Moved some more debug commands to ScummVM's coneole and removed some unused code

svn-id: r41198
This commit is contained in:
Filippos Karapetis 2009-06-05 19:04:14 +00:00
parent 24cb130b26
commit 7c84cca81d
8 changed files with 248 additions and 313 deletions

View File

@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ Console::Console(SciEngine *vm) : GUI::Debugger() {
DVar_Register("simulated_key", &g_debug_simulated_key, DVAR_INT, 0);
DVar_Register("track_mouse_clicks", &g_debug_track_mouse_clicks, DVAR_BOOL, 0);
DVar_Register("weak_validations", &g_debug_weak_validations, DVAR_BOOL, 0);
DVar_Register("script_abort_flag", &script_abort_flag, DVAR_INT, 0);
// General
DCmd_Register("help", WRAP_METHOD(Console, cmdHelp));
@ -115,6 +116,9 @@ Console::Console(SciEngine *vm) : GUI::Debugger() {
DCmd_Register("dynamic_views", WRAP_METHOD(Console, cmdDynamicViews));
DCmd_Register("dropped_views", WRAP_METHOD(Console, cmdDroppedViews));
DCmd_Register("status_bar", WRAP_METHOD(Console, cmdStatusBarColors));
DCmd_Register("print_widget", WRAP_METHOD(Console, cmdPrintWidget));
// Segments
DCmd_Register("segment_table", WRAP_METHOD(Console, cmdPrintSegmentTable));
DCmd_Register("segment_info", WRAP_METHOD(Console, cmdSegmentInfo));
@ -182,6 +186,14 @@ void Console::postEnter() {
#if 0
// Unused
#define LOOKUP_SPECIES(species) (\
(species >= 1000) ? species : *(s->_classtable[species].scriptposp) \
+ s->_classtable[species].class_offset)
bool Console::cmdHelp(int argc, const char **argv) {
@ -191,6 +203,7 @@ bool Console::cmdHelp(int argc, const char **argv) {
DebugPrintf("simulated_key: Add a key with the specified scan code to the event list\n");
DebugPrintf("track_mouse_clicks: Toggles mouse click tracking to the console\n");
DebugPrintf("weak_validations: Turns some validation errors into warnings\n");
DebugPrintf("script_abort_flag: Set to 1 to abort script execution. Set to 2 to force a replay afterwards\n");
@ -248,6 +261,9 @@ bool Console::cmdHelp(int argc, const char **argv) {
DebugPrintf(" dynamic_views - Lists active dynamic views\n");
DebugPrintf(" dropped_views - Lists dropped dynamic views\n");
DebugPrintf(" status_bar - Sets the colors of the status bar\n");
DebugPrintf(" print_widget - Shows active widgets (no params) or information on the specified widget indices\n");
DebugPrintf(" segment_table - Lists all segments\n");
@ -667,7 +683,7 @@ bool Console::cmdRestoreGame(int argc, const char **argv) {
if (newstate) {
g_EngineState->successor = newstate; // Set successor
script_abort_flag = SCRIPT_ABORT_WITH_REPLAY; // Abort current game
script_abort_flag = 2; // Abort current game with replay
g_debugstate_valid = 0;
shrink_execution_stack(g_EngineState, g_EngineState->execution_stack_base + 1);
@ -2678,4 +2694,225 @@ int printObject(EngineState *s, reg_t pos) {
return 0;
#define GETRECT(ll, rr, tt, bb) \
ll = GET_SELECTOR(pos, ll); \
rr = GET_SELECTOR(pos, rr); \
tt = GET_SELECTOR(pos, tt); \
bb = GET_SELECTOR(pos, bb);
#if 0
// TODO Re-implement this
static void viewobjinfo(EngineState *s, HeapPtr pos) {
char *signals[16] = {
int x, y, z, priority;
int cel, loop, view, signal;
int nsLeft, nsRight, nsBottom, nsTop;
int lsLeft, lsRight, lsBottom, lsTop;
int brLeft, brRight, brBottom, brTop;
int i;
int have_rects = 0;
Common::Rect nsrect, nsrect_clipped, brrect;
if (lookup_selector(s, pos, s->_kernel->_selectorMap.nsBottom, NULL) == kSelectorVariable) {
GETRECT(nsLeft, nsRight, nsBottom, nsTop);
GETRECT(lsLeft, lsRight, lsBottom, lsTop);
GETRECT(brLeft, brRight, brBottom, brTop);
have_rects = 1;
GETRECT(view, loop, signal, cel);
sciprintf("\n-- View information:\ncel %d/%d/%d at ", view, loop, cel);
x = GET_SELECTOR(pos, x);
y = GET_SELECTOR(pos, y);
priority = GET_SELECTOR(pos, priority);
if (s->_kernel->_selectorMap.z > 0) {
z = GET_SELECTOR(pos, z);
sciprintf("(%d,%d,%d)\n", x, y, z);
} else
sciprintf("(%d,%d)\n", x, y);
if (priority == -1)
sciprintf("No priority.\n\n");
sciprintf("Priority = %d (band starts at %d)\n\n", priority, PRIORITY_BAND_FIRST(priority));
if (have_rects) {
sciprintf("nsRect: [%d..%d]x[%d..%d]\n", nsLeft, nsRight, nsTop, nsBottom);
sciprintf("lsRect: [%d..%d]x[%d..%d]\n", lsLeft, lsRight, lsTop, lsBottom);
sciprintf("brRect: [%d..%d]x[%d..%d]\n", brLeft, brRight, brTop, brBottom);
nsrect = get_nsrect(s, pos, 0);
nsrect_clipped = get_nsrect(s, pos, 1);
brrect = set_base(s, pos);
sciprintf("new nsRect: [%d..%d]x[%d..%d]\n", nsrect.x, nsrect.xend, nsrect.y, nsrect.yend);
sciprintf("new clipped nsRect: [%d..%d]x[%d..%d]\n", nsrect_clipped.x, nsrect_clipped.xend, nsrect_clipped.y, nsrect_clipped.yend);
sciprintf("new brRect: [%d..%d]x[%d..%d]\n", brrect.x, brrect.xend, brrect.y, brrect.yend);
sciprintf("\n signals = %04x:\n", signal);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (signal & (1 << i))
sciprintf(" %04x: %s\n", 1 << i, signals[i]);
#undef GETRECT
#define GETRECT(ll, rr, tt, bb) \
ll = GET_SELECTOR(pos, ll); \
rr = GET_SELECTOR(pos, rr); \
tt = GET_SELECTOR(pos, tt); \
bb = GET_SELECTOR(pos, bb);
#if 0
// Draws the nsRect and brRect of a dynview object. nsRect is green, brRect is blue.
// TODO: Re-implement this
static int c_gfx_draw_viewobj(EngineState *s, const Common::Array<cmd_param_t> &cmdParams) {
HeapPtr pos = (HeapPtr)(cmdParams[0].val);
int is_view;
int x, y, priority;
int nsLeft, nsRight, nsBottom, nsTop;
int brLeft, brRight, brBottom, brTop;
if (!s) {
sciprintf("Not in debug state!\n");
return 1;
if ((pos < 4) || (pos > 0xfff0)) {
sciprintf("Invalid address.\n");
return 1;
sciprintf("Not an object.\n");
return 0;
is_view = (lookup_selector(s, pos, s->_kernel->_selectorMap.x, NULL) == kSelectorVariable) &&
(lookup_selector(s, pos, s->_kernel->_selectorMap.brLeft, NULL) == kSelectorVariable) &&
(lookup_selector(s, pos, s->_kernel->_selectorMap.signal, NULL) == kSelectorVariable) &&
(lookup_selector(s, pos, s->_kernel->_selectorMap.nsTop, NULL) == kSelectorVariable);
if (!is_view) {
sciprintf("Not a dynamic View object.\n");
return 0;
x = GET_SELECTOR(pos, x);
y = GET_SELECTOR(pos, y);
priority = GET_SELECTOR(pos, priority);
GETRECT(brLeft, brRight, brBottom, brTop);
GETRECT(nsLeft, nsRight, nsBottom, nsTop);
gfxop_set_clip_zone(s->gfx_state, gfx_rect_fullscreen);
brTop += 10;
brBottom += 10;
nsTop += 10;
nsBottom += 10;
gfxop_fill_box(s->gfx_state, gfx_rect(nsLeft, nsTop, nsRight - nsLeft + 1, nsBottom - nsTop + 1), s->ega_colors[2]);
gfxop_fill_box(s->gfx_state, gfx_rect(brLeft, brTop, brRight - brLeft + 1, brBottom - brTop + 1), s->ega_colors[1]);
gfxop_fill_box(s->gfx_state, gfx_rect(x - 1, y - 1, 3, 3), s->ega_colors[0]);
gfxop_fill_box(s->gfx_state, gfx_rect(x - 1, y, 3, 1), s->ega_colors[priority]);
gfxop_fill_box(s->gfx_state, gfx_rect(x, y - 1, 1, 3), s->ega_colors[priority]);
return 0;
#undef GETRECT
#if 0
// Executes one operation skipping over sends
// TODO Re-implement this
int c_stepover(EngineState *s, const Common::Array<cmd_param_t> &cmdParams) {
int opcode, opnumber;
if (!g_debugstate_valid) {
sciprintf("Not in debug state\n");
return 1;
g_debugstate_valid = 0;
opcode = s->_heap[*p_pc];
opnumber = opcode >> 1;
if (opnumber == 0x22 /* callb */ || opnumber == 0x23 /* calle */ ||
opnumber == 0x25 /* send */ || opnumber == 0x2a /* self */ || opnumber == 0x2b /* super */) {
g_debug_seeking = _DEBUG_SEEK_SO;
s_debug_seek_level = s->_executionStack.size()-1;
// Store in s_debug_seek_special the offset of the next command after send
switch (opcode) {
case 0x46: // calle W
s_debug_seek_special = *p_pc + 5;
case 0x44: // callb W
case 0x47: // calle B
case 0x56: // super W
s_debug_seek_special = *p_pc + 4;
case 0x45: // callb B
case 0x57: // super B
case 0x4A: // send W
case 0x54: // self W
s_debug_seek_special = *p_pc + 3;
s_debug_seek_special = *p_pc + 2;
return 0;
extern GfxWidget *debug_widgets[];
extern int debug_widget_pos;
// If called with no parameters, it shows which widgets are active
// With parameters, it lists the widget corresponding to the numerical index specified (for each parameter).
bool Console::cmdPrintWidget(int argc, const char **argv) {
if (argc > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
int widget_nr = atoi(argv[1]);
DebugPrintf("===== Widget #%d:\n", widget_nr);
} else if (debug_widget_pos > 1) {
DebugPrintf("Widgets 0-%d are active\n", debug_widget_pos - 1);
} else if (debug_widget_pos == 1) {
DebugPrintf("Widget 0 is active\n");
} else {
DebugPrintf("No widgets are active\n");
return true;
} // End of namespace Sci

View File

@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ private:
bool cmdDynamicViews(int argc, const char **argv);
bool cmdDroppedViews(int argc, const char **argv);
bool cmdStatusBarColors(int argc, const char **argv);
bool cmdPrintWidget(int argc, const char **argv);
// Segments
bool cmdPrintSegmentTable(int argc, const char **argv);
bool cmdSegmentInfo(int argc, const char **argv);

View File

@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ reg_t kRestoreGame(EngineState *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
if (newstate) {
s->successor = newstate;
script_abort_flag = SCRIPT_ABORT_WITH_REPLAY; // Abort current game
script_abort_flag = 2; // Abort current game with replay
shrink_execution_stack(s, s->execution_stack_base + 1);
} else {
s->r_acc = make_reg(0, 1);

View File

@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ static bool s_debug_commands_hooked = false; // Commands hooked to the console y
int g_debug_seeking = 0; // Stepping forward until some special condition is met
static int s_debug_seek_level = 0; // Used for seekers that want to check their exec stack depth
static int s_debug_seek_special = 0; // Used for special seeks(1)
static reg_t s_debug_seek_reg = NULL_REG; // Used for special seeks(2)
#define _DEBUG_SEEK_CALLK 1 // Step forward until callk is found
@ -92,35 +91,12 @@ struct cmd_command_t : public cmd_mm_entry_t {
const char *param;
#if 0
// Unused
#define LOOKUP_SPECIES(species) (\
(species >= 1000) ? species : *(s->_classtable[species].scriptposp) \
+ s->_classtable[species].class_offset)
// Dummy function, so that it compiles
int con_hook_command(ConCommand command, const char *name, const char *param, const char *description) {
return 0;
static const char *_debug_get_input() {
char newinpbuf[256];
printf("> ");
if (!fgets(newinpbuf, 254, stdin))
return NULL;
size_t l = strlen(newinpbuf);
if (l > 0 && newinpbuf[0] != '\n') {
if (newinpbuf[l-1] == '\n') newinpbuf[l-1] = 0;
memcpy(inputbuf, newinpbuf, 256);
return inputbuf;
int c_step(EngineState *s, const Common::Array<cmd_param_t> &cmdParams) {
g_debugstate_valid = 0;
if (cmdParams.size() && (cmdParams[0].val > 0))
@ -129,51 +105,6 @@ int c_step(EngineState *s, const Common::Array<cmd_param_t> &cmdParams) {
return 0;
#if 0
// TODO Re-implement con:so
int c_stepover(EngineState *s, const Common::Array<cmd_param_t> &cmdParams) {
int opcode, opnumber;
if (!g_debugstate_valid) {
sciprintf("Not in debug state\n");
return 1;
g_debugstate_valid = 0;
opcode = s->_heap[*p_pc];
opnumber = opcode >> 1;
if (opnumber == 0x22 /* callb */ || opnumber == 0x23 /* calle */ ||
opnumber == 0x25 /* send */ || opnumber == 0x2a /* self */ || opnumber == 0x2b /* super */) {
g_debug_seeking = _DEBUG_SEEK_SO;
s_debug_seek_level = s->_executionStack.size()-1;
// Store in s_debug_seek_special the offset of the next command after send
switch (opcode) {
case 0x46: // calle W
s_debug_seek_special = *p_pc + 5;
case 0x44: // callb W
case 0x47: // calle B
case 0x56: // super W
s_debug_seek_special = *p_pc + 4;
case 0x45: // callb B
case 0x57: // super B
case 0x4A: // send W
case 0x54: // self W
s_debug_seek_special = *p_pc + 3;
s_debug_seek_special = *p_pc + 2;
return 0;
enum {
@ -536,103 +467,6 @@ reg_t disassemble(EngineState *s, reg_t pos, int print_bw_tag, int print_bytecod
return retval;
extern GfxWidget *debug_widgets[];
extern int debug_widget_pos;
static int c_gfx_print_widget(EngineState *s, const Common::Array<cmd_param_t> &cmdParams) {
if (!g_debugstate_valid) {
sciprintf("Not in debug state\n");
return 1;
if (cmdParams.size()) {
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < cmdParams.size() ; i++) {
int widget_nr = cmdParams[i].val;
sciprintf("===== Widget #%d:\n", widget_nr);
} else if (debug_widget_pos > 1)
sciprintf("Widgets 0-%d are active\n", debug_widget_pos - 1);
else if (debug_widget_pos == 1)
sciprintf("Widget 0 is active\n");
sciprintf("No widgets are active\n");
return 0;
#define GETRECT(ll, rr, tt, bb) \
ll = GET_SELECTOR(pos, ll); \
rr = GET_SELECTOR(pos, rr); \
tt = GET_SELECTOR(pos, tt); \
bb = GET_SELECTOR(pos, bb);
#if 0
// Unreferenced - removed
static int c_gfx_draw_viewobj(EngineState *s, const Common::Array<cmd_param_t> &cmdParams) {
// TODO: Re-implement gfx_draw_viewobj
#if 0
HeapPtr pos = (HeapPtr)(cmdParams[0].val);
int is_view;
int x, y, priority;
int nsLeft, nsRight, nsBottom, nsTop;
int brLeft, brRight, brBottom, brTop;
if (!s) {
sciprintf("Not in debug state!\n");
return 1;
if ((pos < 4) || (pos > 0xfff0)) {
sciprintf("Invalid address.\n");
return 1;
sciprintf("Not an object.\n");
return 0;
is_view = (lookup_selector(s, pos, s->_kernel->_selectorMap.x, NULL) == kSelectorVariable) &&
(lookup_selector(s, pos, s->_kernel->_selectorMap.brLeft, NULL) == kSelectorVariable) &&
(lookup_selector(s, pos, s->_kernel->_selectorMap.signal, NULL) == kSelectorVariable) &&
(lookup_selector(s, pos, s->_kernel->_selectorMap.nsTop, NULL) == kSelectorVariable);
if (!is_view) {
sciprintf("Not a dynamic View object.\n");
return 0;
x = GET_SELECTOR(pos, x);
y = GET_SELECTOR(pos, y);
priority = GET_SELECTOR(pos, priority);
GETRECT(brLeft, brRight, brBottom, brTop);
GETRECT(nsLeft, nsRight, nsBottom, nsTop);
gfxop_set_clip_zone(s->gfx_state, gfx_rect_fullscreen);
brTop += 10;
brBottom += 10;
nsTop += 10;
nsBottom += 10;
gfxop_fill_box(s->gfx_state, gfx_rect(nsLeft, nsTop, nsRight - nsLeft + 1, nsBottom - nsTop + 1), s->ega_colors[2]);
gfxop_fill_box(s->gfx_state, gfx_rect(brLeft, brTop, brRight - brLeft + 1, brBottom - brTop + 1), s->ega_colors[1]);
gfxop_fill_box(s->gfx_state, gfx_rect(x - 1, y - 1, 3, 3), s->ega_colors[0]);
gfxop_fill_box(s->gfx_state, gfx_rect(x - 1, y, 3, 1), s->ega_colors[priority]);
gfxop_fill_box(s->gfx_state, gfx_rect(x, y - 1, 1, 3), s->ega_colors[priority]);
return 0;
static int c_disasm_addr(EngineState *s, const Common::Array<cmd_param_t> &cmdParams) {
reg_t vpc = cmdParams[0].reg;
int op_count = 1;
@ -811,92 +645,6 @@ static int c_send(EngineState *s, const Common::Array<cmd_param_t> &cmdParams) {
return 0;
#define GETRECT(ll, rr, tt, bb) \
ll = GET_SELECTOR(pos, ll); \
rr = GET_SELECTOR(pos, rr); \
tt = GET_SELECTOR(pos, tt); \
bb = GET_SELECTOR(pos, bb);
#if 0
#ifdef __GNUC__
#warning "Re-implement viewobjinfo"
static void viewobjinfo(EngineState *s, HeapPtr pos) {
char *signals[16] = {
int x, y, z, priority;
int cel, loop, view, signal;
int nsLeft, nsRight, nsBottom, nsTop;
int lsLeft, lsRight, lsBottom, lsTop;
int brLeft, brRight, brBottom, brTop;
int i;
int have_rects = 0;
Common::Rect nsrect, nsrect_clipped, brrect;
if (lookup_selector(s, pos, s->_kernel->_selectorMap.nsBottom, NULL) == kSelectorVariable) {
GETRECT(nsLeft, nsRight, nsBottom, nsTop);
GETRECT(lsLeft, lsRight, lsBottom, lsTop);
GETRECT(brLeft, brRight, brBottom, brTop);
have_rects = 1;
GETRECT(view, loop, signal, cel);
sciprintf("\n-- View information:\ncel %d/%d/%d at ", view, loop, cel);
x = GET_SELECTOR(pos, x);
y = GET_SELECTOR(pos, y);
priority = GET_SELECTOR(pos, priority);
if (s->_kernel->_selectorMap.z > 0) {
z = GET_SELECTOR(pos, z);
sciprintf("(%d,%d,%d)\n", x, y, z);
} else
sciprintf("(%d,%d)\n", x, y);
if (priority == -1)
sciprintf("No priority.\n\n");
sciprintf("Priority = %d (band starts at %d)\n\n", priority, PRIORITY_BAND_FIRST(priority));
if (have_rects) {
sciprintf("nsRect: [%d..%d]x[%d..%d]\n", nsLeft, nsRight, nsTop, nsBottom);
sciprintf("lsRect: [%d..%d]x[%d..%d]\n", lsLeft, lsRight, lsTop, lsBottom);
sciprintf("brRect: [%d..%d]x[%d..%d]\n", brLeft, brRight, brTop, brBottom);
nsrect = get_nsrect(s, pos, 0);
nsrect_clipped = get_nsrect(s, pos, 1);
brrect = set_base(s, pos);
sciprintf("new nsRect: [%d..%d]x[%d..%d]\n", nsrect.x, nsrect.xend, nsrect.y, nsrect.yend);
sciprintf("new clipped nsRect: [%d..%d]x[%d..%d]\n", nsrect_clipped.x, nsrect_clipped.xend, nsrect_clipped.y, nsrect_clipped.yend);
sciprintf("new brRect: [%d..%d]x[%d..%d]\n", brrect.x, brrect.xend, brrect.y, brrect.yend);
sciprintf("\n signals = %04x:\n", signal);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (signal & (1 << i))
sciprintf(" %04x: %s\n", 1 << i, signals[i]);
#undef GETRECT
// Breakpoint commands
int c_se(EngineState *s, const Common::Array<cmd_param_t> &cmdParams) {
@ -959,13 +707,7 @@ void script_debug(EngineState *s, reg_t *pc, StackPtr *sp, StackPtr *pp, reg_t *
if ((*pc != s_debug_seek_reg) || (int)s->_executionStack.size()-1 != s_debug_seek_level)
if (op < op_sag)
if ((op & 0x3) > 1)
@ -1004,10 +746,6 @@ void script_debug(EngineState *s, reg_t *pc, StackPtr *sp, StackPtr *pp, reg_t *
con_hook_command(c_step, "s", "i*", "Executes one or several operations\n\nEXAMPLES\n\n"
" s 4\n\n Execute 4 commands\n\n s\n\n Execute next command");
#if 0
// TODO Re-implement con:so
con_hook_command(c_stepover, "so", "", "Executes one operation skipping over sends");
con_hook_command(c_disasm_addr, "disasm-addr", "!as*", "Disassembles one or more commands\n\n"
"USAGE\n\n disasm-addr [startaddr] <options>\n\n"
" Valid options are:\n"
@ -1023,50 +761,15 @@ void script_debug(EngineState *s, reg_t *pc, StackPtr *sp, StackPtr *pp, reg_t *
con_hook_command(c_go, "go", "", "Executes the script.\n");
con_hook_command(c_set_parse_nodes, "set_parse_nodes", "s*", "Sets the contents of all parse nodes.\n"
" Input token must be separated by\n blanks.");
con_hook_command(c_gfx_print_widget, "gfx_print_widget", "i*", "If called with no parameters, it\n shows which widgets are active.\n"
" With parameters, it lists the\n widget corresponding to the\n numerical index specified (for\n each parameter).");
#if 0
// TODO: Re-enable con:draw_viewobj
con_hook_command(c_gfx_draw_viewobj, "draw_viewobj", "i", "Draws the nsRect and brRect of a\n dynview object.\n\n nsRect is green, brRect\n"
" is blue.\n");
con_hook_command(c_sg, "sg", "!i",
"Steps until the global variable with the\n"
"specified index is modified.\n\nSEE ALSO\n\n"
" s.1, snk.1, so.1, bpx.1");
con_hook_int(&script_abort_flag, "script_abort_flag", "Set != 0 to abort execution\n");
} // If commands were not hooked up
if (g_debug_step_running)
while (g_debugstate_valid) {
int skipfirst = 0;
const char *commandstring;
// Suspend music playing
commandstring = _debug_get_input();
// Check if a specific destination has been given
if (commandstring && (commandstring[0] == '.' || commandstring[0] == ':'))
skipfirst = 1;
//if (commandstring && commandstring[0] != ':')
// con_parse(s, commandstring + skipfirst);
// Resume music playing
} // End of namespace Sci

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ reg_t NULL_REG = {0, 0};
#undef STRICT_READ // Disallows reading from out-of-bounds parameters and locals
int script_abort_flag = 0; // Set to 1 to abort execution // FIXME: Avoid non-const global vars
int script_abort_flag = 0; // Set to 1 to abort execution. Set to 2 to force a replay afterwards // FIXME: Avoid non-const global vars
int script_step_counter = 0; // Counts the number of steps executed // FIXME: Avoid non-const global vars
int script_gc_interval = GC_INTERVAL; // Number of steps in between gcs // FIXME: Avoid non-const global vars
@ -1978,7 +1978,7 @@ static EngineState *_game_run(EngineState *s, int restoring) {
s = successor;
g_EngineState = s;
if (script_abort_flag == SCRIPT_ABORT_WITH_REPLAY) {
if (script_abort_flag == 2) {
sciprintf("Restarting with replay()\n");
s->_executionStack.clear(); // Restart with replay

View File

@ -272,12 +272,10 @@ struct Breakpoint {
Breakpoint *next;
* Set this to 1 to abort script execution immediately. Aborting will leave the
* debug exec stack intact.
* Set it to SCRIPT_ABORT_WITH_REPLAY to force a replay afterwards.
* Set it to 2 to force a replay afterwards.
extern int script_abort_flag;

View File

@ -49,10 +49,8 @@ GfxWidget *debug_widgets[GFXW_DEBUG_WIDGETS];
int debug_widget_pos = 0;
static void _gfxw_debug_add_widget(GfxWidget *widget) {
if (debug_widget_pos == GFXW_DEBUG_WIDGETS) {
GFXERROR("WIDGET DEBUG: Allocated the maximum number of %d widgets- Aborting!\n", GFXW_DEBUG_WIDGETS);
if (debug_widget_pos == GFXW_DEBUG_WIDGETS)
error("WIDGET DEBUG: Allocated the maximum number of %d widgets- Aborting!\n", GFXW_DEBUG_WIDGETS);
debug_widgets[debug_widget_pos++] = widget;
@ -68,13 +66,11 @@ static void _gfxw_debug_remove_widget(GfxWidget *widget) {
if (found > 1) {
GFXERROR("While removing widget: Found it %d times!\n", found);
error("While removing widget: Found it %d times!\n", found);
if (found == 0) {
GFXERROR("Attempted removal of unregistered widget!\n");
error("Attempted removal of unregistered widget!\n");

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ struct GfxWidget;
/* Enable the next line to keep a list of pointers to all widgets, with up to the specified amount
** of members (/SLOW/) */
/* #define GFXW_DEBUG_WIDGETS 2048 */
//#define GFXW_DEBUG_WIDGETS 2048
/* Our strategy for dirty rectangle management */