DREAMWEB: Added original sources. Released with permission from Neil Dodwell.

This commit is contained in:
Vladimir Menshakov 2011-06-15 17:53:45 +04:00 committed by Alyssa Milburn
parent ae8edebd65
commit 9599894a4b
20 changed files with 31050 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
;See LICENSE file for full license text
;----------------------------------------------Code to draw floor and panel----
Blockget proc near
mov ah,al
mov al,0
mov ds,backdrop
mov si,blocks
add si,ax
;--------------------------------------------------------Background display----
Drawfloor proc near
push es bx ;in case this was called during
call eraseoldobs ;some sprite update.
call drawflags
call calcmapad
call doblocks
call showallobs
call showallfree
call showallex
call paneltomap
call initrain
mov newobs,0
pop bx es
Calcmapad proc near
call getdimension
push cx dx
mov al,11
sub al,dl
sub al,cl
sub al,cl
mov bx,8
mul bx
add ax,mapoffsetx
mov mapadx,ax
pop dx cx
mov al,10
sub al,dh
sub al,ch
sub al,ch
mov bx,8
mul bx
add ax,mapoffsety
mov mapady,ax
Getdimension proc near ;Routine finds width, length
;and top corner of room
mov es,buffers
mov bx,mapflags
mov ch,0
dimloop1: call addalong
cmp al,0
jnz finishdim1
inc ch
jmp dimloop1 ;ch holds y of top corner
finishdim1: mov bx,mapflags
mov cl,0
dimloop2: push bx
call addlength
pop bx
cmp al,0
jnz finishdim2
inc cl
add bx,3
jmp dimloop2 ;cl holds x of top corner
finishdim2: mov bx,mapflags+(11*3*9)
mov dh,10
dimloop3: push bx
call addalong
pop bx
cmp al,0
jnz finishdim3
dec dh
sub bx,11*3
jmp dimloop3 ;dh holds y of bottom corner
finishdim3: mov bx,mapflags+(3*10)
mov dl,11
dimloop4: push bx
call addlength
pop bx
cmp al,0
jnz finishdim4
dec dl
sub bx,3
jmp dimloop4 ;dl holds x of bottom corner
finishdim4: mov al,cl ;cl holds x start
mov ah,0
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
mov mapxstart,ax
mov al,ch ;ch holds y start
mov ah,0
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
mov mapystart,ax
sub dl,cl
sub dh,ch
;dx holds x and y size of room
mov al,dl ;dl holds x size
mov ah,0
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
mov mapxsize,al
mov al,dh ;dh holds y size
mov ah,0
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
mov mapysize,al ;cx still holds top left corner
Addalong proc near
mov ah,11
addloop: cmp byte ptr [es:bx],0
jnz gotalong
add bx,3
dec ah
jnz addloop
mov al,0
gotalong: mov al,1
Addlength proc near
mov ah,10
addloop2: cmp byte ptr [es:bx],0
jnz gotlength
add bx,3*11
dec ah
jnz addloop2
mov al,0
gotlength: mov al,1
Drawflags proc near
mov es,buffers
mov di,mapflags
mov al,mapy
mov ah,0
mov cx,mapwidth
mul cx
mov bl,mapx
mov bh,0
add ax,bx
mov si,map
add si,ax
mov cx,10
$28: push cx
mov cx,11
$28a: mov ds,mapdata
mov ds,backdrop
push si ax
mov ah,0
add ax,ax
mov si,flags
add si,ax
pop ax
pop si
loop $28a
add si,mapwidth-11
pop cx
loop $28
;-------------------------------------------------------Set object printing----
Eraseoldobs proc near
cmp newobs,0
jz donterase
mov es,buffers
mov bx,spritetable
mov cx,16
oberase: push cx bx
mov ax,[es:bx+20]
cmp ax,0ffffh
jz notthisob
mov di,bx
mov al,255
mov cx,tablesize
rep stosb
notthisob: pop bx cx
add bx,tablesize
loop oberase
donterase: ret
Showallobs proc near
mov es,buffers
mov bx,setlist
mov listpos,bx
mov di,bx
mov cx,128*5
mov al,255
rep stosb
mov es,setframes
mov frsegment,es
mov ax,framedata
mov dataad,ax
mov ax,frames
mov framesad,ax
mov currentob,0
mov ds,setdat
mov si,0
mov cx,128
showobsloop: push cx si
push si
add si,58
mov es,setdat
call getmapad
pop si
cmp ch,0
jz blankframe
mov al,[es:si+18]
mov ah,0
mov currentframe,ax
cmp al,255
jz blankframe
push es si
call calcfrframe
call finalframe
pop si es
mov al,[es:si+18]
mov [es:si+17],al
cmp byte ptr [es:si+8],0
jnz animating
cmp byte ptr [es:si+5],5
jz animating
cmp byte ptr [es:si+5],6
jz animating
mov ax,currentframe
mov ah,0
add di,mapadx
add bx,mapady
call showframe
jmp drawnsetob
animating: call makebackob
drawnsetob: mov si,listpos
mov es,buffers
mov al,savex
mov ah,savey
mov [es:si],ax
mov cx,ax
mov ax,savesize
add al,cl
add ah,ch
mov [es:si+2],ax
mov al,currentob
mov [es:si+4],al
add si,5
mov listpos,si
blankframe: inc currentob
pop si cx
add si,64
dec cx
jz finishedsetobs
jmp showobsloop
finishedsetobs: ret
Makebackob proc near
cmp newobs,0
jz nomake
mov al,[es:si+5] ; priority
mov ah,[es:si+8] ; type - steady, constant,random,door etc.
push si ax si
mov ax,objectx
mov bx,objecty
mov ah,bl
mov si,ax
mov cx,offset cs:backobject
mov dx,setframes
mov di,framedata
call makesprite
pop ax
mov [es:bx+20],ax
pop ax
cmp al,255
jnz usedpriority ; forgotten to specify priority
mov al,0
usedpriority: mov [es:bx+23],al
mov [es:bx+30],ah
mov byte ptr [es:bx+16],0
mov byte ptr [es:bx+18],0
mov byte ptr [es:bx+19],0
pop si
nomake: ret
;------------------------------------------------------Free object printing----
Showallfree proc near
mov es,buffers
mov bx,freelist
mov listpos,bx
mov di,freelist
mov cx,80*5
mov al,255
rep stosb
mov es,freeframes
mov frsegment,es
mov ax,frframedata
mov dataad,ax
mov ax,frframes
mov framesad,ax
mov al,0
mov currentfree,al
mov ds,freedat
mov si,2
mov cx,0
loop127: push cx si
push si
mov es,freedat
call getmapad
pop si
cmp ch,0
jz over138
mov al,currentfree
mov ah,0
mov dx,ax
add ax,ax
add ax,dx
mov currentframe,ax
push es si
call calcfrframe
mov es,mapstore
mov ds,frsegment
call finalframe
pop si es
cmp cx,0
jz over138
mov ax,currentframe
mov ah,0
add di,mapadx
add bx,mapady
call showframe
mov si,listpos
mov es,buffers
mov al,savex
mov ah,savey
mov [es:si],ax
mov cx,ax
mov ax,savesize
add al,cl
add ah,ch
mov [es:si+2],ax
pop ax cx
push cx ax
mov [es:si+4],cl
add si,5
mov listpos,si
over138: inc currentfree
pop si cx
add si,16
inc cx
cmp cx,80
jz finfree
jmp loop127
finfree: ret
Showallex proc near
mov es,buffers
mov bx,exlist
mov listpos,bx
mov di,exlist
mov cx,100*5
mov al,255
rep stosb
mov es,extras
mov frsegment,es
mov ax,exframedata
mov dataad,ax
mov ax,exframes
mov framesad,ax
mov currentex,0
mov si,exdata+2
mov cx,0
exloop: push cx si
mov es,extras
push si
mov ch,0
cmp byte ptr [es:si],255
jz notinroom
mov al,[es:si-2]
cmp al,reallocation
jnz notinroom
call getmapad
notinroom: pop si
cmp ch,0
jz blankex
mov al,currentex
mov ah,0
mov dx,ax
add ax,ax
add ax,dx
mov currentframe,ax
push es si
call calcfrframe
mov es,mapstore
mov ds,frsegment
call finalframe
pop si es
cmp cx,0
jz blankex
mov ax,currentframe
mov ah,0
add di,mapadx
add bx,mapady
call showframe
mov si,listpos
mov es,buffers
mov al,savex
mov ah,savey
mov [es:si],ax
mov cx,ax
mov ax,savesize
add al,cl
add ah,ch
mov [es:si+2],ax
pop ax cx
push cx ax
mov [es:si+4],cl
add si,5
mov listpos,si
blankex: inc currentex
pop si cx
add si,16
inc cx
cmp cx,100
jz finex
jmp exloop
finex: ret
Calcfrframe proc near
mov dx,frsegment
mov ax,framesad
push ax
mov cx,dataad
mov ax,currentframe
mov ds,dx
mov bx,6
mul bx
add ax,cx
mov bx,ax
mov cx,[bx]
mov ax,[bx+2]
mov dx,[bx+4]
pop bx
push dx
add ax,bx ;ax=source add, cx=x,y
;need this later
mov savesource,ax
mov savesize,cx
pop ax
push ax
mov ah,0
mov offsetx,ax
pop ax
mov al,ah
mov ah,0
mov offsety,ax
nullframe: pop ax
mov cx,0
mov savesize,cx
Finalframe proc near
mov ax,objecty
add ax,offsety
mov bx,objectx
add bx,offsetx
mov savex,bl
mov savey,al
mov di,objectx
mov bx,objecty
Adjustlen proc near
mov ah,al
add al,ch
cmp al,100
jc over242
mov al,224
sub al,ch
mov ch,al
over242: ret
Getmapad proc near
call getxad
cmp ch,0
jz over146
mov objectx,ax
call getyad
cmp ch,0
jz over146
mov objecty,ax
mov ch,1
over146: ret
Getxad proc near
mov cl,[es:si]
inc si
mov al,[es:si]
inc si
mov ah,[es:si]
inc si
cmp cl,0
jnz over148
sub al,mapx
jc over148
cmp al,11
jnc over148
mov cl,4
shl al,cl
or al,ah
mov ah,0
mov ch,1
over148: mov ch,0
Getyad proc near
mov al,[es:si]
inc si
mov ah,[es:si]
inc si
sub al,mapy
jc over147
cmp al,10
jnc over147
mov cl,4
shl al,cl
or al,ah
mov ah,0
mov ch,1
over147: mov ch,0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
;See LICENSE file for full license text
if debuglevel2
Debugkeys proc near
Debugstart proc near
call allpalette
mov reeltohold,-1
mov newlocation,23
mov dreamnumber,0
mov al,"W"
mov ah,"S"
mov cl,"H"
mov ch,"D"
call findexobject
mov byte ptr [es:bx+12],"S"-"A"
mov byte ptr [es:bx+13],"C"-"A"
mov byte ptr [es:bx+14],"R"-"A"
mov byte ptr [es:bx+15],"W"-"A"
mov al,"W"
mov ah,"E"
mov cl,"T"
mov ch,"A"
call findexobject
mov byte ptr [es:bx+12],"G"-"A"
mov byte ptr [es:bx+13],"U"-"A"
mov byte ptr [es:bx+14],"N"-"A"
mov byte ptr [es:bx+15],"A"-"A"
mov al,"W"
mov ah,"E"
mov cl,"T"
mov ch,"B"
call findexobject
mov byte ptr [es:bx+12],"S"-"A"
mov byte ptr [es:bx+13],"H"-"A"
mov byte ptr [es:bx+14],"L"-"A"
mov byte ptr [es:bx+15],"D"-"A"
mov card1money,12342
Debuggreen proc near
push ax dx
mov al,0
mov dx,3c8h
out dx,al
mov dx,3c9h
mov al,0
out dx,al
mov al,63
out dx,al
mov al,0
out dx,al
pop dx ax
Debugred proc near
push ax dx
mov al,0
mov dx,3c8h
out dx,al
mov dx,3c9h
mov al,63
out dx,al
mov al,0
out dx,al
mov al,0
out dx,al
pop dx ax
Debugblue proc near
push ax dx
mov al,0
mov dx,3c8h
out dx,al
mov dx,3c9h
mov al,0
out dx,al
mov al,0
out dx,al
mov al,63
out dx,al
pop dx ax
Debugblack proc near
push dx ax
mov al,0
mov dx,3c8h
out dx,al
mov dx,3c9h
mov al,0
out dx,al
mov al,0
out dx,al
mov al,0
out dx,al
pop ax dx
Debug proc near
push ds dx cx
mov ah,3ch
mov cx,0
mov dx,seg filenamed
mov ds,dx
mov dx,offset filenamed
int 21h
mov bx,ax
pop cx dx ds
push bx
mov ah,40h
int 21h
pop bx
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
filenamed db "DREAMWEB.TXT",0
Shout proc near
push ax bx cx dx si di es ds
call debugblue
mov cx,50
call hangon
call debugblack
mov cx,10
call hangon
pop ds es di si dx cx bx ax
Shoutred proc near
push ax bx cx dx si di es ds
call debugred
mov cx,4
call hangon
call debugblack
mov cx,40
call hangon
pop ds es di si dx cx bx ax
Shoutgreen proc near
push ax bx cx dx si di es ds
call debuggreen
mov cx,4
call hangon
call debugblack
mov cx,40
call hangon
pop ds es di si dx cx bx ax
;Checkmemingame proc near
; cmp charset1,0
; jz nodebug
; mov bx,60000
; mov ah,48h
; int 21h
; mov ax,bx
; mov cl,6
; shr ax,cl
; mov di,offset cs:debugtextig
; call showword
; mov ax,soundbufferwrite
; ;mov ax,exframepos
; mov di,offset cs:debugtextex
; call showword
; ;mov ax,extextpos
; ;mov di,offset cs:debugtextex2
; ;call showword
; push cs
; pop es
; mov si,offset cs:debugtextig
; mov al,0
; mov ah,0
; mov dl,100
; mov di,204
; mov bx,14
; call printdirect
; push cs
; pop es
; mov si,offset cs:debugtextex
; mov al,0
; mov ah,0
; mov dl,100
; mov di,204
; mov bx,22
; call printdirect
; push cs
; pop es
; mov si,offset cs:debugtextex2
; mov al,0
; mov ah,0
; mov dl,100
; mov di,204
; mov bx,30
; call printdirect
; mov di,204
; mov bx,14
; mov cl,40
; mov ch,24
; call multidump
;nodebug: ret
debugtextig: db "00000K",0
debugtextex: db "00000b",0
debugtextex2: db "00000b",0
if recording
mov ax,recordpos
mov di,offset cs:debugtextr
call showword
mov al,0
call print
dw 4,4,100
debugtextr: db "00000",0
mov si,0
mov di,0
mov cl,40
mov ch,12
call multidump
;Debugax proc near
; push ax
; call showpanel
; pop ax
; mov di,offset cs:debugaxtext
; call showword
; mov di,204
; mov bx,14
; mov al,0
; mov ah,0
; mov dl,100
; push cs
; pop es
; mov si,offset cs:debugaxtext
; call printdirect
; mov di,204
; mov bx,14
; mov cl,40
; mov ch,24
; call multidump
; ret
;debugaxtext db "00000 ",0
; endp

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
;See LICENSE file for full license text
Autolook proc near
mov ax,mousex
cmp ax,oldx
jnz diffmouse
mov ax,mousey
cmp ax,oldy
jnz diffmouse
dec lookcounter
cmp lookcounter,0
jnz noautolook
cmp watchingtime,0
jnz noautolook
call dolook
noautolook: ret
diffmouse: mov lookcounter,1000
Look proc near
cmp watchingtime,0
jnz blank
cmp pointermode,2
jz blank
cmp commandtype,241
jz alreadylook
mov commandtype,241
mov al,25
call commandonly
alreadylook: cmp mousebutton,1
jnz nolook
mov ax,mousebutton
cmp ax,oldbutton
jz nolook
call dolook
nolook: ret
Dolook proc near
call createpanel
call showicon
call undertextline
call worktoscreenm
mov commandtype,255
call dumptextline
mov bl,roomnum
and bl,31
mov bh,0
add bx,bx
mov es,roomdesc
add bx,intextdat
mov si,[es:bx]
add si,intext
call findnextcolon
mov di,66
cmp reallocation,50
jc notdream3
mov di,40
notdream3: mov bx,80
mov dl,241
call printslow
cmp al,1
jz afterlook
mov cx,400
call hangonp
afterlook: mov pointermode,0
mov commandtype,0
call redrawmainscrn
call worktoscreenm
Redrawmainscrn proc near
mov timecount,0
call createpanel
mov newobs,0
call drawfloor
call printsprites
call reelsonscreen
call showicon
call getunderzoom
call undertextline
call readmouse
mov commandtype,255
Getback1 proc near
cmp pickup,0
jz notgotobject
call blank
notgotobject: cmp commandtype,202
jz alreadyget
mov commandtype,202
mov al,26
call commandonly
alreadyget: mov ax,mousebutton
cmp ax,oldbutton
jz nogetback
and ax,1
jnz dogetback
nogetback: ret
dogetback: mov getback,1
mov pickup,0

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
;See LICENSE file for full license text
;----------------------------------------------------Choosing a new location----
Newplace proc near
cmp needtotravel,1
jz istravel
cmp autolocation,-1
jnz isautoloc
isautoloc: mov al,autolocation
mov newlocation,al
mov autolocation,-1
istravel: mov needtotravel,0
call selectlocation
Selectlocation proc near
mov inmaparea,0
call clearbeforeload
mov getback,0
mov pointerframe,22
call readcitypic
call showcity
call getridoftemp
call readdesticon
call loadtraveltext
call showpanel
call showman
call showarrows
call showexit
call locationpic
call undertextline
mov commandtype,255
call readmouse
mov pointerframe,0
call showpointer
call worktoscreen
mov al,9
mov ah,255
call playchannel0
mov newlocation,255
select: call delpointer
call readmouse
call showpointer
call vsync
call dumppointer
call dumptextline
cmp getback,1
jz quittravel
mov bx,offset cs:destlist
call checkcoords
cmp newlocation,255
jz select
mov al,newlocation
cmp al,location
jz quittravel
call getridoftemp
call getridoftemp2
call getridoftemp3
mov es,traveltext
call deallocatemem
quittravel: mov al,reallocation ; was just location
mov newlocation,al
mov getback,0
call getridoftemp
call getridoftemp2
call getridoftemp3
mov es,traveltext
call deallocatemem
destlist: dw 238,258,4,44,nextdest
dw 104,124,4,44,lastdest
dw 280,308,4,44,lookatplace
dw 104,216,138,192,destselect
dw 273,320,157,198,getback1
dw 0,320,0,200,blank
dw 0ffffh
Showcity proc near
call clearwork
mov ds,tempgraphics
mov di,57
mov bx,32
mov al,0
mov ah,0
call showframe
mov ds,tempgraphics
mov di,120+57
mov bx,32
mov al,1
mov ah,0
call showframe
Lookatplace proc near
cmp commandtype,224
jz alreadyinfo
mov commandtype,224
mov al,27
call commandonly
alreadyinfo: mov ax,mousebutton
and ax,1
jz noinfo
cmp ax,oldbutton
jz noinfo
mov bl,destpos
cmp bl,15
jnc noinfo
push bx
call delpointer
call deltextline
call getundercentre
mov ds,tempgraphics3
mov al,0
mov ah,0
mov di,60
mov bx,72
call showframe
mov al,4
mov ah,0
mov di,60
mov bx,72+55
call showframe
if foreign
mov al,4
mov ah,0
mov di,60
mov bx,72+55+21
call showframe
pop bx
mov bh,0
add bx,bx
mov es,traveltext
mov si,[es:bx]
add si,textstart
call findnextcolon
mov di,63
if foreign
mov bx,84+4
mov bx,84
mov dl,191
mov al,0
mov ah,0
call printdirect
call worktoscreenm
mov cx,500
call hangonp
afterinfo: mov pointermode,0
mov pointerframe,0
call putundercentre
call worktoscreenm
noinfo: ret
Getundercentre proc near
mov di,58
mov bx,72
mov ds,mapstore
mov si,0
mov cl,254
mov ch,110
call multiget
Putundercentre proc near
mov di,58
mov bx,72
mov ds,mapstore
mov si,0
mov cl,254
mov ch,110
call multiput
Locationpic proc near
call getdestinfo
mov al,[es:si]
push es si
mov di,0
cmp al,6
jnc secondlot
mov ds,tempgraphics
add al,4
jmp gotgraphic
secondlot: sub al,6
mov ds,tempgraphics2
gotgraphic: add di,104
mov bx,138+14
mov ah,0
call showframe
pop si es
mov al,destpos
cmp al,reallocation
jnz notinthisone
mov al,3
mov di,104
mov bx,140+14
mov ds,tempgraphics
mov ah,0
call showframe
notinthisone: mov bl,destpos
mov bh,0
add bx,bx
mov es,traveltext
mov si,[es:bx]
add si,textstart
mov di,50
mov bx,20
mov dl,241
mov al,0
mov ah,0
call printdirect
Getdestinfo proc near
mov al,destpos
mov ah,0
push ax
mov dx,seg roomscango
mov es,dx
mov si,offset es:roomscango
add si,ax
mov cl,[es:si]
pop ax
push cx
mov dx,seg roompics
mov es,dx
mov si,offset es:roompics
add si,ax
pop ax
Showarrows proc near
mov di,116-12
mov bx,16
mov ds,tempgraphics
mov al,0
mov ah,0
call showframe
mov di,226+12
mov bx,16
mov ds,tempgraphics
mov al,1
mov ah,0
call showframe
mov di,280
mov bx,14
mov ds,tempgraphics
mov al,2
mov ah,0
call showframe
Nextdest proc near
duok: cmp commandtype,218
jz alreadydu
mov commandtype,218
mov al,28
call commandonly
alreadydu: mov ax,mousebutton
and ax,1
jz nodu
cmp ax,oldbutton
jz nodu
searchdestup: inc destpos
cmp destpos,15
jnz notlastdest
mov destpos,0
notlastdest: call getdestinfo
cmp al,0
jz searchdestup
mov newtextline,1
call deltextline
call delpointer
call showpanel
call showman
call showarrows
call locationpic
call undertextline
call readmouse
call showpointer
call worktoscreen
call delpointer
nodu: ret
Lastdest proc near
ddok: cmp commandtype,219
jz alreadydd
mov commandtype,219
mov al,29
call commandonly
alreadydd: mov ax,mousebutton
and ax,1
jz nodd
cmp ax,oldbutton
jz nodd
searchdestdown: dec destpos
cmp destpos,-1
jnz notfirstdest
mov destpos,15
notfirstdest: call getdestinfo
cmp al,0
jz searchdestdown
mov newtextline,1
call deltextline
call delpointer
call showpanel
call showman
call showarrows
call locationpic
call undertextline
call readmouse
call showpointer
call worktoscreen
call delpointer
nodd: ret
Destselect proc near
cmp commandtype,222
jz alreadytrav
mov commandtype,222
mov al,30
call commandonly
alreadytrav: mov ax,mousebutton
and ax,1
jz notrav
cmp ax,oldbutton
jz notrav
call getdestinfo
mov al,destpos
mov newlocation,al
notrav: ret
Getlocation proc near
mov ah,0
mov bx,ax
mov dx,seg roomscango
mov es,dx
add bx,offset es:roomscango
mov al,[es:bx]
Setlocation proc near ;makes a location accessable
mov ah,0
mov bx,ax
mov dx,seg roomscango
mov es,dx
add bx,offset es:roomscango
mov byte ptr [es:bx],1
Resetlocation proc near ;makes a location inaccessable
push ax
cmp al,5
jnz notdelhotel
call purgealocation
mov al,21
call purgealocation
mov al,22
call purgealocation
mov al,27
call purgealocation
jmp clearedlocations
notdelhotel: cmp al,8
jnz notdeltvstud
call purgealocation
mov al,28
call purgealocation
jmp clearedlocations
notdeltvstud: cmp al,6
jnz notdelsarters
call purgealocation
mov al,20
call purgealocation
mov al,25
call purgealocation
jmp clearedlocations
notdelsarters: cmp al,13
jnz notdelboathouse
call purgealocation
mov al,29
call purgealocation
jmp clearedlocations
clearedlocations: pop ax
mov ah,0
mov bx,ax
mov dx,seg roomscango
mov es,dx
add bx,offset es:roomscango
mov byte ptr [es:bx],0
Readdesticon proc near
mov dx,offset cs:travelgraphic1
call loadintotemp
mov dx,offset cs:travelgraphic2
call loadintotemp2
mov dx,offset cs:icongraphics8
call loadintotemp3
Readcitypic proc near
mov dx,offset cs:cityname
call loadintotemp

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
;See LICENSE file for full license text
Printchar proc near
cmp al,255
jz ignoreit
push si bx di
if foreign
sub bx,3
push ax
sub al,32 ;"A"
mov ah,0
add ax,charshift
call showframe
pop ax di bx si
cmp kerning,0
jnz nokern
call kernchars
nokern: push cx
mov ch,0
add di,cx
pop cx
;dec di
ignoreit: ret
Kernchars proc near
;sub al,13
cmp al,"a"
jz iskern
cmp al,"u"
jz iskern
iskern: cmp ah,"n"
jz kernit
cmp ah,"t"
jz kernit
cmp ah,"r"
jz kernit
cmp ah,"i"
jz kernit
cmp ah,"l"
jz kernit
kernit: dec cl
;------------------------------------------------Proportional text printing----
;Memprint proc near
; call usecharset1
; push ax bx cx dx es ds si di
; call deltextline
; pop di si ds es dx cx bx ax
; pop si
; push cs
; pop es
; inc si
; mov ds,currentset
; mov di,textaddressx
; mov bx,textaddressy
; mov dl,textlen
; mov al,0
; mov ah,0
; call printdirect
; push si
; mov newtextline,1
; ret
; endp
;------------------------------------------------Proportional text printing----
;Print proc near
; pop si
; mov bx,[cs:si+2]
; mov di,[cs:si+0]
; mov dl,[cs:si+4]
; add si,6
; mov ds,currentset
;printloop2: push bx di dx
; push es cs
; pop es
; call getnumber
; pop es
; mov ch,0
;printloop1: mov ax,[cs:si]
; inc si
; cmp al,0
; jz finishprint
; push cx es
; call modifychar
; call printchar
; pop es cx
; loop printloop1
; pop dx di bx
; add bx,linespacing
; jmp printloop2
;finishprint: pop dx di bx
; push si
; ret
; endp
Printslow proc near
mov pointerframe,1
mov pointermode,3
mov ds,charset1
printloopslow6: push bx di dx
call getnumber
mov ch,0
printloopslow5: push cx si es
mov ax,[es:si]
push bx cx es si ds
if foreign
call modifychar
call printboth
pop ds si es cx bx
mov ax,[es:si+1]
inc si
cmp al,0
jz finishslow
cmp al,":"
jz finishslow
cmp cl,1
jz afterslow
push di ds bx cx es si
if foreign
call modifychar
mov charshift,91
call printboth
mov charshift,0
pop si es cx bx ds di
call waitframes
cmp ax,0
jz keepgoing
cmp ax,oldbutton
jnz finishslow2
keepgoing: call waitframes
noslow: cmp ax,0
jz afterslow
cmp ax,oldbutton
jnz finishslow2 ;used to finish early
afterslow: pop es si cx
inc si
loop printloopslow5
pop dx di bx
add bx,10
jmp printloopslow6
finishslow: pop es si cx dx di bx
mov al,0
finishslow2: pop es si cx dx di bx
mov al,1
Waitframes proc near
push di bx es si ds
call readmouse
call showpointer
call vsync
call dumppointer
call delpointer
mov ax,mousebutton
pop ds si es bx di
Printboth proc near
push ax cx bx
push di
call printchar
pop ax
push di
mov di,ax
call multidump
pop di
pop bx cx ax
Printdirect proc near
mov lastxpos,di
mov ds,currentset
printloop6: push bx di dx
call getnumber
mov ch,0
printloop5: mov ax,[es:si]
inc si
cmp al,0
jz finishdirct
cmp al,":"
jz finishdirct
push cx es
if foreign
call modifychar
call printchar
mov lastxpos,di
pop es cx
loop printloop5
pop dx di bx
add bx,linespacing
jmp printloop6
finishdirct: pop dx di bx
Monprint proc near
mov kerning,1
mov si,bx
mov dl,166
mov di,monadx
mov bx,monady
mov ds,tempcharset
printloop8: push bx di dx
call getnumber
mov ch,0
printloop7: mov al,[es:si]
inc si
cmp al,":"
jz finishmon2
cmp al,0
jz finishmon
cmp al,34
jz finishmon
cmp al,"="
jz finishmon
cmp al,"%"
jnz nottrigger
mov ah,[es:si]
inc si
inc si
jmp finishmon
nottrigger: push cx es
if foreign
call modifychar
call printchar
mov curslocx,di
mov curslocy,bx
mov maintimer,1
call printcurs
call vsync
push si dx ds es bx di
call lockmon
pop di bx es ds dx si
call delcurs
pop es cx
loop printloop7
finishmon2: pop dx di bx
call scrollmonitor
mov curslocx,di
jmp printloop8
finishmon: pop dx di bx
cmp al,"%"
jnz nottrigger2
mov lasttrigger,ah
nottrigger2: mov curslocx,di
call scrollmonitor
mov bx,si
mov kerning,0
Getnumber proc near
mov cx,0
push si bx di ds es
mov di,si
wordloop: push cx dx
call getnextword
pop dx cx
cmp al,1
jz endoftext
mov al,cl
mov ah,0
push bx
mov bh,0
add ax,bx
pop bx
sub ax,10
mov dh,0
cmp ax,dx
jnc gotoverend
add cl,bl
add ch,bh
jmp wordloop
gotoverend: mov al,dl
and al,1
jz notcentre
push cx
mov al,dl
and al,11111110b
mov ah,0
mov ch,0
sub ax,cx
add ax,20
shr ax,1
pop cx
pop es ds di bx si
add di,ax
mov cl,ch
notcentre: pop es ds di bx si
mov cl,ch
endoftext: mov al,cl
mov ah,0
push bx
mov bh,0
add ax,bx
pop bx
sub ax,10
mov dh,0
cmp ax,dx
jnc gotoverend2
add cl,bl
add ch,bh
gotoverend2: mov al,dl
and al,1
jz notcent2
push cx
mov al,dl
and al,11111110b
add al,2
mov ah,0
mov ch,0
add ax,20
sub ax,cx
shr ax,1
pop cx
pop es ds di bx si
add di,ax
mov cl,ch
notcent2: pop es ds di bx si
mov cl,ch
Getnextword proc near
mov bx,0
getloop: mov ax,[es:di]
inc di
inc bh
cmp al,":"
jz endall
cmp al,0
jz endall
cmp al,32
jz endword
if foreign
call modifychar
cmp al,255
jz getloop
push ax
sub al,32 ;"A"
mov ah,0
add ax,charshift
add ax,ax
mov si,ax
add ax,ax
add si,ax
mov cl,[si+0]
pop ax
call kernchars
add bl,cl
;dec bl
jmp getloop
endword: add bl,6
mov al,0
endall: add bl,6
mov al,1
if german
Modifychar proc near
cmp al,128
jc nomod
cmp al,129
jnz not129
mov al,"Z"+3
not129: cmp al,132
jnz not132
mov al,"Z"+1
not132: cmp al,142
jnz not142
mov al,"Z"+4
not142: cmp al,154
jnz not154
mov al,"Z"+6
not154: cmp al,225
jnz not225
mov al,"A"-1
not225: cmp al,153
jnz not153
mov al,"Z"+5
not153: cmp al,148
jnz not148
mov al,"Z"+2
not148: ret
nomod: ret
if spanish
Modifychar proc near
cmp al,128
jc nomod
cmp al,160
jnz not160
mov al,"Z"+1
not160: cmp al,130
jnz not130
mov al,"Z"+2
not130: cmp al,161
jnz not161
mov al,"Z"+3
not161: cmp al,162
jnz not162
mov al,"Z"+4
not162: cmp al,163
jnz not163
mov al,"Z"+5
not163: cmp al,164
jnz not164
mov al,"Z"+6
not164: cmp al,165
jnz not165
mov al,","-1
not165: cmp al,168
jnz not168
mov al,"A"-1
not168: cmp al,173
jnz not173
mov al,"A"-4
not173: cmp al,129
jnz not129
mov al,"A"-5
not129: ret
nomod: ret

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
;See LICENSE file for full license text
Talk proc near
mov talkpos,0
mov inmaparea,0
mov al,command
mov character,al
call createpanel
call showpanel
call showman
call showexit
call undertextline
call convicons
call starttalk
mov commandtype,255
call readmouse
call showpointer
call worktoscreen
waittalk: call delpointer
call readmouse
call animpointer
call showpointer
call vsync
call dumppointer
call dumptextline
mov getback,0
mov bx,offset cs:talklist
call checkcoords
cmp getback,0
jz waittalk
finishtalk: mov bx,persondata
push cs
pop es
cmp talkpos,4
jc notnexttalk
mov al,[es:bx+7]
or al,128
mov [es:bx+7],al
notnexttalk: call redrawmainscrn
call worktoscreenm
cmp speechloaded,1
jnz nospeech
call cancelch1
mov volumedirection,-1 ;fade (louder)
mov volumeto,0 ;up to 0 (max)
nospeech: ret
talklist: dw 273,320,157,198,getback1
dw 240,290,2,44,moretalk
dw 0,320,0,200,blank
dw 0ffffh
Convicons proc near
mov al,character
and al,127
call getpersframe
mov di,234
mov bx,2
mov currentframe,ax
call findsource
mov ax,currentframe
sub ax,takeoff
mov ah,0
call showframe
Getpersframe proc near
mov ah,0
add ax,ax
mov bx,ax
mov es,people
add bx,personframes
mov ax,[es:bx]
Starttalk proc near
mov talkmode,0
mov al,character
and al,127
call getpersontext
mov charshift,91+91
mov di,66
mov bx,64
mov dl,241
mov al,0
mov ah,79
call printdirect
mov charshift,0
mov di,66
mov bx,80
mov dl,241
mov al,0
mov ah,0
call printdirect
if cd
mov speechloaded,0
mov al,character
and al,127
mov ah,0
mov cx,64
mul cx
mov cl,"C"
mov dl,"R"
mov dh,reallocation
call loadspeech
cmp speechloaded,1
jnz nospeech1
mov volumedirection,1 ;quieter
mov volumeto,6 ;quite quiet!
mov al,50+12
call playchannel1
nospeech1: ret
Getpersontext proc near
mov ah,0
mov cx,64*2
mul cx
mov si,ax
mov es,people
add si,persontxtdat
mov cx,persontext
mov ax,[es:si]
add ax,cx
mov si,ax
Moretalk proc near
;cmp ch1playing,255
;jnz cantredes
cmp talkmode,0
jz canmore
call redes
canmore: cmp commandtype,215
jz alreadymore
mov commandtype,215
mov al,49
call commandonly
alreadymore: mov ax,mousebutton
cmp ax,oldbutton
jz nomore
and ax,1
jnz domoretalk
nomore: ret
domoretalk: mov talkmode,2
mov talkpos,4
cmp character,100
jc notsecondpart
mov talkpos,48
notsecondpart: call dosometalk
Dosometalk proc near
if cd
dospeech: mov al,talkpos
mov al,character
and al,127
mov ah,0
mov cx,64
mul cx
mov cx,ax
mov al,talkpos
mov ah,0
add ax,cx
add ax,ax
mov si,ax
mov es,people
add si,persontxtdat
mov cx,persontext
mov ax,[es:si]
add ax,cx
mov si,ax
cmp byte ptr [es:si],0
jz endheartalk
push es si
call createpanel
call showpanel
call showman
call showexit
call convicons
pop si es
mov di,164
mov bx,64
mov dl,144
mov al,0
mov ah,0
call printdirect
mov al,character
and al,127
mov ah,0
mov cx,64
mul cx
mov cl,talkpos
mov ch,0
add ax,cx
mov cl,"C"
mov dl,"R"
mov dh,reallocation
call loadspeech
cmp speechloaded,0
jz noplay1
mov al,62
call playchannel1
noplay1: mov pointermode,3
call worktoscreenm
mov cx,180
call hangonpq
jnc $1
inc talkpos
mov al,talkpos
mov al,character
and al,127
mov ah,0
mov cx,64
mul cx
mov cx,ax
mov al,talkpos
mov ah,0
add ax,cx
add ax,ax
mov si,ax
mov es,people
add si,persontxtdat
mov cx,persontext
mov ax,[es:si]
add ax,cx
mov si,ax
cmp byte ptr [es:si],0
jz endheartalk
cmp byte ptr [es:si],":"
jz skiptalk2
cmp byte ptr [es:si],32
jz skiptalk2
push es si
call createpanel
call showpanel
call showman
call showexit
call convicons
pop si es
mov di,48
mov bx,128
mov dl,144
mov al,0
mov ah,0
call printdirect
mov al,character
and al,127
mov ah,0
mov cx,64
mul cx
mov cl,talkpos
mov ch,0
add ax,cx
mov cl,"C"
mov dl,"R"
mov dh,reallocation
call loadspeech
cmp speechloaded,0
jz noplay2
mov al,62
call playchannel1
noplay2: mov pointermode,3
call worktoscreenm
mov cx,180
call hangonpq
jnc skiptalk2
skiptalk2: inc talkpos
jmp dospeech
endheartalk: mov pointermode,0
watchtalk: mov al,talkpos
mov al,character
and al,127
mov ah,0
mov cx,64
mul cx
mov cx,ax
mov al,talkpos
mov ah,0
add ax,cx
add ax,ax
mov si,ax
mov es,people
add si,persontxtdat
mov cx,persontext
mov ax,[es:si]
add ax,cx
mov si,ax
cmp byte ptr [es:si],0
jz endwatchtalk
push es si
call createpanel
call showpanel
call showman
call showexit
call convicons
pop si es
mov di,164
mov bx,64
mov dl,144
mov al,0
mov ah,0
call printdirect
mov pointermode,3
call worktoscreenm
mov cx,180
call hangonpq
jnc $1
inc talkpos
mov al,talkpos
mov al,character
and al,127
mov ah,0
mov cx,64
mul cx
mov cx,ax
mov al,talkpos
mov ah,0
add ax,cx
add ax,ax
mov si,ax
mov es,people
add si,persontxtdat
mov cx,persontext
mov ax,[es:si]
add ax,cx
mov si,ax
cmp byte ptr [es:si],0
jz endwatchtalk
cmp byte ptr [es:si],":"
jz skiptalk
cmp byte ptr [es:si],32
jz skiptalk
push es si
call createpanel
call showpanel
call showman
call showexit
call convicons
pop si es
mov di,48
mov bx,128
mov dl,144
mov al,0
mov ah,0
call printdirect
mov pointermode,3
call worktoscreenm
mov cx,180
call hangonpq
jnc skiptalk
skiptalk: inc talkpos
jmp watchtalk
endwatchtalk: mov pointermode,0
Hangonpq proc near
mov getback,0
mov bx,0
hangloopq: push cx bx
call delpointer
call readmouse
call animpointer
call showpointer
call vsync
call dumppointer
call dumptextline
mov bx,offset cs:quitlist
call checkcoords
pop bx cx
cmp getback,1
jz quitconv
cmp speechloaded,1
jnz notspeaking
cmp ch1playing,255
jnz notspeaking
inc bx
cmp bx,40 ;pause after speech ends
jz finishconv
notspeaking: cmp mousebutton,0
jz hangloopq
cmp oldbutton,0
jnz hangloopq
finishconv: call delpointer
mov pointermode,0
quitconv: call delpointer
mov pointermode,0
call cancelch1
quitlist: dw 273,320,157,198,getback1
dw 0,320,0,200,blank
dw 0ffffh
Redes proc near
cmp ch1playing,255
jnz cantredes
cmp talkmode,2
jz canredes
cantredes: call blank
canredes: cmp commandtype,217
jz alreadyreds
mov commandtype,217
mov al,50
call commandonly
alreadyreds: mov ax,mousebutton
and ax,1
jnz doredes
doredes: call delpointer
call createpanel
call showpanel
call showman
call showexit
call convicons
call starttalk
call readmouse
call showpointer
call worktoscreen
call delpointer

View File

@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
;See LICENSE file for full license text
Titles proc near
if demo
call clearpalette
call biblequote
call intro
Endgame proc near
mov dx,offset cs:endtextname
call loadtemptext
call monkspeaking
call gettingshot
call getridoftemptext
mov volumeto,7
mov volumedirection,1
mov cx,200
call hangon
if cd
Monkspeaking proc near
mov roomssample,35
call loadroomssample
mov dx,offset cs:monkface
call loadintotemp
call clearwork ;createpanel2
call showmonk
call worktoscreen
mov volume,7
mov volumedirection,-1
mov volumeto,5
mov al,12
mov ah,255
call playchannel0
call fadescreenups
mov cx,300
call hangon
mov al,40
loadspeech2: push ax
mov dl,"T"
mov dh,83
mov cl,"T"
mov ah,0
call loadspeech
mov al,50+12
call playchannel1
call vsync
cmp ch1playing,255
jnz notloadspeech2
pop ax
inc al
cmp al,48
jnz loadspeech2
mov volumedirection,1
mov volumeto,7
call fadescreendowns
mov cx,300
call hangon
call getridoftemp
Monkspeaking proc near
mov roomssample,35
call loadroomssample
mov dx,offset cs:monkface
call loadintotemp
call clearwork ;createpanel2
call showmonk
call worktoscreen
mov volume,7
mov volumedirection,-1
mov volumeto,0
mov al,12
mov ah,255
call playchannel0
call fadescreenups
mov cx,300
call hangon
mov al,40
nextmonkspeak: push ax
mov ah,0
mov si,ax
add si,si
mov es,textfile1
mov ax,[es:si]
add ax,textstart
mov si,ax
nextbit: mov di,36
mov bx,140
mov dl,239
call printdirect
push ax si es
call worktoscreen
call clearwork
call showmonk
mov cx,240
call hangon
pop es si ax
cmp al,0
jnz nextbit
pop ax
inc al
cmp al,44
jnz nextmonkspeak
mov volumedirection,1
mov volumeto,7
call fadescreendowns
mov cx,300
call hangon
call getridoftemp
Showmonk proc near
mov al,0
mov ah,128
mov di,160
mov bx,72
mov ds,tempgraphics
call showframe
Gettingshot proc near
mov newlocation,55
call clearpalette
call loadintroroom
call fadescreenups
mov volumeto,0
mov volumedirection,-1
call runendseq
call clearbeforeload
Credits proc near
call clearpalette
call realcredits
Biblequote proc near
call mode640x480
mov dx,offset cs:title0graphics
call showpcx
call fadescreenups
mov cx,80
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz biblequotearly
mov cx,560
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz biblequotearly
call fadescreendowns
mov cx,200 ;128
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz biblequotearly
call cancelch0
mov lasthardkey,0
Hangone proc near
hangonloope: push cx
call vsync
pop cx
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz hangonearly
loop hangonloope
Intro proc near
mov dx,offset cs:introtextname
call loadtemptext
call loadpalfromiff
call setmode
mov newlocation,50
call clearpalette
call loadintroroom
mov volume,7
mov volumedirection,-1
if cd
mov volumeto,4
mov volumeto,0
mov al,12 ;4
mov ah,255
call playchannel0
call fadescreenups
call runintroseq
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz introearly
;waitsound: cmp ch1blockstoplay,0
; jnz waitsound
call clearbeforeload
mov newlocation,52
call loadintroroom
call runintroseq
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz introearly
call clearbeforeload
mov newlocation,53
call loadintroroom
call runintroseq
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz introearly
call clearbeforeload
call allpalette
mov newlocation,54
call loadintroroom
;mov al,12
;mov ah,255
;call playchannel0
call runintroseq
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz introearly
call getridoftemptext
call clearbeforeload
mov lasthardkey, 0
Runintroseq proc near
mov getback,0
moreintroseq: call vsync
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz earlyendrun
call spriteupdate
call vsync
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz earlyendrun
call deleverything
call printsprites
call reelsonscreen
call afterintroroom
call usetimedtext
call vsync
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz earlyendrun
call dumpmap
call dumptimedtext
call vsync
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz earlyendrun
cmp getback,1
jnz moreintroseq
call getridoftemptext
call clearbeforeload
Runendseq proc near
call atmospheres
mov getback,0
moreendseq: call vsync
call spriteupdate
call vsync
call deleverything
call printsprites
call reelsonscreen
call afterintroroom
call usetimedtext
call vsync
call dumpmap
call dumptimedtext
call vsync
cmp getback,1
jnz moreendseq
Loadintroroom proc near
mov introcount,0
mov location,255
call loadroom
mov mapoffsetx,72
mov mapoffsety,16
call clearsprites
mov throughdoor,0
mov currentkey,"0"
mov mainmode,0
call clearwork
mov newobs,1
call drawfloor
call reelsonscreen
call spriteupdate
call printsprites
call worktoscreen
Mode640x480 proc near
mov al,12h+128
mov ah,0
int 10h
;call clearpalette
Set16colpalette proc near
mov cx,16
mov bl,0
mov bh,0
mov al,0
mov ah,10h
set16palloop2: push ax bx cx
int 10h
pop cx bx ax
inc bl
inc bh
loop set16palloop2
mov bl,31h
mov al,1
mov ah,12h
int 10h
RealCredits proc near
mov roomssample,33
call loadroomssample
mov volume,0
call mode640x480
mov cx,35
call hangon
mov dx,offset cs:title1graphics
call showpcx
mov al,12
mov ah,0
call playchannel0
mov cx,2
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
call allpalette
mov cx,80
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
call fadescreendowns
mov cx,256
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
mov dx,offset cs:title2graphics
call showpcx
mov al,12
mov ah,0
call playchannel0
mov cx,2
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
call allpalette
mov cx,80
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
call fadescreendowns
mov cx,256
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
if demo
mov dx,offset cs:title3graphics
call showpcx
mov al,12
mov ah,0
call playchannel0
mov cx,2
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
call allpalette
mov cx,80
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
call fadescreendowns
mov cx,256
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
mov dx,offset cs:title4graphics
call showpcx
mov al,12
mov ah,0
call playchannel0
mov cx,2
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
call allpalette
mov cx,80
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
call fadescreendowns
mov cx,256
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
mov dx,offset cs:title5graphics
call showpcx
mov al,12
mov ah,0
call playchannel0
mov cx,2
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
call allpalette
mov cx,80
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
call fadescreendowns
mov cx,256
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
mov dx,offset cs:title6graphics
call showpcx
call fadescreenups
mov cx,60
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
mov al,13
mov ah,0
call playchannel0
mov cx,350
call hangone
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz realcreditsearly
call fadescreendowns
mov cx,256
call hangone
mov lasthardkey, 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
;See LICENSE file for full license text
;---------------------------------------------------Equates and definitions----
Inputport equ 63h
Mapwidth equ 66 ;132/2
Maplength equ 60 ;6/2
Tablesize equ 32 ;size of each entry in spritetable
Itempicsize equ 44 ;size of inventory slots
Opsy equ 52
Opsx equ 60
Inventx equ 80
Inventy equ 58
Zoomx equ 8
Zoomy equ 132
Keypadx equ 36+112
Keypady equ 72
Diaryx equ 68+24
Diaryy equ 48+12
Symbolx equ 64
Symboly equ 56
Menux equ 80+40
Menuy equ 60
if foreign
Undertextsizex equ 228
Undertextsizey equ 13
Undertimedysize equ 30
Undertextsizex equ 180
Undertextsizey equ 10
Undertimedysize equ 24
Numchanges equ 250
Textunder equ 0 ;offsets for items in buffer segment
Openinvlist equ textunder+(undertextsizex*undertextsizey)
Ryaninvlist equ openinvlist+32
Pointerback equ ryaninvlist+60
Mapflags equ pointerback+(32*32)
Startpal equ mapflags+(11*10*3)
Endpal equ startpal+768
Maingamepal equ endpal+768
Spritetable equ maingamepal+768
Setlist equ spritetable+(32*tablesize)
Freelist equ setlist+(128*5)
Exlist equ freelist+(80*5)
Peoplelist equ exlist+(100*5)
Zoomspace equ peoplelist+(12*5)
Printedlist equ zoomspace+(46*40)
Listofchanges equ printedlist+(5*80)
Undertimedtext equ listofchanges+(numchanges*4)
Rainlist equ undertimedtext+(256*undertimedysize)
Initialreelrouts equ rainlist+(6*64)
Initialvars equ initialreelrouts+lenofreelrouts
Lengthofbuffer equ initialvars+lengthofvars
Flags equ 0 ;offsets of items in backdrop segment
Blocks equ flags+192
Map equ 0
Lengthofmap equ map+(mapwidth*maplength)
Intextdat equ 0
Intext equ intextdat+(38*2)
Blocktextdat equ 0
Blocktext equ blocktextdat+(98*2)
Settextdat equ 0
Settext equ settextdat+(130*2)
Freetextdat equ 0
Freetext equ freetextdat+(82*2)
Numexobjects equ 114
Exframeslen equ 30000
Extextlen equ 18000
Exframedata equ 0
Exframes equ exframedata+2080
Exdata equ exframes+exframeslen
Extextdat equ exdata+(16*numexobjects)
Extext equ extextdat+((numexobjects+2)*2)
Lengthofextra equ extext+extextlen
Framedata equ 0
Frames equ framedata+2080
Frframedata equ 0
Frframes equ frframedata+2080
Personframes equ 0
Persontxtdat equ personframes+24
Persontext equ persontxtdat+(1026*2)
Pathdata equ 0
Reellist equ pathdata+(36*144)
Lenofmapstore equ 22*8*20*8
Maplen equ mapwidth*maplength
Freedatlen equ 16*80
Setdatlen equ 64*128
Textstart equ 66*2
startvars db 0
progresspoints db 0
watchon db 0
shadeson db 0
secondcount db 0
minutecount db 30
hourcount db 19
zoomon db 1
location db 0
expos db 0
exframepos dw 0
extextpos dw 0
card1money dw 0
listpos dw 0
ryanpage db 0
watchingtime dw 0
reeltowatch dw -1 ;reel plays from here in mode 0
endwatchreel dw 0 ;and stops here. Mode set to 1
speedcount db 0
watchspeed db 0
reeltohold dw -1 ;if mode is 1 hold on this reel
endofholdreel dw -1 ;if mode is 2 then play to end of
watchmode db -1 ;hold reel. Set mode back to -1
destafterhold db 0 ;set walking destination.
newsitem db 0
liftflag db 0
liftpath db 0
lockstatus db 1
doorpath db 0
counttoopen db 0
counttoclose db 0
rockstardead db 0
generaldead db 0
sartaindead db 0
aidedead db 0
beenmugged db 0
gunpassflag db 0
canmovealtar db 0
talkedtoattendant db 0
talkedtosparky db 0
talkedtoboss db 0
talkedtorecep db 0
cardpassflag db 0
madmanflag db 0
keeperflag db 0
lasttrigger db 0
mandead db 0
seed db 1,2,3
needtotravel db 0
throughdoor db 0
newobs db 0
ryanon db 255
combatcount db 0
lastweapon db -1
dreamnumber db 0
roomafterdream db 0
shakecounter db 48
lengthofvars equ $-startvars
speechcount db 0
charshift dw 0
kerning db 0
brightness db 0
roomloaded db 0
didzoom db 0
linespacing dw 10
textaddressx dw 13
textaddressy dw 182 ;address on screen for text
textlen db 0
lastxpos dw 0
icontop dw 0
iconleft dw 0
itemframe db 0
itemtotran db 0
roomad dw 0
oldsubject dw 0
withobject db 0
withtype db 0
lookcounter dw 0
command db 0
commandtype db 0
oldcommandtype db 0
objecttype db 0
getback db 0
invopen db 0
mainmode db 0
pickup db 0
lastinvpos db 0
examagain db 0
newtextline db 0
openedob db 0
openedtype db 0
oldmapadx dw 0
oldmapady dw 0
mapadx dw 0
mapady dw 0
mapoffsetx dw 104
mapoffsety dw 38
mapxstart dw 0
mapystart dw 0
mapxsize db 0
mapysize db 0
havedoneobs db 0
manisoffscreen db 0
rainspace db 0
facing db 0
leavedirection db 0
turntoface db 0
turndirection db 0
maintimer dw 0
introcount db 0
arrowad dw 0
currentkey db 0
oldkey db 0
useddirection db 0
currentkey2 db 0
timercount db 0
oldtimercount db 0
mapx db 0
mapy db 0
newscreen db 0
ryanx db 0
ryany db 0
lastflag db 0
lastflagex db 0
flagx db 0
flagy db 0
currentex db 0
currentfree db 0
currentframe dw 0
framesad dw 0
dataad dw 0
frsegment dw 0
objectx dw 0
objecty dw 0
offsetx dw 0
offsety dw 0
savesize dw 0
savesource dw 0
savex db 0
savey db 0
currentob db 0
priority db 0
destpos db 0
reallocation db 0 ;----------;some rooms have more than one
roomnum db 0 ;place in the Roomdata list, to
;account for different start points
nowinnewroom db 0 ;this variable holds the rooms
resetmanxy db 0 ;real value - ie:which file it's in
newlocation db -1 ;if set then room is loaded at end of watch mode, or straight away if not in watch mode
autolocation db -1
mustload db 0
answered db 0
saidno db 0
doorcheck1 db 0
doorcheck2 db 0
doorcheck3 db 0
doorcheck4 db 0
mousex dw 0
mousey dw 0
mousebutton dw 0
mousebutton1 dw 0
mousebutton2 dw 0
mousebutton3 dw 0
mousebutton4 dw 0
oldbutton dw 0
oldx dw 0
oldy dw 0
lastbutton dw 0
oldpointerx dw 0
oldpointery dw 0
delherex dw 0
delherey dw 0
pointerxs db 32
pointerys db 32
delxs db 0
delys db 0
pointerframe db 0
pointerpower db 0
auxpointerframe db 0
pointermode db 0
pointerspeed db 0
pointercount db 0
inmaparea db 0
reelpointer dw 0
slotdata db 0
thisslot db 0
slotflags db 0
takeoff dw 0
talkmode db 0
talkpos db 0
character db 0
persondata dw 0
talknum db 0
numberinroom db 0
currentcel db 0
oldselection db 0
stopwalking db 0
mouseon db 0
played dw 0
timer1 db 0
timer2 db 0
timer3 db 0
wholetimer dw 0
timer1to db 0
timer2to db 0
timer3to db 0
watchdump db 0
currentset dw 0
logonum db 0
oldlogonum db 0
newlogonum db 0
netseg dw 0
netpoint dw 0
keynum db 0
cursorstate db 0
pressed db 0
presspointer dw 0
graphicpress db 0
presscount db 0
keypadax dw 0
keypadcx dw 0
lightcount db 0
folderpage db 0
diarypage db 0
menucount db 0
symboltopx db 0
symboltopnum db 0
symboltopdir db 0
symbolbotx db 0
symbolbotnum db 0
symbolbotdir db 0
symboltolight db 0
symbol1 db 0
symbol2 db 0
symbol3 db 0
symbolnum db 0
dumpx dw 0
dumpy dw 0
walkandexam db 0
walkexamtype db 0
walkexamnum db 0
cursloc dw 0
curslocx dw 0
curslocy dw 0
curpos dw 0
monadx dw 0
monady dw 0
gotfrom dw 0
monsource dw 0
numtodo dw 0
timecount dw 0
counttotimed dw 0
timedseg dw 0
timedoffset dw 0
timedy db 0
timedx db 0
needtodumptimed db 0
;recordpos dw 0
;rechandle dw 0
handle dw 0
loadingorsave db 0 ;1 if load 2 if save
currentslot db 0
cursorpos db 0
colourpos db 0
fadedirection db 0
numtofade db 0
fadecount db 0
addtogreen db 0
addtored db 0
addtoblue db 0
lastsoundreel dw 0
soundbuffer dw 0
soundbufferad dw 0
soundbufferpage db 0
soundtimes db 0
needsoundbuff db 0
oldint9seg dw -1
oldint9add dw -1
oldint8seg dw -1
oldint8add dw -1
oldsoundintseg dw 0
oldsoundintadd dw 0
soundbaseadd dw 0
dsp_status dw 0
dsp_write dw 0
dmaaddress db 0
soundint db 5
sounddmachannel db 1
sampleplaying db 255
testresult db 0
currentirq db 0
speechloaded db 0
speechlength dw 0
volume db 0
volumeto db 0
volumedirection db 0
volumecount db 0
playblock db 0
wongame db 0
lasthardkey db 0
bufferin dw 0
bufferout dw 0
extras dw 0 ;for allocated memory
workspace dw 0 ;allocated mem for screen buffer
mapstore dw 0 ;allocated mem for copy of room
charset1 dw 0 ;allocated mem for normal charset
tempcharset dw 0 ;monitor char set
icons1 dw 0 ;allocated mem for on screen stuff
icons2 dw 0
buffers dw 0 ;allocated mem for buffers
mainsprites dw 0 ;allocated mem for Ryan sprites
backdrop dw 0
mapdata dw 0
sounddata dw 0
sounddata2 dw 0
recordspace dw 0
freedat dw 0
setdat dw 0
reel1 dw -1
reel2 dw -1
reel3 dw -1
roomdesc dw -1
freedesc dw -1
setdesc dw -1
blockdesc dw -1
setframes dw -1
freeframes dw -1
people dw -1
reels dw -1
commandtext dw -1
puzzletext dw -1
traveltext dw -1
tempgraphics dw -1
tempgraphics2 dw -1
tempgraphics3 dw -1
tempsprites dw -1
textfile1 dw -1
textfile2 dw -1
textfile3 dw -1
blinkframe db 23
blinkcount db 0
reasseschanges db 0 ; if it's a 1 then obname will assume that
pointerspath db 0 ;the command has changed.
manspath db 0 ;ie. from "walk to" to "Examine"
pointerfirstpath db 0
finaldest db 0
destination db 0
linestartx dw 0
linestarty dw 0
lineendx dw 0
lineendy dw 0
increment1 dw 0
increment2 dw 0
lineroutine db 0
linepointer db 0
linedirection db 0
linelength db 0
liftsoundcount db 0
emmhandle dw 0
emmpageframe dw 0
emmhardwarepage db 0
ch0emmpage dw 0
ch0offset dw 0
ch0blockstocopy dw 0
ch0playing db 0
ch0repeat db 0
ch0oldemmpage dw 0
ch0oldoffset dw 0
ch0oldblockstocopy dw 0
ch1playing db 255
ch1emmpage dw 0
ch1offset dw 0
ch1blockstocopy dw 0
ch1blocksplayed dw 0
soundbufferwrite dw 0
soundemmpage dw 0
speechemmpage dw 0
currentsample db -1
roomssample db 0
gameerror db 0
howmuchalloc dw 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
;Copyright (c) 1990-2011 by Neil Dodwell
;Released with permission from Neil Dodwell under GPLv2
;See LICENSE file for full license text
Fadedos proc near
call vsync
mov es,buffers
mov di,startpal
mov al,0
mov dx,3c7h
out dx,al
mov dx,3c9h
mov cx,768/4
dos1: in al,dx
loop dos1
mov cx,64
fadedosloop: push cx
mov ds,buffers
mov si,startpal
mov cx,768
dos3: lodsb
cmp al,0
jz nodown
dec al
nodown: mov [si-1],al
loop dos3
call vsync
mov ds,buffers
mov si,startpal
mov al,0
mov dx,3c8h
out dx,al
inc dx
mov cx,768/4
dos2: lodsb
out dx,al
loop dos2
pop cx
loop fadedosloop
Dofade proc near
cmp fadedirection,0
jz finishfade
mov cl,numtofade
mov ch,0
mov al,colourpos
mov ah,0
mov ds,buffers
mov si,startpal
add si,ax
add si,ax
add si,ax
call showgroup
mov al,numtofade
add al,colourpos
mov colourpos,al
cmp al,0
jnz finishfade
call fadecalculation
finishfade: ret
Clearendpal proc near
mov es,buffers
mov di,endpal
mov cx,768
mov al,0
rep stosb
Clearpalette proc near
mov fadedirection,0
call clearstartpal
call dumpcurrent
Fadescreenup proc near
call clearstartpal
call paltoendpal
mov fadedirection,1
mov fadecount,63
mov colourpos,0
mov numtofade,128
Fadetowhite proc near
mov es,buffers
mov di,endpal
mov cx,768
mov al,63
rep stosb
mov di,endpal
mov al,0
call paltostartpal
mov fadedirection,1
mov fadecount,63
mov colourpos,0
mov numtofade,128
Fadefromwhite proc near
mov es,buffers
mov di,startpal
mov cx,768
mov al,63
rep stosb
mov di,startpal
mov al,0
call paltoendpal
mov fadedirection,1
mov fadecount,63
mov colourpos,0
mov numtofade,128
Fadescreenups proc near
call clearstartpal
call paltoendpal
mov fadedirection,1
mov fadecount,63
mov colourpos,0
mov numtofade,64
Fadescreendownhalf proc near
call paltostartpal
call paltoendpal
mov cx,768
mov es,buffers
mov bx,endpal
halfend: mov al,[es:bx]
shr al,1
mov [es:bx],al
inc bx
loop halfend
mov ds,buffers
mov es,buffers
mov si,startpal+(56*3)
mov di,endpal+(56*3)
mov cx,3*5
rep movsb
mov si,startpal+(77*3)
mov di,endpal+(77*3)
mov cx,3*2
rep movsb
mov fadedirection,1
mov fadecount,31
mov colourpos,0
mov numtofade,32
Fadescreenuphalf proc near
call endpaltostart
call paltoendpal
mov fadedirection,1
mov fadecount,31
mov colourpos,0
mov numtofade,32
Fadescreendown proc near
call paltostartpal
call clearendpal
mov fadedirection,1
mov fadecount,63
mov colourpos,0
mov numtofade,128
Fadescreendowns proc near
call paltostartpal
call clearendpal
mov fadedirection,1
mov fadecount,63
mov colourpos,0
mov numtofade,64
Clearstartpal proc near
mov es,buffers
mov di,startpal
mov cx,256
wholeloop1: mov ax,0
mov al,0
loop wholeloop1
Showgun proc near
mov addtored,0 ;12
mov addtogreen,0
mov addtoblue,0
call paltostartpal
call paltoendpal
call greyscalesum
; mov es,buffers
; mov di,endpal+3
; mov cx,255
; mov ax,0
;reds: mov byte ptr [es:di],63
; inc di
; stosw
; loop reds
mov fadedirection,1
mov fadecount,63
mov colourpos,0
mov numtofade,128
mov cx,130
call hangon
call endpaltostart
call clearendpal
mov fadedirection,1
mov fadecount,63
mov colourpos,0
mov numtofade,128
mov cx,200
call hangon
mov roomssample,34
call loadroomssample
mov volume,0
mov dx,offset cs:gungraphic
call loadintotemp
call createpanel2
mov ds,tempgraphics
mov al,0
mov ah,0
mov di,100
mov bx,4
call showframe
mov ds,tempgraphics
mov al,1
mov ah,0
mov di,158
mov bx,106
call showframe
call worktoscreen
call getridoftemp
call fadescreenup
mov cx,160
call hangon
mov al,12
mov ah,0
call playchannel0
mov dx,offset cs:endtextname
call loadtemptext
call rollendcredits2
call getridoftemptext
Rollendcredits2 proc near
call rollem
Rollem proc near
mov cl,160
mov ch,160
mov di,25
mov bx,20
mov ds,mapstore
mov si,0
call multiget
mov es,textfile1
mov si,49*2
mov ax,[es:si]
mov si,ax
add si,textstart
mov cx,80
endcredits21: push cx
mov bx,10
mov cx,linespacing
endcredits22: push cx si di es bx
call vsync
mov cl,160
mov ch,160
mov di,25
mov bx,20
mov ds,mapstore
mov si,0
call multiput
call vsync
pop bx es di si
push si di es bx
mov cx,18
onelot2: push cx
mov di,25 ;75
mov dx,161
mov ax,0
call printdirect
add bx,linespacing
pop cx
loop onelot2
call vsync
mov cl,160
mov ch,160
mov di,25 ;75
mov bx,20
call multidump
pop bx es di si cx
cmp lasthardkey,1
jz endearly2
dec bx
loop endcredits22
pop cx
looknext2: mov al,[es:si]
inc si
cmp al,":"
jz gotnext2
cmp al,0
jz gotnext2
jmp looknext2
gotnext2: cmp lasthardkey,1
jz endearly
loop endcredits21
mov cx,120
call hangone
endearly2: pop cx
endearly: ret
Fadecalculation proc near
cmp fadecount,0
jz nomorefading
mov bl,fadecount
mov es,buffers
mov si,startpal
mov di,endpal
mov cx,768
fadecolloop: mov al,[es:si]
mov ah,[es:di]
cmp al,ah
jz gotthere
jc lesscolour
dec byte ptr [es:si]
jmp gotthere
lesscolour: cmp bl,ah
jz withit
jnc gotthere
withit: inc byte ptr [es:si]
gotthere: inc si
inc di
loop fadecolloop
dec fadecount
nomorefading: mov fadedirection,0
Greyscalesum proc near ;converts palette to grey scale
;summed using formula:
mov es,buffers ; .20xred + .59xGreen + .11xBlue
mov si,maingamepal
mov di,endpal
mov cx,256 ;convert 256 colours
greysumloop1: push cx
mov bx,0
mov al,[es:si]
mov ah,0
mov cx,20
mul cx
add bx,ax
mov al,[es:si+1]
mov ah,0
mov cx,59
mul cx
add bx,ax
mov al,[es:si+2]
mov ah,0
mov cx,11
mul cx
add bx,ax ;bx holds equationx100
mov al,-1 ;divide result by 100
greysumloop2: inc al
sub bx,100
jnc greysumloop2 ;ah holds grey scale number
mov bl,al
mov al,bl
mov ah,addtored
cmp al,0
;jz noaddr
add al,ah
noaddr: stosb
mov ah,addtogreen
mov al,bl
cmp al,0
jz noaddg
add al,ah
noaddg: stosb ;store result in red, green and
mov ah,addtoblue
mov al,bl
cmp al,0
jz noaddb
add al,ah
noaddb: stosb ;blue portions of palette.
add si,3
pop cx
loop greysumloop1
Showgroup proc near
mov dx,3c8h
out dx,al
mov dx,3c9h
showgroup1: lodsb
out dx,al
out dx,al
out dx,al
loop showgroup1
Paltostartpal proc near
mov es,buffers
mov ds,buffers
mov si,maingamepal
mov di,startpal
mov cx,768/2
rep movsw
Endpaltostart proc near
mov es,buffers
mov ds,buffers
mov si,endpal
mov di,startpal
mov cx,768/2
rep movsw
Startpaltoend proc near
mov es,buffers
mov ds,buffers
mov di,endpal
mov si,startpal
mov cx,768/2
rep movsw
Paltoendpal proc near
mov es,buffers
mov ds,buffers
mov di,endpal
mov si,maingamepal
mov cx,768/2
rep movsw
Allpalette proc near
mov es,buffers
mov ds,buffers
mov di,startpal
mov si,maingamepal
mov cx,768/2
rep movsw
call dumpcurrent
Dumpcurrent proc near
mov si,startpal
mov ds,buffers
call vsync
mov al,0
mov cx,128
call showgroup
call vsync
mov al,128
mov cx,128
call showgroup
Fadedownmon proc near
call paltostartpal
call paltoendpal
mov es,buffers
mov di,endpal+(231*3)
mov cx,3*8
mov ax,0
rep stosb
mov di,endpal+(246*3)
mov fadedirection,1
mov fadecount,63
mov colourpos,0
mov numtofade,128
mov cx,64 ;100
call hangon ;curs
Fadeupmon proc near
call paltostartpal
call paltoendpal
mov es,buffers
mov di,startpal+(231*3)
mov cx,3*8
mov ax,0
rep stosb
mov di,startpal+(246*3)
mov fadedirection,1
mov fadecount,63
mov colourpos,0
mov numtofade,128
mov cx,128
call hangon ;curs
Fadeupmonfirst proc near
call paltostartpal
call paltoendpal
mov es,buffers
mov di,startpal+(231*3)
mov cx,3*8
mov ax,0
rep stosb
mov di,startpal+(246*3)
mov fadedirection,1
mov fadecount,63
mov colourpos,0
mov numtofade,128
mov cx,64
call hangon
mov al,26
call playchannel1
mov cx,64
call hangon
Fadeupyellows proc near
;call startpaltoend
call paltoendpal
mov es,buffers
mov di,endpal+(231*3)
mov cx,3*8
mov ax,0
rep stosb
mov di,endpal+(246*3)
mov fadedirection,1
mov fadecount,63
mov colourpos,0
mov numtofade,128
mov cx,128
call hangon
Initialmoncols proc near
call paltostartpal
mov es,buffers
mov di,startpal+(230*3)
mov cx,3*9
mov ax,0
rep stosb
mov di,startpal+(246*3)
mov ds,buffers
mov si,startpal+(230*3)
mov al,230
mov cx,18
call showgroup

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff