Building ScummVM for Webassembly

The Emscripten target provides a script to build ScummVM as a single page browser app.

Emscripten is an LLVM/Clang-based compiler that compiles C and C++ source code to WebAssembly for execution in web browsers.

Current State

  • All engines compile (though I didn't test all of them), including ResidualVM with WebGL acceleration and shaders.
  • Audio works and 3rd-party libraries for sound and video decoding are integrated.
  • Proof of concept integration with BrowserFS to download game data lazily when required and to support local savegames.

How to build for Webassembly

This folder contains a script to help build scummvm with Emscripten, it automatically downloads the correct emsdk version and also takes care of bundling the data and setting up a few demo games.

Running emscripten/

emscripten/ needs to be run from the root of the project.

./dists/emscripten/ libs|configure|make|data|dist|all|clean

It accepts a single parameter with 7 valid commands:

  • libs: Download and compile the required 3rd-party libraries required to build certain engines (libmad, a52dec etc)
  • configure: Run the configure script with emconfigure with the recommended settings for a simple demo page
  • make: Run the make scripts with emmake
  • data: Download some demos and set up all data require for the demo page
  • dist: Copy all files into a single build-emscripten folder to bring it all together
  • all: Run all of the above commands
  • clean: Remove all object files, built libs, bundled data etc

Independent of the command executed, the script sets up a pre-defined emsdk environment in the subfolder ./dists/emscripten/

Known Issues + Possible Improvements

Some ideas for possible improvements:

Emscripten Optimizations

  • Optimize asyncify behaviour (we only have SDL functions calling wait currently), e.g with SDL_HINT_EMSCRIPTEN_ASYNCIFY.
  • Specify a ASYNCIFY_ONLY list to to make asyncify only instrument functions in the call path as described in Asyncify
  • Don't use asyncify but rewrite main loop to improve performance
  • Shrink code size or execution speed with -Os or -Oz emcc arguments.

Storage Integration

  • BrowserFS seems abandoned and never did a stable 2.0.0 release. Maybe there's a better way to handle storage?

  • File loading improvements:

    • Load assets with HTTP Range request headers.
    • Load assets asynchronously (not blocking) via a worker.
  • Add support for save games (and game data?) on personal cloud storage (Dropbox, Google Drive).

UI Integration

  • Responsiveness: Adjust the canvas size when resizing the browser.

  • Bug: Fullscreen mode doesn't work.

  • Build a nice webpage around the canvas.

    • Allow hiding of console, replace buttons/checkboxes from default emscripten template.
    • Bonus: Adapt page padding/background color to theme (black when in game)
  • ScummVM shouldn't be able to "close" (there's no concept for that:

    • Remove "exit" buttons from all menus.
    • Change any programmatic "exits" to cause a restart of Scummvm (or refresh of the page).
  • Pass CLI parameters for ScummVM via URL parameters to allow for "deep-linking" to a specific game.

Other Bugs + Tasks

  • Bug: Vorbis support is broken - parts seems to have been patched out so -lvorbisfile triggers an error during configure (and emscripten-core/emscripten#9849 doesn't seem to fix this).
  • Bug: Going back to main menu from Grim (and other Residual Games?) messes up the render context and the UI is unusable.
  • Check all disabled features (e.g. TiMidity++) and see if they could be enabled (some might never make sense, e.g. anything requiring MIDI Hardware, Update Checking etc).