2012-11-30 18:10:51 +01:00

4103 lines
116 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kyra/eobcommon.h"
#include "kyra/gui_eob.h"
#include "kyra/script_eob.h"
#include "kyra/text_rpg.h"
#include "kyra/timer.h"
#include "kyra/util.h"
#include "backends/keymapper/keymapper.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "common/savefile.h"
#include "graphics/scaler.h"
namespace Kyra {
Button *EoBCoreEngine::gui_getButton(Button *buttonList, int index) {
while (buttonList) {
if (buttonList->index == index)
return buttonList;
buttonList = buttonList->nextButton;
return 0;
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawPlayField(bool refresh) {
_screen->loadEoBBitmap("PLAYFLD", _cgaMappingDeco, 5, 3, 2);
int cp = _screen->setCurPage(2);
if (refresh && !_sceneDrawPage2)
_screen->copyRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 200, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
if (!_loading)
_screen->loadEoBBitmap("INVENT", _cgaMappingInv, 5, 3, 2);
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_restorePlayField() {
loadVcnData(0, (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) ? _cgaMappingLevel[_cgaLevelMappingIndex[_currentLevel - 1]] : 0);
_screen->_curPage = 0;
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawAllCharPortraitsWithStats() {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawCharPortraitWithStats(int index) {
if (!testCharacter(index, 1))
static const uint16 charPortraitPosX[] = { 8, 80, 184, 256 };
static const uint16 charPortraitPosY[] = { 2, 54, 106 };
EoBCharacter *c = &_characters[index];
int txtCol1 = 12;
int txtCol2 = 15;
if ((_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1 && c->flags & 6) || (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2 && c->flags & 0x0e)) {
txtCol1 = 8;
txtCol2 = 6;
if (_currentControlMode == 0) {
int x2 = charPortraitPosX[index & 1];
int y2 = charPortraitPosY[index >> 1];
Screen::FontId cf = _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_6_FNT);
_screen->copyRegion(176, 168, x2 , y2, 64, 24, 2, 2, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
_screen->copyRegion(240, 168, x2, y2 + 24, 64, 26, 2, 2, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
int cp = _screen->setCurPage(2);
if (index == _exchangeCharacterId)
_screen->printText(_characterGuiStringsSt[0], x2 + 2, y2 + 2, 8, guiSettings()->colors.fill);
_screen->printText(c->name, x2 + 2, y2 + 2, txtCol1, guiSettings()->colors.fill);
gui_drawWeaponSlot(index, 0);
gui_drawWeaponSlot(index, 1);
if (testCharacter(index, 2))
if (c->damageTaken > 0) {
_screen->drawShape(2, _redSplatShape, x2 + 13, y2 + 30, 0);
Common::String tmpStr = Common::String::format("%d", c->damageTaken);
_screen->printText(tmpStr.c_str(), x2 + 34 - tmpStr.size() * 3, y2 + 42, (_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) ? 12 : 15, 0);
if (!cp) {
_screen->copyRegion(x2, y2, charPortraitPosX[2 + (index & 1)], y2, 64, 50, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
} else if ((_currentControlMode == 1 || _currentControlMode == 2) && index == _updateCharNum) {
_screen->copyRegion(176, 0, 0, 0, 144, 168, 2, 2, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
_screen->_curPage = 2;
_screen->printShadedText(c->name, 219, 6, txtCol2, guiSettings()->colors.fill);
if (_currentControlMode == 1) {
if (c->hitPointsCur == -10)
_screen->printShadedText(_characterGuiStringsSt[1], 247, 158, 6, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
else if (c->hitPointsCur < 1)
_screen->printShadedText(_characterGuiStringsSt[2], 226, 158, 6, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
else if (c->effectFlags & (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1 ? 0x80 : 0x2000))
_screen->printShadedText(_characterGuiStringsSt[3], 220, 158, 6, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
else if (c->flags & 2)
_screen->printShadedText(_characterGuiStringsSt[4], 235, 158, 6, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
else if (c->flags & 4)
_screen->printShadedText(_characterGuiStringsSt[5], 232, 158, 6, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
else if (c->flags & 8)
_screen->printShadedText(_characterGuiStringsSt[6], 232, 158, 6, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++)
gui_drawInventoryItem(i, 0, 2);
gui_drawInventoryItem(16, 1, 2);
} else {
static const uint16 cm2X1[] = { 179, 272, 301 };
static const uint16 cm2Y1[] = { 36, 51, 51 };
static const uint16 cm2X2[] = { 271, 300, 318 };
static const uint16 cm2Y2[] = { 165, 165, 147 };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
_screen->fillRect(cm2X1[i], cm2Y1[i], cm2X2[i], cm2Y2[i], guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->printShadedText(_characterGuiStringsIn[0], 183, 42, 15, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->printText(_chargenClassStrings[c->cClass], 183, 55, 12, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->printText(_chargenAlignmentStrings[c->alignment], 183, 62, 12, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->printText(_chargenRaceSexStrings[c->raceSex], 183, 69, 12, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
_screen->printText(_chargenStatStrings[6 + i], 183, 82 + i * 7, 12, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->printText(_characterGuiStringsIn[1], 183, 124, 12, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->printText(_characterGuiStringsIn[2], 239, 138, 12, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->printText(_characterGuiStringsIn[3], 278, 138, 12, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->printText(getCharStrength(c->strengthCur, c->strengthExtCur).c_str(), 275, 82, 15, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->printText(Common::String::format("%d", c->intelligenceCur).c_str(), 275, 89, 15, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->printText(Common::String::format("%d", c->wisdomCur).c_str(), 275, 96, 15, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->printText(Common::String::format("%d", c->dexterityCur).c_str(), 275, 103, 15, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->printText(Common::String::format("%d", c->constitutionCur).c_str(), 275, 110, 15, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->printText(Common::String::format("%d", c->charismaCur).c_str(), 275, 117, 15, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->printText(Common::String::format("%d", c->armorClass).c_str(), 275, 124, 15, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int t = getCharacterClassType(c->cClass, i);
if (t == -1)
_screen->printText(_chargenClassStrings[t + 15], 180, 145 + 7 * i, 12, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
Common::String tmpStr = Common::String::format("%d", c->experience[i]);
_screen->printText(tmpStr.c_str(), 251 - tmpStr.size() * 3, 145 + 7 * i, 15, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
tmpStr = Common::String::format("%d", c->level[i]);
_screen->printText(tmpStr.c_str(), 286 - tmpStr.size() * 3, 145 + 7 * i, 15, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
_screen->_curPage = 0;
_screen->copyRegion(176, 0, 176, 0, 144, 168, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
_screen->copyRegion(0, 0, 176, 0, 144, 168, 2, 2, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawFaceShape(int index) {
if (!testCharacter(index, 1))
static const uint8 xCoords[] = { 8, 80 };
static const uint8 yCoords[] = { 11, 63, 115 };
int x = xCoords[index & 1];
int y = yCoords[index >> 1];
if (!_screen->_curPage)
x += 176;
if (_currentControlMode) {
if (_updateCharNum != index)
x = 181;
y = 3;
EoBCharacter *c = &_characters[index];
if (c->hitPointsCur == -10) {
_screen->drawShape(_screen->_curPage, _deadCharShape, x, y, 0);
if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) {
if (c->effectFlags & 4) {
_screen->fillRect(x, y, x + 31, y + 31, 12);
} else {
if (c->effectFlags & 0x140) {
_screen->setShapeFadeMode(1, true);
if (c->flags & 2) {
_screen->setShapeFadeMode(1, true);
if (c->flags & 8) {
_screen->setShapeFadeMode(1, true);
_screen->drawShape(_screen->_curPage, c->faceShape, x, y, 0);
if (c->hitPointsCur < 1)
_screen->drawShape(_screen->_curPage, _disabledCharGrid, x, y, 0);
_screen->setShapeFadeMode(1, false);
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawWeaponSlot(int charIndex, int slot) {
static const uint8 xCoords[] = { 40, 112 };
static const uint8 yCoords[] = { 11, 27, 63, 79, 115, 131 };
int x = xCoords[charIndex & 1];
int y = yCoords[(charIndex & 6) + slot];
if (!_screen->_curPage)
x += 176;
int itm = _characters[charIndex].inventory[slot];
gui_drawBox(x, y, 31, 16, guiSettings()->colors.frame1, guiSettings()->colors.frame2, guiSettings()->colors.fill);
if (_characters[charIndex].slotStatus[slot]) {
gui_drawWeaponSlotStatus(x, y, _characters[charIndex].slotStatus[slot]);
if (itm)
drawItemIconShape(_screen->_curPage, itm, x + 8, y);
else if (!slot && _flags.gameID == GI_EOB2 && checkScriptFlags(0x80000000))
_screen->drawShape(_screen->_curPage, _itemIconShapes[103], x + 8, y, 0);
_screen->drawShape(_screen->_curPage, _itemIconShapes[85 + slot], x + 8, y, 0);
if ((_characters[charIndex].disabledSlots & (1 << slot)) || !validateWeaponSlotItem(charIndex, slot) || (_characters[charIndex].hitPointsCur <= 0) || (_characters[charIndex].flags & 0x0c))
_screen->drawShape(_screen->_curPage, _weaponSlotGrid, x, y, 0);
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawWeaponSlotStatus(int x, int y, int status) {
Common::String tmpStr;
Common::String tmpStr2;
if (status > -3 || status == -5)
_screen->drawShape(_screen->_curPage, _greenSplatShape, x - 1, y, 0);
gui_drawBox(x, y, 31, 16, guiSettings()->colors.warningFrame1, guiSettings()->colors.warningFrame2, guiSettings()->colors.warningFill);
switch (status + 5) {
case 0:
tmpStr = _characterGuiStringsWp[2];
case 1:
tmpStr = _characterGuiStringsWr[2];
tmpStr2 = _characterGuiStringsWr[3];
case 2:
tmpStr = _characterGuiStringsWr[0];
tmpStr2 = _characterGuiStringsWr[1];
case 3:
tmpStr = _characterGuiStringsWp[1];
case 4:
tmpStr = _characterGuiStringsWp[0];
tmpStr = Common::String::format("%d", status);
int textColor = (_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) ? 2 : 15;
if (!tmpStr2.empty()) {
_screen->printText(tmpStr.c_str(), x + (16 - tmpStr.size() * 3), y + 2, textColor, 0);
_screen->printText(tmpStr2.c_str(), x + (16 - tmpStr.size() * 3), y + 9, textColor, 0);
} else {
_screen->printText(tmpStr.c_str(), x + (16 - tmpStr.size() * 3), y + 5, textColor, 0);
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawHitpoints(int index) {
if (!testCharacter(index, 1))
if (_currentControlMode && (index != _updateCharNum))
static const uint8 xCoords[] = { 23, 95 };
static const uint8 yCoords[] = { 46, 98, 150 };
static const uint8 barColor[] = { 3, 5, 8 };
int x = xCoords[index & 1];
int y = yCoords[index >> 1];
int w = 38;
int h = 3;
if (!_screen->_curPage)
x += 176;
if (_currentControlMode) {
x = 250;
y = 16;
w = 51;
h = 5;
EoBCharacter *c = &_characters[index];
if (_configHpBarGraphs) {
int bgCur = c->hitPointsCur + 10;
int bgMax = c->hitPointsMax + 10;
int col = ((bgMax / 3) > bgCur) ? 1 : 0;
if (bgCur <= 10)
col = 2;
if (!_currentControlMode)
_screen->printText(_characterGuiStringsHp[0], x - 13, y - 1, 12, 0);
gui_drawHorizontalBarGraph(x, y, w, h, bgCur, bgMax, barColor[col], guiSettings()->colors.barGraph);
} else {
Common::String tmpString = Common::String::format(_characterGuiStringsHp[1], c->hitPointsCur, c->hitPointsMax);
if (!_currentControlMode) {
x -= 13;
y -= 1;
_screen->printText(tmpString.c_str(), x, y, 12, guiSettings()->colors.fill);
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawFoodStatusGraph(int index) {
if (!_currentControlMode)
if (!testCharacter(index, 1))
EoBCharacter *c = &_characters[index];
if (!(c->flags & 1))
if (index != _updateCharNum)
uint8 col = c->food < 20 ? 8 : (c->food < 33 ? 5 : 3);
gui_drawHorizontalBarGraph(250, 25, 51, 5, c->food, 100, col, guiSettings()->colors.barGraph);
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawHorizontalBarGraph(int x, int y, int w, int h, int32 curVal, int32 maxVal, int col1, int col2) {
gui_drawBox(x - 1, y - 1, w + 3, h + 2, guiSettings()->colors.frame2, guiSettings()->colors.frame1, -1);
KyraRpgEngine::gui_drawHorizontalBarGraph(x, y, w + 2, h, curVal, maxVal, col1, col2);
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawCharPortraitStatusFrame(int index) {
uint8 redGreenColor = (_partyEffectFlags & 0x20000) ? 4 : ((_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) ? 3 : 6);
static const uint8 xCoords[] = { 8, 80 };
static const uint8 yCoords[] = { 2, 54, 106 };
int x = xCoords[index & 1];
int y = yCoords[index >> 1];
int xOffset = (_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) ? 0 : 1;
if (!_screen->_curPage)
x += 176;
EoBCharacter *c = &_characters[index];
bool redGreen = ((c->effectFlags & 0x4818) || (_partyEffectFlags & 0x20000) || c->effectsRemainder[0] || c->effectsRemainder[1]) ? true : false;
bool yellow = ((c->effectFlags & 0x13000) || (_partyEffectFlags & 0x8420)) ? true : false;
if (redGreen || yellow) {
if (redGreen && !yellow) {
_screen->drawBox(x, y, x + 63, y + 49, redGreenColor);
if (yellow && !redGreen) {
_screen->drawBox(x, y, x + 63, y + 49, 5);
int iX = x;
int iY = y;
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i += 16) {
x = iX + i;
if (redGreen) {
_screen->drawClippedLine(x, y, x + 7, y, redGreenColor);
_screen->drawClippedLine(x + 8, y + 49, x + 15, y + 49, redGreenColor);
if (yellow) {
_screen->drawClippedLine(x + 8, y, x + 15, y, 5);
_screen->drawClippedLine(x, y + 49, x + 7, y + 49, 5);
x = iX;
for (int i = 1; i < 48; i += 12) {
y = iY + i - 1;
if (yellow) {
_screen->drawClippedLine(x, y + 1, x, y + 6, 5);
_screen->drawClippedLine(x + 63, y + 7, x + 63, y + 12, 5);
if (redGreen) {
_screen->drawClippedLine(x, y + 7, x, y + 12, redGreenColor);
_screen->drawClippedLine(x + 63, y + 1, x + 63, y + 6, redGreenColor);
} else {
_screen->drawClippedLine(x, y, x + 62, y, guiSettings()->colors.frame2);
_screen->drawClippedLine(x, y + 49, x + 62, y + 49, guiSettings()->colors.frame1);
_screen->drawClippedLine(x - xOffset, y, x - xOffset, y + 50, 12);
_screen->drawClippedLine(x + 63, y, x + 63, y + 50, 12);
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawInventoryItem(int slot, int special, int pageNum) {
int x = _inventorySlotsX[slot];
int y = _inventorySlotsY[slot];
int item = _characters[_updateCharNum].inventory[slot];
int cp = _screen->setCurPage(pageNum);
if (special) {
int wh = (slot == 25 || slot == 26) ? 10 : 18;
uint8 col1 = guiSettings()->colors.frame1;
uint8 col2 = guiSettings()->colors.frame2;
if (_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) {
col1 = 1;
col2 = 3;
gui_drawBox(x - 1, y - 1, wh, wh, col1, col2, slot == 16 ? -1 : guiSettings()->colors.fill);
if (slot == 16) {
_screen->fillRect(227, 65, 238, 69, 12);
int cnt = countQueuedItems(_characters[_updateCharNum].inventory[slot], -1, -1, 1, 1);
x = cnt >= 10 ? 227 : 233;
Common::String str = Common::String::format("%d", cnt);
_screen->printText(str.c_str(), x, 65, 15, 0);
if (slot != 16 && item) {
if (slot == 25 || slot == 26) {
x -= 4;
y -= 4;
drawItemIconShape(pageNum, item, x, y);
_screen->_curPage = cp;
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawCompass(bool force) {
if (_currentDirection == _compassDirection && !force)
static const uint8 shpX[2][3] = { { 0x70, 0x4D, 0x95 }, { 0x72, 0x4F, 0x97 } };
static const uint8 shpY[2][3] = { { 0x7F, 0x9A, 0x9A }, { 0x83, 0x9E, 0x9E } };
int g = _flags.gameID == GI_EOB1 ? 0 : 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
_screen->drawShape(_screen->_curPage, _compassShapes[(i << 2) + _currentDirection], shpX[g][i], shpY[g][i], 0);
_compassDirection = _currentDirection;
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawDialogueBox() {
gui_drawBox(0, 121, 320, 79, guiSettings()->colors.frame1, guiSettings()->colors.frame2, guiSettings()->colors.fill);
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawSpellbook() {
int numTab = (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) ? 5 : 6;
_screen->copyRegion(64, 121, 64, 121, 112, 56, 0, 2, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
for (int i = 0; i < numTab; i++) {
int col1 = 0;
int col2 = 1;
int col3 = 2;
if (_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) {
if (i == _openBookSpellLevel) {
col1 = 1;
col2 = 2;
col3 = 3;
} else {
col1 = guiSettings()->colors.inactiveTabFrame1;
col2 = guiSettings()->colors.inactiveTabFrame2;
col3 = guiSettings()->colors.inactiveTabFill;
if (i == _openBookSpellLevel) {
col1 = guiSettings()->colors.frame1;
col2 = guiSettings()->colors.frame2;
col3 = guiSettings()->colors.fill;
if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) {
gui_drawBox(i * 21 + 71, 122, 21, 9, col1, col2, col3);
_screen->printText(_magicStrings7[i], i * 21 + 73, 123, 12, 0);
} else {
gui_drawBox(i * 18 + 68, 121, 18, 9, col1, col2, col3);
_screen->printText(Common::String::format("%d", i + 1).c_str(), i * 18 + 75, 123, 12, 0);
if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1)
gui_drawBox(71, 131, 105, 44, guiSettings()->colors.frame1, guiSettings()->colors.frame2, guiSettings()->colors.fill);
else {
gui_drawBox(68, 130, 108, 47, guiSettings()->colors.frame1, guiSettings()->colors.frame2, guiSettings()->colors.fill);
gui_drawBox(68, 168, 78, 9, guiSettings()->colors.extraFrame1, guiSettings()->colors.extraFrame2, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
gui_drawBox(146, 168, 14, 9, guiSettings()->colors.extraFrame1, guiSettings()->colors.extraFrame2, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
gui_drawBox(160, 168, 16, 9, guiSettings()->colors.extraFrame1, guiSettings()->colors.extraFrame2, guiSettings()->colors.extraFill);
gui_drawSpellbookScrollArrow(150, 169, 0);
gui_drawSpellbookScrollArrow(165, 169, 1);
int textCol1 = (_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) ? 3 : 15;
int textCol2 = 8;
int textXa = 74;
int textXs = 71;
int textY = 170;
int col3 = (_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) ? 2 : guiSettings()->colors.fill;
int col4 = guiSettings()->colors.extraFill;
int col5 = 12;
if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) {
textCol2 = (_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) ? 12 : 11;
textXa = textXs = 73;
textY = 168;
col4 = col3;
col5 = textCol1;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
int d = _openBookAvailableSpells[_openBookSpellLevel * 10 + _openBookSpellListOffset + i];
if (_openBookSpellSelectedItem == i) {
if (d >= 0 && i < 6 && (i + _openBookSpellListOffset) < 9) {
_screen->printText(_openBookSpellList[d], textXs, 132 + 6 * i, textCol1, textCol2);
} else if (i == 6) {
if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2)
_screen->fillRect(69, 169, 144, 175, textCol2);
_screen->printText(_magicStrings1[0], textXa, textY, textCol1, textCol2);
} else {
if (d >= 0 && i < 6 && (i + _openBookSpellListOffset) < 9)
_screen->printText(_openBookSpellList[d], textXs, 132 + 6 * i, textCol1, col3);
_screen->printText(_magicStrings1[0], textXa, textY, col5, col4);
if (_characters[_openBookChar].disabledSlots & 4) {
static const uint8 xpos[] = { 0x44, 0x62, 0x80, 0x90 };
static const uint8 ypos[] = { 0x82, 0x92, 0x98 };
for (int yc = 0; yc < 3; yc++) {
for (int xc = 0; xc < 4; xc++)
_screen->drawShape(_screen->_curPage, _weaponSlotGrid, xpos[xc], ypos[yc], 0);
if (_openBookAvailableSpells[_openBookSpellLevel * 10 + 6] <= 0)
_screen->drawShape(2, _blackBoxWideGrid, 146, 168, 0);
_screen->copyRegion(64, 121, 64, 121, 112, 56, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
if (!_loading)
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_drawSpellbookScrollArrow(int x, int y, int direction) {
static const uint8 x1[] = { 0, 2, 1, 0, 2, 2 };
static const uint8 x2[] = { 2, 4, 5, 6, 4, 4 };
if (direction) {
_screen->setPagePixel(_screen->_curPage, x + 3, y + 5, 12);
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
_screen->drawClippedLine(x + x1[i], (5 - i) + y, x + x2[i], (5 - i) + y, 12);
} else {
_screen->setPagePixel(_screen->_curPage, x + 3, y, 12);
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
_screen->drawClippedLine(x + x1[i], y + i, x + x2[i], y + i, 12);
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_updateSlotAfterScrollUse() {
_characters[_openBookChar].disabledSlots ^= (1 << (--_castScrollSlot));
setCharEventTimer(_openBookChar, 18, _castScrollSlot + 2, 1);
_openBookChar = _openBookCharBackup;
_openBookType = _openBookTypeBackup;
_castScrollSlot = 0;
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_updateControls() {
Button b;
if (_currentControlMode)
if (_updateFlags)
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_toggleButtons() {
if (_currentControlMode == 0)
else if (_currentControlMode == 1)
else if (_currentControlMode == 2)
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_setPlayFieldButtons() {
gui_initButtonsFromList(_updateFlags ? _buttonList2 : _buttonList1);
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_setInventoryButtons() {
gui_initButtonsFromList(_updateFlags ? _buttonList5 : _buttonList3);
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_setStatsListButtons() {
gui_initButtonsFromList(_updateFlags ? _buttonList6 : _buttonList4);
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_setSwapCharacterButtons() {
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_setCastOnWhomButtons() {
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_initButton(int index, int, int, int) {
Button *b = 0;
int cnt = 1;
if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1 && index > 92)
if (_activeButtons) {
Button *n = _activeButtons;
while (n->nextButton) {
n = n->nextButton;
b = n->nextButton = &_activeButtonData[cnt];
} else {
b = &_activeButtonData[0];
_activeButtons = b;
*b = Button();
b->data0Val2 = 12;
b->data1Val2 = b->data2Val2 = 15;
b->data3Val2 = 8;
b->index = index + 1;
const EoBGuiButtonDef *d = &_buttonDefs[index];
b->buttonCallback = _buttonCallbacks[index];
if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) {
// EOB1 spellbook modifications
if (index > 60 && index < 66) {
d = &_buttonDefs[index + 34];
b->buttonCallback = _buttonCallbacks[index + 34];
} else if (index == 88) {
d = &_buttonDefs[index + 12];
b->buttonCallback = _buttonCallbacks[index + 12];
b->x = d->x;
b->y = d->y;
b->width = d->w;
b->height = d->h;
// EOB1 spellbook modifications
if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1 && ((index > 66 && index < 73) || (index > 76 && index < 79)))
b->flags = d->flags;
b->keyCode = d->keyCode;
b->keyCode2 = d->keyCode2;
b->arg = d->arg;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedCharPortraitDefault(Button *button) {
if (!testCharacter(button->arg, 1))
return 1;
return 0;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedCamp(Button *button) {
int cd = _screen->curDimIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (!testCharacter(i, 1))
_characters[i].damageTaken = 0;
_characters[i].slotStatus[0] = _characters[i].slotStatus[1] = 0;
_screen->copyPage(0, 7);
_screen->copyRegion(0, 120, 0, 0, 176, 24, 0, 12, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
_screen->copyRegion(0, 0, 0, 120, 176, 24, 12, 2, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(10);
_screen->copyRegion(dm->sx << 3, dm->sy, dm->sx << 3, dm->sy, dm->w << 3, dm->h, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
_restPartyElapsedTime = 0;
return button->arg;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedSceneDropPickupItem(Button *button) {
uint16 block = _currentBlock;
if (button->arg > 1) {
block = calcNewBlockPosition(_currentBlock, _currentDirection);
int f = _wllWallFlags[_levelBlockProperties[block].walls[_sceneDrawVarDown]];
if (!(f & 0x0b))
return 1;
int d = _dropItemDirIndex[(_currentDirection << 2) + button->arg];
if (_itemInHand) {
setItemPosition((Item *)&_levelBlockProperties[block & 0x3ff].drawObjects, block, _itemInHand, d);
runLevelScript(block, 4);
} else {
d = getQueuedItem((Item *)&_levelBlockProperties[block].drawObjects, d, -1);
if (!d)
return 1;
runLevelScript(block, 8);
_sceneUpdateRequired = true;
return 1;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedCharPortrait2(Button *button) {
if (!_gui->_progress) {
if (!testCharacter(button->arg, 1))
return button->index;
_currentControlMode = 1;
if (!_gui->_progress)
_updateCharNum = button->arg;
_screen->copyRegion(176, 0, 0, 0, 144, 168, 0, 5, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedWeaponSlot(Button *button) {
if (!testCharacter(button->arg, 1))
return 1;
// Fix this using the coordinates from gui_drawWeaponSlot().
// The coordinates used in the original are slightly wrong
// (most noticeable for characters 5 and 6).
static const uint8 sY[] = { 27, 27, 79, 79, 131, 131 };
int slot = sY[button->arg] > _mouseY ? 0 : 1;
if ((_gui->_flagsMouseLeft & 0x7f) == 1)
gui_processWeaponSlotClickLeft(button->arg, slot);
gui_processWeaponSlotClickRight(button->arg, slot);
return 1;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedCharNameLabelRight(Button *button) {
if (!testCharacter(button->arg, 1))
return button->index;
if (_updateFlags) {
Button b;
if (_exchangeCharacterId == -1) {
_exchangeCharacterId = button->arg;
} else {
int d = _exchangeCharacterId;
_exchangeCharacterId = -1;
exchangeCharacters(d, button->arg);
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedInventorySlot(Button *button) {
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedEatItem(Button *button) {
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedInventoryPrevChar(Button *button) {
if (_gui->_progress == 1)
_updateCharNum = 0;
else if (_gui->_progress == 2)
_updateCharNum = 1;
_updateCharNum = getNextValidCharIndex(_updateCharNum, -1);
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedInventoryNextChar(Button *button) {
int oldVal = _updateCharNum;
int v = button->arg == 2 ? 2 : 0;
if (_gui->_progress == 1)
_updateCharNum = v + 2;
else if (_gui->_progress == 2)
_updateCharNum = v + 3;
_updateCharNum = getNextValidCharIndex(_updateCharNum, 1);
if (!testCharacter(_updateCharNum, 1)) {
_updateCharNum = oldVal;
return 1;
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedSpellbookTab(Button *button) {
_openBookSpellLevel = button->arg;
_openBookSpellListOffset = 0;
for (_openBookSpellSelectedItem = 0; _openBookSpellSelectedItem < 6; _openBookSpellSelectedItem++) {
if (_openBookAvailableSpells[_openBookSpellLevel * 10 + _openBookSpellSelectedItem] > 0)
_characters[_openBookChar].slotStatus[3] = _openBookSpellLevel;
_characters[_openBookChar].slotStatus[2] = _openBookSpellSelectedItem;
_characters[_openBookChar].slotStatus[4] = _openBookSpellListOffset;
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedSpellbookList(Button *button) {
int listIndex = button->arg;
bool spellLevelAvailable = false;
if (listIndex == 6) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (_openBookAvailableSpells[_openBookSpellLevel * 10 + i] > 0) {
spellLevelAvailable = true;
if (!spellLevelAvailable)
return button->index;
int v = (_gui->_progress == 1) ? -1 : ((_gui->_progress == 2) ? 1 : 0);
_openBookSpellSelectedItem += _openBookSpellListOffset;
if (_openBookSpellSelectedItem == 12 || (_openBookSpellSelectedItem == 6 && _openBookSpellListOffset == 0))
_openBookSpellSelectedItem = 9;
do {
_openBookSpellSelectedItem += v;
int s = (_openBookSpellSelectedItem >= 0) ? _openBookSpellSelectedItem : 9;
_openBookSpellSelectedItem = (s <= 9) ? s : 0;
} while (_openBookAvailableSpells[_openBookSpellLevel * 10 + _openBookSpellSelectedItem] <= 0 && _openBookSpellSelectedItem != 9);
if (_openBookSpellSelectedItem >= 6) {
_openBookSpellListOffset = 6;
if (_openBookSpellSelectedItem == 9)
_openBookSpellSelectedItem = 6;
_openBookSpellSelectedItem -= 6;
} else {
_openBookSpellListOffset = 0;
if (_openBookSpellListOffset == 6 && _openBookAvailableSpells[_openBookSpellLevel * 10 + 6] <= 0)
_openBookSpellListOffset = 0;
} else {
if (listIndex == 7 || _openBookAvailableSpells[_openBookSpellLevel * 10 + _openBookSpellListOffset + listIndex] > 0) {
if (listIndex < 6) {
if (_openBookSpellListOffset + listIndex < 9)
_openBookSpellSelectedItem = listIndex;
else if (listIndex != 7)
return button->index;
} else if (listIndex != 7) {
return button->index;
if (_openBookSpellSelectedItem < 6 && ((_openBookSpellSelectedItem + _openBookSpellListOffset) < 9)) {
if (_characters[_openBookChar].disabledSlots & 4)
return button->index;
int s = _openBookAvailableSpells[_openBookSpellLevel * 10 + _openBookSpellListOffset + _openBookSpellSelectedItem];
if (_openBookType == 1)
s += _clericSpellOffset;
castSpell(s, 0);
} else if ((_openBookSpellSelectedItem == 6 && listIndex == 7) || (_openBookSpellSelectedItem != 6 && listIndex == 6)) {
Button b;
_characters[_openBookChar].slotStatus[2] = _openBookSpellSelectedItem;
_characters[_openBookChar].slotStatus[4] = _openBookSpellListOffset;
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedCastSpellOnCharacter(Button *button) {
_activeSpellCharId = button->arg & 0xff;
if (_activeSpellCharId == 0xff) {
printWarning(_magicStrings3[_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1 ? 2 : 1]);
if (_castScrollSlot) {
} else {
} else {
if (_characters[_activeSpellCharId].flags & 1)
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedInventoryNextPage(Button *button) {
if (_currentControlMode == 2) {
_currentControlMode = 1;
} else {
_currentControlMode = 2;
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedPortraitRestore(Button *button) {
_currentControlMode = 0;
_screen->_curPage = 2;
_screen->copyRegion(0, 0, 0, 0, 144, 168, 5, _screen->_curPage, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
_screen->_curPage = 0;
_screen->copyRegion(0, 0, 176, 0, 144, 168, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedUpArrow(Button *button) {
int b = calcNewBlockPositionAndTestPassability(_currentBlock, _currentDirection);
if (b == -1) {
} else {
_sceneDefaultUpdate = 1;
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedDownArrow(Button *button) {
int b = calcNewBlockPositionAndTestPassability(_currentBlock, (_currentDirection + 2) & 3);
if (b == -1) {
} else {
_sceneDefaultUpdate = 1;
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedLeftArrow(Button *button) {
int b = calcNewBlockPositionAndTestPassability(_currentBlock, (_currentDirection - 1) & 3);
if (b == -1) {
} else {
_sceneDefaultUpdate = 1;
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedRightArrow(Button *button) {
int b = calcNewBlockPositionAndTestPassability(_currentBlock, (_currentDirection + 1) & 3);
if (b == -1) {
} else {
_sceneDefaultUpdate = 1;
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedTurnLeftArrow(Button *button) {
_currentDirection = (_currentDirection - 1) & 3;
//_keybControlUnk = -1;
_sceneDefaultUpdate = 1;
_sceneUpdateRequired = true;
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedTurnRightArrow(Button *button) {
_currentDirection = (_currentDirection + 1) & 3;
//_keybControlUnk = -1;
_sceneDefaultUpdate = 1;
_sceneUpdateRequired = true;
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedAbortCharSwitch(Button *button) {
int c = _exchangeCharacterId;
_exchangeCharacterId = -1;
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedSceneThrowItem(Button *button) {
if (!_itemInHand)
return button->index;
if (launchObject(_updateCharNum, _itemInHand, _currentBlock, _dropItemDirIndex[(_currentDirection << 2) + button->arg], _currentDirection, _items[_itemInHand].type)) {
_sceneUpdateRequired = true;
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedSceneSpecial(Button *button) {
_clickedSpecialFlag = 0x40;
return specialWallAction(calcNewBlockPosition(_currentBlock, _currentDirection), _currentDirection);
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedSpellbookAbort(Button *button) {
_updateFlags = 0;
_screen->copyRegion(0, 0, 64, 121, 112, 56, 10, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedSpellbookScroll(Button *button) {
if (_openBookAvailableSpells[_openBookSpellLevel * 10] > 0) {
_openBookSpellListOffset ^= 6;
_openBookSpellSelectedItem = 0;
} else {
_openBookSpellListOffset = 6;
_characters[_openBookChar].slotStatus[2] = _openBookSpellSelectedItem;
_characters[_openBookChar].slotStatus[4] = _openBookSpellListOffset;
return button->index;
int EoBCoreEngine::clickedUnk(Button *button) {
return button->index;
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_processCharPortraitClick(int index) {
if (index == _updateCharNum)
int a = _updateCharNum;
_updateCharNum = index;
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_processWeaponSlotClickLeft(int charIndex, int slotIndex) {
int itm = _characters[charIndex].inventory[slotIndex];
if (_items[itm].flags & 0x20)
int ih = _itemInHand;
int t = _items[ih].type;
uint16 v = (ih) ? _itemTypes[t].invFlags : 0xffff;
if (v & _slotValidationFlags[slotIndex]) {
_characters[charIndex].inventory[slotIndex] = ih;
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_processWeaponSlotClickRight(int charIndex, int slotIndex) {
if (!testCharacter(charIndex, 0x0d))
Item itm = _characters[charIndex].inventory[slotIndex];
int wslot = slotIndex < 2 ? slotIndex : -1;
if (slotIndex < 2 && (!validateWeaponSlotItem(charIndex, slotIndex) || (!_currentControlMode && (_characters[charIndex].disabledSlots & (1 << slotIndex)))))
if (!itemUsableByCharacter(charIndex, itm))
_txt->printMessage(_itemMisuseStrings[0], -1, _characters[charIndex].name);
if (!itm && slotIndex > 1)
int8 tp = _items[itm].type;
int8 vl = _items[itm].value;
uint8 ep = _itemTypes[tp].extraProperties & 0x7f;
switch (ep) {
case 0:
case 16:
// Item automatically used when worn
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
// Weapons
if (!_currentControlMode)
useSlotWeapon(charIndex, slotIndex, itm);
case 4:
case 8:
case 12:
case 13:
case 15:
// Item not used that way
case 5:
case 6:
// Cleric holy symbol / mage spell book
if (!_currentControlMode)
useMagicBookOrSymbol(charIndex, ep == 6 ? 1 : 0);
case 7:
// Food ration
// Don't do anything if mouse control is enabled (we don't support anything else)
// eatItemInHand(charIndex);
case 10:
if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1)
vl += _clericSpellOffset;
// drop through
case 9:
// Mage/Cleric Scroll
if (!_currentControlMode)
useMagicScroll(charIndex, vl, wslot);
case 11:
// Letters, Notes, Maps
case 14:
// Potion
usePotion(charIndex, wslot);
case 18:
useWand(charIndex, wslot);
case 19:
// eob2 horn
useHorn(charIndex, wslot);
case 20:
if (vl == 1)
inflictCharacterDamage(charIndex, 200);
useMagicScroll(charIndex, 55, wslot);
deleteInventoryItem(charIndex, wslot);
if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1 || (ep == 1 && charIndex >= 2))
_lastUsedItem = itm;
runLevelScript(calcNewBlockPosition(_currentBlock, _currentDirection), 0x100);
_lastUsedItem = 0;
void EoBCoreEngine::gui_processInventorySlotClick(int slot) {
int itm = _characters[_updateCharNum].inventory[slot];
int ih = _itemInHand;
if (!validateInventorySlotForItem(ih, _updateCharNum, slot))
if (slot == 16) {
if (ih) {
setItemPosition(&_characters[_updateCharNum].inventory[16], -2, ih, 0);
gui_drawInventoryItem(slot, 1, 0);
} else {
itm = getQueuedItem(&_characters[_updateCharNum].inventory[16], 0, -1);
gui_drawInventoryItem(slot, 1, 0);
} else {
_characters[_updateCharNum].inventory[slot] = ih;
gui_drawInventoryItem(slot, 1, 0);
GUI_EoB::GUI_EoB(EoBCoreEngine *vm) : GUI(vm), _vm(vm), _screen(vm->_screen) {
_menuStringsPrefsTemp = new char*[4];
memset(_menuStringsPrefsTemp, 0, 4 * sizeof(char *));
_saveSlotStringsTemp = new char*[6];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
_saveSlotStringsTemp[i] = new char[20];
memset(_saveSlotStringsTemp[i], 0, 20);
_saveSlotIdTemp = new int16[6];
_savegameOffset = 0;
_saveSlotX = _saveSlotY = 0;
_specialProcessButton = _backupButtonList = 0;
_flagsMouseLeft = _flagsMouseRight = _flagsModifier = 0;
_backupButtonList = 0;
_progress = 0;
_prcButtonUnk3 = 1;
_cflag = 0xffff;
_menuLineSpacing = 0;
_menuLastInFlags = 0;
_menuCur = 0;
_menuNumItems = 0;
_numPages = (_vm->game() == GI_EOB2) ? 8 : 5;
_numVisPages = (_vm->game() == GI_EOB2) ? 6 : 5;
_clericSpellAvltyFlags = (_vm->game() == GI_EOB2) ? 0xf7ffffff : 0x7bffff;
_paladinSpellAvltyFlags = (_vm->game() == GI_EOB2) ? 0xa9bbd1d : 0x800ff2;
_numAssignedSpellsOfType = new int8[72];
memset(_numAssignedSpellsOfType, 0, 72);
_charSelectRedraw = false;
_highLightColorTable = (_vm->game() == GI_EOB1 && (_vm->_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA || _vm->_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderEGA)) ? _highlightColorTableEGA : _highlightColorTableVGA;
_updateBoxIndex = -1;
_highLightBoxTimer = 0;
_updateBoxColorIndex = 0;
_needRest = false;
GUI_EoB::~GUI_EoB() {
if (_menuStringsPrefsTemp) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
delete[] _menuStringsPrefsTemp[i];
delete[] _menuStringsPrefsTemp;
if (_saveSlotStringsTemp) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
delete[] _saveSlotStringsTemp[i];
delete[] _saveSlotStringsTemp;
delete[] _saveSlotIdTemp;
delete[] _numAssignedSpellsOfType;
void GUI_EoB::processButton(Button *button) {
if (!button->data0Val1 && !button->data2Val1 && !button->data1Val1)
if ((button->flags & 0x18) == 0x18)
int sd = button->dimTableIndex;
const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(sd);
int fx = button->x;
if (fx < 0)
fx += (dm->w << 3);
int sx = fx + (dm->sx << 3);
int fy = button->y;
if (fy < 0)
fy += dm->h;
int sy = fy + dm->sy;
uint16 fw = button->width;
uint16 fh = button->height;
uint8 col1 = button->data1Val1;
uint8 col2 = button->data1Val3;
int fx2 = sx + fw - 1;
int fy2 = sy + fh - 1;
if (button->flags2 & 1) {
if (button->data1Val1 == 1) {
if (button->data0Val1 == 1) {
_screen->drawShape(_screen->_curPage, button->data1ShapePtr, fx, fy, sd);
} else if (button->data0Val1 == 2) {
if (!(button->flags2 & 4))
_screen->printText((const char *)button->data1ShapePtr, sx, sy, col1, col2);
} else if (button->data0Val1 == 3) {
// nullsub (at least EOBII)
} else if (button->data0Val1 == 4) {
if (button->data1Callback)
} else if (button->data1Val1 == 2) {
if (!(button->flags2 & 4))
_screen->drawBox(sx, sy, fx2, fy2, col1);
} else if (button->data1Val1 == 3) {
// nullsub (at least EOBII)
} else if (button->data1Val1 == 4) {
if (button->data1Callback)
if (button->flags2 & 4) {
if (button->data2Val1 == 1) {
if (button->data0Val1 == 1) {
_screen->drawShape(_screen->_curPage, button->data2ShapePtr, fx, fy, sd);
} else if (button->data0Val1 == 2) {
if (button->flags2 & 1)
_screen->printText((const char *)button->data2ShapePtr, sx, sy, button->data3Val2, button->data3Val3);
_screen->printText((const char *)button->data2ShapePtr, sx, sy, button->data2Val2, button->data2Val3);
} else if (button->data0Val1 == 3) {
// nullsub (at least EOBII)
} else if (button->data0Val1 == 4) {
if (button->data2Callback)
} else if (button->data2Val1 == 2) {
_screen->drawBox(sx, sy, fx2, fy2, (button->flags2 & 1) ? button->data3Val2 : button->data2Val2);
} else if (button->data2Val1 == 3) {
// nullsub (at least EOBII)
} else if (button->data2Val1 == 4) {
if (button->data2Callback)
if (!(button->flags2 & 5)) {
if (button->data0Val1 == 1) {
_screen->drawShape(_screen->_curPage, button->data0ShapePtr, fx, fy, sd);
} else if (button->data0Val1 == 2) {
_screen->printText((const char *)button->data0ShapePtr, sx, sy, button->data0Val2, button->data0Val3);
} else if (button->data0Val1 == 3) {
// nullsub (at least EOBII)
} else if (button->data0Val1 == 4) {
if (button->data0Callback)
} else if (button->data0Val1 == 5) {
_screen->drawBox(sx, sy, fx2, fy2, button->data0Val2);
} else {
if (!button->data0Val1) {
if (button->data1Val1 == 2 || button->data2Val1 == 2) {
_screen->drawBox(sx, sy, fx2, fy2, button->data0Val2);
} else {
// nullsub (at least EOBII)
int GUI_EoB::processButtonList(Kyra::Button *buttonList, uint16 inputFlags, int8 mouseWheel) {
_progress = 0;
uint16 in = inputFlags & 0xff;
uint16 buttonReleaseFlag = 0;
bool clickEvt = false;
//_vm->_processingButtons = true;
_flagsMouseLeft = (_vm->_mouseClick == 1) ? 2 : 4;
_flagsMouseRight = (_vm->_mouseClick == 2) ? 2 : 4;
_vm->_mouseClick = 0;
if (mouseWheel) {
return 204 + mouseWheel;
} else if (in >= 199 && in <= 202) {
buttonReleaseFlag = (inputFlags & 0x800) ? 3 : 1;
if (in < 201)
_flagsMouseLeft = buttonReleaseFlag;
_flagsMouseRight = buttonReleaseFlag;
if (!buttonList && !(inputFlags & 0x800))
return inputFlags & 0xff;
inputFlags = 0;
clickEvt = true;
} else if (inputFlags & 0x8000) {
inputFlags &= 0xff;
uint16 result = 0;
bool runLoop = true;
if (!buttonList)
return inputFlags;
if (_vm->_buttonListChanged || (buttonList != _backupButtonList)) {
_backupButtonList = buttonList;
_flagsModifier = 0;
while (runLoop) {
_flagsModifier |= (buttonList->flags & 0xAA04);
//if (buttonList->flags2 & 0x20) {
// if (_processButtonListExtraCallback)
// this->*_processButtonListExtraCallback(buttonList);
if (buttonList->nextButton)
buttonList = buttonList->nextButton;
runLoop = false;
_vm->_buttonListChanged = false;
_specialProcessButton = 0;
_prcButtonUnk3 = 1;
_cflag = 0xffff;
int sd = 0;
const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(sd);
int x1 = dm->sx << 3;
int y1 = dm->sy;
int w1 = dm->w << 3;
int h1 = dm->h;
uint16 v8 = 0;
uint16 v18 = 0;
uint16 v16 = 0;
if (_specialProcessButton)
buttonList = _specialProcessButton;
while (runLoop) {
if (buttonList->flags & 8) {
buttonList = buttonList->nextButton;
runLoop = buttonList ? true : false;
int vc = 0;
int v6 = 0;
uint16 iFlag = buttonList->index | 0x8000;
uint16 flgs2 = buttonList->flags2;
uint16 flgs = buttonList->flags;
if (flgs2 & 1)
flgs2 |= 8;
flgs2 &= 0xfff7;
if (flgs2 & 4)
flgs2 |= 0x10;
flgs2 &= 0xffef;
uint16 vL = 0;
uint16 vR = 0;
if (inputFlags) {
if (buttonList->keyCode == inputFlags) {
_progress = 1;
_flagsMouseLeft = 1;
flgs2 ^= 1;
result = iFlag;
v6 = 1;
} else if (buttonList->keyCode2 == inputFlags) {
_progress = 2;
_flagsMouseRight = 1;
result = iFlag;
v6 = 1;
} else if (_flagsModifier || clickEvt) {
vL = flgs & 0xf00;
vR = flgs & 0xf000;
if (_prcButtonUnk3) {
if (sd != buttonList->dimTableIndex) {
sd = buttonList->dimTableIndex;
dm = _screen->getScreenDim(sd);
x1 = dm->sx << 3;
y1 = dm->sy;
w1 = dm->w << 3;
h1 = dm->h;
int x2 = x1;
if (buttonList->x < 0)
x2 += w1;
x2 += buttonList->x;
int y2 = y1;
if (buttonList->y < 0)
y2 += h1;
y2 += buttonList->y;
if (_vm->_mouseX >= x2 && _vm->_mouseX <= (x2 + buttonList->width) && _vm->_mouseY >= y2 && _vm->_mouseY <= (y2 + buttonList->height)) {
flgs2 |= 2;
if (vL) {
switch (_flagsMouseLeft - 1) {
case 0:
v18 = 1;
if ((flgs & 4) && buttonList->data2Val1) {
flgs2 |= 4;
vc = 1;
} else {
flgs2 &= 0xfffb;
if (flgs & 0x100) {
v6 = 1;
if (!(flgs & 1)) {
flgs2 ^= 1;
result = iFlag;
if (flgs & 0x40) {
_specialProcessButton = buttonList;
v8 = 1;
_cflag = flgs;
case 1:
if (flgs != _cflag)
if ((flgs & 4) && buttonList->data2Val1) {
flgs2 |= 4;
vc = 1;
} else {
flgs2 &= 0xfffb;
if (!(flgs & 0x200))
v6 = 1;
if (flgs & 1)
flgs2 |= 1;
result = iFlag;
case 2:
if (_cflag != flgs)
if (flgs & 0x400) {
v6 = 1;
if (flgs & 1) {
flgs2 ^= 1;
result = iFlag;
if ((flgs & 2) && (flgs2 & 1))
flgs2 &= 0xfffe;
case 3:
if ((flgs & 4) || (!buttonList->data2Val1))
flgs2 &= 0xfffb;
flgs2 |= 4;
if (flgs & 0x800) {
v6 = 1;
if ((flgs & 2) && (flgs2 & 1))
flgs2 &= 0xfffe;
if (vR && !v6 && !vc) {
switch (_flagsMouseRight - 1) {
case 0:
v18 = 1;
if ((flgs & 4) && buttonList->data2Val1)
flgs2 |= 4;
flgs2 &= 0xfffb;
if (flgs & 0x1000) {
v6 = 1;
if (!(flgs & 1)) {
flgs2 ^= 1;
result = iFlag;
if (flgs & 0x40) {
_specialProcessButton = buttonList;
v8 = 1;
_cflag = flgs;
case 1:
if (flgs != _cflag)
if ((flgs & 4) && buttonList->data2Val1)
flgs2 |= 4;
flgs2 &= 0xfffb;
if (!(flgs & 0x2000))
v6 = 1;
if (flgs & 1)
flgs2 |= 1;
result = iFlag;
case 2:
if (_cflag != flgs)
if (flgs & 0x4000) {
v6 = 1;
if (flgs & 1) {
flgs2 ^= 1;
result = iFlag;
if ((flgs & 2) && (flgs2 & 1))
flgs2 &= 0xfffe;
case 3:
if ((flgs & 4) || (!buttonList->data2Val1))
flgs2 &= 0xfffb;
flgs2 |= 4;
if (flgs & 0x8000) {
v6 = 1;
if ((flgs & 2) && (flgs2 & 1))
flgs2 &= 0xfffe;
} else { // if (_vm->_mouseX >= x2 && _vm->_mouseX <= (x2 + buttonList->width)....)
flgs2 &= 0xfff9;
if ((flgs & 0x40) && (!(flgs & 0x80)) && _specialProcessButton && !v8) {
static const uint16 flagsTable[] = { 0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x8000 };
if (vL) {
v16 = flagsTable[_flagsMouseLeft - 1];
if (v16 & flgs)
v6 = 1;
if (vR && !v6) {
v16 = flagsTable[_flagsMouseRight + 3];
if (v16 & flgs)
v6 = 1;
if (!v6) {
_specialProcessButton = 0;
_prcButtonUnk3 = 1;
if ((flgs & 2) && (flgs2 & 1))
flgs2 &= 0xfffe;
} // end if (_vm->_mouseX >= x2 && _vm->_mouseX <= (x2 + buttonList->width)....)
} // end if (_prcButtonUnk3)
} // end if (_flagsModifier || clickEvt)
buttonList->flags = flgs;
buttonList->flags2 = flgs2;
bool f21 = (flgs2 & 8) ? true : false;
bool f22 = (flgs2 & 1) ? true : false;
bool f23 = (flgs2 & 0x10) ? true : false;
bool f24 = (flgs2 & 4) ? true : false;
if (f21 != f22 || f23 != f24)
if (v6 && buttonList->buttonCallback)
runLoop = !(*buttonList->buttonCallback)(buttonList);
if ((flgs2 & 2) && (flgs & 0x20))
runLoop = false;
if (_specialProcessButton && ((vL && _flagsMouseLeft == 3) || (vR && _flagsMouseRight == 3))) {
_specialProcessButton = 0;
_prcButtonUnk3 = 1;
runLoop = false;
if (_specialProcessButton && !v8)
runLoop = false;
buttonList = buttonList->nextButton;
if (!buttonList)
runLoop = false;
if ((_flagsMouseLeft == 1 || _flagsMouseRight == 1) && !v18)
_cflag = 0xffff;
if (!result)
result = inputFlags;
return result;
void GUI_EoB::simpleMenu_setup(int sd, int maxItem, const char *const *strings, int32 menuItemsMask, int itemOffset, int lineSpacing) {
simpleMenu_initMenuItemsMask(sd, maxItem, menuItemsMask, itemOffset);
const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(19 + sd);
int x = (_screen->_curDim->sx + dm->sx) << 3;
int y = _screen->_curDim->sy + dm->sy;
int v = simpleMenu_getMenuItem(_menuCur, menuItemsMask, itemOffset);
for (int i = 0; i < _menuNumItems; i++) {
int item = simpleMenu_getMenuItem(i, menuItemsMask, itemOffset);
int ty = y + i * (lineSpacing + _screen->getFontHeight());
_screen->printShadedText(strings[item], x, ty, (_vm->_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) ? 1 : dm->unkA, 0);
if (item == v)
_screen->printText(strings[item], x, ty, dm->unkC, 0);
_menuLineSpacing = lineSpacing;
_menuLastInFlags = 0;
int GUI_EoB::simpleMenu_process(int sd, const char *const *strings, void *b, int32 menuItemsMask, int itemOffset) {
const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(19 + sd);
int h = _menuNumItems - 1;
int currentItem = _menuCur % _menuNumItems;
int newItem = currentItem;
int result = -1;
int lineH = (_menuLineSpacing + _screen->getFontHeight());
int lineS1 = _menuLineSpacing >> 1;
int x = (_screen->_curDim->sx + dm->sx) << 3;
int y = _screen->_curDim->sy + dm->sy;
int inFlag = _vm->checkInput(0, false, 0) & 0x8ff;
Common::Point mousePos = _vm->getMousePos();
int x1 = (_screen->_curDim->sx << 3) + (dm->sx * _screen->getFontWidth());
int y1 = _screen->_curDim->sy + dm->sy - lineS1;
int x2 = x1 + (dm->w * _screen->getFontWidth()) - 1;
int y2 = y1 + _menuNumItems * lineH - 1;
if (_vm->posWithinRect(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, x1, y1, x2, y2))
newItem = (mousePos.y - y1) / lineH;
if (inFlag == 199 || inFlag == 201) {
if (_vm->posWithinRect(_vm->_mouseX, _vm->_mouseY, x1, y1, x2, y2))
result = newItem = (_vm->_mouseY - y1) / lineH;
} else if (inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_RETURN] || inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_SPACE] || inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP5]) {
result = newItem;
} else if (inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_HOME] || inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP7] || inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_PAGEUP] || inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP9]) {
newItem = 0;
} else if (inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_END] || inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP1] || inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_PAGEDOWN] || inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP3]) {
newItem = h;
} else if (inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_UP] || inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP8]) {
if (--newItem < 0)
newItem = h;
} else if (inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_DOWN] || inFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP2]) {
if (++newItem > h)
newItem = 0;
} else {
_menuLastInFlags = inFlag;
if (newItem != currentItem) {
_screen->printText(strings[simpleMenu_getMenuItem(currentItem, menuItemsMask, itemOffset)], x, y + currentItem * lineH, (_vm->_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) ? 1 : dm->unkA, 0);
_screen->printText(strings[simpleMenu_getMenuItem(newItem, menuItemsMask, itemOffset)], x, y + newItem * lineH , dm->unkC, 0);
if (result != -1) {
result = simpleMenu_getMenuItem(result, menuItemsMask, itemOffset);
simpleMenu_flashSelection(strings[result], x, y + newItem * lineH, dm->unkA, dm->unkC, 0);
_menuCur = newItem;
return result;
int GUI_EoB::simpleMenu_getMenuItem(int index, int32 menuItemsMask, int itemOffset) {
if (menuItemsMask == -1)
return index;
int res = 0;
int i = index;
for (; i; res++) {
if (menuItemsMask & (1 << (res + itemOffset)))
while (!(menuItemsMask & (1 << (res + itemOffset))))
return res;
void GUI_EoB::simpleMenu_flashSelection(const char *str, int x, int y, int color1, int color2, int color3) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
_screen->printText(str, x, y, color2, color3);
_screen->printText(str, x, y, color1, color3);
void GUI_EoB::runCampMenu() {
Screen::FontId of = _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_8_FNT);
Button *highlightButton = 0;
Button *prevHighlightButton = 0;
int newMenu = 0;
int lastMenu = -1;
bool redrawPortraits = false;
_charSelectRedraw = false;
_needRest = false;
Button *buttonList = 0;
for (bool runLoop = true; runLoop && !_vm->shouldQuit();) {
if (newMenu == 2)
if (newMenu != -1) {
_vm->_menuDefs[0].titleStrId = newMenu ? 1 : 56;
if (newMenu == 2)
_vm->_menuDefs[2].titleStrId = 57;
else if (newMenu == 1)
_vm->_menuDefs[1].titleStrId = 58;
buttonList = initMenu(newMenu);
if (newMenu != lastMenu) {
highlightButton = buttonList;
prevHighlightButton = 0;
lastMenu = newMenu;
newMenu = -1;
int inputFlag = _vm->checkInput(buttonList, false, 0) & 0x80ff;
if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE])
inputFlag = 0x8007;
else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP5] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_SPACE] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_RETURN]) {
inputFlag = 0x8000 + prevHighlightButton->index;
Button *clickedButton = _vm->gui_getButton(buttonList, inputFlag & 0x7fff);
if (clickedButton) {
drawMenuButton(prevHighlightButton, false, false, true);
drawMenuButton(clickedButton, true, true, true);
drawMenuButton(clickedButton, false, true, true);
highlightButton = clickedButton;
prevHighlightButton = 0;
if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP3] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_PAGEDOWN] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP1] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_END]) {
highlightButton = _vm->gui_getButton(buttonList, _vm->_menuDefs[lastMenu].firstButtonStrId + _vm->_menuDefs[lastMenu].numButtons);
inputFlag = _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_UP];
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP7] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_HOME] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP9] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_PAGEUP]) {
highlightButton = _vm->gui_getButton(buttonList, _vm->_menuDefs[lastMenu].firstButtonStrId + 1);
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP8] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_UP] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP2] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_DOWN]) {
if (prevHighlightButton) {
int dir = (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_UP]) ? -1 : 1;
int s = prevHighlightButton->index + dir;
int a = _vm->_menuDefs[lastMenu].firstButtonStrId + 1;
int b = a + _vm->_menuDefs[lastMenu].numButtons - 1;
do {
if (s < a)
s = b;
if (s > b)
s = a;
if (_vm->_menuButtonDefs[s - 1].flags & 2)
s += dir;
} while (!_vm->shouldQuit());
highlightButton = _vm->gui_getButton(buttonList, s);
} else if (inputFlag > 0x8000 && inputFlag < 0x8010) {
int i = 0;
int cnt = 0;
switch (inputFlag) {
case 0x8001:
if (restParty())
runLoop = false;
_needRest = false;
redrawPortraits = true;
newMenu = 0;
case 0x8002:
runMemorizePrayMenu(selectCharacterDialogue(23), 0);
newMenu = 0;
case 0x8003:
runMemorizePrayMenu(selectCharacterDialogue(26), 1);
newMenu = 0;
case 0x8004:
newMenu = 0;
case 0x8005:
newMenu = 2;
case 0x8006:
newMenu = 1;
case 0x8007:
if (_needRest)
// fall through
case 0x800c:
case 0x800f:
if (lastMenu == 1 || lastMenu == 2)
newMenu = 0;
else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE])
newMenu = 0;
runLoop = false;
case 0x8008:
if (runLoadMenu(0, 0))
runLoop = false;
newMenu = 1;
case 0x8009:
if (runSaveMenu(0, 0))
newMenu = 1;
case 0x800a:
for (; i < 6; i++) {
if (_vm->testCharacter(i, 1))
if (cnt > 4) {
_screen->copyRegion(0, 120, 0, 0, 176, 24, 0, 12, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
} else {
newMenu = 0;
case 0x800b:
if (confirmDialogue(46))
newMenu = 0;
case 0x800d:
_vm->_configSounds ^= true;
_vm->_configMusic = _vm->_configSounds ? 1 : 0;
newMenu = 2;
case 0x800e:
_vm->_configHpBarGraphs ^= true;
newMenu = 2;
redrawPortraits = true;
lastMenu = -1;
} else {
Common::Point p = _vm->getMousePos();
for (Button *b = buttonList; b; b = b->nextButton) {
if ((b->arg & 2) && _vm->posWithinRect(p.x, p.y, b->x, b->y, b->x + b->width, b->y + b->height))
highlightButton = b;
if (_charSelectRedraw || redrawPortraits) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
_charSelectRedraw = redrawPortraits = false;
if (prevHighlightButton != highlightButton && newMenu == -1 && runLoop) {
drawMenuButton(prevHighlightButton, false, false, true);
drawMenuButton(highlightButton, false, true, true);
prevHighlightButton = highlightButton;
bool GUI_EoB::runLoadMenu(int x, int y) {
const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(11);
int xo = dm->sx;
int yo = dm->sy;
bool result = false;
_screen->modifyScreenDim(11, dm->sx + (x >> 3), dm->sy + y, dm->w, dm->h);
for (bool runLoop = true; runLoop && !_vm->shouldQuit();) {
int slot = selectSaveSlotDialogue(x, y, 1);
if (slot > 5) {
runLoop = result = false;
} else if (slot >= 0) {
if (_saveSlotIdTemp[slot] == -1) {
messageDialogue(11, 65, 6);
} else {
if (_vm->loadGameState(_saveSlotIdTemp[slot]).getCode() != Common::kNoError)
messageDialogue(11, 16, 6);
runLoop = false;
result = true;
_screen->modifyScreenDim(11, xo, yo, dm->w, dm->h);
return result;
bool GUI_EoB::confirmDialogue2(int dim, int id, int deflt) {
int od = _screen->curDimIndex();
Screen::FontId of = _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_8_FNT);
drawTextBox(dim, id);
int16 x[2];
x[0] = (_screen->_curDim->sx << 3) + 8;
x[1] = (_screen->_curDim->sx + _screen->_curDim->w - 5) << 3;
int16 y = _screen->_curDim->sy + _screen->_curDim->h - 21;
int newHighlight = deflt ^ 1;
int lastHighlight = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
drawMenuButtonBox(x[i], y, 32, 14, false, false);
for (bool runLoop = true; runLoop && !_vm->shouldQuit();) {
Common::Point p = _vm->getMousePos();
if (_vm->posWithinRect(p.x, p.y, x[0], y, x[0] + 32, y + 14))
newHighlight = 0;
else if (_vm->posWithinRect(p.x, p.y, x[1], y, x[1] + 32, y + 14))
newHighlight = 1;
int inputFlag = _vm->checkInput(0, false, 0) & 0x8ff;
if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_SPACE] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_RETURN]) {
runLoop = false;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_LEFT] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP4] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_RIGHT] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP6]) {
newHighlight ^= 1;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_n]) {
newHighlight = 1;
runLoop = false;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_y]) {
newHighlight = 0;
runLoop = false;
} else if (inputFlag == 199 || inputFlag == 201) {
if (_vm->posWithinRect(p.x, p.y, x[0], y, x[0] + 32, y + 14)) {
newHighlight = 0;
runLoop = false;
} else if (_vm->posWithinRect(p.x, p.y, x[1], y, x[1] + 32, y + 14)) {
newHighlight = 1;
runLoop = false;
if (newHighlight != lastHighlight) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
_screen->printShadedText(_vm->_menuYesNoStrings[i], x[i] + 16 - (strlen(_vm->_menuYesNoStrings[i]) << 2) + 1, y + 3, i == newHighlight ? 6 : 15, 0);
lastHighlight = newHighlight;
drawMenuButtonBox(x[newHighlight], y, 32, 14, true, true);
drawMenuButtonBox(x[newHighlight], y, 32, 14, false, true);
_screen->copyRegion(0, _screen->_curDim->h, _screen->_curDim->sx << 3, _screen->_curDim->sy, _screen->_curDim->w << 3, _screen->_curDim->h, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
return newHighlight == 0;
void GUI_EoB::messageDialogue(int dim, int id, int buttonTextCol) {
int od = _screen->curDimIndex();
Screen::FontId of = _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_8_FNT);
drawTextBox(dim, id);
const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(dim);
int bx = ((dm->sx + dm->w) << 3) - ((strlen(_vm->_menuOkString) << 3) + 16);
int by = dm->sy + dm->h - 19;
int bw = (strlen(_vm->_menuOkString) << 3) + 7;
drawMenuButtonBox(bx, by, bw, 14, false, false);
_screen->printShadedText(_vm->_menuOkString, bx + 4, by + 3, buttonTextCol, 0);
for (bool runLoop = true; runLoop && !_vm->shouldQuit();) {
int inputFlag = _vm->checkInput(0, false, 0) & 0x8ff;
if (inputFlag == 199 || inputFlag == 201) {
if (_vm->posWithinRect(_vm->_mouseX, _vm->_mouseY, bx, by, bx + bw, by + 14))
runLoop = false;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_SPACE] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_RETURN] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_o]) {
runLoop = false;
drawMenuButtonBox(bx, by, bw, 14, true, true);
drawMenuButtonBox(bx, by, bw, 14, false, true);
_screen->copyRegion(0, dm->h, dm->sx << 3, dm->sy, dm->w << 3, dm->h, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
dm = _screen->getScreenDim(dim);
void GUI_EoB::messageDialogue2(int dim, int id, int buttonTextCol) {
drawMenuButtonBox(_screen->_curDim->sx << 3, _screen->_curDim->sy, _screen->_curDim->w << 3, _screen->_curDim->h, false, false);
_screen->_curPage = 2;
drawMenuButtonBox(_screen->_curDim->sx << 3, _screen->_curDim->sy, _screen->_curDim->w << 3, _screen->_curDim->h, false, false);
_screen->printShadedText(getMenuString(id), (_screen->_curDim->sx << 3) + 5, _screen->_curDim->sy + 5, 15, 0);
_screen->_curPage = 0;
_screen->copyRegion(_screen->_curDim->sx << 3, _screen->_curDim->sy, _screen->_curDim->sx << 3, _screen->_curDim->sy, _screen->_curDim->w << 3, _screen->_curDim->h, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
int x = (_screen->_curDim->sx << 3) + (_screen->_curDim->w << 2) - (strlen(_vm->_menuOkString) << 2);
int y = _screen->_curDim->sy + _screen->_curDim->h - 21;
int w = (strlen(_vm->_menuOkString) << 3) + 8;
drawMenuButtonBox(x, y, w, 14, false, false);
_screen->printShadedText(_vm->_menuOkString, x + 4, y + 3, buttonTextCol, 0);
for (bool runLoop = true; runLoop && !_vm->shouldQuit();) {
int inputFlag = _vm->checkInput(0, false, 0) & 0x8ff;
if (inputFlag == 199 || inputFlag == 201) {
if (_vm->posWithinRect(_vm->_mouseX, _vm->_mouseY, x, y, x + w, y + 14))
runLoop = false;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_SPACE] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_RETURN] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_o]) {
runLoop = false;
_vm->gui_drawBox(x, y, w, 14, _vm->guiSettings()->colors.frame2, _vm->guiSettings()->colors.fill, -1);
drawMenuButtonBox(x, y, w, 14, false, false);
_screen->printShadedText(_vm->_menuOkString, x + 4, y + 3, buttonTextCol, 0);
void GUI_EoB::updateBoxFrameHighLight(int box) {
if (_updateBoxIndex == box) {
if (_updateBoxIndex == -1)
if (_vm->_system->getMillis() <= _highLightBoxTimer)
if (!_highLightColorTable[_updateBoxColorIndex])
_updateBoxColorIndex = 0;
const EoBRect16 *r = &_highlightFrames[_updateBoxIndex];
_screen->drawBox(r->x1, r->y1, r->x2, r->y2, _highLightColorTable[_updateBoxColorIndex++]);
_highLightBoxTimer = _vm->_system->getMillis() + _vm->_tickLength;
} else {
if (_updateBoxIndex != -1) {
const EoBRect16 *r = &_highlightFrames[_updateBoxIndex];
_screen->drawBox(r->x1, r->y1, r->x2, r->y2, 12);
_updateBoxColorIndex = 0;
_updateBoxIndex = box;
_highLightBoxTimer = _vm->_system->getMillis();
int GUI_EoB::getTextInput(char *dest, int x, int y, int destMaxLen, int textColor1, int textColor2, int cursorColor) {
Common::Keymapper *const keymapper = _vm->getEventManager()->getKeymapper();
uint8 cursorState = 1;
char sufx[] = " ";
int len = strlen(dest);
if (len > destMaxLen) {
len = destMaxLen;
dest[destMaxLen] = 0;
int pos = len;
if (len >= destMaxLen)
_screen->copyRegion((x - 1) << 3, y, 0, 191, (destMaxLen + 2) << 3, 9, 0, 2, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
_screen->printShadedText(dest, x << 3, y, textColor1, textColor2);
uint32 next = _vm->_system->getMillis() + 2 * _vm->_tickLength;
sufx[0] = (pos < len) ? dest[pos] : 32;
_screen->printText(sufx, (x + pos) << 3, y, textColor1, cursorColor);
int in = 0;
do {
in = 0;
while (!in && !_vm->shouldQuit()) {
if (next <= _vm->_system->getMillis()) {
if (cursorState) {
_screen->copyRegion((pos + 1) << 3, 191, (x + pos) << 3, y, 8, 9, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
_screen->printShadedText(sufx, (x + pos) << 3, y, textColor1, textColor2);
} else {
_screen->printText(sufx, (x + pos) << 3, y, textColor1, cursorColor);
cursorState ^= 1;
next = _vm->_system->getMillis() + 2 * _vm->_tickLength;
for (Common::List<KyraEngine_v1::Event>::const_iterator evt = _vm->_eventList.begin(); evt != _vm->_eventList.end(); ++evt) {
if (evt->event.type == Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN) {
_keyPressed = evt->event.kbd;
in = _keyPressed.ascii;
if (_keyPressed.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE) {
if (pos >= len && len > 0) {
dest[--len] = 0;
} else if (pos > 0) {
for (int i = pos; i < destMaxLen; i++)
dest[i - 1] = dest[i];
dest[--len] = 0;
} else if (_keyPressed.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_LEFT || _keyPressed.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_KP4) {
if (pos > 0)
} else if (_keyPressed.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_RIGHT || _keyPressed.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_KP6) {
if (pos < len && pos < (destMaxLen - 1))
} else if (in > 31 && in < 126) {
if (!(in == 32 && pos == 0)) {
if (in >= 97 && in <= 122)
in -= 32;
if (pos < len) {
for (int i = destMaxLen - 1; i >= pos; i--)
dest[i + 1] = dest[i];
dest[pos++] = in;
if (len == destMaxLen)
dest[len] = 0;
} else {
if (pos == destMaxLen) {
dest[pos++] = in;
dest[pos] = 0;
if (++len > destMaxLen)
len = destMaxLen;
if (pos > (destMaxLen - 1))
pos = (destMaxLen - 1);
_screen->copyRegion(0, 191, (x - 1) << 3, y, (destMaxLen + 2) << 3, 9, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
_screen->printShadedText(dest, x << 3, y, textColor1, textColor2);
sufx[0] = (pos < len) ? dest[pos] : 32;
if (cursorState)
_screen->printText(sufx, (x + pos) << 3, y, textColor1, cursorColor);
_screen->printShadedText(sufx, (x + pos) << 3, y, textColor1, textColor2);
} while (_keyPressed.keycode != Common::KEYCODE_RETURN && _keyPressed.keycode != Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE && !_vm->shouldQuit());
return _keyPressed.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE ? -1 : len;
void GUI_EoB::transferWaitBox() {
const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(11);
int xo = dm->sx;
int yo = dm->sy;
_screen->modifyScreenDim(11, dm->sx + 9, dm->sy + 24, dm->w, dm->h);
_screen->modifyScreenDim(11, xo, yo, dm->w, dm->h);
Common::String GUI_EoB::transferTargetMenu(Common::Array<Common::String> &targets) {
if (_savegameList) {
for (int i = 0; i < _savegameListSize; i++)
delete[] _savegameList[i];
delete[] _savegameList;
_savegameListSize = targets.size();
_savegameList = new char*[_savegameListSize];
memset(_savegameList, 0, _savegameListSize * sizeof(char *));
Common::StringArray::iterator ii = targets.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < _savegameListSize; ++i) {
_savegameList[i] = new char[(*ii).size() + 1];
strcpy(_savegameList[i], (*ii++).c_str());
const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(11);
int xo = dm->sx;
int yo = dm->sy;
_screen->modifyScreenDim(11, dm->sx + 9, dm->sy + 14, dm->w, dm->h);
int slot = 0;
do {
slot = selectSaveSlotDialogue(72, 14, 2);
if (slot == 6)
} while (_saveSlotIdTemp[slot] == -1);
_screen->copyRegion(72, 14, 72, 14, 176, 144, 12, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
_screen->modifyScreenDim(11, xo, yo, dm->w, dm->h);
return (slot < 6) ? _savegameList[_savegameOffset + slot] : Common::String();
bool GUI_EoB::transferFileMenu(Common::String &targetName, Common::String &selection) {
updateSaveSlotsList(targetName, true);
_saveSlotsListUpdateNeeded = true;
if (!_savegameListSize)
return false;
const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(11);
int xo = dm->sx;
int yo = dm->sy;
_screen->modifyScreenDim(11, dm->sx + 9, dm->sy + 14, dm->w, dm->h);
int slot = 0;
do {
slot = selectSaveSlotDialogue(72, 14, 4);
if (slot == 6)
if (_saveSlotIdTemp[slot] == -1)
messageDialogue(11, 65, 6);
else {
_screen->modifyScreenDim(11, xo, yo, dm->w, dm->h);
selection = _vm->getSavegameFilename(targetName, _saveSlotIdTemp[slot]);
return true;
} while (_saveSlotIdTemp[slot] == -1);
_screen->modifyScreenDim(11, xo, yo, dm->w, dm->h);
return true;
void GUI_EoB::createScreenThumbnail(Graphics::Surface &dst) {
uint8 *screenPal = new uint8[768];
_screen->getRealPalette(0, screenPal);
uint16 width = Screen::SCREEN_W;
uint16 height = Screen::SCREEN_H;
if (_vm->gameFlags().useHiRes) {
width <<= 1;
height <<= 1;
::createThumbnail(&dst, _screen->getCPagePtr(7), width, height, screenPal);
delete[] screenPal;
void GUI_EoB::simpleMenu_initMenuItemsMask(int menuId, int maxItem, int32 menuItemsMask, int itemOffset) {
if (menuItemsMask == -1) {
_menuNumItems = _screen->getScreenDim(19 + menuId)->h;
_menuCur = _screen->getScreenDim(19 + menuId)->unk8;
_menuNumItems = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < maxItem; i++) {
if (menuItemsMask & (1 << (i + itemOffset)))
_menuCur = 0;
bool GUI_EoB::runSaveMenu(int x, int y) {
const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(11);
int xo = dm->sx;
int yo = dm->sy;
bool result = false;
_screen->modifyScreenDim(11, dm->sx + (x >> 3), dm->sy + y, dm->w, dm->h);
for (bool runLoop = true; runLoop && !_vm->shouldQuit();) {
int slot = selectSaveSlotDialogue(x, y, 0);
if (slot > 5) {
runLoop = result = false;
} else if (slot >= 0) {
bool useSlot = (_saveSlotIdTemp[slot] == -1);
if (useSlot)
_saveSlotStringsTemp[slot][0] = 0;
useSlot = confirmDialogue2(11, 55, 1);
if (!useSlot)
int fx = (x + 1) << 3;
int fy = y + slot * 17 + 23;
for (int in = -1; in == -1 && !_vm->shouldQuit();) {
_screen->fillRect(fx - 2, fy, fx + 160, fy + 8, _vm->guiSettings()->colors.fill);
in = getTextInput(_saveSlotStringsTemp[slot], x + 1, fy, 19, 2, 0, 8);
if (in == -1) {
useSlot = false;
if (!strlen(_saveSlotStringsTemp[slot])) {
messageDialogue(11, 54, 6);
in = -1;
if (!useSlot) {
_screen->fillRect(fx - 2, fy, fx + 160, fy + 8, _vm->guiSettings()->colors.fill);
_screen->printShadedText(_saveSlotStringsTemp[slot], (x + 1) << 3, fy, 15, 0);
Graphics::Surface thumb;
Common::Error err = _vm->saveGameStateIntern(_savegameOffset + slot, _saveSlotStringsTemp[slot], &thumb);;
if (err.getCode() == Common::kNoError)
result = true;
messageDialogue(11, 15, 6);
runLoop = false;
_screen->modifyScreenDim(11, xo, yo, dm->w, dm->h);
return result;
int GUI_EoB::selectSaveSlotDialogue(int x, int y, int id) {
_saveSlotX = _saveSlotY = 0;
int col1 = (_vm->_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) ? 1 : 15;
_savegameOffset = 0;
drawMenuButtonBox(0, 0, 176, 144, false, false);
const char *title = (id < 2) ? _vm->_saveLoadStrings[2 + id] : _vm->_transferStringsScummVM[id - 1];
_screen->printShadedText(title, 52, 5, col1, 0);
_screen->copyRegion(0, 0, x, y, 176, 144, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
_saveSlotX = x;
_saveSlotY = y;
int lastHighlight = -1;
int lastOffset = -1;
int newHighlight = 0;
int slot = -1;
for (bool runLoop = true; runLoop && !_vm->shouldQuit();) {
int inputFlag = _vm->checkInput(0, false, 0) & 0x8ff;
if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_SPACE] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_RETURN]) {
runLoop = false;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE]) {
newHighlight = 6;
runLoop = false;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_DOWN] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP2]) {
if (++newHighlight > 5) {
newHighlight = 5;
if (++_savegameOffset > 984)
_savegameOffset = 984;
lastOffset = -1;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_UP] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP8]) {
if (--newHighlight < 0) {
newHighlight = 0;
if (--_savegameOffset < 0)
_savegameOffset = 0;
lastOffset = -1;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_PAGEDOWN] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP1]) {
_savegameOffset += 6;
if (_savegameOffset > 984)
_savegameOffset = 984;
lastOffset = -1;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_PAGEUP] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP7]) {
_savegameOffset -= 6;
if (_savegameOffset < 0)
_savegameOffset = 0;
lastOffset = -1;
} else if (inputFlag == 205) {
if (++_savegameOffset > 984)
_savegameOffset = 984;
lastOffset = -1;
} else if (inputFlag == 203) {
if (--_savegameOffset < 0)
_savegameOffset = 0;
lastOffset = -1;
} else {
slot = getHighlightSlot();
if (slot != -1) {
newHighlight = slot;
if (inputFlag == 199)
runLoop = false;
if (lastOffset != _savegameOffset) {
lastHighlight = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
drawSaveSlotButton(i, 1, col1);
lastOffset = _savegameOffset;
if (lastHighlight != newHighlight) {
drawSaveSlotButton(lastHighlight, 0, col1);
drawSaveSlotButton(newHighlight, 0, 6);
// Display highlighted slot index in the bottom left corner to avoid people getting lost with the 990 save slots
int sli = (newHighlight == 6) ? _savegameOffset : (_savegameOffset + newHighlight);
_screen->printText(Common::String::format("%03d/989", sli).c_str(), _saveSlotX + 5, _saveSlotY + 135, _vm->guiSettings()->colors.frame2, _vm->guiSettings()->colors.fill);
lastHighlight = newHighlight;
drawSaveSlotButton(newHighlight, 2, 6);
drawSaveSlotButton(newHighlight, 1, 6);
return newHighlight;
void GUI_EoB::runMemorizePrayMenu(int charIndex, int spellType) {
if (charIndex == -1)
uint8 np[8];
memset(np, 0, sizeof(np));
uint32 avltyFlags = 0;
int li = 0;
int lv = 0;
EoBCharacter *c = &_vm->_characters[charIndex];
int8 wm = c->wisdomCur - 12;
if (wm < 0)
wm = 0;
if (spellType) {
li = _vm->getCharacterLevelIndex(2, c->cClass);
if (li == -1) {
li = _vm->getCharacterLevelIndex(4, c->cClass);
if (li != -1) {
lv = c->level[li] - 1;
if (lv < 0)
lv = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _numPages; i++)
np[i] = _vm->_numSpellsPal[lv * _numPages + i];
avltyFlags = _paladinSpellAvltyFlags;
} else {
lv = c->level[li] - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < _numPages; i++) {
np[i] = _vm->_numSpellsCleric[lv * _numPages + i];
if (np[i])
np[i] += _vm->_numSpellsWisAdj[wm * _numPages + i];
avltyFlags = _clericSpellAvltyFlags;
} else {
li = _vm->getCharacterLevelIndex(1, c->cClass);
if (li == -1) {
if (_vm->checkInventoryForRings(charIndex, 1)) {
np[3] <<= 1;
np[4] <<= 1;
} else {
lv = c->level[li] - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < _numPages; i++)
np[i] = _vm->_numSpellsMage[lv * _numPages + i];
avltyFlags = c->mageSpellsAvailableFlags;
int8 *menuSpellMap = new int8[88];
memset(menuSpellMap, 0, 88);
int8 *numAssignedSpellsPerBookPage = new int8[8];
memset(numAssignedSpellsPerBookPage, 0, 8);
memset(_numAssignedSpellsOfType, 0, 72);
int8 *lh = new int8[40];
memset(lh, 0, 40);
memcpy(lh, spellType ? _vm->_spellLevelsCleric : _vm->_spellLevelsMage, spellType ? _vm->_spellLevelsClericSize : _vm->_spellLevelsMageSize);
int8 *charSpellList = spellType ? c->clericSpells : c->mageSpells;
for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
int8 s = charSpellList[i];
if (s == 0 || (_vm->game() == GI_EOB2 && s == 29))
if (s < 0)
s = -s;
_numAssignedSpellsOfType[s * 2 - 1]++;
_numAssignedSpellsOfType[s * 2]++;
numAssignedSpellsPerBookPage[lh[s] - 1]++;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (!(avltyFlags & (1 << i)))
int d = lh[i] - 1;
if (d < 0)
if (!spellType || (spellType && np[d])) {
menuSpellMap[d * 11]++;
menuSpellMap[d * 11 + menuSpellMap[d * 11]] = i + 1;
Button *buttonList = initMenu(4);
int lastHighLightText = -1;
int lastHighLightButton = -1;
int newHighLightButton = 0;
int newHighLightText = 0;
bool updateDesc = true;
bool updateList = true;
for (bool runLoop = true; runLoop && !_vm->shouldQuit();) {
if (newHighLightButton < 0)
newHighLightButton = 7;
if (newHighLightButton > 7)
newHighLightButton = 0;
Button *b = 0;
if (lastHighLightButton != newHighLightButton) {
if (lastHighLightButton >= 0)
drawMenuButton(_vm->gui_getButton(buttonList, lastHighLightButton + 26), false, false, true);
drawMenuButton(_vm->gui_getButton(buttonList, newHighLightButton + 26), false, true, true);
newHighLightText = 0;
lastHighLightText = -1;
lastHighLightButton = newHighLightButton;
updateDesc = updateList = true;
if (updateList) {
updateList = false;
for (int ii = 1; ii < 9; ii++)
memorizePrayMenuPrintString(menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11 + ii], ii - 1, spellType, false, false);
_screen->copyRegion(0, 50, 0, 50, 176, 72, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
lastHighLightText = -1;
if (updateDesc) {
updateDesc = false;
_screen->printShadedText(Common::String::format(_vm->_menuStringsMgc[1], np[lastHighLightButton] - numAssignedSpellsPerBookPage[lastHighLightButton], np[lastHighLightButton]).c_str(), 8, 38, 9, _vm->guiSettings()->colors.fill);
if (newHighLightText < 0)
newHighLightText = menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11] - 1;
if (menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11] <= newHighLightText)
newHighLightText = 0;
if (newHighLightText != lastHighLightText) {
memorizePrayMenuPrintString(menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11 + lastHighLightText + 1], lastHighLightText, spellType, true, false);
memorizePrayMenuPrintString(menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11 + newHighLightText + 1], newHighLightText, spellType, true, true);
lastHighLightText = newHighLightText;
int inputFlag = _vm->checkInput(buttonList, false, 0) & 0x80ff;
if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP6] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_RIGHT]) {
inputFlag = 0x801a + ((lastHighLightButton + 1) % _numVisPages);
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP4] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_LEFT]) {
inputFlag = lastHighLightButton ? 0x8019 + lastHighLightButton : 0x8019 + _numVisPages;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE]) {
inputFlag = 0x8018;
} else {
Common::Point p = _vm->getMousePos();
if (_vm->posWithinRect(p.x, p.y, 8, 50, 168, 122)) {
newHighLightText = (p.y - 50) / 9;
if (menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11] - 1 < newHighLightText)
newHighLightText = menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11] - 1;
if (inputFlag & 0x8000) {
b = _vm->gui_getButton(buttonList, inputFlag & 0x7fff);
drawMenuButton(b, true, true, true);
drawMenuButton(b, false, false, true);
if (inputFlag == 0x8019 || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP_PLUS] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_PLUS] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP5] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_SPACE] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_RETURN]) {
if (np[lastHighLightButton] > numAssignedSpellsPerBookPage[lastHighLightButton] && lastHighLightText != -1) {
_numAssignedSpellsOfType[menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11 + lastHighLightText + 1] * 2 - 2]++;
memorizePrayMenuPrintString(menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11 + lastHighLightText + 1], lastHighLightText, spellType, false, true);
updateDesc = true;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP_MINUS] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_MINUS]) {
if (np[lastHighLightButton] && _numAssignedSpellsOfType[menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11 + lastHighLightText + 1] * 2 - 2]) {
_numAssignedSpellsOfType[menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11 + lastHighLightText + 1] * 2 - 2]--;
memorizePrayMenuPrintString(menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11 + lastHighLightText + 1], lastHighLightText, spellType, false, true);
updateDesc = true;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_UP] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP8]) {
newHighLightText = lastHighLightText - 1;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_DOWN] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP2]) {
newHighLightText = lastHighLightText + 1;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_END] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP1]) {
newHighLightText = menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11] - 1;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_HOME] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP7]) {
newHighLightText = 0;
} else if (inputFlag == 0x8017) {
if (numAssignedSpellsPerBookPage[lastHighLightButton]) {
for (int i = 1; i <= menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11]; i++) {
numAssignedSpellsPerBookPage[lastHighLightButton] -= _numAssignedSpellsOfType[menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11 + i] * 2 - 2];
_numAssignedSpellsOfType[menuSpellMap[lastHighLightButton * 11 + i] * 2 - 2] = 0;
updateDesc = updateList = true;
} else if (inputFlag == 0x8018) {
runLoop = false;
} else if (inputFlag & 0x8000) {
newHighLightButton = inputFlag - 0x801a;
if (newHighLightButton == lastHighLightButton)
drawMenuButton(_vm->gui_getButton(buttonList, inputFlag & 0x7fff), false, true, true);
memset(charSpellList, 0, 80);
if (spellType && _vm->game() == GI_EOB2)
charSpellList[0] = 29;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (_numAssignedSpellsOfType[i * 2] < _numAssignedSpellsOfType[i * 2 + 1])
_numAssignedSpellsOfType[i * 2 + 1] = _numAssignedSpellsOfType[i * 2];
if (_numAssignedSpellsOfType[i * 2 + 1]) {
_numAssignedSpellsOfType[i * 2]--;
_numAssignedSpellsOfType[i * 2 + 1]--;
int pg = lh[i] - 1;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++) {
if (!charSpellList[pg * 10 + ii]) {
charSpellList[pg * 10 + ii] = i + 1;
} else if (_numAssignedSpellsOfType[i * 2]) {
_numAssignedSpellsOfType[i * 2]--;
_needRest = true;
int pg = lh[i] - 1;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++) {
if (!charSpellList[pg * 10 + ii]) {
charSpellList[pg * 10 + ii] = -(i + 1);
delete[] menuSpellMap;
delete[] numAssignedSpellsPerBookPage;
delete[] lh;
void GUI_EoB::scribeScrollDialogue() {
int16 *scrollInvSlot = new int16[32];
int16 *scrollCharacter = new int16[32];
int16 *menuItems = new int16[6];
int numScrolls = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++) {
scrollInvSlot[i] = _vm->checkInventoryForItem(ii, 34, i + 1) + 1;
if (scrollInvSlot[i] > 0) {
scrollCharacter[i] = ii;
if (numScrolls) {
int csel = selectCharacterDialogue(49);
if (csel != -1) {
EoBCharacter *c = &_vm->_characters[csel];
int s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32 && s < 6; i++) {
if (!scrollInvSlot[i])
if (c->mageSpellsAvailableFlags & (1 << i))
scrollInvSlot[i] = 0;
menuItems[s++] = i + 1;
if (s) {
Button *buttonList = 0;
bool redraw = true;
int lastHighLight = -1;
int newHighLight = 0;
while (s && !_vm->shouldQuit()) {
if (redraw) {
s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32 && s < 6; i++) {
if (!scrollInvSlot[i])
menuItems[s++] = i + 1;
if (!s)
buttonList = initMenu(6);
for (int i = 0; i < s; i++)
_screen->printShadedText(_vm->_mageSpellList[menuItems[i]], 8, 9 * i + 50, 15, 0);
redraw = false;
lastHighLight = -1;
newHighLight = 0;
if (lastHighLight != newHighLight) {
if (lastHighLight >= 0)
_screen->printText(_vm->_mageSpellList[menuItems[lastHighLight]], 8, 9 * lastHighLight + 50, 15, 0);
lastHighLight = newHighLight;
_screen->printText(_vm->_mageSpellList[menuItems[lastHighLight]], 8, 9 * lastHighLight + 50, 6, 0);
int inputFlag = _vm->checkInput(buttonList, false, 0);
if (inputFlag == 0) {
Common::Point p = _vm->getMousePos();
if (_vm->posWithinRect(p.x, p.y, 8, 50, 176, s * 9 + 49))
newHighLight = (p.y - 50) / 9;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP2] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_DOWN]) {
newHighLight = (newHighLight + 1) % s;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP8] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_UP]) {
newHighLight = (newHighLight + s - 1) % s;
} else if (inputFlag == 0x8023 || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE]) {
s = 0;
} else if (inputFlag == 0x8024) {
newHighLight = (_vm->_mouseY - 50) / 9;
if (newHighLight >= 0 && newHighLight < s) {
inputFlag = _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_SPACE];
} else {
inputFlag = 0;
newHighLight = lastHighLight;
if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_SPACE] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_RETURN] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP5]) {
int t = menuItems[newHighLight] - 1;
Item scItem = _vm->_characters[scrollCharacter[t]].inventory[scrollInvSlot[t] - 1];
c->mageSpellsAvailableFlags |= (1 << t);
_vm->_characters[scrollCharacter[t]].inventory[scrollInvSlot[t] - 1] = 0;
scrollInvSlot[t] = 0;
_vm->_items[scItem].block = -1;
redraw = true;
} else {
} else {
delete[] menuItems;
delete[] scrollCharacter;
delete[] scrollInvSlot;
bool GUI_EoB::restParty() {
static const int8 eob1healSpells[] = { 2, 15, 20, 24 };
static const int8 eob2healSpells[] = { 3, 16, 20, 28 };
const int8 *spells = _vm->game() == GI_EOB1 ? eob1healSpells : eob2healSpells;
uint8 crs[6];
memset(crs, 0, 6);
int hours = 0;
if (_vm->_inf->preventRest()) {
return true;
if (_vm->restParty_updateMonsters())
return true;
if (_vm->restParty_extraAbortCondition())
return true;
drawMenuButtonBox(_screen->_curDim->sx << 3, _screen->_curDim->sy, _screen->_curDim->w << 3, _screen->_curDim->h, false, false);
int nonPoisoned = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (!_vm->testCharacter(i, 1))
nonPoisoned |= _vm->testCharacter(i, 0x10);
if (!nonPoisoned) {
if (!confirmDialogue(59))
return false;
int8 *list = 0;
bool useHealers = false;
bool res = false;
bool restLoop = true;
bool restContinue = false;
int injured = _vm->restParty_getCharacterWithLowestHp();
if (injured > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (!_vm->testCharacter(i, 13))
if (_vm->getCharacterLevelIndex(2, _vm->_characters[i].cClass) == -1 && _vm->getCharacterLevelIndex(4, _vm->_characters[i].cClass) == -1)
if (_vm->checkInventoryForItem(i, 30, -1) == -1)
if (_vm->restParty_checkHealSpells(i)) {
useHealers = confirmDialogue(40);
restParty_updateRestTime(hours, true);
for (int l = 0; !res && restLoop && !_vm->shouldQuit();) {
// Regenerate spells
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (!_vm->_characters[i].food)
if (!_vm->testCharacter(i, 5))
if (_vm->checkInventoryForItem(i, 30, -1) != -1) {
list = _vm->_characters[i].clericSpells;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 80; ii++) {
if ((ii / 10 + 48) >= crs[i])
if (*list >= 0) {
*list *= -1;
crs[i] = 48;
_vm->_txt->printMessage(Common::String::format(_vm->_menuStringsRest2[0], _vm->_characters[i].name, _vm->_spells[_vm->_clericSpellOffset + *list].name).c_str());
if (_vm->checkInventoryForItem(i, 29, -1) != -1) {
list = _vm->_characters[i].mageSpells;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 80; ii++) {
if ((ii / 6 + 48) >= crs[i])
if (*list >= 0) {
*list *= -1;
crs[i] = 48;
_vm->_txt->printMessage(Common::String::format(_vm->_menuStringsRest2[1], _vm->_characters[i].name, _vm->_spells[*list].name).c_str());
// Heal party members
if (useHealers) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6 && injured; i++) {
if (_vm->getCharacterLevelIndex(2, _vm->_characters[i].cClass) == -1 && _vm->getCharacterLevelIndex(4, _vm->_characters[i].cClass) == -1)
if (_vm->checkInventoryForItem(i, 30, -1) == -1)
list = 0;
if (crs[i] >= 48) {
for (int ii = 0; !list && ii < 3; ii++)
list = (int8 *)memchr(_vm->_characters[i].clericSpells, -spells[ii], 80);
if (list)
list = _vm->_characters[i].clericSpells;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 80 && injured; ii++) {
int healHp = 0;
if (*list == spells[0])
healHp = _vm->rollDice(1, 8, 0);
else if (*list == spells[1])
healHp = _vm->rollDice(2, 8, 1);
else if (*list == spells[2])
healHp = _vm->rollDice(3, 8, 3);
if (!healHp) {
*list *= -1;
crs[i] = 0;
_vm->_txt->printMessage(Common::String::format(_vm->_menuStringsRest2[2], _vm->_characters[i].name, _vm->_characters[injured].name).c_str());
_vm->_characters[injured].hitPointsCur += healHp;
if (_vm->_characters[injured].hitPointsCur > _vm->_characters[injured].hitPointsMax)
_vm->_characters[injured].hitPointsCur = _vm->_characters[injured].hitPointsMax;
if (l == 6) {
l = 0;
restParty_updateRestTime(++hours, false);
_vm->_restPartyElapsedTime += (32760 * _vm->_tickLength);
// Update poisoning
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (!_vm->testCharacter(i, 1))
if (_vm->testCharacter(i, 16))
_vm->inflictCharacterDamage(i, 10);
if (!(hours % 8)) {
bool starving = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
// Add Lay On Hands spell
if (_vm->_characters[i].cClass == 2) {
list = (int8 *)memchr(_vm->_characters[i].clericSpells, spells[3], 10);
if (list) {
*list = spells[3];
} else {
list = (int8 *)memchr(_vm->_characters[i].clericSpells, -spells[3], 10);
if (list) {
*list = spells[3];
} else if (!memchr(_vm->_characters[i].clericSpells, spells[3], 10)) {
list = (int8 *)memchr(_vm->_characters[i].clericSpells, 0, 10);
*list = spells[3];
if (!_vm->testCharacter(i, 3))
// Update hitpoints and food status
if (_vm->_characters[i].food) {
if (_vm->_characters[i].hitPointsCur < _vm->_characters[i].hitPointsMax) {
if (!_vm->checkInventoryForRings(i, 2)) {
if (_vm->_characters[i].food <= 5) {
_vm->_characters[i].food = 0;
starving = true;
} else {
_vm->_characters[i].food -= 5;
} else {
if ((hours % 24) || (_vm->_characters[i].hitPointsCur <= -10))
_vm->inflictCharacterDamage(i, 1);
starving = true;
if (starving) {
if (!confirmDialogue(47)) {
restContinue = false;
restLoop = false;
restParty_updateRestTime(hours, true);
injured = restLoop ? _vm->restParty_getCharacterWithLowestHp() : 0;
if (!_vm->restParty_checkSpellsToLearn() && restLoop && !restContinue && injured) {
restContinue = confirmDialogue(41);
restParty_updateRestTime(hours, true);
if (!restContinue)
restLoop = false;
int in = _vm->checkInput(0, false, 0);
if (in)
restLoop = false;
if (restLoop) {
res = _vm->restParty_updateMonsters();
if (!res)
res = _vm->checkPartyStatus(false);
if (!_vm->restParty_checkSpellsToLearn()) {
if (!restContinue) {
if (!useHealers)
restLoop = false;
if (!injured)
restLoop = false;
if (!res) {
if (!injured)
if (hours > 4)
return res;
bool GUI_EoB::confirmDialogue(int id) {
int od = _screen->curDimIndex();
Screen::FontId of = _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_8_FNT);
Button *buttonList = initMenu(5);
_screen->printShadedText(getMenuString(id), (_screen->_curDim->sx + 1) << 3, _screen->_curDim->sy + 4, 15, 0);
int newHighlight = 0;
int lastHighlight = -1;
bool result = false;
for (bool runLoop = true; runLoop && !_vm->shouldQuit();) {
if (newHighlight != lastHighlight) {
if (lastHighlight != -1)
drawMenuButton(_vm->gui_getButton(buttonList, lastHighlight + 33), false, false, true);
drawMenuButton(_vm->gui_getButton(buttonList, newHighlight + 33), false, true, true);
lastHighlight = newHighlight;
int inputFlag = _vm->checkInput(buttonList, false, 0) & 0x80ff;
if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP5] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_SPACE] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_RETURN]) {
result = lastHighlight == 0;
inputFlag = 0x8021 + lastHighlight;
runLoop = false;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP4] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_LEFT] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP6] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_RIGHT]) {
newHighlight ^= 1;
} else if (inputFlag == 0x8021) {
result = true;
runLoop = false;
} else if (inputFlag == 0x8022) {
result = false;
runLoop = false;
} else {
Common::Point p = _vm->getMousePos();
for (Button *b = buttonList; b; b = b->nextButton) {
if ((b->arg & 2) && _vm->posWithinRect(p.x, p.y, b->x, b->y, b->x + b->width, b->y + b->height))
newHighlight = b->index - 33;
if (!runLoop) {
Button *b = _vm->gui_getButton(buttonList, lastHighlight + 33);
drawMenuButton(b, true, true, true);
drawMenuButton(b, false, true, true);
return result;
int GUI_EoB::selectCharacterDialogue(int id) {
uint8 flags = (id == 26) ? (_vm->game() == GI_EOB1 ? 0x04 : 0x14) : 0x02;
_charSelectRedraw = false;
bool starvedUnconscious = false;
int count = 0;
int result = -1;
int found[6];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
found[i] = -1;
if (!_vm->testCharacter(i, 1))
if (!(_vm->_classModifierFlags[_vm->_characters[i].cClass] & flags) && (id != 53))
if (id != 53 && (!_vm->_characters[i].food || !_vm->testCharacter(i, 4))) {
starvedUnconscious = true;
} else {
found[i] = 0;
result = i;
if (!count) {
int eid = 0;
if (id == 23)
eid = (starvedUnconscious || _vm->game() == GI_EOB1) ? 28 : 72;
else if (id == 26)
eid = (starvedUnconscious || _vm->game() == GI_EOB1) ? 27 : 73;
else if (id == 49)
eid = 52;
return -1;
static const uint16 selX[] = { 184, 256, 184, 256, 184, 256 };
static const uint8 selY[] = { 2, 2, 54, 54, 106, 106};
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (found[i] != -1 || !_vm->testCharacter(i, 1))
_screen->drawShape(0, _vm->_blackBoxSmallGrid, selX[i], selY[i], 0);
_screen->drawShape(0, _vm->_blackBoxSmallGrid, selX[i] + 16, selY[i], 0);
_screen->drawShape(0, _vm->_blackBoxSmallGrid, selX[i] + 32, selY[i], 0);
_screen->drawShape(0, _vm->_blackBoxSmallGrid, selX[i] + 48, selY[i], 0);
_charSelectRedraw = true;
if (count == 1) {
int l = _vm->getCharacterLevelIndex(4, _vm->_characters[result].cClass);
if (l == -1)
return result;
if (_vm->_characters[result].level[l] > 8)
return result;
return -1;
_vm->_menuDefs[3].titleStrId = id;
Button *buttonList = initMenu(3);
result = -2;
int hlCur = -1;
Screen::FontId of = _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_6_FNT);
while (result == -2 && !_vm->shouldQuit()) {
int inputFlag = _vm->checkInput(buttonList, false, 0);
if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP4] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_LEFT] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP8] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_UP] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_a] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_w]) {
if (hlCur < 0)
hlCur = 5;
while (found[hlCur]) {
if (--hlCur < 0)
hlCur = 5;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP6] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_RIGHT] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP2] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_DOWN] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_z] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_s]) {
if (hlCur == 6)
hlCur = 0;
while (found[hlCur]) {
if (++hlCur == 6)
hlCur = 0;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_KP5] || inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_RETURN]) {
if (hlCur >= 0)
result = hlCur;
} else if (inputFlag == _vm->_keyMap[Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE] || inputFlag == 0x8010) {
drawMenuButton(buttonList, true, true, true);
drawMenuButton(buttonList, false, false, true);
result = -1;
} else if (inputFlag > 0x8010 && inputFlag < 0x8017) {
result = inputFlag - 0x8011;
if (found[result])
result = -2;
if (hlCur >= 0)
if (result != -1 && id != 53) {
if (flags & 4) {
int lv = _vm->getCharacterLevelIndex(4, _vm->_characters[result].cClass);
if (lv != -1) {
if (_vm->_characters[result].level[lv] < 9) {
result = -1;
} else {
if (_vm->checkInventoryForItem(result, 29, -1) == -1) {
result = -1;
return result;
void GUI_EoB::displayTextBox(int id) {
int op = _screen->setCurPage(2);
int od = _screen->curDimIndex();
Screen::FontId of = _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_8_FNT);
const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(11);
drawMenuButtonBox(dm->sx << 3, dm->sy, dm->w << 3, dm->h, false, false);
_screen->printShadedText(getMenuString(id), (dm->sx << 3) + 5, dm->sy + 5, 15, 0);
_screen->copyRegion(dm->sx << 3, dm->sy, dm->sx << 3, dm->sy, dm->w << 3, dm->h, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
for (uint32 timeOut = _vm->_system->getMillis() + 1440; _vm->_system->getMillis() < timeOut && !_vm->shouldQuit();) {
int in = _vm->checkInput(0, false, 0);
if (in && !(in & 0x800))
Button *GUI_EoB::initMenu(int id) {
EoBMenuDef *m = &_vm->_menuDefs[id];
if (m->dim) {
const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(m->dim);
_screen->fillRect(dm->sx << 3, dm->sy, ((dm->sx + dm->w) << 3) - 1, (dm->sy + dm->h) - 1, _vm->guiSettings()->colors.fill);
drawMenuButtonBox(dm->sx << 3, dm->sy, dm->w << 3, dm->h, false, false);
_screen->printShadedText(getMenuString(m->titleStrId), 5, 5, m->titleCol, 0);
Button *buttons = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m->numButtons; i++) {
const EoBMenuButtonDef *df = &_vm->_menuButtonDefs[m->firstButtonStrId + i];
Button *b = new Button;
b->index = m->firstButtonStrId + i + 1;
if (id == 4 && _vm->game() == GI_EOB1)
b->index -= 14;
b->data0Val2 = 12;
b->data1Val2 = b->data2Val2 = 15;
b->data3Val2 = 8;
b->flags = 0x1100;
b->keyCode = df->keyCode;
b->keyCode2 = df->keyCode | 0x100;
b->x = df->x;
b->y = df->y;
b->width = df->width;
b->height = df->height;
b->extButtonDef = df;
b->arg = df->flags;
drawMenuButton(b, false, false, false);
buttons = linkButton(buttons, b);
_screen->copyRegion(_screen->_curDim->sx << 3, _screen->_curDim->sy, _screen->_curDim->sx << 3, _screen->_curDim->sy, _screen->_curDim->w << 3, _screen->_curDim->h, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
return buttons;
void GUI_EoB::drawMenuButton(Button *b, bool clicked, bool highlight, bool noFill) {
if (!b)
const EoBMenuButtonDef *d = (const EoBMenuButtonDef *)b->extButtonDef;
if (d->flags & 1)
drawMenuButtonBox(b->x, b->y, b->width, b->height, clicked, noFill);
if (d->labelId) {
const char *s = getMenuString(d->labelId);
int xOffs = 4;
int yOffs = 3;
if (d->flags & 4) {
xOffs = ((b->width - (strlen(s) << 3)) >> 1) + 1;
yOffs = (b->height - 7) >> 1;
int col1 = (_vm->_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) ? 1 : 15;
if (noFill || clicked)
_screen->printText(s, b->x + xOffs, b->y + yOffs, highlight ? 6 : col1, 0);
_screen->printShadedText(s, b->x + xOffs, b->y + yOffs, highlight ? 6 : col1, 0);
void GUI_EoB::drawMenuButtonBox(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool clicked, bool noFill) {
uint8 col1 = _vm->guiSettings()->colors.frame1;
uint8 col2 = _vm->guiSettings()->colors.frame2;
if (clicked)
col1 = col2 = _vm->guiSettings()->colors.fill;
_vm->gui_drawBox(x, y, w, h, col1, col2, -1);
_vm->gui_drawBox(x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, h - 2, _vm->guiSettings()->colors.frame1, _vm->guiSettings()->colors.frame2, noFill ? -1 : _vm->guiSettings()->colors.fill);
void GUI_EoB::drawTextBox(int dim, int id) {
int od = _screen->curDimIndex();
const ScreenDim *dm = _screen->getScreenDim(dim);
Screen::FontId of = _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_8_FNT);
if (dm->w <= 22 && dm->h <= 84)
_screen->copyRegion(dm->sx << 3, dm->sy, 0, dm->h, dm->w << 3, dm->h, 0, 2, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
drawMenuButtonBox(0, 0, dm->w << 3, dm->h, false, false);
_screen->printShadedText(getMenuString(id), 5, 5, 15, 0);
_screen->copyRegion(0, 0, dm->sx << 3, dm->sy, dm->w << 3, dm->h, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
void GUI_EoB::drawSaveSlotButton(int slot, int redrawBox, int textCol) {
if (slot < 0)
int x = _saveSlotX + 4;
int y = _saveSlotY + slot * 17 + 20;
int w = 167;
const char *s = (slot < 6) ? _saveSlotStringsTemp[slot] : _vm->_saveLoadStrings[0];
if (slot >= 6) {
x = _saveSlotX + 118;
y = _saveSlotY + 126;
w = 53;
if (redrawBox)
drawMenuButtonBox(x, y, w, 14, (redrawBox - 1) ? true : false, false);
_screen->printShadedText(s, x + 4, y + 3, textCol, 0);
void GUI_EoB::memorizePrayMenuPrintString(int spellId, int bookPageIndex, int spellType, bool noFill, bool highLight) {
if (bookPageIndex < 0)
int y = bookPageIndex * 9 + 50;
int col1 = (_vm->_configRenderMode == Common::kRenderCGA) ? 1 : 15;
if (spellId) {
Common::String s(Common::String::format(_vm->_menuStringsMgc[0], spellType ? _vm->_clericSpellList[spellId] : _vm->_mageSpellList[spellId], _numAssignedSpellsOfType[spellId * 2 - 2]));
if (noFill)
_screen->printText(s.c_str(), 8, y, highLight ? 6 : col1, 0);
_screen->printShadedText(s.c_str(), 8, y, highLight ? 6 : col1, _vm->guiSettings()->colors.fill);
} else {
_screen->fillRect(6, y, 168, y + 8, _vm->guiSettings()->colors.fill);
void GUI_EoB::updateOptionsStrings() {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
delete[] _menuStringsPrefsTemp[i];
_menuStringsPrefsTemp[i] = new char[strlen(_vm->_menuStringsPrefs[i]) + 8];
Common::strlcpy(_menuStringsPrefsTemp[0], Common::String::format(_vm->_menuStringsPrefs[0], _vm->_menuStringsOnOff[_vm->_configMusic ? 0 : 1]).c_str(), strlen(_vm->_menuStringsPrefs[0]) + 8);
Common::strlcpy(_menuStringsPrefsTemp[1], Common::String::format(_vm->_menuStringsPrefs[1], _vm->_menuStringsOnOff[_vm->_configSounds ? 0 : 1]).c_str(), strlen(_vm->_menuStringsPrefs[1]) + 8);
Common::strlcpy(_menuStringsPrefsTemp[2], Common::String::format(_vm->_menuStringsPrefs[2], _vm->_menuStringsOnOff[_vm->_configHpBarGraphs ? 0 : 1]).c_str(), strlen(_vm->_menuStringsPrefs[2]) + 8);
Common::strlcpy(_menuStringsPrefsTemp[3], Common::String::format(_vm->_menuStringsPrefs[3], _vm->_menuStringsOnOff[_vm->_configMouse ? 0 : 1]).c_str(), strlen(_vm->_menuStringsPrefs[3]) + 8);
const char *GUI_EoB::getMenuString(int id) {
static const char empty[] = "";
if (id >= 69)
return _vm->_menuStringsTransfer[id - 69];
else if (id == 68)
return _vm->_transferStringsScummVM[0];
else if (id == 67)
return _vm->_menuStringsDefeat[0];
else if (id == 66)
return _vm->_errorSlotEmptyString;
else if (id == 65)
return _vm->_errorSlotEmptyString;
else if (id >= 63)
return _vm->_menuStringsSpec[id - 63];
else if (id >= 60)
return _vm->_menuStringsSpellNo[id - 60];
else if (id == 59)
return _vm->_menuStringsPoison[0];
else if (id >= 56)
return _vm->_menuStringsHead[id - 56];
else if (id == 55)
return _vm->_menuStringsDrop2[_vm->game() == GI_EOB1 ? 1 : 2];
else if (id == 54)
return _vm->_errorSlotNoNameString;
else if (id == 53)
return _vm->_menuStringsDrop2[0];
else if (id >= 48)
return _vm->_menuStringsScribe[id - 48];
else if (id == 47)
return _vm->_menuStringsStarve[0];
else if (id == 46)
return _vm->_menuStringsExit[0];
else if (id == 45)
return _vm->_menuStringsDrop[0];
else if (id >= 40)
return _vm->_menuStringsRest[id - 40];
else if (id >= 23)
return _vm->_menuStringsSpells[id - 23];
else if (id >= 21)
return _vm->_menuStringsOnOff[id - 21];
else if (id >= 17)
return _menuStringsPrefsTemp[id - 17];
else if (id >= 9)
return _vm->_menuStringsSaveLoad[id - 9];
else if (id >= 1)
return _vm->_menuStringsMain[id - 1];
else if (id < 0)
return _vm->_transferStringsScummVM[-id];
return empty;
Button *GUI_EoB::linkButton(Button *list, Button *newbt) {
if (!list) {
list = newbt;
return list;
if (!newbt)
return list;
Button *resList = list;
while (list->nextButton)
list = list->nextButton;
list->nextButton = newbt;
newbt->nextButton = 0;
return resList;
void GUI_EoB::releaseButtons(Button *list) {
while (list) {
Button *n = list->nextButton;
delete list;
list = n;
void GUI_EoB::setupSaveMenuSlots() {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
if (_savegameOffset + i < _savegameListSize) {
if (_savegameList[i + _savegameOffset]) {
Common::strlcpy(_saveSlotStringsTemp[i], _savegameList[i + _savegameOffset], 20);
_saveSlotIdTemp[i] = i + _savegameOffset;
Common::strlcpy(_saveSlotStringsTemp[i], _vm->_saveLoadStrings[1], 20);
_saveSlotIdTemp[i] = -1;
int GUI_EoB::getHighlightSlot() {
int res = -1;
Common::Point p = _vm->getMousePos();
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
int y = _saveSlotY + i * 17 + 20;
if (_vm->posWithinRect(p.x, p.y, _saveSlotX + 4, y, _saveSlotX + 167, y + 14)) {
res = i;
if (_vm->posWithinRect(p.x, p.y, _saveSlotX + 118, _saveSlotY + 126, _saveSlotX + 171, _saveSlotY + 140))
res = 6;
return res;
void GUI_EoB::sortSaveSlots() {
Common::sort(_saveSlots.begin(), _saveSlots.end(), Common::Less<int>());
void GUI_EoB::restParty_updateRestTime(int hours, bool init) {
Screen::FontId of = _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_8_FNT);
int od = _screen->curDimIndex();
if (init) {
drawMenuButtonBox(_screen->_curDim->sx << 3, _screen->_curDim->sy, _screen->_curDim->w << 3, _screen->_curDim->h, false, false);
_screen->copyRegion(_screen->_curDim->sx << 3, _screen->_curDim->sy, _screen->_curDim->sx << 3, _screen->_curDim->sy, _screen->_curDim->w << 3, _screen->_curDim->h, 0, 2, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
_screen->printShadedText(getMenuString(42), (_screen->_curDim->sx + 1) << 3, _screen->_curDim->sy + 5, 9, 0);
_screen->printShadedText(Common::String::format(_vm->_menuStringsRest2[3], hours).c_str(), (_screen->_curDim->sx + 1) << 3, _screen->_curDim->sy + 20, 15, _vm->guiSettings()->colors.fill);
_screen->copyRegion(((_screen->_curDim->sx + 1) << 3) - 1, _screen->_curDim->sy + 20, ((_screen->_curDim->sx + 1) << 3) - 1, _screen->_curDim->sy + 20, 144, 8, 2, 0, Screen::CR_NO_P_CHECK);
const EoBRect16 GUI_EoB::_highlightFrames[] = {
{ 0x00B7, 0x0001, 0x00F7, 0x0034 },
{ 0x00FF, 0x0001, 0x013F, 0x0034 },
{ 0x00B7, 0x0035, 0x00F7, 0x0068 },
{ 0x00FF, 0x0035, 0x013F, 0x0068 },
{ 0x00B7, 0x0069, 0x00F7, 0x009C },
{ 0x00FF, 0x0069, 0x013F, 0x009C },
{ 0x0010, 0x003F, 0x0030, 0x0060 },
{ 0x0050, 0x003F, 0x0070, 0x0060 },
{ 0x0010, 0x007F, 0x0030, 0x00A0 },
{ 0x0050, 0x007F, 0x0070, 0x00A0 },
{ 0x00B0, 0x0042, 0x00D0, 0x0061 },
{ 0x00D0, 0x0042, 0x00F0, 0x0061 },
{ 0x00F0, 0x0042, 0x0110, 0x0061 },
{ 0x0110, 0x0042, 0x0130, 0x0061 },
{ 0x0004, 0x0018, 0x0024, 0x0039 },
{ 0x00A3, 0x0018, 0x00C3, 0x0039 },
{ 0x0004, 0x0040, 0x0024, 0x0061 },
{ 0x00A3, 0x0040, 0x00C3, 0x0061 },
{ 0x0004, 0x0068, 0x0024, 0x0089 },
{ 0x00A3, 0x0068, 0x00C3, 0x0089 }
const uint8 GUI_EoB::_highlightColorTableVGA[] = { 0x0F, 0xB0, 0xB2, 0xB4, 0xB6, 0xB8, 0xBA, 0xBC, 0x0C, 0xBC, 0xBA, 0xB8, 0xB6, 0xB4, 0xB2, 0xB0, 0x00 };
const uint8 GUI_EoB::_highlightColorTableEGA[] = { 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x0E, 0x0D, 0x00 };
} // End of namespace Kyra
#endif // ENABLE_EOB