FULLPIPE: Implemented MovGraph2::method4C()

This commit is contained in:
Eugene Sandulenko 2013-10-17 00:35:02 +03:00
parent 769ba7f6ca
commit a0185d7fdc
4 changed files with 91 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -309,6 +309,10 @@ void MessageQueue::messageQueueCallback1(int par) {
debug(3, "STUB: MessageQueue::messageQueueCallback1()");
void MessageQueue::addExCommand(ExCommand *ex) {
ExCommand *MessageQueue::getExCommandByIndex(uint idx) {
if (idx > _exCommands.size())
return 0;
@ -323,6 +327,23 @@ ExCommand *MessageQueue::getExCommandByIndex(uint idx) {
return *it;
void MessageQueue::deleteExCommandByIndex(uint idx, bool doFree) {
if (idx > _exCommands.size())
Common::List<ExCommand *>::iterator it = _exCommands.begin();
while (idx) {
if (doFree)
delete *it;
void MessageQueue::sendNextCommand() {
if (_exCommands.size()) {
if (!(_flags & 4) && (_flags & 1)) {

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@ -119,7 +119,9 @@ class MessageQueue : public CObject {
uint getCount() { return _exCommands.size(); }
void addExCommand(ExCommand *ex);
ExCommand *getExCommandByIndex(uint idx);
void deleteExCommandByIndex(uint idx, bool doFree);
void replaceKeyCode(int key1, int key2);

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@ -535,6 +535,16 @@ void MovGraph2::addObject(StaticANIObject *obj) {
void MovGraph2::buildMovInfo1SubItems(MovInfo1 *movinfo, Common::Array<MovGraphLink *> *linkList, LinkInfo *lnkSrc, LinkInfo *lnkDst) {
warning("STUB: MovGraph2::buildMovInfo1SubItems()");
MessageQueue *MovGraph2::buildMovInfo1MessageQueue(MovInfo1 *movInfo) {
warning("STUB: MovGraph2::buildMovInfo1MessageQueue()");
return 0;
int MovGraph2::removeObject(StaticANIObject *obj) {
warning("STUB: MovGraph2::removeObject()");
@ -727,105 +737,62 @@ MessageQueue *MovGraph2::method4C(StaticANIObject *obj, int xpos, int ypos, int
dy2 = movInfo1.pt2.y;
warning("STUB: MovGraph2::method4C()");
#if 0
if (staticsId) {
v47 = MovGraph2_getItem1IndexByStaticsId(ex, staticsId);
} else if (tempLinkList.m_nCount <= 1) {
if (tempLinkList.m_nCount == 1)
LOBYTE(v47) = MovGraph2_sub_456690(
dx2 - dx1,
dy2 - dy1);
movInfo1.item1Index = getItemSubIndexByStaticsId(idx, staticsId);
} else if (tempLinkList.size() <= 1) {
if (tempLinkList.size() == 1)
movInfo1.item1Index = getShortSide(tempLinkList[0], dx2 - dx1, dy2 - dy1);
LOBYTE(v47) = MovGraph2_sub_456690(this, 0, dx2 - dx1, dy2 - dy1);
movInfo1.item1Index = getShortSide(0, dx2 - dx1, dy2 - dy1);
} else {
LOBYTE(v47) = MovGraph2_sub_456300(this, (int)&tempLinkList, tempLinkList.m_pNodeTail, 0, 0);
movInfo1.item1Index = findLink(&tempLinkList, tempLinkList.back(), 0, 0);
movInfo1.flags = fuzzyMatch != 0;
movInfo1.item1Index = v47;
if (*((_DWORD *)this->items.CObArray.m_pData[offsetof(MovGraph2, movGraph)]
+ 186 * movInfo1.field_0
+ 46 * movInfo1.subIndex
+ 3) != (unsigned __int16)v62) {
v48 = movInfo1.flags;
LOBYTE(v48) = LOBYTE(movInfo1.flags) | 2;
movInfo1.flags = v48;
MovGraph2_buildMovInfo1SubItems(this, (int)&movInfo1, (int)&tempLinkList, (int)&linkInfoSource, (int)&linkInfoDest);
v49 = MovGraph2_buildMovInfo1MessageQueue(this, (int)&movInfo1);
v50 = (MessageQueue *)v49;
v62 = (MessageQueue *)v49;
CObjectFree((void *)movInfo1.items);
v51 = MovGraph2_findNode(this, movInfo1.pt2.x, movInfo1.pt2.y, fuzzyMatch);
linkInfoDest.node = v51;
if (!v51) {
linkInfoDest.link = MovGraph2_findLink1(this, movInfo1.pt2.x, movInfo1.pt2.y, movInfo1.item1Index, fuzzyMatch);
v51 = linkInfoDest.node;
if (fuzzyMatch || (_DWORD)linkInfoDest.link || v51) {
if (v50 && MessageQueue_getCount(v50) > 0 && picAniInfo.movementId) {
v52 = MessageQueue_getExCommandByIndex(v50, 0);
point.x = (int)v52;
if (v52
&& ((v53 = v52->msg.messageKind, v53 == 1) || v53 == 20)
&& picAniInfo.movementId == LOWORD(v52->messageNum)
&& picAniInfo.someDynamicPhaseIndex == v52->msg.field_14) {
MessageQueue_deleteExCommandByIndex(v50, 0, 1);
if (_items[idx]->_subItems[idxsub]._staticsId1 != obj->_statics->_staticsId)
movInfo1.flags |= 2;
buildMovInfo1SubItems(&movInfo1, &tempLinkList, &linkInfoSource, &linkInfoDest);
MessageQueue *mq = buildMovInfo1MessageQueue(&movInfo1);
linkInfoDest.node = findNode(movInfo1.pt2.x, movInfo1.pt2.y, fuzzyMatch);
if (!linkInfoDest.node)
linkInfoDest.link = findLink1(movInfo1.pt2.x, movInfo1.pt2.y, movInfo1.item1Index, fuzzyMatch);
if (fuzzyMatch || linkInfoDest.link || linkInfoDest.node) {
if (mq && mq->getCount() > 0 && picAniInfo.movementId) {
ExCommand *ex = mq->getExCommandByIndex(0);
if (ex && (ex->_messageKind == 1 || ex->_messageKind == 20)
&& picAniInfo.movementId == ex->_messageNum
&& picAniInfo.someDynamicPhaseIndex == ex->_field_14) {
mq->deleteExCommandByIndex(0, 1);
} else {
ExCommand *ex = new ExCommand(picAniInfo.objectId, 5, v52->_messageNum, obj->_ox, obj->_oy, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
ex = new ExCommand(picAniInfo.objectId, 5, ex->_messageNum, obj->_ox, obj->_oy, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
ex->_field_14 = -1;
ex->_keyCode = picAniInfo.field_8;
ex->_excFlags |= 2;
v57 = (ExCommand *)operator new(sizeof(ExCommand));
v63 = v57;
LOBYTE(v71.state) = 6;
if (v57) {
v58 = ExCommand_ctor(
*((_DWORD *)this->items.CObArray.m_pData[offsetof(MovGraph2, movGraph)]
+ 186 * ex
+ 46 * movInfo1.subIndex
+ 3),
v50 = v62;
v58 = 0;
v58->msg.keyCode = picAniInfo.field_8;
v59 = v58->excFlags | 3;
LOBYTE(v71.state) = 4;
v58->excFlags = v59;
MessageQueue_addExCommand(v50, v58);
ex = new ExCommand(picAniInfo.objectId, 22, _items[idx]->_subItems[idxsub]._staticsId1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
ex->_keyCode = picAniInfo.field_8;
ex->_excFlags |= 3;
} else {
if (v50)
(*(void (__thiscall **)(MessageQueue *, signed int))(v50->CObject.vmt + 4))(v50, 1);
v50 = 0;
if (mq)
delete mq;
mq = 0;
GameObject_setPicAniInfo(obj, &picAniInfo);
v71.state = -1;
return v50;
return 0;
return mq;
MovGraphNode *MovGraph2::findNode(int x, int y, int fuzzyMatch) {
@ -834,6 +801,18 @@ MovGraphNode *MovGraph2::findNode(int x, int y, int fuzzyMatch) {
return 0;
int MovGraph2::getShortSide(MovGraphLink *lnk, int x, int y) {
warning("STUB: MovGraph2::getShortSide()");
return 0;
int MovGraph2::findLink(Common::Array<MovGraphLink *> *linkList, MovGraphLink *lnk, Common::Rect *a3, Common::Point *a4) {
warning("STUB: MovGraphLink *MovGraph2::findLink()");
return 0;
MovGraphLink *MovGraph2::findLink1(int x, int y, int idx, int fuzzyMatch) {
warning("STUB: MovGraphLink *MovGraph2::findLink1()");

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@ -315,7 +315,12 @@ public:
int getItemSubIndexByMovementId(int index, int movId);
int getItemSubIndexByMGM(int idx, StaticANIObject *ani);
int getShortSide(MovGraphLink *lnk, int x, int y);
int findLink(Common::Array<MovGraphLink *> *linkList, MovGraphLink *lnk, Common::Rect *a3, Common::Point *a4);
bool initDirections(StaticANIObject *obj, MovGraph2Item *item);
void buildMovInfo1SubItems(MovInfo1 *movinfo, Common::Array<MovGraphLink *> *linkList, LinkInfo *lnkSrc, LinkInfo *lnkDst);
MessageQueue *buildMovInfo1MessageQueue(MovInfo1 *movInfo);
MovGraphNode *findNode(int x, int y, int fuzzyMatch);
MovGraphLink *findLink1(int x, int y, int idx, int fuzzyMatch);