Torbjörn Andersson 41ef5a97ea Cleanup.
One of the changes, I'm not quite sure about: buildDisplay() used to open
and close the _thisScreen.background_layer_id resource for each layer it
processed. In particular, it used to "release the screen resource before
cacheing the sprites".

I have no idea why, because I can't see any trace of a sprite cache, and I
can't think of any harm in keeping the resource open during the whole
render cycle. The resource is probably loaded into memory already anyway,
though its reference counter may be 0.

svn-id: r13401
2004-03-28 13:16:01 +00:00

243 lines
7.0 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 1994-2004 Revolution Software Ltd
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* $Header$
// high level layer initialising
// the system supports:
// 1 optional background parallax layer
// 1 not optional normal backdrop layer
// 3 normal sorted layers
// up to 2 foreground parallax layers
#include "common/stdafx.h"
#include "sword2/sword2.h"
#include "sword2/logic.h"
#include "sword2/resman.h"
#include "sword2/driver/d_draw.h"
namespace Sword2 {
int32 Logic::fnInitBackground(int32 *params) {
// this screen defines the size of the back buffer
// params: 0 res id of normal background layer - cannot be 0
// 1 1 yes 0 no for a new palette
return _vm->initBackground(params[0], params[1]);
int32 Sword2Engine::initBackground(int32 res, int32 new_palette) {
MultiScreenHeader *screenLayerTable;
ScreenHeader *screen_head;
LayerHeader *layer;
SpriteInfo spriteInfo;
uint8 *file;
uint32 rv;
debug(5, "CHANGED TO LOCATION \"%s\"", fetchObjectName(res));
// stop all fx & clears the queue
#ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
debug(5, "fnInitBackground(%d)", res);
if (!res) {
error("ERROR: fnInitBackground cannot have 0 for background layer id!");
// if the screen is still fading down then wait for black
// if last screen was using a shading mask (see below)
if (_thisScreen.mask_flag) {
rv = _graphics->closeLightMask();
if (rv)
error("Driver Error %.8x", rv);
// New stuff for faster screen drivers
// for drivers: close the previous screen if one is open
if (_thisScreen.background_layer_id)
_thisScreen.background_layer_id = res;
_thisScreen.new_palette = new_palette;
// ok, now read the resource and pull out all the normal sort layer
// info/and set them up at the beginning of the sort list - why do it
// each cycle
// file points to 1st byte in the layer file
file = _resman->openResource(_thisScreen.background_layer_id);
screen_head = fetchScreenHeader(file);
// set number of special sort layers
_thisScreen.number_of_layers = screen_head->noLayers;
_thisScreen.screen_wide = screen_head->width;
_thisScreen.screen_deep = screen_head->height;
debug(5, "res test layers=%d width=%d depth=%d", screen_head->noLayers, screen_head->width, screen_head->height);
// initialise the driver back buffer
_graphics->setLocationMetrics(screen_head->width, screen_head->height);
if (screen_head->noLayers) {
for (int i = 0; i < screen_head->noLayers; i++) {
// get layer header for layer i
layer = fetchLayerHeader(file, i);
// add into the sort list
// need this for sorting - but leave the rest blank,
// we'll take from the header at print time
_sortList[i].sort_y = layer->y + layer->height;
// signifies a layer
_sortList[i].layer_number = i + 1;
debug(5, "init layer %d", i);
// using the screen size setup the scrolling variables
// if layer is larger than physical screen
if (screen_head->width > _graphics->_screenWide || screen_head->height > _graphics->_screenDeep) {
// switch on scrolling (2 means first time on screen)
_thisScreen.scroll_flag = 2;
// note, if we've already set the player up then we could do
// the initial scroll set here
// reset scroll offsets
_thisScreen.scroll_offset_x = 0;
_thisScreen.scroll_offset_y = 0;
// calc max allowed offsets (to prevent scrolling off edge) -
// NB. min scroll offsets are both zero
_thisScreen.max_scroll_offset_x = screen_head->width - _graphics->_screenWide;
// 'screenDeep' includes the menu's, so take away 80 pixels
_thisScreen.max_scroll_offset_y = screen_head->height - (_graphics->_screenDeep - (RDMENU_MENUDEEP * 2));
} else {
// layer fits on physical screen - scrolling not required
_thisScreen.scroll_flag = 0; // switch off scrolling
_thisScreen.scroll_offset_x = 0; // reset scroll offsets
_thisScreen.scroll_offset_y = 0;
// no inter-cycle scroll between new screens (see setScrollTarget in
// build display)
// these are the physical screen coords where the system
// will try to maintain George's actual feet coords
_thisScreen.feet_x = 320;
_thisScreen.feet_y = 340;
// shading mask
screenLayerTable = (MultiScreenHeader *) (file + sizeof(StandardHeader));
if (screenLayerTable->maskOffset) {
spriteInfo.x = 0;
spriteInfo.y = 0;
spriteInfo.w = screen_head->width;
spriteInfo.h = screen_head->height;
spriteInfo.scale = 0;
spriteInfo.scaledWidth = 0;
spriteInfo.scaledHeight = 0;
spriteInfo.type = 0;
spriteInfo.blend = 0; = fetchShadingMask(file);
spriteInfo.colourTable = 0;
rv = _graphics->openLightMask(&spriteInfo);
if (rv)
error("Driver Error %.8x", rv);
// so we know to close it later! (see above)
_thisScreen.mask_flag = 1;
} else {
// no need to close a mask later
_thisScreen.mask_flag = 0;
// close the screen file
debug(5, "end init");
return 1;
// called from fnInitBackground and also from control panel
void Sword2Engine::setUpBackgroundLayers(void) {
MultiScreenHeader *screenLayerTable;
ScreenHeader *screen_head;
uint8 *file;
int i;
// if we actually have a screen to initialise (in case not called from
// control panel)
if (_thisScreen.background_layer_id) {
// open resource & set pointers to headers
// file points to 1st byte in the layer file
file = _resman->openResource(_thisScreen.background_layer_id);
screen_head = fetchScreenHeader(file);
screenLayerTable = (MultiScreenHeader *) (file + sizeof(StandardHeader));
// Background parallax layers
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (screenLayerTable->bg_parallax[i])
_graphics->initialiseBackgroundLayer(fetchBackgroundParallaxLayer(file, i));
// Normal backround layer
// Foreground parallax layers
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (screenLayerTable->fg_parallax[i])
_graphics->initialiseBackgroundLayer(fetchForegroundParallaxLayer(file, i));
// close the screen file
} // End of namespace Sword2