mirror of
synced 2025-01-25 12:05:53 +00:00
AGS: JANITORIAL: Cleaned up old bliting files
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
// TODO: Complete PowerPC code
/*#include "ags/lib/allegro/gfx.h"
#include "ags/lib/allegro/color.h"
#include "ags/lib/allegro/flood.h"
#include "ags/ags.h"
#include "ags/globals.h"
#include "common/textconsole.h"
#include "graphics/screen.h"
#include "ags/lib/allegro/surface_simd_ppc.h"
namespace AGS3 {
// This template handles 2bpp and 4bpp, the other specializations handle 1bpp and format conversion blits
template<int DestBytesPerPixel, int SrcBytesPerPixel, int ScaleThreshold>
void BITMAP::drawInner4BppWithConv(int yStart, int xStart, uint32 transColor, uint32 alphaMask, PALETTE palette, int useTint, int sameFormat, const ::Graphics::ManagedSurface &src, ::Graphics::Surface &destArea, int horizFlip, int vertFlip, int skipTrans, int srcAlpha, int tintRed, int tintGreen, int tintBlue, const Common::Rect &dstRect, const Common::Rect &srcArea, const BlenderMode blenderMode, int scaleX, int scaleY) {
drawInnerGeneric(yStart, xStart, transColor, alphaMask, palette, useTint, sameFormat, src, destArea, horizFlip, vertFlip, skipTrans, srcAlpha, tintRed, tintGreen, tintBlue, dstRect, srcArea, blenderMode, scaleX, scaleY);
const int xDir = horizFlip ? -1 : 1;
byte rSrc, gSrc, bSrc, aSrc;
byte rDest = 0, gDest = 0, bDest = 0, aDest = 0;
vector unsigned int tint = vec_sl(vec_splat_u32(srcAlpha), 24);
tint = vec_or(tint, vec_sl(vec_splat_u32(tintRed), 16));
tint = vec_or(tint, vec_sl(vec_splat_u32(tintGreen), 8));
tint = vec_or(tint, vec_splat_u32(tintBlue));
vector unsigned int maskedAlphas = vec_splat_u32(alphaMask);
vector unsigned int transColors = vec_splat_u32(transColor);
vector unsigned int alphas = vec_splat_u32(srcAlpha);
// This is so that we can calculate what pixels to crop off in a vectorized way
vector unsigned int addIndexes = (vector unsigned int){0, 1, 2, 3};
if (horizFlip) addIndexes = (vector unsigned int){3, 2, 1, 0};
// This is so that we can calculate in parralell the pixel indexes for scaled drawing
vector unsigned int scaleAdds = (vector unsigned int){0, (uint32)scaleX, (uint32)scaleX*2, (uint32)scaleX*3};
// Clip the bounds ahead of time (so we don't waste time checking if we are in bounds when
// we are in the inner loop)
int xCtrStart = 0, xCtrBppStart = 0, xCtrWidth = dstRect.width();
if (xStart + xCtrWidth > destArea.w) {
xCtrWidth = destArea.w - xStart;
if (xStart < 0) {
xCtrStart = -xStart;
xCtrBppStart = xCtrStart * SrcBytesPerPixel;
xStart = 0;
int destY = yStart, srcYCtr = 0, yCtr = 0, scaleYCtr = 0, yCtrHeight = (xCtrWidth % 4 == 0) ? dstRect.height() : (dstRect.height() - 1);
if (ScaleThreshold != 0) yCtrHeight = dstRect.height();
if (yStart < 0) {
yCtr = -yStart;
destY = 0;
if (ScaleThreshold != 0) {
scaleYCtr = yCtr * scaleY;
srcYCtr = scaleYCtr / ScaleThreshold;
if (yStart + yCtrHeight > destArea.h) {
yCtrHeight = destArea.h - yStart;
byte *destP = (byte *)destArea.getBasePtr(0, destY);
const byte *srcP = (const byte *)src.getBasePtr(
horizFlip ? srcArea.right - 4 : srcArea.left,
vertFlip ? srcArea.bottom - 1 - yCtr : srcArea.top + yCtr);
for (; yCtr < yCtrHeight; ++destY, ++yCtr, scaleYCtr += scaleY) {
vector unsigned int xCtrWidthSIMD = vec_splat_u32(xCtrWidth); // This is the width of the row
if (ScaleThreshold == 0) {
// If we are not scaling the image
for (int xCtr = xCtrStart, xCtrBpp = xCtrBppStart, destX = xStart; xCtr < xCtrWidth; destX += 4, xCtr += 4, xCtrBpp += SrcBytesPerPixel*4) {
byte *destPtr = &destP[destX * DestBytesPerPixel];
// Skip pixels that are beyond the row
vector unsigned int skipMask = (vector unsigned int)vec_cmpeq(vec_add(vec_splat_u32(xCtr), addIndexes), xCtrWidthSIMD);
//drawPixelSIMD<DestBytesPerPixel, SrcBytesPerPixel>(destPtr, srcP, tint, alphas, maskedAlphas, transColors, xDir, xCtrBpp, srcAlpha, skipTrans, horizFlip, useTint, skipMask);
// Goto next row in source and destination image
destP += destArea.pitch;
srcP += vertFlip ? -src.pitch : src.pitch;
} else {
// Here we are scaling the image
int newSrcYCtr = scaleYCtr / ScaleThreshold;
// Since the source yctr might not update every row of the destination, we have
// to see if we are on a new row...
if (srcYCtr != newSrcYCtr) {
int diffSrcYCtr = newSrcYCtr - srcYCtr; // Have we moved yet
srcP += src.pitch * diffSrcYCtr;
srcYCtr = newSrcYCtr;
// Now also since we might skip a pixel or 2 or duplicate one to reach the desired
// scaling size, we create a small dummy buffer that we copy the pixels into and then
// call the drawPixelsSIMD function
byte srcBuffer[4*4];
for (int xCtr = xCtrStart, xCtrBpp = xCtrBppStart, destX = xStart, scaleXCtr = xCtrStart * scaleX; xCtr < xCtrWidth; destX += 4, xCtr += 4, xCtrBpp += SrcBytesPerPixel*4) {
if (yCtr + 1 == yCtrHeight && xCtr + 4 > xCtrWidth) break; // Don't go past the last 4 pixels
vector unsigned int indexes = vec_splat_u32(scaleXCtr);
#if (ScaleThreshold == 0 || ScaleThreshold == 0x100)
// Calculate in parallel the indexes of the pixels
if (SrcBytesPerPixel == 4)
indexes = vec_sl(vec_sr(vec_add(indexes, scaleAdds), 8), 2);
indexes = vec_sl(vec_sr(vec_add(indexes, scaleAdds), 8), 1);
#error Change code to allow different scale threshold!
// Simply memcpy them in. memcpy has no real performance overhead here
memcpy(&srcBuffer[0*(uintptr_t)SrcBytesPerPixel], srcP + indexes[0], SrcBytesPerPixel);
memcpy(&srcBuffer[1*(uintptr_t)SrcBytesPerPixel], srcP + indexes[1], SrcBytesPerPixel);
memcpy(&srcBuffer[2*(uintptr_t)SrcBytesPerPixel], srcP + indexes[2], SrcBytesPerPixel);
memcpy(&srcBuffer[3*(uintptr_t)SrcBytesPerPixel], srcP + indexes[3], SrcBytesPerPixel);
scaleXCtr += scaleX*4;
// Now this is pretty much the same as before with non-scaled code, except that we use
// our dummy source buffer instead of the actuall source bitmap
byte *destPtr = &destP[destX * (uintptr_t)DestBytesPerPixel];
vector unsigned int skipMask = (vector unsigned int)vec_cmpeq(vec_add(vec_splat_u32(xCtr), addIndexes), xCtrWidthSIMD);
//drawPixelSIMD<DestBytesPerPixel, SrcBytesPerPixel>(destPtr, (const byte *)srcBuffer, tint, alphas, maskedAlphas, transColors, 1, 0, srcAlpha, skipTrans, horizFlip, useTint, skipMask);
// We calculate every row here except the last (because then we need to
// check for if we fall off the edge of the row)
// The only exception here is scaling drawing this is because:
// 1) if statements are costly, and the less we do the faster this loop is
// 2) with this, the only branch in the normal drawing loop is the width check
// 3) the scaling code will actually draw the until the last 4 pixels of the image
// and do the extra if checks because the scaling code is already much slower
// than the normal drawing loop, and the less duplicate code helps here.
if (yCtr + 1 != yCtrHeight) destP += destArea.pitch;
// Get the last x values of the last row
int xCtr = xCtrStart, xCtrBpp = xCtrBppStart, destX = xStart;
// We have a picture that is a multiple of 4, so no extra pixels to draw
if (xCtrWidth % 4 == 0) return;
// Drawing the last few not scaled pixels here.
// Same as the loop above but now we check if we are going to overflow,
// and thus we don't need to mask out pixels that go over the row.
if (ScaleThreshold == 0) {
for (; xCtr + 4 < xCtrWidth; destX += 4, xCtr += 4, xCtrBpp += SrcBytesPerPixel*4) {
byte *destPtr = &destP[(ptrdiff_t)destX * DestBytesPerPixel];
//drawPixelSIMD<DestBytesPerPixel, SrcBytesPerPixel>(destPtr, srcP, tint, alphas, maskedAlphas, transColors, xDir, xCtrBpp, srcAlpha, skipTrans, horizFlip, useTint, vmovq_n_u32(0));
// Because we move in 4 pixel units, and horizFlip moves in 1, we have to move
// 1 pixel past the last pixel we did not blit, meaning going forward 3 pixels.
if (horizFlip) srcP += SrcBytesPerPixel * 3;
} else {
// So if we are scaling, set up the xCtr to what it was before (AKA the last 4 or so pixels of the image)
xCtr = xCtrWidth - xCtrWidth % 4;
xCtrBpp = xCtr * SrcBytesPerPixel;
destX = xStart+xCtr;
// For the last 4 pixels, we just do them in serial, nothing special
for (; xCtr < xCtrWidth; ++destX, ++xCtr, xCtrBpp += SrcBytesPerPixel) {
const byte *srcColPtr = (const byte *)(srcP + xDir * xCtrBpp);
if (ScaleThreshold != 0) {
srcColPtr = (const byte *)(srcP + (xCtr * scaleX) / ScaleThreshold * SrcBytesPerPixel);
byte *destVal = (byte *)&destP[destX * DestBytesPerPixel];
uint32 srcCol = getColor(srcColPtr, SrcBytesPerPixel);
// Check if this is a transparent color we should skip
if (skipTrans && ((srcCol & alphaMask) == transColor))
src.format.colorToARGB(srcCol, aSrc, rSrc, gSrc, bSrc);
if (srcAlpha != -1) {
if (useTint) {
rDest = rSrc;
gDest = gSrc;
bDest = bSrc;
aDest = aSrc;
rSrc = tintRed;
gSrc = tintGreen;
bSrc = tintBlue;
aSrc = srcAlpha;
blendPixel(aSrc, rSrc, gSrc, bSrc, aDest, rDest, gDest, bDest, srcAlpha, useTint, destVal);
srcCol = format.ARGBToColor(aDest, rDest, gDest, bDest);
} else {
srcCol = format.ARGBToColor(aSrc, rSrc, gSrc, bSrc);
if (DestBytesPerPixel == 4)
*(uint32 *)destVal = srcCol;
*(uint16 *)destVal = srcCol;
template<int ScaleThreshold>
void BITMAP::drawInner2Bpp(int yStart, int xStart, uint32 transColor, uint32 alphaMask, PALETTE palette, int useTint, int sameFormat, const ::Graphics::ManagedSurface &src, ::Graphics::Surface &destArea, int horizFlip, int vertFlip, int skipTrans, int srcAlpha, int tintRed, int tintGreen, int tintBlue, const Common::Rect &dstRect, const Common::Rect &srcArea, const BlenderMode blenderMode, int scaleX, int scaleY) {
drawInnerGeneric(yStart, xStart, transColor, alphaMask, palette, useTint, sameFormat, src, destArea, horizFlip, vertFlip, skipTrans, srcAlpha, tintRed, tintGreen, tintBlue, dstRect, srcArea, blenderMode, scaleX, scaleY);
const int xDir = horizFlip ? -1 : 1;
byte rSrc, gSrc, bSrc, aSrc;
byte rDest = 0, gDest = 0, bDest = 0, aDest = 0;
vector unsigned short tint = vec_splat_u16(src.format.ARGBToColor(srcAlpha, tintRed, tintGreen, tintBlue));
vector unsigned short transColors = vec_splat_u16(transColor);
vector unsigned short alphas = vec_splat_u16(srcAlpha);
// This is so that we can calculate what pixels to crop off in a vectorized way
vector unsigned short addIndexes = (vector unsigned short){0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
// This is so that we can calculate in parralell the pixel indexes for scaled drawing
if (horizFlip) addIndexes = (vector unsigned short){7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0};
vector unsigned int scaleAdds = (vector unsigned int){0, (uint32)scaleX, (uint32)scaleX*2, (uint32)scaleX*3};
vector unsigned int scaleAdds2 = (vector unsigned int){(uint32)scaleX*4, (uint32)scaleX*5, (uint32)scaleX*6, (uint32)scaleX*7};
// Clip the bounds ahead of time (so we don't waste time checking if we are in bounds when
// we are in the inner loop)
int xCtrStart = 0, xCtrBppStart = 0, xCtrWidth = dstRect.width();
if (xStart + xCtrWidth > destArea.w) {
xCtrWidth = destArea.w - xStart;
if (xStart < 0) {
xCtrStart = -xStart;
xCtrBppStart = xCtrStart * 2;
xStart = 0;
int destY = yStart, yCtr = 0, srcYCtr = 0, scaleYCtr = 0, yCtrHeight = (xCtrWidth % 8 == 0) ? dstRect.height() : (dstRect.height() - 1);
if (ScaleThreshold != 0) yCtrHeight = dstRect.height();
if (yStart < 0) {
yCtr = -yStart;
destY = 0;
if (ScaleThreshold != 0) {
scaleYCtr = yCtr * scaleY;
srcYCtr = scaleYCtr / ScaleThreshold;
if (yStart + yCtrHeight > destArea.h) {
yCtrHeight = destArea.h - yStart;
byte *destP = (byte *)destArea.getBasePtr(0, destY);
const byte *srcP = (const byte *)src.getBasePtr(
horizFlip ? srcArea.right - 8 : srcArea.left,
vertFlip ? srcArea.bottom - 1 - yCtr : srcArea.top + yCtr);
for (; yCtr < yCtrHeight; ++destY, ++yCtr, scaleYCtr += scaleY) {
vector unsigned short xCtrWidthSIMD = vec_splat_u16(xCtrWidth); // This is the width of the row
if (ScaleThreshold == 0) {
// If we are not scaling the image
for (int xCtr = xCtrStart, xCtrBpp = xCtrBppStart, destX = xStart; xCtr < xCtrWidth; destX += 8, xCtr += 8, xCtrBpp += 16) {
byte *destPtr = &destP[destX * 2];
// Skip pixels that are beyond the row
vector unsigned int skipMask = (vector unsigned int)vec_cmpgt(vec_add(vec_add(vec_splat_u16(xCtr), addIndexes) vec_splat_u16(1)), xCtrWidthSIMD);
//drawPixelSIMD2Bpp(destPtr, srcP, tint, alphas, transColors, xDir, xCtrBpp, srcAlpha, skipTrans, horizFlip, useTint, skipMask);
// Goto next row in source and destination image
destP += destArea.pitch;
srcP += vertFlip ? -src.pitch : src.pitch;
} else {
// Here we are scaling the image
int newSrcYCtr = scaleYCtr / ScaleThreshold;
// Since the source yctr might not update every row of the destination, we have
// to see if we are on a new row...
if (srcYCtr != newSrcYCtr) {
int diffSrcYCtr = newSrcYCtr - srcYCtr;
srcP += src.pitch * diffSrcYCtr;
srcYCtr = newSrcYCtr;
// Now also since we might skip a pixel or 2 or duplicate one to reach the desired
// scaling size, we create a small dummy buffer that we copy the pixels into and then
// call the drawPixelsSIMD function
uint16 srcBuffer[8];
for (int xCtr = xCtrStart, xCtrBpp = xCtrBppStart, destX = xStart, scaleXCtr = xCtrStart * scaleX; xCtr < xCtrWidth; destX += 8, xCtr += 8, xCtrBpp += 16) {
if (yCtr + 1 == yCtrHeight && xCtr + 8 > xCtrWidth) break;
vector unsigned int indexes = vec_splat_u32(scaleXCtr), indexes2 = vec_splat_u32(scaleXCtr);
#if (ScaleThreshold == 0 || ScaleThreshold == 0x100)
// Calculate in parallel the indexes of the pixels
indexes = vec_sl(vec_sr(vec_add(indexes, scaleAdds), 8), 1);
indexes2 = vec_sl(vec_sr(vec_add(indexes2, scaleAdds2), 8), 1);
#error Change code to allow different scale threshold!
// Simply memcpy them in. memcpy has no real performance overhead here
srcBuffer[0] = *(const uint16 *)(srcP + indexes[0]);
srcBuffer[1] = *(const uint16 *)(srcP + indexes[1]);
srcBuffer[2] = *(const uint16 *)(srcP + indexes[2]);
srcBuffer[3] = *(const uint16 *)(srcP + indexes[3]);
srcBuffer[4] = *(const uint16 *)(srcP + indexes2[0]);
srcBuffer[5] = *(const uint16 *)(srcP + indexes2[1]);
srcBuffer[6] = *(const uint16 *)(srcP + indexes2[2]);
srcBuffer[7] = *(const uint16 *)(srcP + indexes2[3]);
scaleXCtr += scaleX*8;
// Now this is pretty much the same as before with non-scaled code, except that we use
// our dummy source buffer instead of the actuall source bitmap
byte *destPtr = &destP[destX * 2];
vector unsigned int skipMask = (vector unsigned int)vec_cmpgt(vec_add(vec_add(vec_splat_u16(xCtr), addIndexes) vec_splat_u16(1)), xCtrWidthSIMD);
//drawPixelSIMD2Bpp(destPtr, (const byte *)srcBuffer, tint, alphas, transColors, 1, 0, srcAlpha, skipTrans, horizFlip, useTint, skipMask);
// We calculate every row here except the last (because then we need to
// check for if we fall off the edge of the row)
// The only exception here is scaling drawing this is because:
// 1) if statements are costly, and the less we do the faster this loop is
// 2) with this, the only branch in the normal drawing loop is the width check
// 3) the scaling code will actually draw the until the last 4 pixels of the image
// and do the extra if checks because the scaling code is already much slower
// than the normal drawing loop, and the less duplicate code helps here.
if (yCtr + 1 != yCtrHeight) destP += destArea.pitch;
// We have a picture that is a multiple of 8, so no extra pixels to draw
if (xCtrWidth % 8 == 0) return;
// Get the last x values of the last row
int xCtr = xCtrStart, xCtrBpp = xCtrBppStart, destX = xStart;
// Drawing the last few not scaled pixels here.
// Same as the loop above but now we check if we are going to overflow,
// and thus we don't need to mask out pixels that go over the row.
if (ScaleThreshold == 0) {
for (; xCtr + 8 < xCtrWidth; destX += 8, xCtr += 8, xCtrBpp += 16) {
byte *destPtr = &destP[destX * 2];
//drawPixelSIMD2Bpp(destPtr, srcP, tint, alphas, transColors, xDir, xCtrBpp, srcAlpha, skipTrans, horizFlip, useTint, vmovq_n_u16(0));
// Because we move in 8 pixel units, and horizFlip moves in 1, we have to move
// 1 pixel past the last pixel we did not blit, meaning going forward 7 pixels.
if (horizFlip) srcP += 2 * 7;
} else {
// So if we are scaling, set up the xCtr to what it was before (AKA the last 8 or so pixels of the image)
xCtr = xCtrWidth - xCtrWidth % 8;
xCtrBpp = xCtr * 2;
destX = xStart+xCtr;
// For the last 4 pixels, we just do them in serial, nothing special
for (; xCtr < xCtrWidth; ++destX, ++xCtr, xCtrBpp += 2) {
const byte *srcColPtr = (const byte *)(srcP + xDir * xCtrBpp);
if (ScaleThreshold != 0) {
srcColPtr = (const byte *)(srcP + (xCtr * scaleX) / ScaleThreshold * 2);
byte *destVal = (byte *)&destP[destX * 2];
uint32 srcCol = (uint32)(*(const uint16 *)srcColPtr);
// Check if this is a transparent color we should skip
if (skipTrans && srcCol == transColor)
src.format.colorToARGB(srcCol, aSrc, rSrc, gSrc, bSrc);
if (srcAlpha != -1) {
if (useTint) {
rDest = rSrc;
gDest = gSrc;
bDest = bSrc;
aDest = aSrc;
rSrc = tintRed;
gSrc = tintGreen;
bSrc = tintBlue;
aSrc = srcAlpha;
}// else {
// format.colorToARGB((uint32)(*(uint16 *)destVal), aDest, rDest, gDest, bDest);
blendPixel(aSrc, rSrc, gSrc, bSrc, aDest, rDest, gDest, bDest, srcAlpha, useTint, destVal);
srcCol = format.ARGBToColor(aDest, rDest, gDest, bDest);
} else {
srcCol = format.ARGBToColor(aSrc, rSrc, gSrc, bSrc);
*(uint16 *)destVal = srcCol;
template<int ScaleThreshold>
void BITMAP::drawInner1Bpp(int yStart, int xStart, uint32 transColor, uint32 alphaMask, PALETTE palette, int useTint, int sameFormat, const ::Graphics::ManagedSurface &src, ::Graphics::Surface &destArea, int horizFlip, int vertFlip, int skipTrans, int srcAlpha, int tintRed, int tintGreen, int tintBlue, const Common::Rect &dstRect, const Common::Rect &srcArea, const BlenderMode blenderMode, int scaleX, int scaleY) {
drawInnerGeneric(yStart, xStart, transColor, alphaMask, palette, useTint, sameFormat, src, destArea, horizFlip, vertFlip, skipTrans, srcAlpha, tintRed, tintGreen, tintBlue, dstRect, srcArea, blenderMode, scaleX, scaleY);
const int xDir = horizFlip ? -1 : 1;
vector unsigned char transColors = vec_splat_u8(transColor);
// This is so that we can calculate in parralell the pixel indexes for scaled drawing
vector unsigned int scaleAdds1 = (vector unsigned int){0, (uint32)scaleX, (uint32)scaleX*2, (uint32)scaleX*3};
vector unsigned int scaleAdds2 = (vector unsigned int){(uint32)scaleX*4, (uint32)scaleX*5, (uint32)scaleX*6, (uint32)scaleX*7};
vector unsigned int scaleAdds3 = (vector unsigned int){(uint32)scaleX*8, (uint32)scaleX*9, (uint32)scaleX*10, (uint32)scaleX*11};
vector unsigned int scaleAdds4 = (vector unsigned int){(uint32)scaleX*12, (uint32)scaleX*13, (uint32)scaleX*14, (uint32)scaleX*15};
// Clip the bounds ahead of time (so we don't waste time checking if we are in bounds when
// we are in the inner loop)
int xCtrStart = 0, xCtrWidth = dstRect.width();
if (xStart + xCtrWidth > destArea.w) {
xCtrWidth = destArea.w - xStart;
if (xStart < 0) {
xCtrStart = -xStart;
xStart = 0;
int destY = yStart, yCtr = 0, srcYCtr = 0, scaleYCtr = 0, yCtrHeight = dstRect.height();
if (ScaleThreshold != 0) yCtrHeight = dstRect.height();
if (yStart < 0) {
yCtr = -yStart;
destY = 0;
if (ScaleThreshold != 0) {
scaleYCtr = yCtr * scaleY;
srcYCtr = scaleYCtr / ScaleThreshold;
if (yStart + yCtrHeight > destArea.h) {
yCtrHeight = destArea.h - yStart;
byte *destP = (byte *)destArea.getBasePtr(0, destY);
const byte *srcP = (const byte *)src.getBasePtr(
horizFlip ? srcArea.right - 16 : srcArea.left,
vertFlip ? srcArea.bottom - 1 - yCtr : srcArea.top + yCtr);
for (; yCtr < yCtrHeight; ++destY, ++yCtr, scaleYCtr += scaleY) {
if (ScaleThreshold != 0) {
// So here we update the srcYCtr differently due to this being for
// scaling
int newSrcYCtr = scaleYCtr / ScaleThreshold;
if (srcYCtr != newSrcYCtr) {
// Since the source yctr might not update every row of the destination, we have
// to see if we are on a new row...
int diffSrcYCtr = newSrcYCtr - srcYCtr;
srcP += src.pitch * diffSrcYCtr;
srcYCtr = newSrcYCtr;
int xCtr = xCtrStart, destX = xStart, scaleXCtr = xCtrStart * scaleX;
for (; xCtr + 16 < xCtrWidth; destX += 16, xCtr += 16) {
byte *destPtr = &destP[destX];
// Here we dont use the drawPixelSIMD function because 1bpp bitmaps in allegro
// can't have any blending applied to them
vector unsigned char destCols;
memcpy(&destCols, destPtr, sizeof(destCols)); // There are no unaligned load instructions in AltiVec
vector unsigned char srcCols;
memcpy(&srcCols, scrP + xDir * xCtr, sizeof(srcCols));
if (ScaleThreshold != 0) {
// If we are scaling, we have to set each pixel individually
vector unsigned int indexes1 = vec_splat_u32(scaleXCtr), indexes2 = vec_splat_u32(scaleXCtr);
vector unsigned int indexes3 = vec_splat_u32(scaleXCtr), indexes4 = vec_splat_u32(scaleXCtr);
#if (ScaleThreshold == 0 || ScaleThreshold == 0x100)
indexes1 = vec_sr(vec_add(indexes1, scaleAdds1), 8);
indexes2 = vec_sr(vec_add(indexes2, scaleAdds2), 8);
indexes3 = vec_sr(vec_add(indexes3, scaleAdds3), 8);
indexes4 = vec_sr(vec_add(indexes4, scaleAdds4), 8);
#error Change code to allow different scale threshold!
srcCols[0] = srcP[indexes1[0]];
srcCols[1] = srcP[indexes1[1]];
srcCols[2] = srcP[indexes1[2]];
srcCols[3] = srcP[indexes1[3]];
srcCols[4] = srcP[indexes2[0]];
srcCols[5] = srcP[indexes2[1]];
srcCols[6] = srcP[indexes2[2]];
srcCols[7] = srcP[indexes2[3]];
srcCols[8] = srcP[indexes3[0]];
srcCols[9] = srcP[indexes3[1]];
srcCols[10] = srcP[indexes3[2]]);
srcCols[11] = srcP[indexes3[3]]);
srcCols[12] = srcP[indexes4[0]]);
srcCols[13] = srcP[indexes4[1]]);
srcCols[14] = srcP[indexes4[2]]);
srcCols[15] = srcP[indexes4[3]]);
scaleXCtr += scaleX*16;
// Mask out transparent pixels
vector unsigned char mask1 = skipTrans ? (vector unsigned int)vec_cmpeq(srcCols, transColors) : vec_splat_u8(0);
vector unsigned char final = vec_or(vec_and(srcCols, vec_nor(mask1, vec_splat_u8(0))), vec_and(destCols, mask1));
if (horizFlip) {
final = (vector unsigned char){
final[0], final[1], final[2], final[3],
final[4], final[5], final[7], final[8],
final[8], final[9], final[10], final[11],
final[12], final[13], final[14], final[15],
memcpy(destPtr, final, sizeof(final));
// Get the last x values
// Because we move in 16 pixel units, and horizFlip moves in 1, we have to move
// 1 pixel past the last pixel we did not blit, meaning going forward 15 pixels.
if (horizFlip) srcP += 15;
for (; xCtr < xCtrWidth; ++destX, ++xCtr, scaleXCtr += scaleX) {
const byte *srcCol = (const byte *)(srcP + xDir * xCtr);
if (ScaleThreshold != 0) {
srcCol = (const byte *)(srcP + scaleXCtr / ScaleThreshold);
// Check if this is a transparent color we should skip
if (skipTrans && *srcCol == transColor)
byte *destVal = (byte *)&destP[destX];
*destVal = *srcCol;
if (horizFlip) srcP -= 15; // Undo what we did up there
destP += destArea.pitch; // Goto next row
// Only advance the src row by 1 every time like this if we don't scale
if (ScaleThreshold == 0) srcP += vertFlip ? -src.pitch : src.pitch;
template void BITMAP::drawInner4BppWithConv<4, 4, 0>(int, int, uint32, uint32, PALETTE, int, int, const ::Graphics::ManagedSurface &, ::Graphics::Surface &, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, const Common::Rect &, const Common::Rect &, const BlenderMode, int, int);
template void BITMAP::drawInner4BppWithConv<4, 4, 0x100>(int, int, uint32, uint32, PALETTE, int, int, const ::Graphics::ManagedSurface &, ::Graphics::Surface &, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, const Common::Rect &, const Common::Rect &, const BlenderMode, int, int);
template void BITMAP::drawInner4BppWithConv<4, 2, 0>(int, int, uint32, uint32, PALETTE, int, int, const ::Graphics::ManagedSurface &, ::Graphics::Surface &, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, const Common::Rect &, const Common::Rect &, const BlenderMode, int, int);
template void BITMAP::drawInner4BppWithConv<4, 2, 0x100>(int, int, uint32, uint32, PALETTE, int, int, const ::Graphics::ManagedSurface &, ::Graphics::Surface &, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, const Common::Rect &, const Common::Rect &, const BlenderMode, int, int);
template void BITMAP::drawInner4BppWithConv<2, 4, 0>(int, int, uint32, uint32, PALETTE, int, int, const ::Graphics::ManagedSurface &, ::Graphics::Surface &, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, const Common::Rect &, const Common::Rect &, const BlenderMode, int, int);
template void BITMAP::drawInner4BppWithConv<2, 4, 0x100>(int, int, uint32, uint32, PALETTE, int, int, const ::Graphics::ManagedSurface &, ::Graphics::Surface &, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, const Common::Rect &, const Common::Rect &, const BlenderMode, int, int);
template void BITMAP::drawInner2Bpp<0>(int, int, uint32, uint32, PALETTE, int, int, const ::Graphics::ManagedSurface &, ::Graphics::Surface &, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, const Common::Rect &, const Common::Rect &, const BlenderMode, int, int);
template void BITMAP::drawInner2Bpp<0x100>(int, int, uint32, uint32, PALETTE, int, int, const ::Graphics::ManagedSurface &, ::Graphics::Surface &, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, const Common::Rect &, const Common::Rect &, const BlenderMode, int, int);
template void BITMAP::drawInner1Bpp<0>(int, int, uint32, uint32, PALETTE, int, int, const ::Graphics::ManagedSurface &, ::Graphics::Surface &, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, const Common::Rect &, const Common::Rect &, const BlenderMode, int, int);
template void BITMAP::drawInner1Bpp<0x100>(int, int, uint32, uint32, PALETTE, int, int, const ::Graphics::ManagedSurface &, ::Graphics::Surface &, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, const Common::Rect &, const Common::Rect &, const BlenderMode, int, int);
} // namespace AGS3
@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if defined(__powerpc__)
// TODO: Complete PowerPC code
//#include <altivec.h>
//#include "ags/globals.h"
//#include "ags/lib/allegro/surface.h"
namespace AGS3 {
/*inline uint32x4_t simd2BppTo4Bpp(uint16x4_t pixels) {
uint32x4_t x = vmovl_u16(pixels);
// c is the extracted 5/6 bit color from the image
uint32x4_t c = vshrq_n_u32(x, 11);
// We convert it back to normal by shifting it thrice over, naturally, and then using the 2 most
// sinificant bits in the original color for the least significant bits in the new one
uint32x4_t r = vshlq_n_u32(vorrq_u32(vshlq_n_u32(c, 3), vshrq_n_u32(c, 2)), 16);
c = vshrq_n_u32(vandq_u32(x, vmovq_n_u32(0x07e0)), 5);
uint32x4_t g = vshlq_n_u32(vorrq_u32(vshlq_n_u32(c, 2), vshrq_n_u32(c, 4)), 8);
c = vandq_u32(x, vmovq_n_u32(0x001f));
uint32x4_t b = vorrq_u32(vshlq_n_u32(c, 3), vshrq_n_u32(c, 2));
// By default 2bpp to 4bpp makes the alpha channel 255
return vorrq_u32(vorrq_u32(vorrq_u32(r, g), b), vmovq_n_u32(0xff000000));
inline uint16x4_t simd4BppTo2Bpp(uint32x4_t pixels) {
// x is the final 16 bit rgb pixel
uint32x4_t x = vshrq_n_u32(vandq_u32(pixels, vmovq_n_u32(0x000000ff)), 3);
x = vorrq_u32(x, vshlq_n_u32(vshrq_n_u32(vandq_u32(pixels, vmovq_n_u32(0x0000ff00)), 8+2), 5));
x = vorrq_u32(x, vshlq_n_u32(vshrq_n_u32(vandq_u32(pixels, vmovq_n_u32(0x00ff0000)), 16+3), 11));
return vmovn_u32(x);
inline uint16x8_t rgbBlendSIMD2Bpp(uint16x8_t srcCols, uint16x8_t destCols, uint16x8_t alphas) {
// Here we add 1 to alphas if its 0. This is what the original blender function did
alphas = vaddq_u16(alphas, vandq_u16(vceqq_u16(alphas, vmovq_n_u16(0)), vmovq_n_u16(1)));
// Split the components into rgb
uint16x8_t srcComps[] = {
vandq_u16(srcCols, vmovq_n_u16(0x1f)), // B
vandq_u16(vshrq_n_u16(srcCols, 5), vmovq_n_u16(0x3f)), // G
vshrq_n_u16(srcCols, 11), // R
}, destComps[] = {
vandq_u16(destCols, vmovq_n_u16(0x1f)), // B
vandq_u16(vshrq_n_u16(destCols, 5), vmovq_n_u16(0x3f)), // G
vshrq_n_u16(destCols, 11), // R
// At some point I made it so that it would put them into their 8bit depth format
// to keep the function as 1-1 with the original, but it didn't seem to help much
//srcComps[0] = vorrq_u16(vshlq_n_u16(srcComps[0], 3), vshrq_n_u16(srcComps[0], 2));
//srcComps[1] = vorrq_u16(vshlq_n_u16(srcComps[1], 2), vshrq_n_u16(srcComps[1], 4));
//srcComps[2] = vorrq_u16(vshlq_n_u16(srcComps[2], 3), vshrq_n_u16(srcComps[2], 2));
//destComps[0] = vorrq_u16(vshlq_n_u16(destComps[0], 3), vshrq_n_u16(destComps[0], 2));
//destComps[1] = vorrq_u16(vshlq_n_u16(destComps[1], 2), vshrq_n_u16(destComps[1], 4));
//destComps[2] = vorrq_u16(vshlq_n_u16(destComps[2], 3), vshrq_n_u16(destComps[2], 2));
// Calculate the differences between the colors
uint16x8_t diffs[] = {
vsubq_u16(srcComps[0], destComps[0]), // B
vsubq_u16(srcComps[1], destComps[1]), // G
vsubq_u16(srcComps[2], destComps[2]), // R
// Multiply by alpha and shift depth bits to the right
// pretty much the same as (int)(((float)component / 255.0f) * ((float)alpha / 255.0f) * 255.0f)
alphas = vshrq_n_u16(alphas, 2);
diffs[1] = vshrq_n_u16(vmulq_u16(diffs[1], alphas), 6);
alphas = vshrq_n_u16(alphas, 1);
diffs[0] = vshrq_n_u16(vmulq_u16(diffs[0], alphas), 5);
diffs[2] = vshrq_n_u16(vmulq_u16(diffs[2], alphas), 5);
// Originally, I converted it back to normal here from the 8bpp form, but don't need to do that anymore
//diffs[0] = vandq_u16(vshrq_n_u16(vaddq_u16(diffs[0], destComps[0]), 3), vmovq_n_u16(0x1f));
//diffs[1] = vandq_u16(vshrq_n_u16(vaddq_u16(diffs[1], destComps[1]), 2), vmovq_n_u16(0x3f));
//diffs[2] = vandq_u16(vshrq_n_u16(vaddq_u16(diffs[2], destComps[2]), 3), vmovq_n_u16(0x1f));
// Here we add the difference between the 2 colors times alpha onto the destination
diffs[0] = vandq_u16(vaddq_u16(diffs[0], destComps[0]), vmovq_n_u16(0x1f));
diffs[1] = vandq_u16(vaddq_u16(diffs[1], destComps[1]), vmovq_n_u16(0x3f));
diffs[2] = vandq_u16(vaddq_u16(diffs[2], destComps[2]), vmovq_n_u16(0x1f));
// We compile all the colors into diffs[0] as a 16 bit rgb pixel
diffs[0] = vorrq_u16(diffs[0], vshlq_n_u16(diffs[1], 5));
return vorrq_u16(diffs[0], vshlq_n_u16(diffs[2], 11));
// preserveAlpha:
// false => set destCols's alpha to 0
// true => keep destCols's alpha
inline uint32x4_t rgbBlendSIMD(uint32x4_t srcCols, uint32x4_t destCols, uint32x4_t alphas, bool preserveAlpha) {
// Here we add 1 to alphas if its 0. This is what the original blender function did
alphas = vaddq_u32(alphas, vandq_u32(vcgtq_u32(alphas, vmovq_n_u32(0)), vmovq_n_u32(1)));
// Get the alpha from the destination
uint32x4_t alpha = vandq_u32(destCols, vmovq_n_u32(0xff000000));
// Get red and blue components
uint32x4_t srcColsCopy = srcCols;
srcColsCopy = vandq_u32(srcColsCopy, vmovq_n_u32(0xff00ff));
uint32x4_t destColsCopy = destCols;
destColsCopy = vandq_u32(destColsCopy, vmovq_n_u32(0xff00ff));
// compute the difference, then multiply by alpha and divide by 255
srcColsCopy = vsubq_u32(srcColsCopy, destColsCopy);
srcColsCopy = vmulq_u32(srcColsCopy, alphas);
srcColsCopy = vshrq_n_u32(srcColsCopy, 8);
srcColsCopy = vaddq_u32(srcColsCopy, destCols); // Add the new red/blue to the old ones
// do the same for the green component
srcCols = vandq_u32(srcCols, vmovq_n_u32(0xff00));
destCols = vandq_u32(destCols, vmovq_n_u32(0xff00));
srcCols = vsubq_u32(srcCols, destCols);
srcCols = vmulq_u32(srcCols, alphas);
srcCols = vshrq_n_u32(srcCols, 8);
srcCols = vaddq_u32(srcCols, destCols); // Add the new green to the old green
// keep values in 8bit range and glue red/blue and green together
srcColsCopy = vandq_u32(srcColsCopy, vmovq_n_u32(0xff00ff));
srcCols = vandq_u32(srcCols, vmovq_n_u32(0xff00));
srcCols = vorrq_u32(srcCols, srcColsCopy);
// Remeber that alpha is not alphas, but rather the alpha of destCols
if (preserveAlpha) {
srcCols = vandq_u32(srcCols, vmovq_n_u32(0x00ffffff));
srcCols = vorrq_u32(srcCols, alpha);
return srcCols;
// uses the alpha from srcCols and destCols
inline uint32x4_t argbBlendSIMD(uint32x4_t srcCols, uint32x4_t destCols) {
float16x4_t sAlphas = vcvt_f16_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(vshrq_n_u32(srcCols, 24)));
sAlphas = vmul_n_f16(sAlphas, 1.0 / 255.0);
// sAlphas1 has the alphas of the first pixel in lanes 0 and 1 and of the second pixel in lanes 2 and 3
// same with sAlphas2 but for the 2nd pixel
float16x8_t sAlphas1 = vcombine_f16(vmov_n_f16(vduph_lane_f16(sAlphas, 0)), vmov_n_f16(vduph_lane_f16(sAlphas, 1)));
float16x8_t sAlphas2 = vcombine_f16(vmov_n_f16(vduph_lane_f16(sAlphas, 2)), vmov_n_f16(vduph_lane_f16(sAlphas, 3)));
// Same thing going on here with dAlphas, except that it gets mutliplied by (1 - sAlpha) first
float16x4_t dAlphas = vcvt_f16_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(vshrq_n_u32(destCols, 24)));
dAlphas = vmul_n_f16(dAlphas, 1.0 / 255.0);
dAlphas = vmul_f16(dAlphas, vsub_f16(vmov_n_f16(1.0), sAlphas));
float16x8_t dAlphas1 = vcombine_f16(vmov_n_f16(vduph_lane_f16(dAlphas, 0)), vmov_n_f16(vduph_lane_f16(dAlphas, 1)));
float16x8_t dAlphas2 = vcombine_f16(vmov_n_f16(vduph_lane_f16(dAlphas, 2)), vmov_n_f16(vduph_lane_f16(dAlphas, 3)));
// first 2 pixels
float16x8_t srcRgb1 = vcvtq_f16_u16(vmovl_u8(vreinterpret_u8_u32(vget_low_u32(srcCols))));
float16x8_t destRgb1 = vcvtq_f16_u16(vmovl_u8(vreinterpret_u8_u32(vget_low_u32(destCols))));
// last 2 pixels
float16x8_t srcRgb2 = vcvtq_f16_u16(vmovl_u8(vreinterpret_u8_u32(vget_high_u32(srcCols))));
float16x8_t destRgb2 = vcvtq_f16_u16(vmovl_u8(vreinterpret_u8_u32(vget_high_u32(destCols))));
// ((src * sAlpha) + (dest * dAlpha)) / (sAlpha + dAlpha)
srcRgb1 = vmulq_f16(srcRgb1, sAlphas1);
destRgb1 = vmulq_f16(destRgb1, dAlphas1);
srcRgb1 = vaddq_f16(srcRgb1, destRgb1);
float16x8_t alphasRec = vrecpeq_f16(vaddq_f16(sAlphas1, dAlphas1)); // compute reciprocal
srcRgb1 = vmulq_f16(srcRgb1, alphasRec);
srcRgb2 = vmulq_f16(srcRgb2, sAlphas2);
destRgb2 = vmulq_f16(destRgb2, dAlphas2);
srcRgb2 = vaddq_f16(srcRgb2, destRgb2);
alphasRec = vrecpeq_f16(vaddq_f16(sAlphas2, dAlphas2));
srcRgb2 = vmulq_f16(srcRgb2, alphasRec);
// alpha channel is computed differently
uint16x4_t alphas = vcvta_u16_f16(vmul_n_f16(vadd_f16(sAlphas, dAlphas), 255.0));
// Final argb components as 16bit values
uint16x8_t uintSrcRgb1 = vcvtq_u16_f16(srcRgb1), uintSrcRgb2 = vcvtq_u16_f16(srcRgb2);
// copy alpha channel over
uintSrcRgb1 = vcopyq_lane_u16(uintSrcRgb1, 3, alphas, 0);
uintSrcRgb1 = vcopyq_lane_u16(uintSrcRgb1, 7, alphas, 1);
uintSrcRgb2 = vcopyq_lane_u16(uintSrcRgb2, 3, alphas, 2);
uintSrcRgb2 = vcopyq_lane_u16(uintSrcRgb2, 7, alphas, 3);
// cast 16bit to 8bit and reinterpret as uint32's
return vcombine_u32(vreinterpret_u32_u8(vmovn_u16(uintSrcRgb1)), vreinterpret_u32_u8(vmovn_u16(uintSrcRgb2)));
inline uint32x4_t blendTintSpriteSIMD(uint32x4_t srcCols, uint32x4_t destCols, uint32x4_t alphas, bool light) {
// This function is NOT 1 to 1 with the original... It just approximates it
// It gets the value of the HSV of the dest color
// Then it gets the HSV of the srcCols
// how the values are transformed
// from 1 uint32x4_t srcCols with each lane being ARGB uint32
// srcCols[0] = A | R | G | B
// srcCols[1] = A | R | G | B
// srcCols[2] = A | R | G | B
// srcCols[3] = A | R | G | B
// ->
// to 4 float32x4_t's each being a seperate channel with each lane
// corresponding to their respective srcCols lane
// dda = { A[0], A[1], A[2], A[3] }
// ddr = { R[0], R[1], R[2], R[3] }
// ddg = { G[0], G[1], G[2], G[3] }
// ddb = { B[0], B[1], B[2], B[3] }
// do the transformation (we don't actually need alpha at all)
float32x4_t ddr, ddg, ddb;
ddr = vmulq_n_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(vandq_u32(vshrq_n_u32(destCols, 16), vmovq_n_u32(0xff))), 1.0 / 255.0);
ddg = vmulq_n_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(vandq_u32(vshrq_n_u32(destCols, 8), vmovq_n_u32(0xff))), 1.0 / 255.0);
ddb = vmulq_n_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(vandq_u32(destCols, vmovq_n_u32(0xff))), 1.0 / 255.0);
float32x4_t ssr, ssg, ssb;
ssr = vmulq_n_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(vandq_u32(vshrq_n_u32(srcCols, 16), vmovq_n_u32(0xff))), 1.0 / 255.0);
ssg = vmulq_n_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(vandq_u32(vshrq_n_u32(srcCols, 8), vmovq_n_u32(0xff))), 1.0 / 255.0);
ssb = vmulq_n_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(vandq_u32(srcCols, vmovq_n_u32(0xff))), 1.0 / 255.0);
// Get the maxes and mins (needed for HSV->RGB and visa-versa)
float32x4_t dmaxes = vmaxq_f32(ddr, vmaxq_f32(ddg, ddb));
float32x4_t smaxes = vmaxq_f32(ssr, vmaxq_f32(ssg, ssb));
float32x4_t smins = vminq_f32(ssr, vminq_f32(ssg, ssb));
// This is here to stop from dividing by 0
const float32x4_t eplison0 = vmovq_n_f32(0.0000001);
float32x4_t chroma = vmaxq_f32(vsubq_f32(smaxes, smins), eplison0);
// RGB to HSV is a piecewise function, so we compute each part of the function first...
float32x4_t hr, hg, hb, hue;
hr = vdivq_f32(vsubq_f32(ssg, ssb), chroma);
hr = vsubq_f32(hr, vmulq_n_f32(vrndmq_f32(vmulq_n_f32(hr, 1.0 / 6.0)), 6.0));
hg = vaddq_f32(vdivq_f32(vsubq_f32(ssb, ssr), chroma), vmovq_n_f32(2.0));
hb = vaddq_f32(vdivq_f32(vsubq_f32(ssr, ssg), chroma), vmovq_n_f32(4.0));
// And then compute which one will be used based on criteria
float32x4_t hrfactors = vcvtq_f32_u32(vandq_u32(vandq_u32(vceqq_f32(ssr, smaxes), vmvnq_u32(vceqq_u32(ssr, ssb))), vmovq_n_u32(1)));
float32x4_t hgfactors = vcvtq_f32_u32(vandq_u32(vandq_u32(vceqq_f32(ssg, smaxes), vmvnq_u32(vceqq_u32(ssg, ssr))), vmovq_n_u32(1)));
float32x4_t hbfactors = vcvtq_f32_u32(vandq_u32(vandq_u32(vceqq_f32(ssb, smaxes), vmvnq_u32(vceqq_u32(ssb, ssg))), vmovq_n_u32(1)));
hue = vmulq_f32(hr, hrfactors);
hue = vaddq_f32(hue, vmulq_f32(hg, hgfactors));
hue = vaddq_f32(hue, vmulq_f32(hb, hbfactors));
// Mess with the light like the original function
float32x4_t val = dmaxes;
if (light) {
val = vsubq_f32(val, vsubq_f32(vmovq_n_f32(1.0), vmulq_n_f32(vcvtq_f32_u32(alphas), 1.0 / 250.0)));
val = vmaxq_f32(val, vmovq_n_f32(0.0));
// then it stiches the HSV back together
// the hue and saturation come from the source (tint) color, and the value comes from
// the destinaion (real source) color
chroma = vmulq_f32(val, vdivq_f32(vsubq_f32(smaxes, smins), vaddq_f32(smaxes, eplison0)));
float32x4_t hprime_mod2 = vmulq_n_f32(hue, 1.0 / 2.0);
hprime_mod2 = vmulq_n_f32(vsubq_f32(hprime_mod2, vrndmq_f32(hprime_mod2)), 2.0);
float32x4_t x = vmulq_f32(chroma, vsubq_f32(vmovq_n_f32(1.0), vabsq_f32(vsubq_f32(hprime_mod2, vmovq_n_f32(1.0)))));
uint32x4_t hprime_rounded = vcvtq_u32_f32(hue);
uint32x4_t x_int = vcvtq_u32_f32(vmulq_n_f32(x, 255.0));
uint32x4_t c_int = vcvtq_u32_f32(vmulq_n_f32(chroma, 255.0));
// Again HSV->RGB is also a piecewise function
uint32x4_t val0 = vorrq_u32(vshlq_n_u32(x_int, 8), vshlq_n_u32(c_int, 16));
val0 = vandq_u32(val0, vorrq_u32(vceqq_u32(hprime_rounded, vmovq_n_u32(0)), vceqq_u32(hprime_rounded, vmovq_n_u32(6))));
uint32x4_t val1 = vorrq_u32(vshlq_n_u32(c_int, 8), vshlq_n_u32(x_int, 16));
val1 = vandq_u32(val1, vceqq_u32(hprime_rounded, vmovq_n_u32(1)));
uint32x4_t val2 = vorrq_u32(vshlq_n_u32(c_int, 8), x_int);
val2 = vandq_u32(val2, vceqq_u32(hprime_rounded, vmovq_n_u32(2)));
uint32x4_t val3 = vorrq_u32(vshlq_n_u32(x_int, 8), c_int);
val3 = vandq_u32(val3, vceqq_u32(hprime_rounded, vmovq_n_u32(3)));
uint32x4_t val4 = vorrq_u32(vshlq_n_u32(x_int, 16), c_int);
val4 = vandq_u32(val4, vceqq_u32(hprime_rounded, vmovq_n_u32(4)));
uint32x4_t val5 = vorrq_u32(vshlq_n_u32(c_int, 16), x_int);
val5 = vandq_u32(val5, vceqq_u32(hprime_rounded, vmovq_n_u32(5)));
// or the values together
uint32x4_t final = vorrq_u32(val0, vorrq_u32(val1, vorrq_u32(val2, vorrq_u32(val3, vorrq_u32(val4, val5)))));
// add the minimums back in
uint32x4_t val_add = vcvtq_u32_f32(vmulq_n_f32(vsubq_f32(val, chroma), 255.0));
val_add = vorrq_u32(val_add, vorrq_u32(vshlq_n_u32(val_add, 8), vorrq_u32(vshlq_n_u32(val_add, 16), vandq_u32(destCols, vmovq_n_u32(0xff000000)))));
final = vaddq_u32(final, val_add);
return final;
inline uint32x4_t blendPixelSIMD(uint32x4_t srcCols, uint32x4_t destCols, uint32x4_t alphas) {
uint32x4_t srcAlphas, difAlphas, mask, ch1, ch2;
auto setupArgbAlphas = [&]() {
// This acts the same as this in the normal blender functions
// if (alpha == 0)
// alpha = aSrc;
// else
// alpha = aSrc * ((alpha & 0xff) + 1) / 256;
// where alpha is the alpha byte of the srcCols
srcAlphas = vshrq_n_u32(srcCols, 24);
difAlphas = vaddq_u32(vandq_u32(alphas, vmovq_n_u32(0xff)), vmovq_n_u32(1));
difAlphas = vshrq_n_u32(vmulq_u32(srcAlphas, difAlphas), 8);
difAlphas = vshlq_n_u32(difAlphas, 24);
srcAlphas = vshlq_n_u32(srcAlphas, 24);
mask = vceqq_u32(alphas, vmovq_n_u32(0));
srcAlphas = vandq_u32(srcAlphas, mask);
difAlphas = vandq_u32(difAlphas, vmvnq_u32(mask));
srcCols = vandq_u32(srcCols, vmovq_n_u32(0x00ffffff));
srcCols = vorrq_u32(srcCols, vorrq_u32(srcAlphas, difAlphas));
switch (_G(_blender_mode)) {
case kSourceAlphaBlender: // see BITMAP member function blendSourceAlpha
alphas = vshrq_n_u32(srcCols, 24);
return rgbBlendSIMD(srcCols, destCols, alphas, false);
case kArgbToArgbBlender: // see BITMAP member function blendArgbToArgb
// only blend if alpha isn't 0, otherwise use destCols
mask = vcgtq_u32(vshrq_n_u32(srcCols, 24), vmovq_n_u32(0));
ch1 = vandq_u32(argbBlendSIMD(srcCols, destCols), mask);
ch2 = vandq_u32(destCols, vmvnq_u32(mask));
return vorrq_u32(ch1, ch2);
case kArgbToRgbBlender: // see BITMAP member function blendArgbToRgb
return rgbBlendSIMD(srcCols, destCols, vshrq_n_u32(srcCols, 24), false);
case kRgbToArgbBlender: // see BITMAP member function blendRgbToArgb
// if alpha is NOT 0 or 255
ch2 = vandq_u32(srcCols, vmovq_n_u32(0x00ffffff));
ch2 = vorrq_u32(ch2, vshlq_n_u32(alphas, 24));
ch2 = argbBlendSIMD(ch2, destCols);
// if alpha is 0 or 255
ch1 = vorrq_u32(srcCols, vmovq_n_u32(0xff000000));
// mask and or them together
mask = vorrq_u32(vceqq_u32(alphas, vmovq_n_u32(0)), vceqq_u32(alphas, vmovq_n_u32(0xff)));
ch1 = vandq_u32(ch1, mask);
ch2 = vandq_u32(ch2, vmvnq_u32(mask));
return vorrq_u32(ch1, ch2);
case kRgbToRgbBlender: // see BITMAP member function blendRgbToRgb
return rgbBlendSIMD(srcCols, destCols, alphas, false);
case kAlphaPreservedBlenderMode: // see BITMAP member function blendPreserveAlpha
return rgbBlendSIMD(srcCols, destCols, alphas, true);
case kOpaqueBlenderMode: // see BITMAP member function blendOpaque
return vorrq_u32(srcCols, vmovq_n_u32(0xff000000));
case kAdditiveBlenderMode: // see BITMAP member function blendAdditiveAlpha
srcAlphas = vaddq_u32(vshrq_n_u32(srcCols, 24), vshrq_n_u32(destCols, 24));
srcAlphas = vminq_u32(srcAlphas, vmovq_n_u32(0xff));
srcCols = vandq_u32(srcCols, vmovq_n_u32(0x00ffffff));
return vorrq_u32(srcCols, vshlq_n_u32(srcAlphas, 24));
case kTintBlenderMode: // see BITMAP member function blendTintSprite
return blendTintSpriteSIMD(srcCols, destCols, alphas, false);
case kTintLightBlenderMode: // see BITMAP member function blendTintSprite
return blendTintSpriteSIMD(srcCols, destCols, alphas, true);
inline uint16x8_t blendPixelSIMD2Bpp(uint16x8_t srcCols, uint16x8_t destCols, uint16x8_t alphas) {
uint16x8_t mask, ch1, ch2;
switch (_G(_blender_mode)) {
case kSourceAlphaBlender:
case kOpaqueBlenderMode:
case kAdditiveBlenderMode:
return srcCols;
case kArgbToArgbBlender:
case kArgbToRgbBlender:
ch1 = vandq_u16(vmovq_n_u16(0xff), vceqq_u16(alphas, vmovq_n_u16(0)));
ch2 = vandq_u16(alphas, vcgtq_u16(alphas, vmovq_n_u16(0)));
alphas = vorrq_u16(ch1, ch2);
case kRgbToRgbBlender:
case kAlphaPreservedBlenderMode:
return rgbBlendSIMD2Bpp(srcCols, destCols, alphas);
case kRgbToArgbBlender:
mask = vorrq_u32(vceqq_u32(alphas, vmovq_n_u32(0)), vceqq_u32(alphas, vmovq_n_u32(255)));
ch1 = vandq_u32(srcCols, mask);
ch2 = vandq_u32(rgbBlendSIMD2Bpp(srcCols, destCols, alphas), vmvnq_u32(mask));
return vorrq_u32(ch1, ch2);
case kTintBlenderMode:
case kTintLightBlenderMode:
uint32x4_t srcColsLo = simd2BppTo4Bpp(vget_low_u16(srcCols));
uint32x4_t srcColsHi = simd2BppTo4Bpp(vget_high_u16(srcCols));
uint32x4_t destColsLo = simd2BppTo4Bpp(vget_low_u16(destCols));
uint32x4_t destColsHi = simd2BppTo4Bpp(vget_high_u16(destCols));
uint32x4_t alphasLo = vmovl_u16(vget_low_u16(alphas));
uint32x4_t alphasHi = vmovl_u16(vget_high_u16(alphas));
uint16x4_t lo = simd4BppTo2Bpp(blendTintSpriteSIMD(srcColsLo, destColsLo, alphasLo, _G(_blender_mode) == kTintLightBlenderMode));
uint16x4_t hi = simd4BppTo2Bpp(blendTintSpriteSIMD(srcColsHi, destColsHi, alphasHi, _G(_blender_mode) == kTintLightBlenderMode));
return vcombine_u16(lo, hi);
template<int DestBytesPerPixel, int SrcBytesPerPixel>
inline void drawPixelSIMD(byte *destPtr, const byte *srcP2, uint32x4_t tint, uint32x4_t alphas, uint32x4_t maskedAlphas, uint32x4_t transColors, int xDir, int xCtrBpp, int srcAlpha, int skipTrans, bool horizFlip, bool useTint, uint32x4_t skipMask) {
uint32x4_t srcCols, destCol;
if (DestBytesPerPixel == 4)
destCol = vld1q_u32((uint32 *)destPtr);
destCol = simd2BppTo4Bpp(vld1_u16((uint16 *)destPtr));
if (SrcBytesPerPixel == 4)
srcCols = vld1q_u32((const uint32 *)(srcP2 + xDir * xCtrBpp));
srcCols = simd2BppTo4Bpp(vld1_u16((const uint16 *)(srcP2 + xDir * xCtrBpp)));
// we do this here because we need to check if we should skip the pixel before we blend it
uint32x4_t mask1 = skipTrans ? vceqq_u32(vandq_u32(srcCols, maskedAlphas), transColors) : vmovq_n_u32(0);
mask1 = vorrq_u32(mask1, skipMask);
if (srcAlpha != -1) {
// take into account for useTint
if (useTint) {
srcCols = blendPixelSIMD(tint, srcCols, alphas);
} else {
srcCols = blendPixelSIMD(srcCols, destCol, alphas);
uint32x4_t destCols2 = vandq_u32(destCol, mask1);
uint32x4_t srcCols2 = vandq_u32(srcCols, vmvnq_u32(mask1));
uint32x4_t final = vorrq_u32(destCols2, srcCols2);
if (horizFlip) {
final = vrev64q_u32(final);
final = vcombine_u32(vget_high_u32(final), vget_low_u32(final));
if (DestBytesPerPixel == 4) {
vst1q_u32((uint32 *)destPtr, final);
} else {
vst1_u16((uint16 *)destPtr, simd4BppTo2Bpp(final));
inline void drawPixelSIMD2Bpp(byte *destPtr, const byte *srcP2, uint16x8_t tint, uint16x8_t alphas, uint16x8_t transColors, int xDir, int xCtrBpp, int srcAlpha, int skipTrans, bool horizFlip, bool useTint, uint16x8_t skipMask) {
uint16x8_t destCol = vld1q_u16((uint16 *)destPtr);
uint16x8_t srcCols = vld1q_u16((const uint16 *)(srcP2 + xDir * xCtrBpp));
uint16x8_t mask1 = skipTrans ? vceqq_u16(srcCols, transColors) : vmovq_n_u16(0);
mask1 = vorrq_u16(mask1, skipMask);
if (srcAlpha != -1) {
// take into account for useTint
if (useTint) {
srcCols = blendPixelSIMD2Bpp(tint, srcCols, alphas);
} else {
srcCols = blendPixelSIMD2Bpp(srcCols, destCol, alphas);
uint16x8_t destCols2 = vandq_u16(destCol, mask1);
uint16x8_t srcCols2 = vandq_u16(srcCols, vmvnq_u16(mask1));
uint16x8_t final = vorrq_u16(destCols2, srcCols2);
if (horizFlip) {
final = vrev64q_u16(final);
final = vcombine_u16(vget_high_u16(final), vget_low_u16(final));
vst1q_u16((uint16 *)destPtr, final);
} // namespace AGS3
#endif /* __powerpc__ */
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