/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "graphics/macgui/macfontmanager.h" #include "graphics/macgui/mactext.h" #include "graphics/palette.h" #include "graphics/fonts/ttf.h" #include "pink/pink.h" #include "pink/cel_decoder.h" #include "pink/screen.h" #include "pink/objects/actions/action_sound.h" #include "pink/objects/actions/action_cel.h" #include "pink/objects/actions/action_text.h" #include "pink/objects/actors/actor.h" #include "graphics/macgui/macmenu.h" namespace Pink { enum { kMenuHighLevel = -1, kMenuAbout = 0, kMenuGame = 1, kMenuBOK = 2, kMenuOnline = 3, kMenuHelp = 4 }; enum { kMenuActionAbout, kMenuActionNewGame, kMenuActionOpenSavedGame, kMenuActionSaveGame, kMenuActionSaveGameAs, kMenuActionSongs, kMenuActionSoundPreferences, kMenuActionPause, kMenuActionExit }; /* Currently Unused static const Graphics::MacMenuData menuSubItems[] = { { kMenuHighLevel, "Game", 0, 0, false }, { kMenuHighLevel, "Book of Knowledge", 0, 0, false }, { kMenuHighLevel, "Online", 0, 0, false }, { kMenuHighLevel, "Help", 0, 0, false }, { kMenuGame, "New Game", kMenuActionNewGame, 'N', false }, { kMenuGame, "Open Saved Game...", kMenuActionOpenSavedGame, 'O', false }, { kMenuGame, "Save Game", kMenuActionSaveGame, 'S', false }, { kMenuGame, "Save Game As...", kMenuActionSaveGameAs, 0, false }, { kMenuGame, NULL, 0, 0, false }, { kMenuGame, "Songs", kMenuActionSongs, 0, false }, { kMenuGame, NULL, 0, 0, false }, { kMenuGame, "Sound Preferences...", kMenuActionSoundPreferences, 0, false }, { kMenuGame, NULL, 0, 0, false }, { kMenuGame, "Pause", kMenuActionPause, 'P', false }, { kMenuGame, "Exit", kMenuActionExit, 'N', false }, { 0, NULL, 0, 0, false } }; */ static void redrawCallback(void *ref) { Screen *dir = (Screen *)ref; if (dir->getWndManager().isMenuActive()) { dir->addDirtyRect(Common::Rect(0, 0, 640, 480)); dir->draw(false); } } Screen::Screen(PinkEngine *vm) : _surface(640, 480), _textRendered(false) { uint32 wmMode = Graphics::kWMModeNoDesktop | Graphics::kWMModeAutohideMenu | Graphics::kWMModalMenuMode | Graphics::kWMModeForceBuiltinFonts | Graphics::kWMModeUnicode; if (vm->getLanguage() != Common::HE_ISR) // We do not have Hebrew font in MS fonts :( wmMode |= Graphics::kWMModeWin95; _wm = new Graphics::MacWindowManager(wmMode); _wm->setScreen(&_surface); _wm->setMenuHotzone(Common::Rect(0, 0, 640, 23)); _wm->setMenuDelay(250000); _wm->setEngineRedrawCallback(this, redrawCallback); _textFont = nullptr; _textFontCleanup = true; #ifdef USE_FREETYPE2 if (vm->getLanguage() == Common::HE_ISR) { _textFont = _wm->_fontMan->getFont(Graphics::MacFont(Graphics::kMacFontChicago, 12, Graphics::kMacFontRegular)); _textFontCleanup = false; } else { _textFont = Graphics::loadTTFFontFromArchive("system.ttf", 16); } #endif if (!_textFont) { _textFont = FontMan.getFontByUsage(Graphics::FontManager::kBigGUIFont); warning("Director: falling back to built-in font"); _textFontCleanup = false; } } Screen::~Screen() { delete _wm; if (_textFontCleanup) delete _textFont; } void Screen::update() { if (_wm->isMenuActive()) { _wm->draw(); g_system->updateScreen(); return; } for (uint i = 0; i < _sounds.size(); ++i) { _sounds[i]->update(); } for (uint i = 0; i < _sprites.size(); ++i) { if (_sprites[i]->needsUpdate()) _sprites[i]->update(); } draw(); _wm->draw(); } bool Screen::processEvent(Common::Event &event) { return _wm->processEvent(event); } void Screen::setPalette(const byte *palette) { g_system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(palette, 0, 256); _wm->passPalette(palette, 256); } void Screen::addTextAction(ActionText *txt) { _textActions.push_back(txt); _textRendered = false; } void Screen::removeTextAction(ActionText *action) { for (uint i = 0; i < _textActions.size(); ++i) { if (_textActions[i] == action) { _textActions.remove_at(i); break; } } } void Screen::addTextWindow(Graphics::MacTextWindow *window) { _textWindows.push_back(window); } void Screen::removeTextWindow(Graphics::MacTextWindow *window) { for (uint i = 0; i < _textWindows.size(); i++) { if (_textWindows[i] == window) { _textWindows.remove_at(i); break; } } } void Screen::addSprite(ActionCEL *sprite) { _sprites.push_back(sprite); int i; for (i = _sprites.size() - 1; i > 0 ; --i) { if (sprite->getZ() < _sprites[i - 1]->getZ()) _sprites[i] = _sprites[i - 1]; else break; } _sprites[i] = sprite; } void Screen::removeSprite(ActionCEL *sprite) { for (uint i = 0; i < _sprites.size(); ++i) { if (sprite == _sprites[i]) { _sprites.remove_at(i); break; } } _dirtyRects.push_back(sprite->getBounds()); } void Screen::removeSound(ActionSound *sound) { for (uint i = 0; i < _sounds.size(); ++i) { if (_sounds[i] == sound) _sounds.remove_at(i); } } void Screen::clear() { _dirtyRects.push_back(Common::Rect(0, 0, 640, 480)); _sprites.resize(0); draw(); } void Screen::pause(bool pause_) { for (uint i = 0; i < _sprites.size() ; ++i) { _sprites[i]->pause(pause_); } } void Screen::saveStage() { _savedSprites = _sprites; clear(); } void Screen::loadStage() { assert(_sprites.empty()); _dirtyRects.push_back(Common::Rect(0, 0, 640, 480)); _sprites = _savedSprites; _savedSprites.clear(); } Actor *Screen::getActorByPoint(Common::Point point) { for (int i = _sprites.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (_sprites[i]->getActor()->isCursor()) continue; CelDecoder *decoder = _sprites[i]->getDecoder(); const Graphics::Surface *frame = decoder->getCurrentFrame(); const Common::Rect &rect = _sprites[i]->getBounds(); if (rect.contains(point)) { byte spritePixel = *(const byte *)frame->getBasePtr(point.x - rect.left, point.y - rect.top); if (spritePixel != decoder->getTransparentColourIndex()) return _sprites[i]->getActor(); } } return nullptr; } void Screen::draw(bool blit) { if (!_dirtyRects.empty() || !_textRendered) { mergeDirtyRects(); for (uint i = 0; i < _dirtyRects.size(); ++i) { drawRect(_dirtyRects[i]); } if (!_textRendered) { _textRendered = true; for (uint i = 0; i < _textActions.size(); ++i) { _textActions[i]->draw(&_surface); } } _dirtyRects.resize(0); if (blit) _surface.update(); } else g_system->updateScreen(); } void Screen::mergeDirtyRects() { Common::Array::iterator rOuter, rInner; for (rOuter = _dirtyRects.begin(); rOuter != _dirtyRects.end(); ++rOuter) { rInner = rOuter; while (++rInner != _dirtyRects.end()) { if ((*rOuter).intersects(*rInner)) { // These two rectangles overlap, so merge them rOuter->extend(*rInner); // remove the inner rect from the list _dirtyRects.erase(rInner); // move back to beginning of list rInner = rOuter; } } } } void Screen::addDirtyRect(const Common::Rect &rect) { _dirtyRects.push_back(rect); } void Screen::addDirtyRects(ActionCEL *sprite) { const Common::Rect spriteRect = sprite->getBounds(); const Common::List *dirtyRects = sprite->getDecoder()->getDirtyRects(); if (dirtyRects->size() > 100) { _dirtyRects.push_back(spriteRect); } else { for (Common::List::const_iterator it = dirtyRects->begin(); it != dirtyRects->end(); ++it) { Common::Rect dirtyRect = *it; dirtyRect.translate(spriteRect.left, spriteRect.top); _dirtyRects.push_back(dirtyRect); } } sprite->getDecoder()->clearDirtyRects(); } void Screen::drawRect(const Common::Rect &rect) { _surface.fillRect(rect, 0); for (uint i = 0; i < _sprites.size(); ++i) { const Common::Rect &spriteRect = _sprites[i]->getBounds(); Common::Rect interRect = rect.findIntersectingRect(spriteRect); if (interRect.isEmpty()) continue; Common::Rect srcRect(interRect); srcRect.translate(-spriteRect.left, -spriteRect.top); _surface.transBlitFrom(*_sprites[i]->getDecoder()->getCurrentFrame(), srcRect, interRect, _sprites[i]->getDecoder()->getTransparentColourIndex()); } // check the intersection with action text for (uint i = 0; i < _textActions.size(); i++) { const Common::Rect &textActionRect = _textActions[i]->getBound(); Common::Rect interRect = rect.findIntersectingRect(textActionRect); if (interRect.isEmpty()) continue; _textActions[i]->draw(&_surface); } // check the intersection with mactextwindow for (uint i = 0; i < _textWindows.size(); i++) { const Common::Rect &textWindowRect = _textWindows[i]->getDimensions(); Common::Rect interRect = rect.findIntersectingRect(textWindowRect); if (interRect.isEmpty()) continue; _textWindows[i]->draw(_wm->_screen, true); } } } // End of namespace Pink