PRINCE: showHeroShadow() first actual shadow drawing

This commit is contained in:
lukaslw 2014-05-12 03:47:16 +02:00
parent be565bf4f0
commit 9e88e738ea
2 changed files with 194 additions and 197 deletions

View File

@ -265,7 +265,6 @@ static void plot(int x, int y, int color, void *data) {
void Hero::showHeroShadow() {
//Graphics::Surface *Hero::showHeroShadow() {
int16 phaseFrameIndex = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getPhaseFrameIndex(_phase);
Graphics::Surface *heroFrame = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getFrame(phaseFrameIndex);
int16 frameXSize = _moveSet[_moveSetType]->getFrameWidth(_phase);
@ -274,16 +273,6 @@ void Hero::showHeroShadow() {
Graphics::Surface *makeShadow = new Graphics::Surface();
makeShadow->create(frameXSize, frameYSize, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8());
//Graphics::Surface *destShadow = new Graphics::Surface();
//destShadow->create(frameXSize, frameYSize, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8());
for (int y = 0; y < frameYSize; y++) {
byte *src = (byte *)destShadow->getBasePtr(0, y);
for (int x = 0; x < frameXSize; x++, src++) {
*src = 0xFF;
for (int y = 0; y < frameYSize; y++) {
byte *src = (byte *)heroFrame->getBasePtr(0, y);
byte *dst = (byte *)makeShadow->getBasePtr(0, y);
@ -301,17 +290,11 @@ void Hero::showHeroShadow() {
int destX = _drawX; // eax
int destY = _middleY - _shadMinus; // ecx
// modulo of source Bitmap - ebp
int scaledX = getScaledValue(frameXSize); // ebx
int scaledY = getScaledValue(frameYSize); // edx
//int scaledX = getScaledValue(frameXSize); // ebx
//int scaledY = getScaledValue(frameYSize); // edx
// shadowTable70 - edi
if (destY > 1 && destY < kMaxPicHeight) {
// pushad
// edx = destY
// ecx = destX
// ebx = _lightY
// eax = _lightX
int shadDirection;
if (_lightY > destY) {
shadDirection = 1;
@ -325,10 +308,14 @@ void Hero::showHeroShadow() {
byte *sprShadow = (byte *)_graph->_shadowTable70;
// sprModulo = modulo of source Bitmap
int sprWidth = scaledX;
int sprHeight = scaledY;
int sprDestX = destX - _vm->_picWindowX; //test this
int sprDestY = destY - _vm->_picWindowY; //test this
//int sprWidth = scaledX; // this or normal size?
//int sprHeight = scaledY;
int sprWidth = frameXSize;
int sprHeight = frameYSize;
//int sprDestX = destX - _vm->_picWindowX; //test this
//int sprDestY = destY - _vm->_picWindowY; //test this
int sprDestX = destX;
int sprDestY = destY;
_shadowDrawX = sprDestX; // to fix
_shadowDrawY = sprDestY;
@ -340,28 +327,29 @@ void Hero::showHeroShadow() {
int shadPosY = sprDestY;
int shadMinY = sprDestY;
int shadMaxY = sprDestY;
int shadBitAddr = destY * kMaxPicWidth / 8 + destX / 8; // for temp _shadowBitmap->getZoom()
int shadBitAddr = destY * kMaxPicWidth / 8 + destX / 8;
int shadBitMask = 128 >> (destX % 8);
int shadZoomY2 = _shadScaleValue;
int shadZoomY = _scaleValue;
// lockscreen etc
//byte *destShadowStart = (byte *)destShadow->getBasePtr(0, 0); // need this?
byte *shadowStart = (byte *)makeShadow->getBasePtr(0, frameYSize - 1); // !TEST IT! esi, first pixel from last row of black hero
byte *background = (byte *)_graph->_frontScreen->getBasePtr(sprDestX, sprDestY); // !TEST IT! eax, pixel of background where shadow sprite starts
//byte *background = (byte *)_graph->_frontScreen->getBasePtr(sprDestX, sprDestY + frameYSize);
int diff = 0;
int diffX = 0;
int diffY = 0;
int blackHeroX = 0;
int blackHeroY = frameYSize - 1;
byte *shadowStart = (byte *)makeShadow->getBasePtr(blackHeroX, blackHeroY); // esi, first pixel from last row of black hero
byte *background = (byte *)_graph->_frontScreen->getBasePtr(sprDestX, sprDestY); // eax, pixel of background where shadow sprite starts
// banked2
byte *shadowLineStart = _shadowLine + 8;
// linear_loop
for(int i = 0; i < sprHeight; i++) {
int ebx16795 = shadPosY;
int sprModulo = 0;
int shadSkipX = 0;
int ct_loop = 0;
int ebxOnStack;
@ -369,200 +357,210 @@ void Hero::showHeroShadow() {
shadZoomY -= 100;
if (shadZoomY < 0 && _scaleValue != 10000) {
shadZoomY += _scaleValue;
shadowStart -= sprWidth;
if (blackHeroY < 0) {
shadowStart = (byte *)makeShadow->getBasePtr(blackHeroX, blackHeroY);
} else {
break; //to line_y_ok
if(ebxOnStack == 0) {
// esp += 4*4
// koniec_bajki
if (blackHeroY < 0) {
//if (shadPosY >= 0 && shadPosY != _shadLastY) {
if (shadPosY >= 0) {
//_shadLastY = shadPosY;
if (shadPosY < 480 && shadPosX < 640) {
if (shadPosX < 0) { //?
shadSkipX = -1 * shadPosX;
background += shadSkipX;
if (sprWidth > shadSkipX) {
shadowStart += shadSkipX;
shadBitAddr += shadSkipX / 8;
int ebp16844 = shadSkipX % 8;
if (ebp16844 != 0) {
for (int k = 0; k < ebp16844; k++) {
//ror(shadBitMask, 1)
if (shadBitMask == 1) {
shadBitMask = 128;
} else {
shadBitMask /= 2;
if (shadPosY >= 0 && shadPosY < 480 && shadPosX < 640) {
if (shadPosX < 0) { //when it happens?
shadSkipX = -1 * shadPosX;
background += shadSkipX;
if (sprWidth > shadSkipX) {
shadowStart += shadSkipX;
shadBitAddr += shadSkipX / 8;
int ebp16844 = shadSkipX % 8;
if (ebp16844 != 0) {
for (int k = 0; k < ebp16844; k++) {
//ror(shadBitMask, 1)
if (shadBitMask == 1) {
shadBitMask = 128;
} else {
shadBitMask /= 2;
} else {
//skip_line //?
// no draw_line1
} else {
if (shadPosX + sprWidth > 640) {
int ecx16861 = sprWidth - (shadPosX + sprWidth - 640);
sprModulo = shadPosX + sprWidth - 640;
} else {
int ecx16868 = sprWidth;
//skip_line //?
// no draw_line1
//no ct_loop?
} else {
if (shadPosX + sprWidth > 640) {
ct_loop = 640 - shadPosX; // test it
sprModulo = shadPosX + sprWidth - 640;
} else {
ct_loop = sprWidth;
if (shadPosX < shadMinX) {
shadMinX = shadPosX;
if (shadPosX + sprWidth > shadMaxX) {
shadMaxX = shadPosX + sprWidth;
if (shadPosY < shadMinY) {
shadMinY = shadPosY;
if (shadPosY > shadMaxY) {
shadMaxY = shadPosY;
int ebxOnStack2;
for(ebxOnStack2 = ebxOnStack; ebxOnStack2 > 0; ebxOnStack2--) {
shadZoomY2 -= 100;
if (shadZoomY2 < 0 && _shadScaleValue != 10000) {
shadZoomY2 += _shadScaleValue;
if (blackHeroY < 0) {
shadowStart = (byte *)makeShadow->getBasePtr(blackHeroX, blackHeroY);
} else {
break; //to line_y_ok_2
if (shadPosX < shadMinX) {
shadMinX = shadPosX;
if (shadPosX + sprWidth > shadMaxX) {
shadMaxX = shadPosX + sprWidth;
if (shadPosY < shadMinY) {
shadMinY = shadPosY;
if (shadPosY > shadMaxY) { //?
shadMaxY = shadPosY;
int ebxOnStack2;
for(ebxOnStack2 = ebxOnStack; ebxOnStack2 > 0; ebxOnStack2--) {
shadZoomY2 -= 100;
if (shadZoomY2 < 0 && _shadScaleValue != 10000) {
shadZoomY2 += _shadScaleValue;
shadowStart -= sprWidth;
} else {
break; //to line_y_ok_2
if (ebxOnStack2 == 0) {
// esp += 4*4
// koniec_bajki
// push esi
// push ecx
// int lineDestAddr = eax;
// edi = eax
// eax = shadBitMask
// push eax // push shadBitMask
// lineBitAddr = shadBitMask
// eax = shadBitAddr
// push eax
// LineBitAddr = eax
if (blackHeroY < 0) {
if (ebxOnStack2 == 0) {
// push esi
// push ecx
// int lineDestAddr = eax;
// edi = eax
// eax = shadBitMask
// push eax // push shadBitMask
// lineBitAddr = shadBitMask
// eax = shadBitAddr
// push eax
// LineBitAddr = eax
//push eax, ebx, edx, ebp
int shadWDFlag = 0;
int shadZoomX = _scaleValue;
for (int j = 0; j < sprWidth; j++) { //? ecx to check
shadZoomX -= 100;
if (shadZoomX < 0 && _scaleValue != 10000) {
shadZoomX += _scaleValue;
} else {
if (*shadowStart == kShadowColor) {
if (shadBitMask != _shadowBitmap->getZoom(shadBitAddr)) { //tofix
if (shadWallDown == 0) {
if (shadBitMask != _shadowBitmap->getZoom(shadBitAddr + kShadowBitmapSize)) {
shadWDFlag = 1;
*background = *(sprShadow + *background);
//push eax, ebx, edx, ebp
int shadWDFlag = 0;
int shadZoomX = _scaleValue;
int backgroundDiff = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < ct_loop; j++) {
shadZoomX -= 100;
if (shadZoomX < 0 && _scaleValue != 10000) {
shadowStart = (byte *)makeShadow->getBasePtr(blackHeroX, blackHeroY);
shadZoomX += _scaleValue;
} else {
if (*shadowStart == kShadowColor) {
if (shadBitMask != _shadowBitmap->getZoom(shadBitAddr)) { //tofix
if (shadWallDown == 0) {
if (shadBitMask != _shadowBitmap->getZoom(shadBitAddr + kShadowBitmapSize)) { //tofix
shadWDFlag = 1;
} else {
*background = *(sprShadow + *background);
//ror(shadBitMask, 1)
if (shadBitMask == 1) {
shadBitMask = 128;
} else {
shadBitMask /= 2;
//*background = *(sprShadow + *background); //wrong color
*background = 0;
if (shadWallDown == 0 && shadWDFlag != 0) {
//shadWall itp
// pop ...
if (shadDirection != 0 && shadWallDown != 0) {
// push...
// krap2
// WALL_copy_trans
//int ecx16965 = sprWidth;
if (*(shadowLineStart + 2) < *(shadowLineStart - 2)) {
shadBitAddr += kMaxPicWidth / 8;
//add eax, VESA_ScanLine
background = (byte *)_graph->_frontScreen->getBasePtr(sprDestX + diff, sprDestY + i);
} else if (*(shadowLineStart + 2) > *(shadowLineStart - 2)) {
shadBitAddr -= kMaxPicWidth / 8;
//sub eax, VESA_ScanLine
background = (byte *)_graph->_frontScreen->getBasePtr(sprDestX + diff, sprDestY - i);
if (*shadowLineStart < *(shadowLineStart - 4)) {
if (shadBitMask == 128) {
shadBitMask = 1;
} else {
shadBitMask *= 2;
} else if (*shadowLineStart > *(shadowLineStart - 4)) {
//ror(shadBitMask, 1)
if (shadBitMask == 1) {
shadBitMask = 128;
} else {
shadBitMask /= 2;
shadowStart = (byte *)makeShadow->getBasePtr(blackHeroX, blackHeroY);
background = (byte *)_graph->_frontScreen->getBasePtr(sprDestX + diffX + backgroundDiff, sprDestY + diffY);
shadowLineStart += 4;
shadowStart = (byte *)makeShadow->getBasePtr(0, frameYSize - 1 - i);
//background = (byte *)_graph->_frontScreen->getBasePtr(sprDestX, sprDestY + i);
if (shadWallDown == 0 && shadWDFlag != 0) {
//shadWall etc
// pop ...
if (shadDirection != 0 && shadWallDown != 0) {
// push...
// krap2
// WALL_copy_trans
//add esi, sprWidth - don't need it?
if (*(shadowLineStart + 2) < *(shadowLineStart - 2)) {
shadBitAddr += kMaxPicWidth / 8;
background = (byte *)_graph->_frontScreen->getBasePtr(sprDestX + diffX, sprDestY + diffY);
} else if (*(shadowLineStart + 2) > *(shadowLineStart - 2)) {
shadBitAddr -= kMaxPicWidth / 8;
background = (byte *)_graph->_frontScreen->getBasePtr(sprDestX + diffX, sprDestY + diffY);
if (*shadowLineStart < *(shadowLineStart - 4)) {
if (shadBitMask == 128) {
shadBitMask = 1;
} else {
shadBitMask *= 2;
} else if (*shadowLineStart > *(shadowLineStart - 4)) {
if (shadBitMask == 1) {
shadBitMask = 128;
} else {
shadBitMask /= 2;
shadowLineStart += 4;
if (blackHeroY < 0) {
blackHeroX = 0;
shadowStart = (byte *)makeShadow->getBasePtr(blackHeroX, blackHeroY);
//return makeShadow;
//return destShadow;
void Hero::showHeroAnimFrame() {

View File

@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ public:
void showHeroAnimFrame();
void line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
void plotPoint(int x, int y);
//Graphics::Surface *showHeroShadow();
void showHeroShadow();
void setShadowScale(int32 shadowScale);
void specialAnim();