some optimisations

svn-id: r13969
This commit is contained in:
Paweł Kołodziejski 2004-06-19 17:48:06 +00:00
parent 4b9aa09f03
commit 8f1191b379
2 changed files with 87 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ void ImuseDigiSndMgr::countElements(byte *ptr, int &numRegions, int &numJumps, i
} while (tag != MKID_BE('DATA'));
void ImuseDigiSndMgr::prepareSound(byte *ptr, int slot) {
void ImuseDigiSndMgr::prepareSound(byte *ptr, soundStruct *sound) {
if (READ_UINT32(ptr) == MKID('Crea')) {
bool quit = false;
int len;
@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ void ImuseDigiSndMgr::prepareSound(byte *ptr, int slot) {
int32 offset = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr + 20);
int16 code = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr + 24);
_sounds[slot].region = (_region *)malloc(sizeof(_region) * 70);
_sounds[slot].jump = (_jump *)malloc(sizeof(_jump));
_sounds[slot].resPtr = ptr;
_sounds[slot].bits = 8;
_sounds[slot].channels = 1;
sound->region = (_region *)malloc(sizeof(_region) * 70);
sound->jump = (_jump *)malloc(sizeof(_jump));
sound->resPtr = ptr;
sound->bits = 8;
sound->channels = 1;
while (!quit) {
len = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr + offset);
@ -116,23 +116,23 @@ void ImuseDigiSndMgr::prepareSound(byte *ptr, int slot) {
int time_constant = ptr[offset];
offset += 2;
len -= 2;
_sounds[slot].freq = getSampleRateFromVOCRate(time_constant);
_sounds[slot].region[_sounds[slot].numRegions].offset = offset;
_sounds[slot].region[_sounds[slot].numRegions].length = len;
sound->freq = getSampleRateFromVOCRate(time_constant);
sound->region[sound->numRegions].offset = offset;
sound->region[sound->numRegions].length = len;
case 6: // begin of loop
_sounds[slot].jump[0].dest = offset + 8;
_sounds[slot].jump[0].hookId = 0;
_sounds[slot].jump[0].fadeDelay = 0;
sound->jump[0].dest = offset + 8;
sound->jump[0].hookId = 0;
sound->jump[0].fadeDelay = 0;
case 7: // end of loop
_sounds[slot].jump[0].offset = offset - 4;
_sounds[slot].region[_sounds[slot].numRegions].offset = offset - 4;
_sounds[slot].region[_sounds[slot].numRegions].length = 0;
sound->jump[0].offset = offset - 4;
sound->region[sound->numRegions].offset = offset - 4;
sound->region[sound->numRegions].length = 0;
error("Invalid code in VOC file : %d", code);
@ -151,22 +151,22 @@ void ImuseDigiSndMgr::prepareSound(byte *ptr, int slot) {
int curIndexJump = 0;
int curIndexSync = 0;
_sounds[slot].numRegions = 0;
_sounds[slot].numJumps = 0;
_sounds[slot].numSyncs = 0;
countElements(ptr, _sounds[slot].numRegions, _sounds[slot].numJumps, _sounds[slot].numSyncs);
_sounds[slot].region = (_region *)malloc(sizeof(_region) * _sounds[slot].numRegions);
_sounds[slot].jump = (_jump *)malloc(sizeof(_jump) * _sounds[slot].numJumps);
_sounds[slot].sync = (_sync *)malloc(sizeof(_sync) * _sounds[slot].numSyncs);
sound->numRegions = 0;
sound->numJumps = 0;
sound->numSyncs = 0;
countElements(ptr, sound->numRegions, sound->numJumps, sound->numSyncs);
sound->region = (_region *)malloc(sizeof(_region) * sound->numRegions);
sound->jump = (_jump *)malloc(sizeof(_jump) * sound->numJumps);
sound->sync = (_sync *)malloc(sizeof(_sync) * sound->numSyncs);
do {
tag = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
switch(tag) {
case MKID_BE('FRMT'):
ptr += 12;
_sounds[slot].bits = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
_sounds[slot].freq = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
_sounds[slot].channels = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
sound->bits = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
sound->freq = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
sound->channels = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
case MKID_BE('TEXT'):
case MKID_BE('STOP'):
@ -174,23 +174,23 @@ void ImuseDigiSndMgr::prepareSound(byte *ptr, int slot) {
case MKID_BE('REGN'):
ptr += 4;
_sounds[slot].region[curIndexRegion].offset = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
_sounds[slot].region[curIndexRegion].length = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
sound->region[curIndexRegion].offset = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
sound->region[curIndexRegion].length = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
case MKID_BE('JUMP'):
ptr += 4;
_sounds[slot].jump[curIndexJump].offset = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
_sounds[slot].jump[curIndexJump].dest = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
_sounds[slot].jump[curIndexJump].hookId = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
_sounds[slot].jump[curIndexJump].fadeDelay = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
sound->jump[curIndexJump].offset = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
sound->jump[curIndexJump].dest = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
sound->jump[curIndexJump].hookId = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
sound->jump[curIndexJump].fadeDelay = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
case MKID_BE('SYNC'):
size = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
_sounds[slot].sync[curIndexSync].size = size;
_sounds[slot].sync[curIndexSync].ptr = (byte *)malloc(size);
memcpy(_sounds[slot].sync[curIndexSync].ptr, ptr, size);
sound->sync[curIndexSync].size = size;
sound->sync[curIndexSync].ptr = (byte *)malloc(size);
memcpy(sound->sync[curIndexSync].ptr, ptr, size);
ptr += size;
@ -198,33 +198,33 @@ void ImuseDigiSndMgr::prepareSound(byte *ptr, int slot) {
ptr += 4;
error("ImuseDigiSndMgr::prepareSound(%d/%s) Unknown sfx header '%s'", _sounds[slot].soundId, _sounds[slot].name, tag2str(tag));
error("ImuseDigiSndMgr::prepareSound(%d/%s) Unknown sfx header '%s'", sound->soundId, sound->name, tag2str(tag));
} while (tag != MKID_BE('DATA'));
_sounds[slot].offsetData = ptr - s_ptr;
sound->offsetData = ptr - s_ptr;
} else {
error("ImuseDigiSndMgr::prepareSound(): Unknown sound format");
int ImuseDigiSndMgr::allocSlot() {
ImuseDigiSndMgr::soundStruct *ImuseDigiSndMgr::allocSlot() {
for (int l = 0; l < MAX_IMUSE_SOUNDS; l++) {
if (!_sounds[l].inUse) {
_sounds[l].inUse = true;
return l;
return &_sounds[l];
return -1;
return NULL;
bool ImuseDigiSndMgr::openMusicBundle(int slot, int disk) {
bool ImuseDigiSndMgr::openMusicBundle(soundStruct *sound, int disk) {
bool result = false;
_sounds[slot].bundle = new BundleMgr(_cacheBundleDir);
sound->bundle = new BundleMgr(_cacheBundleDir);
if (_vm->_gameId == GID_CMI) {
if (_vm->_features & GF_DEMO) {
result = _sounds[slot].bundle->openFile("music.bun", _vm->getGameDataPath());
result = sound->bundle->openFile("music.bun", _vm->getGameDataPath());
} else {
char musicfile[20];
if (disk == -1)
@ -235,30 +235,30 @@ bool ImuseDigiSndMgr::openMusicBundle(int slot, int disk) {
// _vm->_imuseDigital->parseScriptCmds(0x1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// _vm->_imuseDigital->parseScriptCmds(0x2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// _vm->_imuseDigital->stopAllSounds();
// _sounds[slot].bundle->closeFile();
// sound->bundle->closeFile();
// }
result = _sounds[slot].bundle->openFile(musicfile, _vm->getGameDataPath());
result = sound->bundle->openFile(musicfile, _vm->getGameDataPath());
if (result == false)
result = _sounds[slot].bundle->openFile("music.bun", _vm->getGameDataPath());
result = sound->bundle->openFile("music.bun", _vm->getGameDataPath());
_disk = (byte)_vm->VAR(_vm->VAR_CURRENTDISK);
} else if (_vm->_gameId == GID_DIG)
result = _sounds[slot].bundle->openFile("digmusic.bun", _vm->getGameDataPath());
result = sound->bundle->openFile("digmusic.bun", _vm->getGameDataPath());
error("ImuseDigiSndMgr::openMusicBundle() Don't know which bundle file to load");
return result;
bool ImuseDigiSndMgr::openVoiceBundle(int slot, int disk) {
bool ImuseDigiSndMgr::openVoiceBundle(soundStruct *sound, int disk) {
bool result = false;
_sounds[slot].bundle = new BundleMgr(_cacheBundleDir);
sound->bundle = new BundleMgr(_cacheBundleDir);
if (_vm->_gameId == GID_CMI) {
if (_vm->_features & GF_DEMO) {
result = _sounds[slot].bundle->openFile("voice.bun", _vm->getGameDataPath());
result = sound->bundle->openFile("voice.bun", _vm->getGameDataPath());
} else {
char voxfile[20];
if (disk == -1)
@ -269,17 +269,17 @@ bool ImuseDigiSndMgr::openVoiceBundle(int slot, int disk) {
// _vm->_imuseDigital->parseScriptCmds(0x1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// _vm->_imuseDigital->parseScriptCmds(0x2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// _vm->_imuseDigital->stopAllSounds();
// _sounds[slot].bundle->closeFile();
// sound->bundle->closeFile();
// }
result = _sounds[slot].bundle->openFile(voxfile, _vm->getGameDataPath());
result = sound->bundle->openFile(voxfile, _vm->getGameDataPath());
if (result == false)
result = _sounds[slot].bundle->openFile("voice.bun", _vm->getGameDataPath());
result = sound->bundle->openFile("voice.bun", _vm->getGameDataPath());
_disk = (byte)_vm->VAR(_vm->VAR_CURRENTDISK);
} else if (_vm->_gameId == GID_DIG)
result = _sounds[slot].bundle->openFile("digvoice.bun", _vm->getGameDataPath());
result = sound->bundle->openFile("digvoice.bun", _vm->getGameDataPath());
error("ImuseDigiSndMgr::openVoiceBundle() Don't know which bundle file to load");
@ -290,8 +290,8 @@ ImuseDigiSndMgr::soundStruct *ImuseDigiSndMgr::openSound(int32 soundId, const ch
assert(soundId >= 0);
int slot = allocSlot();
if (slot == -1) {
soundStruct *sound = allocSlot();
if (!sound) {
error("ImuseDigiSndMgr::openSound() can't alloc free sound slot");
@ -299,36 +299,36 @@ ImuseDigiSndMgr::soundStruct *ImuseDigiSndMgr::openSound(int32 soundId, const ch
byte *ptr = NULL;
if (soundName[0] == 0) {
_sounds[slot].name[0] = 0;
sound->name[0] = 0;
if ((soundType == IMUSE_RESOURCE)) {
_vm->ensureResourceLoaded(rtSound, soundId);
_vm->lock(rtSound, soundId);
ptr = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtSound, soundId);
if (ptr == NULL) {
return NULL;
_sounds[slot].resPtr = ptr;
_sounds[slot].soundId = soundId;
_sounds[slot].type = soundType;
_sounds[slot].volGroupId = volGroupId;
sound->resPtr = ptr;
sound->soundId = soundId;
sound->type = soundType;
sound->volGroupId = volGroupId;
result = true;
} else if (soundType == IMUSE_BUNDLE) {
bool header_outside = ((_vm->_gameId == GID_CMI) && !(_vm->_features & GF_DEMO));
if (volGroupId == IMUSE_VOLGRP_VOICE)
result = openVoiceBundle(slot, disk);
result = openVoiceBundle(sound, disk);
else if (volGroupId == IMUSE_VOLGRP_MUSIC)
result = openMusicBundle(slot, disk);
result = openMusicBundle(sound, disk);
error("ImuseDigiSndMgr::openSound() Don't know how load sound: %d", soundId);
if (!result) {
return NULL;
_sounds[slot].bundle->decompressSampleByIndex(soundId, 0, 0x2000, &ptr, 0, header_outside);
_sounds[slot].soundId = soundId;
_sounds[slot].type = soundType;
_sounds[slot].volGroupId = volGroupId;
sound->bundle->decompressSampleByIndex(soundId, 0, 0x2000, &ptr, 0, header_outside);
sound->soundId = soundId;
sound->type = soundType;
sound->volGroupId = volGroupId;
} else {
error("ImuseDigiSndMgr::openSound() Don't know how load sound: %d", soundId);
@ -336,20 +336,20 @@ ImuseDigiSndMgr::soundStruct *ImuseDigiSndMgr::openSound(int32 soundId, const ch
if (soundType == IMUSE_BUNDLE) {
bool header_outside = ((_vm->_gameId == GID_CMI) && !(_vm->_features & GF_DEMO));
if (volGroupId == IMUSE_VOLGRP_VOICE)
result = openVoiceBundle(slot, disk);
result = openVoiceBundle(sound, disk);
else if (volGroupId == IMUSE_VOLGRP_MUSIC)
result = openMusicBundle(slot, disk);
result = openMusicBundle(sound, disk);
error("ImuseDigiSndMgr::openSound() Don't know how load sound: %d", soundId);
if (!result) {
return NULL;
_sounds[slot].bundle->decompressSampleByName(soundName, 0, 0x2000, &ptr, header_outside);
strcpy(_sounds[slot].name, soundName);
_sounds[slot].soundId = soundId;
_sounds[slot].type = soundType;
_sounds[slot].volGroupId = volGroupId;
sound->bundle->decompressSampleByName(soundName, 0, 0x2000, &ptr, header_outside);
strcpy(sound->name, soundName);
sound->soundId = soundId;
sound->type = soundType;
sound->volGroupId = volGroupId;
} else {
error("ImuseDigiSndMgr::openSound() Don't know how load sound: %s", soundName);
@ -357,12 +357,12 @@ ImuseDigiSndMgr::soundStruct *ImuseDigiSndMgr::openSound(int32 soundId, const ch
if (result) {
if (ptr == NULL) {
return NULL;
_sounds[slot].disk = _disk;
prepareSound(ptr, slot);
return &_sounds[slot];
sound->disk = _disk;
prepareSound(ptr, sound);
return sound;
return NULL;

View File

@ -91,15 +91,15 @@ private:
soundStruct _sounds[MAX_IMUSE_SOUNDS];
bool checkForProperHandle(soundStruct *soundHandle);
int allocSlot();
void prepareSound(byte *ptr, int slot);
soundStruct *allocSlot();
void prepareSound(byte *ptr, soundStruct *sound);
ScummEngine *_vm;
byte _disk;
BundleDirCache *_cacheBundleDir;
bool openMusicBundle(int slot, int disk);
bool openVoiceBundle(int slot, int disk);
bool openMusicBundle(soundStruct *sound, int disk);
bool openVoiceBundle(soundStruct *sound, int disk);
void countElements(byte *ptr, int &numRegions, int &numJumps, int &numSyncs);