mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 08:39:45 +00:00
1991 lines
61 KiB
1991 lines
61 KiB
/* Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Revolution Software Ltd
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* $Header$
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
//#include "src\driver96.h"
#include "anims.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "controls.h" // for 'subtitles' & 'speechSelected'
#include "debug.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "events.h"
#include "function.h"
#include "interpreter.h"
#include "layers.h" // for 'this_screen'
#include "logic.h"
#include "maketext.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "mouse.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "resman.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "speech.h"
#include "sword2.h"
#include "walker.h"
#define INS_talk 1
#define INS_anim 2
#define INS_reverse_anim 3
#define INS_walk 4
#define INS_turn 5
#define INS_face 6
#define INS_trace 7
#define INS_no_sprite 8
#define INS_sort 9
#define INS_foreground 10
#define INS_background 11
#define INS_table_anim 12
#define INS_reverse_table_anim 13
#define INS_walk_to_anim 14
#define INS_set_frame 15
#define INS_stand_after_anim 16
#define INS_quit 42
uint32 speech_time=0; //when not playing a wav we calculate the speech time based upon length of ascii
uint32 speech_text_bloc_no=0;
uint32 anim_id=0;
uint32 speech_anim_type; //0 lip synced and repeating - 1 normal once through
uint32 left_click_delay=0; // click-delay for LEFT mouse button
uint32 right_click_delay=0; // click-delay for RIGHT mouse button
uint32 default_response_id=0; // ref number for default response when luggage icon is used on a person
// & it doesn't match any of the icons which would have been in the chooser
int16 officialTextNumber=0; // "TEXT" - current official text line number - will match the wav filenames
int32 speechScriptWaiting = 0; // usually 0; if non-zero then it's the id of whoever we're waiting for in a speech script
// see FN_they_do, FN_they_do_we_wait & FN_we_wait
int16 text_x, text_y; // calculated by LocateTalker() for use in speech-panning & text-sprite positioning
_subject_unit subject_list[MAX_SUBJECT_LIST];
// local function prototypes
int32 FN_i_speak(int32 *params);
void LocateTalker(int32 *params); // (James 01july97)
void Form_text(int32 *params); //Tony18Oct96
BOOL Is_anim_boxed(uint32 res); //Tony20Oct96
uint8 WantSpeechForLine(uint32 wavId); // James (29july97)
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
void GetCorrectCdForSpeech(int32 wavId); // for testing speech & text
int32 FN_add_subject(int32 *params) // James12nov96 / Tony18Nov96
// param[0] id
// param[1] daves reference number
if (IN_SUBJECT==0) // if this is the start of the new subject list (James 07may97)
default_response_id=0; // set the default repsonse id to zero in case we're never passed one
// - this just means we'd get the response for the 1st icon in the chooser
// which is better than crashing
if (params[0] == -1) // this isn't an icon at all, it's telling us the id of the default response
default_response_id = params[1]; // and here it is - this is the ref number we will return if
// a luggage icon is clicked on someone when it wouldn't have
// been in the chooser list (see FN_choose below)
// Zdebug("FN_add_subject res %d, uid %d", params[0], params[1]);
return(IR_CONT); // continue script
int choosing=0; //could alternately use logic->looping of course
int32 FN_choose(int32 *params) //Tony19Nov96
//no params
//the human is switched off so there will be no normal mouse engine
_mouseEvent *me;
uint32 j,hit;
uint8 *icon;
uint32 pos=0;
// Zdebug("into choose");
AUTO_SELECTED=0; // see below (James23may97)
// new thing to intercept objects held at time of clicking on a person
// (James 06may97)
if (OBJECT_HELD) // if we are using a luggage icon on the person
// scan the subject list to see if this icon would have been available at this time
// if it is there, return the relevant 'ref' number (as if it had been selected from within the conversation)
// if not, just return a special code to get the default text line(s) for unsupported objects
// Note that we won't display the subject icons in this case!
while (pos < IN_SUBJECT) // scan the subject list for a match with our 'object_held'
if (subject_list[pos].res == OBJECT_HELD) // if we've found a match
OBJECT_HELD=0; // clear it so it doesn't keep happening!
IN_SUBJECT=0; // clear the subject list
return(IR_CONT+(subject_list[pos].ref<<3)); // return special subject chosen code (same as in normal chooser routine below)
pos++; // next position
OBJECT_HELD=0; // clear it so it doesn't keep happening!
IN_SUBJECT=0; // clear the subject list
return(IR_CONT+(default_response_id<<3)); // so that the speech script uses the default text for objects that are not accounted for
// new thing for skipping chooser with "nothing else to say" text
// (James 23may97)
// If this is the 1st time the chooser is coming up in this conversation
// AND there's only 1 subject
// AND it's the EXIT icon
if ((CHOOSER_COUNT_FLAG==0) && (IN_SUBJECT==1) && (subject_list[0].res == EXIT_ICON))
AUTO_SELECTED=1; // for speech script
IN_SUBJECT=0; // clear the subject list
return(IR_CONT+(subject_list[0].ref<<3)); // return special subject chosen code (same as in normal chooser routine below)
if (!choosing) //new choose session
// build menus from subject_list
Con_fatal_error("FN_choose with no subjects :-O");
//init top menu from master list
for (j=0;j<15;j++) //all icons are highlighted / full colour
// Zdebug(" ICON res %d for %d", subject_list[j].res, j);
icon = res_man.Res_open( subject_list[j].res ) + sizeof(_standardHeader) + RDMENU_ICONWIDE*RDMENU_ICONDEEP;
SetMenuIcon(RDMENU_BOTTOM, (uint8) j, icon);
res_man.Res_close( subject_list[j].res );
{ SetMenuIcon(RDMENU_BOTTOM, (uint8) j, NULL); //no icon here
//Zdebug(" NULL for %d", j);
// start menus appearing
// lets have the mouse pointer back
return(IR_REPEAT); //again next cycle
else //menu is there - we're just waiting for a click
// Zdebug("choosing");
me = MouseEvent(); //get mouse event
// we only care about left clicks
// we ignore mouse releases
if ((me!=NULL)&&(me->buttons&RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN))
// check for click on a menu
// if so then end the choose, highlight only the chosen, blank the mouse and return the ref code *8
if ((mousey>399)&&(mousex>=24)&&(mousex<640-24))
hit=(mousex-24)/40; //which are we over?
if (hit<IN_SUBJECT) //clicked on something - what button?
// Write to walkthrough file (zebug0.txt)
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
Zdebug(0,"Icons available:");
for (j=0;j<IN_SUBJECT;j++) //change icons
// Write to walkthrough file (zebug0.txt)
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
Zdebug(0,"%s", FetchObjectName(subject_list[j].res));
if (j!=hit) //change all others to grey
icon = res_man.Res_open( subject_list[j].res ) + sizeof(_standardHeader); //now grey
SetMenuIcon(RDMENU_BOTTOM, (uint8) j, icon);
res_man.Res_close( subject_list[j].res );
// Write to walkthrough file (zebug0.txt)
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
Zdebug(0,"Selected: %s", FetchObjectName(subject_list[hit].res));
choosing=0; //this is our looping flag
Set_mouse(0); //blank mouse again
// Zdebug("hit %d - ref %d ref*8 %d", hit, subject_list[hit].ref, subject_list[hit].ref*8);
RESULT=subject_list[hit].res; //for non-speech scripts that manually call the chooser
return(IR_CONT+(subject_list[hit].ref<<3)); //return special subject chosen code
// Zdebug("end choose");
return(IR_REPEAT); //again next cycle
int32 FN_start_conversation(int32 *params) //Tony27Nov96
//Start conversation
//FN_no_human(); // an FN_no_human
//FN_change_speech_text (PLAYER, GEORGE_WIDTH, GEORGE_PEN );
//params: 0 <empty>
// Zdebug("FN_start_conversation %d", ID);
// reset 'chooser_count_flag' at the start of each conversation:
// Note that FN_start_conversation might accidently be called
// every time the script loops back for another chooser
// but we only want to reset the chooser count flag the first time this function is called
// ie. when talk flag is zero
if (TALK_FLAG==0)
CHOOSER_COUNT_FLAG=0; // see FN_chooser & speech scripts
int32 FN_end_conversation(int32 *params) //Tony27Nov96
//end conversation
//FN_change_speech_text (PLAYER, VOICE_OVER_WIDTH, VOICE_OVER_PEN );
//params: 0 <empty>
// Zdebug("FN_end_conversation");
if (mousey>399)
{ mouse_mode=MOUSE_holding; //will wait for cursor to move off the bottom menu
Zdebug(" holding");
TALK_FLAG=0; //in-case DC forgets
// restart george's base script
// LLogic.Total_restart();
// if (params); what is this supposed to do? - khalek
return(IR_CONT); //drop out without saving pc and go around again
int32 FN_they_do(int32 *params) //S2.1(18Jan95tw) Tony3Dec96
//doesn't send the command until target is waiting - once sent we carry on
//params 0 target
// 1 command
// 2 ins1
// 3 ins2
// 4 ins3
// 5 ins4
// 6 ins5
uint32 null_pc=5; //4th script - get-speech-state
char *raw_script_ad;
_standardHeader *head;
int32 target=params[0];
//request status of target
head = (_standardHeader*) res_man.Res_open(target);
if (head->fileType!=GAME_OBJECT)
Con_fatal_error("FN_they_do %d not an object", target);
raw_script_ad = (char *)head; // (head+1) + sizeof(_object_hub); //get to raw script data
RunScript( raw_script_ad, raw_script_ad, &null_pc ); //call the base script - this is the graphic/mouse service call
//result is 1 for waiting, 0 for busy
if ((RESULT==1)&&(!INS_COMMAND)) //its waiting and no other command is queueing
speechScriptWaiting = 0; // reset debug flag now that we're no longer waiting - see debug.cpp
SPEECH_ID = params[0];
INS_COMMAND = params[1];
INS1 = params[2];
INS2 = params[3];
INS3 = params[4];
INS4 = params[5];
INS5 = params[6];
return(IR_CONT); //script cont
speechScriptWaiting = target; // debug flag to indicate who we're waiting for - see debug.cpp
return(IR_REPEAT); // target is busy so come back again next cycle
int32 FN_they_do_we_wait(int32 *params) //Tony3Dec96
//give target a command and wait for it to register as finished
//params 0 pointer to ob_logic
// 1 target
// 2 command
// 3 ins1
// 4 ins2
// 5 ins3
// 6 ins4
// 7 ins5
//'looping' flag is used as a sent command yes/no
Object_logic *ob_logic;
uint32 null_pc=5; //4th script - get-speech-state
char *raw_script_ad;
_standardHeader *head;
int32 target=params[1];
// Zdebug("FN_they_do_we_wait id %d, command %d", params[1], params[2]);
// ok, see if the target is busy - we must request this info from the target object
head = (_standardHeader*) res_man.Res_open(target);
if (head->fileType!=GAME_OBJECT)
Con_fatal_error("FN_they_do_we_wait %d not an object", target);
raw_script_ad = (char *)head; // (head+1) + sizeof(_object_hub); //get to raw script data
RunScript( raw_script_ad, raw_script_ad, &null_pc ); //call the base script - this is the graphic/mouse service call
ob_logic = (Object_logic *)params[0];
if ((!INS_COMMAND)&&(RESULT==1)&&(ob_logic->looping==0)) //first time so set up targets command if target is waiting
// Zdebug("FNtdww sending command to %d", target);
SPEECH_ID = params[1];
INS_COMMAND = params[2];
INS1 = params[3];
INS2 = params[4];
INS3 = params[5];
INS4 = params[6];
INS5 = params[7];
speechScriptWaiting = target; // debug flag to indicate who we're waiting for - see debug.cpp
return(IR_REPEAT); // finish this cycle - but come back again to check for it being finished
else if (ob_logic->looping==0) //did not send the command
speechScriptWaiting = target; // debug flag to indicate who we're waiting for - see debug.cpp
return(IR_REPEAT); // come back next go and try again to send the instruction
//ok, the command has been sent - has the target actually done it yet?
//result is 1 for waiting, 0 for busy
if (RESULT==1) // its waiting now so we can be finished with all this
// Zdebug("FNtdww finished");
ob_logic->looping=0; // not looping anymore
speechScriptWaiting = 0; // reset debug flag now that we're no longer waiting - see debug.cpp
return(IR_CONT); // script cont
// Zdebug("FNtdww just waiting");
speechScriptWaiting = target; // debug flag to indicate who we're waiting for - see debug.cpp
return(IR_REPEAT); // see ya next cycle
int32 FN_we_wait(int32 *params) //Tony3Dec96
//loop until the target is free
//params 0 target
uint32 null_pc=5; //4th script - get-speech-state
char *raw_script_ad;
_standardHeader *head;
int32 target=params[0];
//request status of target
head = (_standardHeader*) res_man.Res_open(target);
if (head->fileType!=GAME_OBJECT)
Con_fatal_error("FN_we_wait %d not an object", target);
raw_script_ad = (char *)head; // (head+1) + sizeof(_object_hub); //get to raw script data
RunScript( raw_script_ad, raw_script_ad, &null_pc ); //call the base script - this is the graphic/mouse service call
//result is 1 for waiting, 0 for busy
if (RESULT==1)
speechScriptWaiting = 0; // reset debug flag now that we're no longer waiting - see debug.cpp
return(IR_CONT); // script cont
speechScriptWaiting = target; // debug flag to indicate who we're waiting for - see debug.cpp
return(IR_REPEAT); // target is busy so come back again next cycle
int32 FN_timed_wait(int32 *params) //Tony12Dec96
//loop until the target is free but only while the timer is high
//useful when clicking on a target to talk to them - if they never reply then this'll fall out avoiding a lock up
//params 0 ob_logic
// 1 target
// 2 number of cycles before give up
uint32 null_pc=5; //4th script - get-speech-state
char *raw_script_ad;
Object_logic *ob_logic;
_standardHeader *head;
int32 target=params[1];
ob_logic = (Object_logic *)params[0];
if (!ob_logic->looping)
ob_logic->looping=params[2]; //first time in
//request status of target
head = (_standardHeader*) res_man.Res_open(target);
if (head->fileType!=GAME_OBJECT)
Con_fatal_error("FN_timed_wait %d not an object", target);
raw_script_ad = (char *)head; // (head+1) + sizeof(_object_hub); //get to raw script data
RunScript( raw_script_ad, raw_script_ad, &null_pc ); //call the base script - this is the graphic/mouse service call
//result is 1 for waiting, 0 for busy
if (RESULT==1) //its waiting
ob_logic->looping=0; //reset because counter is likely to be still high
RESULT=0; //means ok
speechScriptWaiting = 0; // reset debug flag now that we're no longer waiting - see debug.cpp
return(IR_CONT); // script cont
if (!ob_logic->looping) //time up - caller must check RESULT
RESULT=1; //not ok
// kill the event
Kill_all_ids_events(target); //clear the event that hasn't been picked up - in theory, none of this should ever happen
Zdebug("EVENT timed out");
speechScriptWaiting = 0; // reset debug flag now that we're no longer waiting - see debug.cpp
return(IR_CONT); //script cont
speechScriptWaiting = target; // debug flag to indicate who we're waiting for - see debug.cpp
return(IR_REPEAT); // target is busy so come back again next cycle
int32 FN_speech_process(int32 *params) //Tony5Dec96
//recieve and sequence the commands sent from the conversation script
//we have to do this in a slightly tweeky manner as we can no longer have generic scripts
//this function comes in with all the structures that will be required
//param 0 pointer to ob_graphic
//param 1 pointer to ob_speech
//param 2 pointer to ob_logic
//param 3 pointer to ob_mega
//param 4 pointer to ob_walkdata
//note - we could save a var and ditch wait_state and check 'command' for non zero means busy
Object_speech *ob_speech;
int32 pars[9];
int32 ret;
ob_speech = (Object_speech*) params[1];
// Zdebug(" SP");
if (ob_speech->command) //we are currently running a command
case INS_talk:
pars[0]=params[0]; //ob_graphic
pars[1]=params[1]; //ob_speech
pars[2]=params[2]; //ob_logic
pars[3]=params[3]; //ob_mega
pars[4]=ob_speech->ins1; //param 4 encoded text number
pars[5]=ob_speech->ins2; //param 5 wav res id
pars[6]=ob_speech->ins3; //param 6 anim res id
pars[7]=ob_speech->ins4; //param 7 anim table res id
pars[8]=ob_speech->ins5; //param 8 animation mode 0 lip synced, 1 just straight animation
// Zdebug("speech-process talk");
ret = FN_i_speak(pars); //run the function - (it thinks its been called from script - bloody fool)
if (ret!=IR_REPEAT)
{ ob_speech->command=0; //command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
// Zdebug("speech-process talk finished");
return(IR_REPEAT); //come back again next cycle
case INS_turn:
pars[0]=params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1]=params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2]=params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[3]=params[4]; // ob_walkdata
pars[4]=ob_speech->ins1; // direction to turn to
ret = FN_turn(pars);
if (ret!=IR_REPEAT)
{ ob_speech->command=0; //command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
return(IR_REPEAT); //come back again next cycle
case INS_face:
pars[0]=params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1]=params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2]=params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[3]=params[4]; // ob_walkdata
pars[4]=ob_speech->ins1; // target
ret = FN_face_mega(pars);
if (ret!=IR_REPEAT)
{ ob_speech->command=0; //command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
return(IR_REPEAT); //come back again next cycle
case INS_anim:
pars[0]=params[2]; //ob_logic
pars[1]=params[0]; //ob_graphic
pars[2]=ob_speech->ins1; //anim res
ret= FN_anim(pars);
if (ret!=IR_REPEAT)
{ ob_speech->command=0; //command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
return(IR_REPEAT); //come back again next cycle
case INS_reverse_anim:
pars[0]=params[2]; //ob_logic
pars[1]=params[0]; //ob_graphic
pars[2]=ob_speech->ins1; //anim res
ret= FN_reverse_anim(pars);
if (ret!=IR_REPEAT)
{ ob_speech->command=0; //command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
return(IR_REPEAT); //come back again next cycle
case INS_table_anim:
pars[0]=params[2]; //ob_logic
pars[1]=params[0]; //ob_graphic
pars[2]=params[3]; //ob_mega
pars[3]=ob_speech->ins1; //pointer to anim table
ret= FN_mega_table_anim(pars);
if (ret!=IR_REPEAT)
{ ob_speech->command=0; //command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
return(IR_REPEAT); //come back again next cycle
case INS_reverse_table_anim:
pars[0]=params[2]; //ob_logic
pars[1]=params[0]; //ob_graphic
pars[2]=params[3]; //ob_mega
pars[3]=ob_speech->ins1; //pointer to anim table
ret= FN_reverse_mega_table_anim(pars);
if (ret!=IR_REPEAT)
{ ob_speech->command=0; //command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
return(IR_REPEAT); //come back again next cycle
case INS_no_sprite:
FN_no_sprite(params); // ob_graphic;
ob_speech->command=0; //command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
case INS_sort:
FN_sort_sprite(params); // ob_graphic;
ob_speech->command=0; //command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
case INS_foreground:
FN_fore_sprite(params); // ob_graphic;
ob_speech->command=0; //command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
case INS_background:
FN_back_sprite(params); // ob_graphic;
ob_speech->command=0; //command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
case INS_walk:
pars[0]=params[2]; //ob_logic
pars[1]=params[0]; //ob_graphic
pars[2]=params[3]; //ob_mega
pars[3]=params[4]; //ob_walkdata
pars[4]=ob_speech->ins1; //target x
pars[5]=ob_speech->ins2; //target y
pars[6]=ob_speech->ins3; //target direction
ret= FN_walk(pars);
if (ret!=IR_REPEAT)
{ ob_speech->command=0; //command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
// Zdebug("speech-process walk finished");
return(IR_REPEAT); //come back again next cycle
case INS_walk_to_anim:
pars[0]=params[2]; //ob_logic
pars[1]=params[0]; //ob_graphic
pars[2]=params[3]; //ob_mega
pars[3]=params[4]; //ob_walkdata
pars[4]=ob_speech->ins1; // anim resource
ret= FN_walk_to_anim(pars);
if (ret!=IR_REPEAT)
{ ob_speech->command=0; //command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
// Zdebug("speech-process walk finished");
return(IR_REPEAT); //come back again next cycle
case INS_stand_after_anim:
pars[0]=params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[1]=params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[2]=ob_speech->ins1; // anim resource
ret= FN_stand_after_anim(pars);
ob_speech->command=0; // command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; // waiting for command
return(IR_REPEAT); // come back again next cycle
case INS_set_frame:
pars[0]=params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[1]=ob_speech->ins1; // anim_resource
pars[2]=ob_speech->ins2; // FIRST_FRAME or LAST_FRAME
ret= FN_set_frame(pars);
ob_speech->command=0; //command finished
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
return(IR_REPEAT); //come back again next cycle
case INS_quit:
// Zdebug("speech-process - quit");
ob_speech->command=0; //finish with all this
// ob_speech->wait_state=0; //start with waiting for command next conversation
return(IR_CONT); //thats it, we're finished with this
ob_speech->command=0; //not yet implemented - just cancel
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //waiting for command
if (SPEECH_ID==ID) //new command for us!
SPEECH_ID=0; //clear this or it could trigger next go
// grab the command - potentially, we only have this cycle to do this
ob_speech->command = INS_COMMAND;
ob_speech->ins1 = INS1;
ob_speech->ins2 = INS2;
ob_speech->ins3 = INS3;
ob_speech->ins4 = INS4;
ob_speech->ins5 = INS5;
INS_COMMAND=0; //the current send has been recieved - i.e. seperate multiple they-do's
ob_speech->wait_state=0; //now busy
// Zdebug("received new command %d", INS_COMMAND);
// we'll drop off and be caught by the while(1), so kicking in the new command straight away
else //no new command
// we could run a blink anim (or something) here
ob_speech->wait_state=1; //now free
return(IR_REPEAT); //come back again next cycle
#if 1==2
ooo l dddd sss ttttt u u fffff fffff
o o l d d s t u u f f
o o l d d sss t u u ffff ffff
o o l d d s t u u f f
o o l d d s s t u u f f
o o l d d s s t u u f f
ooo llll dddd sss t uuu f f
// ScriptReference 0,19
mega_interact //standard interact protocol for megas who have been clicked on
{ //replaces S2's mega_sss... (Jan95tw)
o_down_flag=0; //reset on entry - we dont know what this flag will be
//we will not be wiping a command because the player will
//not start until we signal - at the end of this loop...
//"smart" - readers voice
if (o_down_flag!=0) //recieved any instructions?
case INS_talk: // (o_ins3=cdt or anim table, o_ins2=text id, o_ins1=graphic or 0)
FN_I_speak(o_ins3, o_ins2, o_ins1);
case INS_anim: //run coord-less anim (o_ins1=cdt or anim table, o_ins2=graphic or 0, o_ins3=0)
FN_anim( o_ins1, o_ins2 );
case INS_full_anim: //run anim with coords (o_ins1=cdt o_ins2=graphic o_ins3=0)
FN_full_anim( o_ins1, o_ins2 );
case INS_walk: // walk to (o_ins1,o_ins2) & stand in direction 'o_ins3'
case INS_turn: //turn/stand as specified
FN_turn(o_ins1,STAND); // turn to direction 'o_ins1'
case INS_face: //turn to face specified mega character
case INS_trace: // face compact id 'o_ins1' - continues until next command (because 'o_down_flag' not reset to zero)
o_down_flag=INS_trace; // do this again & again until a new command is received
case INS_no_sprite:
case INS_sort:
case INS_foreground:
case INS_background:
case INS_quit:
break; //fall out of outer loop
FN_talk_error(); //shut the system down - I can't be bothered to recover from this
FN_add_talk_wait_status_bit(); // add waiting bit to status for player to pickup
FN_quit(); // drop out of script until next cycle to see if new instructions have arrived
FN_remove_talk_wait_status_bit(); // off again, in case command received
while(o_down_flag!=INS_quit); //until we're told to terminate
FN_goto_bookmark(); //get the mega going again
// ScriptReference 0,20
mega_approach_script // George runs this script to get over to 'target_mega', who's already running 'mega_interact'
//FN_they_do_we_wait(target_mega,INS_trace,GEORGE,0,0); // 'target_mega' repeatedly faces george while he walks over
FN_they_do_we_wait(target_mega,INS_face,GEORGE,0,0); // Mega turns to face George
target_x = return_value;
target_y = return_value_2;
distance_apart = return_value_4;
walk_attempt = 0; // keep count of attempts
if ((o_xcoord) < target_x) // If George is currently left of Duane
walk_flag = 0; // try LHS first
walk_flag = 1; // try RHS first
if (walk_flag==0) // (0) try LHS - & face DOWN_RIGHT
if (o_down_flag)
walk_flag=2; // made it
walk_flag=1; // try RHS next, or fail (to anywhere)
else // (1) try RHS & face DOWN_LEFT
if (o_down_flag)
walk_flag=2; // made it
walk_flag=0; // try LHS next, or fail (to anywhere)
while ((walk_flag<2)&&(walk_attempt<2)); // try again until we get there or we've tried both sides
if (walk_flag!=2) // if LHS & RHS both failed - try anywhere
FN_walk(target_x,target_y,ANY,STAND); // walk George to (near) Mega's coords
FN_we_wait(target_mega); // wait for Duane to be ready to receive a command
if ((o_xcoord) < target_x) // If George is now left of Duane
FN_they_do_we_wait(target_mega,INS_turn,DOWN_LEFT,0,0); // Mega faces DOWN_LEFT
FN_turn(DOWN_RIGHT, STAND); // George faces DOWN_RIGHT
else // George is now right of Duane
FN_they_do_we_wait(target_mega,INS_turn,DOWN_RIGHT,0,0); // Mega faces DOWN_LEFT
FN_turn(DOWN_LEFT, STAND); // George faces DOWN_RIGHT
int32 FN_they_do(object *compact, int32 id, int32 tar, int32 a, int32 b, int32 c, int32 d, int32 x) //S2.1(18Jan95tw)
// NB. a, b & c could be resID's!! (25jul95 JEL)
object *target;
//Tdebug("FN_they_do %d %d %d %d %d", tar,a,b,c,d);
target = (object *) Lock_object(tar);
target->o_down_flag = a; // the actual instruction; INS_talk, INS_quit, etc.
target->o_ins1 = b; // and now the 3 parameters... (updated 24apr95JEL)
target->o_ins2 = c;
target->o_ins3 = d;
return(1); //script cont
//send an instruction to mega we're talking to and wait until it has finished before
//returning to script
int32 FN_they_do_we_wait(object *compact, int32 id, int32 tar, int32 a, int32 b, int32 c, int32 d, int32 x)
{ //S2.1(18Jan95tw)
// NB. a, b & c could be resID's!! (25jul95 JEL)
object *target;
//Tdebug("FN_they_do_we_wait %d %d %d %d %d", tar,a,b,c,d);
target = (object *) Lock_object(tar);
target->o_down_flag = a; // the actual instruction; INS_talk, INS_quit, etc.
target->o_ins1 = b; // and now the 3 parameters... (updated 24apr95JEL)
target->o_ins2 = c;
target->o_ins3 = d;
compact->o_logic = LOGIC_wait_for_talk; // we wait until they've finished
compact->o_down_flag=tar; // we wait for this person
target->o_status &= (0xffffffff-STAT_TALK_WAIT); // remove for this cycle - remember, this damn system is totally seamless...
return(0); //script stop
// wait until last instruction it has finished before returning to script
int32 FN_we_wait(object *compact, int32 id, int32 tar, int32 a, int32 b, int32 c, int32 d, int32 e) // (7JULY95 JEL)
object *target;
target = (object *) Lock_object(tar);
//Tdebug("FN_we_wait %d", tar);
compact->o_logic = LOGIC_wait_for_talk; // we wait until they've finished
compact->o_down_flag=tar; // we wait for this person
target->o_status &= (0xffffffff-STAT_TALK_WAIT); // remove for this cycle - remember, this damn system is totally seamless...
return(0); //script stop
int32 FN_add_talk_wait_status_bit(object *compact, int32 id, int32 tar, int32 a, int32 b, int32 c, int32 d, int32 e) // (21may96 JEL)
compact->o_status |= STAT_TALK_WAIT;
return(1); //script continue
int32 FN_remove_talk_wait_status_bit(object *compact, int32 id, int32 tar, int32 a, int32 b, int32 c, int32 d, int32 e) // (21may96 JEL)
compact->o_status &= (0xffffffff-STAT_TALK_WAIT);
return(1); //script continue
//mega_interact has recieved an instruction it does not understand - I have chosen to
//halt the game to ensure the error is noticed...
int32 FN_talk_error(object *compact, int32 id, int32 a, int32 b, int32 c, int32 d, int32 z, int32 x) //S2.1(18Jan95tw)
Tdebug("FN_talk_error for %d - instruct = %d",id, compact->o_down_flag);
Go_dos("FN_talk_error for %d - instruct = %d",id, compact->o_down_flag);
//wait for target to switch into STAT_TALK_WAIT then go back into script mode
//used during speech they_do commands - we must look to a specific target in-case
//of multiple particpents in the conversation - a sync from the target is not enough...
Logic_wait_talk(object *compact, int id) //S2.1(25Jan95tw)
object *target;
target = (object *) Lock_object(compact->o_down_flag); //holds id of person we're waiting for
if (!(target->o_status&STAT_TALK_WAIT))
Unlock_object(compact->o_down_flag); //holds id of person we're waiting for
return(0); //0 which means drop out of logic
compact->o_logic=LOGIC_script; //back to script again next cycle
Unlock_object(compact->o_down_flag); //holds id of person we're waiting for
return(1); // go straight back into script
//return(0); // drop out for one cycle (allows speech text sprite to disappear before continuing - 13Mar95JEL)
uint32 unpause_zone=0;
int32 FN_i_speak(int32 *params) //Tony18Oct96 (revamped by James01july97)
//its the super versatile FN_speak
//text and wavs can be selected in any combination
//we can assume no human - there should be no human at least!
//param 0 pointer to ob_graphic
//param 1 pointer to ob_speech
//param 2 pointer to ob_logic
//param 3 pointer to ob_mega
//param 4 encoded text number
//param 5 wav res id
//param 6 anim res id
//param 7 anim table res id
//param 8 animation mode 0 lip synced, 1 just straight animation
#define S_OB_GRAPHIC 0
#define S_OB_SPEECH 1
#define S_OB_LOGIC 2
#define S_OB_MEGA 3
#define S_TEXT 4
#define S_WAV 5
#define S_ANIM 6
#define S_DIR_TABLE 7
#define S_ANIM_MODE 8
_mouseEvent *me;
_animHeader *anim_head;
Object_logic *ob_logic;
Object_graphic *ob_graphic;
Object_mega *ob_mega;
uint8 *anim_file;
uint32 local_text;
uint32 text_res;
uint8 *text;
static uint8 textRunning, speechRunning;
int32 *anim_table;
uint8 speechFinished=0; // James25feb97
int8 speech_pan;
char speechFile[256];
static uint8 cycle_skip=0;
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG // (James26jun97)
_standardHeader *head; // for text/speech testing & checking for correct file type
static uint32 currentTextResource=0; // for text/speech testing - keeping track of text resource currently being tested
uint32 rv; // drivers return value
// set up the pointers which we know we'll always need
ob_logic = (Object_logic *) params[S_OB_LOGIC];
ob_graphic = (Object_graphic *) params[S_OB_GRAPHIC];
// FIRST TIME ONLY: create the text, load the wav, set up the anim, etc.
if (!ob_logic->looping)
// New fudge to wait for smacker samples to finish (James31july97)
// since they can over-run into the game
if (g_sword2->_sound->GetSpeechStatus()!=RDSE_SAMPLEFINISHED) // has it finished?
return (IR_REPEAT);
// New fudge for 'fx' subtitles (James 29july97)
// If subtitles switched off, and we don't want to use a wav for this line either,
// then just quit back to script right now!
if ((subtitles==0) && (WantSpeechForLine(params[S_WAV])==0))
return (IR_CONT);
if (cycle_skip==0) // (James 17july97)
// drop out for 1st cycle to allow walks/anims to end & display last frame
// before system locks while speech loaded
return (IR_REPEAT);
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG // (James26jun97)
textNumber = params[S_TEXT]; // for debug info
// For testing all text & speech! (James26jun97)
// A script loop can send any text number to FN_I_speak & it will only run the valid ones
// or return with 'result' equal to '1' or '2' to mean 'invalid text resource'
// and 'text number out of range' respectively
// See 'testing_routines' object in George's Player Character section of linc
text_res = params[S_TEXT]/SIZE;
local_text = params[S_TEXT]&0xffff;
if (res_man.Res_check_valid(text_res)) // if the resource number is within range & it's not a null resource
head = (_standardHeader*) res_man.Res_open(text_res); // open the resource
if (head->fileType==TEXT_FILE) // if it's not an animation file
if (CheckTextLine((uint8*)head,local_text)==0) // if line number is out of range
RESULT=2; // line number out of range
RESULT=1; // invalid (not a text resource)
res_man.Res_close(text_res); // close the resource
{ // not a valid resource number
RESULT=1; // invalid (null resource)
#endif // _SWORD2_DEBUG
// pull out the text line to get the official text number (for wav id)
// Once the wav id's go into all script text commands, we'll only need this for _SWORD2_DEBUG
text_res = params[S_TEXT]/SIZE;
local_text = params[S_TEXT]&0xffff;
text = FetchTextLine( res_man.Res_open(text_res), local_text ); // open text file & get the line
//officialTextNumber = *(uint16*)text; // 1st word of text line is the official line number (this doesn't work on PSX)
memcpy(&officialTextNumber, text, 2); // this works on PSX & PC
res_man.Res_close(text_res); // now ok to close the text file
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG // (James09jul97)
// prevent dud lines from appearing while testing text & speech
// since these will not occur in the game anyway
if (SYSTEM_TESTING_TEXT) // if testing text & speech
{ // if actor number is 0 and text line is just a 'dash' character
if ((officialTextNumber==0) && (text[2]=='-') && (text[3]==NULL))
RESULT=3; // dud line
return(IR_CONT); // return & continue script
#endif // _SWORD2_DEBUG
// set the 'looping_flag' & the text-click-delay
left_click_delay=6; // can't left-click past the text for the first half second
right_click_delay=3; // can't right-click past the text for the first quarter second
// Write to walkthrough file (zebug0.txt)
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
if (PLAYER_ID!=CUR_PLAYER_ID) // if (player_id != george), then player is controlling Nico
Zdebug(0,"(%d) Nico: %s", officialTextNumber, text+2); // so write 'Nico' instead of George
else // ok, it's George anyway
Zdebug(0,"(%d) %s: %s", officialTextNumber, FetchObjectName(ID), text+2);
// Set up the speech animation
if (params[S_ANIM]) //just a straight anim
speech_anim_type=SPEECHANIMFLAG; //params[S_ANIM_MODE]; //anim type
ob_graphic->anim_resource = anim_id; // set the talker's graphic to this speech anim now
ob_graphic->anim_pc = 0; // set to first frame
else if (params[S_DIR_TABLE]) //use this direction table to derive the anim NB. ASSUMES WE HAVE A MEGA OBJECT!!
ob_mega = (Object_mega*) params[S_OB_MEGA];
anim_table = (int32 *)params[S_DIR_TABLE]; // pointer to anim table
anim_id = anim_table[ob_mega->current_dir]; // appropriate anim resource is in 'table[direction]'
speech_anim_type=SPEECHANIMFLAG; //params[S_ANIM_MODE]; //anim type
ob_graphic->anim_resource = anim_id; // set the talker's graphic to this speech anim now
ob_graphic->anim_pc = 0; // set to first frame
else //no animation choosen
anim_id=0; //no animation
SPEECHANIMFLAG = 0; // Default back to looped lip synced anims.
// set up 'text_x' & 'text_y' for speech-pan and/or text-sprite position
// is it to be speech or subtitles or both?
speechRunning=0; // assume not running until know otherwise
// New fudge for 'fx' subtitles (James 29july97)
// if speech is selected, and this line is allowed speech (not if it's an fx subtitle!)
if (speechSelected && WantSpeechForLine(officialTextNumber))
// if the wavId paramter is zero because not yet compiled into speech command,
// we can still get it from the 1st 2 chars of the text line
if (!params[S_WAV])
params[S_WAV] = (int32)officialTextNumber;
#define SPEECH_VOLUME 16 // 0..16
#define SPEECH_PAN 0 // -16..16
speech_pan = ((text_x-320)*16)/320;
// 'text_x' 'speech_pan'
// 0 -16
// 320 0
// 640 16
if (speech_pan<-16) // keep within limits of -16..16, just in case
else if (speech_pan>16)
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
if (SYSTEM_TESTING_TEXT) // if we're testing text & speech
// if we've moved onto a new text resource, we will want to check
// if the CD needs changing again
// - can only know which CD to get if the wavID is non-zero
if ((text_res != currentTextResource) && (params[S_WAV]))
GetCorrectCdForSpeech(params[S_WAV]); // ensure correct CD is in for this wavId
currentTextResource = text_res;
// set up path to speech cluster
// first checking if we have speech1.clu or speech2.clu in current directory (for translators to test)
if (g_sword2->_gameId == GID_SWORD2_DEMO)
else {
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
if ((res_man.WhichCd()==1) && (!access("speech1.clu",0))) { // if 0 ie. if it's there
} else if ((res_man.WhichCd()==2) && (!access("speech2.clu",0))) { // if 0 ie. if it's there
} else
#endif // _SWORD2_DEBUG
rv = g_sword2->_sound->PlayCompSpeech(speechFile, params[S_WAV], SPEECH_VOLUME, speech_pan); // Load speech but don't start playing yet
if (rv == RD_OK)
speechRunning=1; // ok, we've got something to play (2 means not playing yet - see below)
g_sword2->_sound->UnpauseSpeech(); // set it playing now (we might want to do this next cycle, don't know yet)
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
Zdebug("ERROR: PlayCompSpeech(speechFile=\"%s\", wav=%d (res=%d pos=%d)) returned %.8x", speechFile, params[S_WAV], text_res, local_text, rv);
if (subtitles || (speechRunning==0)) // if we want subtitles, or speech failed to load
textRunning=1; // then we're going to show the text
Form_text(params); // so create the text sprite
textRunning=0; // otherwise don't want text
// EVERY TIME: run a cycle of animation, if there is one
if (anim_id) // there is an animation
ob_graphic->anim_pc++; // increment the anim frame number
anim_file = res_man.Res_open(ob_graphic->anim_resource); // open the anim file
anim_head = FetchAnimHeader( anim_file );
if (!speech_anim_type) // ANIM IS TO BE LIP-SYNC'ED & REPEATING
if (ob_graphic->anim_pc == (int32)(anim_head->noAnimFrames)) // if finished the anim
ob_graphic->anim_pc=0; // restart from frame 0
else if (speechRunning) // if playing a sample
if (!unpause_zone)
{ if (g_sword2->_sound->AmISpeaking()==RDSE_QUIET) // if we're at a quiet bit
ob_graphic->anim_pc=0; // restart from frame 0 ('closed mouth' frame)
if (ob_graphic->anim_pc == (int32)(anim_head->noAnimFrames)-1) // reached the last frame of the anim
anim_id=0; // hold anim on this last frame
res_man.Res_close(ob_graphic->anim_resource); // close the anim file
else if (speech_anim_type)
speech_anim_type = 0; // Placed here so we actually display the last frame of the anim.
// if there is a wav then we're using that to end the speech naturally
if (speechRunning==1) // if playing a sample (note that value of '2' means about to play!)
if (!unpause_zone)
{ if (g_sword2->_sound->GetSpeechStatus()==RDSE_SAMPLEFINISHED) // has it finished?
speechFinished=1; // James25feb97
else unpause_zone--;
// if no sample then we're using speech_time to end speech naturally
else if ((speechRunning==0)&&(speech_time)) // counting down text time because there is no sample - this ends the speech
if (!speech_time)
speechFinished=1; // James25feb97
// ok, all is running along smoothly - but a click means stop unnaturally
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
if ((SYSTEM_TESTING_TEXT==0)||(mousey>0)) // so that we can go to the options panel while text & speech is being tested
me = MouseEvent(); // get mouse event
// Note that we now have TWO click-delays - one for LEFT button, one for RIGHT BUTTON
if ( ((!left_click_delay)&&(me!=NULL)&&(me->buttons&RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN)) || ((!right_click_delay)&&(me!=NULL)&&(me->buttons&RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN)) )
// mouse click, after click_delay has expired -> end the speech
// we ignore mouse releases
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG // (James26jun97)
if (SYSTEM_TESTING_TEXT) // if testing text & speech
if (me->buttons&RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN) // and RB used to click past text
SYSTEM_WANT_PREVIOUS_LINE=1; // then we want the previous line again
SYSTEM_WANT_PREVIOUS_LINE=0; // LB just want next line again
me = MouseEvent(); //trash anything thats buffered
speechFinished=1; // James25feb97
if (speechRunning) // if speech sample playing
g_sword2->_sound->StopSpeechSword2(); // halt the sample prematurely
// if we are finishing the speech this cycle, do the business
if (speechFinished && !speech_anim_type) // !speech_anim_type, as we want an anim which is playing once to have finished.
if (speech_text_bloc_no) // if there is text
Kill_text_bloc(speech_text_bloc_no); // kill the text block
if (anim_id) // if there is a speech anim
ob_graphic->anim_pc=0; // end it on 1st frame (closed mouth)
ob_logic->looping=0; // no longer in a script function loop
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
textNumber = 0; // reset for debug info
#endif // _SWORD2_DEBUG
officialTextNumber = 0; // reset to zero, in case text line not even extracted (since this number comes from the text line)
RESULT=0; // ok (James09july97)
return(IR_CONT); // continue with the script
// speech still going, so decrement the click_delay if it's still active
if (left_click_delay)
left_click_delay--; // count down to clickability
if (right_click_delay)
right_click_delay--; // count down to clickability
return(IR_REPEAT); // back again next cycle
void LocateTalker(int32 *params) // (James 01july97)
// sets 'text_x' & 'text_y' for position of text sprite
// but 'text_x' also used to calculate speech-pan
//param 0 pointer to ob_graphic
//param 1 pointer to ob_speech
//param 2 pointer to ob_logic
//param 3 pointer to ob_mega
//param 4 encoded text number
//param 5 wav res id
//param 6 anim res id
//param 7 pointer to anim table
//param 8 animation mode 0 lip synced, 1 just straight animation
Object_mega *ob_mega;
uint8 *file;
_frameHeader *frame_head;
_animHeader *anim_head;
_cdtEntry *cdt_entry;
uint16 scale;
if (anim_id==0) // if there's no anim
{ // assume it's Voice-Over text
text_x = 320; // so it goes at bottom of screen
text_y = 400;
#define GAP_ABOVE_HEAD 20 // distance kept above talking sprite
// Note: this code has been adapted from Register_frame() in build_display.cpp
// open animation file & set up the necessary pointers
file = res_man.Res_open(anim_id);
anim_head = FetchAnimHeader( file );
cdt_entry = FetchCdtEntry( file, 0 ); // '0' means 1st frame
frame_head = FetchFrameHeader( file, 0 ); // '0' means 1st frame
// check if this frame has offsets ie. this is a scalable mega frame
if ((cdt_entry->frameType) & FRAME_OFFSET)
ob_mega = (Object_mega*) params[S_OB_MEGA]; // this may be NULL
// calc scale at which to print the sprite, based on feet y-coord & scaling constants (NB. 'scale' is actually 256*true_scale, to maintain accuracy)
scale = (uint16) ((ob_mega->scale_a * ob_mega->feet_y + ob_mega->scale_b)/256); // Ay+B gives 256*scale ie. 256*256*true_scale for even better accuracy, ie. scale = (Ay+B)/256
// calc suitable centre point above the head, based on scaled height
text_x = (int16) (ob_mega->feet_x); // just use 'feet_x' as centre
text_y = (int16) (ob_mega->feet_y + (cdt_entry->y * scale)/256); // add scaled y-offset to feet_y coord to get top of sprite
else // it's a non-scaling anim
// calc suitable centre point above the head, based on scaled width
text_x = cdt_entry->x + (frame_head->width)/2; // x-coord + half of width
text_y = cdt_entry->y; // y-coord
text_y -= GAP_ABOVE_HEAD; // leave space above their head
// adjust the text coords for RDSPR_DISPLAYALIGN
text_x -= this_screen.scroll_offset_x;
text_y -= this_screen.scroll_offset_y;
// release the anim resource
void Form_text(int32 *params) //Tony18Oct96
//its the first time in so we build the text block if we need one
//we also bring in the wav if there is one
//also setup the animation if there is one
//anim is optional - anim can be a repeating lip-sync or a run-once anim
//if there is no wav then the text comes up instead
//there can be any combination of text/wav playing
//param 0 pointer to ob_graphic
//param 1 pointer to ob_speech
//param 2 pointer to ob_logic
//param 3 pointer to ob_mega
//param 4 encoded text number
//param 5 wav res id
//param 6 anim res id
//param 7 pointer to anim table
//param 8 animation mode 0 lip synced, 1 just straight animation
uint32 local_text;
uint32 text_res;
uint8 *text;
uint32 textWidth;
Object_speech *ob_speech;
if (params[S_TEXT]) //should always be a text line, as all text is derived from line of text
ob_speech = (Object_speech*) params[S_OB_SPEECH];
// establish the max width allowed for this text sprite
if (ob_speech->width) // if a specific width has been set up for this character
textWidth = ob_speech->width; // override the default
textWidth = 400; // otherwise use the default
// pull out the text line & make the sprite & text block
text_res = params[S_TEXT]/SIZE;
local_text = params[S_TEXT]&0xffff;
text = FetchTextLine( res_man.Res_open(text_res), local_text ); // open text file & get the line
// 'text+2' to skip the first 2 bytes which form the line reference number
speech_text_bloc_no = Build_new_block(text+2, text_x, text_y, textWidth, ob_speech->pen, RDSPR_TRANS+RDSPR_DISPLAYALIGN, speech_font_id, POSITION_AT_CENTRE_OF_BASE);
res_man.Res_close(text_res); // now ok to close the text file
// set speech duration, in case not using wav
speech_time = strlen((char *)text) + 30; // no. of cycles = (no. of chars) + 10
else // no text line passed? - this is bad
// Zdebug(9,"no text line for speech wav %d", params[S_WAV]); //stream 9 for missing text & wavs
Zdebug("no text line for speech wav %d", params[S_WAV]); //stream 9 for missing text & wavs
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
void GetCorrectCdForSpeech(int32 wavId)
FILE *fp;
uint8 cd; // 1, 2 or 0 (if speech on both cd's, ie. no need to change)
fp = fopen("cd.bin","rb");
if (fp==NULL)
Con_fatal_error("Need cd.bin file for testing speech!");
fseek(fp, wavId, SEEK_SET);
fread(&cd, 1, 1, fp);
if ((cd==1)||(cd==2)) // if we specifically need CD1 or CD2 (ie. it's not on both)
res_man.GetCd(cd); // then check it's there (& ask for it if it's not there)
// For preventing sfx subtitles from trying to load speech samples
// - since the sfx are implemented as normal sfx, so we don't want them as speech samples too
// - and we only want the subtitles if selected, not if samples can't be found!
uint8 WantSpeechForLine(uint32 wavId) // James (29july97)
switch (wavId)
case 1328: // AttendantSpeech
// SFX(Phone71);
// FX <Telephone rings>
case 2059: // PabloSpeech
// SFX (2059);
// FX <Sound of sporadic gunfire from below>
case 4082: // DuaneSpeech
// SFX (4082);
// FX <Pffffffffffft! Frp. (Unimpressive, flatulent noise.)>
case 4214: // cat_52
// SFX (4214);
// 4214FXMeow!
case 4568: // trapdoor_13
// SFX (4568);
// 4568fx<door slamming>
case 4913: // LobineauSpeech
// SFX (tone2);
// FX <Lobineau hangs up>
case 5120: // bush_66
// SFX (5120);
// 5120FX<loud buzzing>
case 528: // PresidentaSpeech
// SFX (528);
// FX <Nearby Crash of Collapsing Masonry>
case 920: // location 62
case 923: // location 62
case 926: // location 62
return 0; // don't want speech for these lines!
return 1; // ok for all other lines