CGE: Implemented Bitmap::xShow method

This commit is contained in:
Paul Gilbert 2011-07-13 20:42:30 +10:00
parent 9dc2cb87d9
commit c3c8032c42

View File

@ -1213,84 +1213,53 @@ void Vga::copyPage(uint16 d, uint16 s) {
void Bitmap::xShow(int16 x, int16 y) {
uint8 rmsk = x % 4,
mask = 1 << rmsk,
*scr = VGA::Page[1] + y * (SCR_WID / 4) + x / 4;
uint8 *m = (char *) M;
uint8 *v = V;
const byte *srcP = (const byte *)_v;
byte *destEndP = (byte *)Vga::_page[1]->pixels + (SCR_WID * SCR_HIG);
byte *lookupTable = _m;
asm push bx
asm push si
asm push ds
// Loop through processing data for each plane. The game originally ran in plane mapped mode, where a
// given plane holds each fourth pixel sequentially. So to handle an entire picture, each plane's data
// must be decompressed and inserted into the surface
for (int planeCtr = 0; planeCtr < 4; ++planeCtr) {
byte *destP = (byte *)Vga::_page[1]->getBasePtr(x + planeCtr, y);
asm cld
asm les di,scr
asm lds si,v
asm mov bx,m
for (;;) {
uint16 v = READ_LE_UINT16(srcP);
srcP += 2;
int cmd = v >> 14;
int count = v & 0x3FFF;
asm mov al,0x02 // map mask register
asm mov ah,mask
if (cmd == 0) {
// End of image
// enable output plane
asm mov dx,VGASEQ_
asm out dx,ax
asm push ax
assert(destP < destEndP);
// select input plane
asm mov dx,VGAGRA_
asm mov al,0x04 // read map select register
asm mov ah,rmsk
asm out dx,ax
if (cmd == 2)
else if (cmd == 3)
srcP += count;
asm push di
// Handle a set of pixels
while (count-- > 0) {
// Transfer operation
switch (cmd) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
*destP = lookupTable[*destP];
asm lodsw
asm mov cx,ax
asm and ch,0x3F
asm test ah,0xC0
asm jz endpl
asm jns skip
asm jnp incsi // replicate?
asm add si,cx // skip over data block
asm dec si // fix it before following inc
asm inc si
asm mov al,es:[di]
// asm xlat ss:0 // unsupported with BASM!
__emit__(0x36, 0xD7); // this stands for above!
asm stosb
asm loop tint
asm jmp block
asm add di,cx
asm jmp block
asm pop di
asm pop ax
asm inc rmsk
asm shl ah,1
asm test ah,0x10
asm jz x_chk
asm mov ah,0x01
asm mov rmsk,0
asm inc di
asm cmp ah,mask
asm jne plane
asm pop ds
asm pop si
asm pop bx
warning("STUB: BITMAP::xShow");
// Move to next dest position
destP += 4;