MADS: Renaming and fixes for loading sample data

This commit is contained in:
Paul Gilbert 2014-02-16 17:02:13 -05:00
parent d4df315e87
commit 85e913864c
2 changed files with 81 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AdlibChannel::AdlibChannel() {
_field2 = 0;
_field3 = 0;
_field4 = 0;
_field5 = 0;
_sampleIndex = 0;
_volume = 0;
_field7 = 0;
_field8 = 0;
@ -115,24 +115,25 @@ void AdlibChannel::check(byte *nullPtr) {
SoundData::SoundData(Common::SeekableReadStream &s) {
_field0 = s.readByte();
_field1 = s.readByte();
_field2 = s.readByte();
_field3 = s.readByte();
_field4 = s.readByte();
_field5 = s.readByte();
_field6 = s.readByte();
_field7 = s.readByte();
_field8 = s.readByte();
_field9 = s.readByte();
_fieldA = s.readByte();
_fieldB = s.readByte();
_fieldC = s.readByte();
_fieldD = s.readByte();
AdlibSample::AdlibSample(Common::SeekableReadStream &s) {
_attackRate = s.readByte();
_decayRate = s.readByte();
_sustainLevel = s.readByte();
_releaseRate = s.readByte();
_egTyp = s.readByte() != 0;
_ksr = s.readByte() != 0;
_totalLevel = s.readByte();
_scalingLevel = s.readByte();
_waveformSelect = s.readByte();
_freqMultiple = s.readByte();
_feedback = s.readByte();
_ampMod = s.readByte() != 0;
_vib = s.readByte();
_alg = s.readByte();
_fieldE = s.readByte();
_field10 = s.readUint16LE();
_field12 = s.readUint16LE();
_freqMask = s.readUint16LE();
_freqBase = s.readUint16LE();
_field14 = s.readUint16LE();
@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ ASound::ASound(Audio::Mixer *mixer, const Common::String &filename, int dataOffs
// Initialise fields
_activeChannelPtr = nullptr;
_soundDataPtr = nullptr;
_samplePtr = nullptr;
_frameCounter = 0;
_isDisabled = false;
_v1 = 0;
@ -456,9 +457,9 @@ void ASound::pollActiveChannel() {
case 3:
chan->_field5 = *++pSrc;
chan->_sampleIndex = *++pSrc;
chan->_pSrc += 2;
case 4:
@ -669,27 +670,27 @@ void ASound::updateActiveChannel() {
write2(2, reg, val2);
void ASound::channelProc1(int recIndex) {
void ASound::loadSample(int sampleIndex) {
_activeChannelReg = 0xB0 + _activeChannelNumber;
write2(8, _activeChannelReg, _ports[_activeChannelReg] & 0xDF);
_activeChannelReg = _activeChannelNumber;
_soundDataPtr = &_soundData[recIndex * 2];
_samplePtr = &_samples[sampleIndex * 2];
_v11 = outputChannels[outputIndexes[_activeChannelReg * 2 - 1]];
AdlibChannelData &cd = _channelData[_activeChannelNumber];
cd._field6 = _soundDataPtr->_field14;
cd._freqBase = _soundDataPtr->_field12;
cd._freqMask = _soundDataPtr->_field10;
cd._field0 = _soundDataPtr->_fieldE;
cd._field6 = _samplePtr->_field14;
cd._freqBase = _samplePtr->_freqBase;
cd._freqMask = _samplePtr->_freqMask;
cd._field0 = _samplePtr->_fieldE;
_soundDataPtr = &_soundData[recIndex * 2 + 1];
_samplePtr = &_samples[sampleIndex * 2 + 1];
_v11 = outputChannels[outputIndexes[_activeChannelReg * 2]];
void ASound::channelProc2() {
void ASound::processSample() {
// Write out vib flags and split point
write2(8, 0x40 + _v11, 0x3F);
int depthRhythm = _ports[0xBD] & 0x3F | (_amDep ? 0x80 : 0) |
@ -697,24 +698,29 @@ void ASound::channelProc2() {
write2(8, 0xBD, depthRhythm);
write2(8, 8, _splitPoint ? 0x40 : 0);
int val = _soundDataPtr->_fieldA;
val = (val << 1) | (1 - _soundDataPtr->_fieldD);
// Write out feedback & Alg
int val = (_samplePtr->_feedback << 1) | (1 - _samplePtr->_alg);
write2(8, 0xC0 + _activeChannelReg, val);
val = (_soundDataPtr->_field0 << 4) | (_soundDataPtr->_field1 & 0xF);
// Write out attack/decay rate
val = (_samplePtr->_attackRate << 4) | (_samplePtr->_decayRate & 0xF);
write2(8, 0x60 + _v11, val);
val = (_soundDataPtr->_field2 << 4) | (_soundDataPtr->_field3 & 0xF);
// Write out sustain level/release rate
val = (_samplePtr->_sustainLevel << 4) | (_samplePtr->_releaseRate & 0xF);
write2(8, 0x80 + _v11, val);
val = (_soundDataPtr->_fieldB ? 0x80 : 0) | (_soundDataPtr->_fieldC ? 0x40 : 0)
| (_soundDataPtr->_field4 ? 0x20 : 0) | (_soundDataPtr->_field5 ? 0x10 : 0)
| (_soundDataPtr->_field9 & 0xF);
// Write out misc flags
val = (_samplePtr->_ampMod ? 0x80 : 0) | (_samplePtr->_vib ? 0x40 : 0)
| (_samplePtr->_egTyp ? 0x20 : 0) | (_samplePtr->_ksr ? 0x10 : 0)
| (_samplePtr->_freqMultiple & 0xF);
write2(8, 0x20 + _v11, val);
write2(8, 0xE0 + _v11, _soundDataPtr->_field8 & 3);
// Write out waveform select
write2(8, 0xE0 + _v11, _samplePtr->_waveformSelect & 3);
val = -(_soundDataPtr->_field6 & 0x3F - 0x3F) | (_soundDataPtr->_field7 << 6);
// Write out total level & scaling level
val = -(_samplePtr->_totalLevel & 0x3F - 0x3F) | (_samplePtr->_scalingLevel << 6);
write2(8, 0x40 + _v11, val);
@ -841,10 +847,10 @@ const ASound1::CommandPtr ASound1::_commandList[42] = {
ASound1::ASound1(Audio::Mixer *mixer): ASound(mixer, "asound.001", 0x1520) {
_cmd23Toggle = false;
// Load sound data
// Load sound samples + 0x12C);
for (int i = 0; i < 98; ++i)
int ASound1::command(int commandId) {

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public:
int _field2;
int _field3;
int _field4;
int _field5;
int _sampleIndex;
int _volume;
int _field7;
int _field8;
@ -83,29 +83,29 @@ public:
int _field6;
class SoundData {
class AdlibSample {
int _field0;
int _field1;
int _field2;
int _field3;
int _field4;
int _field5;
int _field6;
int _field7;
int _field8;
int _field9;
int _fieldA;
int _fieldB;
int _fieldC;
int _fieldD;
int _attackRate;
int _decayRate;
int _sustainLevel;
int _releaseRate;
bool _egTyp;
bool _ksr;
int _totalLevel;
int _scalingLevel;
int _waveformSelect;
int _freqMultiple;
int _feedback;
bool _ampMod;
int _vib;
int _alg;
int _fieldE;
int _field10;
int _field12;
int _freqMask;
int _freqBase;
int _field14;
SoundData() {}
SoundData(Common::SeekableReadStream &s);
AdlibSample() {}
AdlibSample(Common::SeekableReadStream &s);
@ -155,8 +155,17 @@ private:
void updateChannelState();
void updateActiveChannel();
void channelProc1(int recIndex);
void channelProc2();
* Loads up the specified sample
void loadSample(int sampleIndex);
* Writes out the data of the selected sample to the Adlib
void processSample();
void updateFNumber();
@ -233,8 +242,8 @@ public:
AdlibChannel _channels[ADLIB_CHANNEL_COUNT];
AdlibChannel *_activeChannelPtr;
AdlibChannelData _channelData[11];
Common::Array<SoundData> _soundData;
SoundData *_soundDataPtr;
Common::Array<AdlibSample> _samples;
AdlibSample *_samplePtr;
Common::File _soundFile;
int _dataOffset;
int _frameCounter;