=============== Graphics =============== Use the Graphics tab to change how games look when they are played. **To change settings globally:** From the Launcher, select **Options**. The **Graphics** tab is the first tab shown. **To change settings for a specific game:** Highlight the game in the games list, select **Edit Game** then select the **Graphics** tab. For a comprehensive look at how to use these settings, check out our :doc:`../advanced_topics/understand_graphics` guide. .. figure:: ../images/settings/graphics.png The Graphics tab in the global settings All settings can also be changed in the :doc:`../advanced_topics/configuration_file`. The configuration key is listed in italics after each setting description. ,,,,,,, .. _gfxmode: Graphics mode Change the graphics backend used to render the ScummVM window on the screen. Different graphics modes have different options available (such as scalers and stretch modes). *gfx_mode* .. _render: Render mode Changes how the game is rendered. *render_mode* .. _stretchmode: Stretch mode Changes the way the game is displayed in relation to the window or screen size. *stretch_mode* .. _scalers: Scalers Changes the resolution of the game, while also selecting which filter is used to scale up the resolution. For example, a 2x scaler will take a 320x200 resolution game and scale it up to 640x400. *scaler* and *scale_factor* .. _ratio: Aspect ratio correction If ticked, corrects the aspect ratio so that games appear the same as they would on original 320x200 resolution displays. *aspect_ratio* .. _fullscreen: Fullscreen mode Switches between playing games in a window, or playing them in fullscreen mode. Switch between the two by using :kbd:`Alt+F5` while in a game. *fullscreen* .. _filtering: Filter graphics If ticked, uses bilinear interpolation instead of nearest neighbor resampling for the aspect ratio correction and stretch mode. It does not affect the graphics mode. *filtering* .. _vsync: V-Sync in 3D games If ticked, synchronizes the frame rate of a game with the monitor's refresh rate to prevent screen tearing. *vsync* .. _renderer: Game 3D renderer Changes how a 3D game is rendered. This setting has no effect on 2D games. - OpenGL: renders on hardware (uses the GPU) - OpenGL with shaders: renders on hardware with shader support - Software: renders on software (uses the CPU). *renderer* .. _antialiasing: 3D Anti-aliasing Changes the anti-aliasing method. The number refers to how many samples are taken per pixel; 8x takes 8 samples per pixel and is the most accurate, but is also the most processor-intensive option. *antialiasing*