This fixes an OpenGL renderer issue for builds with MSYS2/Mingw64 or MSYS2/Mingw32
The issue pertains to MSYS2 adding a default manifest file (default-manifest.o) to the executable
The bug is for PC systems with GPU drivers that were not properly supported for Windows 10
systems, like Intel HD Graphics series 1st and 2nd generations. In those systems, launching a
game in ScummVM (built with MSYS2/Mingw) with the OpenGL renderer would cause the game
screen to be a white blank image, and various warnings would be output to the console, eg.
"WARNING: GL ERROR: GL_INVALID_ENUM on glTexSubImage2D(0x0DE1, 0, 0,, src.w, area.height(), _glFormat, _glType, src.gere.cpp:167)!"
This was due to MSYS2/Mingw builds trying to load the (poorly supported) GPU driver while advertising support for Windows 10 in their
embedded default Manifest file. Hence, the GPU driver DLL (eg ig4icd64.dll) would be unloaded, causing the bug.
More information is available in the following links:
Credits to sluicebox for the VS GenerateManifest flag
Both the data used to generate the archive and the archive itself
were moved to dists/ instead of being in backends/.
The script was also improved to optionally take a path as a command
line argument to indicate where the wwwroot data are instead of
assuming they are in the working directory.
Finally a 'wwwroot' make target was also added to invoke the python script and generate the archive.
with the expected path to
The file had already been added to scummvm.rc, but not to As a result running would
have caused the change to be lost. contains ScummVM local webserver's resources, such as
template html pages, styles and images.
One can make it from wwwroot directory contents by running script.
It's added to scummvm.rc, so it's included in the executable (it works
with MinGW, but I was unable to do that in VS yet).
IndexPageHandler is the one who returns these resources. It uses
index.html for "/". I'm replacing "{message}" with translated message,
so that's the way I thought the templates should work.
We bypass SDL_WM_SetIcon and setup the window icon using the embedded icon, with the default path as a fallback.
This allows us to use an antialised icon with alpha transparency (which the default included icon doesn't have) on Windows XP and later