DIRECTOR: Add new Japanese detection entries

Adds 27 new gameIDs and 54 new md5 entries.

This commit includes:
* 10 new games
* 10 new demos
* 5 screen savers
* 4 desktop clocks
* 1 multimedia CD
* 2 games on new platforms
* 1 localization
* 1 unsupported demo
This commit is contained in:
trembyle 2021-06-28 12:08:52 -04:00 committed by Eugene Sandulenko
parent 5522a3ead9
commit f4a0f53283
2 changed files with 208 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -101,11 +101,23 @@ const char *directoryGlobs[] = {
"francais", // Rename from Français
"italiano", // Virtual Tourism Paris
"please copy to hd. G2", // Rename from HDにコピーして下さい。G2
"please copy to hd. G3", // Rename from HDにコピーして下さい。G3
"_files_", // The Gate
"popup", // Pop Up Computer
"alpha", // Interactive Alphabet
"technik", // Glasklar Technology Interactive
"copy to hdd", // Rename from HDDにコピーしてください
"dkyasp", // Bad Day on the Midway Japanese
"movie", // Teichiku demos
"copyto_hd", // Incarnatia
"alcohol 101",
@ -114,6 +126,8 @@ const char *directoryGlobs[] = {
"cd extra",
"catalog", // Sarah McLachlan ECD (NettMedia)
"hd", // Grammar Playtime
"scr_mov", // Cardcaptor Sakura screen savers
"dicfiles", // Time Blazers series
"docs", // Enhanced CDs
"anim", // 1 vs 100 (Mindscape)

View File

@ -531,18 +531,25 @@ static const PlainGameDescriptor directorGames[] = {
{ "gate3", "the GATE III 王国「MU」への扉" }, // Gateway to the Kingdom of MU
{ "granmarmalade", "グラン・マーマレード・マジカル・ビレッジ" },
{ "henachoco", "へなちょこダービー" }, // HenaChoco Derby
{ "himejijo", "A.MAZING姫路城" }, // A.MAZING Himejijo (the HIMEJI Castle)
{ "horrortour2", "Zeddas: Horror Tour 2" },
{ "horrortour3", "ラビラーント" }, // Labyrinthe
{ "incarnatia", "Incarnatia" },
{ "inugumi", "犬組" },
{ "ios", "iós" },
{ "jyajya", "Jya jya" }, // HyperCard with D3 movie
{ "karuta", "かるたでおじゃる" }, // Karuta de ojaru
{ "katsumadojo", "信光の勝馬道場" },
{ "kazuyakun", "数ヤ君" },
{ "kenji", "Kenji" },
{ "kishido", "棋士道" }, // Art of Shogi (Go)
{ "lzone", "L-ZONE" },
{ "macaroni", "マカロニほうれん荘 Interactive" }, // Romaji title in manual is Macaroni Hourensou
{ "maria", "MA-RI-A 人形館の呪い" },
{ "marinefantasy", "大方洋二の海中写真館 Marine Fantasy" },
{ "mazebrew", "MazeBrew" },
{ "mipeterwolf", "Music Island Vol.1 \"ピーターと狼\"" },
{ "missihb", "MISS Interactive Hard Boiled" },
{ "mukashibanashi", "日本昔話" }, // Nihon Mukashi Banashi (Japanese Folk Tales)
{ "muzukashiihon", "難しい本を読むと眠くなる" }, // "Reading a Difficult Book Makes Me Sleepy"
{ "nihonchiri", "Visual日本地理" }, // Japan Geography
@ -551,6 +558,7 @@ static const PlainGameDescriptor directorGames[] = {
{ "novacity", "Nova City" },
{ "orgotto", "Orgotto" },
{ "osaka1", "必修大阪弁集中講座I 2010年、標準語は大阪弁になる" }, // Hisshu Osaka-ben shuchu koza (Mandatory Osaka Dialect)
{ "osaka2", "必修大阪弁集中講座II 2015年、東京人の逆襲" }, // Tokyoites Strike Back
{ "peaceland", "PeaceLand" },
{ "phantplanet", "アミューズメント プラネット ファンタスマゴリア" }, // Amusement Planet Phantasmagoria
{ "popup", "Pop Up Computer" },
@ -565,47 +573,65 @@ static const PlainGameDescriptor directorGames[] = {
{ "rolypolys", "ローリーポーリーズの七転び八起き" },
{ "rolypolys2", "ローリーポーリーズの世界旅行" },
{ "sakin2", "砂金II" }, // Sakin II
{ "sakuratoasobo", "さくらとあそぼ" }, // Let's Play with "SAKURA"!
{ "schoolworld", "A-L: Artificial Life: School World" },
{ "tantei", "完全探偵マニュアル" }, // Perfect Detective Manual
{ "tetsuman", "ハイ! 鉄マン です" }, // Hai! Tetsuman Desu
{ "tetsumangaiden", "鉄マン外伝 ゲーム大王の野望" }, // Tetsuman Gaiden: Game Daiou no Yabou
{ "tokimemotype1", "ときめきメモリアルタイピング" }, // Tokimeki Memorial Typing
{ "tokimemotypegs", "ときメモGSタイピング" }, // Tokimemo GS Typing (Girl's Side)
{ "ttw", "Through the Window: In Search for the Lost Bag" },
{ "twinbeeparadise", "ツインビーPARADISE in どんぶり島" }, // TwinBee Paradise in Donburi Shima
{ "twistynight1", "Twisty Night #1 合わせ月の夜" },
{ "twistynight2", "Twisty Night #2 フェンネル" },
{ "twistynight3", "Twisty Night #3 いにしえびと" },
{ "ukiuki1", "ウキウキ釣り天国 ~幻の天狗池~" }, // Ukiuki tsuri tengoku (Fishing)
{ "ukiuki2", "ウキウキ釣り天国2 ~波止の五目釣り~" },
{ "ukiuki3", "ウキウキ釣り天国3 ~人魚島のボート釣り~" },
{ "ukiukistamp", "うきうきスタンプ" },
{ "ukyo1", "うきょー1" },
{ "victorianpark", "Victorian Park" },
{ "void", "VOID" },
{ "vvs", "Virtual Variety Show" },
{ "wariwari", "わりわりワールド" }, // Wari Wari World
{ "xaxa", "XAXA MACHINE" },
{ "ybr2", "イエロー・ブリック・ロードII" },
{ "ybr3", "Yellow Brick Road ハラペコ月と星あつめ" },
{ "yoidon", "よ〜いドン!" }, // Yo-i Don!
{ "zaibatsu", "財閥銀行" }, // Zaibatsu Bank
// Japanese art and multimedia reference
{ "a5tours", "A5 Tours: Special Data Library" },
{ "asylum300", "Asylum 300" },
{ "clockkero", "ケロ時計" },
{ "clocksakura", "さくら時計" },
{ "clocktomoyo", "知世時計" },
{ "ddoa2", "アイドル探偵YOU&MY" }, // Idol Tantei (Doki Doki On-air Drama Series)
{ "eguchi", "江口寿史 CG MUSEUM" }, // Hisashi Eguchi
{ "fototune", "FotoTune Multimedia Show" },
{ "futarinoryori", "ふたりの料理物語" }, // A Tale of Two Chefs
{ "goalrush1", "Goal Rush!!" },
{ "goalrush2", "Goal Rush!! 2 ~戦術分析編~" },
{ "ioshow", "iós How To Game" },
{ "keiri", "経理入門" }, // Introduction to Accounting
{ "mazebox", "The Latest Works of MazeBox" },
{ "moderntimes", "Charles Chaplin in Modern Times" },
{ "mominoki", "もみの木の下で The Day of St.Claus" }, // Under the Fir Tree
{ "moritaka", "森高千里 CD-ROM 渡良瀬橋" },
{ "oceansbelow", "Oceans Below" },
{ "sakurascr", "さくらのSCRセレクタ" }, // Sakura's SCR Selector
{ "satodesign", "The Art of Computer Designing: A Black and White Approach" },
{ "satohomosexual", "Homosexual" },
{ "sculpt4d", "Sculpt 4D" },
{ "spawncollection", "Spawn Figure Collection for Windows 95" },
{ "sskero", "ケロ Screen Saver" },
{ "sssakura", "さくら Screen Saver" },
{ "ssyamazaki", "山崎君 Screen Saver" }, // Yamazaki-kun
{ "ssyukito", "雪兎さん Screen Saver" }, // Yukito-san
{ "tokon5", "闘魂V: 長州 力" }, // Fighting Spirit V: Riki Choshu
{ "tree", "Onyx Tree Pro" },
{ "tri3dtrial", "Tri-3D-Trial" },
{ "ukiukibgv", "ウキウキ釣り天国 BGV" }, // Background Video? (Screen Saver)
{ "vcb", "Virtual Cocktail Bar 200種類のカクテルのデータベース" },
// Japanese product demos
@ -903,6 +929,7 @@ static const PlainGameDescriptor directorGames[] = {
{ "macplaymate2", "MacPlaymate II" },
{ "sadowar", "RSP" },
{ "thebody", "The Body: Five doors plus" },
{ "thelegs", "The Legs Get a LEG up" },
{ "venus", "Venus Photo CD-ROM" },
{ "vvalerie1", "Virtual Valerie" },
{ "vvalerie2", "Virtual Valerie 2" },
@ -1322,6 +1349,10 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
// Original filename is JOINT-net/DEMO
MACDEMO1_l("jointnet", "Demo", "JOINT-net-DEMO", "9f0bb7ec7720e4f680ee3aa3d22c1c9d", 895582, Common::JA_JPN, 300),
// HyperCard game calls movie using external MacroMind Player
MACGAME2_l("jyajya", "", "MacroMind Player", "f5277c53bacd27936158dd3867e587e2", 390204,
"JyajyaInit", "5d96a5c42b500370663431f360af3629", 669, Common::JA_JPN, 311),
// Original filename is 信光の勝馬道場オートデモ
MACDEMO1_l("katsumadojo", "Demo", "Shinko's Katsuma Dojo Auto Demo", "a1da9af48fe47cf9c7e90f83dd5ddd0f", 2138762, Common::JA_JPN, 313),
@ -1720,10 +1751,11 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINGAME1("amnesty", "", "AMNESTY.EXE", "39b849bbba9eaf39c92ca25e0bb36a56", 736902, 404),
MACDEMO2_l("angelgate", "Demo", "DEMO", "bcd3c718db258701496b3c5bcb827ef2", 483415,
"START", "66600069c64ac7938eba0531ea1c1537", 10482, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINDEMO2_l("angelgate", "Demo", "DEMO.EXE", "32640d047e9e0d9498a6654de07e8248", 746865,
"START", "9261f9d13410517d9172975ea33695c2", 10354, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINGAME1_l("angelgate", "", "ANGEL.EXE", "046f0458f64b9008bc4b0dca5b895390", 746991, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINDEMO2_l("angelgate", "Demo", "DEMO.EXE", "32640d047e9e0d9498a6654de07e8248", 746865,
"START", "9261f9d13410517d9172975ea33695c2", 10354, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
MACDEMO2_l("angelgate", "Demo", "DEMO", "bcd3c718db258701496b3c5bcb827ef2", 483415,
"START", "66600069c64ac7938eba0531ea1c1537", 10482, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINGAME1_l("ankh1", "", "ANKH.EXE", "ca3b036aed6f38beb3ee762e171b663e", 746959, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
@ -1750,11 +1782,15 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
// Both Mac and Win versions require installation to extract executable
// Russian version appears to be identical with only assets replaced
MACGAME1("badday", "", "BadDay (Universal)", "b7e69c37b7355022d400c14aa97c5d54", 483781, 404),
// Original Japanese Mac filename is バッドデイ(Power PC)
MACGAME1("badday", "", "BadDay (Universal)", "b7e69c37b7355022d400c14aa97c5d54", 483781, 404),
MACGAME1_l("badday", "", "BadDay (Power PC)", "c5f8c31feb5c3d4596b63455c520fc46", 60352, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINGAME2("badday", "", "BAD_DAY.EXE", "4ad339db5379a860b33cbb0fa64f18e2", 742342,
"DDDCIN.MOV", "acc88ef9ec8300b7d7d551a94b4ff314", 1095967, 404),
"BADDAY.DXR", "b4b6fa644f64555f9f7af51454c40909", 288810, 404),
WINGAME2_l("badday", "", "BAD_DAY.EXE", "4ad339db5379a860b33cbb0fa64f18e2", 742342,
"DDDCIN.MOV", "b70e34d15e9fa9494dbb59cac5900841", 1094682, Common::RU_RUS, 404),
"BADDAY.DXR", "b4b6fa644f64555f9f7af51454c40909", 397994, Common::RU_RUS, 404),
WINGAME2_l("badday", "", "BAD_DAY.EXE", "7589f11c6411e59c0e82ec129090460f", 768773,
"BADDAY.DXR", "26c3b03b18e7aa098216be73d96289b0", 549108, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
// Original filename is みんなであそぼ デモ
// Kidsoft US packaging says A Bear Family Adventure featuring Playtime in the Park by Erica Dale
@ -2012,6 +2048,7 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINGAME1_l("fuzzyfloppybee", "", "APEDORO.EXE", "317dfcb883a6dd59129606adcd3ffdcb", 696827, Common::IT_ITA, 404),
MACGAME1_l("gate2", "", "THE_GATE", "8ea9e9a699c61edddffd79ddd0c994d7", 290654, Common::JA_JPN, 402),
MACGAME1_l("gate3", "", "THE_GATE", "33f733b2809b94c3301096902f642b6e", 290654, Common::JA_JPN, 402),
WINGAME1_l("gate1", "", "THE_GATE.EXE", "dd0bb1a07ad5b5d4489ac8f54e6ada2e", 712014, Common::JA_JPN, 402),
WINGAME1_l("gate2", "", "THE_GATE.EXE", "0818b5c0ced885b5ebcef1bfd9523405", 711962, Common::JA_JPN, 402),
@ -2085,6 +2122,11 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINGAME1("hhouse", "", "HHOUSE.EXE", "e798a08ba6057705af028673f7a9a2ef", 3181345, 400),
// Found on Uki Uki 3 CD
// Original movie filename is デモ
MACDEMO2_l("himejijo", "Demo", "Macromedia Player", "de889febf08007ca7ac501a952cfba6f", 457275,
"Demo", "88c318f3e821b4a76f8ff67bb97c002f", 6736268, Common::JA_JPN, 400),
WINGAME1("hkbigfun", "", "KITTY.EXE", "42e600e8a917de593f4048428ec8d8b8", 703689, 404),
MACGAME1("horobroy", "", "Rob Roy", "01be45e7241194dad07938e7059b88e3", 483382, 404),
@ -2151,6 +2193,9 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINDEMO2("iona", "'96", "DEMO.EXE", "95a3aeb1017546da820a8d3c95d3c4e4", 1946711,
"MAIN.DIR", "71eacbde48a94043390d7dab58b8bb52", 1812168, 404),
WINGAME1_l("ios", "", "IOS.EXE", "2b8edd5af0f79d84542c57754b7fbf61", 1004833, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINGAME1_l("ioshow", "", "HOW.EXE", "a526a724f26e266b17815b4f7f7ae079", 1863309, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
MACGAME1("isis", "", "ISIS", "dedfabf9ee7bf5aab003bdab4137bca6", 777886, 400),
WINGAME1("isis", "", "ISIS.EXE", "59c1cb960199dd3f041262ab5271bb23", 14747213, 400),
MACGAME1_l("isis", "", "ISIS", "dedfabf9ee7bf5aab003bdab4137bca6", 780610, Common::DE_DEU, 400),
@ -2190,6 +2235,11 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINGAME1("karma", "", "KARMA.EXE", "e830af6b5dfca4964184e7d61039e120", 697047, 400),
WINGAME1_l("karma", "", "DH.EXE", "f917ac9c649bff9eaf538ae69432a145", 690991, Common::ZH_TWN, 400),
// Original Mac filename is かるた
MACDEMO1_l("karuta", "Demo", "Karuta", "78138a77207907642744d0960c14d9e5", 484567, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINDEMO2_l("karuta", "Demo", "S.EXE", "aa3900a47af9c2b5f066fbbff43dd1f3", 746989,
"OPENING4.DIR", "89beafaa3b41f1c533d13fb378d5eebf", 3995204, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
MACDEMO1_l("kenji", "Demo", "KENJI", "4577dd3eadc467a986ab172d90871b22", 502033, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINGAME1("kfk", "", "KFK.EXE", "75a9f8838cd654701afdd50e68cf5736", 2696447, 404),
@ -2336,6 +2386,8 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
// There are also projectors to play audio in 11kHz or for systems with 4MB RAM
MACGAME1_l("niningashi", "", "Niningashi", "0666ae690e459d3d0d91800ebd94de46", 290682, Common::JA_JPN, 402),
MACDEMO1_l("niningashi", "Demo", "Niningashi Demo", "0666ae690e459d3d0d91800ebd94de46", 290682, Common::JA_JPN, 402),
WINDEMO2_l("niningashi", "Demo", "S.EXE", "0c8a24a885123f20992c0c74d8c5062c", 768683,
"MAIN.DXR", "8af3de22d679eb4e192429ca682bb974", 1119286, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINDEMO1("nixon", "Demo", "NIXON.EXE", "ca89b860bb28aed3a699478a7f411ee5", 3193595, 404),
@ -2359,6 +2411,7 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINGAME1("origin", "V8", "CATALOG.EXE", "e6fe968cbe2b51ea423af58216c78392", 9509999, 400),
WINGAME1("origin", "V11", "CATALOG.EXE", "c117a85d635a2b4469a141f7f051b0a8", 10347633, 400),
WINGAME1_l("osaka1", "", "OSAKA.EXE", "c0479277618ab17bd9c79b5da66ab435", 1491097, Common::JA_JPN, 400),
WINDEMO2_l("osaka1", "Demo", "DEMO.EXE", "763f360a098cf3bec7cbdc5685b1e4a3", 1193483,
"START.DIR", "83190aa4c2db873334d36bac329ec670", 825036, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
MACDEMO2_l("osaka1", "Demo", "DEMO", "5a012e69fec2369ad2e8d73c42d928f3", 1096269,
@ -2539,11 +2592,16 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINDEMO2_l("tetsuman", "Demo", "DEMO.EXE", "460a27915f96f1aeb50b271722637a60", 746847,
"SHARED.DIR", "1a294eaa8f725a54aa00e5ec6d3560a9", 1656378, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
// Pippin disc contains Pippin + Mac executables.
// Pippin disc contains Pippin + Mac executables
// On Win/Mac disc, the original Mac executable name is 鉄マン外伝
MACGAME1_l("tetsumangaiden", "", "Tetsuman Gaiden", "ea646eccc9a53f44ce082459d4809a06", 484323, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
PIPGAME1_l("tetsumangaiden", "", "GAIDEN.Pippin", "2618a85198d0180e3eae9162f81aafed", 61059, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINGAME1_l("tetsumangaiden", "", "GAIDEN.EXE", "e0176c2683e3f3cac971e976bafb8fee", 747105, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
// Mac demo executable name is デモ
MACGAME1_l("tetsumangaiden", "", "Tetsuman Gaiden", "ea646eccc9a53f44ce082459d4809a06", 484323, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
MACDEMO2_l("tetsumangaiden", "Demo", "Demo", "0cbcb147543278d3f719fc31a3e6def6", 1097597,
"LOGO", "e656c2676aa805ae95c40dbd3ac3cd61", 1049760, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
PIPGAME1_l("tetsumangaiden", "", "GAIDEN.Pippin", "2618a85198d0180e3eae9162f81aafed", 61059, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINGAME1_l("tetsumangaiden", "", "GAIDEN.EXE", "e0176c2683e3f3cac971e976bafb8fee", 747105, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINDEMO2_l("tetsumangaiden", "Demo", "S.EXE", "6e8d348333574dad57d316b780bc5f35", 747195,
"LOGO", "82d44fb57e72e6243b55634379a74f6c", 1051768, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
// Mac version is not Director
WINGAME1("thinkinthingsdp", "", "PARENTS.EXE", "4e82061a925caa16320c52b38aeb68c5", 1160899, 400),
@ -2594,7 +2652,37 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINGAME1("ubt", "", "BTDEMO.EXE", "dbe72b7dc91c72db5b4597857aecf5c6", 696813, 404),
// YOBI.EXE is a projector for lower performance systems
WINGAME1_l("ukiuki1", "", "TENNGU.EXE", "f0bbb9938a7cb899b6fc93ef7f3e8150", 747145, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINGAME1_l("ukiuki1", "", "TENNGU.EXE", "f0bbb9938a7cb899b6fc93ef7f3e8150", 747145, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINDEMO2_l("ukiuki1", "Demo", "S.EXE", "09430e02b3540e623d0b400792958901", 747145,
"LOGO.DIR", "b6d341c63fbea25898fc310981413c28", 1053528, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINGAME1("ukiukibgv", "", "BGV", "4dc07ac998272bb4027a9979f5b6c3b6", 1097649, 404),
"ukiuki1", "CD Demo",
// Original filename is 幻の天狗池
AD_ENTRY1s("Maboroshi no tengu-chi", "792a89586ed20c4662b51c2bfd43be80", 1102407),
// Original Mac demo filename is デモ
// Original Mac full game filename is 波止の五目釣り
// Windows demos on Uki Uki 3 sample disc are hidden in MOVIE/BMP
// All of the Windows demo projectors use the S.EXE filename
MACGAME1_l("ukiuki2", "", "Hashi no gomoku-dzuri", "bcd3c718db258701496b3c5bcb827ef2", 488946, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
MACDEMO2_l("ukiuki2", "Demo", "Demo", "5ef06a50a335ec0a9a0f9017057ccfe9", 1097469,
"START", "c1eaf606b97d1fb5a55214485d330aa9", 9228, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINDEMO2_l("ukiuki2", "Demo", "S.EXE", "5ef06a50a335ec0a9a0f9017057ccfe9", 1097469,
"OPENING", "c1eaf606b97d1fb5a55214485d330aa9", 9228, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
// Demo is D5
// Original filename is 人魚島のボート釣り
MACGAME1_l("ukiuki3", "", "Ningyo shima no boto-dzuri", "bcd3c718db258701496b3c5bcb827ef2", 488038, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
MACGAME1("universe", "", "Invisible Universe", "78138a77207907642744d0960c14d9e5", 596766, 404),
WINGAME2("universe", "", "UNIVERSE.EXE", "77ddb6ca4c45b78cc501868afa55e166", 700157,
@ -2629,6 +2717,11 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINGAME2_l("warlock", "", "START.EXE", "04e0887e76ee58b86ace1d89bf816d9f", 694159,
"SSWARLCK.DIR", "aa3d2d8d69746d2b0f312427649cd98f", 608862, Common::JA_JPN, 400),
// Original Mac filename is わりわりワールド_デモ
MACDEMO1_l("wariwari", "Demo", "Wari Wari World Demo", "f808a9f231b77617fa559cf9d2da66c1", 502975, Common::JA_JPN, 400),
WINDEMO2_l("wariwari", "Demo", "S.EXE", "56faebd9531821fe9be95515c43f7fcc", 744019,
"WADEMO.DXR", "cf6453b97f7e1cb1fb19ecb59bbb9caf", 6213026, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
MACDEMO1("warplanes", "Demo", "Warplanes Demo", "4f7ff33ce95ed9f42befdae4f9b6b690", 292244, 403),
MACGAME1("whales", "", "World Of Whales", "da0da5d543b237051975ad70bec129f4", 483774, 404),
@ -2643,6 +2736,11 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
MACGAME1_l("xaxa", "", "XAXA MACHINE", "ff0b7a4b925c7345785c372d618d0967", 343233, Common::JA_JPN, 400),
// Original Mac filename is よーいドンDEMO
MACDEMO1_l("yoidon", "Demo", "Yo-i Don DEMO", "3a0c62a46f36157434c4204e50f22886", 305032, Common::JA_JPN, 403),
WINDEMO2_l("yoidon", "Demo", "S.EXE", "9448daa2ccbc2c3707df48323327feb0", 747007,
"START.DXR", "651764cd9add9cc56022dc499b2aca92", 9803044, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
MACGAME1_l("ybr2", "", "YBR2", "b797956eb3a4dabcc15bfadf6fc66591", 504153, Common::JA_JPN, 400),
WINGAME1_l("ybr2", "", "YBR2.EXE", "dbe273c1df60305be98a1a582ddd2c3b", 860579, Common::JA_JPN, 400),
WINDEMO1_l("ybr2", "Demo", "YBR2DEMO.EXE", "25ecc053e02a0ef537d34d615119c814", 900973, Common::JA_JPN, 400),
@ -2718,6 +2816,13 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
// Series includes Schubert, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Vivaldi and probably more
WINGAME1_l("clasplusbee2", "", "BEE2_95.EXE", "1a7acbba10a7246ba58c1d53fc7203f5", 1694421, Common::ES_ESP, 501),
// Clocks from Let's Play with Sakura CD
// Windows versions are D6
// Original filenames follow the entries on each line
MACGAME1_l("clockkero", "", "Kero Tokei", "65063397536553c4f6ff2a6c07194bf7", 1602707, Common::JA_JPN, 500), // ケロ時計
MACGAME1_l("clocksakura", "", "Sakura Tokei", "65063397536553c4f6ff2a6c07194bf7", 1602709, Common::JA_JPN, 500), // さくら時計
MACGAME1_l("clocktomoyo", "", "Tomoyo Tokei", "65063397536553c4f6ff2a6c07194bf7", 1602707, Common::JA_JPN, 500), // 知世時計
MACGAME1("colormind", "v1.5", "ColorMind 1.5", "37faaf693259d7a4fa031f4a2edf3098", 126087, 501),
MACGAME1_l("crusader", "", "Croisades", "6e7e31d05709e1d38d63f4df6a59eec0", 718381, Common::FR_FRA, 501),
@ -2766,6 +2871,8 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINGAME2("edmark", "", "DEMO.EXE", "2e62abdad839e42068afdcd0644d7dcf", 917547,
"MAININT", "1e995592236894b843c3853906bbee1d", 2935876, 500),
// Original Mac filename is 江口寿史
MACGAME1_l("eguchi", "", "Hisashi Eguchi", "552992fb31c736ca67ffd403096596d6", 719909, Common::JA_JPN, 501),
WINGAME1_l("eguchi", "", "EGU32.EXE", "38b75ecdedf662326fe4931a68ae60cd", 1410078, Common::JA_JPN, 501),
WINGAME1_l("ernie", "", "Ernie.exe", "1a7acbba10a7246ba58c1d53fc7203f5", 1417481, Common::SE_SWE, 500),
@ -2833,6 +2940,10 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINGAME2("imesceneryfish", "ECD", "runme.exe", "47b17c219097afb877fd9bc15455e4d4", 738415,
"main.dir", "0b20d6b771b4f5fd50e823c3773aecdd", 3526788, 404),
// Installers for both platforms also use Director
MACGAME1_l("incarnatia", "", "incarnatia_PowerMac", "2e7d373f75c014be20cfb04c5cd65dae", 108736, Common::JA_JPN, 501),
WINGAME1_l("incarnatia", "", "incarnatia_Win.exe", "38b75ecdedf662326fe4931a68ae60cd", 1414152, Common::JA_JPN, 501),
MACGAME1("jslearn", "1997 D5 Demo", "JumpStart Previews", "231d3041df162be4a0ddd36a74eb03b6", 718745, 501),
WINGAME1("jslearn", "1997 D5 Demo", "PREV32A.EXE", "1a7acbba10a7246ba58c1d53fc7203f5", 1411155, 501),
@ -2854,6 +2965,8 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
// Original filenames use N° instead of No
MACGAME1_l("mieuxmieux", "N°16", "CD Mieux-Mieux No16", "227fcce08de8028e2201f5f4eb3b3cc3", 720132, Common::FR_FRA, 501),
WINGAME1_l("missihb", "", "MISS95.EXE", "38b75ecdedf662326fe4931a68ae60cd", 1410206, Common::JA_JPN, 501),
WINGAME1("mmalgebra", "", "mmalgbra.exe", "1a7acbba10a7246ba58c1d53fc7203f5", 1887007, 501),
MACGAME1("mmmath3", "", "Mission Masters Math 3", "ec6fba1c2d0fd9dbe987f4336cb08e2b", 718381, 501),
@ -2875,6 +2988,9 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINGAME1("noir", "", "NOIR.EXE", "2e62abdad839e42068afdcd0644d7dcf", 1020879, 500),
MACDEMO1_l("osaka2", "Demo", "OSAKA2", "2e75b0d7a218c71d5dd00a27eb755f00", 719012, Common::JA_JPN, 501),
WINDEMO1_l("osaka2", "Demo", "OSAKA2.EXE", "38b75ecdedf662326fe4931a68ae60cd", 1410110, Common::JA_JPN, 501),
WINGAME1("parliament", "", "GUIDE.EXE", "2e62abdad839e42068afdcd0644d7dcf", 918871, 500),
// Also calls external files such as pdf, html, midi
@ -2962,6 +3078,14 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINGAME2("spellingbee", "", "WIN95.EXE", "1a7acbba10a7246ba58c1d53fc7203f5", 1411387,
"136MAIN.DXR", "b46fe5ee3a0903bb763121059cee2c06", 679554, 501),
// Screen savers found on Let's Play with "Sakura" activity CD
// Windows versions on same disc are D6
// Original filenames follow the entries on each line
MACGAME1_l("sskero", "", "Kero", "65063397536553c4f6ff2a6c07194bf7", 1608622, Common::JA_JPN, 500), // ケロ
MACGAME1_l("sssakura", "", "Sakura", "65063397536553c4f6ff2a6c07194bf7", 1608788, Common::JA_JPN, 500), // さくら
MACGAME1_l("ssyamazaki", "", "Yamazaki-kun", "65063397536553c4f6ff2a6c07194bf7", 3693218, Common::JA_JPN, 500), // 山崎君
MACGAME1_l("ssyukito", "", "Yukito-san", "65063397536553c4f6ff2a6c07194bf7", 4867440, Common::JA_JPN, 500), // 雪兎さん
// Found on Revolutionary War Picture CD from Holiday Digital Pictures
MACGAME1("ssrevwar", "", "Revolutionary War Screen Saver", "43234754a346ed7ac25b581f6d106866", 218094, 500),
@ -3003,6 +3127,25 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
MACGAME1("troubleshoot101", "Basic", "Troubleshooting 101 IA", "62e979424add2428daa835610fb83864", 719261, 501),
MACGAME1("troubleshoot101", "Music", "Troubleshooting 101 IA w MUSIC", "222fbd020a3910ef748724945145771c", 719261, 501),
// Original filename is ツインビーPARADISE in どんぶり島.exe
WINGAME1_l("twinbeeparadise", "", "TwinBee PARADISE in Donburi Shima.exe", "2535f11350bc1f2b7ca2dcc6c0cdddfd", 1410246, Common::JA_JPN, 501),
WINDEMO2_l("ukiuki3", "Demo", "S.EXE", "f7bf3d09655f30ba327810f010150004", 1035432,
"LOGO.DIR", "7cd32d690ffaaf21c75ccfb9507a712d", 1052642, Common::JA_JPN, 501),
"ukiuki3", "CD Demo",
// Original filename is 幻の天狗池.EXE
AD_ENTRY1s("BOAT95.EXE", "38b75ecdedf662326fe4931a68ae60cd", 1410860),
MACGAME1("vp2", "", "VPhys2", "cb91232ecece0045461d236d5914c03d", 719261, 500),
MACDEMO1("vp2", "Demo", "VP2Demo", "cb91232ecece0045461d236d5914c03d", 719261, 500),
WINGAME1("vp2", "", "VPHYS2.EXE", "c3c38bd3907ca7e13220b74bd0317a6c", 1021347, 500),
@ -3069,6 +3212,13 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
// General preview for ClueFinders series. Does not correspond to a specific game.
WINGAME1("cfdemo", "", "CFDemo.exe", "d62438566e44826960fc16c5c23dbe43", 11941853, 650),
// Clocks from Let's Play with Sakura CD
// Mac versions are D5
// Original filenames follow the entries on each line
WINGAME1_l("clockkero", "", "Kero Tokei.exe", "45871c12eb944f09f50ee742113a1e2d", 2770370, Common::JA_JPN, 650), // ケロ時計.exe
WINGAME1_l("clocksakura", "", "Sakura Tokei.exe", "45871c12eb944f09f50ee742113a1e2d", 2754593, Common::JA_JPN, 650), // さくら時計.exe
WINGAME1_l("clocktomoyo", "", "Tomoyo Tokei.exe", "45871c12eb944f09f50ee742113a1e2d", 3184823, Common::JA_JPN, 650), // 知世時計.exe
MACGAME1("concentration", "ECD", "Natural", "f987dae6f5cdd01875c886a491591e72", 1031658, 650),
WINGAME2("concentration", "ECD", "win95.exe", "d62438566e44826960fc16c5c23dbe43", 1703271,
"stub32.dxr", "c835559b5556665bc755350ec9bd8244", 47639, 650),
@ -3076,6 +3226,12 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
MACGAME1_l("crusader2000", "", "Lancer Croisades", "398eb2cdf121feb490097c6323d52267", 1031745, Common::FR_FRA, 650),
WINGAME1_l("crusader2000", "", "Croisade.exe", "d62438566e44826960fc16c5c23dbe43", 1546312, Common::FR_FRA, 650),
// Doki Doki On-air Drama Series acts as a companion to a series of radio broadcasts
// It includes the audio episodes alongside sketches, interviews, and mini-games
// Original filenames are as follows:
// Vol.2 - アイドル探偵YOU&MY
MACGAME1_l("ddoa2", "Vol.2", "Idol Tantei You & My", "baed611e800d4619b66bbb28db3df1c7", 1033523, Common::JA_JPN, 601),
WINGAME1("delphi4tutor", "", "Del4Tutor.exe", "ece1c7a090010965890840102978e693", 3125198, 601),
WINGAME1("dfireworks", "Ver.98", "Firewk32.exe", "ece1c7a090010965890840102978e693", 1513130, 601),
@ -3180,6 +3336,10 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINGAME1("learninternet", "", "VIDPROF.EXE", "b0f3841f6e8005e519445b22de37749b", 2674733, 600),
WINGAME1("learnworks2", "v4.0", "Vidprof.exe", "b0f3841f6e8005e519445b22de37749b", 2854401, 600),
// Pre-rendered CG animated adventure based on the popular comedy manga
// Developed by Future Pirates, published by Toshiba EMI
MACGAME1_l("macaroni", "", "Macaroni.PowerMac", "be7faef1b5c713e2d13a693eb6e1f5c9", 180281, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINDEMO1("madtg", "1998 Demo", "MTGDSLID.EXE", "b0f3841f6e8005e519445b22de37749b", 1317661, 600),
// Masters of the Elements - English (from lotharsm)
@ -3273,6 +3433,15 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
WINGAME2("revwar", "", "BEGIN.exe", "d62438566e44826960fc16c5c23dbe43", 1514063,
"mainmenu.dxr", "1b6c62ffd84ac53fce242a8f0a4cc337", 5839626, 650),
// Found on Let's Play with "Sakura"
// This directly runs the screen savers available on the CD
// Original filename is さくらのscrセレクタ
MACGAME1_l("sakurascr", "", "Sakura\'s scr selector", "65063397536553c4f6ff2a6c07194bf7", 1822055, Common::JA_JPN, 602),
// Original filenames are さくらとあそぼ
MACGAME1_l("sakuratoasobo", "", "Let\'s Play with Sakura", "8d83064402198a909b0abcebc6b46d2b", 118198, Common::JA_JPN, 602),
WINGAME1_l("sakuratoasobo", "", "Let\'s Play with Sakura.exe", "45871c12eb944f09f50ee742113a1e2d", 1982850, Common::JA_JPN, 650),
MACGAME1("shrlucky", "", "Arcade", "dab7a517b0877454d1e16c40c9b5a9be", 1029193, 600),
WINGAME1("shrlucky", "", "ARCWIN95.EXE", "a593079aecf5bd938ce75264cac24b2d", 7304861, 600),
@ -3281,6 +3450,13 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
MACGAME1("ssleepipes", "", "pipes", "dc48a185cfddce0d48a199fd25e328ac", 94195, 650),
WINGAME1("ssleepipes", "", "pipes.exe", "a593079aecf5bd938ce75264cac24b2d", 1545446, 600),
// Screen savers found on Let's Play with "Sakura" activity CD
// Mac versions are D5
WINGAME1_l("sskero", "", "Kero.exe", "45871c12eb944f09f50ee742113a1e2d", 1730497, Common::JA_JPN, 650),
WINGAME1_l("sssakura", "", "Sakura.exe", "45871c12eb944f09f50ee742113a1e2d", 1736349, Common::JA_JPN, 650),
WINGAME1_l("ssyamazaki", "", "Yamazaki.exe", "45871c12eb944f09f50ee742113a1e2d", 3854052, Common::JA_JPN, 650),
WINGAME1_l("ssyukito", "", "Yukito.exe", "45871c12eb944f09f50ee742113a1e2d", 5003908, Common::JA_JPN, 650),
// Mac version is D5
WINGAME1("ssrevwar", "", "Revwar.exe", "d62438566e44826960fc16c5c23dbe43", 21088827, 650),
@ -3897,6 +4073,8 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
MACGAME1("miamath", "OS X", "MiaOSX", "666bfa2ee1ae12443ce06f5dd142502b", 53741, 1000),
WINGAME1("miamath", "", "MiaMath.exe", "0c25e89b5084b272f0eab7827b6e411a", 2671820, 1000),
WINDEMO1_l("tokimemotypegs", "Demo", "tkmkgstype.exe", "1d1646000633ab994404ac38fb350553", 2716404, Common::JA_JPN, 1000),
// Adobe Director v11
@ -3939,6 +4117,10 @@ static const DirectorGameDescription gameDescriptions[] = {
"START.DIR", "beeb32cacc5108838a8b5c6850275b86", 7342, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINDEMO2_l("thebody", "Demo", "DEMO.EXE", "763f360a098cf3bec7cbdc5685b1e4a3", 1193483,
"START.DIR", "dd60f73a3c0590754b07e0cee4ec2921", 7206, Common::JA_JPN, 404),
WINDEMO2_l("thelegs", "8-bit Color Demo", "S.EXE", "c3c38bd3907ca7e13220b74bd0317a6c", 1013279,
"START8.DIR", "ed4bfebf096a195ae68db0fe7ba999cc", 4812, Common::JA_JPN, 500),
WINDEMO2_l("thelegs", "16-bit Color Demo", "S.EXE", "1c654e09938e5a27f694e694aca13833", 1387193,
"START16.DIR", "1b42803d81028c827022eb08e00616b0", 4942, Common::JA_JPN, 500),
// Original filename is ビーナスの美女のデモ
MACDEMO1("venus", "Demo", "Venus no Bijo Demo", "1ae45c23586b41997ba52e2e7c771c4c", 3333366, 310),