When listing directories, you get a list of StorageFiles, which path()
is actually Google Drive id. Thus, if you list a directory recursively,
you won't be able to determine whether all files are within one
directory or have some hierarchy. I'd fix that as soon as it would be
GoogleDriveResolveIdRequest gets a lowercase path and searches for the
specified file's id. To do that it lists path's subdirectories one by
one with GoogleDriveListDirectoryByIdRequest.
GoogleDriveListDirectoryByIdRequest gets a Google Drive id and lists
that directory (not recursively).
MetaEngines don't get "locked" files in the list, so won't try to open
Save/Load dialog updates save list every time SavesSyncRequest tells it
It's shown by SaveLoadChooserDialog when files are downloaded and some
save slots are locked. One can hide that dialog to interact with
non-locked slots or cancel saves sync completely. Dialog's label shows
current sync progress.
Dialog automatically hides itself when all files are downloaded.
WARNING: right now that results in a crash!
It has its own GoogleDriveTokenRefresher and knows how to do info().
This commit also contains JSON int -> long long int fix and
CurlJsonRequest '\n' -> ' ' fix.
It now keeps track of how many Requests are running.
To achieve that, we had to pass a callback to ConnectionManager, so each
Request has a callback paired with it. If that's one of Storage's
Requests, it has a callback, which would decrease a counter. When
Storage adds a Request, it also increases a counter and passes that
callback. Callback is called by ConnMan when Request is deleted.
isWorking() returns true if there is at least one Request running.
DownloadRequest and FolderDownloadRequest are using other Storage's
methods. Thus, download() and downloadFolder() could be implemented in
base Storage class.
There was a warning regarding 25 GB constant.
By the way, I'm not sure how to print uint64 (%llu is available in C99
only, and gcc produces a warning about that).
As it uses SavesSyncRequest and this request is using Storage's
upload(), download() and listDirectory(), there is no need to make
storage-dependent version of that request and so method could be
implemented in base Storage.
It actually works fine, but small Storage::savesDirectoryPath() was
added, because Dropbox's directories must start with a slash, and
OneDrive's directories must not.
Saves sync tested and it works fine with OneDrive.
Never tested it, actually. It requires Storage to implement upload()
method and me to find some way to get saves' ReadStream.
The saveTimestamps() and loadTimestamps() part should be tested, other
parts should work fine.