
delete _codeSurface;
delete _madsInterfaceSurface;
if (_sceneSprites)
delete _sceneSprites;
if (_objectSprites)
delete _objectSprites;
@ -133,6 +129,8 @@ void Scene::loadScene(int sceneNumber) {
_backgroundSurface->copyFrom(_madsInterfaceSurface, Common::Rect(0, 0, 320, 44), 0, 200 - 44);
@ -450,9 +448,10 @@ void Scene::playIntro() {
static const int FRAME_SPEED = 8;
static const int INVENTORY_X = 160;
static const int INVENTORY_Y = 159;
void Scene::show() {
void Scene::update() {
// TODO: Needs a proper implementation
@ -473,19 +472,6 @@ void Scene::update() {
_madsInterfaceSurface->copyTo(this, 0, this->height() - _madsInterfaceSurface->height());
if (_objectSprites) {
// Display object sprite. Note that the frame number isn't used directly, because it would result
// in too fast an animation
M4Sprite *spr = _objectSprites->getFrame(_objectFrameNumber / FRAME_SPEED);
spr->copyTo(this, INVENTORY_X, INVENTORY_Y, 0);
if (!_vm->_globals->invObjectsStill) {
// If objetcs are to animated, move to the next frame
if (++_objectFrameNumber >= (_objectSprites->getCount() * FRAME_SPEED))
_objectFrameNumber = 0;
@ -698,31 +684,6 @@ void Scene::showMADSV2TextBox(char *text, int x, int y, char *faceName) {
void Scene::setSelectedObject(int objectNumber) {
// Load inventory resource
if (_objectSprites) {
delete _objectSprites;
char resName[80];
sprintf(resName, "*OB%.3dI.SS", objectNumber);
Common::SeekableReadStream *data = _vm->res()->get(resName);
_objectSprites = new SpriteAsset(_vm, data, data->size(), resName);
// Slot it into available palette space
_objectPalData = _objectSprites->getRgbList();
_objectSprites->translate(_objectPalData, true);
_objectFrameNumber = 0;
_selectedObject = objectNumber;
* TODO: decide if this should be kept centralised like it is in the original, or separated for the different
* visual elements
@ -795,16 +756,46 @@ void Scene::getInterfaceObjectRect(int xv, int yv, Common::Rect &bounds) {
* Base class for interface elements
* MadsInterfaceView handles the user interface section at the bottom of
* game screens in MADS games
InterfaceElement::InterfaceElement(M4Engine *vm, const Common::Rect &viewBounds, bool transparent):
View(vm, viewBounds, transparent) {
MadsInterfaceView::MadsInterfaceView(M4Engine *vm): View(vm, Common::Rect(0, MADS_SURFACE_HEIGHT,
vm->_screen->width(), vm->_screen->height())) {
_highlightedElement = -1;
_topIndex = 0;
_selectedObject = -1;
_objectSprites = NULL;
_objectPalData = NULL;
/* Set up the rect list for screen elements */
// Actions
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
_screenObjects.addRect((i / 5) * 32 + 1, (i % 5) * 8 + MADS_SURFACE_HEIGHT + 2,
((i / 5) + 1) * 32 + 3, ((i % 5) + 1) * 8 + MADS_SURFACE_HEIGHT + 2);
// Scroller elements (up arrow, scroller, down arrow)
_screenObjects.addRect(73, 160, 82, 167);
_screenObjects.addRect(73, 168, 82, 190);
_screenObjects.addRect(73, 191, 82, 198);
// Inventory object names
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
_screenObjects.addRect(89, 158 + i * 8, 160, 166 + i * 8);
// Full rectangle area for all vocab actions
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
_screenObjects.addRect(239, 158 + i * 8, 320, 166 + i * 8);
void InterfaceElement::setFontMode(FontMode newMode) {
MadsInterfaceView::~MadsInterfaceView() {
delete _objectSprites;
void MadsInterfaceView::setFontMode(InterfaceFontMode newMode) {
switch (newMode) {
_vm->_font->setColors(4, 4, 0xff);
@ -818,56 +809,160 @@ void InterfaceElement::setFontMode(FontMode newMode) {
* ActionsView handles the display of the actions/verb list
void MadsInterfaceView::initialise() {
// Build up the inventory list
ActionsView::ActionsView(M4Engine *vm): InterfaceElement(vm, Common::Rect(0, MADS_SURFACE_HEIGHT, 70,
vm->_screen->height())) {
_highlightedAction = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < _vm->_globals->getObjectsSize(); ++i) {
MadsObject *obj = _vm->_globals->getObject(i);
if (obj->roomNumber == PLAYER_INVENTORY)
// If the inventory has at least one object, select it
if (_inventoryList.size() > 0)
void ActionsView::getActionRect(int actionId, Common::Rect &b) {
int idx = actionId - kVerbLook;
void MadsInterfaceView::setSelectedObject(int objectNumber) {
char resName[80];
b.left = (idx / 5) * 32 + 2;
b.top = (idx % 5) * 8 + MADS_SURFACE_HEIGHT + 3;
b.right = ((idx / 5) + 1) * 32 + 3;
b.bottom = ((idx % 5) + 1) * 8 + MADS_SURFACE_HEIGHT + 4;
// Load inventory resource
if (_objectSprites) {
delete _objectSprites;
// Check to make sure the object is in the inventory, and also visible on-screen
int idx = 0;
while (idx < (int)_inventoryList.size()) {
if (_inventoryList[idx] == objectNumber) {
// Found the object
if (idx < _topIndex)
_topIndex = idx;
else if (idx >= (_topIndex + 5))
_topIndex = MAX(0, idx - 4);
if (idx == (int)_inventoryList.size()) {
// Object wasn't found, so return
_selectedObject = -1;
_selectedObject = objectNumber;
sprintf(resName, "*OB%.3dI.SS", objectNumber);
Common::SeekableReadStream *data = _vm->res()->get(resName);
_objectSprites = new SpriteAsset(_vm, data, data->size(), resName);
// Slot it into available palette space
_objectPalData = _objectSprites->getRgbList();
_objectSprites->translate(_objectPalData, true);
_objectFrameNumber = 0;
void ActionsView::onRefresh(RectList *rects, M4Surface *destSurface) {
static const int FRAME_SPEED = 8;
static const int INVENTORY_X = 160;
static const int INVENTORY_Y = 159;
void MadsInterfaceView::onRefresh(RectList *rects, M4Surface *destSurface) {
char buffer[100];
int actionId = kVerbLook;
// Highlighting logic for action list
int actionIndex = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 2; ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < 5; ++y, ++actionId) {
// Get the bounds for the next item
Common::Rect r;
getActionRect(actionId, r);
// Determine the font colour depending on whether an item is selected. Note that the 'Look' item
// is always 'selected', even when another action is selected
setFontMode((_highlightedAction == actionId) ? ITEM_HIGHLIGHTED :
((actionId == kVerbLook) ? ITEM_SELECTED : ITEM_NORMAL));
for (int y = 0; y < 5; ++y, ++actionIndex) {
// Determine the font colour depending on whether an item is selected. Note that the first action,
// 'Look', is always 'selected', even when another action is clicked on
setFontMode((_highlightedElement == actionIndex) ? ITEM_HIGHLIGHTED :
((actionIndex == 0) ? ITEM_SELECTED : ITEM_NORMAL));
// Get the verb action and capitalise it
const char *verbStr = _vm->_globals->getVocab(actionId);
char buffer[20];
const char *verbStr = _vm->_globals->getVocab(kVerbLook + actionIndex);
strcpy(buffer, verbStr);
if ((buffer[0] >= 'a') && (buffer[0] <= 'z')) buffer[0] -= 'a' - 'A';
// Display the verb
const Common::Rect r(_screenObjects[actionIndex]);
_vm->_font->writeString(destSurface, buffer, r.left, r.top, r.width(), 0);
// Check for highlighting of the scrollbar controls
if ((_highlightedElement == SCROLL_UP) || (_highlightedElement == SCROLL_SCROLLER) || (_highlightedElement == SCROLL_DOWN)) {
// Highlight the control's borders
const Common::Rect r(_screenObjects[_highlightedElement]);
destSurface->frameRect(r, 5);
// Draw the horizontal line in the scroller representing the current top selected
const Common::Rect scroller(_screenObjects[SCROLL_SCROLLER]);
int yP = (_inventoryList.size() == 0) ? 0 : (scroller.height() - 4) * _topIndex / _inventoryList.size();
destSurface->hLine(scroller.left + 2, scroller.right - 3, scroller.top + 2 + yP);
// List inventory items
for (uint i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
if ((_topIndex + i) >= _inventoryList.size())
const char *descStr = _vm->_globals->getVocab(_vm->_globals->getObject(
_inventoryList[_topIndex + i])->descId);
strcpy(buffer, descStr);
if ((buffer[0] >= 'a') && (buffer[0] <= 'z')) buffer[0] -= 'a' - 'A';
const Common::Rect r(_screenObjects[INVLIST_START + i]);
// Set the highlighting of the inventory item
if (_highlightedElement == (int)(INVLIST_START + i)) setFontMode(ITEM_HIGHLIGHTED);
else if (_selectedObject == _inventoryList[_topIndex + i]) setFontMode(ITEM_SELECTED);
else setFontMode(ITEM_NORMAL);
// Write out it's description
_vm->_font->writeString(destSurface, buffer, r.left, r.top, r.width(), 0);
// Handle the display of any currently selected object
if (_objectSprites) {
// Display object sprite. Note that the frame number isn't used directly, because it would result
// in too fast an animation
M4Sprite *spr = _objectSprites->getFrame(_objectFrameNumber / FRAME_SPEED);
spr->copyTo(destSurface, INVENTORY_X, INVENTORY_Y, 0);
if (!_vm->_globals->invObjectsStill) {
// If objetcs are to animated, move to the next frame
if (++_objectFrameNumber >= (_objectSprites->getCount() * FRAME_SPEED))
_objectFrameNumber = 0;
// List the vocab actions for the currently selected object
MadsObject *obj = _vm->_globals->getObject(_selectedObject);
int yIndex = MIN(_highlightedElement - VOCAB_START, obj->vocabCount - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < obj->vocabCount; ++i) {
const Common::Rect r(_screenObjects[VOCAB_START + i]);
// Get the vocab description and capitalise it
const char *descStr = _vm->_globals->getVocab(obj->vocabList[i].vocabId);
strcpy(buffer, descStr);
if ((buffer[0] >= 'a') && (buffer[0] <= 'z')) buffer[0] -= 'a' - 'A';
// Set the highlighting and display the entry
setFontMode((i == yIndex) ? ITEM_HIGHLIGHTED : ITEM_NORMAL);
_vm->_font->writeString(destSurface, buffer, r.left, r.top, r.width(), 0);
bool ActionsView::onEvent(M4EventType eventType, int param1, int x, int y, bool &captureEvents) {
bool MadsInterfaceView::onEvent(M4EventType eventType, int param1, int x, int y, bool &captureEvents) {
if (eventType == MEVENT_MOVE) {
// If the cursor isn't in "wait mode", don't do any processing
if (_vm->_mouse->getCursorNum() == CURSOR_WAIT)
@ -876,17 +971,8 @@ bool ActionsView::onEvent(M4EventType eventType, int param1, int x, int y, bool
// Ensure the cursor is the standard arrow
// Check if any of the actions are currently highlighted
_highlightedAction = 0;
for (int i = kVerbLook; i <= kVerbThrow; ++i) {
Common::Rect r;
getActionRect(i, r);
if (r.contains(x, y)) {
_highlightedAction = i;
// Check if any interface element is currently highlighted
_highlightedElement = _screenObjects.find(Common::Point(x, y));
return true;

View File

@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ struct SceneResources {
int32 railNodeCount; // # of rails
class MadsInterfaceView;
class Scene: public View {
Scene(M4Engine *vm);
@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ public:
// TODO: perhaps move playIntro() someplace else?
void playIntro();
void show();
void loadScene(int sceneNumber);
void loadSceneResources(int sceneNumber);
void loadSceneHotSpotsMads(int sceneNumber);
@ -102,13 +105,11 @@ public:
void onRefresh(RectList *rects, M4Surface *destSurface);
bool onEvent(M4EventType eventType, int param1, int x, int y, bool &captureEvents);
void setSelectedObject(int objectNumber);
int _currentScene;
M4Surface *_backgroundSurface;
M4Surface *_codeSurface;
M4Surface *_madsInterfaceSurface;
MadsInterfaceView *_madsInterfaceSurface;
byte *_inverseColorTable;
RGBList *_palData;
RGBList *_interfacePal;
@ -118,33 +119,34 @@ private:
SpriteAsset *_walkerSprite;
char _statusText[100];
// Inventory related fields
void nextCommonCursor();
enum InterfaceObjects {ACTIONS_START = 0, SCROLL_UP = 10, SCROLL_SCROLLER = 11, SCROLL_DOWN = 12,
class MadsInterfaceView: public View {
Common::Array<int> _inventoryList;
RectList _screenObjects;
int _highlightedElement;
int _topIndex;
// Object display fields
int _selectedObject;
SpriteAsset *_objectSprites;
RGBList *_objectPalData;
int _objectFrameNumber;
void nextCommonCursor();
class InterfaceElement: public View {
void setFontMode(FontMode newMode);
void setFontMode(InterfaceFontMode newMode);
InterfaceElement(M4Engine *vm, const Common::Rect &viewBounds, bool transparent = true);
~InterfaceElement() {};
MadsInterfaceView(M4Engine *vm);
class ActionsView: public InterfaceElement {
int _highlightedAction;
void getActionRect(int actionId, Common::Rect &bounds);
ActionsView(M4Engine *vm);
~ActionsView() {};
void initialise();
void setSelectedObject(int objectNumber);
void onRefresh(RectList *rects, M4Surface *destSurface);
bool onEvent(M4EventType eventType, int param1, int x, int y, bool &captureEvents);

View File

@ -58,6 +58,14 @@ void RectList::addRect(const Common::Rect &rect) {
int RectList::find(const Common::Point &pt) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < size(); ++idx) {
if (this->operator [](idx).contains(pt.x, pt.y))
return idx;
return -1;
HotkeyList::HotkeyList(View *owner) {

View File

@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ public:
void addRect(const Common::Rect &rect);
// Common::Rect& operator [](int idx) { return _rects[idx]; }
int find(const Common::Point &pt);
struct Hotkey {