PRINCE: Hero zooming progress

This commit is contained in:
lukaslw 2014-04-29 16:57:14 +02:00
parent eb9a0009bb
commit 991ca05fd4
2 changed files with 92 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ const Graphics::Surface * Hero::getSurface() {
int16 phaseFrameIndex = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getPhaseFrameIndex(_phase);
Graphics::Surface *heroFrame = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getFrame(phaseFrameIndex);
//return _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getFrame(phaseFrameIndex);
return heroFrame;
//return heroFrame;
return zoomSprite(heroFrame);
return NULL;
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ void Hero::getState() {
int Hero::getScaledValue(int size) {
int newSize = 0;
int16 initScaleValue = _scaleValue;
if(_scaleValue != 10000) {
if (_scaleValue != 10000) {
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
initScaleValue -= 100;
if(initScaleValue >= 0) {
@ -147,38 +147,13 @@ void Hero::checkNak() {
void Hero::zoomSprite(int16 tempMiddleY) {
if(_zoomFactor == 0) {
int sprWidth = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getFrameWidth(_phase);
int temp = sprWidth / 2;
int sprFullHeight = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getFrameHeight(_phase); // edx
int sprModulo = tempMiddleY; // ebp ???
int sprSkipX = 0;
int sprSkipY = 0;
} else {
void Hero::countDrawPosition() {
int16 frameXSize = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getFrameWidth(_phase);
int16 frameYSize = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getFrameHeight(_phase);
_drawX = _middleX - frameXSize/2;
_drawY = _middleY - frameYSize;
void Hero::countDrawPosition() {
Graphics::Surface *Hero::zoomSprite(Graphics::Surface *heroFrame) {
int16 tempMiddleX;
int16 tempMiddleY;
int16 baseX = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getBaseX();
int16 baseY = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getBaseY();
// any chance?
if(baseX == 320) {
if (baseX == 320) {
tempMiddleY = _middleY - (baseY - 240);
} else {
tempMiddleY = _middleY;
@ -187,38 +162,46 @@ void Hero::countDrawPosition() {
int16 frameYSize = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getFrameHeight(_phase);
int scaledX = getScaledValue(frameXSize); // ebx
int scaledY = getScaledValue(frameYSize); // edx
int tempHeroHeight = scaledY; // not used? global?
int width = scaledX / 2;
tempMiddleX = _middleX - width; //eax
int z = _middleY; //ebp
int y = _middleY - scaledY; //ecx
// zoomSprite:
int sprModulo;
if(_zoomFactor != 0) {
Graphics::Surface *surf = new Graphics::Surface();
surf->create(scaledX, scaledY, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8());
if (_zoomFactor != 0) {
int sprFullHeight = frameXSize;
sprModulo = tempMiddleY; // ebp ???
//int sprFullHeight = frameXSize;
sprModulo = frameXSize;
//int sprSkipX = 0;
//int sprSkipY = 0;
int sprWidth = scaledX;
int sprHeight = scaledY; // after resize
int allocMemSize = sprWidth*sprHeight;
int imulEDX = sprFullHeight*sprModulo; // edx
//int allocMemSize = sprWidth*sprHeight;
//int imulEDX = sprFullHeight*sprModulo; // hop do ostatniej linii
int sprZoomX;
int sprZoomY = _scaleValue;
int loop_lin;
for (uint y = 0; y < heroFrame->h; ++y) {
for (uint x = 0; x < heroFrame->w; ++x) {
byte pixel = *((byte*)heroFrame->getBasePtr(x, y));
*((byte*)surf->getBasePtr(x, y)) = pixel;
uint x1 = 0;
uint y1 = 0;
uint x2 = 0;
uint y2 = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < sprHeight; i++) {
// linear_loop:
while(1) {
sprZoomY -= 100;
if(sprZoomY >= 0 || _scaleValue == 10000) {
if (sprZoomY >= 0 || _scaleValue == 10000) {
// all_r_y
// push esi
loop_lin = sprWidth;
@ -228,10 +211,15 @@ void Hero::countDrawPosition() {
} else {
sprZoomY += _scaleValue;
// add esi, sprModulo /?
//heroFrame += sprModulo;
x1 = 0;
// end of linear_loop
// loop_lin:
debug("loop_lin: %d", loop_lin);
for(int i = 0; i < loop_lin; i++) {
// mov al, b[esi]
// inc esi
@ -240,39 +228,77 @@ void Hero::countDrawPosition() {
// without ZOOMFIX
//mov [edi], al
//memcpy(surf->getBasePtr(0, i), frameData + 4 + width * i, width);
memcpy(surf->getBasePtr(x2, y2), heroFrame->getBasePtr(x1, y1), 1);
// inc edi
if(x2 > scaledX) {
x2 = 0;
} else {
sprZoomX += _scaleValue;
if(x1 > frameXSize) {
x1 = 0;
//pop esi
//add esi, sprModulo
debug("loop_lin: %d", loop_lin);
//heroFrame += (sprModulo - loop_lin);
x2 = 0;
x1 = 0;
return surf;
return heroFrame;
void Hero::countDrawPosition() {
//int16 tempMiddleX;
int16 tempMiddleY;
int16 baseX = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getBaseX();
int16 baseY = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getBaseY();
// any chance?
if (baseX == 320) {
tempMiddleY = _middleY - (baseY - 240);
} else {
tempMiddleY = _middleY;
int16 frameXSize = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getFrameWidth(_phase);
int16 frameYSize = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getFrameHeight(_phase);
int scaledX = getScaledValue(frameXSize);
int scaledY = getScaledValue(frameYSize);
//int tempHeroHeight = scaledY; // not used? global?
//int width = scaledX / 2;
//tempMiddleX = _middleX - width; //eax
//int z = _middleY; //ebp
//int y = _middleY - scaledY; //ecx
if (_zoomFactor != 0) {
debug("scaledX: %d", scaledX);
debug("scaledY: %d", scaledY);
_drawX = _middleX - frameXSize/2;
_drawY = _middleY - frameYSize;
_drawX = _middleX - scaledX/2;
_drawY = tempMiddleY + 1 - scaledY;
} else {
sprModulo = 0; //?
_drawX = _middleX - frameXSize / 2;
_drawY = tempMiddleY + 1 - frameYSize;
// ShowSprite
AnimHeader struc ;struktura naglowka pliku z animacja
AH_ID dw 0 ;ID = "AN"
AH_Loop dw 0 ;numer fazy do petli
AH_Fazy dw 0 ;ilosc faz animacji
AH_Ramki dw 0 ;ilosc ramek grafiki
AH_X dw 0 ;poczatkowa wsp¢lrzedna X
AH_Y dw 0 ;poczatkowa wsp¢lrzedna Y
AH_Tablica dd 0 ;offset tablicy faz
AH_RamkiAddr dd 0 ;poczatek tablicy z offsetami ramek
void Hero::showHeroAnimFrame() {
if (_phase < _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getFrameCount() - 1) {

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@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ public:
void selectZoom();
void countDrawPosition();
void checkNak();
void zoomSprite(int16 tempMiddleY);
Graphics::Surface *zoomSprite(Graphics::Surface *heroFrame);
void showHeroAnimFrame();
void specialAnim();
void getState();