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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef BBVS_BBVS_H
#define BBVS_BBVS_H
#include "audio/mixer.h"
#include "audio/decoders/aiff.h"
#include "common/array.h"
#include "common/events.h"
#include "common/file.h"
#include "common/memstream.h"
#include "common/random.h"
#include "common/str.h"
#include "common/substream.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "common/winexe.h"
#include "common/winexe_pe.h"
#include "engines/engine.h"
struct ADGameDescription;
namespace Bbvs {
class ActionCommands;
struct Action;
class GameModule;
struct Condition;
struct Conditions;
struct ActionResult;
struct ActionResults;
struct ActionCommand;
struct CameraInit;
struct SceneObjectDef;
struct SceneObjectInit;
struct SceneExit;
struct Animation;
struct SceneSound;
class DrawList;
class SpriteModule;
class Screen;
class SoundMan;
enum {
kVerbLook = 0,
kVerbUse = 1,
kVerbTalk = 2,
kVerbWalk = 3,
kVerbInvItem = 4,
kVerbShowInv = 5
enum {
kITNone = 0,
kITEmpty = 1,
KITSceneObject = 2,
kITBgObject = 3,
kITDialog = 4,
kITScroll = 5,
kITSceneExit = 6,
kITInvItem = 7
enum {
kGSScene = 0,
kGSInventory = 1,
kGSVerbs = 2,
kGSWait = 3,
kGSDialog = 4,
kGSWaitDialog = 5
enum {
kActionCmdStop = 0,
kActionCmdWalkObject = 3,
kActionCmdMoveObject = 4,
kActionCmdAnimObject = 5,
kActionCmdSetCameraPos = 7,
kActionCmdPlaySpeech = 8,
kActionCmdPlaySound = 10,
kActionCmdStartBackgroundSound = 11,
kActionCmdStopBackgroundSound = 12
enum {
kCondUnused = 1,
kCondSceneObjectVerb = 2,
kCondBgObjectVerb = 3,
kCondSceneObjectInventory = 4,
kCondBgObjectInventory = 5,
kCondHasInventoryItem = 6,
kCondHasNotInventoryItem = 7,
kCondIsGameVar = 8,
kCondIsNotGameVar = 9,
kCondIsPrevSceneNum = 10,
kCondIsCurrTalkObject = 11,
kCondIsDialogItem = 12,
kCondIsCameraNum = 13,
kCondIsNotPrevSceneNum = 14,
kCondDialogItem0 = 15,
kCondIsButtheadAtBgObject = 16,
kCondIsNotSceneVisited = 17,
kCondIsSceneVisited = 18,
kCondIsCameraNumTransition = 19
enum {
kActResAddInventoryItem = 1,
kActResRemoveInventoryItem = 2,
kActResSetGameVar = 3,
kActResUnsetGameVar = 4,
kActResStartDialog = 5,
kActResChangeScene = 6
enum {
kLeftButtonClicked = 1,
kRightButtonClicked = 2,
kLeftButtonDown = 4,
kRightButtonDown = 8,
kAnyButtonClicked = kLeftButtonClicked | kRightButtonClicked,
kAnyButtonDown = kLeftButtonDown | kRightButtonDown
struct BBPoint {
int16 x, y;
struct BBRect {
int16 x, y, width, height;
struct BBPolygon {
const BBPoint *points;
int pointsCount;
struct Rect {
int16 left, top, right, bottom;
struct SceneObject {
uint32 x, y;
SceneObjectDef *sceneObjectDef;
Animation *anim;
int animIndex;
int frameIndex;
int frameTicks;
int walkCount;
int xIncr, yIncr;
int turnValue, turnCount, turnTicks;
Common::Point walkDestPt;
SceneObject() : sceneObjectDef(0), anim(0) {
struct SceneObjectAction {
int sceneObjectIndex;
int animationIndex;
Common::Point walkDest;
struct WalkInfo {
int16 x, y;
int delta;
int direction;
Common::Point midPt;
int walkAreaIndex;
struct WalkArea {
int16 x, y, width, height;
bool checked;
int linksCount;
WalkArea *links[16];
WalkInfo *linksD1[32];
WalkInfo *linksD2[32];
bool contains(const Common::Point &pt) const;
const int kSceneObjectsCount = 64;
const int kSceneSoundsCount = 8;
const int kInventoryItemStatusCount = 50;
const int kDialogItemStatusCount = 50;
const int kGameVarsCount = 2000;
const int kSceneVisitedCount = 64;
const int kMainMenu = 44;
const int kCredits = 45;
static const int8 kWalkTurnTbl[] = {
7, 9, 4, 8, 6, 10, 5, 11
class BbvsEngine : public Engine {
Common::Error run();
virtual bool hasFeature(EngineFeature f) const;
BbvsEngine(OSystem *syst, const ADGameDescription *gd);
void newGame();
void continueGameFromQuickSave();
void setNewSceneNum(int newSceneNum);
const Common::String getTargetName() { return _targetName; }
const ADGameDescription *_gameDescription;
Graphics::PixelFormat _pixelFormat;
Common::RandomSource *_random;
GameModule *_gameModule;
SpriteModule *_spriteModule;
SoundMan *_sound;
Screen *_screen;
int _bootSaveSlot;
int _mouseX, _mouseY;
uint _mouseButtons;
Common::KeyCode _keyCode;
int _mouseCursorSpriteIndex;
int _gameState;
int _gameTicks;
Common::Point _mousePos;
Common::Point _verbPos;
Common::Point _walkMousePos;
int _activeItemType;
int _activeItemIndex;
int _currTalkObjectIndex;
Common::Point _cameraPos, _newCameraPos;
int _newSceneNum, _prevSceneNum, _currSceneNum;
int _playVideoNumber;
int _dialogSlotCount;
byte _dialogItemStatus[kDialogItemStatusCount];
byte _gameVars[kGameVarsCount];
byte _sceneVisited[kSceneVisitedCount];
int _currVerbNum;
int _currInventoryItem;
byte _inventoryItemStatus[kInventoryItemStatusCount];
int _inventoryButtonIndex;
Action *_currAction;
uint32 _currActionCommandTimeStamp;
int _currActionCommandIndex;
Common::Array<Action*> _walkAreaActions;
SceneObject _sceneObjects[kSceneObjectsCount];
Common::Array<SceneObjectAction> _sceneObjectActions;
SceneObject *_buttheadObject, *_beavisObject;
int _currCameraNum;
byte _backgroundSoundsActive[kSceneSoundsCount];
Audio::SoundHandle _speechSoundHandle;
int _walkAreasCount;
WalkArea _walkAreas[80];
int _walkInfosCount;
WalkInfo _walkInfos[256];
int _walkableRectsCount;
Common::Rect _walkableRects[256];
Common::Rect _tempWalkableRects1[256];
Common::Rect _tempWalkableRects2[256];
WalkInfo *_walkInfoPtrs[256];
WalkArea *_sourceWalkArea, *_destWalkArea;
Common::Point _sourceWalkAreaPt, _destWalkAreaPt, _finalWalkPt;
int _currWalkDistance;
bool _walkReachedDestArea;
bool _hasSnapshot;
uint32 _snapshotSize;
byte *_snapshot;
Common::SeekableMemoryWriteStream *_snapshotStream;
char _easterEggInput[7];
void updateEvents();
int getRandom(int max);
void drawDebugInfo();
void drawScreen();
void updateGame();
bool evalCondition(Conditions &conditions);
bool evalCameraCondition(Conditions &conditions, int value);
int evalDialogCondition(Conditions &conditions);
void evalActionResults(ActionResults &results);
void updateBackgroundSounds();
void loadScene(int sceneNum);
void initScene(bool sounds);
bool changeScene();
bool update(int mouseX, int mouseY, uint mouseButtons, Common::KeyCode keyCode);
void buildDrawList(DrawList &drawList);
void updateVerbs();
void updateDialog(bool clicked);
void updateInventory(bool clicked);
void updateScene(bool clicked);
bool performActionCommand(ActionCommand *actionCommand);
bool processCurrAction();
void skipCurrAction();
void updateCommon();
void updateWalkableRects();
void startWalkObject(SceneObject *sceneObject);
void updateWalkObject(SceneObject *sceneObject);
void walkObject(SceneObject *sceneObject, const Common::Point &destPt, int walkSpeed);
void turnObject(SceneObject *sceneObject);
int rectSubtract(const Common::Rect &rect1, const Common::Rect &rect2, Common::Rect *outRects);
WalkInfo *addWalkInfo(int16 x, int16 y, int delta, int direction, int16 midPtX, int16 midPtY, int walkAreaIndex);
void initWalkAreas(SceneObject *sceneObject);
WalkArea *getWalkAreaAtPos(const Common::Point &pt);
bool canButtheadWalkToDest(const Common::Point &destPt);
void canWalkToDest(WalkArea *walkArea, int infoCount);
bool walkTestLineWalkable(const Common::Point &sourcePt, const Common::Point &destPt, WalkInfo *walkInfo);
void walkFindPath(WalkArea *sourceWalkArea, int infoCount);
int calcDistance(const Common::Point &pt1, const Common::Point &pt2);
void walkFoundPath(int count);
void updateSceneObjectsTurnValue();
void updateDialogConditions();
void playSpeech(int soundNum);
void stopSpeech();
void playSound(uint soundNum, bool loop = false);
void stopSound(uint soundNum);
void stopSounds();
bool runMinigame(int minigameNum);
void playVideo(int videoNum);
void runMainMenu();
void checkEasterEgg(char key);
// Savegame API
enum kReadSaveHeaderError {
kRSHENoError = 0,
kRSHEInvalidType = 1,
kRSHEInvalidVersion = 2,
kRSHEIoError = 3
struct SaveHeader {
Common::String description;
uint32 version;
byte gameID;
uint32 flags;
uint32 saveDate;
uint32 saveTime;
uint32 playTime;
Graphics::Surface *thumbnail;
bool _isSaveAllowed;
bool canLoadGameStateCurrently() { return _isSaveAllowed; }
bool canSaveGameStateCurrently() { return _isSaveAllowed; }
Common::Error loadGameState(int slot);
Common::Error saveGameState(int slot, const Common::String &description);
void savegame(const char *filename, const char *description);
void loadgame(const char *filename);
const char *getSavegameFilename(int num);
bool existsSavegame(int num);
static Common::String getSavegameFilename(const Common::String &target, int num);
static kReadSaveHeaderError readSaveHeader(Common::SeekableReadStream *in, bool loadThumbnail, SaveHeader &header);
void allocSnapshot();
void freeSnapshot();
void saveSnapshot();
void writeContinueSavegame();
} // End of namespace Bbvs
#endif // BBVS_BBVS_H