mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 07:48:58 +00:00
Rewrote the Audio stream parser. The introduction of KQ6 should work more correctly now (apart from Cassima's speech)
svn-id: r40904
This commit is contained in:
@ -1001,37 +1001,18 @@ reg_t kDoAudio(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
int sampleLen = 0;
if (!s->sound.audioResource)
s->sound.audioResource = new AudioResource();
s->sound.audioResource = new AudioResource(s->resmgr, s->version);
switch (UKPV(0)) {
case kSci1AudioWPlay:
case kSci1AudioPlay: {
Audio::AudioStream *audioStream = 0;
// Try to load from an external patch file first
Sci::Resource* audioRes = s->resmgr->findResource(kResourceTypeAudio, UKPV(1), 1);
if (s->_gameName == "KQ5") {
if (audioRes) {
audioStream = s->sound.audioResource->getAudioStreamKQ5CD(audioRes, &sampleLen);
} else {
// No patch file found, read it from the audio volume
audioStream = s->sound.audioResource->getAudioStreamKQ5CD(UKPV(1), &sampleLen);
} else if (s->_gameName == "Kq6") {
if (audioRes) {
audioStream = s->sound.audioResource->getAudioStreamKQ6Floppy(audioRes, &sampleLen);
} else {
// No patch file found, read it from the audio volume
audioStream = s->sound.audioResource->getAudioStreamKQ6Floppy(UKPV(1), &sampleLen);
Audio::AudioStream *audioStream =
audioStream = s->sound.audioResource->getAudioStream(UKPV(1), &sampleLen);
if (audioStream)
mixer->playInputStream(Audio::Mixer::kSpeechSoundType, s->sound.audioResource->getAudioHandle(), audioStream);
return make_reg(0, sampleLen); // return sample length in ticks
case kSci1AudioStop:
@ -56,6 +56,13 @@ const char *sci_version_types[] = {
const int sci_max_resource_nr[] = {65536, 1000, 2048, 2048, 2048, 65536, 65536, 65536};
enum SolFlags {
kSolFlagCompressed = 1 << 0,
kSolFlagUnknown = 1 << 1,
kSolFlag16Bit = 1 << 2,
kSolFlagIsSigned = 1 << 3
const char *sci_error_types[] = {
"No error",
"I/O error",
@ -1168,19 +1175,28 @@ void ResourceSync::stopSync() {
AudioResource::AudioResource() {
AudioResource::AudioResource(ResourceManager *resMgr, int sciVersion) {
_resMgr = resMgr;
_sciVersion = sciVersion;
_audioRate = 0;
_lang = 0;
_audioMap = 0;
_audioMapSCI1 = 0;
_audioMapSCI11 = 0;
AudioResource::~AudioResource() {
delete[] _audioMap;
_audioMap = 0;
AudioResource::~AudioResource() {
if (_sciVersion < SCI_VERSION_1_1) {
if (_audioMapSCI1) {
delete[] _audioMapSCI1;
_audioMapSCI1 = 0;
} else {
_resMgr->unlockResource(_audioMapSCI11, 65535, kResourceTypeMap);
// Used in SCI1 games
void AudioResource::setAudioLang(int16 lang) {
// TODO: CD Audio (used for example in the end credits of KQ6CD)
if (lang != -1) {
_lang = lang;
@ -1190,12 +1206,12 @@ void AudioResource::setAudioLang(int16 lang) {
Common::File* audioMapFile = new Common::File();
if (audioMapFile->open(filename)) {
// The audio map is freed in the destructor
_audioMap = new byte[audioMapFile->size()];
audioMapFile->read(_audioMap, audioMapFile->size());
_audioMapSCI1 = new byte[audioMapFile->size()];
audioMapFile->read(_audioMapSCI1, audioMapFile->size());
delete audioMapFile;
} else {
_audioMap = 0;
_audioMapSCI1 = 0;
@ -1208,7 +1224,7 @@ int AudioResource::getAudioPosition() {
bool AudioResource::findAudEntryKQ5CD(uint16 audioNumber, byte& volume, uint32& offset, uint32& size) {
bool AudioResource::findAudEntrySCI1(uint16 audioNumber, byte &volume, uint32 &offset, uint32 &size) {
// AUDIO00X.MAP contains 10-byte entries:
// w nEntry
// dw offset+volume (as in resource.map)
@ -1217,10 +1233,10 @@ bool AudioResource::findAudEntryKQ5CD(uint16 audioNumber, byte& volume, uint32&
uint16 n;
uint32 off;
if (_audioMap == 0)
if (_audioMapSCI1 == 0)
return false;
byte *ptr = _audioMap;
byte *ptr = _audioMapSCI1;
while ((n = READ_UINT16(ptr)) != 0xFFFF) {
if (n == audioNumber) {
off = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr + 2);
@ -1235,33 +1251,147 @@ bool AudioResource::findAudEntryKQ5CD(uint16 audioNumber, byte& volume, uint32&
return false;
Audio::AudioStream* AudioResource::getAudioStreamKQ5CD(uint16 audioNumber, int* sampleLen) {
bool AudioResource::findAudEntrySCI11(uint16 audioNumber, uint32 &offset) {
// 65535.MAP contains 6-byte entries:
// w nEntry
// dw offset
// ending with 6 0xFFs
uint16 n;
offset = 0;
uint16 cur = 0;
if (!_audioMapSCI11)
_audioMapSCI11 = _resMgr->findResource(kResourceTypeMap, 65535, 1);
byte *ptr = _audioMapSCI11->data;
while (cur < _audioMapSCI11->size) {
n = READ_UINT16(ptr);
offset = READ_UINT32(ptr + 2);
// Check if we reached the end
if (n == 0xFF && offset == 0xFFFF)
return false;
if (n == audioNumber)
return true;
ptr += 6;
cur += 6;
return false;
// Sierra SOL audio file reader
// Check here for more info: http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=Sierra_Audio
// TODO: improve this for later versions of the format, as this currently only reads
// raw PCM encoded files (not ADPCM compressed ones)
byte* readSOLAudio(Common::SeekableReadStream *audioStream, uint32 *size, uint16 *audioRate, byte *flags) {
byte audioFlags;
byte version = audioStream->readByte();
if (version != 0x8D) {
warning("SOL audio version is newer than the expected one");
return NULL;
audioStream->readByte(); // skip header size (1 byte), usually 0B (11 bytes)
audioStream->readUint32LE(); // skip "SOL" + 0 (4 bytes)
*audioRate = audioStream->readUint16LE();
audioFlags = audioStream->readByte();
if (audioFlags & kSolFlagCompressed) {
warning("ADPCM compressed SOL files are not supported yet");
return NULL;
// Convert the SOL stream flags to our own format
*flags = 0;
if (audioFlags & kSolFlag16Bit)
*flags |= Audio::Mixer::FLAG_16BITS;
if (!(audioFlags & kSolFlagIsSigned))
*flags |= Audio::Mixer::FLAG_UNSIGNED;
*size = audioStream->readUint16LE();
// We assume that the sound data is raw PCM
byte *buffer = new byte[*size];
audioStream->read(buffer, *size);
return buffer;
Audio::AudioStream* AudioResource::getAudioStream(uint16 audioNumber, int *sampleLen) {
Audio::AudioStream *audioStream = 0;
byte volume;
uint32 offset;
uint32 size;
bool found = false;
byte *data = 0;
char filename[40];
byte flags;
if (findAudEntryKQ5CD(audioNumber, volume, offset, size)) {
uint32 start = offset * 1000 / _audioRate;
uint32 duration = size * 1000 / _audioRate;
// Try to load from an external patch file first
Sci::Resource* audioRes = _resMgr->findResource(kResourceTypeAudio, audioNumber, 1);
if (audioRes) {
if (_sciVersion < SCI_VERSION_1_1) {
size = audioRes->size;
data = audioRes->data;
} else {
// TODO: this is disabled for now, as for some reason the resource manager returns
// only the data chunk of the audio file, and not its headers
Common::MemoryReadStream *memStream =
new Common::MemoryReadStream(audioRes->data, audioRes->size, true);
data = readSOLAudio(memStream, &size, &_audioRate, &flags);
delete memStream;
char filename[40];
if (data) {
*sampleLen = size * 60 / _audioRate;
return Audio::makeLinearInputStream(data, size, _audioRate,
flags | Audio::Mixer::FLAG_AUTOFREE, 0, 0);
// Patch file not found, load it from the audio file
if (_sciVersion < SCI_VERSION_1_1) {
found = findAudEntrySCI1(audioNumber, volume, offset, size);
sprintf(filename, "AUDIO%03d.%03d", _lang, volume);
} else {
found = findAudEntrySCI11(audioNumber, offset);
strcpy(filename, "RESOURCE.AUD");
if (found) {
if (_sciVersion < SCI_VERSION_1_1) {
uint32 start = offset * 1000 / _audioRate;
uint32 duration = size * 1000 / _audioRate;
// Try to load compressed
audioStream = Audio::AudioStream::openStreamFile(filename, start, duration);
// Try to load compressed
audioStream = Audio::AudioStream::openStreamFile(filename, start, duration);
if (!audioStream) {
// Compressed file load failed, try to load original raw data
byte *soundbuff = (byte *)malloc(size);
Common::File* audioFile = new Common::File();
if (audioFile->open(filename)) {
audioFile->read(soundbuff, size);
if (_sciVersion < SCI_VERSION_1_1) {
data = (byte *)malloc(size);
audioFile->read(data, size);
} else {
data = readSOLAudio(audioFile, &size, &_audioRate, &flags);
delete audioFile;
audioStream = Audio::makeLinearInputStream(soundbuff, size, _audioRate,
Audio::Mixer::FLAG_AUTOFREE | Audio::Mixer::FLAG_UNSIGNED, 0, 0);
if (data) {
audioStream = Audio::makeLinearInputStream(data, size, _audioRate,
flags | Audio::Mixer::FLAG_AUTOFREE, 0, 0);
@ -1271,95 +1401,4 @@ Audio::AudioStream* AudioResource::getAudioStreamKQ5CD(uint16 audioNumber, int*
return audioStream;
bool AudioResource::findAudEntryKQ6Floppy(uint16 audioNumber, uint32& offset) {
// 65535.MAP contains 8-byte entries:
// w nEntry
// dw offset
// w unknown
uint16 n;
offset = 0;
int cur = 0;
int fileSize = 0;
// Load audio map
Common::File* audioMapFile = new Common::File();
if (audioMapFile->open("65535.map")) {
_audioMap = new byte[audioMapFile->size()];
audioMapFile->read(_audioMap, audioMapFile->size());
fileSize = audioMapFile->size();
delete audioMapFile;
} else {
_audioMap = 0;
return false;
byte *ptr = _audioMap;
while (cur < fileSize) {
n = READ_UINT16(ptr);
if (n == audioNumber) {
offset = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr + 2);
delete[] _audioMap;
_audioMap = 0;
return true;
ptr += 8;
cur += 8;
delete[] _audioMap;
_audioMap = 0;
return false;
Audio::AudioStream* AudioResource::getAudioStreamKQ6Floppy(uint16 audioNumber, int* sampleLen) {
Audio::AudioStream *audioStream = 0;
uint32 offset;
uint32 size;
if (findAudEntryKQ6Floppy(audioNumber, offset)) {
Common::File* audioFile = new Common::File();
if (audioFile->open("resource.aud")) {
// Read audio file info
// Audio files are actually Sierra Audio files.
// Check here for more info: http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=Sierra_Audio
audioFile->readByte(); // skip version
audioFile->readByte(); // skip header size
audioFile->readUint32LE(); // skip "SOL" + 0
_audioRate = audioFile->readUint16LE();
audioFile->readByte(); // skip flags
size = audioFile->readUint16LE();
byte *soundbuff = (byte *)malloc(size);
audioFile->read(soundbuff, size);
delete audioFile;
audioStream = Audio::makeLinearInputStream(soundbuff, size, _audioRate,
Audio::Mixer::FLAG_AUTOFREE | Audio::Mixer::FLAG_UNSIGNED, 0, 0);
*sampleLen = size * 60 / _audioRate;
return audioStream;
Audio::AudioStream* AudioResource::getAudioStreamKQ5CD(Resource* audioRes, int* sampleLen) {
*sampleLen = audioRes->size * 60 / _audioRate;
return Audio::makeLinearInputStream(audioRes->data, audioRes->size, _audioRate, Audio::Mixer::FLAG_UNSIGNED, 0, 0);
Audio::AudioStream* AudioResource::getAudioStreamKQ6Floppy(Resource* audioRes, int* sampleLen) {
// Read audio file info
// Audio files are actually Sierra Audio files.
// Check here for more info: http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=Sierra_Audio
_audioRate = READ_UINT16(audioRes->data + 6);
uint32 size = READ_UINT16(audioRes->data + 9);
*sampleLen = size * 60 / _audioRate;
return Audio::makeLinearInputStream(audioRes->data + 11, size, _audioRate, Audio::Mixer::FLAG_UNSIGNED, 0, 0);
} // End of namespace Sci
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ protected:
class AudioResource {
AudioResource(ResourceManager *resMgr, int sciVersion);
void setAudioRate(uint16 audioRate) { _audioRate = audioRate; }
@ -313,11 +313,7 @@ public:
Audio::SoundHandle* getAudioHandle() { return &_audioHandle; }
int getAudioPosition();
// TODO: these need better names
Audio::AudioStream* getAudioStreamKQ5CD(uint16 audioNumber, int* sampleLen);
Audio::AudioStream* getAudioStreamKQ5CD(Resource* audioRes, int* sampleLen);
Audio::AudioStream* getAudioStreamKQ6Floppy(uint16 audioNumber, int* sampleLen);
Audio::AudioStream* getAudioStreamKQ6Floppy(Resource* audioRes, int* sampleLen);
Audio::AudioStream* getAudioStream(uint16 audioNumber, int *sampleLen);
void stop() { g_system->getMixer()->stopHandle(_audioHandle); }
void pause() { g_system->getMixer()->pauseHandle(_audioHandle, true); }
@ -327,11 +323,13 @@ private:
Audio::SoundHandle _audioHandle;
uint16 _audioRate;
int16 _lang;
byte *_audioMap;
byte *_audioMapSCI1;
Resource *_audioMapSCI11;
ResourceManager *_resMgr;
int _sciVersion;
// TODO: these need better names
bool findAudEntryKQ5CD(uint16 audioNumber, byte& volume, uint32& offset, uint32& size);
bool findAudEntryKQ6Floppy(uint16 audioNumber, uint32& offset);
bool findAudEntrySCI1(uint16 audioNumber, byte &volume, uint32 &offset, uint32 &size);
bool findAudEntrySCI11(uint16 audioNumber, uint32 &offset);
} // End of namespace Sci
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