SCUMM: (FM-TOWNS) - optimize drawing code

("drawing" in this case means the data conversion and transfer from the gfx layers to the screen buffer)

From my measuring experiments in the MSVC debugger this speeds up the drawing 2 - 3 times. Not sure about release builds, whether these profit even more.
This commit is contained in:
athrxx 2021-05-23 19:21:26 +02:00
parent fbce939811
commit 78de93126f
3 changed files with 193 additions and 113 deletions

View File

@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ public:
// Helper class for FM-Towns output (required for specific hardware effects like switching graphics layers on and off).
class TownsScreen {
TownsScreen(OSystem *system, int width, int height, Graphics::PixelFormat &format);
TownsScreen(OSystem *system);
void setupLayer(int layer, int width, int height, int scaleW, int scaleH, int numCol, void *srcPal = 0);
@ -491,17 +491,12 @@ public:
int getLayerScaleH(int layer) const { return (layer >= 0 && layer < 2) ? _layers[layer].scaleH : 0; }
void updateOutputBuffer();
void outputToScreen();
uint16 calc16BitColor(const uint8 *palEntry);
struct TownsScreenLayer {
uint8 *pixels;
uint8 *palette;
int pitch;
int width;
int height;
int modW;
int bpp;
int numCol;
int hScroll;
@ -511,12 +506,16 @@ private:
bool enabled;
bool ready;
uint16 *bltInternX;
uint8 **bltInternY;
uint16 *bltTmpPal;
} _layers[2];
uint8 *_outBuffer;
template<typename dstPixelType, typename srcPixelType, int scaleW, int scaleH, bool col4bit> void transferRect(uint8 *dst, TownsScreenLayer *l, int x, int y, int w, int h);
template<typename dstPixelType> void updateScreenBuffer();
void update16BitPalette();
uint16 calc16BitColor(const uint8 *palEntry);
int _height;
int _width;

View File

@ -315,31 +315,27 @@ const uint8 ScummEngine::_townsLayer2Mask[] = {
0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
#define DIRTY_RECTS_MAX 20
TownsScreen::TownsScreen(OSystem *system, int width, int height, Graphics::PixelFormat &format) :
_system(system), _width(width), _height(height), _pixelFormat(format), _pitch(width * format.bytesPerPixel), _scrollOffset(0), _scrollRemainder(0) {
TownsScreen::TownsScreen(OSystem *system) : _system(system), _width(0), _height(0), _pitch(0), _pixelFormat(system->getScreenFormat()), _scrollOffset(0), _scrollRemainder(0), _numDirtyRects(0) {
memset(&_layers[0], 0, sizeof(TownsScreenLayer));
memset(&_layers[1], 0, sizeof(TownsScreenLayer));
_outBuffer = new byte[_pitch * _height];
memset(_outBuffer, 0, _pitch * _height);
setupLayer(0, width, height, 1, 1, 256);
Graphics::Surface *s = _system->lockScreen();
_width = s->w;
_height = s->h;
_pitch = s->pitch;
_numDirtyRects = 0;
setupLayer(0, _width, _height, 1, 1, 256);
TownsScreen::~TownsScreen() {
delete[] _layers[0].pixels;
delete[] _layers[1].pixels;
delete[] _layers[0].bltInternX;
delete[] _layers[1].bltInternX;
delete[] _layers[0].bltInternY;
delete[] _layers[1].bltInternY;
delete[] _layers[0].bltTmpPal;
delete[] _layers[1].bltTmpPal;
delete[] _outBuffer;
@ -359,7 +355,6 @@ void TownsScreen::setupLayer(int layer, int width, int height, int scaleW, int s
l->height = height;
l->scaleW = scaleW;
l->scaleH = scaleH;
l->modW = width * scaleW;
l->numCol = numCol;
l->bpp = ((numCol - 1) & 0xff00) ? 2 : 1;
l->pitch = width * l->bpp;
@ -374,19 +369,6 @@ void TownsScreen::setupLayer(int layer, int width, int height, int scaleW, int s
memset(l->pixels, 0, l->pitch * l->height);
// build offset tables to speed up merging/scaling layers
delete[] l->bltInternX;
width = MAX<int>(_width, l->modW);
l->bltInternX = new uint16[width];
for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i)
l->bltInternX[i] = (i / l->scaleW) * l->bpp;
delete[] l->bltInternY;
height = MAX<int>(_height, l->modW);
l->bltInternY = new uint8*[height];
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
l->bltInternY[i] = l->pixels + (i / l->scaleH) * l->pitch;
delete[] l->bltTmpPal;
l->bltTmpPal = (l->bpp == 1 && _pixelFormat.bytesPerPixel == 2) ? new uint16[l->numCol] : 0;
@ -406,7 +388,7 @@ void TownsScreen::clearLayer(int layer) {
memset(l->pixels, 0, l->pitch * l->height);
_dirtyRects.push_back(Common::Rect(_width - 1, _height - 1));
_numDirtyRects = FULL_REDRAW;
@ -449,10 +431,10 @@ uint8 *TownsScreen::getLayerPixels(int layer, int x, int y) const {
void TownsScreen::addDirtyRect(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || _numDirtyRects > DIRTY_RECTS_MAX)
if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || _numDirtyRects > FMTOWNS_DIRTY_RECTS_MAX)
if (_numDirtyRects == DIRTY_RECTS_MAX) {
if (_numDirtyRects == FMTOWNS_DIRTY_RECTS_MAX) {
// full redraw
_dirtyRects.push_back(Common::Rect(_width - 1, _height - 1));
@ -519,9 +501,12 @@ void TownsScreen::toggleLayers(int flags) {
_dirtyRects.push_back(Common::Rect(_width - 1, _height - 1));
_numDirtyRects = FULL_REDRAW;
memset(_outBuffer, 0, _pitch * _height);
Graphics::Surface *s = _system->lockScreen();
memset(s->getPixels(), 0, _pitch * _height);
@ -539,98 +524,194 @@ void TownsScreen::scrollLayers(int flags, int offset) {
_dirtyRects.push_back(Common::Rect(_width - 1, _height - 1));
_numDirtyRects = FULL_REDRAW;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (!(flags & (1 << i)))
TownsScreenLayer *l = &_layers[i];
if (l->ready)
l->hScroll = (_scrollOffset * l->scaleH) % l->modW;
l->hScroll = _scrollOffset % l->width;
void TownsScreen::update() {
void TownsScreen::updateOutputBuffer() {
for (Common::List<Common::Rect>::iterator r = _dirtyRects.begin(); r != _dirtyRects.end(); ++r) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
TownsScreenLayer *l = &_layers[i];
if (!l->enabled || !l->ready)
void TownsScreen::update16BitPalette() {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
TownsScreenLayer *l = &_layers[i];
if (!l->enabled || !l->ready)
uint8 *dst = _outBuffer + r->top * _pitch + r->left * _pixelFormat.bytesPerPixel;
int pitch2 = _pitch - (r->right - r->left + 1) * _pixelFormat.bytesPerPixel;
if (_pixelFormat.bytesPerPixel == 2 && l->bpp == 1) {
if (!l->palette)
error("void TownsScreen::updateOutputBuffer(): No palette assigned to 8 bit layer %d", i);
for (int ic = 0; ic < l->numCol; ic++)
l->bltTmpPal[ic] = calc16BitColor(&l->palette[ic * 3]);
for (int y = r->top; y <= r->bottom; ++y) {
if (l->bpp == _pixelFormat.bytesPerPixel && l->scaleW == 1 && l->onBottom && l->numCol & 0xff00 && + !l->hScroll) {
memcpy(dst, &l->bltInternY[y][l->bltInternX[r->left]], (r->right + 1 - r->left) * _pixelFormat.bytesPerPixel);
dst += _pitch;
} else if (_pixelFormat.bytesPerPixel == 2) {
uint16 *dst2 = (uint16*)dst;
int x = (r->left + l->hScroll) % l->modW;
if (l->bpp == 1) {
for (int w = r->right - r->left; w >= 0; --w) {
uint8 col = l->bltInternY[y][l->bltInternX[x]];
if (col || l->onBottom) {
if (l->numCol == 16)
col = (col >> 4) & (col & 0x0f);
*dst2 = l->bltTmpPal[col];
x = (x + 1) % l->modW;
} else {
for (int w = r->right - r->left; w >= 0; --w) {
*dst2++ = *(uint16*)&l->bltInternY[y][l->bltInternX[x]];
x = (x + 1) % l->modW;
dst += _pitch;
} else {
int x = (r->left + l->hScroll) % l->modW;
for (int w = r->right - r->left; w >= 0; --w) {
uint8 col = l->bltInternY[y][l->bltInternX[x]];
if (col || l->onBottom) {
if (l->numCol == 16)
col = (col >> 4) & (col & 0x0f);
*dst = col;
x = (x + 1) % l->modW;
dst += pitch2;
if (_pixelFormat.bytesPerPixel == 2 && l->bpp == 1) {
if (!l->palette)
error("void TownsScreen::update16BitPalette(): No palette assigned to 8 bit layer %d", i);
for (int ic = 0; ic < l->numCol; ic++)
l->bltTmpPal[ic] = calc16BitColor(&l->palette[ic * 3]);
void TownsScreen::outputToScreen() {
for (Common::List<Common::Rect>::iterator i = _dirtyRects.begin(); i != _dirtyRects.end(); ++i)
_system->copyRectToScreen(_outBuffer + i->top * _pitch + i->left * _pixelFormat.bytesPerPixel, _pitch, i->left, i->top, i->right - i->left + 1, i->bottom - i->top + 1);
_numDirtyRects = 0;
uint16 TownsScreen::calc16BitColor(const uint8 *palEntry) {
return _pixelFormat.RGBToColor(palEntry[0], palEntry[1], palEntry[2]);
template<typename dstPixelType, typename srcPixelType, int scaleW, int scaleH, bool srcCol4bit> void TownsScreen::transferRect(uint8 *dst, TownsScreenLayer *l, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
uint8 *dst10 = dst + y * _pitch * scaleH + x * sizeof(dstPixelType) * scaleW;
uint8 *dst20 = (scaleH == 2) ? dst10 + _pitch : 0;
int pitch = _pitch * scaleH;
int x0 = (x + l->hScroll) % l->width;
const uint8 *in0 = l->pixels + y * l->pitch + x0 * sizeof(srcPixelType);
while (h-- >= 0) {
const srcPixelType *in = (const srcPixelType*)in0;
dstPixelType *dst10a = (dstPixelType*)dst10;
dstPixelType *dst20a = (dstPixelType*)dst20;
int x1 = x0;
for (int w1 = w; w1 >= 0; w1--) {
srcPixelType col = *in++;
if (sizeof(dstPixelType) == 2) {
if (sizeof(srcPixelType) == 1) {
if (col || l->onBottom) {
if (srcCol4bit)
col = (col >> 4) & (col & 0x0f);
dstPixelType col2 = l->bltTmpPal[col];
*dst10a = col2;
if (scaleW == 2)
*++dst10a = col2;
if (scaleH == 2)
*dst20a = col2;
if (scaleW == 2 && scaleH == 2)
*++dst20a = col2;
if (scaleH == 2)
} else {
*dst10a++ = col;
if (scaleW == 2)
*dst10a++ = col;
if (scaleH == 2)
*dst20a++ = col;
if (scaleW == 2 && scaleH == 2)
*dst20a++ = col;
} else {
if (col || l->onBottom) {
if (srcCol4bit)
col = (col >> 4) & (col & 0x0f);
*dst10a = col;
if (scaleW == 2)
*++dst10a = col;
if (scaleH == 2)
*dst20a = col;
if (scaleW == 2 && scaleH == 2)
*++dst20a = col;
if (scaleH == 2)
if (++x1 == l->width) {
in -= l->width;
x1 -= l->width;
in0 += l->pitch;
dst10 += pitch;
if (scaleH == 2)
dst20 += pitch;
template void TownsScreen::transferRect<uint16, uint16, 1, 1, false>(uint8 *dst, TownsScreenLayer *l, int x, int y, int w, int h);
template void TownsScreen::transferRect<uint16, uint16, 2, 2, false>(uint8 *dst, TownsScreenLayer *l, int x, int y, int w, int h);
template void TownsScreen::transferRect<uint16, uint8, 1, 1, true>(uint8 *dst, TownsScreenLayer *l, int x, int y, int w, int h);
template void TownsScreen::transferRect<uint8, uint8, 2, 2, false>(uint8 *dst, TownsScreenLayer *l, int x, int y, int w, int h);
template void TownsScreen::transferRect<uint8, uint8, 1, 1, false>(uint8 *dst, TownsScreenLayer *l, int x, int y, int w, int h);
template void TownsScreen::transferRect<uint8, uint8, 1, 1, true>(uint8 *dst, TownsScreenLayer *l, int x, int y, int w, int h);
template<typename dstPixelType> void TownsScreen::updateScreenBuffer() {
Graphics::Surface *s = _system->lockScreen();
if (!s)
error("TownsScreen::updateOutputBuffer(): Failed to allocate screen buffer");
uint8 *dst = (uint8*)s->getPixels();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
TownsScreenLayer *l = &_layers[i];
if (!l->enabled || !l->ready)
if (l->bpp == 2) {
if (l->scaleH == 2 && l->scaleW == 2) {
for (Common::List<Common::Rect>::iterator r = _dirtyRects.begin(); r != _dirtyRects.end(); ++r)
transferRect<dstPixelType, uint16, 2, 2, false>(dst, l, r->left >> 1, r->top >> 1, (r->right - r->left) >> 1, (r->bottom - r->top) >> 1);
} else if (l->scaleH == 1 && l->scaleW == 1) {
for (Common::List<Common::Rect>::iterator r = _dirtyRects.begin(); r != _dirtyRects.end(); ++r)
transferRect<dstPixelType, uint16, 1, 1, false>(dst, l, r->left, r->top, r->right - r->left, r->bottom - r->top);
} else {
error("TownsScreen::updateOutputBuffer(): Unsupported scale mode");
} else
if (l->bpp == 1) {
if (l->numCol == 16) {
if (l->scaleH == 2 && l->scaleW == 2) {
for (Common::List<Common::Rect>::iterator r = _dirtyRects.begin(); r != _dirtyRects.end(); ++r)
transferRect<dstPixelType, uint8, 2, 2, true>(dst, l, r->left, r->top, r->right - r->left, r->bottom - r->top);
} else
if (l->scaleH == 1 && l->scaleW == 1) {
for (Common::List<Common::Rect>::iterator r = _dirtyRects.begin(); r != _dirtyRects.end(); ++r)
transferRect<dstPixelType, uint8, 1, 1, true>(dst, l, r->left, r->top, r->right - r->left, r->bottom - r->top);
} else {
error("TownsScreen::updateOutputBuffer(): Unsupported scale mode");
} else {
if (l->scaleH == 2 && l->scaleW == 2) {
for (Common::List<Common::Rect>::iterator r = _dirtyRects.begin(); r != _dirtyRects.end(); ++r)
transferRect<dstPixelType, uint8, 2, 2, false>(dst, l, r->left, r->top, r->right - r->left, r->bottom - r->top);
} else if (l->scaleH == 1 && l->scaleW == 1) {
for (Common::List<Common::Rect>::iterator r = _dirtyRects.begin(); r != _dirtyRects.end(); ++r)
transferRect<dstPixelType, uint8, 1, 1, false>(dst, l, r->left, r->top, r->right - r->left, r->bottom - r->top);
} else {
error("TownsScreen::updateOutputBuffer(): Unsupported pixel format");
_numDirtyRects = 0;
template void TownsScreen::updateScreenBuffer<uint16>();
template void TownsScreen::updateScreenBuffer<uint8>();
} // End of namespace Scumm

View File

@ -1657,7 +1657,7 @@ void ScummEngine::resetScumm() {
delete _townsScreen;
_scrollRequest = _scrollDeltaAdjust = 0;
_scrollDestOffset = _scrollTimer = 0;
_townsScreen = new TownsScreen(_system, _screenWidth * _textSurfaceMultiplier, _screenHeight * _textSurfaceMultiplier, _outputPixelFormat);
_townsScreen = new TownsScreen(_system);
_townsScreen->setupLayer(0, 512, _screenHeight, _textSurfaceMultiplier, _textSurfaceMultiplier, (_outputPixelFormat.bytesPerPixel == 2) ? 32767 : 256);
_townsScreen->setupLayer(1, _screenWidth * _textSurfaceMultiplier, _screenHeight * _textSurfaceMultiplier, 1, 1, 16, _textPalette);