mirror of
synced 2024-12-13 21:31:53 +00:00
- Massive cleanup
- Documentation update - Boundaries check svn-id: r32169
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,38 +25,19 @@
#include "common/util.h"
#include "graphics/surface.h"
#include "graphics/VectorRenderer.h"
#include "graphics/colormasks.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "common/events.h"
inline uint32 fp_sqroot(uint32 x) {
register uint32 root, remHI, remLO, testDIV, count;
root = 0;
remHI = 0;
remLO = x;
count = 23;
do {
remHI = (remHI << 2) | (remLO >> 30);
remLO <<= 2;
root <<= 1;
testDIV = (root << 1) + 1;
if (remHI >= testDIV) {
remHI -= testDIV;
} while (count--);
return root;
#include "graphics/VectorRenderer.h"
namespace Graphics {
VectorRenderer *createRenderer() {
return new VectorRendererAA<uint16, ColorMasks<565> >;
return new VectorRendererSpec<uint16, ColorMasks<565> >;
@ -114,10 +95,153 @@ void vector_renderer_test(OSystem *_system) {
* MISCELANEOUS functions
/** Fixed point SQUARE ROOT **/
inline uint32 fp_sqroot(uint32 x) {
register uint32 root, remHI, remLO, testDIV, count;
root = 0;
remHI = 0;
remLO = x;
count = 23;
do {
remHI = (remHI << 2) | (remLO >> 30);
remLO <<= 2;
root <<= 1;
testDIV = (root << 1) + 1;
if (remHI >= testDIV) {
remHI -= testDIV;
} while (count--);
return root;
/** HELPER MACROS for BESENHALM's circle drawing algorithm **/
#define __BE_ALGORITHM() { \
if (f >= 0) { \
y--; \
ddF_y += 2; \
f += ddF_y; \
py -= pitch; \
} \
px += pitch; \
ddF_x += 2; \
f += ddF_x + 1; \
#define __BE_DRAWCIRCLE(ptr1,ptr2,ptr3,ptr4,x,y,px,py) { \
*(ptr1 + (y) - (px)) = color; \
*(ptr1 + (x) - (py)) = color; \
*(ptr2 - (x) - (py)) = color; \
*(ptr2 - (y) - (px)) = color; \
*(ptr3 - (y) + (px)) = color; \
*(ptr3 - (x) + (py)) = color; \
*(ptr4 + (x) + (py)) = color; \
*(ptr4 + (y) + (px)) = color; \
#define __BE_RESET() { \
f = 1 - r; \
ddF_x = 0; ddF_y = -2 * r; \
x = 0; y = r; px = 0; py = pitch * r; \
/** HELPER MACROS for WU's circle drawing algorithm **/
#define __WU_DRAWCIRCLE(ptr1,ptr2,ptr3,ptr4,x,y,px,py,a) { \
blendPixelPtr(ptr1 + (y) - (px), color, a); \
blendPixelPtr(ptr1 + (x) - (py), color, a); \
blendPixelPtr(ptr2 - (x) - (py), color, a); \
blendPixelPtr(ptr2 - (y) - (px), color, a); \
blendPixelPtr(ptr3 - (y) + (px), color, a); \
blendPixelPtr(ptr3 - (x) + (py), color, a); \
blendPixelPtr(ptr4 + (x) + (py), color, a); \
blendPixelPtr(ptr4 + (y) + (px), color, a); \
#define __WU_ALGORITHM() { \
oldT = T; \
T = fp_sqroot(rsq - ((y * y) << 16)) ^ 0xFFFF; \
py += p; \
if (T < oldT) { \
x--; px -= p; \
} \
a2 = (T >> 8); \
a1 = ~a2; \
* Primitive shapes drawing - Public API calls - VectorRendererSpec
/** LINES **/
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
x1 = CLIP(x1, 0, (int)Base::_activeSurface->w);
x2 = CLIP(x2, 0, (int)Base::_activeSurface->w);
y1 = CLIP(y1, 0, (int)Base::_activeSurface->h);
y2 = CLIP(y2, 0, (int)Base::_activeSurface->h);
// we draw from top to bottom
if (y2 < y1) {
SWAP(x1, x2);
SWAP(y1, y2);
int dx = ABS(x2 - x1);
int dy = ABS(y2 - y1);
// this is a point, not a line. stoopid.
if (dy == 0 && dx == 0)
if (Base::_strokeWidth == 0)
PixelType *ptr = (PixelType *)_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x1, y1);
int pitch = Base::surfacePitch();
if (dy == 0) { // horizontal lines
// these can be filled really fast with a single memset.
// TODO: Platform specific ASM in set_to, would make this thing fly
Common::set_to(ptr, ptr + dx + 1, (PixelType)_fgColor);
} else if (dx == 0) { // vertical lines
// these ones use a static pitch increase.
while (y1++ <= y2) {
*ptr = (PixelType)_fgColor;
ptr += pitch;
} else if (ABS(dx) == ABS(dy)) { // diagonal lines
// these ones also use a fixed pitch increase
pitch += (x2 > x1) ? 1 : -1;
while (dy--) {
*ptr = (PixelType)_fgColor;
ptr += pitch;
} else { // generic lines, use the standard algorithm...
drawLineAlg(x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, (PixelType)_fgColor);
/** CIRCLES **/
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawCircle(int x, int y, int r) {
if (Base::_fillMode != kNoFill && Base::_shadowOffset) {
if (x + r > Base::_activeSurface->w || y + r > Base::_activeSurface->h)
if (Base::_fillMode != kNoFill && Base::_shadowOffset
&& x + r + Base::_shadowOffset < Base::_activeSurface->w
&& y + r + Base::_shadowOffset < Base::_activeSurface->h) {
drawCircleAlg(x + Base::_shadowOffset + 1, y + Base::_shadowOffset + 1, r, 0, kForegroundFill);
@ -146,10 +270,16 @@ drawCircle(int x, int y, int r) {
/** SQUARES **/
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawSquare(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
if (Base::_fillMode != kNoFill && Base::_shadowOffset) {
if (x + w > Base::_activeSurface->w || y + h > Base::_activeSurface->h)
if (Base::_fillMode != kNoFill && Base::_shadowOffset
&& x + w + Base::_shadowOffset < Base::_activeSurface->w
&& y + h + Base::_shadowOffset < Base::_activeSurface->h) {
drawSquareShadow(x, y, w, h, Base::_shadowOffset);
@ -176,10 +306,16 @@ drawSquare(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawRoundedSquare(int x, int y, int r, int w, int h) {
if (Base::_fillMode != kNoFill && Base::_shadowOffset) {
if (x + w > Base::_activeSurface->w || y + h > Base::_activeSurface->h)
if (Base::_fillMode != kNoFill && Base::_shadowOffset
&& x + w + Base::_shadowOffset < Base::_activeSurface->w
&& y + h + Base::_shadowOffset < Base::_activeSurface->h) {
drawRoundedSquareShadow(x, y, r, w, h, Base::_shadowOffset);
@ -212,6 +348,10 @@ drawRoundedSquare(int x, int y, int r, int w, int h) {
* Aliased Primitive drawing ALGORITHMS - VectorRendererSpec
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawSquareAlg(int x, int y, int w, int h, PixelType color, FillMode fill_m) {
@ -244,42 +384,7 @@ drawSquareAlg(int x, int y, int w, int h, PixelType color, FillMode fill_m) {
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawSquareShadow(int x, int y, int w, int h, int blur) {
PixelType *ptr = (PixelType *)_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x + w - 1, y + blur);
int pitch = Base::surfacePitch();
int i, j;
i = h - blur;
while (i--) {
j = blur;
while (j--)
blendPixelPtr(ptr + j, 0, ((blur - j) << 8) / blur);
ptr += pitch;
ptr = (PixelType *)_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x + blur, y + h - 1);
while (i++ < blur) {
j = w - blur;
while (j--)
blendPixelPtr(ptr + j, 0, ((blur - i) << 8) / blur);
ptr += pitch;
ptr = (PixelType *)_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x + w, y + h);
i = 0;
while (i++ < blur) {
j = blur - 1;
while (j--)
blendPixelPtr(ptr + j, 0, (((blur - j) * (blur - i)) << 8) / (blur * blur));
ptr += pitch;
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType,PixelFormat>::
drawLineAlg(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int dx, int dy, PixelType color) {
@ -327,257 +432,7 @@ drawLineAlg(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int dx, int dy, PixelType color) {
*ptr = (PixelType)color;
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
blendPixelPtr(PixelType *ptr, PixelType color, uint8 alpha) {
if (alpha == 255) {
*ptr = color;
register int idst = *ptr;
register int isrc = color;
*ptr = (PixelType)(
(PixelFormat::kRedMask & ((idst & PixelFormat::kRedMask) +
((int)(((int)(isrc & PixelFormat::kRedMask) -
(int)(idst & PixelFormat::kRedMask)) * alpha) >> 8))) |
(PixelFormat::kGreenMask & ((idst & PixelFormat::kGreenMask) +
((int)(((int)(isrc & PixelFormat::kGreenMask) -
(int)(idst & PixelFormat::kGreenMask)) * alpha) >> 8))) |
(PixelFormat::kBlueMask & ((idst & PixelFormat::kBlueMask) +
((int)(((int)(isrc & PixelFormat::kBlueMask) -
(int)(idst & PixelFormat::kBlueMask)) * alpha) >> 8))) );
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererAA<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawLineAlg(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int dx, int dy, PixelType color) {
PixelType *ptr = (PixelType *)Base::_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x1, y1);
int pitch = Base::surfacePitch();
int xdir = (x2 > x1) ? 1 : -1;
uint16 error_tmp, error_acc, gradient;
uint8 alpha;
*ptr = (PixelType)color;
if (dx > dy) {
gradient = (uint32)(dy << 16) / (uint32)dx;
error_acc = 0;
while (--dx) {
error_tmp = error_acc;
error_acc += gradient;
if (error_acc <= error_tmp)
ptr += pitch;
ptr += xdir;
alpha = (error_acc >> 8);
blendPixelPtr(ptr, color, ~alpha);
blendPixelPtr(ptr + pitch, color, alpha);
} else {
gradient = (uint32)(dx << 16) / (uint32)dy;
error_acc = 0;
while (--dy) {
error_tmp = error_acc;
error_acc += gradient;
if (error_acc <= error_tmp)
ptr += xdir;
ptr += pitch;
alpha = (error_acc >> 8);
blendPixelPtr(ptr, color, ~alpha);
blendPixelPtr(ptr + xdir, color, alpha);
Base::putPixel(x2, y2, color);
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
// we draw from top to bottom
if (y2 < y1) {
SWAP(x1, x2);
SWAP(y1, y2);
int dx = ABS(x2 - x1);
int dy = ABS(y2 - y1);
// this is a point, not a line. stoopid.
if (dy == 0 && dx == 0)
if (Base::_strokeWidth == 0)
PixelType *ptr = (PixelType *)_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x1, y1);
int pitch = Base::surfacePitch();
if (dy == 0) { // horizontal lines
// these can be filled really fast with a single memset.
// TODO: Platform specific ASM in set_to, would make this thing fly
Common::set_to(ptr, ptr + dx + 1, (PixelType)_fgColor);
} else if (dx == 0) { // vertical lines
// these ones use a static pitch increase.
while (y1++ <= y2) {
*ptr = (PixelType)_fgColor;
ptr += pitch;
} else if (ABS(dx) == ABS(dy)) { // diagonal lines
// these ones also use a fixed pitch increase
pitch += (x2 > x1) ? 1 : -1;
while (dy--) {
*ptr = (PixelType)_fgColor;
ptr += pitch;
} else { // generic lines, use the standard algorithm...
drawLineAlg(x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, (PixelType)_fgColor);
#define __BE_ALGORITHM() { \
if (f >= 0) { \
y--; \
ddF_y += 2; \
f += ddF_y; \
py -= pitch; \
} \
px += pitch; \
ddF_x += 2; \
f += ddF_x + 1; \
#define __BE_DRAWCIRCLE(ptr1,ptr2,ptr3,ptr4,x,y,px,py) { \
*(ptr1 + (y) - (px)) = color; \
*(ptr1 + (x) - (py)) = color; \
*(ptr2 - (x) - (py)) = color; \
*(ptr2 - (y) - (px)) = color; \
*(ptr3 - (y) + (px)) = color; \
*(ptr3 - (x) + (py)) = color; \
*(ptr4 + (x) + (py)) = color; \
*(ptr4 + (y) + (px)) = color; \
#define __BE_RESET() { \
f = 1 - r; \
ddF_x = 0; ddF_y = -2 * r; \
x = 0; y = r; px = 0; py = pitch * r; \
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawCircleAlg(int x1, int y1, int r, PixelType color, FillMode fill_m) {
int f, ddF_x, ddF_y;
int x, y, px, py, sw = 0;
int pitch = Base::surfacePitch();
PixelType *ptr = (PixelType *)Base::_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x1, y1);
if (fill_m == kNoFill) {
while (sw++ < Base::_strokeWidth) {
*(ptr + y) = color;
*(ptr - y) = color;
*(ptr + py) = color;
*(ptr - py) = color;
while (x++ < y) {
__BE_DRAWCIRCLE(ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, x, y, px, py);
if (Base::_strokeWidth > 1) {
__BE_DRAWCIRCLE(ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, x - 1, y, px, py);
__BE_DRAWCIRCLE(ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, x, y, px - pitch, py);
} else {
Common::set_to(ptr - r, ptr + r, color);
while (x++ < y) {
Common::set_to(ptr - x + py, ptr + x + py, color);
Common::set_to(ptr - x - py, ptr + x - py, color);
Common::set_to(ptr - y + px, ptr + y + px, color);
Common::set_to(ptr - y - px, ptr + y - px, color);
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawRoundedSquareShadow(int x1, int y1, int r, int w, int h, int blur) {
int f, ddF_x, ddF_y;
int x, y, px, py;
int pitch = Base::surfacePitch();
int sw = 0, sp = 0, hp = h * pitch;
int alpha = 102;
x1 += blur;
y1 += blur;
PixelType *ptr_tr = (PixelType *)Base::_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x1 + w - r, y1 + r);
PixelType *ptr_bl = (PixelType *)Base::_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x1 + r, y1 + h - r);
PixelType *ptr_br = (PixelType *)Base::_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x1 + w - r, y1 + h - r);
PixelType *ptr_fill = (PixelType *)Base::_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x1 + w - blur, y1 + r);
int short_h = h - (2 * r) + 1;
// HACK: As we are drawing circles exploting 8-axis symmetry,
// there are 4 pixels on each circle which are drawn twice.
// this is ok on filled circles, but when blending on surfaces,
// we cannot let it blend twice. awful.
bool *hb = new bool[r];
int i = 0;
while (i < r)
hb[i++] = false;
while (x++ < y) {
if (!hb[x]) {
blendFill(ptr_tr - px - r, ptr_tr + y - px, 0, alpha);
blendFill(ptr_bl - y + px, ptr_br + y + px, 0, alpha);
hb[x] = true;
if (!hb[y]) {
blendFill(ptr_tr - r - py, ptr_tr + x - py, 0, alpha);
blendFill(ptr_bl - x + py, ptr_br + x + py, 0, alpha);
hb[y] = true;
delete[] hb;
while (short_h--) {
blendFill(ptr_fill - r, ptr_fill + blur, 0, alpha);
ptr_fill += pitch;
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawRoundedSquareAlg(int x1, int y1, int r, int w, int h, PixelType color, FillMode fill_m) {
@ -659,28 +514,201 @@ drawRoundedSquareAlg(int x1, int y1, int r, int w, int h, PixelType color, FillM
#define __WU_DRAWCIRCLE(ptr1,ptr2,ptr3,ptr4,x,y,px,py,a) { \
blendPixelPtr(ptr1 + (y) - (px), color, a); \
blendPixelPtr(ptr1 + (x) - (py), color, a); \
blendPixelPtr(ptr2 - (x) - (py), color, a); \
blendPixelPtr(ptr2 - (y) - (px), color, a); \
blendPixelPtr(ptr3 - (y) + (px), color, a); \
blendPixelPtr(ptr3 - (x) + (py), color, a); \
blendPixelPtr(ptr4 + (x) + (py), color, a); \
blendPixelPtr(ptr4 + (y) + (px), color, a); \
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawCircleAlg(int x1, int y1, int r, PixelType color, FillMode fill_m) {
int f, ddF_x, ddF_y;
int x, y, px, py, sw = 0;
int pitch = Base::surfacePitch();
PixelType *ptr = (PixelType *)Base::_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x1, y1);
if (fill_m == kNoFill) {
while (sw++ < Base::_strokeWidth) {
*(ptr + y) = color;
*(ptr - y) = color;
*(ptr + py) = color;
*(ptr - py) = color;
while (x++ < y) {
__BE_DRAWCIRCLE(ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, x, y, px, py);
if (Base::_strokeWidth > 1) {
__BE_DRAWCIRCLE(ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, x - 1, y, px, py);
__BE_DRAWCIRCLE(ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, x, y, px - pitch, py);
} else {
Common::set_to(ptr - r, ptr + r, color);
while (x++ < y) {
Common::set_to(ptr - x + py, ptr + x + py, color);
Common::set_to(ptr - x - py, ptr + x - py, color);
Common::set_to(ptr - y + px, ptr + y + px, color);
Common::set_to(ptr - y - px, ptr + y - px, color);
#define __WU_ALGORITHM() { \
oldT = T; \
T = fp_sqroot(rsq - ((y * y) << 16)) ^ 0xFFFF; \
py += p; \
if (T < oldT) { \
x--; px -= p; \
} \
a2 = (T >> 8); \
a1 = ~a2; \
* SHADOW drawing algorithms - VectorRendererSpec
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawSquareShadow(int x, int y, int w, int h, int blur) {
PixelType *ptr = (PixelType *)_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x + w - 1, y + blur);
int pitch = Base::surfacePitch();
int i, j;
i = h - blur;
while (i--) {
j = blur;
while (j--)
blendPixelPtr(ptr + j, 0, ((blur - j) << 8) / blur);
ptr += pitch;
ptr = (PixelType *)_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x + blur, y + h - 1);
while (i++ < blur) {
j = w - blur;
while (j--)
blendPixelPtr(ptr + j, 0, ((blur - i) << 8) / blur);
ptr += pitch;
ptr = (PixelType *)_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x + w, y + h);
i = 0;
while (i++ < blur) {
j = blur - 1;
while (j--)
blendPixelPtr(ptr + j, 0, (((blur - j) * (blur - i)) << 8) / (blur * blur));
ptr += pitch;
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererSpec<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawRoundedSquareShadow(int x1, int y1, int r, int w, int h, int blur) {
int f, ddF_x, ddF_y;
int x, y, px, py;
int pitch = Base::surfacePitch();
int sw = 0, sp = 0, hp = h * pitch;
int alpha = 102;
x1 += blur;
y1 += blur;
PixelType *ptr_tr = (PixelType *)Base::_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x1 + w - r, y1 + r);
PixelType *ptr_bl = (PixelType *)Base::_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x1 + r, y1 + h - r);
PixelType *ptr_br = (PixelType *)Base::_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x1 + w - r, y1 + h - r);
PixelType *ptr_fill = (PixelType *)Base::_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x1 + w - blur, y1 + r);
int short_h = h - (2 * r) + 1;
// HACK: As we are drawing circles exploting 8-axis symmetry,
// there are 4 pixels on each circle which are drawn twice.
// this is ok on filled circles, but when blending on surfaces,
// we cannot let it blend twice. awful.
bool *hb = new bool[r];
int i = 0;
while (i < r)
hb[i++] = false;
while (x++ < y) {
if (!hb[x]) {
blendFill(ptr_tr - px - r, ptr_tr + y - px, 0, alpha);
blendFill(ptr_bl - y + px, ptr_br + y + px, 0, alpha);
hb[x] = true;
if (!hb[y]) {
blendFill(ptr_tr - r - py, ptr_tr + x - py, 0, alpha);
blendFill(ptr_bl - x + py, ptr_br + x + py, 0, alpha);
hb[y] = true;
delete[] hb;
while (short_h--) {
blendFill(ptr_fill - r, ptr_fill + blur, 0, alpha);
ptr_fill += pitch;
* ANTIALIASED PRIMITIVES drawing algorithms - VectorRendererAA
/** LINES **/
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererAA<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawLineAlg(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int dx, int dy, PixelType color) {
PixelType *ptr = (PixelType *)Base::_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x1, y1);
int pitch = Base::surfacePitch();
int xdir = (x2 > x1) ? 1 : -1;
uint16 error_tmp, error_acc, gradient;
uint8 alpha;
*ptr = (PixelType)color;
if (dx > dy) {
gradient = (uint32)(dy << 16) / (uint32)dx;
error_acc = 0;
while (--dx) {
error_tmp = error_acc;
error_acc += gradient;
if (error_acc <= error_tmp)
ptr += pitch;
ptr += xdir;
alpha = (error_acc >> 8);
blendPixelPtr(ptr, color, ~alpha);
blendPixelPtr(ptr + pitch, color, alpha);
} else {
gradient = (uint32)(dx << 16) / (uint32)dy;
error_acc = 0;
while (--dy) {
error_tmp = error_acc;
error_acc += gradient;
if (error_acc <= error_tmp)
ptr += xdir;
ptr += pitch;
alpha = (error_acc >> 8);
blendPixelPtr(ptr, color, ~alpha);
blendPixelPtr(ptr + xdir, color, alpha);
Base::putPixel(x2, y2, color);
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererAA<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawRoundedSquareAlg(int x1, int y1, int r, int w, int h, PixelType color, VectorRenderer::FillMode fill_m) {
@ -750,6 +778,7 @@ drawRoundedSquareAlg(int x1, int y1, int r, int w, int h, PixelType color, Vecto
/** CIRCLES **/
template<typename PixelType, typename PixelFormat>
void VectorRendererAA<PixelType, PixelFormat>::
drawCircleAlg(int x1, int y1, int r, PixelType color, VectorRenderer::FillMode fill_m) {
@ -51,23 +51,18 @@ void vector_renderer_test(OSystem *_system);
* @see VectorRendererAA
class VectorRenderer {
VectorRenderer() : _shadowOffset(0), _fillMode(kNoFill), _activeSurface(NULL), _strokeWidth(1), _gradientFactor(1) {}
virtual ~VectorRenderer() {}
enum FillMode {
/** Specified the way in which a shape is filled */
static enum FillMode {
kNoFill = 0,
kForegroundFill = 1,
kBackgroundFill = 2,
kGradientFill = 3
/* enum ColorMode {
}; */
* Draws a line by considering the special cases for optimization.
@ -157,6 +152,17 @@ public:
virtual void setBgColor(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b) = 0;
* Set the active gradient color. All shapes drawn using kGradientFill
* as their fill mode will use this VERTICAL gradient as their fill color.
* @param r1 value of the red color byte for the start color
* @param g1 value of the green color byte for the start color
* @param b1 value of the blue color byte for the start color
* @param r2 value of the red color byte for the end color
* @param g2 value of the green color byte for the end color
* @param b2 value of the blue color byte for the end color
virtual void setGradientColors(uint8 r1, uint8 g1, uint8 b1, uint8 r2, uint8 g2, uint8 b2) = 0;
@ -170,10 +176,10 @@ public:
* Fills the active surface with the specified fg/bg color.
* Fills the active surface with the specified fg/bg color or the active gradient.
* Defaults to using the active Foreground color for filling.
* @param mode Color mode (bg or fg color) used to fill.
* @param mode Fill mode (bg, fg or gradient) used to fill the surface
virtual void fillSurface(FillMode mode = kForegroundFill) = 0;
@ -197,7 +203,7 @@ public:
* Sets the stroke width. All shapes drawn with a stroke will
* have that width.
* have that width. Pass 0 to disable shape stroking.
* @param width Witdh of the stroke in pixels.
@ -207,11 +213,11 @@ public:
* Enables adding shadows to all drawn primitives.
* Shadows are drawn automatically under the shapes, at the
* given x/y offsets.
* Shadows are drawn automatically under the shapes. The given offset
* controls their intensity and size (the higher the offset, the
* bigger the shadows).
* @param x_offset Horizontal offset for the shadows.
* @param y_offset Vertical offset for the shadows.
* @param offset Shadow offset.
* @see shadowDisable()
virtual void shadowEnable(int offset) {
@ -228,6 +234,12 @@ public:
_shadowOffset = 0;
* Sets the multiplication factor of the active gradient.
* @see _gradientFactor
* @param factor Multiplication factor.
virtual void setGradientFactor(int factor) {
if (factor > 0)
_gradientFactor = factor;
@ -241,8 +253,8 @@ protected:
int _shadowOffset; /** offset for drawn shadows */
int _strokeWidth; /** Width of the stroke of all drawn shapes */
int _gradientFactor;
int _gradientBytes[3];
int _gradientFactor; /** Multiplication factor of the active gradient */
int _gradientBytes[3]; /** Color bytes of the active gradient, used to speed up calculation */
@ -304,6 +316,9 @@ public:
this->_bgColor = RGBToColor<PixelFormat>(r, g, b);
* @see VectorRenderer::setGradientColors()
void setGradientColors(uint8 r1, uint8 g1, uint8 b1, uint8 r2, uint8 g2, uint8 b2) {
_gradientEnd = RGBToColor<PixelFormat>(r2, g2, b2);
_gradientStart = RGBToColor<PixelFormat>(r1, g1, b1);
@ -324,9 +339,9 @@ public:
int pitch = surfacePitch();
if (mode == kBackgroundFill)
Common::set_to(ptr, ptr + w*h, _bgColor);
Common::set_to(ptr, ptr + w * h, _bgColor);
else if (mode == kForegroundFill)
Common::set_to(ptr, ptr + w*h, _fgColor);
Common::set_to(ptr, ptr + w * h, _fgColor);
else if (mode == kGradientFill) {
int i = h;
while (i--) {
@ -367,22 +382,77 @@ protected:
blendPixelPtr((PixelType*)Base::_activeSurface->getBasePtr(x, y), color, alpha);
virtual inline void blendPixelPtr(PixelType *ptr, PixelType color, uint8 alpha);
* "Bresenham's Line Algorithm", as described in Wikipedia.
* Based on the current implementation in "graphics/primitives.cpp".
* Blends a single pixel on the surface in the given pixel pointer, using supplied color
* and Alpha intensity.
* This is implemented to prevent blendPixel() to calculate the surface pointer on each call.
* Optimized drawing algorithms should call this function when possible.
* Generic line drawing algorithm for the aliased renderer. Optimized with no
* floating point operations and direct access to pixel buffer, assumes no special cases.
* @see blendPixel
* @param ptr Pointer to the pixel to blend on top of
* @param color Color of the pixel
* @param alpha Alpha intensity of the pixel (0-255)
virtual inline void blendPixelPtr(PixelType *ptr, PixelType color, uint8 alpha) {
if (alpha == 255) {
*ptr = color;
register int idst = *ptr;
register int isrc = color;
*ptr = (PixelType)(
(PixelFormat::kRedMask & ((idst & PixelFormat::kRedMask) +
((int)(((int)(isrc & PixelFormat::kRedMask) -
(int)(idst & PixelFormat::kRedMask)) * alpha) >> 8))) |
(PixelFormat::kGreenMask & ((idst & PixelFormat::kGreenMask) +
((int)(((int)(isrc & PixelFormat::kGreenMask) -
(int)(idst & PixelFormat::kGreenMask)) * alpha) >> 8))) |
(PixelFormat::kBlueMask & ((idst & PixelFormat::kBlueMask) +
((int)(((int)(isrc & PixelFormat::kBlueMask) -
(int)(idst & PixelFormat::kBlueMask)) * alpha) >> 8))) );
* Generic algorithms for drawing all kinds of aliased primitive shapes.
* These may be overloaded in inheriting classes to implement platform-specific
* optimizations or improve looks.
* @see VectorRendererAA
* @see VectorRendererAA::drawLineAlg
* @see VectorRendererAA::drawCircleAlg
virtual void drawLineAlg(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int dx, int dy, PixelType color);
virtual void drawCircleAlg(int x, int y, int r, PixelType color, FillMode fill_m);
virtual void drawRoundedSquareAlg(int x1, int y1, int r, int w, int h, PixelType color, FillMode fill_m);
virtual void drawSquareAlg(int x, int y, int w, int h, PixelType color, FillMode fill_m);
* Optimized versions of the primitive drawing algorithms with alpha blending
* for shadow drawing.
* There functions may be overloaded in inheriting classes to improve performance
* in the slowest platforms where pixel alpha blending just doesn't cut it.
* @param blur Intensity/size of the shadow.
virtual void drawSquareShadow(int x, int y, int w, int h, int blur);
virtual void drawRoundedSquareShadow(int x, int y, int r, int w, int h, int blur);
* Calculates the color gradient on a given point.
* This function assumes that the gradient start/end colors have been set
* beforehand from the API function call.
* @param pos Progress of the gradient.
* @param max Maximum amount of the progress.
* @return Composite color of the gradient at the given "progress" amount.
inline PixelType calcGradient(uint32 pos, uint32 max) {
PixelType output = 0;
pos = (MIN(pos * Base::_gradientFactor, max) << 12) / max;
@ -395,6 +465,16 @@ protected:
return output;
* Fills several pixels in a row with a given color and the specifed alpha blending.
* @see blendPixelPtr
* @see blendPixel
* @param first Pointer to the first pixel to fill.
* @param last Pointer to the last pixel to fill.
* @param color Color of the pixel
* @param alpha Alpha intensity of the pixel (0-255)
inline void blendFill(PixelType *first, PixelType *last, PixelType color, uint8 alpha) {
while (first != last)
blendPixelPtr(first++, color, alpha);
@ -403,8 +483,8 @@ protected:
PixelType _fgColor; /** Foreground color currently being used to draw on the renderer */
PixelType _bgColor; /** Background color currently being used to draw on the renderer */
PixelType _gradientStart;
PixelType _gradientEnd;
PixelType _gradientStart; /** Start color for the fill gradient */
PixelType _gradientEnd; /** End color for the fill gradient */
@ -445,6 +525,13 @@ protected:
virtual void drawCircleAlg(int x, int y, int r, PixelType color, VectorRenderer::FillMode fill_m);
* "Wu's Circle Antialiasing Algorithm" as published by Xiaolin Wu, July 1991,
* modified with corner displacement to allow drawing of squares with rounded
* corners.
* @see VectorRenderer::drawRoundedAlg()
virtual void drawRoundedSquareAlg(int x1, int y1, int r, int w, int h, PixelType color, VectorRenderer::FillMode fill_m);
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