ULTIMA4: Fix screen shaking

This commit is contained in:
Paul Gilbert 2020-05-01 21:54:54 -07:00
parent 916e4390c6
commit 62adf445b1

View File

@ -1119,42 +1119,21 @@ void Screen::screenEraseTextArea(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
void Screen::screenShake(int iterations) {
int shakeOffset;
unsigned short i;
Image *screen = imageMgr->get("screen")->_image;
Image *bottom;
// the MSVC8 binary was generating a Access Violation when using
// drawSubRectOn() or drawOn() to draw the screen surface on top
// of itself. Occured on settings.scale 2 and 4 only.
// Therefore, a temporary Image buffer is used to store the area
// that gets clipped at the bottom.
if (settings._screenShakes) {
// specify the size of the offset, and create a buffer
// to store the offset row plus 1
shakeOffset = 1;
bottom = Image::create(SCALED(320), SCALED(shakeOffset + 1), false, Image::HARDWARE);
// specify the size of the shake
const int SHAKE_OFFSET = 1 * settings._scale;
for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
// store the bottom row
screen->drawOn(bottom, 0, SCALED((shakeOffset + 1) - 200));
// shift the screen down and make the top row black
screen->drawSubRectOn(screen, 0, SCALED(shakeOffset), 0, 0, SCALED(320), SCALED(200 - (shakeOffset + 1)));
bottom->drawOn(screen, 0, SCALED(200 - (shakeOffset)));
screen->fillRect(0, 0, SCALED(320), SCALED(shakeOffset), 0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {
// Shift the screen down
g_system->setShakePos(0, SHAKE_OFFSET);
// shift the screen back up, and replace the bottom row
screen->drawOn(screen, 0, 0 - SCALED(shakeOffset));
bottom->drawOn(screen, 0, SCALED(200 - (shakeOffset + 1)));
// shift the screen back up
g_system->setShakePos(0, 0);
// free the bottom row image
delete bottom;