Also minor improvements in the python scripts
Made audio links working again with LibreOffice Calc and added a subtitles version sheet in the python script that creates the Excel document and the audio links
This pull request adds all games listed in
// Carol Reed 10 - Bosch's Damnation
// Carol Reed 11 - Shades Of Black
// Carol Reed 12 - Profound Red
// Carol Reed 13 - The Birdwatcher
// Carol Reed 14 - The Fall Of April
// Rebecca Carlson Mystery 01 - Silent Footsteps
// Corrosion: Cold Winter Waiting (Enhanced Edition)
// Rhiannon: Curse of the four Branches (Premium Edition)
I don't have those games, so I can't check if those sums are correct.
Actual name of "hamlet" is "Hamlet or the last game without MMORPG
features, shaders and product placement". Fixed misprint in word
Also added one more Hamlet version from
My version has another checksum, so I can't test it.
Official downloads page for the White Chamber
( contains 2 links:
1. Download from IndieDB (thewhitechamber1.7SETUP.exe, 376180149 bytes)
(built 2008.06.29, installed game is detectable by ScummVM)
2. Direct Download (thewhitechamber1.7SETUP - Definitive Edition.exe,
376180083 bytes) (built 2008.06.26, installed game is unknown to
Both version are called "v1.7 - Definitive Edition".
speech.dcp is different: "german/COMPUT050.ogg" was renamed to
data.dcp & language.dcp content is the same for those versions, except
for timestamps (Wed, 25 Jun 2008 21:01:32 GMT vs Sun, 29 Jun 2008
19:36:33 GMT)
Several questions:
1. Is it alright to list those builds as Common::UNK_LANG ? Should we
change this to 9 records for exact langs: Common::EN_ANY,
Common::FR_FRA, Common::IT_ITA, Common::DE_DEU, Common::CZ_CZE,
Common::GR_GRE, Common::PT_POR, Common::PL_POL?
2. Should we provide a fix for "german/COMPUT050.ogg" lookup in version
that was built 2008.06.26 or this must be kept as is?