SWORD25: Some optimizations to the Theora decoder

- Optimized and cleaned up translateYUVtoRGBA()
- Disabled a lot of seeking-related functionality
- Replaced some calloc() calls, used for audio buffer creation with malloc()

svn-id: r55666
This commit is contained in:
Filippos Karapetis 2011-01-30 20:39:02 +00:00
parent 77d2110101
commit d4e1260b7e
2 changed files with 75 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
* Source is based on the player example from libvorbis package
* Source is based on the player example from libvorbis package,
* available at: http://svn.xiph.org/trunk/theora/examples/player_example.c
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ TheoraDecoder::TheoraDecoder(Audio::Mixer *mixer, Audio::Mixer::SoundType soundT
_curFrame = 0;
_audiobuf = (ogg_int16_t *)calloc(AUDIOFD_FRAGSIZE, sizeof(ogg_int16_t));
_audiobuf = (ogg_int16_t *)malloc(AUDIOFD_FRAGSIZE * sizeof(ogg_int16_t));
@ -333,8 +334,6 @@ void TheoraDecoder::close() {
const Graphics::Surface *TheoraDecoder::decodeNextFrame() {
int i, j;
// _stateFlag = false; // playback has not begun
// we want a video and audio frame ready to go at all times. If
// we have to buffer incoming, buffer the compressed data (ie, let
// ogg do the buffering)
@ -358,10 +357,12 @@ const Graphics::Surface *TheoraDecoder::decodeNextFrame() {
if (_audiobufFill == AUDIOFD_FRAGSIZE)
_audiobufReady = true;
if (_vorbisDSP.granulepos >= 0)
_audiobufGranulePos = _vorbisDSP.granulepos - ret + i;
_audiobufGranulePos += i;
} else {
// no pending audio; is there a pending packet to decode?
@ -382,6 +383,8 @@ const Graphics::Surface *TheoraDecoder::decodeNextFrame() {
th_decode_ctl(_theoraDecode, TH_DECCTL_SET_PPLEVEL, &_ppLevel, sizeof(_ppLevel));
_ppInc = 0;
// HACK: This should be set after a seek or a gap, but we might not have
// a granulepos for the first packet (we only have them for the last
// packet on a page), so we just set it as often as we get it.
@ -391,10 +394,13 @@ const Graphics::Surface *TheoraDecoder::decodeNextFrame() {
if (_oggPacket.granulepos >= 0) {
th_decode_ctl(_theoraDecode, TH_DECCTL_SET_GRANPOS, &_oggPacket.granulepos, sizeof(_oggPacket.granulepos));
if (th_decode_packetin(_theoraDecode, &_oggPacket, &_videobufGranulePos) == 0) {
_videobufTime = th_granule_time(_theoraDecode, _videobufGranulePos);
if (th_decode_packetin(_theoraDecode, &_oggPacket, NULL) == 0) {
_videobufReady = true;
} else
@ -419,7 +425,7 @@ const Graphics::Surface *TheoraDecoder::decodeNextFrame() {
// The audio mixer is now responsible for the old audio buffer.
// We need to create a new one.
_audiobuf = (ogg_int16_t *)calloc(AUDIOFD_FRAGSIZE, sizeof(ogg_int16_t));
_audiobuf = (ogg_int16_t *)malloc(AUDIOFD_FRAGSIZE * sizeof(ogg_int16_t));
_audiobufFill = 0;
_audiobufReady = false;
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ const Graphics::Surface *TheoraDecoder::decodeNextFrame() {
th_decode_ycbcr_out(_theoraDecode, yuv);
// Convert YUV data to RGB data
translateYUVtoRGBA(yuv, _theoraInfo, (byte *)_surface->getBasePtr(0, 0), _surface->pitch * _surface->h);
translateYUVtoRGBA(yuv, (byte *)_surface->getBasePtr(0, 0));
_videobufReady = false;
@ -456,12 +462,15 @@ void TheoraDecoder::reset() {
_videobufReady = false;
_videobufGranulePos = -1;
_audiobufGranulePos = 0;
_videobufTime = 0;
_audiobufFill = 0;
_audiobufReady = false;
_audiobufGranulePos = 0;
_curFrame = 0;
@ -486,57 +495,67 @@ Audio::QueuingAudioStream *TheoraDecoder::createAudioStream() {
return Audio::makeQueuingAudioStream(_vorbisInfo.rate, _vorbisInfo.channels);
void TheoraDecoder::translateYUVtoRGBA(th_ycbcr_buffer &YUVBuffer, const th_info &theoraInfo, byte *pixelData, int pixelsSize) {
static void convertYUVtoBGRA(int y, int u, int v, byte *dst) {
byte r, g, b;
Graphics::YUV2RGB(y, u, v, r, g, b);
*(dst + 0) = b;
*(dst + 1) = g;
*(dst + 2) = r;
*(dst + 3) = 0xFF;
enum TheoraYUVBuffers {
kBufferY = 0,
kBufferU = 1,
kBufferV = 2
void TheoraDecoder::translateYUVtoRGBA(th_ycbcr_buffer &YUVBuffer, byte *pixelData) {
// Width and height of all buffers have to be divisible by 2.
assert((YUVBuffer[0].width & 1) == 0);
assert((YUVBuffer[0].height & 1) == 0);
assert((YUVBuffer[1].width & 1) == 0);
assert((YUVBuffer[2].width & 1) == 0);
assert((YUVBuffer[kBufferY].width & 1) == 0);
assert((YUVBuffer[kBufferY].height & 1) == 0);
assert((YUVBuffer[kBufferU].width & 1) == 0);
assert((YUVBuffer[kBufferV].width & 1) == 0);
// UV images have to have a quarter of the Y image resolution
assert(YUVBuffer[1].width == YUVBuffer[0].width >> 1);
assert(YUVBuffer[2].width == YUVBuffer[0].width >> 1);
assert(YUVBuffer[1].height == YUVBuffer[0].height >> 1);
assert(YUVBuffer[2].height == YUVBuffer[0].height >> 1);
assert(YUVBuffer[kBufferU].width == YUVBuffer[kBufferY].width >> 1);
assert(YUVBuffer[kBufferV].width == YUVBuffer[kBufferY].width >> 1);
assert(YUVBuffer[kBufferU].height == YUVBuffer[kBufferY].height >> 1);
assert(YUVBuffer[kBufferV].height == YUVBuffer[kBufferY].height >> 1);
const byte *ySrc0 = YUVBuffer[0].data;
const byte *ySrc1 = YUVBuffer[0].data + YUVBuffer[0].stride;
const byte *uSrc = YUVBuffer[1].data;
const byte *vSrc = YUVBuffer[2].data;
byte *dst0 = &pixelData[0];
byte *dst1 = &pixelData[0] + (YUVBuffer[0].width << 2);
const byte *ySrc = YUVBuffer[kBufferY].data;
const byte *uSrc = YUVBuffer[kBufferU].data;
const byte *vSrc = YUVBuffer[kBufferV].data;
byte *dst = pixelData;
int u = 0, v = 0;
for (int h = 0; h < YUVBuffer[0].height / 2; ++h) {
for (int w = 0; w < YUVBuffer[0].width / 2; ++w) {
byte r, g, b;
int u = *uSrc++;
int v = *vSrc++;
int y;
const int blockSize = YUVBuffer[kBufferY].width << 2;
const int halfHeight = YUVBuffer[kBufferY].height >> 1;
const int halfWidth = YUVBuffer[kBufferY].width >> 1;
const int yStep = (YUVBuffer[kBufferY].stride << 1) - YUVBuffer[kBufferY].width;
// The UV step is usually 0, since in most cases stride == width.
// The asserts at the top ensure that the U and V steps are equal
// (and they must always be equal)
const int uvStep = YUVBuffer[kBufferU].stride - YUVBuffer[kBufferU].width;
const int stride = YUVBuffer[kBufferY].stride;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
y = *ySrc0++;
Graphics::YUV2RGB(y, u, v, r, g, b);
*dst0++ = b;
*dst0++ = g;
*dst0++ = r;
*dst0++ = 255;
for (int h = 0; h < halfHeight; ++h) {
for (int w = 0; w < halfWidth; ++w) {
u = *uSrc++;
v = *vSrc++;
y = *ySrc1++;
Graphics::YUV2RGB(y, u, v, r, g, b);
*dst1++ = b;
*dst1++ = g;
*dst1++ = r;
*dst1++ = 255;
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
convertYUVtoBGRA(*ySrc, u, v, dst);
convertYUVtoBGRA(*(ySrc + stride), u, v, dst + blockSize);
dst += 4; // BGRA
dst0 += YUVBuffer[0].width << 2;
dst1 += YUVBuffer[0].width << 2;
ySrc0 += (YUVBuffer[0].stride << 1) - YUVBuffer[0].width;
ySrc1 += (YUVBuffer[0].stride << 1) - YUVBuffer[0].width;
uSrc += YUVBuffer[1].stride - YUVBuffer[1].width;
vSrc += YUVBuffer[2].stride - YUVBuffer[2].width;
dst += blockSize;
ySrc += yStep;
uSrc += uvStep;
vSrc += uvStep;

View File

@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ namespace Common {
class SeekableReadStream;
//#define ENABLE_THEORA_SEEKING // enables the extra calculations used for video seeking
namespace Sword25 {
@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ private:
void queuePage(ogg_page *page);
int bufferData();
Audio::QueuingAudioStream *createAudioStream();
void translateYUVtoRGBA(th_ycbcr_buffer &YUVBuffer, const th_info &theoraInfo, byte *pixelData, int pixelsSize);
void translateYUVtoRGBA(th_ycbcr_buffer &YUVBuffer, byte *pixelData);
Common::SeekableReadStream *_fileStream;
@ -142,14 +144,17 @@ private:
// single frame video buffering
bool _videobufReady;
ogg_int64_t _videobufGranulePos;
double _videobufTime;
// single audio fragment audio buffering
int _audiobufFill;
bool _audiobufReady;
ogg_int16_t *_audiobuf;
double _videobufTime;
ogg_int64_t _videobufGranulePos;
ogg_int64_t _audiobufGranulePos; // time position of last sample
} // End of namespace Sword25