@echo off echo. echo Automatic creation of the MSVC project files echo. if "%~1"=="/stable" goto stable if "%~1"=="/STABLE" goto stable if "%~1"=="/all" goto all if "%~1"=="/ALL" goto all if "%~1"=="/tools" goto tools if "%~1"=="/TOOLS" goto tools if "%~1"=="/tests" goto tests if "%~1"=="/TESTS" goto tests if "%~1"=="/clean" goto clean_check if "%~1"=="/CLEAN" goto clean_check if "%~1"=="/help" goto command_help if "%~1"=="/HELP" goto command_help if "%~1"=="/?" goto command_help if "%~1"=="" goto check_tool echo Invalid command parameter: %~1 echo. :command_help echo Valid command parameters are: echo /stable Generate stable engines project files echo /all Generate all engines project files echo /tools Generate project files for the devtools echo /clean Clean generated project files echo /help Show help message goto done :check_tool if not exist create_project.exe goto no_tool :question echo. set batchanswer=S set /p batchanswer="Enable stable engines only, or all engines? (S/a)" if "%batchanswer%"=="s" goto stable if "%batchanswer%"=="S" goto stable if "%batchanswer%"=="a" goto all if "%batchanswer%"=="A" goto all goto question :no_tool echo create_project.exe not found in the current folder. echo You need to build it first and copy it in this echo folder goto done :all echo. echo Creating project files with all engines enabled (stable and unstable) echo. create_project ..\.. --enable-all-engines --use-canonical-lib-names --msvc goto done :stable echo. echo Creating normal project files, with only the stable engines enabled echo. create_project ..\.. --use-canonical-lib-names --msvc goto done :tools echo. echo Creating tools project files echo. create_project ..\.. --tools --use-canonical-lib-names --msvc goto done :tests echo. echo Creating tests project files echo. create_project ..\.. --tests --use-canonical-lib-names --msvc goto done :clean_check echo. set cleananswer=N set /p cleananswer="This will remove all project files. Are you sure you want to continue? (N/y)" if "%cleananswer%"=="n" goto done if "%cleananswer%"=="N" goto done if "%cleananswer%"=="y" goto clean if "%cleananswer%"=="Y" goto clean goto clean_check :clean echo. echo Removing all project files del /Q *.vcproj* > NUL 2>&1 del /Q *.vsprops > NUL 2>&1 del /Q *.vcxproj* > NUL 2>&1 del /Q *.props > NUL 2>&1 del /Q *.sln* > NUL 2>&1 del /Q scummvm* > NUL 2>&1 del /Q devtools* > NUL 2>&1 del /Q test_runner.cpp > NUL 2>&1 goto done :done echo. pause