/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "common/debug.h" #include "dragons/dragons.h" #include "dragons/dragonini.h" #include "dragons/actorresource.h" #include "dragons/actor.h" #include "dragons/scene.h" #include "dragons/screen.h" namespace Dragons { static const int kPathPointsCount = 32; ActorManager::ActorManager(ActorResourceLoader *actorResourceLoader) : _actorResourceLoader(actorResourceLoader) { for (uint16 i = 0; i < DRAGONS_ENGINE_NUM_ACTORS; i++) { _actors.push_back(Actor(i)); } resetDisplayOrder(); } Actor *ActorManager::loadActor(uint32 resourceId, uint32 sequenceId, int16 x, int16 y, uint16 priorityLayer) { Actor *actor = loadActor(resourceId, sequenceId, x, y); if (actor) { actor->_priorityLayer = priorityLayer; } return actor; } Actor *ActorManager::loadActor(uint32 resourceId, uint32 sequenceId, int16 x, int16 y) { debug("Load actor: resourceId: %d, SequenceId: %d, position: (%d,%d)", resourceId, sequenceId, x, y); ActorResource *resource = _actorResourceLoader->load(resourceId); //Actor *actor = new Actor(_actorResourceLoader->load(resourceId), x, y, sequenceId); Actor *actor = findFreeActor((int16)resourceId); if (actor) { actor->init(resource, x, y, sequenceId); } else { //TODO run find by resource and remove from mem logic here. @0x800358c8 debug("Unable to find free actor slot!!"); } resetDisplayOrder(); return actor; } Actor *ActorManager::findFreeActor(int16 resourceId) { int i = 0; for (ActorsIterator it = _actors.begin(); it != _actors.end() && i < 23; ++it, i++) { Actor *actor = it; if (!(actor->_flags & ACTOR_FLAG_40)) { actor->_resourceID = resourceId; actor->_walkSpeed = 0x100000; return actor; } } return NULL; } Actor *ActorManager::getActor(uint16 actorId) { assert(actorId < DRAGONS_ENGINE_NUM_ACTORS); return &_actors[actorId]; } void ActorManager::clearActorFlags(uint16 startingActorId) { assert(startingActorId < DRAGONS_ENGINE_NUM_ACTORS); for (uint16 i = startingActorId; i < DRAGONS_ENGINE_NUM_ACTORS; i++) { _actors[i]._flags = 0; } } Actor *ActorManager::loadActor(uint32 resourceId, uint16 actorId) { //TODO should we rename this. loadActorResource or updateActorResource Actor *actor = getActor(actorId); actor->_actorResource = _actorResourceLoader->load(resourceId); return actor; } ActorResource *ActorManager::getActorResource(uint32 resourceId) { return _actorResourceLoader->load(resourceId); } void ActorManager::updateActorDisplayOrder() { bool shouldContinue = true; while (shouldContinue) { shouldContinue = false; for (int i = 0; i < DRAGONS_ENGINE_NUM_ACTORS - 1; i++) { Actor *curActor = getActor(_displayOrder[i]); Actor *nextActor = getActor(_displayOrder[i + 1]); int16 curY = curActor->_y_pos > 0 ? curActor->_y_pos : 0; int16 nextY = nextActor->_y_pos > 0 ? nextActor->_y_pos : 0; if (nextActor->_priorityLayer * 0x1000000 + nextY * 0x100 + nextActor->_actorID < curActor->_priorityLayer * 0x1000000 + curY * 0x100 + curActor->_actorID) { _displayOrder[i] = nextActor->_actorID; _displayOrder[i + 1] = curActor->_actorID; shouldContinue = true; } } } } void ActorManager::resetDisplayOrder() { for (uint16 i = 0; i < DRAGONS_ENGINE_NUM_ACTORS; i++) { Actor *actor = getActor(i); _displayOrder[i] = i; if (!actor->isFlagSet(ACTOR_FLAG_40)) { actor->_priorityLayer = 0; } } } Actor *ActorManager::getActorByDisplayOrder(uint16 position) { return getActor(_displayOrder[position]); } Actor::Actor(uint16 id) : _actorID(id) { _actorResource = NULL; _resourceID = -1; _seqCodeIp = 0; _priorityLayer = 3; _x_pos = 160; _y_pos = 110; _walkDestX = 0; _walkDestY = 0; _walkSpeed = 0; _flags = 0; _frame_flags = 0; _frame = NULL; _surface = NULL; } void Actor::init(ActorResource *resource, int16 x, int16 y, uint32 sequenceID) { debug(3, "actor %d Init", _actorID); _actorResource = resource; _x_pos = x; _y_pos = y; _sequenceTimer = 0; _walkDestX = x; _walkDestY = y; _scale = DRAGONS_ENGINE_SPRITE_100_PERCENT_SCALE; _direction = 0; _flags = (ACTOR_FLAG_40 | Dragons::ACTOR_FLAG_4); _frame_flags = 4; //TODO sub_80017010(); freeFrame(); updateSequence((uint16)sequenceID); } void Actor::updateSequence(uint16 newSequenceID) { _sequenceID = newSequenceID; _flags &= 0xfbf1; _flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_1; } void Actor::resetSequenceIP() { _seqCodeIp = _actorResource->getSequenceData(_sequenceID); } void Actor::loadFrame(uint16 frameOffset) { freeFrame(); _frame = _actorResource->loadFrameHeader(frameOffset); if (_frame->flags & 0x800) { _frame_flags |= ACTOR_FRAME_FLAG_2; } else { _frame_flags &= ~ACTOR_FRAME_FLAG_2; } _surface = _actorResource->loadFrame(*_frame, NULL); // TODO paletteId == 0xf1 ? getEngine()->getBackgroundPalette() : NULL); debug(5, "ActorId: %d load frame header: (%d,%d)", _actorID, _frame->width, _frame->height); _flags |= ACTOR_FLAG_8; //TODO check if this is the right spot. engine sets it at 0x800185b0 } void Actor::freeFrame() { delete _frame; delete _surface; _frame = NULL; _surface = NULL; } byte *Actor::getSeqIpAtOffset(uint32 offset) { return _actorResource->getSequenceDataAtOffset(offset); } void Actor::reset_maybe() { _flags = 0; //TODO actor_find_by_resourceId_and_remove_resource_from_mem_maybe(resourceID); freeFrame(); } uint32 calcDistance(int32 x1, int32 y1, int32 x2, int32 y2) { return ABS(x2 - x1) * ABS(x2 - x1) + ABS(y2 - y1) * ABS(y2 - y1); } bool Actor::startWalk(int16 destX, int16 destY, uint16 flags) { static const int kCosTbl[40] = { // cos table 256, 251, 236, 212, 181, 142, 97, 49, 0, -49, -97, -142, -181, -212, -236, -251, -255, -251, -236, -212, -181, -142, -97, -49, 0, 49, 97, 142, 181, 212, 236, 251, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static const int kAdjustXTbl[8] = { 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1 }; static const int kAdjustYTbl[8] = { 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1 }; debug("startWalk(%d, %d, %d)", _actorID, destX, destY); bool wasAlreadyWalking = isFlagSet(ACTOR_FLAG_10); clearFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_10); // Check if the actor already is at the destination if (_x_pos == destX && _y_pos == destY) { if (wasAlreadyWalking) { stopWalk(); } return true; } int xorflagsl = 0; int flag4 = 0; int origDestX = 0, origDestY = 0; int destPriority = 0; if (flags < 2) { destPriority = getEngine()->_scene->getPriorityAtPosition(Common::Point(destX, destY)); if (destPriority < 0) destPriority = 1; } if ((flags == 0 && destPriority - 1 >= 8) || (flags == 1 && destPriority - 1 >= 16)) { // Destination point is not walkable so it has to be adjusted // Try to find a walkable destination point by testing the 32 corner points of a circle // in increasing radius steps. bool foundDestPos = false; xorflagsl = 1; origDestX = destX; origDestY = destY; for (int testRadius = 1; testRadius < 320 && !foundDestPos; ++testRadius) { for (int octant = 0; octant < 32; ++octant) { int testDestX = destX + ((testRadius * kCosTbl[octant % 32]) >> 8); int testDestY = destY + ((testRadius * kCosTbl[(octant + 8) % 32]) >> 8); if (testDestX >= 0 && testDestY >= 0) { int testDestPriority = getEngine()->_scene->getPriorityAtPosition(Common::Point(testDestX, testDestY)); if ((flags == 0 && testDestPriority - 1 < 8) || (flags == 1 && testDestPriority - 1 < 16)) { destX = testDestX; destY = testDestY; foundDestPos = true; break; } } } } if (!foundDestPos) { if (wasAlreadyWalking) { stopWalk(); } return false; } } else { // TODO Clean up xorflagsl = (flags ^ 2) < 1 ? 1 : 0; } // Check if the actor already is at the adjusted destination if (_x_pos == destX && _y_pos == destY) { if (wasAlreadyWalking) { stopWalk(); } return true; } int tempDestX1 = destX, tempDestY1 = destY; int actorX1 = _x_pos, actorY1 = _y_pos; bool pathPointProcessed[kPathPointsCount]; for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < kPathPointsCount; ++pointIndex) { pathPointProcessed[pointIndex] = false; } _finalWalkDestX = destX; _finalWalkDestY = destY; if (!canWalkLine(actorX1, actorY1, tempDestX1, tempDestY1, flags)) { // Adjust source/dest positions for (int sxd = -1; sxd <= 1; ++sxd) { for (int syd = -1; syd <= 1; ++syd) { for (int dxd = -1; dxd <= 1; ++dxd) { for (int dyd = -1; dyd <= 1; ++dyd) { if (canWalkLine(actorX1 + sxd, actorY1 + syd, tempDestX1 + dxd, tempDestY1 + dyd, flags | 0x8000)) { sxd = 2; syd = 2; dxd = 2; dyd = 2; actorX1 += sxd; actorY1 += syd; tempDestX1 += dxd; tempDestY1 += dyd; _x_pos += sxd; _y_pos += syd; } } } } } } if (flag4 == 0) { // More adjusting of the source position bool needAdjustSourcePoint = true; for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < kPathPointsCount; ++pointIndex) { const Common::Point pt = getEngine()->_scene->getPoint(pointIndex); if (pt.x != -1 && canWalkLine(actorX1, actorY1, pt.x, pt.y, flags)) { needAdjustSourcePoint = false; break; } } if (needAdjustSourcePoint) { for (int pointIndex = 0; needAdjustSourcePoint && pointIndex < kPathPointsCount; ++pointIndex) { const Common::Point pt = getEngine()->_scene->getPoint(pointIndex); for (int deltaIndex = 0; needAdjustSourcePoint && deltaIndex < 8; ++deltaIndex) { const int deltaX = kAdjustXTbl[deltaIndex]; const int deltaY = kAdjustYTbl[deltaIndex]; if (canWalkLine(actorX1 + deltaX, actorY1 + deltaY, pt.x, pt.y, flags)) { actorX1 += deltaX; actorY1 += deltaY; _x_pos += deltaX; _y_pos += deltaY; needAdjustSourcePoint = false; } } } } // More adjusting of the destination position bool needAdjustDestPoint = true; for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < kPathPointsCount; ++pointIndex) { const Common::Point pt = getEngine()->_scene->getPoint(pointIndex); if (pt.x != -1 && canWalkLine(destX, destY, pt.x, pt.y, flags)) { needAdjustDestPoint = false; break; } } if (needAdjustDestPoint) { for (int pointIndex = 0; needAdjustDestPoint && pointIndex < kPathPointsCount; ++pointIndex) { const Common::Point pt = getEngine()->_scene->getPoint(pointIndex); for (int deltaIndex = 0; needAdjustDestPoint && deltaIndex < 8; ++deltaIndex) { const int deltaX = kAdjustXTbl[deltaIndex]; const int deltaY = kAdjustYTbl[deltaIndex]; if (canWalkLine(destX + deltaX, destY + deltaY, pt.x, pt.y, flags)) { destX += deltaX; destY += deltaY; needAdjustDestPoint = false; } } } } } // Build the actual path. The path is constructed backwards from the destination to the source. int pathPointsIndex = 0; while (!canWalkLine(actorX1, actorY1, tempDestX1, tempDestY1, flags) && pathPointsIndex < kPathPointsCount) { int foundPointIndex = pathfindingFindClosestPoint(actorX1, actorY1, tempDestX1, tempDestY1, flags, pathPointProcessed); if (foundPointIndex < 0) { if (wasAlreadyWalking) { stopWalk(); } return false; } pathPointProcessed[foundPointIndex] = true; const Common::Point pt = getEngine()->_scene->getPoint(foundPointIndex); tempDestX1 = pt.x; tempDestY1 = pt.y; if (pathPointsIndex >= 2) { const Common::Point prevPt = getEngine()->_scene->getPoint(_walkPointsTbl[pathPointsIndex - 2]); if (canWalkLine(pt.x, pt.y, prevPt.x, prevPt.y, flags)) { --pathPointsIndex; } } else if (pathPointsIndex == 1) { if (canWalkLine(pt.x, pt.y, destX, destY, flags)) { --pathPointsIndex; } } _walkPointsTbl[pathPointsIndex] = foundPointIndex; ++pathPointsIndex; } // Direction/post-processing if (xorflagsl != 0) { uint destDistance = calcDistance(destX, destY, tempDestX1, tempDestY1); uint sourceDistance = calcDistance(actorX1, actorY1, destX, destY); if (sourceDistance < 625 && ((actorX1 == destX && actorY1 == destY) || (sourceDistance < destDistance))) { int newDirection; int dx = origDestX - actorX1; int dy = origDestY - actorY1; if (dx != 0) { int slope = dy / dx; if (slope == 0) { newDirection = (dx < 1) ? 4 : 0; } else if (slope > 0) { newDirection = (dx <= 0) ? 3 : 7; } else { newDirection = (dx <= 0) ? 5 : 1; } } else { newDirection = (dy <= 0) ? 2 : 6; } _direction = newDirection; if (wasAlreadyWalking) { stopWalk(); } return false; } } _walkPointsIndex = pathPointsIndex - 1; if (pathPointsIndex == 0) { _walkDestX = tempDestX1; _walkDestY = tempDestY1; _finalWalkDestX = -1; _finalWalkDestY = -1; } else { const Common::Point pt = getEngine()->_scene->getPoint(_walkPointsTbl[_walkPointsIndex]); _walkDestX = pt.x; _walkDestY = pt.y; } int direction = startMoveToPoint(_walkDestX, _walkDestY); if (direction != -1 && !isFlagSet(ACTOR_FLAG_800)) { _direction = direction; } if (_sequenceID != _direction + 8 && !isFlagSet(ACTOR_FLAG_800)) { updateSequence(_direction + 8); } setFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_10); return true; } void Actor::stopWalk() { clearFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_10); _walkPointsIndex = 0; _walkDestX = _x_pos; _walkDestY = _y_pos; _finalWalkDestX = -1; _finalWalkDestY = -1; setFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_4); if (_flags & ACTOR_FLAG_200) { clearFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_800); } } void Actor::waitUntilFlag4IsSet() { while (!isFlagSet(ACTOR_FLAG_4)) { getEngine()->waitForFrames(1); } } void Actor::waitUntilFlag8IsSet() { if (_flags & ACTOR_FLAG_8) { return; } while (!(_flags & ACTOR_FLAG_8)) { getEngine()->waitForFrames(1); } } void Actor::waitUntilFlag8And4AreSet() { waitUntilFlag8IsSet(); waitUntilFlag4IsSet(); } void Actor::waitUntilFlag8SetThenSet1000() { waitUntilFlag8IsSet(); setFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_1000); } void Actor::waitUntilFlag8SetThenSet1000AndWaitFor4() { waitUntilFlag8SetThenSet1000(); waitUntilFlag4IsSet(); } void Actor::clearFlag(uint32 flag) { _flags &= ~flag; } void Actor::setFlag(uint32 flag) { _flags |= flag; } bool Actor::isFlagSet(uint32 flag) { return (_flags & flag) == flag; } uint16 Actor::canWalkLine(int16 actor_x, int16 actor_y, int16 target_x, int16 target_y, uint16 walkFlags) { debug(1, "canWalkLine. (%X,%X) -> (%X,%X) %d", _x_pos, _y_pos, target_x, target_y, walkFlags); if (walkFlags == 2) { return 1; } uint16 width = getEngine()->_scene->getStageWidth(); uint16 height = getEngine()->_scene->getStageHeight(); if (walkFlags & 0x8000) { if (actor_x < 0 || width - 1 < actor_x || actor_y < 0 || height - 1 < actor_y || target_x < 0 || width - 1 < target_x || target_y < 0 || height - 1 < target_y) { return 0; } } int32 x_increment = 0; int32 y_increment = 0; if (target_y == actor_y && target_x == target_y) { return 1; } int16 deltaX = target_x - actor_x; int16 deltaY = target_y - actor_y; if (target_y != actor_y && target_x == actor_x) { y_increment = deltaY > 0 ? 0x10000 : -0x10000; } else { if (target_y == actor_y) { if (target_x == actor_x) { x_increment = 0; y_increment = deltaY > 0 ? 0x10000 : -0x10000; } else { x_increment = deltaX > 0 ? 0x10000 : -0x10000; y_increment = 0; } } else { if (ABS(deltaY) < ABS(deltaX)) { x_increment = deltaX > 0 ? 0x10000 : -0x10000; y_increment = ((deltaY) << 0x10) / (deltaX); if ((deltaY > 0 && y_increment < 0) || (deltaY < 0 && y_increment > 0)) { y_increment = -y_increment; } } else { y_increment = deltaY > 0 ? 0x10000 : -0x10000; x_increment = ((deltaX) << 0x10) / (deltaY); if ((deltaX > 0 && x_increment < 0) || (deltaX < 0 && x_increment > 0)) { x_increment = -x_increment; } } } } // 0x80034d28 int32 x = actor_x << 0x10; int32 y = actor_y << 0x10; for (;;) { if ((x+0x8000) >> 0x10 == target_x && (y+0x8000) >> 0x10 == target_y) { return 1; } int16 priority = getEngine()->_scene->getPriorityAtPosition(Common::Point(x>>0x10, y>>0x10)); if (priority < 0) { priority = 1; } if (!(walkFlags & 0x7fff) && (priority == 0 || priority >= 8)) { return 0; } if ((walkFlags & 0x7fff) == 1) { if (priority == 0 || priority >= 0x10) { return 0; } } x += x_increment; y += y_increment; } } int Actor::startMoveToPoint(int destX, int destY) { int direction = 0; int quadrant = 0; int deltaX = destX - _x_pos; int deltaY = (destY - _y_pos) * 2; int absDeltaX = ABS(deltaX); int absDeltaY = ABS(deltaY); // debug("from: (%d, %d); to: (%d, %d); d: (%d, %d); actor._walkSpeed: %08X", _x_pos, actor._y, destX, destY, deltaX, deltaY, actor._walkSpeed); _xShl16 = _x_pos << 16; _yShl16 = _y_pos << 16; // Walk slope is a fixed point value, where the upper 16 bits are the integral part, // and the lower 16 bits the fractional part. 0x10000 is 1.0. if (deltaX != 0 && deltaY != 0) { // Walk along both X and Y axis if (absDeltaX < absDeltaY) { _walkSlopeX = (absDeltaX << 16) / absDeltaY; _walkSlopeY = 0x10000; } else { _walkSlopeX = 0x10000; _walkSlopeY = (absDeltaY << 16) / absDeltaX; } } else if (deltaX != 0) { // Walk along X only _walkSlopeX = 0x10000; _walkSlopeY = 0; } else if (deltaY != 0) { // Walk along Y only _walkSlopeX = 0; _walkSlopeY = 0x10000; } else { // Already at dest return -1; } _walkSlopeX = (_walkSlopeX / 32) * (_walkSpeed / 0x800); _walkSlopeY = (_walkSlopeY / 32) * (_walkSpeed / 0x800); if (deltaX < 0) { _walkSlopeX = -_walkSlopeX; quadrant += 2; } if (deltaY < 0) { _walkSlopeY = -_walkSlopeY; quadrant += 1; } switch (quadrant) { case 0: direction = (absDeltaX < absDeltaY) ? 2 : 0; break; case 1: direction = (absDeltaX < absDeltaY) ? 6 : 0; break; case 2: direction = (absDeltaX < absDeltaY) ? 2 : 4; break; case 3: direction = (absDeltaX < absDeltaY) ? 6 : 4; break; default: break; } _walkSlopeY /= 2; _walkDestX = destX; _walkDestY = destY; if (getEngine()->_dragonINIResource->isFlicker(_actorID)) { // Adjust walk slope for the main actor _walkSlopeX = _walkSlopeX * 3 / 2; _walkSlopeY = _walkSlopeY * 3 / 2; } return direction; } void Actor::walkPath() { if (isFlagClear(ACTOR_FLAG_400) && isFlagSet(Dragons::ACTOR_FLAG_40) && isFlagSet(Dragons::ACTOR_FLAG_10)) { _xShl16 += (((_scale * _walkSlopeX) / DRAGONS_ENGINE_SPRITE_100_PERCENT_SCALE) * 5) / 4; _yShl16 += (((_scale * _walkSlopeY) / DRAGONS_ENGINE_SPRITE_100_PERCENT_SCALE) * 5) / 4; if ((_walkSlopeX >= 0 && _walkDestX < (_xShl16 >> 0x10)) || (_walkSlopeX < 0 && (_xShl16 >> 0x10) < _walkDestX)) { _xShl16 = _walkDestX << 0x10; } if ((_walkSlopeY >= 0 && _walkDestY < (_yShl16 >> 0x10)) || (_walkSlopeY < 0 && (_yShl16 >> 0x10) < _walkDestY)) { _yShl16 = _walkDestY << 0x10; } _x_pos = _xShl16 >> 0x10; _y_pos = _yShl16 >> 0x10; if (_x_pos == _walkDestX && _y_pos == _walkDestY) { if (_walkPointsIndex <= 0) { if (_finalWalkDestX < 0) { clearFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_10); if (isFlagClear(ACTOR_FLAG_200)) { clearFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_800); } setFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_4); clearFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_1); return; } else { _walkDestX = _finalWalkDestX; _walkDestY = _finalWalkDestY; _finalWalkDestX = -1; _finalWalkDestY = -1; } } else { _walkPointsIndex--; Common::Point point = getEngine()->_scene->getPoint(_walkPointsTbl[_walkPointsIndex]); _walkDestX = point.x; _walkDestY = point.y; } // 0x8001bcc8 int direction = startMoveToPoint(_walkDestX, _walkDestY); if (direction != -1 && !isFlagSet(ACTOR_FLAG_800)) { _direction = direction; } if (_sequenceID != _direction + 8 && _direction != -1 && !isFlagSet(ACTOR_FLAG_800)) { updateSequence(_direction + 8); } setFlag(ACTOR_FLAG_10); } } } // 0x80034930 int16 Actor::pathfindingFindClosestPoint(int16 actor_x, int16 actor_y, int16 target_x, int16 target_y, int16 unkType, bool *pointsInUseTbl) { int16 pointId = -1; uint32 minDist = 0xffffffff; for (int i = 0; i < kPathPointsCount; i++) { Common::Point point = getEngine()->_scene->getPoint(i); if (point.x != -1 && !pointsInUseTbl[i]) { if (canWalkLine(point.x, point.y, target_x, target_y, unkType)) { uint32 dist = abs(point.x - actor_x) * abs(point.x - actor_x) + abs(point.y - actor_y) * abs(point.y - actor_y); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; pointId = i; } } } } return pointId; } bool Actor::actorSetSequenceAndWaitAllowSkip(uint16 newSequenceID) { updateSequence(newSequenceID); waitUntilFlag8IsSet(); return waitUntilFlag4IsSetAllowSkip(); } bool Actor::waitUntilFlag4IsSetAllowSkip() { while (!isFlagSet(ACTOR_FLAG_4)) { getEngine()->waitForFrames(1); if (getEngine()->checkForActionButtonRelease()) { return true; } } return false; } byte *Actor::getPalette() { if (!isFlagSet(ACTOR_FLAG_4000)) { if (!isFlagSet(ACTOR_FLAG_8000)) { if ((_frame_flags & 0x30) != 0) { return _actorResource->getPalette(); } return getEngine()->_screen->getPalette(1); } else { return getEngine()->_screen->getPalette(0); } } return getEngine()->_screen->getPalette(4); } int16 Actor::getFrameYOffset() { return _frame ? _frame->yOffset : 0; } void Actor::waitForWalkToFinish() { DragonsEngine *vm = getEngine(); do { vm->waitForFrames(1); } while (isFlagSet(ACTOR_FLAG_10)); } } // End of namespace Dragons