GLK: Flush Conf settings out to scummvm.ini for editting reference

This commit is contained in:
Paul Gilbert 2020-07-11 18:38:33 -07:00
parent 1c394fb7fc
commit ea1e33dbb5
5 changed files with 214 additions and 144 deletions

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@ -114,105 +114,118 @@ Conf::Conf(InterpreterType interpType) : _interpType(interpType), _graphics(true
Common::copy(_gStyles, _gStyles + style_NUMSTYLES, _gStylesDefault);
void Conf::load() {
get("width", _width);
get("height", _height);
get("moreprompt", _propInfo._morePrompt);
get("morecolor", _propInfo._moreColor);
get("morecolor", _propInfo._moreSave);
get("morefont", _propInfo._moreFont);
get("morealign", _propInfo._moreAlign);
get("monoaspect", _monoInfo._aspect);
get("propaspect", _propInfo._aspect);
get("monosize", _monoInfo._size);
get("propsize", _propInfo._size);
get("rows", _rows);
get("cols", _cols);
void Conf::synchronize() {
syncAsInt("width", _width);
syncAsInt("height", _height);
syncAsString("moreprompt", _propInfo._morePrompt);
syncAsColor("morecolor", _propInfo._moreColor);
syncAsColor("morecolor", _propInfo._moreSave);
syncAsFont("morefont", _propInfo._moreFont);
syncAsInt("morealign", _propInfo._moreAlign);
syncAsDouble("monoaspect", _monoInfo._aspect);
syncAsDouble("propaspect", _propInfo._aspect);
syncAsDouble("monosize", _monoInfo._size);
syncAsDouble("propsize", _propInfo._size);
syncAsInt("rows", _rows);
syncAsInt("cols", _cols);
_imageW = _width;
_imageH = _height;
if (ConfMan.hasKey("leading"))
_monoInfo._leading = _propInfo._leading = static_cast<int>(atof(ConfMan.get("leading").c_str()) + 0.5);
if (ConfMan.hasKey("baseline"))
_propInfo._baseLine = static_cast<int>(atof(ConfMan.get("baseline").c_str()) + 0.5);
syncAsInt("leading", _monoInfo._leading);
syncAsInt("leading", _propInfo._leading);
syncAsInt("baseline", _propInfo._baseLine);
if (ConfMan.hasKey("minrows"))
_rows = MAX(_rows, strToInt(ConfMan.get("minrows").c_str()));
if (ConfMan.hasKey("maxrows"))
_rows = MIN(_rows, strToInt(ConfMan.get("maxrows").c_str()));
if (ConfMan.hasKey("mincols"))
_cols = MAX(_cols, strToInt(ConfMan.get("mincols").c_str()));
if (ConfMan.hasKey("maxcols"))
_cols = MIN(_cols, strToInt(ConfMan.get("maxcols").c_str()));
if (_isLoading) {
if (exists("minrows"))
_rows = MAX(_rows, ConfMan.getInt("minrows"));
if (exists("maxrows"))
_rows = MIN(_rows, ConfMan.getInt("maxrows"));
if (exists("mincols"))
_cols = MAX(_cols, ConfMan.getInt("mincols"));
if (exists("maxcols"))
_cols = MIN(_cols, ConfMan.getInt("maxcols"));
} else {
ConfMan.setInt("minrows", 0);
ConfMan.setInt("maxrows", 999);
ConfMan.setInt("mincols", 0);
ConfMan.setInt("maxcols", 999);
syncAsInt("lockrows", _lockRows);
syncAsInt("lockcols", _lockCols);
syncAsInt("wmarginx", _wMarginX);
syncAsInt("wmarginy", _wMarginY);
get("lockrows", _lockRows);
get("lockcols", _lockCols);
get("wmarginx", _wMarginX);
get("wmarginy", _wMarginY);
_wMarginSaveX = _wMarginX;
_wMarginSaveY = _wMarginY;
get("wpaddingx", _wPaddingX);
get("wpaddingy", _wPaddingY);
get("wborderx", _wBorderX);
get("wbordery", _wBorderY);
get("tmarginx", _tMarginX);
get("tmarginy", _tMarginY);
get("gamma", _gamma);
syncAsInt("wpaddingx", _wPaddingX);
syncAsInt("wpaddingy", _wPaddingY);
syncAsInt("wborderx", _wBorderX);
syncAsInt("wbordery", _wBorderY);
syncAsInt("tmarginx", _tMarginX);
syncAsInt("tmarginy", _tMarginY);
syncAsDouble("gamma", _gamma);
get("linkcolor", _propInfo._linkColor);
syncAsColor("linkcolor", _propInfo._linkColor);
_monoInfo._linkColor = _propInfo._linkColor;
_propInfo._linkSave = _propInfo._linkColor;
get("bordercolor", _borderColor);
get("bordercolor", _borderSave);
get("windowcolor", _windowColor);
get("windowcolor", _windowSave);
get("lcd", _lcd);
get("caretcolor", _propInfo._caretColor);
get("caretcolor", _propInfo._caretSave);
get("caretshape", _propInfo._caretShape);
syncAsColor("bordercolor", _borderColor);
syncAsColor("bordercolor", _borderSave);
syncAsColor("windowcolor", _windowColor);
syncAsColor("windowcolor", _windowSave);
syncAsInt("lcd", _lcd);
if (ConfMan.hasKey("linkstyle"))
_propInfo._linkStyle = _monoInfo._linkStyle =
!strToInt(ConfMan.get("linkstyle").c_str()) ? 0 : 1;
syncAsColor("caretcolor", _propInfo._caretColor);
syncAsInt("caretshape", _propInfo._caretShape);
syncAsInt("linkstyle", _propInfo._linkStyle);
if (_isLoading) {
_propInfo._caretSave = _propInfo._caretColor;
get("scrollwidth", _scrollWidth);
get("scrollbg", _scrollBg);
get("scrollfg", _scrollFg);
get("justify", _propInfo._justify);
get("quotes", _propInfo._quotes);
get("dashes", _propInfo._dashes);
get("spaces", _propInfo._spaces);
get("caps", _propInfo._caps);
get("graphics", _graphics);
get("sound", _sound);
get("speak", _speak);
get("speak_input", _speakInput);
get("speak_language", _speakLanguage);
get("stylehint", _styleHint);
get("safeclicks", _safeClicks);
_monoInfo._caretColor = _propInfo._caretColor;
_monoInfo._caretSave = _propInfo._caretSave;
_monoInfo._caretShape = _propInfo._caretShape;
_monoInfo._linkStyle = _propInfo._linkStyle;
syncAsInt("scrollwidth", _scrollWidth);
syncAsColor("scrollbg", _scrollBg);
syncAsColor("scrollfg", _scrollFg);
syncAsInt("justify", _propInfo._justify);
syncAsInt("quotes", _propInfo._quotes);
syncAsInt("dashes", _propInfo._dashes);
syncAsInt("spaces", _propInfo._spaces);
syncAsInt("caps", _propInfo._caps);
syncAsBool("graphics", _graphics);
syncAsBool("sound", _sound);
syncAsBool("speak", _speak);
syncAsBool("speak_input", _speakInput);
syncAsString("speak_language", _speakLanguage);
syncAsInt("stylehint", _styleHint);
syncAsBool("safeclicks", _safeClicks);
char buffer[256];
const char *const TG_COLOR[2] = { "tcolor_%d", "gcolor_%d" };
for (int tg = 0; tg < 2; ++tg) {
for (int style = 0; style <= 10; ++style) {
Common::String key = Common::String::format(TG_COLOR[tg], style);
if (!ConfMan.hasKey(key))
strncpy(buffer, ConfMan.get(key).c_str(), 254);
buffer[255] = '\0';
char *fg = strtok(buffer, "\r\n\t ");
char *bg = strtok(nullptr, "\r\n\t ");
if (tg == 0) {
_tStyles[style].fg = parseColor(fg);
_tStyles[style].bg = parseColor(bg);
if (_isLoading) {
if (exists(key)) {
Common::String line = ConfMan.get(key);
if (line.find(',') == 6) {
_tStyles[style].fg = parseColor(Common::String(line.c_str(), 6));
_tStyles[style].bg = parseColor(Common::String(line.c_str() + 7));
} else {
_gStyles[style].fg = parseColor(fg);
_gStyles[style].bg = parseColor(bg);
Common::String line = Common::String::format("%s,%s",
ConfMan.set(key, line);
@ -221,56 +234,40 @@ void Conf::load() {
for (int tg = 0; tg < 2; ++tg) {
for (int style = 0; style <= 10; ++style) {
Common::String key = Common::String::format(TG_FONT[tg], style);
if (!ConfMan.hasKey(key))
strncpy(buffer, ConfMan.get(key).c_str(), 254);
buffer[255] = '\0';
char *font = strtok(buffer, "\r\n\t ");
if (tg == 0)
_tStyles[style].font = Screen::getFontId(font);
_gStyles[style].font = Screen::getFontId(font);
if (_isLoading) {
if (exists(key)) {
FACES font = Screen::getFontId(ConfMan.get(key));
if (tg == 0)
_tStyles[style].font = font;
_gStyles[style].font = font;
} else {
FACES font = (tg == 0) ? _tStyles[style].font : _gStyles[style].font;
ConfMan.set(key, Screen::getFontName(font));
void Conf::load() {
_isLoading = true;
Common::copy(_tStyles, _tStyles + style_NUMSTYLES, _tStylesDefault);
Common::copy(_gStyles, _gStyles + style_NUMSTYLES, _gStylesDefault);
void Conf::get(const Common::String &key, Common::String &field) {
if (ConfMan.hasKey(key)) {
field = ConfMan.get(key);
void Conf::flush() {
// Default settings are only saved if they're not already present
if (!exists("width") || !exists("height")) {
_isLoading = false;
void Conf::get(const Common::String &key, uint &color) {
if (ConfMan.hasKey(key))
color = parseColor(ConfMan.get(key));
void Conf::get(const Common::String &key, int &field) {
if (ConfMan.hasKey(key))
field = strToInt(ConfMan.get(key).c_str());
void Conf::get(const Common::String &key, bool &field) {
if (ConfMan.hasKey(key))
Common::parseBool(ConfMan.get(key), field);
void Conf::get(const Common::String &key, FACES &field) {
if (ConfMan.hasKey(key))
field = Screen::getFontId(ConfMan.get(key));
void Conf::get(const Common::String &key, double &field) {
if (ConfMan.hasKey(key))
field = atof(ConfMan.get(key).c_str());
uint Conf::parseColor(const Common::String &str) {
char r[3], g[3], b[3];
uint rv, gv, bv;
@ -295,8 +292,63 @@ uint Conf::parseColor(const Common::String &str) {
return 0;
Common::String Conf::encodeColor(uint color) {
byte r, g, b;
_screenFormat.colorToRGB(color, r, g, b);
return Common::String::format("%.2x%.2x%.2x", (int)r, (int)g, (int)b);
uint Conf::parseColor(const byte *rgb) {
return _screenFormat.RGBToColor(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
void Conf::syncAsString(const Common::String &name, Common::String &val) {
if (_isLoading && exists(name))
val = ConfMan.get(name);
else if (!_isLoading)
ConfMan.set(name, val);
void Conf::syncAsInt(const Common::String &name, int &val) {
if (_isLoading && exists(name))
val = ConfMan.getInt(name);
else if (!_isLoading)
ConfMan.setInt(name, val);
void Conf::syncAsInt(const Common::String &name, uint &val) {
if (_isLoading && exists(name))
val = ConfMan.getInt(name);
else if (!_isLoading)
ConfMan.setInt(name, val);
void Conf::syncAsDouble(const Common::String &name, double &val) {
if (_isLoading && exists(name))
val = atof(ConfMan.get(name).c_str());
else if (!_isLoading)
ConfMan.set(name, Common::String::format("%f", (float)val).c_str());
void Conf::syncAsBool(const Common::String &name, bool &val) {
if (_isLoading && exists(name))
val = ConfMan.getBool(name);
else if (!_isLoading)
ConfMan.setBool(name, val);
void Conf::syncAsColor(const Common::String &name, uint &val) {
if (_isLoading && exists(name))
val = parseColor(ConfMan.get(name));
else if (!_isLoading)
ConfMan.set(name, encodeColor(val));
void Conf::syncAsFont(const Common::String &name, FACES &val) {
if (_isLoading && exists(name))
val = Screen::getFontId(ConfMan.get(name));
else if (!_isLoading)
ConfMan.set(name, Screen::getFontName(val));
} // End of namespace Glk

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "glk/fonts.h"
#include "glk/windows.h"
#include "graphics/pixelformat.h"
#include "common/config-manager.h"
namespace Glk {
@ -34,39 +35,27 @@ namespace Glk {
* Engine configuration
class Conf {
typedef uint Color;
InterpreterType _interpType;
bool _isLoading;
bool exists(const Common::String &key) const {
return ConfMan.hasKey(key);
void syncAsString(const Common::String &name, Common::String &val);
void syncAsInt(const Common::String &name, int &val);
void syncAsInt(const Common::String &name, uint &val);
void syncAsDouble(const Common::String &name, double &val);
void syncAsBool(const Common::String &name, bool &val);
void syncAsColor(const Common::String &name, uint &val);
void syncAsFont(const Common::String &name, FACES &val);
* Get a string
* Loads or saves the settings
void get(const Common::String &key, Common::String &field);
* Get a color
void get(const Common::String &key, uint &color);
* Get a font name into a font Id
void get(const Common::String &key, FACES &field);
* Get a numeric value
void get(const Common::String &key, int &field);
* Get a numeric value
void get(const Common::String &key, bool &field);
* Get a double
void get(const Common::String &key, double &field);
void synchronize();
* Parse a color
@ -78,6 +67,10 @@ public:
uint parseColor(const byte *rgb);
* Encode a color to an 6-character RGB hex string
Common::String encodeColor(uint color);
uint _width, _height;
Graphics::PixelFormat _screenFormat;
@ -119,6 +112,13 @@ public:
* Loads the configuration from the ScummVM configuration
void load();
* The first time a game is played, flushes all the settings to game's
* entry in scummvm.ini. This will make it easier for users to manually
* modify scummvm.ini later on to see what options are available
void flush();
extern Conf *g_conf;

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@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ GlkEngine::~GlkEngine() {
void GlkEngine::initialize() {

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@ -145,6 +145,18 @@ FACES Screen::getFontId(const Common::String &name) {
return MONOR;
Common::String Screen::getFontName(FACES font) {
if (font == MONOR) return "monor";
if (font == MONOB) return "monob";
if (font == MONOI) return "monoi";
if (font == MONOZ) return "monoz";
if (font == PROPR) return "propr";
if (font == PROPB) return "propb";
if (font == PROPI) return "propi";
if (font == PROPZ) return "propz";
return "monor";
int Screen::drawString(const Point &pos, int fontIdx, uint color, const Common::String &text, int spw) {
int baseLine = (fontIdx >= PROPR) ? g_conf->_propInfo._baseLine : g_conf->_monoInfo._baseLine;
Point pt(pos.x / GLI_SUBPIX, pos.y - baseLine);

View File

@ -65,6 +65,11 @@ public:
* Return the font Id for a given name
static FACES getFontId(const Common::String &name);
* Return the name for a given font Id
static Common::String getFontName(FACES font);
* Constructor