TWINE: added lba2 conditions

This commit is contained in:
Martin Gerhardy 2023-01-15 13:22:34 +01:00
parent 370a33392e
commit 7dfc51daf3

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@ -82,11 +82,28 @@ enum LifeScriptConditions {
/*0x16*/ kcDISTANCE_3D = 22, /*<! Distance between the actor passed as parameter and the current actor. (Parameter = Actor Index, Parameter = Distance) */
/*0x17*/ kcMAGIC_LEVEL = 23,
/*0x18*/ kcMAGIC_POINTS = 24,
/*0x19*/ kcUSE_INVENTORY = 25, /*<! Use inventory object. (Parameter = Object Index in the inventory, Paramenter = 0 (Not in Inventory), = 1 (In the Inventory)) */
/*0x1A*/ kcCHOICE = 26, /*<! Menu choice. (Parameter = Text Index in the current Text Bank) */
/*0x1B*/ kcFUEL = 27, /*<! Amount of fuel gas the Hero have in his inventory. (Parameter = Gas amount) */
/*0x1C*/ kcCARRIED_BY = 28, /*<! The current is carried by the actor passed as paramenter. (Parameter = Actor Index) */
/*0x1D*/ kcCDROM = 29 /*<! CDROM audio tracks. (Parameter = Audio Tracks Index) */
/*0x19*/ kcUSE_INVENTORY = 25, /*<! Use inventory object. (Parameter = Object Index in the inventory, Paramenter = 0 (Not in Inventory), = 1 (In the Inventory)) */
/*0x1A*/ kcCHOICE = 26, /*<! Menu choice. (Parameter = Text Index in the current Text Bank) */
/*0x1B*/ kcFUEL = 27, /*<! Amount of fuel gas the Hero have in his inventory. (Parameter = Gas amount) */
/*0x1C*/ kcCARRIED_BY = 28, /*<! The current is carried by the actor passed as paramenter. (Parameter = Actor Index) */
/*0x1D*/ kcCDROM = 29, /*<! CDROM audio tracks. (Parameter = Audio Tracks Index) */
// lba2
kcLADDER = 30,
kcRND = 31,
kcRAIL = 32,
kcBETA = 33,
kcBETA_OBJ = 34,
kcCARRY_OBJ_BY = 35,
kcANGLE = 36,
kcHIT_OBJ_BY = 38,
kcREAL_ANGLE = 39,
kcDEMO = 40,
kcCOL_DECORS = 41,
kcANGLE_OBJ = 45